Daily British Whig (1850), 15 May 1908, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT, ¥ THE DAILY _BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, MAY 15, 1908. ? Custom Department | All kinds of new fur gar- ments. made to special measure, and we also have unsurpassed facilities fcr re- modelling, repairing, and re- dying furs at short 'notice that makes it possible for us to transform your old Furs into new. We guarantee per- fect satisfaction as to fit. Telephone 489. § dohn Mckay Fur House, | 149-185 Brock St. Repairing} Of a fine watch if done as it § should be calls for a degree BN of skill and training that § few. credit. If yon are sick you natur. ally want the best doctor You can get and if your watch gives trouble it Should f be trusted to the best [§ mechanic, oo Our workmen are special- ists in this branch and we ean promise you very satis factory. results. Issurer of Marriage Licenses. "x " 3 "Registered "WEARS LIKEIRON Gives now life and Mstre to old Chairs, Furniture and Picture Frames. It is the ideal floor finish and all wood wark. ALL "COLORS, Only 20c. Tin Can the best and most widely ad- wertised goods are alwgys to be found at this store anfl at prices to pleasd every purse. W. A. Mitchell, ig Hardwa e ¥ 'Why Buy Imported Mattresses ? When you can get better cheaper goods from "your own dealer, made by the Kingston Mattress Co. and It You Intend Selling Out, ~CALL ON« TOMMY O'CONNOR isi Auctioneer and Commission 'Mart. 88 and 88 Brock St. SALES CAREFULLY CONDUCT. LS ED, PROMPT SETTLEMENTS MADE. i A---------- EMSRS THES P.M. EDITION THE KINGSTON CAMP Officers in Command--The Corps to Attend. The following have been appointed to positions at the Kingston military camp, from June 15th to 28th: Camp commpndant-§Col. W. D. Cor- don, 0.C., Eastern Ontario. derly officer--Lieut. F. H. Macnee, 14th Regiment, P.W.0.R. Chief staff officer--Lient.<Col. T. D. R. Hemming, C.3.0., Eastern Ontario. DA A general-Li jeut,-Col. D. D, Young, D.A.A.G., Eastern Ontario. District engineer--To be detailed. Senior A. S : officef-Mnj. Ww. J. B. White, 8 ia 8.0, Eastern Un- tario. Principal medical offiter--Lisut.-€ol. H. R. wif, P.M.O., Eastern Ontario. Principal veterinary officer--Lieut.- Col. J. Massie, P.V.0., Eastern On- tario. Senior ordnance officer--Lieut.-Col. F. Strange, 8.0.0., M.D., No. 3. Paymaster--Capt. W. 8. Conger, C.P., Eastern Ontario. Gunnery instructor--To bé detailed. Musketry instruector-Capt. H. J, Dawson, 14th Regiment, P.W.Q.R. Assistant + musketry instructor Capt, P.. G. C, Campbell, Mth Regi- ment, P.WOR Intelligence officer--Muj. A. W. ardson, D.1.0., M.D., No. 3 Signalling officer-- Lieut. D8, M.D 0. P. Sanitary, officer-- Capt. J. P.AMC, tich- . Stroud, T. Clarke, --- Brigade Staffs. Second Cavalry Brigade--Lieutenant- colonel commanding, Lieut.-Col. T. Clyde; brigade major, (to be detail: ed); orderly officer, (to be detailed.) Sixth Infantry Brigade--Lieutennnt- colonel commanding, Lieut.-Col. © J. Hughes; brigade major + (acting), Lieut -Col. W. N. Ponton, R.O. Seventh Infantry Brigade Lieuten- | ant-colonel commanding, Licut.-Col. KE, B. Edwards; brigade major (acting), Maj. A. B. Ousningham, 14th Regi ment, PW.O.R, Corps Units. 3 section, 2nd Fortress com- RCE. detachment Corps of No. 3 section, Signalling detaclimmy, CP.A8.C,; No. 3 inpany, CASO; detachment, PA. +; No hi Field Ambulance; No. 3 i C00; detachment, CA, P.O, . Second goons, No. pany, Guides; Corps; Cawalry ith Brigade- Hrd Dea- Hussars, 5th PL. Guards. Ninth Artillery Brignde--6th and 8th Field Batteries, Tenth Artillery Brigade--ldth, 24th Field Batteridy, Sixth Infantry Brigade--16th, and 45th Regiments; composite batta- lion city carps, (eight companies. ) Seventh Infantry: Wrigade--d6th, 17th and 49th Regiments, and A ------------------------. RESOLUTION ADOPTED. Fama At a Meeting of Protest in Gan- anoque. Moved by F..J. Skimmer, seconded by Hugh Wilson, "That the citizens and ratepayers of the town of Gana noque, desire to record their protest against the action of the license com- missioners of the district of Leeds in their recent action in declining to grant the two shop licenses for fo many years er antel to licensees in the town of Gananogue. "That in the opinion of this meeting there werd wo proper grounds justify- ing subh adion. That no complaint or request had been made by any sub- stantial representations asking for the same. That situated as we areas pn summer town 'with large nppbers of campers and tourists, as well as for the. convenience of residents in this digtrict, it is desirable that such h- censes he granted. That we belime that the vast maj ority of the ratepayers of our town degire that such licenses be grant. That the course of the license com- missioners in this our strong disapproval. That a Loby of the resolution le fen tg Dargavel and to Hon. Ww. Pi, Hi Carried unanimously. 28¢. List For Friday And Saturday 6 Ibs. ginger snaps, 25¢c. tins peas, 25¢. tins corn, 25c. Ibs. pure lard, 26c. 1 Ib. 40c. Japan tea, 6 loa, rice, Ihe. split peas, 25¢. 34 Ibs, Pearl tapioca, 2c. Mullin's grocery, corner and Division stréets. They're Worth $2 An The Lockett Shoe Store a win- dow full &f mim's $1 pant leather bludher hoots, all siges, selling for &2 They ave certainl bargains, 3 3 2 23e. Johnson C, Lamont, Ottawa, was in the city iA Money-Saving | iit Alb this Spring's New Goods ad most np- to-date patterns, full range of sizes, 11 to Ah God value at 10 and 125 each. dispatch from New York caused quite 40th An Enthusiastic Meeting Held on matter meets with | 4 : poy, Sack netnor the church 15 FROM ST. XITTS WOMAN WOUNDED IN FIGHT AT CONEY ISLAND. A Singer in One of the Music Halls [here--Went to New York to Study Opera--Louis Pogel, Jealous of Her, Killed Her Two Companions, New York, May 15~The crowd in Bouth Brooklyn hotel at Oceanic Walk and the Bowery, Coney lsland, heard thiee pistol shots, followed by the screams of a woman | about 5:30 o'clock, last night, and an instant lat- er two men staggered into the bar- room bleeding from bullet wounds in the head and toppled over dead. Outside a crowd gathered and through it dashed a woman and man holding a revolver in his hand. They disappeared around the corner into the Bowery. The woman fell uncon- scious in the doorway of a little Ita- lian restaurant. She was shot through the left shoulder. In the hospital the woman regained consciousness and said she was Car- roll Terry, a singer in the Imperial musie hall' at the Bowery and Thomp son's Walk. She said she did not know the men who had been killed, but had accepted their invitation to have a drink, and later to have din- ner in the restaurant. "It was Louis Pogel who shot me,' the police say the woman said, "and it was he who killed my companions. He was jealous of me. I met him three years ago, after 1 had come to New York from my howe in St. Catharinés, Cnt., to stody for the opera, and had finally drifted to the lowery for lack of funds. We lived together since then until recently, when I went away to Western New York. 1 returned a week ago and got a place in a music hall. Pogel found me there, but 1 would not have any- thing to do with him, and he got angry. ------ No Knowledge Of Her. St. Catharines, Ont., May 15.--~The Catharines. The girl, is unknown to the old. est residents the city, and 'the police authorities have no knowledee of such a person. It may be that the girl was travelling 'under an assumed | name, but it seems rather stignge that if she belonged to St. Catharines that she would not get inte com- munication with her friends here Up to noon, to-da no word has been received from New York. THE OROQUET CLUB. a stir-in St. Carroll Terry, of Thursday. There was a largely attended and | burg, OFFICERS WERE ELECTED At Methodist District Méeting on Friday Morning. The Methodist district meeting op- ened in Urock street church on Friday morning, with Rev, W, H. Sparling ia the chair. In addition to the minis ters already mentioned, the following laymen are in attendance : Dr. A; R. Carnovsky, R. . Armstrong, city D. J. Baker, Portsmonth; K. Tul» man, Stella; Thomas ihn West- brook; S. Armstrong, Wolfe Island B. Gordon, Glenvale: G. Leatherland, Latimer Yr Moorehouse, Batterspa, George Emery, Gananoque : Robert Dungven, Gananogue; A. B. Cowan, Kilburnie; John Davis, Pittsburgh: M. Truesdale, Hartington. F. M, Lawson, Sydenham; George E, Sly, Seeley's Bay; James M. Smith, Parham; Levi Storms, Verona; George Ennis, Perth Road. The following officers were elected : Rev. R. Calvert, journal secretary : Rev. Thomas Meredith. statistical sec- retary; Rev. J, Pinel and J. Moor- house, auditors, . The following young men were re- commended for college: John A. Waddell, Geo ree W, Meln- tosh, Frederick wv. Bates, B.A, Jas. M. Shaver, B.A, Gordon Churchill and George W. Dustin were received as candidates for the ministry, Alexandér F, Fokes, BA., and F. W. Dauby, were advanced a stage in their probation. The yreater part of the morning was giveh over to the consideration of the various funds of the church, At the afternoon's session, the fol- lowing delegates were appointed to attend the conference, on recommen- dation of the laymen's committee, of which F. Lawson was thairman. The conference opens in Quebec the last week 'in May : Sydenham street charch=T. F. Har rison, A, Shaw and De. A. PP. Chown; Yueh street church, Capt. Crawford, Crothers and Robert Mook: MR street church, W. H. Godwin, br. Nash and T. R. Carnoveky; Prin- cess street church, R. OG. Armstrong and W. D Graves. Portsmouth, W. J. Saker; Wolle Island, J. S. Armstrong: Cataraqui, Thomas Sproule; Elgin- burg, Byron Gordon; Inverary, George Leatherland; Gangndque, G. Emery; Gananoque East, James Lloyd: Pitts- A. B. Cowan, Kill,urnie, John Hartowsmith, James Walker: F. Lawson: Seeley's I George Ss Verona, Levi Storms; Perth Road, George Panis: Parham, John Hamilton. Reserves--Elmer Davis, son, George Peck, G. A. F. Chown. Davis; Sydenham, Bay, Joseph Law. | Bateman, A. DEATH oF A CADET. George Jackson Died in Montreal Friday Morning. most enthusiastic meeting of the Cro- quet Club, at Mrs. Walter Macnee's,' on Thursday afternoon. Tn the absence of Mrs. Macnee, Mrs. Brown. field was put in the chair, and the business proceeded Myre Montague Strange, the originator of the club, ! was unanimously requested to con tinue as its manacer, Thic office is a | combination of the presidency, the socretary's office and . the treasurcr-| ship, and the club feels that Mrs. | Strange is the best one to fill the! position. Mrs. E. T. Tavlor was elected an| honorary member, hy acclamation, | and the following ladies were voted] in to the seven vacancies : Mrs. T. D, R. Hemming, Mrs. Douglas Young! Mrs. D. Phelan, Mrs. Edward Tor rancdy Mrs. Perey Stevenson, Mrs. | Jeremy Taylor and Mra. H. FE Bir stall. The club ph this be at its! full membership of forty. Mrs. Noel Kent and Mrs. Richard Hooper retir-} ed from the executive committee, and! this- committee will now he made.op of Mrs. Walter Macnee, Mrs. Campbell Strange, Mrs. BD. Sfewart Robertson, | and Mes, W. St. Pierre Hughes Mrs. Hoover made a suggestion which met with instant and unquali fied approval. This 'was to establish | "party day." the Tuesdays in Fumelie being selected. On this day (he lawn Will he at the disposal of two mem- bers, to be drawn by lot, afd they may invite whomsoever they will to] play, the other elub members being | allowed to look on. If the idea| proves as sliecefsful as it is expected to be, the affairs will fontinue throughout the summer, and will' re pace the tournament. The fivat | "party" will be on Tuesday. June Sud, and Mrs. James Higgins and Miss Mowat have been drawn as host- cages, | | MOST SUCCESSFUL YEAR. i I Something of Finances of Brock Street Church. In connection with the annual re port of Brock - Street Methodist church, reference to which has already been made, it might be stated that the year was a most pros. ous one, financially. 'The following 5 a summary of the different amounts raised hy the church : fons, $94; superannuation fund, educational fund, $10; general rT cia i pei 85; Sunday School Aid, $2; contingent fam, $2; temperance fund, Sorth League, $2; sustentation fund, removal expenses, $40; ¥ ho 0 $120; Y I League. Ying oes al. 5 sos gh his "bum amounts 46 about $30. each family attending the church, from each member. In addi surplus to devote to the mort- How & Company's. Cadet George Jackson died Friday morning in the hospital at Montreal. He had been ill for some time, and for the past few weéeks' those attending him knew that the end was drawing near. 'The deceased had not com- pleted his course at RM.C. when he was forced to live dwing io ill health. About nine' months ape, while in swimming, Mr. Jackson injur- | ed his back, and was confined to the | hospital for some time, He did not fally recover from his injury, aud later hdd to undergo an operation. He re covered sufficiently to return to col lege, but only for a short time, when his health broke down and he was taken to Montreal ghout three mggiths ago and was in the hospital tibre P. ChoWn, Robert Meek, TI' THE DAYS EPISODES | LOCAL NOTES AND THINGS | IN GENERAL | | Occurrences 'In The Oity And Vieinity--Other Brief Items ot Interest Easily Read And 4 membered. Vote for Pense. i What a backward spring. | Thos. Mills for your spring hat When you need 4 Ceb phone 600, Lyles' Golden Syrup at Henderson's. A. Mead, Westmount, is in the wit on business, See Waldron's special advertisement. fee ries at Henderson's, | treal Saturday night. Baliour Mudie, Toronto, is visiting in the city. Big green cucumbers, 10¢, vach, at Carnovsky's, Good 'rubber tired cab always when | you 'phone 600. ha an Stockings Children's Tan Cashmere Stoekings Children's Tan Cotton Stockings Ladies' Tan Lisle Thread Hosiery Ladies' Tan Cotton Hosiery Ladies' Tan Cashmere Stockings. Martin Authes, Montreal, is in the | city on business. rs. Best, Peterboro, is with her son, L. T, Best, Union street. Bargain® in caps. Thos. Mills & Co. Vs Graham Meaford, is visiting friends iu the city, Shirts worth $1 hind $1.95, Livingston's Saturday sale. William Swaine, piano tuner. Orders received at McAuley' s. 'Phone 778. Try the new Electric Face Massage macliine at Kingsbury's barber shop. Englishmen who went to work at Wilbur mines are returiing to the | city, Fabward Adams, Ottawa, chairman of the steamboat inspection board, is in the city. "Patterson's in Kingston Drug Store, Capt. E. C. Dean, of Quebec, is in the city for a week to try promotion examinations, F. Conway, superintendent of the Kingston & Pembroke railway, was in Renfrew, to-day. H. Cunningham, piano tuner from Chiekering's. Leave orders at Me Auley's book store. In local marine buik ding circles, there is a great dullness. The season is anything but promising. Mrs. Douglas Young, Kingston, has arrived in Toronto for a visit to Mrs. Nordheimer, "Glencdyth." RB. J, Reid's ambulance brought a man from Collins Bay to the general hospital, to-day, with appendicitis Gloves and ties. Thos. Mills &i Co. May as well spend your money best advantages hy buying your Brock street. Five Indians and one white man from Deserontt, have entered in the twélve-mile race here on Victoria Day Sule of popular copyright novels. Regular price, $1.50; price on Satur- day, 4%., at RB Uglow & Conipany' 8 A dog in town will not allow chil dren to ride bicycles, Frequently he | holds up the little folks, making them walk. "Patterson's Toronto, are Red for 69, butterscotch" is sold at Ulbson's Red Cross of to gro chocolates," made in gold in Kingston at Gib son's Cross Drug Store. Phone 230, A special meeting of the board of health was called for four o'clock this afternoon, to consider an important matter D. MeDonald, of the staff, Tweed, left for his home Bank of sulfering mn Mon- | from | measles, King- | ston. { Tams, large tops. Thos, Mills & Co.! Michael Muchmore, returned from | Gananoque, to-day, after atte nding the! funeral of his aunt, the late Mes. | Donahue. since that time. The deceased, who was twenty years | old, Nas the only san of the late! George Jackson, who died in North | ( {Bay about ¢ight years ago. Upon his | {father's death his mother moved to | 'this city, where she has resided ever | since. Cadet Jackson went through | the Collegiate Institute here hefore en- | (tering the college, The news of his death was received at the College with sorrow by all the | cadets, as he was a prime favorite with them all. Students and pro- | fessors alike feel his loss keenly. The! {sincerest sympathy of a host of friergls is extended to Mrs. Jacks no in the sad | loss of her only child. will he brought here and then taker Th Pista off Amherst Island for burial. AT THE BlJOU. A Melodrama of Europe and South Africa. The attraction ut the Bijon today and to-morrow is a drama "The Ba- | ron aml the Actress." The drama tells of the adventures of an excellent | English girl who is obliged to support her father by singing in a German music hall, The scene changes from Berlin to south west Africa and in cludes a battle with bushrangers. John Robert Davis sings, "1 Could- n't Make a Hit With Molly." Men For The Ministry. The great need of the Preshyterian church for men for the ninety was dwelt upon by Rev. De. D. Mac Tavish at the meeting of the sy nod of Teron: to and Kingston. "How is the church going to live 7" he said, "when from all the theological colleges in Canada less than forty men will be graduated this vear. and we need nearly fifty to maintain the present ranks of the ministers and officers of the church, not to speak of the much-needed. éx- tension of home and foreign mission work ¥ The church is not preparing for the future. We are putting men and solendid eauinment into our theo- logical colleres, hut we are not put- ting in students." i ------ Saturday Book Sale. Never belore has it been possible to purchase sich fine, handrome, and really good books for so little money af we have for this sale at R. U Asking For Tenders: Postmaster Stewart, todo, recelv- nat { 230 The remaing lou Earl street tearing the ! waited has no and at "Kentucky lawn grass seed" equal, Makes thin lawns fat { healthy. Sold in Kingston only ithson's Red Cross Drug Store Dr. A. W. Richardson will represent! the Seottish Rite of Kingston, at the funeral of the late Allan Mclean, in Toronto, on Saturday. Our English breakfast blend of 0c... a 1b, great favorite. | Have you tried it J. 8. Henderson, | Brock street, "High class candy," McConkev's an Huy ler's Sold in King Gibson's Red Cross Drug tog § 15 a ton oniy Store. "Phone | of litte children | hair rib pupils going to and from the Collegiate Institute, Avingston's special | Saturday. See advt Hon, Mr. Hanna, in the was upon hy a4 deputation from Gananoque, in reférénce to the cutting ofi of the two shop licenses 'here. Newman & Spriggs Elestric com pany have seat leo. Barry to Napa- to assist in the electrical exten- sion work in connection with the town power plant Stetson hats, Thos. Mills. & Co. The new tailoring firte of Mackenzie & Smart, recently established at 139 Wellington stheet, is meeting with good success, Their patronage Complaint is made sale price for city, nee is DAINTY WHITE WAISIS The demand for these sty- lish Waists started early in February, and has ste adily _increased until now they are considered by those able to judge the best value in the city. w Vite Waists at $1.00, 1.25, 1.49. White Waists at $1.75. White Waists at $2.00, 2.50, 2.75, 3.00 up. White Waists at $3.75, 3.50, 4.25, 1.50 up. Materials are Fine White Mull or India Linen, trimmed with new designs of lace and embroidery. Kid Gloves Long Kid Gloves at $1.50, Long Kid Gloves at $2.00 In Tan Shades, Blacks, White. Fresh new stock, growing, and their customers are nll well satisfied with results Every lady in Kingston knows when she receives a box of MceConkey's or Huvler's tandy she is receiving high- clas confectionery. Sold in Kingston only at Gibson's Red Cross Drag Store, Wilkinson hats, Mills & Co. William Ludlow, employed by the city light department was overcome with gas on Thursday night, while working on a drain on Barrie street. He came around all right after sbous av hour's time. A prominent farmer stated, today, that it would be hard to yenlize the amount of damage that had been done by the rain of the post two weeks. The fields were flooded with water, and it would take some time before work could be proceeded with. AY six "oclock, Thursday evenin Inspector Arniel went to the oo of Colborne and Clergy streets, where bmundsome Black eat was un on 'the $1.49. Thos. to climb, so & young lad named Wil- lis, ghade the saat and brought pus. & back to ear A Remarkable Offer. The Lockett Shoe Sigre ave selling twen'« ptenit eather blucher $4 boots for $2. See the window. DO0000000 0000000000000 OOOO Chocolate Shoes for Ladies -and- Children We have just opened up a lot of new lines in Choco- | late Shoes, and have wark- ed them very low, adies' Fine Kid Choro- late Bluchor Oxfords, light | soles, $2.00 Ladies' Fine Kid Choco- late Blucher Oxfords, heavy soles, $1.50, "= Migscs' Fine Kid Chocolate Blucher Oxfords, sizes 11 to 2, $1.50. Girls' Fine Kid Chocolate Blucher Oxfords, sizes 8 to 10, $1.2 Also Chocolate and Black Strap Slippers. 3 Ghe Tooekeft Sboe Store.

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