SOMETHING SUITABLE AT Kinnear &d' Esterre | Jewellers TRAVELLING. EE A EEE: SGV IAT 4 gn Connection With, ' Canadian Pacific Railway, 2: ICTORIA DAY SINGLE i ow Qoing May 28rd and 25th, ly 6th 1008, Put putfieutars at Ki. & P. and C R. Ticket (OMe, Ontario St. Phone,' ¢ F. CONWAY, : Gen. Pass. Agent; Asset BAY or QUINTE RAILWAY jives unios station, pi Hh dudly (Sundays axosiites] Hydbam, Napanee, burn and all ed wecure quick despatch kh, and points on Central ute youn shipmen vi Bay lway. For further particw fai ta Te W, DICKSON, Agent. GRAND TRUNK oe oa, 1908 Wickets will ba sold between all : Lunada and from all stations Mich., Buffalo, Sispension returning P. 50. LE Aled . f Hurd, iagara Falls, assens Springs, hy a Swanton Vt., at it FIRST=CLASS FARE Good lie Saturday, Sunday and l May 28rd, 24th and 25th, ming from destination on or 26th, Excursions anadian Northwest thet oJ une Oth and 23rd, Diwt, s August 4th and 18th, Rurnisg J Within two mouths of For Pullman tion and dny : J; P. HANLEY, Agent, Gor. Johnson and Ontario Sts. FISHING to Manitoba and return July 7th good going reserva- apply Tourist car information, or other me IN Quebec and the Waritinte/ Provinces Write for Publications giving full details as to ptreams Lakes ; Guides © ISSUED BY RES IAILWAY City Office, Pans Department, row These the SCOTT'S tle red whet bone marrow. BUT THERE IS ONLY ONE - MAGIC BAKING POWDER COMPANY LIMITED SOLD LA EW.GILLETT TORONTO, ONT. JMPERIAL When you Underwear ask for the ? IMPERIAL CROWN BRAND Every garment Durablity comforts Mads only by HOSIERY CO. LTD, buy guaranteed. KINGSTON Kingston, RCRORCRCH RORCROHOO) Where There's a Will There's a Way. It 4t is your will Children's Shoes at ty purchase your money saving prices, buy at our store. The worth your attention. the way is to prices are well best makes, $1 the S158, Children's Boots, Button or Laced, and $1.25. Little Gent's Dongola and Box $1.25. H. JENNINGS, King St. very D to 7, at 10, Cut, in at and Blucher sizes, 8, 9 Call "Silver Plate that Wears" Silver of Quality For adistic charm, careful manu. facture, siyle and long wear "BAT ROGERS BRS" Spoons, knives. forks, ele, are unequaled. The standard of Silver excelionce lor 60 years. SOLD BY LEASING DEALERS THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, MAY 12, THE SPORT REVIEW}: | ¥ | THREE CADETS TO ENTER | THE MARATHON. { Victoria Baseball Team to Play i Napanee on Victoria Day Here | ~The Local Lacrosse Team Looks Good. The Victoria Baseball club bad a | good work-out at Victoria Yark on | Monday evening. Both senior and joni | or teams are out m full force and en- gaged in a good stiff practice until it became dark, The boys, are all show- ing up exceedingly well and should Hold their own in the league. The « Canadian Locomotive com- pany's team also bad a good work- out at the Cricket field on Monday night. The locals have a few new men who are showing up in good form, and should make good. The Loeomo- tive works pas two teams in the City League and hoth have games on Saturday. The Coming Races. The fair ground track was just be- ginning to get in good shape when this rain came and put it back into a muddy condition. The track was harrowed on Monday and would have been. gone over again to-day il the rain had not put a stop to it. Quite a few horses are working out there now and are showing good form. The entries for the Victoria day races are coming in daily and from present ap- pearnnces a large field will be here for the two days' meet. The Marathon Race. Napance will he well represented here én Victoria day, with a baseball team and two runmers in the twelve mile race, This race should be fhe best ever pulled off here. The boys from Dead Man's bay have been keep- ny very quiet, but they have not been loging any time, amd when they Want to some of them can run like ghosts. William Orr is the only local entry, and with three cadets should be able to keep the mugs in the a 3 city. At The Cricket Field. Every there is a large crowd of fellows in the Cricket field, playing ball. They newer seem to tire of baseball from spring till fall, but play it every chance they get. Most of the players are from the different city leagues, and it is good grae tico for them in meny ways. afternoon Victorias vs. Napanee. The baseball game on Victoria day will be Ietween Napanee and the Vie- torias. The Napanee team are sup- posed to be strong, but they will he given a good run by the Victorias. Napanee entered in Eastern Ontario League. is the Lacrosse Team Looks Good. team is showing up well, and should make a good show- ing on Vietoria day against Broek. ville. The boys are turning out well and are putting up a good game, The lacrosse Sporting Notes. Toronto World : A splendid sporting spirit was displayed, yesterday, at Upper Canada College, when fifty boys set out in the annual steeplechase, re- gardless of the condition of the course and the swollen creek that the plucky ranners had to cross. There are some pastimes too good for the elements to destroy. which cross-country run- ning notable example. A London (Eng.) special despatch to a Detroit paper says: King Fad ward, referring to "Tommy' Bans, said : 'Tommy' Burns is a Yankee buffer, ahd | shall take. every means in my. power stop the. battle be- Liween him and Johnson, if it is ar range withthe understanding that Burns is to receive 330,000, win, lose or draw. The Burne proposition is not sportsmanlike, and England should be up in anms if a battle un ler any such conditions is permitted to occur." Hanse Wagner, of Pittsburg baseball team, hitting less than .200, and the Pirate fans are worrying. They fear the great Dutchman has gone back and will not be the Honus of yore. But the sage of Camegie is not worrying. He's confident he will be in the midst of his annual swatiest be- fore long, and then look out for a soaring batting average "I'm hit ting the ball as hard as ever," . said Hans, "but there are a lot of fresh guys out there in the field waiting for me. and they do more acrobatic stunts than 1 ever saw pulled off be- fore." > Detroit News: . The Tigers started out in their last year's stride at the plate, but the pitchers could not pre vent the other side from hitting just a little bit harder. When the pitchers got going the hitting slumped. The fielding has been efratic because of Jack of spring traipsing. Over-confi- dence hurt at first and now overs anxiety is hurting far more. And, above all this, there is the hig faet, of is a Lo 1 granted hy the most impartial of eri ties--the Tigers have been bumping into hard duck from the start. They have fought hard to win, but a steady string of hard luck has pursued them. Through the instrumentality of the Cornwall Lacrosse Club, a Incrosse league has been organized, which, pwo- perly handled, may develop into a second C.L. A His composed entire. Iv of junior teams, but they have call. od' themselves the Interprovincial Las crosse Association. Fight clubs were sopresentod, and they accepted the handsome trophy set up by the Corn- 'wall Latrosse Club as emblematic of the championship. This trophy goes to the club winning it twice, By ne cesnarily in successive , years. Smaller cups have heen put up by the C.L.C for the winners. in the twa. seetions indo which the leacue is divided. These soetions are as follows : Eastern dis wiet, Alexandria, Vallevfiell and two Cornwall Subee the gets ani Vie Drug Stave. r A ---- mistakes un umpire wakes up during the course of a season A player mav lose a close decision to- 5s but to-morrow he may get the benefit of . the doubt, dnd so it all the time, There jan"t an umpire who whulid deliberately attempt to rob a player or team His jobs is a hard one when he is judging balls and strikes, especially when the pitchers are unsteady and throwing the sphere almost inl every direction but over the plate. There are many fans who will condermn an umpire be. they are not in a position to wee correct course of the ball. They whete the catcher hut this does not al- churse the whatever even themselves goes cause the rely entirely holds his hands, ways dean the teue ball." on of nib Little Girl's Dress. for a little pirl's It was made Just the style Kpging or summer dress, of white cashmere. The skirt plaited all around, leaving a plain space in front, which forms a box plait, It is joined to a belt to which the jumper is also attached. The jump- er is V shaped at the neck and has Japanese sleeves falling over the shoulders, and are. sewed together under the arms. 'The jumper is tm med with a silk border, BRITISH NO1ES. What is Transpiring in the Old Land. charges of drunkenness of the defendants In nineteen at Lambeth were wolen, A recently odist chapel to a varwety twelve vacated Newcastle Meth hag now been turned in hall the commencement of the war on rats in the London docks 510,084 have buen exterminated. At Bristol William Winter was fined 250 and costs 'for frequenting a pub- house for betting purposes, "Lhe alternative was three months, A fine of $100 dor street betting was at North London imposed upon John Atkinsan, Me was arrested by a constable disguised as a tram var conductor. Annie Smith of "Deptford drove her hatpin into Constable Chapman to a depth of one and threé<qoarters inches, The Greenwich magistrate awarded her six mogths' hard. Kissifig. games, such as "kiss-in-the- ring," are no longer alowed in the playgrounds - of the London schools, that the danger of infectious disease may be lessened. The new marine drive which skirts the foot of the lofty Castle Hill at scarporough and connects the North and South Bays . has taken eleven years to complete and has ebst over £ 108,000, At St. Thomas" church, Ishe of Man, Rev. Canon Savage described thos: people who attended football matches and athletic Sports on Gaod Friday, and spent the day in similar ways, as 2 nchrassiantike, ungentdémanly, apd since lie vulgar; Alfred Butterworth, Oldham mana facturer, gffered every persom over six- ty-five years of age actually residing in the townships of Oldham ox Chad- derton an Easter gilt of 0s, There were 6,120 applicants, Thig represents a distribution of £1,530. Of Williaa Hunt, u seaman of sixty- three, who pleaded guilty at Newing- ton, to stealing a boat, it was told that "he used to grease his body, and, hoarding ships late at night in a nude condition; rob» cabins." 1 herefore he was known as "Slippery Jack," A remarkable incident occurred at service in Christ Church cathedral, in Dublin. A well dressed womén rose from her seat and went the communion table. Before she could be prevented she cut-off the cloth a few inches with a pair of scissors, and managed to leave. The waitresses who stenck work at the Cabin Restaurant in Piccadilly, Louglon, have started work on their owny account wmder a to-opevative regime at 'Ken's Kabin," Frompton road. The first eustomer was triumph- antly served with lemonade and a sandwich, an honor for which he paid half a sovereign. "Have The Beauty Of Health. Attractive faces are healthy faces, You may not eare for looks, but you do for health, Skin crapfion or dull sallow complesions area sign of blood disorder. Clear your complex- jons hy clearing your gystem of waste matter. and by enriching your blood. The remedy to use is Wade's Tron Tonic Pills (Laxative), They are = great nerve strengihener wand Iood maker. In ox: Me al Wade's] Movey Fw | is mot satis factory. i ------------ Before following the adver of a man who tolls you how yoa ought to rin vour business take n' look at the way he is running his own, 1908. {NEWS OF 0 NEIGHBORS WHAT WHIG \G CORRESPOND. ENTS TELL Us. The Tidings From Various Points in Eastern Ontario--What People Are Doing And What They, Are Saying. Maberly Notes. Maberly, May 11.--M Arbor day at the school. and Lawes Millikin are dave with Maberly friends. L. expects to go west, this week, when he has a job as section boss. My, and Mrs. James Moaregor spent Sun day at Wilbam Buchanan's. Thomas Munro had a valuable dog powoned last week. Dr, Meighen was in the village on Saturday. spending a Soave News From Ameliasburg. Ameliasburg, May 9.--The lake is higher than it has been for years. F. Cunningham and Mr. Adams have been very busy sawing wood. Large lots of apple trees are being planted in this neighborhood. Several 300 tree ots are going out. It has been almost impossible for the farmers to get in their grain as yet, and a ton sidernble amount has been drowned by the rains. Not much machinery is being sold through here. Wages are lower: the demand is less, all showing the effect of last year's shortage, An- other good rain would change the face of everything. The outlook very hopeful. The mill 1s guaranteed a good head of water for a long time School attendance is larger than it has been for some time, 18 now Piccadilly Personals. Picendilly, May 9-Mr. and Mrs Stanley RBpider intend leaving for Calibogn next week, Mes, E. J. Walk er and her daughter, Oreta, have re turned home, alter visiting relative here. Mr. Robinson preached in Presbyterian church, Sunday evening. He intends being herve for the Mrs. D. J. Goodfellow has home from Carleton Place} wing her daughters. Ira Snider left Stralack, expect to secure positions remodelling the telephone mines to Yiedirey. BD. Godivey at 'T. 8S. Wells'. The reopened, with J as maker Miss LL. Freeman turned home, alter Mrs. G. Deer. 1 dav at home. Mrs, Bell Shay and her visiting at Burridge, A to stay at R wunnnet returned attey and George where they Mr. Flynn line from for in the vierting factory has cheesy Hicks has re ister Say visiting her Botting spent We Me SONS are girl has Kuirht's, come -- Events At Sydenham. Sydenham, May 10---Mr, and Mrs accompanied by the Misses Jeft for Montreal an 'Thurs day last, where they boarded the SS. Virginian, for Liverpool. Un Monday evening, heture their departure, a large numb of their village friends gathered to bid them farewell. On 'Tuesday evening, Miss Mabelle Town send gave a party in honor of her Miss Pearl McLean, Harrow: Svyeline, Foxtoh, guest, smith. Un Friday evening last, Mary Gonge, was "At Home larg number of her Railton and Se danhatn friends. The first number of the even- ing's programme Was 'Progressive euchre."" Miss Katie Grooms capiur ed the prize. A return trip to school davs was then taken, which caused much merriment. At twelve o'clock refreshments were served, after which dancing was indulged in. : Miss Dollie Howes "is the her aunt, Miss Slaven, for a few davs before her return to her home in Bed ford. Mrs. T. Maxwell has gone to visit her brother, Rev. Fi dwar son, Lacolle, Stephen ( of Syracuse, visiting ter, Nellie, who is very ill Lake is building a fine new dwelling house on one of his vacant lots. R B. Cochrane is also having a new re sidence built on his lot. Miss to a of guest Law : Que, is here his sis Calvin Budget From Charleston. Charleston, May 11.--On Saturday afternoon, Mrs. A. W. Johnson ed her pleasant home to a compan of about twenty ladies. The guest of honer was Miss Bertha Slack, who i to be married on Tuesday to W, J Kavanagh. = Mrs. Johnson and the Misses Gladys and Eva Johnsén nilea santly entertained the ladies during the aftermoon. At five o'clock, re freshments were served, The hand some presents of china were 3 and many were the stowed on the bride-to-be, briefly thanked the ladies beautiful gifts gnd the hostess for the extreme kindness hestowed on her. A. W. Johnson was in Brow Saturday. Mrs. D. Beach, accompan jed her mother, Mrs. Schofield, to Fairfield East on Friday. Charles Slack and M. J. Kavanagh fhurnished for n company of voung people, music at the 1.0L. hall at Leeds on Friday evening. Cedar Park hotel opened on Muy Ist with a large pumber of guests who came to enjoy the salmon fishing, which has been the best for number of years. Robert Foster en tertaineda a large number of guests from po! and distant placed Inst week, who came to fish for salmon Every room in Mr. Foster's houses was oveupied. P.O. Yates, Toledo, was 4 yisitar, here on Rundav. Mes. B. Slack, Loni Point, Miss M. (VCon- not, Ganancnue, and Miss M, Yates, Toledo, are here to he present at the 1 Kavanagh-Slack wedding. "Three Swallows." Sir Jobn Power & Sons, "Three Swallows'® Irish Whiskey, Famous for over a century, HF highest standard of purity, Distillers to His Maicsty the Kine." open good wishes Miss for kville on Cheese Saleg, . ' Belleville, 731 baxes-at 11 "Hide. 1h E16. Yieton, 538 at 11 5-16. Cornmeal, 371 at He to 11 11-16c, Winchester, 152 at Iie. to lle. Po a farmer a good backing is deter then a 2d front." Biill at- ive pute « manners valuable fo {may be the Banish thie Unidlervitar That Imtates Get Your Child and Yourself Bo fine and soft it feel glad, comiont makes v 1 rou doa 2 ¥ 3 very ptt ot | In med ight vool gars HE - for ZPonman's No. 95 s for children, taranteed, A complet ¢ in all sizes men, we 1 and Every garment g Also makers of Angle Hosiery, Pen- Where 'Shaking is Respectable & Draft off furna is powerless to * dome, with ne other REH3 AN aeercame the dust nudsanbe In shaking time, Only surplas the fire. @reat t, and unless legit n provided, dust wii ta and Inte abou nels Into ash p at 1% here awit rives of Rseif bulk dance be through ash - door sl ators face the legitimate dust outlet is pro- It's a great big dust» In "Sunshine" Furnace vided Regia: ove oi pipe ash-pit to dome, thence to chimney. is opened, all dust in ash-pit asc@nds to deme; then, when running When big pipe damper straight from direct drafts are opened, all dust passes up chimney. Always the clear and quigh | dust route in "Suns Write to us for hine "' | - i : y ~ | "Sunshine" testimonials Furnace -- via grate, to pan, to dust - pipe, to dome, to chimney, to open air. McClarys LEMMON & SONS. received from your own townspeople. VANCOUVER ST. JOUN, N.B. NAMILYON ALGARY LONDON TORONTO MONTREAL gg WINNIPEG Bigger Profits to Policy-holders It is easy to see why a 'policy in this Company is an excellent i igvestment as wi las a protection. Lay a gain et 1906 of 81, expenses were about the same as ladt year. For the lat five years, the actual mortality was only 47% of the amount expedied. And the Interest Income exceeded the mortality by- $198,103, With an expense ratio to Income smaller than its competitors, with a yearly egpanding Intered Income, and a favorable death rate, it is but natural that The Mutual L ife of Canadc 1+ eamiag: more profits, which go lo the policy- holders in reduction of thes prémiums. WATERLOO, Ont. the new business amounted to $7,081 402 537 Yet the operating D8 De, MEAD OFFICE, = 8S. ROUGHTON, City General Agent, Kingston, The Food of Foods is UIT The Shredded Whe eax Waker, which ean be served up in any number of i op ways. [It is delicious as a toast and yields more musle-making ni friment than meat or eggs, with less tax on the digestive organs. Try it with butter, heese or marmalade. All Grocers, 13¢. a Carton, 2 for 20e, PIG METAL Copper, Lead Tin, Zinc. we are headquarters. Seni us your inquiries. Co.,Ltd., "rorow7o, ont