EE E-------- --~-- LEGISLATNE ASSEMBLY FOR RE-ELECTION EDW, J. B. PENSE. Provincial Election. To The Electors of Kingston and Portsmouth : 3 GENTLEMEN-T respectfully soliel Your votes and influences, to sOCUre my return as representative in the ensuing legislature. Very Truly Yours, JAMES H. METCALFE. Kingston, May 2nd, 1908. DOMINION BREWERY G0., LTD., TORONTO. Ale -- OruEnr India Pale Ale XXX Porter mn Invalid Stout BraNps Rigney & Hickey, 136 and 138 Princess St. Kingston. The Kingston Artificial Stone 'and Construc- tion Co. . Manufacturers of all kinds of use) Stone, including Building Blocks « different designs and colors ; Lintels, Nils, Steps, Colmmns Balusters, LAWN VASES, Garden Edging, ete .. Houses Erected AL the actual ONL Pride plus a per eentage ©: NO CHARGE FOR PLANS, Free plans to anyone buying blocks for hny building, Artificial Stone Walks Constructed under expert supervision. t Fuller 'particulars and cost can be Phtained at our Office, : I8 Market St., Kingston. The Old Cab Stand With a New Namber PHONE 600. Orders promptly attend- ed to, day or night. I You Intend Selling Out, =CALL ON~ TOMMY O'CONNOR Auctioneer and Commission Mart. 86 and 88 Brock St. ALL SALES CAREFULLY CONDBNCT. BED, PROMPT SETTLEMENTS MADE. ; A NEW CONTRACT e-- Will Be Made With Mingng Cor- poration. Kansas City, Mo., May 9A settle ment of the difficultics |etween the United Mine Workers of America, and operatots of south-west was reached pesterday, Thirty-five. thousand 'miners in Missouri," Katsas, Oklabama and Arkansas have been on strike since April 1st, pending the completion of a new contract. The contract as now strawn will stand for two yvars, Mines To Re-open. Peoria, M., May 9A canvass : of votes of the THinois miners shows ten thousand jor peace. The mives in the Peoria field will be start- ed within a few days, SERIOUS DAMAGE DONE 3 x i, A THN IS STALLED NEAR HULL AS RESULT OF A WASH.OUT. Gatineau River Rose Eight Inches Friday Night--Latchford Re- tires From Cobalt Lake Min- ing Company. Ottawa, May 9.--A company's char- ter has been applied for by the Bucking- ham Rapid Transit company, with a capital of $20,000, to run a series of autos between Maswsen and Hurking bam, a distance of four miles The Gatineau train is stalled be tween Hull and Maniwnki, it is thought by a washout, owing to the sevious rise of the water. The Gati- nean river Mose six inches, last night, and older residents view the outlook with less calm. Some of the smaller buildings at Gatineau Point Junction of the Ottawa may go. The Ottawa, to-day, is at its highest level for three years, and is steadily rising. / Francis R. Latehford, owing to his appointment to the supreme court, has retired from the board af the Cobalt Lake Mining company. Ie. W. CO Coussens takes his place. Jobn G. O'Donoghue has been ap- pointed arbitrator, by the street rail- way men, in their dispute with the company, unger the Lemieux act. The Gazette announced that James Bassingthwaite, of Sault Ste. Marie, is appointed measuring surveyor of shipping at that point. D, Forsette, of Winnipeg, is third class excise offi cer there. J. H. Gunn, of Inkster, Man., is an naturalization commis sioner. Francis R. Latchford's ap pointment to the supreme court, is duly gazetted. The Olympic committee has ap pointed J. H. Crocker, of Toronto, manager of the Canadian track team, and W. Sherring, of Hamilton, as coach. The team will be selected Juv 6th, and will sail for England on the 12th. It will consist of Hfteen men. AFTER A MILLION. -- Price to Release YWoronto From Contract, Ottawa, May 9.--A statement is made he, on good authority, that the price William Mackenzie asks for the relemse of the Toronto Fleetrie Light company from its contract with the Electric Development company is $1,200 000. The contract has seven teen years to run, and Mr. 'Mackenzie might be induced to let the Toronto Electric Light people out for $1,000 - 000 cash. The city cannot take power from the Electrical Developmept company. The Toronto Electric Light company can not take power from anybody but the Mackenzie company unless it first set- thes with the Mackenzie interests. These interests will not let go their grip on dhe Toronto Electric Light company for less than $1,000,000, The figure quoted is the ~ rock bottom price at which the Toronto Electric ean put itself in a position to sell its plant to the city and retire from busi- ness. TO COME BEFORE COUNCIL, Too Many Detroit Men Are on the " Job. Windsor, Out., May 9.--Because Pav- ing Contractor Chick is employing a number of Detrgiters, on his street workshare, Kld. 'Trumble says that he will bring the matter before the city council and Ary to prevent Chick from employing #ny outsiders on his city work. About $500 a week is paid out to the Detroit workmen, while only thirty residents of Windsor are em- ployed. " Chick says his contract re- quires him to use only experienced ce- ment mixers and that he is employing all the Windsor men he can use. The Detroit men are experts whom he hires the year round. All competent Windsor mixers are always en dged on the runnel work here. THREE TRAMPS CAUGHT Stealing Clothes in a Belleville Store. Belleville, «Ont., May. 9.--The tailor store of Robinson & Thompson was broken iy by tramps, last night, and three m were discovered in the ack of dressing themselves in new clothes. They had on the best things in the store. When oné of the firm went in they ran away barefooted. They were afterwards arrested in a stable. They were young men, giving their names as Walker, Prince and Kelly, and from the states. The case against them is clear, as they were wearing the stolen clothing when ar- rested. s WAR OF AFFIDAVITS. Headquarters a Naturalization © Pa Faetory. Winnipeg, 9.--Mr. Boles state- nent in the commons has. led to a merry. war of 'aflidavits between the Telegram and the Free Press here. Yesterday the Telegram published bunch of five, denying charges made by 'Bole, and the Free Press now pub- lishes an atlidavit of one John Hyzy, The Polish -Association, which. purporte to prior to theélast elec- tion were used as a juataralieatits ys per factory, including forged fideral seals. A Mistake Made. Syracuse, N.Y., May 9.--Alter init Fhe. wogan kd hee: 'ma: oi v Belle Guinness, ? athe he oss NY, May 9--The large James B. Hoyt, wae Pa L -------- To Hurry Congress Forward. ment. i mn i 3 i, to ae So . wa ip eks from adjourn not later than to-day. an : ' CAT LEFT FORTY THOUSAND. BS s-- Death of Blackie, Wealthiest Feline in World. Wilkesbharre, Pa. May 9.--Blackie, the only cat in the world with a private "fortune of $40,000, died on Friday, being chloroformed to end its pain, when it was seen that his ill- ness was hopeless, Blackie and his sister, Pinkie, were left $40,000 by the late Benjamin F. Dilley, of this city, the income to be used in providing for them as long as they lived. They were born in 1892, aud were Dilley's favorite pets until his death in 1905, Pinkje died two years "ago and Blackie became sole heir to the for- tune and lived a life of indolent ease spon it. He was said to be the weal thiest cat in the world. Before providing money for the maintenance of his cats Dilley ap- pointed Miss Addie Ruch to take care of them, and she is to have a sub stantial pension until her death. Then the estate is to be divided and $5,000 expended in erecting a fine fountain for human beings, animals and birds, and. most of the fest given to chari- tv. PITH OF THE NEWS, The Very Latest Culled From All Over The World. W. P. Stuart, bursar of Mimico asy- lum, is dead. Edward C. Marter, 8 well-known i surance agent, Toronto, died at Withrow avenue. A great oil gusher was struck on the farm of Wesley Reid, seventh com- Mefsea, Ont., which will five hundred barrels a cession of vield about day. William Melanson, aged forty-five, and his son, Rodney, aged fifteen, of French Beach, were drowned by the capsizing of their boat in Petite Pass age, Digby. OFFER PRIZES Automobile Paris. Paris, May 9.--The committee hav- ing in charge the New York to Paris automobile race has decided, as a con- sequence of the modification made in the route, by the abandonment of the run through Alaska, and the cross- ing of Behring Strait, not to present a cup for the feat, but instead to give three prizes to the first three ma- chines arriving in Paris. The owner of the Freach' car, yesterday, cabled his driver, at Tokio, to withdraw his car on account of the modification in the itinerary, it having covered the Pekin-Paris route last year. For the Race to COLONEL ASSASSINATED. There Are Warm Times Down in Guatemala. New York, May 9.--A despatch to the Heraiu from Mexico says : Perse cutions, executions and confiscations continue in Guatemala, the latest vie- tims of the shooting squad being Col. Solorezano, ' a military officer, 'well known in Mexico, and attached to the Guatemala academy, who was arrested immediately following the recent at- tempt do assassinate President Ca- lirera and Vieentecezna, a relative of Saolorezano. His estates were confis- cated 'by Cabrera, owing to the -re- fusal of Mexico to grant his extradi tion a year ago. # ATTEMPTED MASSACE. ---- Plan Was That of Priest of Ortho- . dox Church. St Petersbing, May 9----Two weo- and the k began. in' Bellechasse vice-president of the local conservative show that the conservative organizer's east of | Rescuers have men were killed and fifty men and women injured in pn attempted mas- sacre of Baptists, fanned by a priest of the Orthodox church, in the Novok- hosper district of Vorenezh province, to-day. Wholesome State Of Money. New York, May Y.--Kven in the face of withdrawals of local banks by the national government the finangial in- stitutions of New York are increasing their surplus reserves mainly through continued flow of currency from prac- tically every section of the country. During this week the -clearing house banks of this city aaued to their cash holdings more than $15,000,000, of which $9,250,000 came from interior points. 'These banks have a surplus reserve of «ui, 0,000, and are in as strong, if not a stronger, position than ever before. A year ago 'these institutions had a reserve of but $6,000,000. it is not surprising that the stock market continues to streng- then and show increased activity. There has been extensive buying of numerous stocks, Bourassa To £nter Fight. Montreal, May. 9.--Henry Bourassa was in the city, last evening, and gave out a' statement that he would at once enter the provincial arena. Just what his plans are Mr. Bhurassa would not say further than that he intended to run in some constituency ign which he Although Mr.- Bourassa has not yet decided in which constituency he will run, it is expected that he will contest Ste. Hyacinthe. Cheese Markets. ¥ 3f Hii » THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, MAY 9, 1008. ~~ HE SEES BLOODSHED MEMBER FOR QU'APPELLE ON ELECTIONS BILL Messrs. Crawford and Deviin Show Good Reasons--Colonel Gour- Geau's Letter Read By Mr. Brodeur. Ottawa, May 85.--The house again spent most of the time of today's sit- tings in wiscussing the election act. At the night session, and particularly ai- ter ten o'clock, Whe attendance was slim, and when the adjournment wgs made there were oily about thirty members present. ssrs. Crawiord and Deviin, on the govermment side, were able, as previous liberal speakers have done, to show many concrete reasons why the aet shoukl pass. The evidence that present conditions are in need of remedying and can best he treated hy the measure under dis cussion received strong additions. Mr. Hon.L-P. Brodeus Lake, the last speaker, was somewhat sensational in his remarks, expressing the fear that there would he trouble if the bill passed in its present shape, and adding that the prime minister would then be largely responsible if there was bloodshed. Mr. Borden asked whether the min- ister of marine and fisheries had any to give as to the pos) minis information tion of Col. Gourdeau, deputy ter. Hon. Mr. Brodeénr, for réply, read the following letter from Col. Gourdeau, dated March #ist; "I have worried every day since the 'publication of the civil serviee com missioner's report containing the ac- cusation against the officials of the department of, marine and fisheries, which 1 feel are both unjust and un- true. | am convineed that a full and complete investigation will establish this, apd will clear the public mind of all 'the insinuations and reflections which have been made against them. As my presence in the department as deputy head might in some quarters he considered as prejudicial to the fullest inquiry,<1 beg to renew, for the third time, my application for six months' leave' of absence, preparatory to sup: erannuation, and. which you have so loyally hithetio refused to entertain under similar circumstances. 1 court the most rigid, examination. of all the department transactions, so far as | am concerned, and by placing mysell in your hands I hope to assist you in, that regfird, Again thanking you for the" mdny kindnesses which you have shown me »< minister of marine and fisheries, belic.e me," ete, BOY HANGED HIMSELF. Mother Insisted on His Returning to School. Guelph, Ont., May 9-Word has been regeived at Guelph, through a traveller, of 'the suicide of a Boy, at Eden Grove, between Walkerton and Paisley. A young lad samed Callum, only eight vears of age, banged him- seli rather than go to school. It ap pears he had got into some' trouble and refused to go_ bak. Bis mother insisted and he said he would die first. He was gent off, but later the body was fourtd hanging to a rope, which he had himself placed about his neck, Deathy'And Wedding At Stella. Stella, May S.--Miss Jessie Scott, who has been an invalid for some time, passed peacefully to rest, on Monday, May 4th. She had been a sufferer for many years from consump- tion. Deckaged leaves her mother, three sisters, Mis. (Capt.) C. Patter son, Buffalo, N.Y.; Mrs. W. McMaster, Mrs. A. Hitchins, and one brother, William, of this place. The funeral took place on Wednesday, to Glen- wood cemetery, " A quiet wedding took place, in St. Alban's church, on Wednesday even- ing, April 20th, when Miss Mary Me Fern, was united in marriage to David Tugwell, both of Ahis place. The cere- mopy was performed hy Rev. J. E. Lindsay. Miss Josie McFern, sister of the bride, acted as bridesmaid, and William Strain assisted the groom. Webster brothers, Kingston, have fitted out the steam yacht Naide, and left, on Tuesday, for the city, Mes. W. Allen has returned home from Montreal, Visitors: Mrs. (Ugpt.) N. Allen, Belleville, at Mrs. Preston's; Mrs. Shivamick, Buffalo, N.Y. at Mre, Stevison's: Miss Helen Lindsay, Kings- ton, at Mrs. Patterson's. i In 1889 the conservative party = posed the supplementary revenue bi {to tax corporations) making three attempts to defeat it. The same atti- tude was a toward the bill taxing brewers and distillers. These bills still camber the statute books, and the conservatives are merrily pending the revenue derived through ir enactment. ; The British butlget has an aggrava- ting way of putting the agitation of the Axil heformet sus of Joint, Pre- miey A was to report =» - of for 1907-8, ied to the national debt. Al Fear jt hos been 0 skin' deep, bat than 'most other THE PULPWOOD CONCESSIONS. | -- ; Ross Idea to Colonize. to Develop! Wealth vs, Whitney Idea. ! Brantford Expesitor, An attempt is made to give the! Whitney government credit for having | made a more Javorable arrangement) relative to the proposal of the Mon-| treal River pulpwood cohcession than | made by the Ross government. The! latter concession lapsed bedause the! conditions were so onerous that no one would take hold of it. When the! change of government took place gl new contract was made, and the gov- ernment boasts that it got 5 cash bonus of F00,000 from J. BR. Booth, ! of Uttawa, whereas the late govern i ment got mothing from the men tof whom the first concession was grant. | ed. This is true, but the conditions| were altered in a material manner. | It is to be remembered that from] 1992 te JWT the price of pulpwoad | had advanced 130 per cent., vet the present government only got the same! price--ie, per cord on the stump--on ! the main tunber spruce. The increase] paid by the Booth interests] of price the increase in| does not represent | value of pulpwood. Furthermore, the! new bargain lacks another important! vilue. The idea of the late govern | ment was to develop settlement hy | requiring the mills to be built on "the spot, so that the settler would have! a market for hs pulpwood. ] At Espanola, in the Spanish River; concession, granted by the Ross gov-! ernment, a thriving village has grown| up, giving a market for settlers' pro- duce, as he had a market for his pulpwood when clearing bis land. Whyt will be the case of the poor settler in the Montreal eoneession ? He will see | the pulpwood rafted to Ottawa: he will have no local market for hus pulp-| wood; no village will grow up around! a local mill, | The Whitney idea strips the land of | timber, takes it out of the district, | and the whole forest becomes a "slash | of tree tops and undirbush." Condi Hons of settlement are destroyed. The | Ross government idea was the coloni- | ration idea, the development idea. If! the forest wealth in the shape of trees | wa® removed it should be converted | into thriving villages around the pulp | mills, and contented settlers having | the advantage of a good local mar-| ket for their pulpwood. { The one contract required the penditure of a large amount of capi tal in New Omtario. The other de | nudes Ontario of its forest wealth, | and permits it to be manufactured? at! Ottawa by men who, for the most | part, reside in Hull, province of Que- | bee, | ex- Holleford Happenings. Holletord, May 8. --A number from here attended the funeral of 'Mrs. A. | Davey, Sydenham, on Sunday last, | R. J. Carslake has purchased a team | of colts. Freeman has re | turned from Cobalt. Holleford was | well represented at the quarterly ser- | vices in the Methodist church, Hur-| tington, on Sunday. Dr. Spankie | visited the school this week and favorably impressed with its progress, | Visitors: -M. Snider, at J. Ewwg's; | Mr. Pitcher, at OQ. Smith's; Mr. and! Mrs. Thompson, Mr. {'oak and Wilson, at James Walker's; Mrs. Redmond, has returned from Perth Road; Mr. Reynolds, at A. Collins', ER Gets The Marble Heart, Orilka Packet. That "bingville" series in the Te ronto News appears to be simply 'an | opportunity for -a vain man to paiut | bis own poltrait on the editorial page | fix days out of seven. If "Un the | Side" could guess how little the public 1s impressed by his grace or hid~bean | ty, his self-esteem would sufier a rude | shock, | Was | ptt NEW YORK STOCKS. Prices Furnished By W. Hector H. Hume, Clarence Chambers. re May 9th Opening. Close 628 | 61} | 1284 | 733 36} 0 | { 1 | Stocks. Amalgamated Copper .. American Loco., com Am. Sugar Refn. Co. Am. Smitg. & Refin. Co Am. Car Foundry Anaconda Min. Co. Atches. Top. & St Balti. & Ohio bakers Brooklyn Rapid T. Cen. Leather .... .. Canadian Pacific . Ches. & Ohio ...... ... C., Mil & St Paul Colorado Southern Col. Fuel & Iron ........ Distillers secs. ..... ...... Erie Railread .. ... _.. G. North Ry. pref. . Kansas & Texas, com... Kansas & Texas, pref... Louisville & Nashville ... Missouri Pacific ...... .... National lLe@d . N.Y. Central. x: .... N. ¥. Ontario Northern Pacific Penn. and Reading A Rock Island ..... .... .. Rock Island, pref. .... Southern Pacific U. 8. Stel, com. U. 8. Steel, pref. .. U. 8. Rubber, com. Union Facffic, com. Wabash: (i... ois ioi impie 13.65 NEW YORK BANK STATEMENT, Reserves, Ine. .... . Loans, Ine. .. Specie, hoe. ..... ... Logai Tenders, 914,000 Less U.S dee... 970.1% Bibhy's outing We are ready. The conservatives in Whitney's time in opposition used to make a fuse ahout the number of messengers oni- ployed i" the legislature. Thers were tweniyione in those days. Now Show Vare forty-two ! ns. i rate fit, | . » {low, surprisingly low for variety, oho John I. Davidson and in the west W. PRcccives To-Day---Splendid Lot of New Shirt - Waists THESE are all ia the very latest out exception the that we bave ever secured. LADIES' WHITE SHIRT WAISTS in all the ONE PRETTY STYLE, mad front has shadow fine Val lace. Special - - OTHER STYLES IN WAISTS, LADIES' WHITE WASH SKIRTS, Bedford cord. ONE PRETTY STYLE is made of linen, deep yoke of insertion pleats below, 4 yards wide Special em broidery, and Wash Skirts. styles and with- nicest line of these goods The details : newest styhes. mall, with e of fine Swiss finished to $3.75, and up. PK. linen and White 425 from 50c. made of in V-shape,: full y very correct in style. LADIES' COSTUMES--natty new styles, fashionable semi-fitted coat, three-quarter sleeves, from $12.50 to $30. David M. : The Leading Millinery and Mantle Store. 3 ol Come and See How Eas skirt pleated and gored models, Spence, "We Can Settle theSuit Question. Grey? Or blue? What say you? P'raps some other Shade will do? You will find a that goes to make Nunbeads range of models that lack nothing perfect clothing, You will find garments of excellent style and You will find hay fabrics. . The prices $9.50, 11,50, sui Boys' Suits, big 15 to 15, $1.50 to 9.50. Humming oys' Suit. A Never St With Every B 1dsome, 13.50, ts of this class of excellence, new styles, Top Given Away New Neckwear, New Shirts, ete. ' 127 Princess St, RONEY & CO. The Store That Sets the Pace. a T------l J . { ' HOUSE CLEANING MADE EASY -from By Using Our Furniture Restorer ~~ Your labor. geems in vain if you do not add something new our well assorted stocks. 'Brass and Iron Bedstedds Springs and Mattresses to fit = eS ) vr S y Also Dressers and Stands in great variety, at James Reid's, The Leading Undertaker, Phone 147 for Repaiging. PIG METAL L We are headquarters. :! Canada Metal Co. 1 LATE POLITICAL NOTES. | Changes in Political Field--Tories | Are on Commotion. South Reoffew &7ll have a third can- | didate in the' approaching provincial | election. W, BE. Rowan runs as an in- | dependent . . ven the Ottawy Joi nal thinks that if Sir Willrid's promises as "to the civil sefvier inquiry are carried out, litthe or no grievance will remain George 'H. Gooderham is mentioned bythe conservatives oi East Toronto for the legislature. In the south Col. D. McPhtrson are among the dozens of names which have been more or less seriously mentioned. The present government, when in opposition, boasted that; i they came to power they would umcover a start ling mass of corruption. They came into power; they had access to every hook and every document in all the departments. They failed, after three ears' opportunity to discover smy- _-- - Copper, Lead Tin, Zinc. Senl us your inquiries. I 31 WILLIAM ST. =» TORONTO, ONT BORN. Napanee, Mr. and Mrs, John Benn, a son BABCOCK --At Napanes, on 1s May, to Mr. snd Mrs. Arthur Babcock, a son HUDGINS --~At Selby, on April 27¢h, to Mr. and Mrs E. W, Hodgins, a son MARRIED. HARTMAN ~CROSGREY At Naparwe, on May Oth, Miss Bessie E., eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs. Witliem Crosgrey, and Amos M., second son of Mr, und Mra. M. Hartowms, ail of Deseronto. .. DIED, SMART. On Tyedlosgs Heserve, on May 5th. Robert Smart, infant sos of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smart, aged threw months, POSTE. ~At Deserosto, on April Grace Poste, daughter of r te oh, wns Mrs. Kenneth Poste, aged one year and threw months. STANHOPE --At Fore Willism, Ont, on April 28sd. Lottie, eldest da ad of Joka Stashope, forowerly of Des sronte, aged Sftesn years. The S58. Monmouth, CPR. live, from Bristol, inward, af Vather Point, Elbby's nobby brown hats, 82, Prices, ages Pay. il bE oe ' : durable, exclusiva : 15.00 and 16.50 are, = I ER ae I a ES 1 -