Daily British Whig (1850), 11 May 1908, p. 2

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PIECES For gbe - parlor, give a tone and exhibit = taste omit of the come mon, Our new viries ties, in style, shape and uphoistering are unegualied, Our prices are not up to the quality of the goods they are lower than ' ustial. We are offering 12 only, same as shown, for one week only, ut $5.50 each, IN A VARIETY OF COVERINGS. PARLOR SUIT $17, shown elsewhere, $20 up. A varieiy not Hwitzeriand, beautiful styles, $1.75, $2.00. $2.50 and $3. Curtain Stretchers the best make $1.50 and $2, others fof $1.25 RUGS AND newest patterns winsters, Wiltons, CARPETS, in all the and color tones, AX- Brussels, ete. Repair and Upholstering work prompt- ly done, Yours, T« F. Harrison Co., PHONE 90. Housekeepers, Attention | - No Dry Good Store can show the stock of House Furnishings You can see here. We buy in greater quantities. We buy cheaper. We sell cheaper. R. McFAUL'S, Kingston Carpet Warehouse, (General Store FRE IN Oman New Granite Works Largest Selection Latest Designs Well Selected Stock io choose from, A call of inspection invited. F. A. KILPATRICK, 149 Sydenham St. Near Princess _ For Sale. In & thriving village we established business. New build 'ing, 22x32 with storehouse in Tear. Stock consists of Groceries, Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Crockery and Glassware. The Grand Trunk line now being surveyed goes directly through the village with six miles of heavy rock work and grading to be done three miles east and three miles west of the village. Could have post office in the building if desired. ~~ ' This is an excellent chance to Secure a' good business at a bar. gain. : THE SPORT REVIEW A EACRQSSE PRACTICE THIS! EVENING. All the Players Are Wanted Out | ~The ¥.M.C.A. Hafriers Are! All Running Weli~Notes on Various Sports: The lacrosse team will practice on the Cricket Field this evening at 6.30] o'clock. The "buys bave only a few! more days to get mto shape and all the players band for this work-out. i Ran In The Rain. | The Y. M. C. A. harriers did not| let the bad weather stop 'them from] getting in some work last week, Near ly every evening rain or shine they! were out for a long rum around town. | boys now run a long distance| and never feel the effects. The five! mile run on Victoria Day, will te a good one, and the local boys should] do well in Belleville on the same day. Here For Training. . Three Montreal horses, entered in the Victoria Day races, ariived here yesterday to train at the fair grounds track. The Montreal tracks are not yet in condition for speeding Baseball Record, Saturday. Eastern league--At Jersey City, 4; Buffalo, 2. At Newark, 4; Toronto, 1. At Providence, 10; Montreal, 6. At Baltimore, 8; Rochester, 11. National league--At Pittsburg, 0; Chicago, 1. At Brooklyn, 0; Philadel- phia, 1. At Boston, 3; New York, 7. At St. Louis, 3; Cincinpati, 1. American league--At Chicago, 1-6; St. Louis, 23. At Cleveland, 4-2; Detroit, 3-5. At Boston, I. New York, 2. At Washington, 6; Philadelphia, 2. Baseball On Sunday. At Jersey Newark, r » City, Balti League At Eastern Toronto, 4.. more, 3 American Cleveland, troit, 6-11. National Pittsburg, 2-1. cinnati, 3-7 8 Chicago, 1-2; League--At 2-4; De- 30. At St. Louis, Chicago, 6-0; Louis, 9-5; Cio- At League At St -- Belleville Beaten Again. The Y.M.C.A. interinediate basket- ball team, composed of Meek, Moore, King, McCormick, MeCartney and Md Cullovgh, played the Belleville Y.M, C.A., Caturday night in the roller rink there. It was the return game, and both teams were determined to | win. Belleville was" defeated here week ago by 30 to 10, but when they lined up, Saturday night, almost an entirely new team presented itself. The substitution of of weight and experience made it an en- tirely different . proposition for the local boys. There was a crowd of three hundred present, which was cheer- ing continually for the home team The game was fast and furious from the start. The checking was stren uous, and the Kingston boys had to make up in activeness what they lack- od in weight, The rules were strictly al seniors for minor ofiences. The game was clear, and though at half-time the score was 14-8, in Belleville's favor, and Meek, King and McCullough con: siderably used up by their heavy weight checks, every man was keen to | win out. The final score was 16 to | I8, in favor of Kingston. The second half was even faster than the first. Moore replaced King on the forward line, on account of his (Simon are reqoested to le on | for the | 856 and population enforced, and the penalties frequent | THE DAILY moved from his leg. R. 8. Stronach, the champion hurd- ler and jumper of Scotland) is in Ut- | tawa and will, in ali probability, his bome there. Stronach a pure amateur, is expected | to join the O0AAC and r went | that club at the Olympic ials ia | Montreal, May 30th. 2 " 2 the meantime. He had a carbuancle re- | make Is and LETTER COLLECTION. { Awaiting For the Tenders to Be! tepac Awarded. It is not likely 1 the local letter collection vice inaugurated - till Jape Ist. collections have not yet been Jet by the partment last October, proved letter was to hive gone into force on Ist. to be notified apy time to arrange for the necessary chamges. Letter boxes in the outskirts will be emptied tween 10 and 10.30 pm., and those down town at abeut 11.30 pun rigs will do the work instead of one, at present improved will be postinaster-general"s there is to be an un be as improved dav collection. MME, With "The Barber Of Sevil Grand, Tuesday, May MONTE BALDINI, "at The th INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters On Their Rounds. Renfrew' assessment reaches. 81,287, 3,356, an increase of 146, The gypsy camp, on Barriefield com- mons, was visited by a large number of citizens yesterday afternoon. "Delici made from pure creams, the foun- tain at Drug Store, Mrs yg ice eream)"' is dispensed at Red Gibson's Cross University F. Arm Sherman, avenue, has rented. the DD. strong house, 357 Johuson street, The Alpine Mining limit ed, of Ardoch, Frontenae couney, has been incorporated with a capital of James company, 000. "May 13th," the opening day for soda water and delicious ice cream at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store foun- tain. The annual meeting of the Kingston Presbhyterinl Woman's Foreign Mis sionary society will be held in Belle ville, May 26th, 1 he choir church rendered musical gramme at the on Sunday the First Baptist fine of a pro- Sel vices weight, and played a great game, scoring a basket from thirty feet hy | a clean throw. McCartney, MeCor- | mick and McCullough plaved a heady in succession. Every man played a! hard gdme and took any amount of | punishment | The Belleville team is as heavy as the local seniors, and with practise would make a better showing they did Saturday. They were beaten by a more experienced lot of players, | and are really a senior team. { General Secretary Nelles, Frank Kinnear and Harry Warwick accom- | panied the bovs, and report a splen- | did outing. This winds up the most successful season in basketball the intermediates have ever had, as thes have gone through the season with- | out a defeat, iY | Sporting Notes. Up in Toronto candidates for the than | Olympic bicycle trials are practising in the street, Baseball is booming Falls, Carleton Place, and Lanark) and the Ottawa Valley league un- doubtedly will be a big success. Hatch, of Chicago, the St. Louis Marathon winner, is second choice to Morrissey, the Boston Marathon win. | ner, for the United States Marathon team, Longboat has been ordered by a physician to remain in bed five days, and his races have been cancelled in at Smith CATARRE Now CURABLE, But Never By Medicine Swallowed, Snuffs, Sprays or Douches. Catarrh is not a blood disease and that is why it cannot be cured by any medicine taken into the stomach. £ga- tarrh is a germ trouble contravted from the geem-laden air vou breathe inward. we germs fasta them solves inthe tissue and air cells of the breathing organs, multiply. by mil lions, cause sneewing, coughing, rais- ing of mucous, discharge from the nose, dificulty in breathing, hoarse ness, dryness and stoppage of the nose, tickling in the throat and other symptoms that can only he reached by the dry air principal of Hyomwei. It medicates the air you breathe with the curative properties of the Australian Eacalyptus Forests, where catarth is unknown. reason you gel relief in a min: ute or two from Hy i Mise Ethel Dupuis and A. Sinzleton, are in charge of the choir. Whitney put election day day to benefit commercial on travellers, combination, and scored three baskets | but he will likely cut off hundreds of | er candidate Methodist ministers who will be at- tending conferénce on June Sth The young ladies of the city will probably make a raid the Red Cross Drug Store, Wednesday. A hox of McConkey's fine chocolates is given on | free to every lady buying a l0c.-foda | rod 3 i or ice cream on that date. DRUNKS' DAY IN COURT. Two Offenders Before the Magis- trate To-Day. To-day was drunks' day at the po lice' court, when two offenders walked the carpet. .. "It's the first time I ever was here, said one, "if you let me off this time | I will be much obliged. The magistrate could not see it this | way, however, and imposed a fine of 23 and costs, or twenty days. The other offender said that and had nothing to say. the court $1 go to Castle guity, was asked to pay costs, or in default Coghett for ten days. to A Frontenac Rumor. Patest rumor is that J. S. Gal agher, MPI, is likely to drop ont] of the contest in Frontenae, and leave the field to Dr. Spankie. Not much credence is given to the rumor, though it originated in conservative circles Spring Importations of 1008. Prevost, Brock street, has received three cases of imported goods for his ordered clothing department, consist- ing of Scotch and English tweeds, serges, cheviots and vicunas. A grea variety of them to choose from. Old Resident Dead. The death occurred Monday of Mrs. Jeanette NSE widow of the lates Colin McNab, Gf Pittsburgh town. ship, who was ninety-six years .of age, and one of the oldest residents of the township, She was bora in Col lander, Perthshire, Scotland. Archldshop Gauthier laid the corner stone of the new convent at Belleville on Sunday afternoon. Rev. Father Hanley, rector of St. Mary's cathe dral, and Rev. Father Melonald, as- sisted his grace in the ceremonies. Some 200 children were confirmed in Belleville, on, Sunday, by Archbishop » Gauthier, who also, in the giternoon, laid the cc tone of the new separ- LIBERALS OF FRONTENAC May 3nd, by the HB lenders | | deut candidate, jo the provincial elec. de- | tion. : As intimated by the Whig{ was proposed as the 1ueral candidate, collection here, which | Spankie. Mav | Postmaster Stewart is expecting | sided at the meeting und he reviewed | { the political situation. {and that the meeting had been called! | 0 see Two | | date in There will also be an} had men, who, it was hoped, would be BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, MAY 11. 10 SUPPORT SPAKE 3 : CITY AND VICINITY. Diocese Of Ontario: Rev. Thomas N. Towe, . ishop of take charge of Mado Rev. C. J. Young enjoys lea four months ordained } Untano will parish, whie jof absence for At a Convention Held in the City | on Saturday Aiternoon--The! Speeches Delivered The liberals of the county of Fron- COUNTY SO DECIDE | To Aid The Hospital. | William Waldron treated the chil- | dre n of the Orphans' Home to a ma- {tines party, on Saturday, and greatly mel 1a convention at ine "Whigldid they enjoy "Alice In Wonderland." hall, on Saturday atternoon, and { The proceeds of this play, about $173, a vote, which Was particularly usam- | 1 go to the general hospital. mous, decided to suppory br. Ww, Spansie, of Wolle Island, the indepen by Repairs Not Yet Begun. Holidord 33 he work of repairing the base con- 'terete work of the new gas holder has | not vet been begun, and will not be {until some repairs have been made to pre-| 1he old holder, which has to be used while the big one is out of service John O'Reilly, of but the vote ueeided in favor of br, President Vair, of Glenburuie, He said that] at hand, Likely A Good Season. Reports at the Thousand Islands in- Three of the election was pow near action should be taken | Sicate a big coming season. the placing of a candi- field. 'the liberal what in regard to the {1 party wokings exceed the record of lust year 3 {very considerably. The ter-centenary 1 at Quebec will attract throngs perth able to defeat the standari-bearer of | ward, the enemy, but they, for certain pri- | vate 'remsons, had refused to aliow) : their names to go before the people ! Kidney Weakness In Women. Mr. Gallagher was the candidate of Now the backaches, awful pains the conservative party, and Dr | through the limbs, circles under the Spankie would be the field as an | ®yes; the cure is Dry Hamilton's Falls independent "paundidate. He did got | thousands say no medicine brings such wish to dictate to the convertion | lasting good health. 'Iry a 25¢. box what should be done, but what he | of Dr. Hamilton's Pills, had to say would be in theSway ofl advice. There were three courses open : First, to nominate a candidate | for the liberal party; second, to en dorse the independent candidaie; third, to decide not to put up a candidate, and not to endorse the independent candidate. His advice was that they itl Gathering May Flowers. A large number walked out May flowers on Sunday afternoon' amd very few came home without them. {| Down along the track and at Tuttle's Hill there were crowds of children out gathering wiolets. and other Howers, endorse Dr. Spankie. The latter was| which grow in abundance there in the field as an independent, and | spring. not an independent-conservative. if | there was a liberal in the ranks who would stand, he (the speaker) would | be in favor of supporting him, and | orders and will hold examinations for fighting out the battle. llowever, no| jeytenant-colonels to proceed to the liberal could be found, who would | py nk of colonel, They must prove stand as a candidate Phe speaker! apility to handle, in the field, said that Dr. Spankic would retire] ¢ troops comprising all arms, and should the liberal party put up a can alter every The Rank Of Colonel. The militia department has issued bodies Mon-| he was { He | and | "Alter all the Derby is the best tall-round hat and the best all- {rour test will be given either in the field didate, is actually in command of troops, President Vair then called it | { MeD. Dowat, and the latter said that | means of a Staliwide. | he endorsed all that had been said by | Purchased New Cab | idate who would stand. le would po | James Mitchell returned from Mon ides : | treal on Saturday, after purchasing a OMENS Consider he SYaostion | fine new Victoria hack The rig will when there was candidate. | used on the local cab stand as | soon as it arrives. Many of the other * corse would have to he taken. There was the chavece of break en are Jetiing new tumPuis i \ ev , » rigs ret ing up the tory ' 'machine This] Y10¥ are ail fine ngs. Ingsion | would be doing good work for the fu-| as Fine fabs 2a ure:to bo fou in any " da. x » cab service iy ture. The plan laid down by him was} *"Y 0 LanaCa ne ' | : {a revelatio visitors. endorsed hy afl' the provincial officers, | & revelation to vi The speaker had consulted Dr. Spankie | and upon J by can for one of not putting up a candidate ever, no some has and him what stand he would | Distress After Eating. have taken of the questions | If vour food sours, ferments or before the house at session, | gests slowly, causing pan, or had he been a member to] lence take Day's Dyspepsia Cure the education policy, Dr. | restore your stomach to proper detiv opposed lo: it tooth and nail, would continue to take that He was also opposed to the guarantee | bonds of the Canadiap Northern, and] his attitude waa also the same to wards the grapt to the la Rose mines, | bottle and the gerrymander. If Dr. Spankijel Went. - was a liberal, 'what more could hel For sule only at Wade's drug store, 7? He considered that the would be support Dr. | The Dunsinure Opera Company asked lencdsng its last In regard Spankie was and stand | digestion. or dyspepsia. This preparation has nie Laxative properties. contains sixteen days' jaty. It remaves all evils arising from in: Tos Each treat Digestive, have done best Spankie, John Davie! vice-president, F. Ferguson, We J, Franklin and William course to Few operas vf recent years show the attractive combination of good quali ties possessed by Kossini's master | Blacklock Ma buaefly, ad all agreed | piece, "The Barber Of Seville," which that the plan "set down by Mr. Vaic|will be presented here on Tuesday, and Mr. Mowat would the best to| May 12th, at the Grand, by the Duns follow " {mure Opera company. In these days County Cosncitlor Stoness said that | of insipid 'musical comedies" it is re the should more careful- | freshing to witness a performance such { 1y igh the matter. I the party |as this company gives of "The Barber not get a man who {of Seville," with its real plot, bril should not $pport any oth- | iant comedy and effervescent humor, S be liberal party we | could woule stand, # | the larger hotels have announged that ! . MAJOR H. S. LOGAN DEAD. Succumbed to Wousids Received in Action. ¥ i to Lemon, states who was Logan, action. at hatiya, A Cairo desoa that Major H, 3. woulided ut died an Saturday. Major Logan Kingston, he well known in » Royal Military stafi for. fhe years He belonged to the Leigester Rewi- ment, Un August 20th, ISO, he joined the stali of the Royal Mintary Col professor of military graphy, reconnaissance and ta and held the position until Jum 1903, when bis time expired, and returned England to regiment. was ha ing n ont College eye as to Have Cornless Feet. if you would know reg! comfort have your feet enUrely free from corns t'eek's Corn Salve will remove every corn have, In big bgxes 13¢, at Wade's drug stove. you . Campbell Bros'. Fur Storage. "Phone 70 and our waggon will call. "HUNT'S" Headquarters for Collars of the ! Because Collar trade it, Why and styles in one-quarter sizes tight, wear We are after the town and ars getting we have all the new up-to-date H your collar a little one-quarter is just size larger. FOR: £1.95, $1.50 Soe Toe $1, 25¢ and 7 0¢ and §2 $1 Bik ¥1 Store Shirts, $1, Underwear, bo Fancy Hosiery Sie Men's Wear Neckwear See the P. J. HUNT, BROCK ST. New EYES THAT TIRE EASILY of "wight which eve in MY new syste enables me to ascertain muscles need help and way I can grind gl the eye strain is at once stopped. testing SO HEADACHES wenk arevaused thus be which muscles can interested I more about eye one explain new science DR. A. P. CHOWN, DPRUGGIST AND OPTICIAN, 185 Princess SL, Kingston, will this He believed that there and the charming and catchy music would be danger in supperting Dr.|of the great composer | Spankie, and furthe rmore considered ox | that it would be weakening to the . . | party if such aetion was taken The | Another Sign Of Summer. | speaker aldo advocated better work on | One of the most, if the most, ithe voters' lists, popular resorts sumuner in Kines oon Scanlan, chairman of the! ton, i the soda fountain townshin Bedford, strongly advo-| Gibson's Red Drug Store {cated the placing of a liheral candi- | posite Whig office. At this | date in the field. and nominated J hn | thirst-quenching resort not a puestion 1 O'Reilly, of Holleford:- {of quantity, but quality and cleanli William Pillar 'moved that the con- [ness is uppermost in the mind of the | vention support: Dr. Spankie, and this | proprietor. I'he ice cream made | The vote was not | from pure cream delivered at the store i | not mn water m op particular Cross is motion was carried. {daly, and fruit syrups and crushed | counted. / : } | fruits made from fresh, ripe fruit, the can buy. Glasses beauti spoons and { best { fully | St. George's Baking Powder Lime- I display . ¢ ! s W i fountain is one of the most samtary rick Prize Wisi i Fruit syrups never come Hdd fourth of the i y prizes K contact with tin, as all syrups are $5 for the best line sen in each wee tispensed from -- Glass botiles: This for St. George's Baking Powder Lime {fountain is'open for inspection on May rick has been awards « to Mes. > hn nh a el ! and each lady i White, - 234 dirent he street, Chas who buys a 10e or ioe cream j lettetqwn, Poli | will receive a dainty box of MeCon- { keys' delicious chocolates money polished, LIMERICK PRIZE. si Ne perfect cleanliness, I of in Canada. soda | MARINE NEWS. Fresh garden seeds and flower seeds at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. The Items Gathered About the | Harbour. | The schooner Jamieson cleared { Oswego to load coal for Aunglin's. { The schooner Tradewind cleared Sodus to load coal for Folger's. | It was stated by marine men, this morning, that the water was the high est it has been this season. The steamer Simla arrived from Fory William at six o'clock, Monday morn ing, with 50.000 bushels of wheat for Richardsons'. The steamer City of Ottawa touched. at the dry<dock on her trip down the river. The steamer Regina ale top to take on ber pilot. t's: Steamer. Belleville, up, . steambarge Robert MeDonald Sodus; steamer Aletha, ports; schooner Keewatin, THE BEST HAT WON ego, with coal. Word was received, this morning, that there was a breakdown of the machinery on the steamer Dundarn, in the Jower canal, on her way to King ston. Machinery was sent ¢n to the Kingston foundry for repairs. p " pe d Derby is a "Ha - At MT. Uo. : Steamers Canadian, from Fort William, with 50,000 bLush- P els of wheat; Meaford, from Fort Wil : - Liam, with 90.000 bushels of wheat: tugs Mary and Mary P. Hall cleared for Montreal, with grain barges; steamers Wasaga cleared for Hamilton ckage freight, for Foe for for LALL i BIg RUN ON HOUSE FURNISHINGS Large stock, newest pat- terns, and lowest prices com- bine to give us a big advant- age over other stores. For instance : BAA ALLL ES TEETER TTT Lace Curtains, at 25¢ Pair and up. Lace Curtains, 50¢ Pair and up. Better grades, at $1, $1.50 and up. Real swell desig#®, at $2.50 $3.50 and up? * Madras Muslin, in assort- ments of dainty colors, at 30¢c. and 35¢c. g yard. Curtain Scrim, 36° inches wide, White and Colors, 8c a yard and up. at a rrr rrr rrr Lace Curtain Net, at 20¢ a yard. Frilled Muslins and Nets, 15¢. a yard and up." Art Sateens, tonnes, double ing. . atcy Cre id Curtain- Brass Curtain Poles, com- plete, 10c. and 15¢. Stair Oilcloth, Shelf 0il- cloth, Axminster Mats and Rugs, Curtain Tassels, Cur- tain Pins, all at the lowest prices possible. 150 copies of the Designer given away free on TUES- DAY. Call and get ome. NEWMAN & SHAW The Always Busy Store. - FAA LMLALALL to Willian. Joke Spaulding cleared for 'upper lakes. BR - Sole Agents. CLOCKS We have just imported, from the makers, a very fine line of Gilt Clocks, which for beauty of finish and excel lence of workmanship, cane not be surpassed. Just suitable for Weddirg Presents. Smith Bros., Wateh Makers and Jewellers. Issuers of Marriage Licenses. 350 KING ST. Phone 688. Furs Madc Over and Rec. paired here at rcason- able prices. W. F. GOURDIER, 18, 78 and 80 Brock St. 'Fhomey 700, ican Oils Coal Oil Lubricating Oils Gasoline We make a specialty of handling Lubricating Oils of 'all kinds. Prices on application W. F. KELLY & CO., South sudden changes in weather i i ny on kt _-- wisdom tean Cor. Ontario and Clarence. 9 oo a oo COAL] 1 and ery bottom 8 without a th Prices ®¥ Booth & Co., Phone 123 Foot of West St HRY NY (0) Cures ALL Coug LYRE it AND COSTS BUT Wm. Murray, Auctioneer 27 BROCK ST. New Carriages, Cutters, Harness ete., for sale Sale of Horses every Saturday. IF IT IS TO GET A SINK Set up or a bath room enstalled I can do it in first-class style and at the right price, Give ne trial. DAVID HAL THE FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY ESTABLISHED, 1863. President--Sir Richard Cartwright Money | Hy sed Farm Pr perties Municipal and County Detesn tures ortgages ' purchased Deposits received and interest allowed 8. C. McGill, Managing Director. a Phone 336 ? 66 Brock St inaned on ( EVER-READY SAFETY RAZOR 12 Blades 81 complete, guality guaranteed. STRACHAN'S. New England Chinese Restaurant 331 King Street. Open. from 10.30 bent place to get an the rity. Meals of all notice. English and specialty Phone, 635 am. 63am. the all round Laoth ia kinds on shortest Chive dishes a "JUST IT." Breakin Md Fags, Phone, For the a hot slice of Ntristly Fresh Brock street, of a cold morsing Cored Ham a MYERS, So John S, Yeomans, a well-known and popular liverymsn, of Colborne, died ruddenly and unexpectedly,

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