THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, MAY 14, 8. a PAGE SEVEN. Synopsis of Canadian Northwest HCMESTEAD REGULATIONS. NY even-numbered section of Del mimion Lands in Manitoba or the Northwest Prosinges, excepting 81 and 26, pot reserved, may be howe! steadud by any person the sold head of) & family, or mule over 18 years of age, Lo the extent of one-quarter section, of 160 acres, more of less, { Application for .horaestead be made in person hy the Dominion Lan Agency or Sub-agency. | Entry by proxy may, however, be made | at an Agency on ecertsin conditions by the| father, wother; son, daughter, brother or | sister of an intending hotsesteader | An application for eancellation myst Bo | made in person. The applicant must be| eligible for homestead entry. DUTIES ~(1) At residence upon aud cultivation of * the! . Rand in ench year during the term of, three years. { ! (2) A homesteader may, il he 80 de-| sires, perform the required residence du- ties by living on farming land owned solely by him, not less than eighty (80; fcres in extent, in the vicinity of his homestead. Joint ownership in land will Bot meet this requirement. | entry must | applicant at a! | lemst six months'! BE iy a oy en a man, woman and child have All Druggists; 50c. and $1.00. NEWS OF F NEIGHBORS | WHAT WHIG COI CORRESPOND- ENTS TELL US. | The Tidings From Various Points in Eastern Ontario--What People Are Doing And What They, Are Saying. meeting next Saturday for the ing of a vo, 0 bonus in aid of Kingston & Smith's Falls railway. Huriburt has sold his residence Helen street to dJoha' Myles Young and son, William, Kingston, are vis iting friends hy F. WW. Young has installed a aso plant in hie store. F. Dillon has gat Muititudes of Sleeping Natives wn a new engine in his launch. Geo ge Overwhelmed By Bore--Tele- PD, Gilbert, traveller for MeColl Bros., : visited his old howe and friends Tviris) graphed Warning Too Late. 1 Victoria, B.C., May 11.--News of one | this week. C. brady is laid up with! Ya one | {of the greatest disasters that Ching id tidal bore | has known, in the | Lombardy Happenings. {Yang Tse Kiang, "which involves the | May 13.---Mgster Bertram | loss of early 10,000 lives at Hankow, | of Brockville, visited his | was brought by the steamer Titan. Ai Dooher, last week. Mp, [bore twenty-six feet in height flooded | and Mrs. J. Doucette, of Smith's | without warning down the river, over: | Falls, were guests of Mr, and Mys [whelming thousands of junks, sam William Jones duripg the week. Miss pans and small boats, and wrecking ! M. O'Meara, professional nurse, re (some large river steamers. ; i turned to Toronto on Monday, having | Mr. Bell, agent of Butterfield & i been enjoying a rest for the past two | Swire, at Yokohama, who arrived by months at her home here. E. Murphy, the Blue Funnel liner, stated that the of Balderson, visited friends here last |disaster has caused tremendous loss of | Sunday. Mrs. P. Dooher visited her life, far greater, it was estimated thay | sister, Mrs. GG. L. O'Brien, in Almonte | the great typhoon at Hong Kong last week. Miss Annie Breen, of Lom- |¢ighteen months ago, when ten thou grant- | the 31 WAVE 25 FEET HEH | SWEPT THE RIVE RIVER DROWN. ING CHINESE. On| More Sughan, Kingston Mills Items. Mauls, May 13.--~1The farm- now starting to sow, the beavy rains they have i not been able to get on the land until {| now. EK. Clark expects to go visit to Sharbot Lake Jackson bas secured a | middle road, Fittshurg, Kingston ers are count of On ae Lombardy Hourigan, aunt, Mrs. P. i { | a severe attack of sciatica. { | { { on to frends. farm on a Mr. the Collins Bay Notes. Collins Bay, May 12.--Farmers viciuity are delayed with seeding owing to the W Cal hew's in their heavy rains. J, McDonald and wife, of Los Gatos, doinia, are visiting at his nep R. J. McDonald's, after an ab- this (3) I the fathér (or mother, H the father is deceased) of a homesteader hag bardy, has been accepted as pupil | sand Chinese were snuffed out. It is nurse in St. Mary's hospital, Detroit, | usual, said Mr, Bell, to send a tele and has entered on a three years' {gram down the river when such a! sence of forty years. J. Losec, M.D, of Piooklyn, N.Y. is spending his permanent residence on farming land owned solely by him, not less than eighty (BO) acres in extent, in the vicinity of the homestead, or upon a homestead entered for by him in ihe vicinity, such home sender may perform his own residence duties by living with the father (or siother), (4) The term "vicinity" In the two Preceding paragraphs is defined as mean- ing not more than nine miles in & direct line, SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH- WEST MINING REGULATIONS, COAL.~Coal mining rights may be leased for twenty-ome years at an annual rental of $1.00 an acre. Not more than 2.560 acres can be eased to one appli erent. Royalty, five cents per ton. QUARTZ. --A person eighteen vears of age and over having made a discovery muy locate a claim 1,600 fest by 1,500 feet. Foo, $5.00. At) least $100.00 must | be expended on the tlaims each year, or paid to the Mining Recorder. When $500.00 has been expended or paid and other requirements complied with the claim may he purchased ut $1.00 an acre. PLACER MINING CLAIMS fone orally, ROO feet square. Entry fee, $5. DREDGING --~Two leases of five miles each of a river may be issued to one ap- plicant for a term: of 20 years. Rental, $10.00 4 mile per annum. Royalty, 24 per cent alter the output exceeds $10,000, WwW. WwW cony, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior, N.B.~ Unauthorized publication of this advertisement will pt be paid for. RETIN ER in 23pd Full particulars at K. & P. R. Ticket Office, Ontario St. Street, tor To secure quick burn, Maynooth, and points on Ontario, route' your shipments via of Suute Railway. Kinestong Pema LEANN In Connecti Canadian Pacific Railway. VIGTORIA DAY SINGLE Going May 23rd an May 26th, 1908. HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSION |. To Manitoba, Saskatchewan and! Alberta. Good lo go May 26 i. ¥. Gen. Pass. Agent, BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY Traim leaves uniow 4pm. daily Tweed, Sydenham, onto, Bannockburn asd all points noi despatch to Bammock. rs, apply to to BR, W, 0. 8. "Phone, (Sundays Saoupted) | the For further partiews balidays with his parents home. Mrs. A. Clement, Hawley, spent last week at ler son's, R. J. McDonald's. Miss Florence Marsh is visiting friends iy hingston. course of traming. J.B. Williams is {freshet occurs. The telegram was de seriously ill, 'as is also Edward Petty. |laved, finally arriving whout the same | Alexander Bisonnette sold his hand- [time as the wall of water, which swept; | some bay horse recently to a-Mon- {down upon the sleeping river people | treal 'buyer, for' a fancy price. Mpg. |in the early morning, overturning Barber, of Athens, returned home, yes- terday, after a few weeks visit with her nieces, the Mjsses Klyne, AC on With thousands of Chinese in the that swept seaward. Some 3,000 Chinese were sleopine in sampans and small craft, in sheds and huts by the river side, at Haw | kow, and were enveloped by the great { wave which swept broken junks -splin . {tered sampans and a heterogeneous Napance, May 4, --Another sad | mass of debris with swarms of drown death occurred in our midst, early |] Chinese mixed with the wreckage. vesterday morning, when the spirit of | The scenes for manv dak after the Helen Williams winged its flight to | disaster were horrible, the river that better world. Deceased pas but bein~ strewn with dead and debris seventeen years of age, the youngest |yrecked craft for many miles. daughter of G. H. Williams, and had | ---- been ailing or several months, a vic -1 THE GRAND TRUNK tim of that fell disease, vonsumption. Helen was a girl of sweet and. loving disposition, and: will be greatly ed in the family and amongst friends, with whom she wis a general | favorite. She died upon her teenth birthday, Ome sister, Miss Car- | rie, and two brothers, Mack H. Wil liams, of Detroit, and! Frank, at home, survive. The parents and children have the sympathy of a very large circle of friends in this the hour their trouble, Mrs. Nelson Dean passed awav, ves Death At Wilton. May 12+-The death occurred this morning, of Lloyd, of Francis Jackson, who had been suffer- ing from consumption for some time. This is the third death in the family lin Jess than three vears--{irst, the | voungest son, Henry, then the mother lying last winter. Samuel Davison is under the doctor's care. Rev. Mr. returning | Craig, Kingston, conducted the Pres- byterian service, last Sunday evening, and the pulpit will be oecupied the two following Sundays bv Rev. W. [. Pucker. A team belonging to Clark Walker ran away, last week, smashing | a cultivator, and were caught by W, at his blacksmith shop. Wilton, here, son YOUNG GIRL DEAD. She Passed Away on Her Seven- teenth Birthday. FARE d 25th, i th; June 9th and| | Se { and OC, P, | Phone,' 50. i ott, { At the Franco-British Exhibition, | Hie | London, Eng. ! ek | It is a well-known fact that at {the world's fairs and international ex ! | hibitions, held in the past decade, the | {Grand Trunk has been promin- {ently represented with attractive dis Iplays, and in each case gold medals tand diplomas have heen their award At the Franco-British exhibition which | {is to be held at Shepherd's Bush, Lon jdon; May to October, this year, the ! . Gr p @ behi eir | terday, at her home on Whomas Stren irand' Trunk are not behind in their | {progressivenecss and have erected ga aged sixty years. Decease z ased had not | | beautiful pavilion covering about 2 News From. Marysville. CONWAY, | Marysville, May 13.--Miss | White returned home on lof last week uiter spending {of weeks wish friends Ontas | James Meagher left on Monday for Hotel Dieu, Kingston, where he in- undergoing treatment, Miss Farrell, Belleville, is visiting her ather, Michael Farrell. Miss Baistow eturned to her home in Ogdensburg, DICKSON, Agent. | .Y., last ween, after spending a ouple of months teaching vocal les: Annig Thursday a couple in New York. seven most station, Napanes, Tih. | tends i Mary 0 Cent Ba FIRE ESCAPES! All lengths, all sizes and to suit all condi- HL Lith) WES been in the best of health for som oh ie | i 1000 square feet of space in a pictures weeks; but her death w ] i : : as not looked | | que spot known as the French court for. She leaves a husha but no This structure follows in desigr children, to mous her a ; | Th Y tvle of a : ; 3 t " w th Aubrey B. Gibson left this " en or. | bs e " « ni h ) week for lan artistic pillared entrance. Over the | Colorado Sprines, Col. Wiss Flizg ntrance rise roup of statuary r © NCE rises r 4 Sohy spent Sunday with Mise Allison | we ting t a oh ° ie r oy : Se i at her home, "Somerset House,' j DrSRELING TiS an py ---- | sons to the choir of the Roman Ca- thotic- church here. Miss Hannah Sheehan, Westbropke, spent a few days recently with her -sister, Mrs. J. , Meagher. Mrs, James McAlpine is » sick list. F M of | i thousands of craft and sweeping away i torrent side | of | all The M We are safeguarding vour interests when we urge you to look for the Fit-Reform trademark in every Suit and Overceat you buy, It is the distinguishing sign of style--of tailoring--of value. Thousands of men have learned that it pays to look for this label--and pays well to fing it. . . FS Let it guide EZR YOU always § FIT- 3 in buying ¢ REFORM Suits and Bip 10 Overcoats. Tilt-Felorm CRAWFORD & WALSH Sole Agents for Kingéton. OOOO BUCKLE SHOES ARE NEWEST We have a complete stock of Women's Tan PO OO0 YOO OVOP OOIOT OTOL ark of Identity | WE ew SE ESE EE eT eee 5 Bo RRL Se I AE IR BS ew VICTORIA DAY, 1908 = © i Locals From Lapum. tions. Built to order | system as "speed" with an electric | Marysville. Miss Ola Allison, and erected in place on short notice. st in Estimates Furnished ~ on Request. Selby & Youlden, Ltd. Kingston Foundry. CABS! The Old Stand and the Old Number 490 OFFICE NO. 1. All orders promptly attended to, night or day. qe re to The undersigned are the drivers using the above 'phone at the old places R. Boyd, J. MeQuaid, 3 Diamond, P. Lawless, McFadden, J: McFadden, ¥: Coyle, Wm. Hoyd, of: Sinnott J, Nolan, a, Boyd, I Jamon, neil Wy Jarvis, James Mitchell, Wm, McQuaid, QUALITY RIGHT QUANTITY, Ae P. Walsh, Coal Dealer BARRACK STREET . Black Hock, Bridge Monday, before Tuesday, May 206th. |Homeseckers and the Canadian Northwest May 26h, and 21m, tion and any Cor. Return tickets will be sold between all | ations in Canada and from all stations Canada to Port Huron, Mich., Bulialo, Niagars Falls, Suspension and Massens Springs, 'N.Y lond Pond, and Swanton Vi. at SINGLE FIRST=CLASS FARE Good going Saturday, Sunday snd May 28rd, 24th and 25th, pod returning from destination on or Manitoba and return Eixcursions to June 9th and August 4th and 15th, tuning within two months of good going or Tourist ear other infortiation, Pullman reserva apply J. P. HANLEY, Agent, Johnson and Ontarie Sts. FISHING | ee IN eee Quebec and the Maritime Provinces, "vv: : company are Write for Publications giving full details as to Streams Lakes Guides NTERCOLONIAL RAILWAY Montreal City Office, 441 St James Street. or Department, Jaoneren. N.B. ALLAN Baza LINE Terrible ating Montreal to Liverpool 6 a.m, 3% 30 am, s Fri, June 5, »{and hunting expedition. 23rd, July 7th | Lapum, May 13-Edwin Bell and Clarence Lapum intend taking a trip this week to Sydenham on a fishing Mrs. Eliea spending a week were with her daughter, Mrs. William Lapum. Mrs. Alzona Parrott, Mill- haven, is spending a few weeks here with Mrs. James Huff. Born, Sunday, May 10th, to Mr. and Mrs. William Lapum, a daughter, and on Tuesday, Mpy 12th, to Mr. and. Mrs. James Huff, a son. G. C. Davey lost a valu- {able cow last week. Mr. and | Mrs, {Sanford Vandewater visited friends | here on Sunday before leaving for | Echo Lake. M r. and Mrs. Michael and Master Harold Huff spent with Mr. and Mrs. Wilkie Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Brown Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Camden East. Fields, Gretna, is | Love { Sunday i ringle. | spent yrus Bush, Seeley's Bay Budget. Secley's Bay, May '13.---Mrs, E. C, ollinson, after a week's visit with ots here and viemnity, left .Weddes- for howe at Lake M3cid Club, The Supply & Construction have their new-machinery in comanenged manufacturing The Leeds Rural Pushing the WOT their lings, | having » large force of men employed, i A petition being circulated © Tor | plesirtation to the council at their day Na company stalled and | brick fast Tuesdny. ol construction Have You a Sneezing Cold ? Is your head stuffed up ? Are you saifiny--gag in the throat-- { fulness in the nostrils, eyes watery { and weak ? | You have spring catarrh, I right on till | stamped out now. 4 For quick relief and sure cure, "in. hale the soothing vapor of Catarrho zone. As il passes over dhe raw, 'irei- tated membranes it Jeaves it's anti septic, soothing balsams on the spots that need medication. You feel better in an instant--every breath of Catar- rhozone means cure-- in belf an hour yourre well. Nothing so magical, so sale, so pleasant as Catarrhoeohe It's good for catarrh, bronchitis and asthma--cures them as thoroughly as it does a simple cold--all, dealers gol] Catarrhozone. all the sultry the symptoms of kind that hangs July, unless i | Well Known Lake Mariner scribes Ten Years Suffering. "For tem years," states Capt. Me. Donald of Kingston, Ont), "I have Been a terrible sufferer from Eronchi- De traived nurse at Lethbridge, for the past two years, has heen appointed hea at Calgary hospital. Died At Black Rivet Bridge. Picton Gazette. A well-known resident of the county, John C.. Hubbs, died, on Monday morning, at his home; at Black River | Bridge. He had been in declining health for the past three or four | years, and his end had not heen _un- expected. Mr. Hubbs was one gf the best known farmers of the ithern | part of the county, where he had made his home for nearly sixty vears resident of I nurse 8 He had been a Tile long Prince Fdward, having been bory near Wellington, the son of Mr. and Mrs Robert Hubbs, a family of very early settlers, sixty-nine vears ago. Since a young man he had famed at Black River Bridge. He was & Fenian raid | veteran and possessed a medal for the part he took in this stirring incident of Canadian history. Mr. Hubbs was an ardent conservative in politics a a member of the Methodist church i survival by his widow, {Clarence Hubbs, at home, and a Mrs, Walter H. Mackenzie, , Man. one daugh of Em son, ter, merson Bishop Of London un His Visit. London, May M.---Speaking at a meeting in support of the Pan-Angli can conferente,: the Bishop of London spoke of the growth of Anglicanism in Quebec, Montreal, T o and Lon don, and explained, humorbusly, how his idea of taking auiet holiday | across the Atlantic was upset hy ing the largest halls of the towns he visited crowded with pepple wanting | to hear what was being done in the old country. Dispel Aches And Pains. nothing to be had | that will drive away aches, pains and | soreness so quickly and help away so surely as Smith's White Lini- ment. Itqs the one remedy that nev er fails to cure sprains, swellings, in- flamma neuralgia, rhéumatism, lumbago, and all deep-seated aches and pains. Big bottles only 25¢., at Wade's \ Drug Store. There is else Liquor Traffic In Louisiana. Baton Ropige, La., May 14.--in Gov- ernor Blanchard's message to the gen oral assembly he urges strict regula- tion of the liquor traffic, and says that if this does not correct its evils there should be absolute prohibition. Myeisd In October. Rome, May 14.-1t is stated, co good authority, here, tha' age of the Duke of the Abruwei to, Miss Katheriie = Elkins, daughter of! Senator Elkins, of West Virginia, will take place in Ue tis, 'asthma, and often it was sa bad that for nights at a time, 1 couldnt ele, 1 apent hundreds of dollars on doctors and medicines, but one dollar hozone cured me." RT re pt artes: "1 am sii wi . have no bother from my oki trouble. » The reason Catarrhozove is so suc cessful is because dp haltums and Tapore i get ai root the htosthisl t where hele: the remedies \brough oH blood or the stom: He Never Rallied. Manila, May sld~--Alen Card, gover nor of Lame, is dead, the Fesult of Bo- lo wounds inflicted by Moros He undgrwent a series of operations from hi gradually sank and never rallied, A Canadian Statue. London, May J u Fapire day Seratheons 8 statue An | Univer- find- | them | the marri-| i star surmounting the head of the cen { tral figure emblematic of the "Star of | { Empire,' ' and on each side of this | figure is répresented in smaller figures [the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, the nerd figure joining their hands, re- | | presenting the spanning of the con | tinent. by the new National Transcen- tinental milway., This allegorical | group is a very imposing one and the | {idea is appropriate. | The interior of the building is ar {ranged in a combination of eoloe | | harmony of olive green and red. The | views of the Grand Trunk rail way, as well as views of the summer {tourists districts and fishing = and {hunting resorts in Canada are bean tifully portrayed by a series of bro mide enlargements finished in a sepia | tint and framed in a dull quartered boak The photographic work has { been ater by J. W. Swan, the well | known lgndscape photogray" er, who {has excelled himself, if possible, Ithis collection. These pictures cover {the walls to a distance of two feet | {from the eeiling, and the entire ior has been set off hy {frieze made up of grains {from (ntario, Manitoba, Alberta, { katchewan and the In thi Sas are embedded specimens of Cana dian fish and game, mounted in {attractive way, the whole forming unique and pleasing effect | In the centre of the rpom a pyra {mid has been erected, which i {shown samples of the cereals of { province of Ontario, as well as | tural samples of fruit from the * den of Canada." Animated moving picture machines { projecting fishing, hamting and rail {road scenes, are other features on the i {floor space. Interesting and instrux | tive literature has been specially pro pared for distribution, and it timated that from fifteen to twenty | i million people will visit this exhibi tion during its lifetime. Canada | the Grand Trunk railway svstem will Isecure a tremendous amount of pak licity through. this medium. Among the special features on dis play in this-huilding will be two ex. | ceptionally fine moose heads, one the ! record head taken from the province of Ontario, and the other a freak head that will attract a great deal of at tention. 8. W. Cammings, who until recently | was general passenger agent of the Central Vermont railway, has been | appointed to the position of director of this exhibit. | sen in mnter a beautiful and grassy Sas west an a on Gar and Takes Slice Of Stomach. Richmond, Va., May 14- Anlrew | Bazzle, filty-five years old, the heav-| feet man in the valley of Virginia, is! a patient in St. Luke's hospital, where | be has just undergone an operation, | performed by Dr. Stuart Mactuire. | wha removed nearly 100 pounds of | superfiacus flesh from the man's abdo-| men. Bazzle experienced great relief] after the removal of the adipose tis- sue. He probably will be able to re turn to his home in Rockingham coun ty within gq few days. Bazale weighed 408 pounds before the operation. ------------------ Possibly Your Wife. Doesn't look as vouny and pretiv as she wsed to. HH her cheeks are hol low and pale, is she is tired and ner- vous, she needs Ferrozone, which i restoring sickly girls and women. | Camnlexion quickly becomes rosy, spirits vise, and stringth increases daily. Health and vigor will soon re term to your wife or dasghter if Fer rarone is taken. It's the bewt tonic made, and ents Ie, at all drug made on newest lasts ........ Buckle Oxfords, 3.90 ° The "Saddle Ring" is also new. 'We have them in Tan and 'Patent Oxfords.........ooinnin. 0 Buckle Shoes in Gun Metal and Patent 1.75,2.00103.50 You are invited to inspect our line at any time. 3 i 2 Many other grades of Colored 5 Shoes, ranging from................ 3.00 --The Company that Grows The frength of a bark iy tedted by its ability to successfully weather financial forms. The érength of a Life Insurancd Company is tefted by its ability to grow in "hard times® Lad year, The Mutual Life of Canada wrote MORE new business than in any other one year in the history of the company. ; The total insurance in force at the end of 1907 was $51,001,848.00--a gain over 1906 of $4,179,440.00, "Canada's Big Mutual® grows bigger every year. Ga grows bigger every year. WATERLOO, On a - 8. S: ROUGHTON, City General Agent, Kingston. Furniture! Fu Furniture! Goods Arriving Daily for the Spring Trade. China Cabinets from $12'to 60, Combination Buffets from $25 to 100, . Brass Beds from $26 to 75. Dresser and Stand from $6.50 to 50. Solid Mahogany Dressers & Stand from $50 to 150, R Jd. R B I D, 230 Princess St. THephone 577 Ambulance, ek at eb Ee . HELE Se BR we ER .