Daily British Whig (1850), 11 May 1908, p. 5

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SEE Ky THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, MAY 11, 1908. PAGE FIVE. EE ---------------- - es ------ , AN IMPUDENT THREAT | / | CITIZENS--NOT PARTIZANS. 0 ON STR R | A BlG (RIM - Whitony De ican Waa FIRE : IKE ; Made By Premier of Ontario--| OPUS NeevveresuwUIRENIWIvE sss OTE Kaan spa Toh, SERIOUS TROUBLE RESULT. |Lonten Arroing of It | ] ) ' ont Break Your Back "We should be sorry. to believe that There wax an impudent' threat in| LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY | Prentier Whitnes in his reference to ED AT OWEN SOUND. My Whitney's reference to the gerry- | . - {®sain mempwrs-of the provincial uni SE ------ mander in his Hamilton speech. It} . 'eo : SI'SG A BROOM when a Carpet Sweeper will do the work with a fraction of the exertion, 9 Two Slain by Assassin S| ersity board and the Niagara park Special Constable May Die-- | Was in cynical contrast with "his plea | and do it better, too. If you will figure out the FOR RE ELECTION t Through Window. | commission, meant to say what the Strikers Threw Coal--They Re- foes Iquare deal from the electors Sho wasted. that the gover ument | life 'time of a sweeper, against that of a broom, you will find a gain in every point for the Sweeper. hare-reported . 'words appear to make . . {him say hie remarks especially fuse to Accept the C. P. R.'s | «rl reasonably have changed the! | direc ted toward several .of his ap Offer. constituencies so that there would be | i ' 1 {pointees who, though of liberal faith, Owen Sound, May 11.--The strike of | less than five members on the oppo-| We Sell the BISSELL SWEEPER, and show them from $2 50 to $7. > " ] 4 L { had consented to act on 'the univer the C.P.K. freight handlers assumed | Sition side of the house | {sity board and the park commission ious proportions shortly - after The gimirntient, he declared. has | Seri) S of the * n | House-cleaning time is a good time to try one. » {without fee or emolument. It is draw- seven o'clock, this morning. The CU. roctilied o& few niquities" of Very Truly Yours 8 z CeO . Ss Com eil | have the significance and » : y 3 3 St. Lawrence county wa mmittedd | ha 3 ¥ and meaning the constables returned within - the To The Electors of Kingston and Black Lake--William Dunning. lin the servine to ht as citizens and to work to yuit and the other strik- hi he 1 i . | as 5 re ve i p sis , Fudge P . a Young Farmer, Held in Con- | Hot as Partizan { he they 80 serve | ors were standing in bunches on the T Thi by he a ol a tyrant | they are entitled to thanks, if poth- wharf, Suddenly the special con- | 10 rob liberals of all a dozen seats i " is only petty laresny: the government vo Les Aience: BOC . a 3 oh: stables fired upon them. A rush was . : a . ri . nd nt at 9 4 Ne rT Gouverneur, N.Y., May 11.-One of ® prefer to believe that Mr. Whip : } for t on vile and the strik- | contemplating giand larceny, | ' epresentative ir PHS ade he © J » 8 - : : " L muiders in the history of [ney did not 'intend his remarks to | ™2 : I . If the parties hawl been ng ie Portsmouth : ! GENTLEMEN--T. respectfully solic nection With Crime. {ing rather 5 long how to say that PR. had about sixty special ton the Mowat redistribution, but after] ' PR. ; ¢ | legislature, the foulest ers used the coal so effectively that | | L Le in the legisiature wecording to the 00000000000000000000000000000000000000 ee that some people have attached to popular vote, the stawding would have - s {such men are "hirelings" and certain the census of 1910 there would he al E & ju N stables whom they brought from '10 : 5 i JEALOUSY OVER WIFE LED TO iy it is scarceiy to be expected that ronto, with Provincial Detective Rog: | Mote diastic sensure Fou would) about nine o'clock, Saturd evening Re JAMES H, METCALFE fl ht ire m8 ny red boats, but not antil five of them were : . Kingston, May 2nd, 1908, near Rossie, when William D | them He has no need to indulge in seriously * injured and. one of {hem hee n Con ervatives, oi; liberals, #4 | I'be conservatives had 69 members and | : THE DEED | because they hold such kind of office ers. 'The strikers, licaring that an at- hiuk Shes Peple eyht to be very Provincial Election re Bombrrment Vhey mecencarty | Cr wan bette made ts begin, ho. | Arla] when Lalking of teas hinge. i believe or must believe in'the govern 4 . a" ie said. "We did net po into it as 5 . r { ho | to the wharves quite peaceably { C ® |Most Cold-Blooded Affair, Oc jment. As a matter of fact many men cial of the sti od jpa'e peas ted | thoroughly as vie ought 'to have but § curred on Small Island . Inlare willing to sérve their country and, t wersuade the men who were going when the time edmes we will go into] oi ir | the whole matte. in a fit of rage, shot and instantly! invective, He is in a very strong . . thers -------- eer | killed his father-in] Jere Apple, | position in every branch of the gov. | may die. Among the strikers, two of he: liberals 29. Swiely the move 5 -- - S-- " - " ke 1} ather-in-law, "re pple, i} n in : ¥ g them had narrow escapes from being the thera -t. wiely ie govern i or-in-lg Klmer ( jernment ard .in the hearts of is : : » re oe i and his brother-in-law, Elmer row i n A wr ra ' ica . o hi hurt, the bullet going through their | ™ nt had no Snsal 10 complain of a der 1 tountrymen. © has done o well clothing. One was shot through the distribution o consttuencies whie h | The scene of the murder was about | and fo admirably; he has carried out foot, another in the shoulder and an- permitted it ta gain such an advan- | : three miles {rom Rossic, on a litth | vo superbly the great trust reposed in other in the calf of the lege tage. The claim that changes were! i at y he dard tors | by . " 3 - . : : g i ACOSKR LV mstice . serva- 1 co., LTD., TORONTO. island surrounded by the duck water f him oy the peog | of Ontario that After the shooting, Mayor Kennedy | Necessary in justice to the con erva ! of Black 'lake, and a more desolate] he surely could not have meant to sad the riot pot 1 both tie tive party is belied by the facts and | a roti bia . inloe } i personal. "d . rea 1 act and bo parties | © The Wi FA rec | pot would be hard to find | indulge in petty or persona drives. were invited to his office for a dis | figures. he itney gerrymander was | ------ -- il $0000es000anestnncacee Denning is about twenty-nine vears | The temptation, to be sure, may have : Mr. WE Pi a gross abuse of power, a violation | = - 3 M A ) > oha ; ussion. Mr. MeMarchy, solicitoY, and ? . % of age, pnd during his life has led afbeen great, but a man in Mr. Whit. Sex orintendent Nelson represented oi of the code of honor in politieal war- | We have many new For rather checkered career. About seven |ney's position is above that. If ithe pr Mn SR a fare. If it succeeds the liberals mav| 3 X | he P.R. Mayor Kennedy represented 'les years ago he was arrested for bur-| were otherwise there would be little the tow and a omit t oe look for even worse treatment. Whit | and natty sty les in Pat. 5 e e ra € Slarisiog tie gonuea) sure of wow { hope ot. oiling up in he country | onresented the strikers. The meeting | Ney has promised it. i Colt Skin, Viei Kid, omen sonard, o OSS, anc or this erune | non-partisan yodies Ww departments resulted in a disa rreement. The C.P | - ' . he was convieted and sontenerd to| that clearly should be non-partisan. | gB cuevested that She men to to work THE bd | Chocolate, Tan and Gun $3 50 fn) I (4 a e Dasnemora for three years | Men will not go lightly into such of and leave the matter to be settled by PITH OF NEWS, | Metal Calf , /, TN About three vears ago he mar ied | ficos if they are fegriul that their m6- the government arbitrator. or to ac { PAIN Sil L =k Bessie Apple and their married life, it] tives in accepting will: be misander | want fiftes he : The Very Latest Culled From Al A : A cept fifteen cents an hour by day and 1d | e 14 said, has been a very unhappy one. [stood or misinterpreted, or if the mere sixteen vents by night for the wn 40k Over The World. | Dunning is addicted to the use of | acceptance precludes them from hold- The men, however, refused and are Chatham sent a fire engine and men | strong drink and when in his cups |ing any poittical faith but that of holding out for last season's figures, | 10 Merlin to help stay a Shastnous| i | See our window for different styles. possesses a very ugly disposition On | the government which appoints them. | 74 the credit of the outsiders brought fire raging there. aia rete 0 THER BRAN bs a number of occasions, owing to his] te ee in by the C.P.R., they have stuck to Henry terry, an alleged fake detec tive, who ia said to come from Owen | -------- brutal treatment his wife has loft him | the Owen Sound contin : ) F ' ¢ . ent, thoug a India Pale Ale and found shelter in hee cather w WORD OF LOMMENDATION. the majority are destitute rd bough Sound, was arrested, in Toronto, as ID A po home, and it was one of these visits cared for by the town. The a vagrant. 9 i . 3 sympa- * fu company | Gouin Deserves Well--Independent thies of - the "citizens are with the The writs for the provincial elec- | that led to the tragedy. XXX Porter with. her brother, William, Dunning Word of Praise : . ; } 1 | - » ! ' ny . strikers They hold it is preposterous | tons ' have been issued, and, after { rv N mm TIC" r, visited Rossie, Saturday, after i Which | Montreal Witness 10 ask mente wok Lo. Prepos ous eleven o'closi today, all ce adid ar] 111 PRINCESS 8 I. KINGS TON Ra 1 ' + "we i y, g 3 Invalid Stout he left for Brasic Corners | ivy head Lines, 8 RoPpeare bt "* | per hour, more particularly when the | came under the election law { Baturday évening he returned to his) that Mr. Gouin has deserved we ON IOPR is charging as high rates for The steamyacht Mohawk (Queen, | jm - . er " v " miss. home and found his wife missing. His the electors and should be given their freight as théy did last year. the property of the late Dr. Acland - { . brother told him that she had left | confidence.. The last general elections -- Oronhyatekha, was sold on Wednesday | Sa = nN . Rigney & Hickey him. for good, and was now af her] tookiplace on November 25th, 190] hy auction, to Hobert Weddell, "Tren-) Eee 000000 OO0OOR00000000 SRLOEECROEeEE ' The Dunning farm is] When Mr. Parent appealed to the peo REVOLT IN THE CONGO. ton, for $id. i father's home : 4 : 136 and 138 Princess St. along the shore of the luke. Quickly [Ple so successfully. He was forced, : | . Kingston. taking a boat Be rowed to the home| however, to resign on March 20th, fol. | Natives Attacked Whites and SWEPT BY TORNADOES. as oves . | i (®) of his father-in-law. On arriving there [lowed by Mr. Gouin and those in the Burned Factories he found the door locked and the cabinet who supported the latter. breaking in of the door was but the| Subsequent events have shown that { Mr. Parent's room as a prime minis- l A ifi [ l work of a moment i i istri 3 ¢ ¢ it. ae g : ; : out in the Ahir district of the Cong e ingston rl ca Gaining admittance he found his | ter was better than his company, and Independent. state. The natives oy Woodward, Okla., May 11.--A suc- g 66 = Brussels, May 11.--It is reported Towns Swept Away and Persons that a widespread revolt has broken Injured | | | When buying a Gas Stove, buy the best cession of tornadoes swept over the " { : with 'the ' ' S wife together with Crowder and Mrs thus, Swweial os bier Je Brotesdis . | fused to collect rubber, attacked the : : $ } : tone an onstruc- Crowder seated nt a table playing r ie x aT hy X1anis » al whites and byrned several factories, | district lying twenty-five miles south- | ) : io he dd 1 utting . r ' . t ¥ . Re as i cards. Durning then said to his] n ¥ ng hm out or © | It is reported that the casualties were | WS, south and southeast of Wood ward, last night. Several small iso-| a me again." | Tb Mr. Gouin has deserved well of [ C cr o t 0 . wife," "You have leit i 4 : + heavy. | on 0. "Yeu," she . said, "and for goed the ie in many ays sap alls lated towns, all away from the rail-| Manufacturers of all kinds of Artificial He then pleaded with her to retire | the educational reform to which he road and without telegraphic com. | Stone, including Building Blocks of | She i o » v N vee diffrent designs and colors | 1 mtels She again refused. He then requested Sills, Steps, Columns, Balusters, LAWN | her to accompany him to the door on : . at fs : 4 . VASES, Garden Edging, ete. hut her father would not allow hor | terially to assist, What fault, the n. | Locked Up His Children and Fired al are reported to have been killed. H E od o {bad to he Sertial with his Sclmiuisuta- the House. . { ouses rect ¢ : ) i tion, the odium attached to two 2 oF 3 lio Jay GdoBi this within twenty-four | colleagues, and the 'no head" way in Jon tgomery Ala, May 11. iw A Fatalist, but Cautious, - y AL tho actual cost price pris a pep TOUTS: jwhich. it was charged that their de | Sevnody, a eigen gra, = A story is related of a minister of the | oe . } | is acknowledged the best (las Stove manu- ond shod mo uch importance, |; ; MAN'S TERRIBLE CRIME. | onl td, Tol SlEraghis, com factured. They comprise all the latest [ay ce Promises evel Mate mi Many persons 'were injured and rover improvements. Simple in operation, made . = ' ' of the best steel, handsome in design, dur- | able, and having the best burners made, ® do so. He said, "You will 'be contigs © NO CHARGE FOR PLAN Dunning then left the house, went! Lo rtments were mismanaged. What: Montgomery, ., ocked - up seven p they are economical in the burning of gas. Free plans to andes buying blocks fos farousd to o window, picked up _ a'gver truth, or mere malice, there may | Children. in hig house and then set the | foreordination school of belief on = any." hullding, ~ shot-gtin, which he evidently had car- have been in the charges brought house on fire. Five of the seven were | Mississippl steamer in the good old aps. itd with him, fired one shot, the | aninst Messrs Turgeon and Prov burned to death. fashioned days of river racing, when Artificial Stone Walks charge entered the jaw of Jere Ap- | the mud thrown at them left Soh x 2 negro sat om the safety valve and the | i furniture and woodwork of the boat | Examine Them Before Purchasing. Copstructed under expert supervision ple, who was seated in a chair) mark upon their names, and bhespat Bodies Carried To Sea ELLIO I 1 BROS. " PRINCESS § . A oxy in 5 . smoking with his hands over his tered more or less their colleagues Newburyport, Mass.,, May : 11. fed the fire. The captain, seeing a | ' ST. 4 -- oa Shen soa san bo tend. Jr, Apple fell in that position] But one of the ministers implicated Caught by a big wave as it was cross. | Fival boat half a mile ahead, ordered | EOOROOERREMAIRORLEEE SEOOIEOUETIEEEACEOEE wy ith his hands gver his head. {has resigned, and it is said that the ing the "bar, near Plum island, a| ta% Dploe knots, naval, stores, bacon, 18 Market St., Kingston. At ths sound of the shot the fam-!other will retire after the forthcoming naphtha launth, was capeized, vestor-| ete., to be thrown in toikindle the fire | ===---------- -- ily at the talle playing cards rusked elections, and their departments are day, and five of nine Italians in it | as hot as possible. As|the steam got | under cover 4f a stairway and just asisaid to be now well managed Mr. | were drowned. 'Lhe bodies were car- |-higher and bigher and the old boat | Orbwder: hud taken a few steps. an.|{Gouin will "appeal "to the provinein | ried out to sea. trembled and groaned under the pres- other shot was fired and Crowder fell | electorate for the first time, and he a -- sure the preacher drew nearer and The Old Cab Stand' | ies. teins hocin tence. Tu sons can do so with cortin piers be nearer to the stern. Noticing this and five minutes Dunning appeared at the! can show a financial surplus, which is Wheat Via Kingston. never losing an op to crack a i : door. and ssaid be had just seen. twoln new thing im our histor Duluth, - Minn., May 11.--Much of | portly | M 1 B i With a New Number eh leave the honse, and: these. nn) = the wheat to be shipped by lake this Juke. the bluff captain Sppad Sie fa- | ap e u S, had fired the shots. ' : year will go to Montreal, "via. Ring oo dgsald: . PHONE 600. in the house was an old footless! HE SHOT HIS FATHER. ston, for export. Abodt two million 1 Hella Brother Blmiet haty go I ------------------" veteran, named Ben Harde r. He told; Fifteen-Year-Old Boy Inflicted = bushels of . wheat. and one million os Joa w ousht Jou as 2 ream ars Orders promptly attend- | Pwmning "You are 4 iar, 1 saw Fatal Wound bushels of flax will go forward, all of em ows prion 2 0 | did "1 yon fire the shots and you will hang) : . it for export, appen will happen nohow. - 3 i : ) i. 11 Niagara Falls, N.Y., May 11.-No "So I do" lied the el i :s ed to, day or night. for it." Dunning denied thot he die X., ' o "rep! ergyman, buay g nat this po Harder jomped up| M20 White, a lad of fifteen years, had drawing himself up. "So I do, but I an 1 OCO a e een his mother abused by his drunk NEW YORK STOCKS. want to be as near the stern as possible | him and threw 'him to the floor ---------- nn an : | en father ever since he could remember EE » | em It You Intend Selling Out, Bh 0 emg they | Saturday he spent his suvings for | Prices Furnished By W. Hector =. | "00 It Stes happen> & | are superb confections. Nothing to equal th ~CALL ON= eli. unable to respond Dung] ™ volver. When the elder White re Hume, Clarence Chambers. What a Good Play Must Have. i s 3 . turned home and began abusing rate] ssoapo and went over to the na u May 1ith "A play should have continuous TOMMY O'CONNOR | wade his esenp wife, Norman tahl hic father he would] Stocks. Opening. Close pA "" THE COWAN CO., Limited, TORONTO " farm of Justice Young He aid ta] tion all the way through. When I al- ALL SALES CAREFULLY CONDUCT. | Crowder gre both dead and the family div. 1} per cent. ......; 509 says Daniel Frohman in Harpers | { his wile, Am. Smite. & Refin. Co 731 Anaconda © Identified By ld Ring on Surdzy meening about ei ht o'clock | the bov was arrested a few hours lat Brooklyn Rapid T. . 504 | talking pleasantly t ber, and Stil Guinness is Head. Hoiw her body | WV ikiam Turdball whom he deputized, | arrest. Ches. & Ohjo in whith wis found with those of ber startcd for the Punning farm. They | Mrs. White told the police she had c : Mil & pio Pa ol nds aq, | from one climax to another. The ideal children in the ruins of the house, fous Dunning at work In his tern. | intended to shoot White the next time Colirade: Southorr an oii | play will have the fewest characters, from our well assorted stocks. whore she murdersd probably a store | 2 boy plats lum under arrest und he! be attacked her if her son had not Coie. Gas. N.Y... 328 . but it will hold the attention so that Brass and Iron Bedsteads of min sud women, We have known | agin distlaimed all knowld.ie of the| done so. Col. Fuel & Iron ... : q you won't know whether there are six Springs and Mattresses to fit this for days. On one of the fingers of crime, N : Delaware & Hudson Se . or sixty, and two persons upon the prings and I A ar i PRIZE FOR SHOOTING 397 4; | stage will hold the audience entranced, y Also Dressers and Stands in the hotly was 'a gold ring which was When Dunning was arrcsted he asked! Distillers secs. ..... . 3a: 3 identified ax one Mr. Guinness wope. to ase his wife, avd make a confession! Erie Railroad .. : : 201 | 88 In the Greek drama. Like the Greek . x or great variety at Hew keys day in the cinders beside thed vo her. He wits not permitt:d to seo To Be Offered By Canadian Gov- | G. North Ry., prei@..... 1301 .: characters, too, they will appear as | > re badly, We gro sure the is dead." This Mek, When Dunning wus interviewod he | arnment. Kansas & Texas, com..." 25] 2 puppets upon a dark background of oJ . R id' The Leading Undertaker, is the declaration of Sheil Smutzer,. stabil that he knew nothing of the! Ottawa May 11.--Militia orders] Kansas & Texas, pref... 6 507 | necessity, victims of the circumstances ames el S, Phone 147 for Repairing. made today. crinte, bat Baw two men rowing away | state that with a View to the greater| Louisville & Nashville ... which they bave helplessly brought . Auctionee I Commission Mart. kill h if he did not le < mothe 59 1 . 26 i § Bre ok St Young, ""Ihore has been a murder | 411 | tm if he did not let his mother Amulgamatinl Copper 62} 61 | jude to action I don't necessarily mean sms------ wa and 88 1QC te over at Apple's and the old man and "Shoot 6H Vou dare," the man an Jao. on, ex. 50: | Physical 'movement and pistol play," hallenpee x a va tened .R . 4 2 { ED, PROMPT SETTLEMENTS uvcuses me of the crime, but | am not | challenged, a: he Threatened te trik Am. Sugar Refin. Co. ... 1251 Weekly. "A successful play mmst con- ' MADE. guilty." | The lad emptied the five *hambers of : : a An on | wl " ---- -- y : © lad emptied the e ms of | Amy. Car Foundry aga tain continuous struggle and battle BELLE GUINNESS DEAD Sonngs anid. du. him M You did hot the revolver Four went wide and the | go 8 5 et 385 301 the struggle of love with duty, to name | HOUSE CLEANING MADE EASY . do it yon had hotter go imme and Koi last penetrated the man's right hung Atches. Top. & St. Fe i the most frequent example. The char- to Fed." He said be would { He will not live many hours. When | pt & thie &... ..... Sf ¢ acters may be sitting in their chairs, | : By Using Our Furniture Restorer Fi . wortl of the (rime was brought toler he had his revolver reloaded, but Leather ; " } . > - i . x J 4 Ld . . 1 rpose. ction » : Laporte, Ind; N "Mrs. Belly} Rossie and Cosstuble brank Lee, with| gave it up readily and did not resist Cadi Pacific a 354 594 Sulit a yun: by 1a the adion it Y ons labot ems mn Yam ii you do not add something fram. the Apple pl 8, thut he had "0 | encouragement of rifle shooting among Missouri Rakilie io {| into existence." 4 - To Get Into Detroit. ill-will, against his ie: of any other umbers of civilian rifle associations National Lead ...... ...... $ "3 yr s x ! Deteidis, Hay H--It is considered; member of the Apple family, and that |; has been decided by the military N. XY; Centra] a = a 33 The Nebility. i oronto Street Mar. et. ; Latimer. Zocals \ on what 35 reiatle authority, that he wes entirely inng®ent, Two empty! une to offer an individual prize: to] N- ¥. Untaricy phe st. 4 Toronto, May 1. Whent, white, | Latimer. May 9i-Gonti i 1 rinks the Duluth, South Shore and Xthgntiof Siclls wore also found. Thess shells) po known ns "The Dominion of Can ther Rr eo am ; bush, Yo tc. whet, red, bush., rout] retrded farmers . "their railway im hegotiting with the De. Wire of twelvé puage, the same calit rel nda Salver,"" to gazetted and effective Pena. Ga ges : Ye Hr ne, wheat, spring, bush., $e. | greal y work. Rev.t Mr. F So Perth or cds; Mackinaw railway, from {asthe doublebarre td gun fourd Gliivilian rifle assosiations. for competi Banilles| HAE rms, Loves Toot nu ene uct, Luck, Ee. to! Feig, ost Kox/ Nr. Yokes, pit C1 y g $ possession. 3 i AsOR The | Beading ..... ' ' b.; oats, bush. 57; ¥, vs Pd y SunGay, ron ot Chosen 28 The a fing's father and mother are an ore a boat Hie Rock Island... ... 4 bw supreme. It was an of She. peas, bush., 90c.; hay, timothy. | 10th. Mies Hughson, Opinicon, is DSB & Ais controlled. by 'the | dead: He has one brother. Dubning | ornamented salver, ten inches in. dia- Rock land, pret. ... ... 33 ; | muscle and brawn. By and by ron 817 to $18; hay, mixed, won, $16} Neri aslo ne, odio 2 Oa fan. Vacifie and the latter mie | a small farm but he had paid meter, and will besr the coat of arms Sout : 7 ra Si : 51 | lectual cu: was added to the bru! paw, per ton, $4 10 $18; Hresms) Ir on 2 i il . ah le mare" 1 i ha ll ai, nit. Me Bin Corn | Some Pl 3 -- part, | 06390 to 8 eggs, pew laid, lou ly spent lew age of lnc wes in 2 Pes & A isa ddr for the principal veoation Leng that of Bion, that oJ rcactived iy the bh in a : § 1 19 2 inet, al ad Dont attindod. the tage al of i end Northern hills. hich Se ills shooting The mein, U. 8. Steel. pref. a chickens, year old, pound, Tie. to Soc. | William Hanley, Kidenu strwet, King- "od by. shot x limes with ech other the u Eh mmera a a ay association and date'of win will ako] U. §. Rubber, com. BF ou ; fowl, per Ib., 12¢: to I4c.; appks, per| ton, on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. CoRR would Rave a direct cchaees} Fe then; Mrs trowder, Mrs |be engraved. The government prize Rion Pat. Sp. vn } . barrel, $1.50 to 12.50, cabbage, per Thumas, Disang | thurs, recently vie io fete 53.57 KT nmi Ash asd oct du ov ava So compe | Wobmah oC, s Se HE he 3p es monn, pf bmg ¥ id Detroit. ; sr Faw avd o ! : 44 Ry hh. - 4 - Ao, ators, , $1) ang ---- : VAS, J a ~ West Union Tel. 51} to $1.10; heel, hindquarters, $0 10 $11, | % i ; pr * or yo ranges fised shall be highest. (Sn-- hee, forequarters, $6' to 7.90. ted, The strike vote take the th ona Ihe Da Pissmitaed. = a nd 4 Suviet bv Po -------- choice, carcase, 85.50 to $10. beef, me | and west. side strest car\asen in Chin . ii § ay. 4 a sapreme couri | Widow, He -- lee 5 hy The late Catharine Aun Merrick, Ux. Ma; . q diam, carcase, $6.30 to $7.50; mutton, |cagn, resulted in practieaily wmani- : - ax, Pak the cise of Resr ve | were bute rik gt on C4 bridge, left an estate. to be divided iheat. : Opening. Close. per owt, 89 to $11; veal, prime. per mous vole is favor of a walkout, The petal 1 Fy vO Lpare love Lake, and surrounding waters. equalle among ber children. bat § ; " ewt., $9 to $11; lamb, per ewt., $14! matter now gow to a meeting of the : cheque HL22T. a ¥ . -- another clause said she loft nothing to Re = ' to $15 / union for; further action. The a hanch of the! Bank of ~~ Resumed Business " her daughter Catherine. as the latter rn: : tion of clued 'or. open shop is the New York, May 11---The firm of 'was already provided for. Catherine] July co oii oe i. B43 v point around which the entire diffie Meyer & Co. Wall street, Bankers au i to rank, ir- 1 Bapt. (ovine nie win 629 - : Extradition proceedings against culty revolves, brokers, which suspended in October, | ype of Poli Sebi % Nelson Cannon, of Columbus, Ohio, ! Small' fire at GTR station af buviness to-day. {the tention. July van aires niven 300 are being beard in Hamilton. Part Dalhousie, to-day, +

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