Daily British Whig (1850), 9 May 1908, p. 8

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a 3 . Windows Decorated i Sewil Machine, Phoenix Fi 2s iGtiahar and a full line of Musical © Fn ats, Music, ete. "3. The eEeEeE® All kinds of new fur gar. ments made to special 2 measure, and we also have sj unstrpassed facilities for re. modelling, repairing, and re- dying furs at short notisp i$ that makes it possible for us to transform your old Fhrs ) into new. We guarantee per- fect satisfaction as to fit. 9 ~~ Telephone 489. | dohn McKay Fur House, 149-155 Brock St. (s COPE 'THE 5 P.M. EDITION INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. | Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters On Their Rounds. Don't miss Jenkins' tie sale. When you need a Cob 'phone 600. Bibby's for Tooke's celebrated shirts, William Swaine, piano tuner. Orders {received at McAuley's. 'Phone 778. The market was well attended, this morning, considering « the | wenther, oS Chickering's. J} at the lowpst Bibby's #2 hats are specials. Men's "Waldorf" hats a dolarfifty eich. George Mille & Co. sole ¥ Bon't forget the YW, CA. gymnas- nm concert, Monday uight, Operg House, Bibby's #2 hats aré wonders, There was only rottine business Tor the civic finance committee to trans- act last evening. H. Cunningham, piano Leave Asley's book store. Te latest styles in hats and prices at J. P, rest's, King street, Bibby's $2 hats are dandies. It is said a Kingston couple are in England looking up, a lortune which i8 said to belong to them, Men's "Waldorf hats a dollar-fifty tach. George Mills & Co, sale tuner from orders at Me caps For- i agents, Repairing} Of a fine watch if done as it should be calls for a degree §& of skill and training that few credit. If you are sick yon natur- X ally want the best doctor X you can get and if your watch gives trofible it should be trusted to the best mechanie. Our workmen are special- |B ists in this branch and we © can promise you very satis- § factory results. Spangenberg ; Railroad Watch Inspector & Issurer of Marriage Licenses. The Season for Paint Is here, and wa are better equipped than over before to furnish you with all A rents for every kmd of a job, A. gation. Y'S PAINTS are leaders, $1.50 er Get mew color cards. Every guaranteed, W. A. Mitchell's Hardware, 85 Princess St, HAVE YOUR with GLACIER The only substitute for Stained Glase Artistic, Durable, Economienl, by . J. DAWSO "Successor to Dawson and Staley, Princess street. High Grade Pianos at Livieg Prices Victor and Berliner Oramophone wil n7 a a ------ The Items Gathered About the x Harbour. ps dteamer Alexandria arrived, at Huger', at ten o'clock, this morning, front Montreal. = The steamyncht I'll See was launch- Wd, to-day, at the K. & P. wharf, She Moe ap the east on a flat car.' At Crawford's : Schooner Acacia gill clear, to-day, for Oswego, for schooner Mary Ann Lydon, will se. from Oswego, with coal. 's © Btommer City of Montreal, his , from Montreal to fo; ui ' Robert McDon- from Sodus, goal; schooner tin, from Oswego, With eval; sr Belleville, up, to-day. gM. 1. Co' "from be coming i plot. | tary officers aannot 1 } {Spanish River Bibby's ¥2 hats are favorites, The half-vear meetings of the com- | mittees of Ontario diocese will he held in Kingston, May 19th to 2st. Good rubber tired cab always when you 'phone 600, May 9th is pretty late for tulips to forth in a Kingston park Winter is lingering in the lap of spring like an old Yollypop. Bibhy's $2 hats are favorites, | Chicken thieves continae to give! trouble in the city, The latest report comes from John street. Ope resident lost a namber of fine birds Fhe inspection of vards hy the sani well proeeced in this weather. The people are unable to do much cleaning asx vet, Bibby's neckwear for dressy chaps The Kingston amd Pembroke rail way bronght in 160 passengers, this morning. A large number dame to at- tend the liberal convention. Men's "Waldorf" hats a dollar-fifty each, George Mills & Co, sole agents. The Bandmaster Salvation Armny band, under Christmas, will give a | musical festival on the market square, thiz evening, weather permitting. Promenade concert by Ith Reyi- mental band, in Armouries, Wednes- day: evening, Mav 13th, at 8 o'clock. Admission, 10c. See Angrove's win- daw for prizes. Try Bibby 256¢, cashmere hose. Wnsien Coy is receiving generous spbseriptions for the humane work of the Salvation Army, on the under standing that this will he he onle appeal to them from the army for the year. Y.W.C.A. gymnasium concert day night, in the Opera Houee, Spe cially good programme has been ar ranged. Tickets, 28¢c., 30¢. Reserve stats without extra charge at Ug low's: See Bibby's ¥2 brown derby. The steamer Jessie Bain, of the Fol ger fleet, has been chartered to the Navigation 'company She will leave, on Monday, in charge of Cant, John Bix and Engineer Wil liam Dunnigan, for the Georgian Bay. She will be run from Manitoulin Is land. to the north shore. Members who have recently had their assessments increased in fraternal in- surance societies will be able to get much cheaper insurance in the North American Life Assurance Company. Apply to W. J. Fair, district man- ager, Kingston, Ont. PERSONAL MENTION: Movements Of The People--~What They Are Saying And Doing. Misses E. and A, Black went to To- ronto, this afterpoon. Miss Gertrude Power, Sydenham street, is visiting in Toronte. Joseph: Loses," Brownyille, N.Y., ar rived, to-day, to visit his parents, Collins Bay. s Miss Jennie Cullen, Kingston, has left for Utien, N.Y., where she will Mon- ke up her residence. Roxie Hinckley, New York, ar- rived, "teeday, to visit her father, Capt. CC. Hinellley, University avenue. Albert ' Hoogs, advance agent for "Charley's Xant," is in the wity, to day, arranging for the production of his play here on Saturday, May 16th. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Alcock Rush, Al- fresl street, left the city, at midday, for Ottawa, where Mr. Rush bas secured a position on the Ottawa Free Press. Mrs. DL. Amey, of Bell Rock, is one of the successful competitors in the Newaygo Limerick contest, having been allotted a building lot at the summer resort at that place. The funeral of the late Miss Fliza- beth Houston took place, on Satur- day afternoon, from her lite residence, Adelaide street, fo Cataragui cene- tery. Funera Services were conducted by Rev. Dr. illivary. ton, brother Mol deceased, on Friday, from Detroit. | LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. A Crackerjack Postman. | | | { Alderman Keit Intends Erecting 4 | i : 1 | inclement | yer on Wednesday {of this park, aliout four or five feet For Using Abusive Language To- THE. DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, MAY 9, 1908. NEW STEEL FLAGPOLE LIKELY TO BE ERECTED IN MACDONALD PARK. ------ Drinking Foumtain in Clarence Street Park--Will Ask Citizens For Subscriptions. The © parks' committee what it will do in regard to replacing great while. It has likely rotted down the centre. the erection of steel, concrete } wooden poles, amd the figures will be | submiited to the parks' committee when it meets next week. and some information about them is | wanted. A steel pole seems 1g be the one favored, The parks' committee | will require an extra appropriation to | cover the cost, and Mayor Ross has promised to see that the finance com- mittee of the city council makes pro- vision. Macdonald park looks strange without the upper portion of the big pole. On Victoria day, Superintendent | Phillips will float his flag irom the pavilion pole. Ald. heut, chairman of the parks committee, is going to have Clarence street park a place of beauty this | vear. Besides its five flower beds, vines are to be planted along the fences. Eventually, a row of red cedar may be put in the background. Ald. Kent is also going to start out and get subscriptions for the erection of a drinking fountain in the contre in off the Clarence street sidewalk. Such a fountain is much needed, and would be greatly appreciated by the people. The ¢ost would be about $250 | and this amount can be raised by pri- | vate subscription. A couple of citizens | have promised twenty-five dollars each. | Superintendent Phillips says that | the board of works needn't concern it sell about the King street breakwater, | In view of its long negligence in not | clearing up the esplanade after it had | rebuilt the kreakwatef, he put men to | work and the place is all right - now. | However, the cost of the cleaning can be charged to the "horse and rig" « ommgttee. | GROSSLY LIBELLOUS. ---- A Charge Denied By B. W. Folger and Others. ! The oficial campaign pamphlet of the provincial conservative party wil probably be withdrawn from circula- tion in the course of a few daye. It contains a grossly libellous statement regaraing a number of well-known gentlemen, who in 1903 were acting as commissioners for the construction of 'the Temiskamivg railivay, and whe had been appointed to that place of trust because of their knowledge of railway construction and finance. The libellous statements refer to the incidents attending the discovery of the Uobalt silver mining fildd in 1903. During that. year the commissioners were Messrs. A. I. Ames, Edward will likely | next to decide | the big flag pole in Macdonald park. | The likelihood is that the base of the | pole will also be removed, as the city | engineer does not think it will last a | Prices have veen asked for | and | St. | Catharines fitin erects concrete poles, | | tions of the country had a complaint | to make | the street, who asked him if he we { smiled CITY AND VICINITY. . Prices On The Market. Potatoes took [a jump to $1.15 a | bag, in the warke te to«dny. For some time good potatoes have heen avail | able at 3l. Egos sold from 17c. § Me. per dozen and: hutter at 2c. ------------ ¥ i Are Quite Frequent. i Two men, who work on the rafts, at | Garden Island, got into a mix-up in a downtown hotel, early on Saturday] morning. The sorap lasted for some time, and both men were badly used i up, Funeral On' Tuesday. The funeral of the late James Alex- ander will take place on Tuesday ai- ternoon from the residence of Alex- nder Arthurs, 2972 Princess treet. Ibe Masonic order will-have chafge of the service. a ---------------- My ! Such Weather. Farmers on the market from all see- this morning, 'about too much rain. Some say they have not) been able to do nny seeding, and oth- | ere state that the heavy rain has washed the send away that has been put in, Br In A Bad State. Lying in the mud lessly drunk, a man was found on Place D'Armes street this morning, at ten o'clock. He had to be placed in a coalwag- gon and taken to the police station, He could not give his name, and he was placed in a cell $5 sober up. The case was one in which a patrol wag- gon would have done god service. Want The Lovers Chased. There is a certain section of the city known as Lovers" Laue, and in 'the spring time it becomes quite popular with the young folks. Every evening quite a few couples ean he seen in that district, On Friday night, al policeman was taking a stroll down the lane, just to see if everything was peacs and quistness, when he was stop- ped by one of the lady residents Lo od be kind enough to tell the "lovers" to move off that street, as they were Lecoming a huisante with their spoon- ing around there every wight. The con- stable who was ogee younzy himeelf, discreetly and continued his to} TEMPERANGE. WOMEN HOLD LAST MEETING TILL THE AUTUMN. he Splendid Work Dome By the W.C.T. Uv. During the Past i Year--Rejoice Over the In- ! creased Local Option. | | The regular mouthly mes ting of the WU T.L, was held Thursday, in the X.5.CA rooms, Johnson street. Ow- Ig to the very inclement weather the attendance was not as large as usmal, but a very uteresting mecting partly Made up tor lack in numbers. ; I'he president, Mrs. Macallum, oc cpied the chair and conducted devo- tiohal exercises. Mrs. Ross led in Ater Supper Sale To=Night, 7.30 to 10 O'clock 5 GOOD REASONS FOR ATTENDING A few days ago in Montreal we purchased from an English Dress Goods imanufacturer a lot of Serges that was the balance of his spring ship- prayer. Mrs. Maecallam then gave » brief talk on "The Holy Spirit's In fluence on the Hearts of Believers ve John xvi, 415. The minutes of "the former meetmg were read by Mrs. Rogers and adopted. i During the interval of April and May meetings, a letter had appeared in the papers from the provincial cor responding secretary, asking that re solutions in favor of the anti-cigarette bill be sent to thd Hon. G. W. Ross, Hon, Mr. Telford and Kingston's mem- ber, Hon. William Harty. An pxecu- tive was called, a resolution he ed and the 'corresponding secretary was authorized to forward the Same, which h 1 done. And a reply has been ficeived from the Hon. William Hamp, The literature for the lumber camps will be ready 10 send early in June. Mrs. Gardiner gave a brief report of the mother's meetings, held during the Winter. Hegioning in October ten meetings were held, the last being in March, and it was then thought ket ter to discontinue them until after the summer holidays. J he meetings op- ened with a short bible study, follow- el by talks on subjects in which all were interested: How to make home pleasant, the preparation difierent kinds of food. ete. Reading matter wap supplied to those who desired. Fourteen women in all attended the meetings, with an average attendance of six. As 'many as ten were proseut at one time. Re freshments were always partaken giving a pleasant close noon's meeting, the | ot plain sewing, of, to the after walks -------- L| passages, Guiney, FF. E, Leonard (London), Mj J. O'Brien (Renfrew), and B, W, Fol-| ger (Kingston), For a merely nominal | indemnity these gentlemen devoted af large part of- their time to superin-| tending the construction of the gov-| ernment railway. The wholesale slan-| der against them is contained in the! following extract from the tory cam-| paign paniphlet : r | "It is only fair to contrast the act- ion of the board of conynissioners and | offiers of the T. & N. 0. railway of | that date with that of the present | board, whose business methods in dis- | posing of the odds and ends of min- | ing rights remainivg in the crown | have resulted in such large bonuses and royalties. The old board officials regarded the mining discover- ies as a sort of special providence, | and instead of helping to map out a policy which might have meant much | to the provincial exchequer, they hur- rigd out, @ number of them, and staked out mining locytiones. th selves. And not a worfl of criticiem of this action on thepart of pablic officials has appeared in the liberal press ! "What would be thought if, to-day, the present government threw open the Gillies limit to prospecting and staking, and the officials and the members of the present railway com- mission went up and staked out some of the most desitable locations 1' When asked about the above charge this afternoon, B. W. Folger declared that it wak a gross falsehood. He never bad any mining location or claim, federal or provindal, in the Cobalt or any other district, gnd he was positive that the other commis- sioners hadn't either, All the other commissioners make the same stroue denial as Mr, Folger of this deliberate tory canard. WAS GIVEN A WEEK and | | i 4 i . wards His Wife. For using abusive awd threatening language towards his wife, Thomas Cook, living on Upper Johnson street, was, this morning, sentenced to jail for a week, 1 said a little to my wile" Cook stated to the magistrate, "but she said as much to me. | had taken two or three drinks. I was in my own "Ome week i Jail," said the court. 4 did not Know my wile' would take | vices, Mrs. Macallum gave a short account Of her visits to the women in the | penitentiary. She went twice a month | unliss prevented by the weather, andl made altogether fourteen visits. There are only four Protestant female pris ONErs at present, Suitable seripture t and short explanations wire given, besides brief conversations on helphdl subjects. Miss Marshall often accompanied Mis. Macallum; her de hightful singing of the hymns being very much enjoyed by them. : The closing half hour of the meet My was taken up reviewing the re- sults of the local option vote in On tario, On May let, 1908, local option ment after orders had been filled. This lot we-have divided and will offer One-Half To-night and One-Half Monday. 413 Yards Fine Black All Wool DRESS SERGES 44 inches wide, just the right weight and make for Skirts and Suits and for children's wear. This quality is regularly sold at 75e. Yours To-night and Monday, .35c Yard. This is a particularly good bargain, as it is only once in a long while we can secure Serges at less than their value, 618 Huckaback Linen Towels Good, firm make, a quality that stands hard usuage and yet proves a good drying towel, Size 36 inches long by 19 inches wide. These are excellent values regularly at 25¢ cach, or $3.00 per dozen, Yours To-night so long as the lot lasts, 17 1-2¢ Each. -- by-laws came into force in thirty-one municipalities in the province, cuttin off ninety-four licenses. And had it hot been for the three-fifths cause the number would have been much larger. In the United States great vietories have been won. Chairman CO. R. Jones of the mational prohibition eommities said: "In complete returns from ves 320 Pairs Men's Black Cashmere terday's elections in Michigan, Wis. | MISS MARTE CLIFTON, { (Miss Brick, of Brantford, Ont..) Jead- ing Lady in "We. Are King," at The! Grand, on Friday, May 15th. | Agia ---------------- | A Minister Appreciated. i Rev. Reuben Calvert, BD, Superin- | tendent of the Pitteburg circuit, hav | ing intimated that he would he up- able to return as their pastor for the | fourth year, the quarterly board re | solved by unanimous vote to Pit on | record their appreciation of his i Most of the menibers present | spoke feelingly of the value of hig | services for the three years he Thad | heen their pastor. Mr. Calvert wnder- | went a slight operation last fall and | his physicians advise him to cease as | ser much ag possible from driving for two {or three vears, His health in etery othe? particular is good, and with the | exception of a few Sabbaths he has | been able to attend to his work duy ] mg the year. tis Princess Street Methodist Church. | The annual meeting. of the Princess Street. quarterly board was held at the parsonage last evening and was of a Very encouraging character. This! has been a vear of extra strain, fi! narcially, owing te the ercetion of] their comfortable and much needed parsonage but the people have reo. sponded nobly to the appeal. The! amounts faised by the different de- partments were as follows : Ladiey' Aid, $250: Young People's Guild, $70 to be applitl "to the parsonage fund, and weekly offerings and collections $620 for minister's salary, the latter; being in advance of any previous year. The congregations are steadily in creasing and the outlook for Métho- dism in this part of the city is Very hopeful. i -------------- A Story Recalled. Apropos of last wight's performance the story is recalled of a supper party given here, some years ago, in which the chief figures were one. of the greatest authorities in English in the consin, South Dakota end Nebraska | indicate that the battle for the com. | plete prohibition of the liguor traffie | has received a tremendous impetus," The results in IHlinois are fifty-seven | for local option, and fifty-six oraineg After a brief diseosiion it was . de cided not to meet in June, because of the special meetings to be held dor ing that month of the Methodist Wo- man's Missionary Association, and the Congregational Woman's Board, in! which so many memiwrs of the union ara interested. Therefore the meetings | will not be resumed until the first! week of September, unless some gpse- | cial 'wark combs up, when dn execu. tive will be called. ... LOOKING FOR A CURE. Defect in Voters' Lists--A New Political Service. Montreal Star. The eitizen who cares party game than for his own power] to get his vote counted, will wish! that some one 'would devise a scheme whereby the preparation of the voters' fists would removed sgiirely from political control of anv sort. The liste of the dleftore ought to be sac red. Tt is an outrage whith only téo great familiarity has made us toler ate, when a man is allowed to vate who should not, and when a man with a right to the franchise is turned swag from the polling booth. If it oceurred often enough, it would provoke a re volution. It is only because we are aceustomed to such robberies by the thievish fingers of dirty polities that we endure it for a moment. Parlia- ment should take the matier in hand and provide with a non-politieni system of list preparation, at least as independent as the railway commis sion and fully as free from party in fluence as the judigiary. less for the be us Had A Runaway. A farmer's tomm, standing in front of a residence on Queen street, above Sydenham _ street, became frightened at some boys running Jown the street ond dashed down the hill. The pro- world, another professor whose philo- sophical views Bave circled the globe for men to set their course by, and the third; the host, that genial man who ehee gathered be ght minds ghout him in "Rowiilly Howse" and "'(Bueens. cote." And it wasn't of the intricacies of our mother tongue, nor of the pths of Kant, mor of the quibbles of the law that these learn ed ones talked, tut just of the clever nonsense of that Oxford don, that i and reclase, {Lewis Car. who told st first to amuse od and afterwards gathersd into books for millions of other chikiren to enjoy, : some little girls whom he dearly Jov-| duce 'in the waggon was spilled over the road. At Wellington street the horses wert to turn and collided with a post, damaging the back of the waggon. The horses 'were stopged by & soldier, near the cornet of Welling. ton and Barrack streets, Frontenac Liberals. The liberals of the county of Fron- tenac met in the Whig hall, on Sater day afternoon, and after considering the political situation, it was deeid- ed von) a vote being taken to sap port Dr. W, Spankie, of Wolle Island, the indepensdenit candidate in the pro vindial campaign. The name of Joke O' Rielly, of Socks Or good weight, scam- less feet, and better than the usual 25¢ sock sold. Yours To-night 2 Pairs for 35c or 18c Pair. A list of 'small articles on which ocnsiderable saving can be made : 600 Spools, Black and Colored, 50 yds., Eng- lish Sewing Silks. Colors Navy, Brown, Car- dinal, White, Grey, and others, 2¢. Spool. 2,000 Cards English Cashmere Mending Wool, le. Card. 6 for be, 800 Pairs Boot Laces, good le, pair. ! 1,000 Cards Hooks and Eyes, 2 dozen on a card, lec. 4 FREE, BUTTERICK FASHION BOO FOR JUNE. Just received. This is a week ahead of time and contains the Very Latest Ideas FREE. None giver to children, JOHN LAIDLAW & SON strong makes, « « Break All Records THat isn't such a remark- able statement--when you consider the allround super. iority of Regals. The first t is making thing tha Regal quality of materi- als and honesty of con- struction are important

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