Daily British Whig (1850), 16 May 1908, p. 4

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A DURABLE FLOOR VARNISH Made <by The Sherwin= Williams €o.01s tough and elastic. Doesn't scratch or mar readily under foot wear. Can be walked on next day after application. Has a lasting lustre, Easy 'Tins, Half Pints, Pints, Quarts, etc, CORBETT'S HARDWARE LUMBER CEMENT GOAL S. ANGLIN & 00. Bay & Wellington Sts. ae ww P. Walsh, Coal Dealer 1+ BARRACK STREET HAVE YOUR indows Decorated with GLACIER : .. my substitute for Stainid Glass rilstic, Durable, Economical, by . J. DAWSO Successor te Dawsom and Staley, rincess stroet. High Grade Pianos at Living Prices. ietor and Berliner Gramophone, Wilk wa' Sewing Machine. Phoenix Fire tinguisher ; and a full line of Musical struments, Music, ete. 4 SPECIAL NOTICE. Fo the Ladies of Kingston : I have removed to the former Sard of Education rooms, Mon- real street, corner Princess. Re- member the place. J. ROSEN, 217 Tne BARKER MOTOR has from the first shown jal? $0 ba of superior design. Mec! fdess of proven worth, combined with the best materiiis and careful attention 10 details makelt THE LEADER OF ITS GLASS. . L. Barker, NorwaLK, Conn. DAT STigS Publishing Co., Led |B TENSE, Daily Whig. A CAMPAIGN FICTION. "Indirectly the breaking of the fam- ous or infamous school book mono poly has added already at least half a million to the people's own private ihcomes. Presently these ctions will apply to the school books now in preparation, in geography, arithmetic, gramma¥, ete. The saving will be most material." This wild statement appeared in this week's Orillia Packet, cons rvative. The reckless and unblushing attempt to' mislead the electors can be met happily by conservative testimony, that of John A. Cooper, one of the school book commission, appointed by the Whitney government. Months ago, in correctiflg the atiove falsehood, he wrote in the Canadian Courier : "The average price paid per year in Ontario for readers is only $15,000. The price has been reduced from $1.15 a year to 49%., a reduction in the total amount of about $25000. But this reduction in price lasts only for a year and a hall. The probability is that a new set of readers will be prepared and the paper and the Lind- ing brought up to date, the price will go up to the old figure if not Righer. * * * * The public would [| higher. | be unwise to fancy that good books '} ean be bought in the regular way for any Such prices as mow obtain in On- tario." The Saskatchewan edudation depart- ment has undertaken, by legislation, to see that the public schools are free and that all text beoks are sold ata little above cost . School boards are authorized, as in Ontario, to assess the people for books and supplies and seve them to the scholars free. A FEAT IN POLITICS Governor Hughes of Now York state, has again demonstrated that he is a leader of men, a man of extraordinary astuteness and power. He has notibeen an idle governor, or one disposed to let the public business drift. He has had many reforms to urge, and he has succeeded in carrying the most of them. The crisis of his career, as gover- nor, came when the legislature, acting under various evil influences, refused to pass the bill which he suggested, and prohibiting the gambling that has heretofore disgraced the race track. It. was delayed, and finally rejected just before the close of the session Jt was defeated by one vote. Mr. Hughes saw his opportunity. He decided to fire the heather, and at a number of places, where he had been invited to spenk, appealed to the people in be- hali of moral and reformatory legisla- tion. In the constituencies represented by the supporters of race track gamb- ling he had the greatest success. Finally in the Orleans-Ningara dis trict, made vacant by the death of a snator, he made a personal campaign in support of one who believed in his proposal, and though the democrats. and machine republicans are sald to have laughed at his efforts, he ried the division. The feat has challenged attemtion, and a paper which is impartial in its views on state questions, admits that a great conjuest has been accomplish- el. "It is of the greatest impor- tance," it remarks," "that the United States should have leaders who ap peal direct to the virtues of the peo- tle, and people who show that they are capable of responding to such appeals." car- The city must give six months' no- tice of its desire to have a revision of its agreement with the street railway. Is that not a reason why the matter should be attended to at once? It cannot go beyond June. ls there a Johnny Rockefeller boy on the fin- ance committee ? ' RLOW TO PRIVATE ENTERPRISES. It is ietimated, Boldly atid al ove board, that an attempt is be'ng made 10 wreck the power scheme. As the Globe cartooned it a day of 'two ago, the members of the government are heroically marching behind the mask of Adam Deck. They are presumably backing the chairman of the Hydro Elictric commission, and supposed to he committed to its schemes, but the impression is growing and with some reason that the Jsovernment is afraid of the venture und not really anxious to push it on. - "Such are the influences at work in a campaign," says Saturday Night, "that it looks as if the Whit- ney government would have to decide now their irrevocable determination 16 go abead the cheap power programme and sep it through to suc- cess im every r, or raire in men's minds a doubt as to whether DAILY pets it ap to the _oyerument. Tf the 'people cannot get frank assurances that the work will go on régardiess of anything that may bappen, .and if the ministry does not commit itself finally before the elections--there will be room for fear that the underpin ning has been pulled away from the project and used for election fuel," The blunder of the government, ome from which it cannot now recover, is that it did not take over the Electri- cal Development company's plant ami #0 be in a position to gurantee the power they have promised. For the time being it is acting like a dog in the manager. It will not do anything itself, and its menacing attitude pre vents any company from taking the initiative, The experience of the - Elec: trical Development company a decided and damaging blow to pri- Vate enterprise, No more capitdl will go into the business until people know where they are at. : is The Domville uproar in Ottawa be- cause Premier Asquith did not boist the British flag on Empire day. sug- gests that the national colors are not the only evidence of a people's loy- salty. No one will accuse the adviser of the king of disloyalty. HANNA AN ARTFUL DODGER. The man who has the largest fluence in the Whitney government, and is the largest sharer in its sins, is Hon, W. J, Haona. He is the one who jollied the house when Mr. Whit. ney disturbed it by his abrupt or fit- ful speeches. Mr. Hanna has one great offence to defend. He has made an ex- planation of it wherever he has spok- en. It is the prison labour contract. The story now given out with so much unction is that the government contemplates the removal of the Cen/ tral prison to the country and with its change of location there will be no more coutrget labour. But this means that sale of convict labour, in competi- tion with free labour, will go oh for a year or more, and there is no justifi- cation for this gross betrayal of the workingmen's interests. In the last local election the pledge was made by the opposition that the prison made goods would be labellod, and that prison labour would not be sold, but the government had hardly been seated than the contract now protested againgt. was made hy Mr. Hamma. He knew about the Whitney pledge. He yiolated it with impunity. He made a contract in July, 1905, and kept it a seeret until the le islature met in the following spring. He then disdained the representatiion of the manufacturers of wooden-ward He ignored the appeals of the labour un- jons. He continuéd the deal of selling labour at Ze. per hour, and throwing in the ase of building machinery, and attendance which means an ammual git to a favorite firm of over twenty thousand dollars. The workingmen may be appeased in their wrath by the statement that in a year or two this outrage will be di continued, but that is no apology for a flagrant violation by the gov- ernment of a solemn pledge, and an inexpressible contempt dor labour views. Mr. Hanna is respousible for the contract which has provoked much discontent. He has assumed to treat the criticism of it heretofore with indifference. Now, with an elec- tion on he is all smiles and promises, and is resorting to the old tricks of the artial dodger. 80 The women of New Brunswick de mand the franchise and the govern- ment is not in favor of granting the request. The premier is said to have "thrown cold water on the proposal," and the suffragettes are now inclined to throw cold water on him. Sndeup-- 3 GROUND FOR JOY. That for which "Johnny Rockefel- ler's Boy," as Dr. Beattie Nesbitt de nominated Mr. Hanna, is particularly responsible is the license department, and its record in three years has been badly 'Definicghed. The party in op- position had fdwaured a non-political Administration of the system. But they were no sooner in office than the headsmen were put to work, and there was a summary dismissal of all the license inspectors, excepting three, and a removal of all the license commis sioners in the province. The places of these persons were filled by poli ticians, and so pious a paper as the Toronto News commented upon the fact. "In removing the old license offi- cers," said our contemporary, "the government created exactly the rela- tions between the conservative. poli- ticians and' the liquor trade, as. were alleged to prevail under liberal ad- ministration, and it is doubtful i under this system any permanent im- provement in the improvenient of the law can be effected." to have anythisg in Manitoba urs BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, MAY 16 1508. 1 tv men in Toronte.. Itrended in the Dr. Beattie Nesbitt epivode, in his re flection upon "Johnny Rockefeller's hoy," his resigpation of a $9.000 job, | and his defeat for the mavordity. Such was the demoralization which the report revealed, the grafting, the crookedness, that the ouly cure seem- ed to be the putting of the business under the direction of a cen- tral board. The government did not, or dare not, act on the recommenda- tion, and the seandals go on. i How far an unscrupulous party will go in this respect not apparent. | One member of the government did not think it beneath his dignity to consort with an applicant for license who had a police court cord of fourteen convictions. Because! of this and other incidents the i ronto News had to admit, somewhat | mournfully, that the government had | made a surrender the base ele- ments of the party ! Mr. Hanna may find in all this ground for comiort or compliment, but most people will see in it the occasion for troubled intro- spection. license is favours re-| To- to EDITORIAL NOTES The Ross government was on its de- fence in the last election. Now it is the Whitney government. ---- Collier gives the people a shock Ly intimagting that 'the Gillies limit may be a gold brick instead of a silver | mine."" Who would have thought this | a few months ago. Mr. Whitney admits that his ernment has made mistakes, but they were not serious. The old excuse for the first slip and fall from grace--'It was such a little one." ep gov- Labour is protected or safeguarded, | eh ? It comes into competition with prison contract labour at three cents There's a lot of justice in an hour. that. For a government that is said t the Toronto News--the members of it | have a great many excuses to offer. -- The Bourassa,idea--that more inde- pendents are wanted in parliament--is taking hold in Ontario. The tory ma- chine is having its opponents every- where. The revolt is growing every day. The grand jury at the Toronto as- sizes favored the lash as a punishment | for some offences. The judge approv- | ed, saying that he did not know anyone who desired a second dose it. of | of | -------- Mr. Hanna is responsible for the prison contract deal, and he ought to be ashamed of it. It is his defiance ofl labour interests that invites the title of the "Thirty-Cent Govern- ment." ---- The party that cannot trust the re- | vision of the voters' lists to the! judges must be erooked. The refusal | but | the Roblin-Rogers lists suggests that | they have been specially loaded for | the election. | -- The people who are getting power at less than cost should he the last to complain that the gas swmers are getting light too cheap Let us have an enquiry so that the city may know how much it is losing anyway. oPlRIT OF THE MESS Barometer Of Prosperity. Greenwood, B.C. Ledge, I'he prosperity of g mining camp can be sifed up by counting the number of times you pre asked to drink. The Fat Wads. Toronto Globe. here is no need this time for a purity fund. The tory party has what practical politician calls the "it wads" in tow. electric con- Golden Rule. Hamilton Herald Sir Wilird's proffered compromise in the matter. of the Manitoba lists is ma good specimen of the qppli cation of the Golden Rule. : Always To The Front. Hraatford Expositor. To the liberal party is due both the manhood suffrage and an up-to-date registration. It is, in short, the part | of the people, amd as such deserving of support, Traitors In Evidence. Hamilton Times. nest of traitors' sentiment dificult to eljminate from the mind. No soomer-is the Quebee pro- vincial election campaign well under | way than L. P. Pelletier seeks to ile Bowe 2. E. Leblanc from . the Bader s i tory The Chance Of Game. Situation Of Ottawa. will be Sound business men in who will think that i the mises to return many liberals, if the enthusiasm meetings that have have been held the cast formerly, are any indieation. The information | have received from the Ottawa Valley is indeed. ville on Monday evening, which held on the corner where four ridings come together, brought out the grati- fying cause was the popular one {option in Stouffville seems to be the { four ridings will be carried by liberals namely North York, Kast York candidates. 9 | nominations have done so well---to be about per- | God wich; Towers, of Sarnia; fect, according to the present views of iol Kenora: Huell, of Brockville, making front benchers, form from ons gems to me {ed Copenhagen by setting five to roofs {ward's witnessed at THE LIBERAL OUTLOOK. McKay Full of Hope couragement. Peterboro Examiner : sorts all along the line in Eastern Ontario indicate splendid hi beral getivity. Eastern Ontario pro- and En- the and in and attendance at Lindsay meeting last evening very favorable, Again, the meeting at Stouff was feeling there that the hberal The of liberal general consensus angl North and South Ontario, What to me is most gratifying that liberals the province over selecting exceptionally men All T need to do yesterday's ligt of liberal Men like Proudfoot, of Annis and of is are able as is point te Price, of Sudbury, are all capable As | have often said on the plat end of this provinee | to the other liberals never were in hetter fighting fettle, So far as 1 know there is no dissatisfaction wrangling within the party and that all that will or it count to the good Threat To Burn Palace. Copenhagen, May 16.--An incendiary has for' the last two months teiroriz is to send blackmailing letters before beginning operations Detectives are then posted at the house, but as soon as they, alter some days' vain watching, are removed to other houses in which threatening let ters have been found, the incendiary does his work, The damage hitherto caused by the criminal is $300,000, and large rewards have been offered by fire insurance companies for his ap prehension, On Friday a letter arrived at King Frederick's residence at Awmalienbory Castle. It was from the ipcendiary, in- forming the court that he would pay a visit to the castle, and was signed "Pyroman,'"" which is his usual signa ture. The letter caused a good deal of uneasiness in view of Ning Fad visit, and the Danish police watched the castle all day and night. A Fearful Man. Hamilton 'Times. Mr. Hawthornwaite, the leader in' Vancouver, has shown him self a lineal vi Jack Cade, and proved that his ideas of how public affairs should be manag ed, have not much those proclaimed by the leader of the heotish men in the filteenth century "First, let us hang all the lawyers," was the cry of Cadejs followers. Now his imitator in British Columbia de clares it would be a good thing &i the court house in. Vancouver should fall down when all the judges and law yers were inside the building, The leader in a movement which proposes to reform society and establish a sys tem of universal justice and brother hood in human relations should be something else than a mere destruc tive anarchist. His method socialist representative improved upon Rides Bicycle Inside Cathedral. Milan, May 16.--A strange scene was Milan cathedral A jealous husband, who had been tracking 'his young wife through the city on 'a bicyele, overtook her in the cathedral square. terrified hy his threats the young woman took refuge in the building. The husband, dismounting, ran the steps with his machine under i arm, and, once inside, began bicycling | furiously all over the sacred edifice in guest of his wife, spreading terror among the peaceful worshippers by his violent language. After a struggle he was secured and hurried off with his wife to the police station, where the authorities decided to detain him for forty-eight hours, ig order to give his wrath ample time to yester up his Otter Attacks Men. London, May 16.-Two men who were walking slong a lane at Hemp- nall were attacked by an otter, which, first of all, put to fight a dog which was accompanying them. The men ran away, but thought better of it, and, with the assistance of the dog, killédd the otter. The Trusts and Guarantees company, limited, Toronto, are applying for letters of administration of the estate of the late Bernard Keip, late of Tees water, Religions pretenders mre never push ers of the ear of salvation Every lady in Kingston knows when she receives a box of McConkev's or Huyler's candv she is receiving high. class confectionery. Sold in Kingston ALLELES PLTIA STILE 44444 ASSETS 44 Our new Fifteen The Best $1.00 Sh IN CANADA Bibby's $15.00 Suits Dollar Suits are nothing short of "IDEAL SUITS." . : The fab¥ics are new and handsome, the tuilor- ing is perfect, the cut is correct. Hold on to your money, Sir, until you sce * these Suits. A look will tell the story. The Best $15 Suits | The Best $2.00 Hats irts) 78-80-82 ST. i THE H. D. BIBBY CO. Kingston's One Price Clothing House, PRINCESS +d HAF AES FEES HE SLE 4 EERE SE TERE CEE » FELEIEEL P1400 ATRIA IREEREEA ETAT, by another." 400 years, uniform OFFICE AND FAL . ? 7B rm wl ibn Sugar. Did Not Slay The Dragon Toronto World, the World doés not know whether it | of; pty but it would be premature of the opper hastens to avail itself tunity of saluting J. W. Flavelle, as gradually disappears [rom the guild of newspaper pwners, into those other pursuits that -phtuse find his many eminent gifts have fualified hum 10 adorn. If a mau goes LS Sew apn | pers as ag mater of constfience or as a matter of duty, be must not only! have lofty ideals, but must. baye pour age to fight for bis views, a hide as thick as that of riungiceros. te stand against the venomed shafts | that are sent his way, ICD not af matter 'of platform talc of 38 alloca tivo at the dose of a servi, The rod is long and stormy, and the walking to an earnest man Iv like the going of a barefoot pilgrim on a road brstluly with sharpened stomed. * You can't travel with "the interests" and "1hs people" these days. Nevertheless, Mr. Flavelle is a very good tan" ia many ways; devoted to" the hospitals of Toronto, and to philanthropic ob- eis of many another kind: but ap parently he has discoversd that it iw not in his live to help the regesern-| tion 'of mankind by service in the | stritiuous path of journalism. The con. | version of pigs into pork is one thing | but the slaying of the dragon that| waylayvs The body itie 4 another. | Nr: Flavelle retires leaving the drazod | in possession of the road a nia only at Gitson's Red Cross Drug Store a Fog Bibbs 's - $2 Rute mre styles, "The man who shaves himself has a pleasure which is never known by those whose faces are not familiar with the razor or for whom it is wielded The blade of the "Gillette" is the only new idea in razor blades for over This double edged, thin- shave. leather case. Price $5 Jewelry, Drug, ,as-a-wafer blade is held by the Gillette frame in a perfectly rigid manner---thus avoiding vibration-- and insuring the luxury of a safe, The Gillette Safety Razor consists of a triple silver plated Holder and 12 blades (24 keen cutting edges), packed in velvet lined at all leading ] Cutlery, Sporting Goods and Department Stores. Hardware, Write or ask your dealer for free hook ww. ts ite us, roay . - . SS Ev NAZOIyx MONTREAL Manufacturers of the choicest REFINED SUGARS Granulated and Yellows. Made entirely from Cane Be sure vou ask for "St. Lawrence." D' STEWART ROBERTSON & SON , Agents for Eastern Ontario If he esunct supply you, GILETTE SAFETY RAZOR CO. OF CANADA LIMITED MONTREAL 16 7 HAD A STAB-LIKE PAM THROUGH THE HEART. MILBUBN'S HEART AND NERVE PILLS CURED MER AND SAVED WER LIFE imagine, seta abowt There is no ene, wo 1 H iF ! i 3 Hi i | : Fi { 118s i F i 1H V ih i 8 <

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