THE DAILY BRITISH waa, TUESDAY, MAY 1908. PIECES Yor the parlor, give a tove and exhibit a tagte out of the com- mon. Our. sew varies ties, in style, shape and uphoistering are umequalled. Our prices dre not up to the aguality of the goods, they are lower than usual. We age offering 12 only, ne as shows, for [one week only, at 50 eash, IN A VARIETY OF COVERINGS # PARLOR SUITES, $17, Farigty not shaw elpeWhere, 220 up. A Curtains In immense variety,' imported direct from Fingland, Germany,' Switzerland. Some | beautiful styles, ot/H $1 75, $2.50 $2.50 and $3. Curtain Stretchers the best make $1.50 and $2, others for $1.25 nues nowest winters, the Axx AND patterns Wiltons, CARPETS, in all and color tones, Brussels, ete. Repair aad Upholstering work prompt- 1y done, Yours, Ti F. Harrison Co., PHONE 90. « coss and Wellington streets, New Granite Works Largest Selection Latest Designs Well Selected Stock ©o choose from. KA oall of inspection invited. F. A. KILPATRICK, 149 Sydenham St. Near Princess doses ~ Attention | No Dry Good Store "can show the stock of House Furnishings You can see here. We buy in greater quantities. We buy cheaper. We sell cheaper. R. McFAUL'S Kingston Carpet Warehouse, | | 82x32 with storehouse in (CITY COUNCIL MEETING THE CAB STAND QUESTION Clergy. State of Ohis, City WAS DISCUSSED. Special Tree Cutting Committee | Reported--Additional Walks to Be Built--Other Business Be- fore the Council. At the city council meeting last evening were Mayor Ross and Alder- men Angrove, Carson, Chown, Couper, Kiliott, Givens, Graham, Harty, Kent, McCapn, McCartney, Nickle, Robert son, Toye. These communications were Folorted to committees : I. Zacks hud others for a ctossing in the centre of the block on Princess street, between Sydenham and Clergy streets, J. B. Cook, asking $130 damages on account of gevident to horse and cut ter on Princess street, William Cullen, chief engineer of water works, asking for two months' leave of phsence, J.. M. Campbell, regarding gas tank. Dr. II. RB. Dufi, asking reduction of Kingston General Hospital water rate. W, J. Moore & Son, asking removal of telegraph pole in front of their place of business on Weuington street, Hon. Wiliam Harty, enclosing letter from ¥. Geunas, secretary of depart- ment of public works, stating that the government dry dock light question has been referred to the department's chief engineer for report. Thomas Thurlby and others, asking for tile sewer on Ellerbeck 'street. W. E. Wood and others, for tile sew- er 'on Colborne street. Alired E. Buck and others, Union street, asking for permission to build new porticos in same place as the old ones, which are a few inches on the street line. James Uraig, for permission to place a push waggon at the corner of Prin. for safe of giving information newspapers, ete, Finance And Board Of Works. The finance committee contained these recommendations : On the communication of Macdonnell & Farrell, for Thomas Keats, re local improvement sewer tax, that on the report of the city solicitor and city engineer the request be not granted, On the communication of J. CU. Swain, asking for a refund of taxes for local improvement sewer tax, 'that the request he not granted, On the communication of Joseph Smith, sr., asking for a refund of statute labor tax, that he be refunded the sum of $1. The Board of Works' recommenda- tion that these concrete walks be laid was adopted : Brock street, west side, Montreal to 'Earl to Bagot street, west side; Wiltiam. Albert Princess. Albert street, west side, York street easterly 167 feet, Alice street, west side, Frontenac street westerly 122 feet. Brock street, north side, Montreal street to U orgy street. Ontario street, east street southerly 62 feet. strevt, east side, York to side, Union 3 ------ The Cab 'Stand Question. There was a discussion on the Board of Works' recommendation regarding the cab stand. "The recommendation read thus: "On the petition of licen- sed cabmen to stand on the south side of Clarence street, from Ontario street west to the east limit of the British American hotel building, .and on the petition of FE. GG. Kirkpatrick and others, objecting to the granting of petition of above mentioned eabmen, that by-law No. 13 be amended so as to permit licensed cabmen to stand on the south side of Clarence street, from Ontario street "west to the east limit! of Mrs. Kirkpatrick's building, and on both sides of Clarence street east of | Ontario street." | Alds. Carson and Elliott pointed out | that the cabmen did not petition. . to be permitted to stand below Ontario street. The Hoard of Works' recom- mendation would result in blocking R. H. Toye's bakery entrance, 'They thought that this should not be, and suggested that a change be made in the wording of the report. Ni ] Ald. Toye said he would like to ne.) commogate the eabmen, but peimted out that there were only fifty-five feet be'ween the crossing and the railway track, and that teams were continual- ly coming to his side entrances Fur thermore, he questioned if it would pel in the sanitary interests of his bake ry to allow a cab stand within a few feet of it. This latter point appealed to Ald Nickle and other of the aldermen. W. MeolJuaid, reprosenting the eabmen, ask ed that instead of the privilege of be-| ing allowed to stand on Clarence | street alongside ores bakery, thevy be allowed space Tor three cabs ot ont tario street. After some further discussion it was, decided to allow the cabmen to use! only thé" north gide of Clarence street helow Ontario street, If later on they find they haven't enough space they can petition for more. y PP -- ---- Tree Committee's Report. The special tree committee reported as follows : 'That citizens be request: od to try' the high training of shade trees before requesting to have them cut down, That the laying of a walk on George street does not necessitate the Sutiing down of 'all the shade tress on Lucas County. | runn.ngz west from Raglan Road Fhe removed pw 1t interferes with | be removed; {was higher than at the prese side of the street but if the citizens ask for the cutting down of any tree' on the street owing to injury to Shain property the privilege be granted condition the claim is just, That the trees on York street 'in front of Mrs. Roach's property gre tog] close, and trees pumbers two and three! should | be removed. 'That the tree on water street west, be cut down, feres with the sewer. That the tree ip front of Mr. Wil-| i ton's property on Lower Bagot street the] Ning | inter-| lot, as 1t drain. That the tree in front of William Robinson's property on Bagot street] these trees have been | ruined the electric hight employ-| ees, That the limb on the tree in front of Mr, MeGuire's property be removed as it is perbaps dangerous to travel lers on Queen street. That the request of R. E. Sparks to! have a tree removed on University] avenue be not granted as it does not | interfere with the laying of a walk to] his house. | This report was adopted. Four by-laws were passed, one to use money for walk and sewer con- struction, two to construct walks and sewers, and another to give the city engineer power remove decayed trees. I'he o'clock, by to council adjourned at 0:30 AT THE GRAND. To-Night Will Be a Comic Opera Presentation. Speaking of "The Barier of Seville" at the Grand to-night, the Boston Globe says: "The Dunsmure Opera company gave 'The Barter of Se- ville,' at the Colonial Operas House, last night in a style wellnigh fault less and a large audience was greatly pleased. The pure melody of the opera and the comedy scenes which will ney- er grow .old filled the hall and "more than satisfied everyone, The company is a most favorable one. Mme. Bal- dini as Rosini was in splendid voice. Her tone is big and round, always true and of unusual sympathy. Luca Nola as Bertha was especially good. | She has a fresh voice which it is a pleasure to hear and she has many attractive mannerisms and pretty ges- tures of the latin race. John Duns mure displayed a voice of remarkabla depth and power, and was especially good in the comedy scene." "We Are King." Edmund Carroll to Fe seen in this city at the Grand on Friday, May 15th, starring in "We are King," a comedy in three acts by Lieut, Gor- don Kean, author of "The Magic Me- lody," is one of the few actors who poss ss a delightfully flexible resonant voice, and uses it to the best: advan- tage at all times, which, whin coupl- ed with his easy presence and magmet- ism, causes him to be favored by the audience almost upon his first ap- pearance, 'Charley's Aunt." Etienne Girardot, one of the best light comedians. on the stage to-day, is making an elaborate ra of the famous farce comedy "'Charley's Avnt,"" and will present it at the Grand on Saturday, May 16th, ma- tines and night. "Charley's Aunt" i= beyond doubt the 'greatest farcical comedy presented in the country in twenty years, . MARINE NOTES. Are to Move. Alexandria was at Fol on its down trip. Whitney is loading William for Richard- » Steamer Aletha, from bay Keewatin cleared tor The Vessels Beginning The steamer ger's last night, The steamer wheat at Fort sons'. Swift's : points; schooher Oswego for coal. The steamer America went on dry-dock, to-day, to have her scraped and painted. The elevator of the M. T. Co. was running as usual, the high water not interfering with the work. The steamer Jessie Bain will leave, Tuesday morning, for Georgian Bay, where she will run this summer, The steamer Pierrepont and the steamyacht Ramona loft the dry-dock on Monday evening, after undergoing extensive repairs. The steamer Simla Richardsons' for Montreal. She was relieved of 20,000 bushels of wheat, and the balance will be unloaded at Montreal. Owing to the high water, the eleva- tor at Richardsons' could not be used | Old marine men say that they cannot remember when the water inthe lake time.' the hull cleared from IN SEARCH OF WORK. Quartette in the Police Cells Mon- day Night. "1 just dropped off here to get 4 job." This is what one of the over night lodgers at the police station told the officers this morning. He Ko od from Washington, D.C. but h particular stopping place in view, so thought he would stay over in Ning- ston and look for work. It was late at night when he arrived, and as he had no money it was necessary for him to go to the police station. He is busy to-day looking for his: job. "Three other knights of the road stayed at the police station and they, too, werg lobking for work. Ald. Henderson Chairman. * 'According to the Teulution passed city i Some Fine Cymnasium Work | night, make, Drug Stove. CONCERT AT THE GAD 'UNDER THE AUSPICES OF! THE Y.W.C. A. ---- Put on By Members--A Pro- gramme of Music Given. attendance the annual gymnasium concert of the YW.UC AK held last at the Grand Opera House, proved a great sucdess. An exhibition of various drills and exercises was | given by members of the association, and there was also a musical gramme. In the absence of Mayor Ross, was unable to attend, Dr. Bogart oc- cupied the chair, and delivered a short address, in' opening the proceedings. He spoke of the good work being. car- ried on by the Y.W.C.A., and asked that the association be given all the assistance possible. It was a work that was deserving of every sympathy and encouragement, The association had recently undertaken a rather heavy burden, in the purchase of valu- able property, and he would ask for continued support on the part of the people of Kingston. Dr. Bogart also referred to the noble work being car- vied on in the gymnasium for physi- cal culture. The members made a fine showing in the drills and exercises, reflecting great credit upon the physical diree- tor, Miss Hamilton, * The manoeuvres of the Brownies were very amusing The free standing exercises, the jump- ing jacks, dumbbell drill, garland fantastics, wand drill, tamborine drill and club drill were exceedingly well put on. The old Swedish folk dances was another pleasing number. The drills and exercises showed care- ful training, and this speaks well for the work that is being carried on in the association's gymnasium... , The other part of the proghgmume in cluded piano solos by Miss Louise Singleton, solos by Miss Baj\s and Miss B. Tandv, and readings by Miss M. Dutton. Miss Singleton was the accompunist. INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. awd a fine With a goad progranune, Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters On Their Rounds. Thé debt was a dollar a head when Ross quit. Now it is three dollars a head. Beef, "Our Own" Wade's and Wine, bottles, B0e., at Iron pint The fine weather on Monday evening crowded the streets in the business part of the city. "May 13th," the opening soda water and delicious ice Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store foun- tain, One of the cléyertst essays that the Smart Set has ever printed appears in the June number. It hy Arthw Stanley Wheeler, and curiously called "The Ostrich." A man's wife should always be the same, especially $0 her husband, but if she is weak amd nervous, and uses Carter's Iron Pills, she cannot be, for they make her "foeT Tikeiferent person," so they all say, and their husbands say so too! Rithey NM. Chase, a well-known ma rine artist, has the knack of deserib ing character with felicity, and in the June Scribner he coast fishing village with the old fish- ermen, and a humorous account . of their life, "Each lady 10¢. soda water or Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store foun tain, on May 13th, will receive a dainty box of MeConkey's delicious chocolate creams as a souvenir of opening day The greatness of Brazil i< shown hy Arthur Ruhl in the last of his South American articles in the Jane Seriby ner. No better articles that Rubl's have appeared to' enlighten those who would know about South America Piles are easily and quickly checked with Dr. Shoop's Magic Ointment. To prove it I will wail a small trial box as a convincing Simply address Dr. Shoop, Wis. 1 surely would not send it free unless 1 was certain that Dr. Shoop's Magic "Oint- ment would stand the test. Remember it is made expressly and alone for swollen ainful, bleeding or - itching piles, either external internal Large jar, 30¢. Bold by all dealers. for cream at day is is customer" who buvs a ice cream soda at | more or Forrest Larkin. marriage took place, chapel, Tuesday o'clock Miss Mary Ellen I. Forrest, both Father Hanley of The St Jamey' at six Larkin and William of this city Rev. ficiated at the ceremony. The wedding was of a quiet nature, owing to the recent death 'of the groom's mother. The bride was attended by Miss Bessio McFadden, while the groom' was sup- ported by his brother, J. P. Forrest Mr. and Mrs. Forrest will reside at 51 Barrack street. at on morning, of By the smile on his face He made bis friends know His new swell Silk Hat ¥ Was from George Mills & Cos Buy A New Silk Hat for the Summer, and Buy a Good One. There's nothing that is | who | will picture a Maine | Mr. | Tu SE -- CITY AND VICINITY. Spring Importations of 1908. Prevost, Brock street, has received { three cases of imported goods for his j ordered clothing departme nt, | ing of Scotch and English tweeds, | sorges, cheviots and vicunas, A i variety of them to choose from. consist grea Cadets For Toronto. gymnastic squad from Military College will leave, Toronto, where they the main features at to be opened there { Wednesday. The soldier boys always make a fine showing: this year they {should maKe a record. the to will the Royal night, {be ome of | tournament for | The | ¥ i pro- | Invited To Return. The congregation of Portsmouth Methodist church held a meeting, at which a unanimous vote was given to extend an invitation to Rev. B. Eyre to return as their pastor for the fourth year. During the past three years his faithfulness and untiring zeal has been praiseworthy and much ap preciated. Thirty-One For Life. There are only thirty-one life men { among the five hundred odd convicts in the penitentiary. The longest time any one of the "lifers" has so far served is twenty-three years. One of the men is a nonegenarian. There are twelve inmates in the woman's ward, several of whom are serving life terms. Former Resident Dead. The many friends of Mrs. McMahon will be sorry to hear of her death, which occurred at her home in St. Clouds, Minn., on Monday morn- ing, The deceased was formerly Miss Isabelle Smith. She is a sister-in-law of Mry. George Lee, and Mrs. William Derry, of this city. The, fugieral will take place at St. Clouds, Minn. George It Cures Piles. A remedy which will cure all kinds of Piles can be depended upon to care many other things. Wade's Ointment has been so thoroughly tested that it can be guaranteed to cure Eezema {Salt Rheum), Cold, Sores, Burns, Blotches, Sore Feet, Dandruli, and all scaly or itching eruptions of the skin In big boxes, 25¢.s at Wade's "Drug Store. A Fast Launch. Davis & Son are building a very fast motot boat. The new craft will be thirty-six feet long, with four and a half foot beam. She will be equip ped with an eighty-horse power en- gine, and is expected to make twenty- five miles an hour. Mf she can de this she will be about the fastest boat in this section, and will make the Comanche look: to her laurels, The Comanche has a record of twenty three miles an hour, Death Of Mrs. £. Jackson. The death occurred on Monday af- ternoon, at her residence, 163 Divi street, of Mrs. Anniet Grupdy- Jackson; widow of the late Ephriam Jackson, of this tity. The deceased was born in England fifty-one years ago and had heen a resident of this city for many vears. For some vears she lived with Mrs. W. Augustus, Division street at whose home she tdied. The late Mrs. Jackson was an Anglican in religion. The funeral will be held on Wednesday afternoon $e { Cataraqui cemetery. { ston | Sent To Our Shores. | Rev. G. M. Milligan, of Toronto, {a review of Dr. John Watson's new book, "The Philosophical Basis Of Religion," concludes : "Canadians may know some day what a gift God gave this dominion when He sent Dr. Watson to our shores, Queen's Univer gity has been successful in securing in an exceptional degree capable men a professors, but high above them all, land in his own branch all know in either continent, stands professor of moral philosophy Queen's. May his bow long strength." ~ mn above the in abide in A Singular Contest. collecting packages * ofiering made a start bottoms of Orange Meat The Orange Méat people ¥52 a year for life, be er large prizes, to sheir competition. If you wish to pete, send in your name ang address to Orange Meat, Kingston, They will forward full particulars and. enter you name on the list of com petitors. Commence saving the bot toms of packages and write for par ticulars to-day. Orange Meat 1s made of the whole wheat, thoroughly steam cooked, adding malt, sigar salt, then flaked and toasted Have you are sides several oth winners in com cash once at and Barriefield Briefs. William Norman has moved into the house, formerly oceupied by Mr. Me Cormick, the latter having moved to Portsmouth. Mise Maggie Ryan, who has been spending the winter in Kingstpn, has returned to the village Ks sume. mer The many friends of William Toner, who has been seriously ill with plenrisy, will be glad to learn that he is much improved, and his speedy re covery is now looked for. He was able to be out, yes@urday. The band of gypsies Who have been encamped on the commons, leit for other parts, yesterday. B. A. Hotel Arrivals. A MueDougall, F. W. Schwartz, J. A. Aubin, J. B. Bailey, W. H. Huber tis, Thomas Agmire, Montreal, C. H. Shields, Peterboro; W. F, Kelly, H. . Whitney, Picton; G. W. Laid, G. Wright, Horace G. Wight, W, Min- ton, E. W. Loscombe, J. L. Uestglio, R. Hyslop, R. P. Barrington, B. F. Selby, W. P. Driokwatér, George Ma- . B. Horne, Toronto; A. P. Rhine and wife, Watertown; E. V. Launder, Oshawa: PF. Lamb, F. Leek, A. W. Peart, London ; Doncan Gra- ham, Renfrew; James McCreary, Arn ior; A. W. Leitch, Hamilton: x ajer, New. York; J. L. Heffmen, Denver, Col; George, Atkinson; Re- go J. M. Wolfe, Chicago; Frenk an, St. Thomas. Don't forget | "The Par West." in Princess Street Methodiet church, to on MAY START DAILY PAPER. Labor Educational Association to Take Up Cuestion. The Labor Educational Assotiation df Ontario will hold its sixth annual convention in Kingston ¢n May th, and it is stated that the oer vopic of discussion will be the question of establishing a daily paper tn the pro vince of Ontario, labor interests. The weekly paper ix now oy a firm basis, and it is believ great many of the that the time a daily paper : devoted to ed by a men when labor arrived started Jemslimg has chould Ow be If You Are Losing Weight. Your system is out Ferrozone is needed to ing Ferrozone tissues, forms { and rebuild of order tart a makes new blood, VOul frocess, wholesome strengthens the ner physical condition standard 1 lost through la grippe," of Hartford, "bul soon reg my former weight and my health hy using Perrozoge. Fer rozone--it assures health he at all druggists es and keep to the proper fifteen pounds writes Cyril Lash, up rained improved i Price, HUNTS" bs 58 When you see a Hat in our window, it goes without saying that it is the correct thing. See our snappy $2.50 Hats, Browns and Blacks. See the new Silks, in Batwiugs Hands, at 50c. Also the natty of wash goods, in Batwings and Four-In- Hands, at 25¢c. P. J. HUNT, 53 BROCK ST. in line of and Bengaline Four-In- line NO long tedious testing for glasses by. the new science system as shown above, but a perfect method of measur- ing the inside of the eve hall and this is no guess work In regard to lenses I use '*best to be obtained.'"" Come here for glasses that satisfy. DR. A. P. CHOWN, DRUGGIST AND OPTICIAN, 185 Printess St Kingston. ® ® ° ° . ® » » *» . ® ° * *® * * ® ° " * ". . . w ° ° ° * ° ° * * ° * » # » ° . HAHA NEW CREAM DRESS GOODS READY FOR YOUR INSPECTION. Cream Serge, «. to $1.25 extra valué, a yard Cloth, to $1 a yard Panama special at 50c. Cream Mohair = Sicillian, very serviceable, at 50c 75c., $1 and $1.25 a yard Crean: Voile, 45 wide, nice crisp finish, 60c., 756¢c., 81 a yard. SHANTUNG SILKS Received to-day a range of the most wanted shades in Shantung Silks, in- cluding Copenhagen, Water- melon Pink, Sky Blue, Tan, Reseda Green, Navy, Bréwas, Black, White, 27 inches wide, special value at 75c. a yard. inches 50¢ , CLOCKS We have just imparted, from the makers, a very fine line of Gilt Clocks, which for beauty of finish and excel lence of workmanship, cane not be surpassed. Just suitable for Wedding | Presents. Smith Bros., Watch Makers and Jewellers. Issuers of Marriage Licenses. 350 KING ST. Phone 886. Furs Made Over and Re. paired herc at reason- able prices W.F. GOURDIER, i8, 78 and 80 Brock St. 'Phemey 700, American Oils Coal Oil Lubrig¢ating Oils Gasoline We make a specialty of handling Lubricating Oils of all kinds Prices on application. V.F. KELLY & CO., South Cor. Ontario and Clarence. COAL! The sudden changes to suggest in ought putting sell ge ponds makes the the best there is none Wa deliver witheut slate, prices, Booth & Co., 5 Phone 133 Foot of West St | out [cori] 5 = REPO 1] Cures ALL Coughs ALWAYS, ' AND COSTS BUT rrr Wm. Murray, Auctioneer BROCK ST. New Carriages, Cutters, etc., for sale Sale of Hor ses Harness every Saturday. IF IT IS TO GET A SINK Set up or a bath room enstalled I can do it in first-class style and at the right price. Give me a trial. DAVID HAL Phone 335 ? 66 Brock St THE FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY ESTABLISHED, 1863. President--8ir Richard Cartwright Money pertios ty and Farm Pro and: County Debes. Lures Mortgages purchased peponit received and mtervst allowed 8. C. McGill, Managing Director. LEVER-READY SAFETY RAZOR 12 Blades $1 somplets, quality guaranteed. STRACHAN'S. ge New England Chinese Restaurant 331 King Street. Open from 10.30 am. to 38am the bent place to get an ail round Lanch in the city. Méals of ali kinds on shortest notice. English and Chinese dishes a specialty. "Phone, 655. J louned én Municipal "JUST IT." -For the Breakiast on a cold worning a hot slice of "3d Cored Hem." and Stristly Fresh Ege" st MYERS, 60 Brock street. "Phoos, 530, He ought to he a nightmgnle, of a skylark, or, at the very beet a ean ay, ; x