Folding Beds! . Combining Couch, Bed Mattress and Wardrobe, just the thing for crowded apartments, $12, $14 up to, $35. COUCHES~35 styles, $4.50, $6 up to $15 each. . Dining Room . Cabinets A large $13.50, new $15 up. stock, REFRIGERATORS ! CARPETS Wiltons, sels, Balmorals, Tapestry, ing lines. CURTAINS ~Imported direct makers in England and Switzerland, Axwinsters. Brus. are the lead- from Linolouns and Oilcloths. FURNITURE COVERINGS, hy the yard, sowe handsome new. French Silks. Cretonnes and Draperies, ete. Nopain and Upholstering work done. T. F. Harrison Co. Phone 90. kde Housekeepers, Attention ! No Dry Good Store can show the stock of House Furnishings You can see here. We buy in greater quantities. We buy cheaper, We sell cheaper, 'R. McFAUL'S, Kingston Carpat Warel ouse, IH you wish to he successful at- 3 tend ! Kingston Business College Limited, head of Queen street, J CANADA'S HIGHEST GRADE business school, Hookkeoping, shorthand, typewriting, 2 graphy, and all commercial Subjects thoroughly taught by competent experienced teachers. Day and night classes. Fnter at any time Rates very moderate, iPhone, 440, H. F. METCALFE, President. Jo BE, CUNNINGHAM, Secretary. VHHOINNGI0C0000000D INNS For $200 ~ Cash And $100 per year you can buy a Double Dwelling With 6 rooms, good cellar, stone foundation, deep lot, drive way on each side. Riess aa. The rent of one house pay interest, on the balance for first year, You will thus have the 990005 00000R00000UTINIINIRIN = = 5 wi I UEUN0000000000U0000000P00 0000000 TOI0000OTGODROTTIETS ao § 51 Brock St. » Phone 326 or 621. - ehesrsvsrsercas GRAND OPERA HOUSE THE PRODUCTION OF "WE ARE KING." A Small Audjence Witnessed It-- The Plays That Are to Be Produced at the Grand During the Next Eight Days. "We Are King" was produced at the Grand operg house on Friday evening, and was greeted by a fair audience, but not as large as the show demand- ed, 'The play is a comedy in three acts. The scene is laid in Kohnburg, a small principality in Northern Ger- many, and the play hinges around the life of King Hector, of the little King- dom, how he is put in a madhouse by his councillors, and how a vagabond, who turns out to be the right king, is put in his place. Fdmund Carroll, in the dual role of Gustavus Venner, correspondent of the London Record, and Hector, king of Kobnburg, was all that could be de sired. He was forced to make some very quick changes from the reporter to the king, and back again, and he handled both roles in a manner all his own, that made him a favorite at once. The parts of Count Sexendorf, William McKegney, and Baron Stau- bach, W. C. Maxwell, were both in capable hands. The leading feminine role of Princess Olivia of ' Barronia, who masqueraded as Fraulein Theresa, a historian, was ably portrayed hy Miss Marie Clifton. Her work in the second and third acts, during her scene with the king, who she js sup- posed to marry, and in the lgét, where the king finds her identity, was ex- cellent. Miss Clifton is gz talented ac- tress and made a good impression on her gqudience from her first appearance. As Baroness Staubach, leila Hill was good, and' Miss Parke Patton por- traved the part of Julia in a credit able manner. Ihe minor parts were all well taken. The scenery was very good all through. -------- "Charley's Aunt,'"' To-Night. The Philadelphia Ledger says: The Chestnut Street Opera House opened last night with a peculiarly interest ing comedy in which Etienne Girar- dot was starred. He was a type .of the female impersonator with the el- feminacy left out. The house was a large one and and a laugh was in or- der w®very minute. The audience was pleased with the ewenings amuse ment. Mr. Girardot was a type of comedi- an in a class by himself and his work seemed pleasing after so much of the fool comedy staged now-a-days. He represented an old lady, and all through the plot no attempt was made to disguise the fact that he was a man, but the many predicaments in which he was placed caused the amusement. ll¢ associated in wo- man's parties and was made love to in an ardent way, all the time pro- testing, but forced by associates to carry out his part. "The Man Of The Hour." Messrs. William A. Brady and Jos- eph Grismer will present their great New York aud Chicago success, "1 Man of the Hour," at the Grand on Monday, May 15th. "The Man of the Hour" is the play by George Broad- hurst that hae set the press and pub lic,~the entire community to talking. It is an American play pwme amd simple, dealing with a question now uppermost in the minds of the peo- ple of the entire country, as to the rights and wrongs of the granting of franchises hy those in power. Its re- presentation of the workings of ma- chine politics is most realistic 'And true. It is a play for all classes -- there are two pretty little love stor ies deftly interwoven, which add much heart interest, and make the play a most delightful one. The company and production ard' all that could be asked for. , "Brewster's Millions." Do vou think you could spend million dollars in a yeap without re sorting to eudowments or wild and speculations, or foolish gener osity ? Figure it out and see if you think # ¢an be done, and when you have decided that it. is impossible go and see Cohan & Harris- comedianvin "Brewster's Millions' at the Grand, on Thursday, May 2lst, and see how Montromery Brewster this seemingly impossible feat. AT CLOSING SESSION. Concluded at Methodist District Meeting. The closing session of the Metho- dist district meeting was held on bri day afternoon, and at the close it way decided to hold the next annual meeting in Queen Strect Methodist church, the imitation of the pastor, Rev. W. H. Sparling, being accepted by a unanimous vote. The following appoliiments were made for committees Representatives on stationing cam- mittee, Rev. R. Calvert, B.D., Rev, J. C. Lorm ll, alternate; class leaders, local preachers and othee lay agen cies, Rev. Dr. Ryckman and A. Shaw ; Epworth League and Young People's Societies, J. Cornell and George E. Sly: contingent fund, Rev. T. KE. Burke and W, H. Godwin; sus tentaticn fund, Rev. C, A, Sykes and Stewart Armstrong; temperance pub- heation and moral reform, Ww. Craig and W. Nash; memorials ani miscellaneous resolutions, Rev. W. Timberlake and T. R. Camovsky; Sabbath observance; Rev. R. Stull well and F. M, Lawson; church pro- perty, Rev. Dr. Ryckman and Oliver Chown; State of the work, Rev. F. H. ating committee, Rev. 3 H. Business a accomplishes THE DAILY. BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, MAY 16, 1908. SUNDAY SERV. CES. | | The Filling of the Pulpits To-| Morrow. { Andrew s--kKev, Pr. | and 7 p.m. Strangers 28 Ser docs 4d aan weicoine. Bethel pastor wil} Taal evening. The| "Faith mn} . 1 evening Sab Clrch--The preach worping and morniig sub ect will be, the Fact of the kEiule'; ject; "lhe Gospel in be Word. Yacen Street methodist Lhuxeh-- | Rev. W. H. Sparling, ypaster, will | preach at both ser\ices. 1i a.m. and | 7 pm. Sanday sehool, 245 pm; Young Mins Club, at 3 © does; mid-| wees ser vice, Wednesday, 5 p.m. Looke s Presbyterian hurch, street--1hé pastor, Kev. W. N. Tavish, Ph.D, will preach at both services. Sunday school and bible class at 3 p.m. Young Péopie's meet ing, 5.15 p.m. Strangers made wei come at all services. First Church ot Christ Scientist-- Sunday 11 a.m. subject, "Mortals and Immortals. Wednesday, testi monial meeting, 5 pa. Free reading room every atternoou except Sunday, 3 to 5 o clock; Monday and Thurs day, 8 to 9.30 p.m, St. George's Cathedral--Fourth Sun- day after Easter. 8 a.m., holy com- munion; 11 a.m., shortened mattios aud holy communion, preachec Dean Farthing; 3 p.m. Sunday school and Jible class; 4.15 p.m, baptism; p.m., evensong, preacher, Lean Farth- Brock! Mac- ing. First Consrezationel Church, corner of Wellington and Johnson streets.-- Pastor, Rev. J. Charles villisrs. Di vine worship at 11 a.m. "What For- givencss Does Not. Do," and at 7 p.m. "Our 1 emptatic ns, Whence Come They 7" Strangers are invited. A wel come to all. Seats are free. First Baptist Churcher, Douglas ing stor, at bot services, 1aing, go Way of Peaceful Death Re vealed in Christ's Dying. "Christ Our Forerunner." school and Bible class at 2.45 p.m. A cordial welcome to strangers at all the services. Brock Street Methodist Church--Rev. T. E. Burke, B.D., pastor. Service at 11 aon. and 7 p.m. The pastor will preach at both services; class mect- ing, 10 a.m; Sunday school and Bible classes, 3 p.m. ¥. P. 8., Monday, p.m.; Wednesday evening service at 8 p.m. Strangers made welcome to all services. : Chalmers, Presbyterian, Earl streets--Rev. M. Maegil- livray, D.D., minister. Services: 1 am. "How Christ Helps in Every Kind of Trouble'; 7 p.m. "Judas Is- cariot, and Why He Betrayed the Lord." --Stadies in St John. Sunday school and Bible class, 3 p.m. Prayer meeting, Wednesday, 8 p.m. Strangers cordially invited to all the services. Svdenham Street Methodist church --Pastor, Charles A. Sykes, B.D. 11 a.m., preacher, Rev. B. Ryvckman, M.A., D.D,; subscriptions for the Bar- bara Heck Memorial Fund, will be re- ceived: 2:45 p.m, Bible school: 7 pm. preacher, Rev. R. B. Nelles, M.! : a.m., Junior League and society class- es: Epworth League, Monday, 8 p.m; mid-week service, Wednesday, 8 p.m. ---------- INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. I-- i Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters On Their Rounds. Livingston's shirt sale to-night, 'the "Jolly Widower" -hat is the latest. 1t 1s worn with a brick in at. she police return thanks to Mrs, U. for a contribution ot corner Bar rie and G. Jounston, magazines. sry bivby"s $1 tan shirts. "pannah' hirted with that chap, the Whig, last might. "pannah"' got at. Hest ever offered, GYc. ston's to-mght only. Bibby 8 <4 hats lor smartness. the meeting of the cricket club, to have been held last evening, was post poned till next week, Bibby s for habasome ¥l shigis. the Whig is alwa,s a sourgelitl top ic at conservative gathevings( ¥ grr {may it live to provide theme gr its Lil nds, the ehemy. pibby's 2 hats for style. W. vu. Saunders has opencd a new { tailor shop, 150 Wellington street, cleaning and pressing a specialty. A | trial order 'solicited. | Bibby's ¥2 hats are specials. A lady interested in the work of the | Hunane Society, to-day, banded In- | spector Arniel twenty-hve cents, to be given the lad who climbed the tele graph pole and rescued a cat. Bibby s ¥1 shirts are neat. Annual meeting Y.W.C. A, in new building, Monday, 8 p.m. Rev. W.'T. | Fitagerald, chairman. Accounts of the {various departments of the work, | music, and addresses by Mrs. Shortt {and others. Bibby's #1 shirts are dainty. At six o'clock, Friday afternoon, P. C. Arniel was called to the corner ol Ontario and Queen streets to shoot a fox tgrrier. The dog, owned by Sergt. Norwebb, had distemper and it was thought better to put it out of the old Poor shirts. Living- ar ~ | / i i | | i way. phys $1 shirts are fine. Mr. Hanna failed to deal with the most important issves of the day in his speech, last evening. He spoke of trivialities, le ditin't tell' about the outrageous gerrymander, the La Rose {mine iniquitous deal or .the C.N.R. jenormous guarantees. . Bibby's $1 shirts are handsome. It is astonishing to find how far a few gallons of Ramsay's paints will 20 to make a house look fresh and sunny. Everybody should see the fine color cards with suggestions for paint- ing and the stock carried by W. A. Mitchell. REGISTRATION BEGINS TO BE HELD. nr -- Every Young Man Should See «- That His Right to Vote is 'Frotected--The Courts Will Sit For Four Days. The manhood sufirage registration begins on Moaday morning at ten o clock in the following places: At city council chamber, before J. B. Walkem, for. Sydenham, and St. Lawrence wards. At police court room, before Police Magistrate Farrell, for Cataraqui ward. At old Y.W.C.A, rooms, corner Prin: cess and Sydenham streets, before W, Mundell, for Frontenac ward. At law lilwary, comt house, before T. M. Asselstine, for Rideau ward. At judge's chambers, 'court house, before Jud Price, for Vietoria ward, The registfars will sit on the 18th, 19th, 22nd and 2rd irom 10 am. till 9 paw, with intermission from | to 2 pm. and 610 7:30 pm. The first portion of the evening will reserved for the registration of chanics. Everybody whose name is not on the municipal voters' list must regis- ter in order to vote at the Ontario election on June Sth. Every young man who is a British subject, twenty- one years of age, .n resident of the province for a year preceding the date of registration and of the municipality for three mogths preceding the same is entitled to register, me- FACIES TO YOUNG ELECTORS. "= BE * ed] xk Put a pin in here. If you wish to vote at the coming elections, make sure that your name is on the voters' list. If you are not a 3 householder, you must # register. Even if you area ¥ householder your name 3% may have been omitted from the roll by accident. Make sure of your vote. Go up to the Liberal Commit- tee Rooms, up stairs in the Golden Lion Block, see how you stand, and get in- formation on how to pro- ceed. And go early. ve # * ® Ww W * * EREXTLEXFERTFERS PERMANENT OFFICERS Write on Promotion Examinations. On Monday in Ontario Hall, the an- nual promotion examination for per- manent military offers will begin The board will consist of : President, Lieut.-Col. Hemming, C.8.0., E. 0. ; Lieut.-Col., J. C. MeDourall, R.C.R., and Lieut.-Col. Burstall, R.C.HA., members, The following ofl ers will write : . For rank of lieutenant colonel, Per. manent Army Medical Corjs--Major G. Parce, Majer R, K. Kilborn, Mgjor J. D, Bro Sd Sh For the rank of major--Capt. L. Le- due, R.C.R., Capt. A. H. H. Powell, R.C.D. » For the rank of Captain--Licats. G. G. Chrysler, RC.R:; A, P. & Wil liams, R..G. R.A. V. 8S. Nord- heimer, R.C.D.; R. B. Willis, R.C.R.; E. W. Pope, R.C.R.; 8. H. Osler, R. C.E.; E. C, Dean, C.P.AS.C.: A. de M. Bell, C.P.A.S.C; A. 8. Wright, R. C.G.A.; Hon. Capt. W. P. Butcher, R. C.R.; Capt. L. IL Sitwell, C. of G. For Examination in Subject , Capt. F. D, Lafferty, R.C.A,, (Garri son). Lients. W. K. P. Blair, RF.A,, (R.M.C.), (Field), A. W. Jamieson, R. C.H.A., (Garrison), A. E. Harris, R. C.G.A., (Garrison); Irving, 5th Kegt., C.A., (Field). Who Will Tory Government And Queen's. It was laughable to hear Mr. Hanna tell the city hall audience, last even ing, how liberal the Whitney govern ment had been with Queen's. Whitney réfused to give Queen's Mining School any money on capital account. Ross liberal government gave Queen's two fine mining buildings, besides a large yearly grant, and if that gov. ernment had been in power to-day, there would have been another big building erected by it, on Queen's grounds. 'The Whitney goverament starved the department of pedagoov last sesgion. The Ross government gave not only the buildings, but in- creases of grant for maintenance. The Whitney government gave a building, but offers no yearly grant. S---------------- $2 hats are beauties Bibby's J "Our Styles the Buyer's Guide" Get a New Hat. This Is Hat Time. Your old hat may look good enough on a dark, cloudy day, but not in the sun. hats are a shame. Buy yourself a new one and get a good one. We are sole agents for Wood- row, Hawes, Strachan, Pic- be | 'terprise which The | | CITY AND VICINITY. | Actor Taken Ill. 8S. Miller Kent, actor, who appearcd Nocite.~ WHERE THE COURTS ARE Kinison recently in "Rafer," hos { been taken in . charge by a hospital | near New York, as a possible victim {of smallpox. He hus just returned fir ym a tour through Canada. i i | Reached 100 Years. {| Mrs. Susan Hurd Cook celebrated {at her home, in Clayton, N.Y., on {May 14th, the 100th ggniversary of ther birth. She is a Daughter" of | the American Revolution, her father i having served throughout the war. Ontario | Made The Course. the cadefs who are entered Vie on | Two of {in the tweive-mile race here, on i toria Day, ran ground the cours | Friday afternoon. They were paced iby a cadet on a bicycle and made the trun in {ine time. ~ Hoth these . nin run with an easy swing, amd cover ithe ground nicely. They should be well up in the running. Kingston Helps Ottawa. At a meeting of the Kingston Build- ing Laborers' Union, the sum of $125 was voted to the Ottawa Builders' Laborers' Union, to aid the latter in its strike. The Ottawa union mem pers have been on strike for the past five weeks, amd are still fighting the contractors. One union helps the oth- er in troublous times: The Kingston building laborers have made a fine contribution. A New Business Started. 8. M, Switzér and E. Hughson, of this city, have established a new en should prove success- ful. They wul make a business of taking photographs of landscapes, re 'sidences, persons, ete., and trans- iferring same to post cards for the purchasers' private use, 'They claim the work can be done at a moderate cost, and prospects look good for a {thriving business. Messrs. Switzer & Hughson have their headquarters at {157 Raglan Road. Orders leit at { Best's drug store will receive prompt attention. ¥! The Whig A Topic. | Ton. Mr. Hanna, the provincial se cretary, dearly "loves" the Whig Every time he comes to Kingston to ispeak he carries a copy with him and reads from it to the audience. Last | evening he read a chapter about pri ison labor that annoyed him, but he {didn't answer the charges made. He just beat around the bush. This isn't the first time the Whig has worried Mr. Hanna, or Mr. Whitney either. One sure sign of a liberal victory in nang- ston is a visit from these gentlemen "Hannah" came on Friday (an un- {lucky day) and that settles it. An- {other liberal vietory is assured. . Returning To Kingston. John D. Baker, formerly of King ston, who has been living in Deseron. to for the past five years, has return ed to reside in the Limestone City. On Wednesday evening the Deseronto lodge of Oddiellows presented © Mr. Baker with an address regretting his departure, and a smoker's complete outfit. Mr. Baker is a past grand of fataraqui lodge, No. 10, Kingston. In ronto he was employed as head gardenvr on the extensive premises of Mrs. E. W. Rathbun, and worked the grounds up to a high state of horti cultural beauty. B. A. Hotel Arrivals. Ri A. Dickson, J. C, Judd, I. A. Dewey, GG. .E. Bentley, J. W. Wilkin- son, H. C. Hutchins, E. J. Shanecon, G. A. Mihell, John Connor, Toronto; P. E. MacDonald, R. G. Murney, R. Dennison, W, Torrance, Montreal; J. A. Murray, Malone, N.Y.; Mrs. Anna Mabel Pol loek, New York; G. Skinner, UU. lewis M. Carroll, J. A. McCammon, J. B McMurchy, Gananoque; Heorge Gar diner, Miller Gardiner, Jan:t Gardin er, Des Moines, Iowa; Arthur Shultz and wife, Milwaukee; B. Postlethwaite, Relfast; C. Bats, Ccrnwall; PB, An Jerson, London. Lazicr, D Has Travelled Much. Although he has only been out from {the old country a year an Englishompn who was given shelter at the police | station last night told the officers that he had travelled all over Canada and the United States He believed that he would be able to make good but luck had been against him, and he was very sorry that he ever out. He has been receiving some sistance from relatives ocean, and says that if this had been the case he would have found very difbenlt to get along. He tends to go back to England, as as he ¢an raise the price for his pas {sage, came ns the not it mn SOON AcCroRs MARINE NEWS. The Items Gathered About the Harbour. The schooner Jamieson arrived from Oswego with, coal for Anglin'. 3 The schooner Acacia arrived from Oswego with coal for KR. Crawiord The schooner Bertha Kalkins arrived from Oswego and is unloading coal at Sowand's. : The schooner J. B. Kitchen, loading feldspar ut Richardsons', cleared foc Charlotte, today. The steamer America will be off the dry-dock on Monda¥ and will be realy for her regular runs as soon as need: The schooner Tradewind arrived at Folger's, from Sodus Point, with coal. Steamer Alexandra arrived from Mon- Atreal, at eleven o'clock. Swift's : Steamers Dundurn, down, Friday night; City of Ottawa, up, Fri- day night; Belleville, down, to-day; Rideau King, from Ottawa, to-night; schooner Keewatin, from Sodus, with conl; steamer Aletha, from bay ports; At WL. T Co. : Steamer Advance cleared for Fort William; schooner Straubenzie, from Picton, with 18. 500. bushels of barley; tug Emepson, from Charlotte, with two coal barges, will clear for Montreal with two coal barges and three grain barges. Oliver, James * SHOULD BE PHOTOGRAPHED. It Was the Catholic Palace Early Days. Has anyone thought of taki photograph of the quaint pink-col rough-cast on Wilhain steeet between Bagot | Wellington streets ? It will soon be nol I. and even, to-dav, know, that the dwelling, with its casement windows, was, in the city' I , the pal ace of the Roma bishops It stood just behine French church, ou the stands the Roman Cathe school to-day The old French tay , on the corner of Witham and Wellington streets Was : { and mn house few hitle ithe davs holic old which rrapiedd that uto pity + old place go oblivion Campbell Bros'. To-Night. For a lightweight, kuockahout up. S0¢ Our English breakfast blend of toy at 1c. a Ib, a great favorite Have you tried it. J. 3. Henderson, Brook street. "Ribby's 32 hats are swell "HUNT'S" ---- FOR : Summer Underwear, $i., $1.25, $1.50. Men's Pajamas, $<, $2.50, $3, $4. Men's Fancy Soft Shirts, $1, £1.25, $1.50, $1.75 and $2. Men's Negligee Shirts, 75c., $1, $1.25, $1.50 and $2. Men's and Boys' Leather Belts, 25¢., 40c., 50¢c. and 75¢. Men's Fancy Hosiery, 2bc. 5Ce. See Hunt's Natty $2.50 Hats. P. J. HUNT, is 50¢., 158¢., $1.50, 81.95, and Skirt Sale Beginning Monday, May 18th. We have made ments with Mr, J. Rosen, the well-known Ladies' Tailor, to make beautifully Tailored Skirts, fit and work. manship the best, for the low price of $1.25, Goods tp be purchased at this store arrange. Sample Skirts on view in our window. Saturday Night Spacials Including 25¢ Corset Cover Embroidery, for 15c Regular 75c. Corsets; 50c Ladies' Fast Black Cotton Hose, 2 pairs fof 25c, NEWMAN & SHAW The Always Busy Store. for THE EYE MUSCLES FOURTEEN in number in both eyes and it stands reanen that their action amd rength gongs from the mew sapply Persous . With. weak nerves suffer froun weak eyes. 0000000000000 08 I CAN greatly siresgiben the © eyes by av efthoplic trestment," ® treatment ¢ strengthened by this without wearing glksies. DR. A. P. CHOWN, DRUGGIST AND OPTICIAN, 185 Princess St. Kingston. ® 800000000000 0000000000 C0000 N00000000000000O Caen enitatl ya AE BR OY de AAA pA CLOCK We have just imported, from the makers, a very fine line of Gilt Clocks, which for beauty of finish and excel« lence of workmanship, can« not be surpassed. Just sultable for Wedding Presents. Smith Bros., ! Watch Makers and Jewellers, Issuers of Marriage | Licenses. 350 KING ST. Phone 686. Furs Made Over and Re- paired here at reason- s able prices. W.F. GOURDIER, 18, 78 and 80 Brock Bt. Phomey 700, American Oils Coal Oil Lubricating Oils Gasoline We make a specialty of handling Lubricating Oils of all kinds. Prices on application. W.F. KELLY & CO, South Cor. Ontario and Clarence. RN COAL! The sudden changes in weather ought to suggest the wisdom of putting in some good coal We seil good Coal, It's the kind that sends out the wiost beat, and makes the home comfortable ; it's the best money ean huy, and there is none better mined. We deliver It to you clean and without slate, at the very bottom prices. Booth & Co., on Phone 133 a (0 TC oo oT 0 Foot of West St i i BEST'S SHORT STOP Cures ALL Cougys J YR"7N 2 Ta AND COSTS BUT Wm. Murray, Auctioneer 27 BROCK ST. + New Carriages, Cutters, Harness ete., for sale Sale of Horses every Saturday. IF IT IS TO GET A SINK Set up or a bath room I candoitin at the right price. trial. DAVID HAL THE FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY ESTABLISHED, 1863. President--8ir Richard Cartwright on City and Farm Pro. and County Debes. purchased Deposits allowed, enstalled first-class style and Give me a Phone 3356 ? 68 Brook Bt loaned periies. Municipal tures Mortgages received and interest Money 8. C. McGill, Managing Director. -- »" . * * "Elephant" Pure Liquid Paints Fully the Lest and stone glossy warfees ispush and cian Yor sale by A. STRACHAN'S. New England Chinese Restaurant 351 King Street. Open from 10.830 a.m. toBa wm. the best plate to get sn all round Lunch in the city. Menis of all kinds on shortest notice. English anf Chives dighes » specialty. Phone, 655. guaranteed. Theas preswryitises for they diy guickly, with a hard work freely woder the Jo applied by anyone. paints wre wood, fron "JUST IT." For the Breakfast on a cold morsing & Bot slice of "Mild Cwred Ham." snd Stristly Fresh Eggs, at MYERS, 80 Brock steaet, "Phone, 570. Bibby 's for best $l shirts,