ES BResesesosses 00000020 00000000000 0000000 eNd Arc Pretty, Becoming And Bewitching. . More _ of daintiness, stylishness, prettiness and low priceness was never embodied in Waists. So many charm- ing styles -- so many fabrics are represented --=80 much of perplex. ing vari tys--go. auch of beaut¥ : and Value. It would" "be difficult to choose from them if it were not that your choice will be right no matter what you chooge.; 4! THOU ECU PR OTIVEI EY Every Waist we show is of perfect style-- that will be apparent on sight, but the num- ber of styles we are showing is" surprising. We scoured the market for Waists -- viewed them al and selected only the best, Our assem- blage is the eream of the season's Waist styles. And in our quest for beauty, style and variety wo never overlooked the important 1p patter of price. We have attended tg that too--yoh "will avow that you never saw such Waist values. $1, 1.25, 1.35, 1.50, 1.65, 1.75 2.00, 2.25 10 8.50. / CRUMLEY sun | | : A fitting of one olithese new hip | reducing models, will satisfy. you com hy of their absolute, ae eal, Sclent] + tion, He hfe dons u k's pom 10 attain t he pre Een ok without 3] CHE of d of ality _-- eof good His ty 5 mitra, PA Q6 Sale'at Your Dealer : Descriptive circular ted free. No. 807, cout, 18 to 30, $1.50; Neo. 487. ballets, 18 to 30, 86.50 'DOMINION CORSET CO., Mafrs.' 4 Quebe¢, Montreal, Toronto FRUITS : FRUITS 1 Pincappies | Pineapples | Special Prices for Oranges Saturday. r HAD A NARROW ESCAPE. Two Boys in' the Be Rapids at King- ston Mills. Two well-known city bank clerks bad ; VASELINE NO No Goon TOR HAIR. Dandrut Germ Thed Thrives In It, As Eo wn © fist me] te thieago | ir specia tol hiv otlice Ss ih the morning. | Tee te ale +3 high, ha yeey stiff current GAS HOUSE BURNED AND NAPANEE WAS WITH. | OUT LIGHT SUNDAY. Close's Mills Held to Consider the Questicn | Napanee, May 1l.--About eleven o'clock. Saturday night, an alarm of fire was rung wm and a few utes later the citizens discovered t the gas house at the foot of Rober! street, was on fire. The firemen qaick- ly responded and soom had a stream of water om, but owing to the inflam- mable nature of the contents nothing could be dome to check the fierce blaze. The building which was the property of Sir Richard Cartwright, was a total loss. A small insurance was upon the building. On Priday night Closes Mills about four miles from Napanee were bred to the ground. 'The property was owned by Mr. Woodruff. The cause of the fire is unknown. A small imsur- ance was carried, Mrs. Rikley has sold hér bakery and confectionery" business to Arthur Car ton, who took charge a few days ago. A.D. MeRossie of New: York, is here for a few days. A. MeN, Downey, jail- er, is quite ill. The churches that used gas for lighting purposes were unable to hold services last evening, and had to eall the worshippers an hour earlier than the appointed hour. At a meeting of the ratepayers held to consider matters of lighting plying electricity to run enterprises, W. CO. Seott address ed the gathering, advising that the town secure energy fer lighting and manufacturing *. purposes. A scheme was read by Pr.'Ward, from the Hy- dro-Flectrie Power company, for sup- plying the town with 200 horse pow- er, at $25 per horse power, and a bs- ser rate ofieredd for a large horse pow- er. The proposition for Trenton, Belloville, 'Deseronto, Napame and Kingston to enter into a compact to secure power from Trenton, where un- limited is. obtainable, enl could be pre It wes decided at the meeting to. further investigate the proposition and ponfer with indivi- duals and manufacturers as to the probable' horse power required, snl also to hold out inducements to out- side manufacturers to come to Napa- nee. It was also said that the Bay of Quinte contemplated the electrification of its system Lelwern Napanee and Deseronto. W. C. Scott said that in his travels he had not met with a town that could offer such induce- ments to manufacturers as Napanee, and all that was required was a little bposting to make this one of the best mannfacturing and residential towns in Ontario. Napanee hes a water pri- Vilege which with a little expenditure Jcould be made second to none in Can- night, the town and su is ada. AN INDEPENDENT OPINION, ------ Standing By Parties in Quebec-- Stronger Opposition Desired. Montreal Star, In both Ontario and Quebec, an un- concerned outsider would probably ad- vise the stremgthening of the oppesi- tions. Both governments have too farge majorities. In this province the opposition practically committed sul cide at the last elections in a moment of pique, with the result that the legislature has nas represented any- thing approaching the mind of the people for a whole term. Indeed, so strong were the liberals that they had to get up an opposition amongst themselves in order to keep things in- teresting, and they even carried the | "sham fight" out in so realistic | manner as io give us a change government. Thus, if the conservatives put: ean didates in the field at all, this time, they cannot very well escape making some "gains." And it ia in the pub lic Titerost that they should. There ought to be in every deliberative as- sembly an opposition strong enough in numbers, in vigor and in talent to call the policy of 'the government se®i- ously in question. Our system of gov- ernment depends upon a virile opposi- tion quite as much as upon a trusty povernment; and we have been suffer | ing during the last few years irom | feeble and ineffective oppositions at i Quebec, Toronto and Ottawa. I the | liberals were to make gains in Un | tario and the conservatives were to make gains in Quebec on June Sth next, the people would be the gainers in both provinees. Premier Gouin's record has been a progressive one. He has given this province good gévernment in many directions, and has shown a commend- able desire to meet the public needs in such vital matfers. as education, good roads, usury legislation and the like. When it comes to the proper safeguarding of the public demain, we could wish for a more patriotic policy than his party has given, His gov- ernment,' like its conservative prede- cessors, bas come in for not a little criticism in this regard, and there is a growing feeling amongst us that no group of politicians has yet realized the immense value of our natural re- sources or the imperative need of protecting theui. fram spoliation, ex- Plaitation and destruction. Our tim- ber glone, we gre told, would furnish the provincial revenues, without our having to Pe to any other form taxation, a yet Wwe are firing these magnificent "limits" away song. In tion, Mr. Leblanc pos had a than task. His following was so insignd t as to rob his criticisms of much of their legitimate a of The Women To Gather. The Woman's Missionary ar y ey y of the of Canada Burned--A Meeting of Electric Power For Napanee. | min- j in the council chamber og Saturdey). re HAmusements. TUESDAY, MAY 12th. |The Dunsmure Opera Co i Present ROSSINI'S Delighttul Opera "The Barber of Seville" ith the Best S Lnging Company Fiver Headed by MONTE Comic Horn | BALDINT Prima Donna he Manhattan N Opera Hause, Y., and JOHN DUNS. MURE, the Famous Basse From Covent Garden. 'London lo Prices, 25¢., 50c $1, $1.50, Seats now on sale. FRIDAY, MAY 15th, A. W, CROSS Presents Edmund Carroll And a Strong Supporting 2 omany in WALKER WHITESLD Greatest Comedy Success "WE ARE KING". A Clean, Bright Comedy, Pleasing All Classes A Beautifully Staged. and Costumed Production Prices, 20¢.. 35¢., SU, bc. Seats om sale Wednesday. BLJOU A splendid historic drama tof the Parliamentary Wars Se. in England is presented at The Bijou to day and Tues- day. "THE KING'S MESSENGER" MAGNIFICENT SCENERY, FINE ACTING, THRILLING 'SITUATIONS, SPLENDID COSTUMES. tells of a brave voung n guard who undertakes a mission for the King. Confounds his traitorous enemy and wing knighthood and the girl of his heart. JOHN ROBERT " SHAM ~35 CEN PRINCESS HAMMOND, Mgr VAUDEVILLE, The drama gentleman of the DAVIS SINGS KS " GEO. THE HOME OF mn er All this week, alterppon, and night. Stone & Windsor, Premiers of Songs and Dances Head liners in their profession See them and be counyinged; the best Np CHANGE OUR LY. Fotmin 7 EVENING VONDERLANG THE PIONEER HOUSE OF HITS "TRUE HEARTS' True hearts are more than corondts, and simple fafth than Norman Blood." "HMOVMAN'S ARMIES" Cuoloped--Comedy. "HOME FOR THE HOLIDAYS" Comedy. ALL: SH ATS EROM MAN IS ICE" sung by Ulare THE 1CE mith YounglLiberals Every young liberal in King- ston is invited to the Whig Hall, Thursday Evening Next AT 8 O'CLOCK. A full attendance is requested. ELMER DAVIS, President, BD IN RY WILL ok OPE mest om rg a ont, with the the band of who have made the strects of "New York i pe wook was that of notifying CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES First losertion lc. a word. Each con secutive imsertion thereafier half cent a word, Minimum charge for one in sertion, 25c. WANTED-MALE, [The People's Forum. | : : FOR SALE, BAKERY OR BUILDING SUITABLE for same to rent. Apply McCans, 51 Brock street. TWO GOOD HOUSES NUS. 60 and 83 Wellington street. Apply A. B, Cum ningham PLAIN SEWING PRONE, OF ANY kind, Cull or write to Mrs. Cayless, 834 King street, over A 'a. HUNDRED best quality James Saul THOUSAND NOL 1 price right Ap Tamworth, Ong THE OPPORTUNITY TO FURNISH on electric work. All kinds A GOOD STRONG BOY, FOR BOTTLE washing. Apply 148 Ontario S. WANTED-FEMALE, EXPERIENCED DINING ROOM GIRL. Apply lroquois Hotel, Ontario Sf. A COOK. APPLY IN THE EVENING, to Mrs. Howard PF, Folger, 535 West street. GENERAL SERVANT. REF ERENCES Jequired. Apriy to Mrs. Frances Hill lacnee, 252 ing street, SITUATIONS WANTED---FOR EX. perienced domestic servants, arriving about May 15ib. Apply at once. 'The Guild, 71 Drummond St. "Montreal, MONEY AND BUSINESS. QUR POLICIES COVER MORE OF ballding and contents tham any other A SOMB work promptly done. ¥, J, Birch, BR E300 wel Wellington street, [0 SELL. mils. We RB, Cc MORE PROFERTY If you have any, give us will turn && {ato cash. Dobbs, 171 Wellington street, A JOB CLEANING ASHES ouT OF yards or, Sellars, or Aon onrted; right. Lytle, Bond Carter, p po oe St. arr DRESSY GENTLEMEN TO their Spring Suis guade at Gallo- Way's. Style, price and finish guar anteed to please. 131 Brock Si. next to Libby's Livery. NEWMAN & SPRIGGS ELECTRIC CO. tone up your fixtures to look like new. Silver, Nickle and Copper Plat- Wiring. Repair work quick. Large assortment of Uas and Electric Chandeliers, Fresh Bat- Yaries just in, 79 Princess St. "Phone 1. SITUATIONS VACANT. y offers. oan is them at I Mark. Godwin #t LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE Fire Insurance Company, Avatieble to nasets $61,187,215. which 'the policyholders bave for securdy the unlimited liability of al! the stockholders. Farm and ay y bro ey. Bet as oe id renewing old or new 'business' got ratch from {gis & Strange, Agents. TO-LET. RNISHE h DWELLING, OR ROOMS, Btotage for nirniture, ete. Jann 51 Brock street, SUMMER Lawrence to McCann, COTTAGE, ON River, near City. 51 Brock St. ST, Apply WANE D<DRICKLAYERS AT uated wages, 35, 40, 45, or B0c. an hour, according to ability. Apply at the Builders' Exchange, Mechanic In- stitate, 204 St. James St., Montreal. GRAD ---------- -- -- MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN BAR- ber trade. Graduates earn (welve to eighteen dollars weekly. Help secure BLACK MOULD ar top dressing. Drop a card te Albers Barrie street. FoR FLOW R BEDS Ino ashes removed, Stansbury, 441 NO. 188 Ly ol AVE, DOUR Joli brick i hot Nate Le span plum a. A Siiveny mi A a 1 RUBBER TIRED RUNABOUT, Ntanhope's Top Fugey, Woggoms, Milk | Waggons 4 Laturney, Princess 56. Kingstes ML, Carriages Aker LIFE PRESERVERS ass cond®fon, for skifis Buy one for y¢ each. Folger's Ticket of Brick street OK TOR IN FIRST aunches and wr boy, Rh Agency, Fool GASOLINE LAUNCHES, PINISHED complete With new boat house to rent. Also Hulls and Engines separs ately, boats and Cugines repaired under shelter. Gasoline and Motor Boat Supplies. Davis' Dey Dock, PROPERTY AND BUSINESS OF H. 1 Wartelsky, Verona, consisting od frame store and dwelling, woll estab. lished general store business, good reason for selling. Apply to J S.R, McCann, 51 Brook St, Kingston, VILLAON-THE-S1 olfe Islhind, Ont mer resort, for House is in first-clus 1 ARRE: NUE urnish positions. Will equip shops. Con stant. practice. Careful instructions Few weeks complete course logue free rite Mojer College, Toronto. LOST. A GOLD PIN SET WITH PEARLS, ON Saturday sfternoon, between John Princess and Brock Sts. Reward for return to 11 John St NOS. all 1st May. 77 and 79 ALFRED STREET, modern improvements, Possession | Apply A. B. Cunningham. TWO WELL LOCATED OFFICES, ONE furnished, the other unfurnished, 346 King street. Apply J. Gents' Furnisher, 348 King street. MEDIUM SIZE n good repair pr Month. Estate HOUSE, No. 131 Tr. J ee Agent, 159 Wellington MODE RY. street. FINE PRY "STON. AG! ture, goods, etc. Separate rooms and your own lock and key. W. G. Frost, Storage Agent and Uarriage Painter, 209 Queen St. "Phone, 526, SOLID BRICK RESIDENCE, KING St. West, near Alwington Ave., nine rooms, city water, furnace, good barn and Atablin Apply at resi dence, or to WT Day, Neweourt . FOR FURNI FOR SALE OR TO LET. FIRST-CLASS BLACKSMITH PRO- perty, dn village of Sydenham. Wor urther particulars, apply to Calvin w ke, Sydenham, Ont. COUPLE OF ACCIDENTS TO MEN IN THE THE TOWN OF | GANANOQUE. One Struck in Fye With Piece of | Steel--Another Had Rod | Driven Through Thumb---Death | of C. McDonald. { May Hl. met with a peculiar last. While engaged) in cleambg a barcel the rod) used for the purpose stuck, and] alter making several futile attempts to loosen it Mr Reid took the rod in hoth hands and struck the breech of! the gon agaist the gavil in his! blacksmith shop, but instead of ening the rod the force the drove the rod through the thumb of his left hand and into the fleshy part] of his right. Dr, J. P Sinclair dress ed the wounds. and the unfortunate man is nicely. David Bain, Pine street, foreman the works of the Gananoque Sprir and Axle company hete, met With severe accident » latter part of thei being struck in the eye with glf steel, { ured at an early hour| at the family ro | reet, of Charles | Sixty-one years, we } throaghout t " "Hiskory' McDonald resided hereabouts for many For some time past he has been in} very fechle health. He leaves 5 wile' and several children, among them of Gananoque, James Charles street, cident on Friday gun got loos blow | of | doing { in| ng! a} " week, large The Sunday morn) dence, Water Donald, aged favorably known piece ¢ death « tion as J. MeDongld, barber, King street. During the past week W. J. Gibson, King street west, disposed of his fast motor boat, the I'll See, built hy Capt. Wessel, of this town, to In- spector Phillips, of Kingston, who will use her abovsit his duties on the river Rev, Joseph: C. Comnell preached educational sermons on the Pittsburg circuit yesterday, (his duties hore being performed by Rev. Mr. Denbigh. A very commengable setion on 7 part of the town council during the the the its of the estate of the late Joel Parmenter to atténd to the necessary improvements on that property, the! harus and fences of the same locgted! on King street having fallen mito 4 comdition of great delapidation, Considerable repairs have been dome to Charles Macdonald's residence, | "Bhinkbonnie,"" and grounds, during the poet few webhi. ~The . - rr i } : i i 'Biggest and Best"' | Plug g Chewing Tobacco i at. | P. Forrest | Union | { | prayer is nothing but pure { would be | and. more | his | treasurer's bond, $15; { | Jes, FOUND. | prac K AND PAN FOXHOUND BITCH If not claimed in three days, willbe sold. Apply G. Petter, Sr., Alwing- ton, Portsmouth PERSONAL, OUE Tai 406. ME. Gents' "Phone, 238 Princess street PUPILS RECEIVED BY. A. Fearne Professional Pianist gagemwents wanted for dancing private parties, e to "A. R. ¥., Whig oftice n En HAIR, warts, without ence. Dr Nowe Throat Specialist, MOLES ete removed soar Twenly Ehner J. Lake and Skin Bagot street. permanently, years' oXhart Eye, Fa Bile ish 208 SCIENTIFIC PHYSICAL CULTURE, public and private classes for Women and Children will be held in Queen's University Gymnasium dur ing sumumer special terms to collegiate students. aq. P almer, pociadist. THE PARAGRAPH PULPIT Unitarian. REV, C. W. CASSON, The Parasite"s Prayer. Have vou ever parasitism? k- | Cats Barber | AND! classes | te. Apply by letter | Satisfactory te DL J ingston ed and a good open reason for selling Ihe on, 217 Princess T PROP ERT Y CHEAP : NO} Bagot St., near City Park, all provements, 9 rooms, large extens sion; No 204 King St, well built stone house of about 13 rooms ; No. 83 Ontario St, 13 rooms, all fms provements, hot water heating, = swap. Geo. Cliff, Real Estate, 056 | Clarence St, im- I ARC HITECT, OF: Queen and Hagot siLreets, ARTHUR fice, Cor. | HENRY r. SMITH, ARCHITEC T, | ete; Anchor Building, Market Square. "Phone, 845, {POWER & SONS, ARCHITECTS, MER« | chant's Hank Building, corner Nrotk and Wellington streets. "Phone, 213, (WM. NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT, OF- oe, second floor pver Mahood's Drug store, corner Princess aod Hagnt streets. Fmtrance pn Bagot street "Phone, 608 BIRTHMARKS, | ENGINEERS. | BRN EST A.M. CAN R.OBECKWITIH Soe. C. KE KE. M. Ontario Association Architects, Consulting Engineer and Architect, 18 Market St., Kingston Men, | | MARRIAGE LICENSES. | 0. i | 8S, KIRKPATRIUK Marriage Licenscs, 42 ISS ER Clarence ov Hts realized that many » It i= an appeal to God for an unearned | It is gu IC is the account | and undeserved hlessmg fish petition for profit do turn one ¥ prety en deavor to of God, such a prayer Many asking {| Invor all that of breath. It must be apparent tg a waste in is but a man who God for « blessin knees 4 more hikely about _ ns into his Up parasite! it, if be btisiness to get were daily work and love going ting heart deid mto Rev. C. W. Boston, at 25 for the Casson, Mass, Address, Beacon street, literature. has also been repaired and looks good as new. Douglas Pound, with Kingston, trends spent wm Lown I street, i= spenghng Perth Mra. Elbert spent the week NY has tordny i Walker, Svdenham a short time in Cole, King street, with friends in Watertown, old Johnston, King street, to Cobalt to locate for the Prof of Ottawa, was town a short time during the looking after necessary repairs to island property in this vicipity. el Hur gone summer Fournier, wn woek has » Wolfe Island Council. d.~Memiers nH present. Steam boat accounts passed: James (raw ford, captain, $85. James Davis, mate $10; R. Mullin, engincer, $66.66 ¥ Walker, fireman), $41.33; BK. Kil, deck- hand, 32; Johf Crawiord, deck hand, $20; CG. Keegan, purser, $23; Mrs Haggarty, cook, 8%; G, Keegen, 715 meals, $56.16; Queen City' Ul com. pany, $19.42; James Swilt & Co. $138.04; James McDopald, carpenter ing, $1; MeKelvey - & Birch, $23.35; Mrs. Kawley, washing, $7.05, G. Kee: gan, account, $17.32; account, $2.74; John Davis, May Township accounts passed : 8, Newtown; $15; D. Staley, venowal of the Mrs. McCaul, charity 10 Norcie, 86; W. F. Allinson; toss and bridges, $19.42, The revve was authorized to close. a contract! with Mr. Folger for carrying the mails for Wolfe and Garden Islands through the season of navigation for | 825° (hanges in pathmesters: James | Daily instead of Alexander Grant, J. | Fargo instead of Joseph Saunders, D. Cattanach, instead of William Bulls, (FPrien instead «f Jolm Miles Resolved that the steamer Wolle Is lander make trips from now to June Ist, leaving Wol's Pdand eviry day, exeept Thursday and Sunday, at % and 9.15 sam, 1 and 3 p.m. Leaving i Kingston, at ig . and 11.30 | 2m , 2 and 4.30 pm; on Tnarsday, Jeave Walle Bland 0.30 am, and 1.30 | pan. ¢ leave Ban ston, 5.30 and § pon. W. L. Allinson, | special} trip to Kingston inspeclor, §3. i MM. | Tables, sel | | Reid { by exploiting the universe through the | on profitably employed, | put-! Emergent Meeting. THE BRE; FTHERN OF THE ANUD St. John's & A 2. e hereby om one 1 oueTgent ¢ to be Jc M shar fiineral ander. i Br to atiend. order Master BURNS of {he i. Worshipful EANTON ~ Auction Furniture 203 Wellington wtre Tuesday, May 12th, 10 a.m. irrar eel, Brussells Easel, Oak | Tables, Steel and Lace Curtain nk Screen, Rattan and other | Walnut Sideboard and Walnut Martie Top Spriogs; Mattresses, crockery, Glass and 'Tiwware ALLEN, 'TRé Auctin Telephones #52, Sydenham Cuzpat 5 et tish Cire A Auction sale Piano, Furniture, &c. TUESDAY, MAY 12th At the residence of Mrs. Cora Gallag ber. 32 Wellington Nt, Upright Wik fas' Plano, Parlor, Diging end Bed mom Furniture, Tron Beds Chairs Hookers, Rugs, 5 Students Curtains, Poles, Springs, Mat Bedding, Pillows. Cutiery, Ware, Pandora Kitchen Utensils, ote only a lew months.) Piano, at 12 Tables, freamen, nd Crockery ater Frost, hove in Use Sale at 10.30 am WM. MURRAY, Glass Ravge, Lie Auct ionéer ih notified 1a Moved Key-Faweett, that the ya master, 1). Cattanach, be f have a house obstructing « Vietoria street removed. Yeas--Jumes MeAliis ter, William VFawcetd, George Keys and John Spoor. Nay--{s Crimshaw Resolved, that a by-law he passed an nullipe public sl seetiom 7, snd adding all that porticn of school 8 ¢ tion 7 lying west of the line betwen the 12th and 13th concession to See tion 15, and all thet partion lying sast to 14 The! enllsctor netificd 1s ; en Sundal Jenve Wolie "Is am and pean leave Kingston vah am, 11} fond - 3 5 3.20 p.m, have all taves paid in bv May Sk or the counril will proceed adninet his hondumen, ~ Adjourned till May 27th, t