aaa, ke All kinds of new fur gar. ments made ° to. special measure, 'and we alse have facilities fcr re- , and re- m » Tepairing 4 furs at short notice t makes it possible for us to transform your old Furs into new. We gusran fect satisfaction as to fit. Telephone 489. 149-155 Brock St. Of a fine watch if done as it i should be calls for a degree of skill and training few credit, Jf you are sick you natur- ally want the best doctor you can get and that Lk watch gives trouble it should f the best § be trusted to mechanic. Our workmen are special- ® Fists in this branch and we Bi L ean promise you very satis. factory results. | Spangenberg Railroad Watch Tnspector C . Issurer of Marriage Licenses. tes per- 3 5] and this { school, THES P.M.EDITION STORY OF THE POLICE COURT. Two Indians Drink "Fire-Water™ and Have Trouble. Two Indians from Gorden Yelamd loaded up on "fire water," in the city, last night, and then started ia to paint the town. At the corner of Montreal and Princess streets they commenced a war dane, which startled passersby. A police officer {appeared on the scene, and the offen- ders wore taken to the lock-up. "We got fellow to go ig store and get whiskey," said one of the Indians, He did not know the man. Ue was a stranger. A fine of $1 and costs was imposed in each fase. "I had a Bittle, but pot enough to burt," was the explanation given By another drunk. "Fnough to tum your head," said the magistrate. The accused said that he had been living in Kingston twenty-one years, was the first tigee he had been charged in the police court. court looked upon this as a good re cord, and gave him a chanen. Another offender who indulged too freely was taxed $2 and costs or twen- ty days. Boys Play '"'Hookey." who play "bookey"' Irom school, had better kpep clear of Cone stable Samuel Aruiel. The officer rounded up four offenders vestenday, and handed them ower to their teach ers. Three belonged to St. Mary's and the other attended oue of the public schools. » A -- r-- » Bibby's $1 suirts are beauties. Boys Registered "WEARS LIKEIRON" ! Gives new life and lustre to old Chairs, Furniture and Picture Frames. It is the ideal floor finish and all wood work. ALL COLORS, "Only 20c. Tin All the best and most widely ad- | vertised goods are always to be found at this store and at prices tg pleaseievery purse. {| W. A. Mitchell, Hardwa e SALE TO-NIGHT, 7.30 O'CLOCK 46 New Spring Coats Made in the very latest styles of imported Covert Cloths in Fawns and Castor Shades. 10,00, 11.50, 12.50 Regular values $6, 7.50, 9,00, For $2.98 Each. A genuine sacrifice of profit and cost. 2 L. -- 31 0 Black Sateen pm ae ah oF Underskirts : Made of superior quality Black Sateen, . Frilled, Tucked, Accordeon Pleated, ete. . Regular $1.50, 2.00, 250, 3.00, 3.50. Jbelt." Des." Ki SHE. ENDED HER LEE BY JUMPING G INTO WATERS OF CLAY CREEK. Another Death As a Result of the Notre Dame De La Sallette Landslide--The Victim Was the Mayor's Sister, Special wo the Whig. Ottawa, May 16---The list of dead, resulting Trom the landslide at Notre Dame La Saletté now reach thirt three. As an indirect result of it a pathetic scene occurred there, yester- day, when Emilie Morrissette, 'aged forty years, sister the mayor of La Sallette, threw herself into the waters of Clay Creek and was drown- ed, The woman wos almost demented for the last year. The lose of life at the landslide affected her father's health 'and her brother lost a child. Yesterday she was found dead in the Lieve, oner Robillard decided the cirewmstances painted to swicide and the woman was buried this afternoon. Thus thirty-one lost their lives in the landslide and only seventeen bodies have been recovered. Ope man, Jules Lamourex died in his chair fram the shock of relatives' deaths, and that of Morrissette makes the thirty-third vietim. PERSONAL MENTION: The People--What , 00. BOC, goes to Petérhoro, next Wednesday, to mspeet the 57th 'Regiment. Dr. Edward Ryan is to read a per at the American Pay chologion] Seciety meeting at Uincinaati, J. W. Decker, advamce agent for "The Little Troopor, ",at the Grend, Movements | on Saturday next, is in the city. Mrs. H. | little son, parents, My, Princess street. Miss Sue Cassidy, Chicago, is a visitor in the city and is guest of her aunt, Mrs. T. Whalen, Sydenham street for the summer months, The remains of the late Cadet George Jackson arrived to-day noon, from Montreal. They were taken to Stella for burial. The flags on the Royal Military College buildings were flying at half-mast to-day. Robert M. Clarke, the infant son of Me. and Mrs. Robert Clarke, Ports mouth, died on Sunday mornings, after an illness of only a few days. The be reaved family have the sincerest sym- pathy of a host. of friends. Rev. Charle; A. Sybes, of Syden- ham Street Methodist church, went to Montreal, today, to preach anpniver- sary sermons in the new Fairmount Avenue Methodist church on Sunday, and also to give an address Monday evening. He returns to the «ily on Tuesday. Cronk, Toronto, and her Albert, are visiting her and Mrs. J, Foden, THE HIGH WATER. What the United States Survey Says of It. In a report dealing with the present high water in Lake Ountafio and the St. Lawrence rier the United States La\e Survey gscribes the unusual cob: ditions te four causes: An al normal rainfall in the Ontario basin; the choking of the lower Sf. Lawrence with ice which held back the water; the building of the international dam at the head of the Galloup rapids, between Big Island and Prison 1sland, which closed ome of the Tiver's matur- al outlets, and the largely increased flow entering from the Niagara river, due to the high stage of Lake On- tario. Lake Ontario shows the highest Ap ril stage since 1886, when it gas five inches bigher. If is fourteen inches higher than last year, a foot higher than in 19M, twenty-taree inches abdve its average April stage for the pat teh years, and thirty-eight inches her tham in April, 1805, gi oo Ontario will grobably go oh rising until July, and by that time be fouy inches higher than during Ap- ril. Exvessive rainfall may make this rise six inches or a foot, After July it should recede, reaching theudgril stage in September, Killed In Toronto: James lmrie, a matried man, lwing on Sword street, aod employed hy the Taronta Electric Light company, met with a® accident, from which he died shortly after. Imrie, employed clean- ing out the engine-room, got caught between a pulley and back pulley and belt, Electrical Engineer Black said » 'I don't know how it occurred. He must either have been sitting close by the belt and fallen backwards, or had been lying on it when it started. He did not go around the wheel, but was crushed by the forward motion of the ing and said death was caused by the heart being crushed. There was not a scrateh on the body. He was a big, stalwart man, weighing about 200 po PR 10. Chown; treasurer, Mrs. CITY AND VICINITY. How They Lined Up. The Victorias lined up as follows against the Irishmen at the cricket field, this afternoon: If. Dick, ¢; G. Dick, pr Haslett, th: W. Dick, 3b; Pound, ss; Gillespie, 3b.; Dally, 14.; H. Nicholson, cd; Evans, vi. A Square Deal ! Mr. Hamma forgot to tell his audi- ence last night, that the great in- crease of revenue of the province was Jus to wise liberal legislation in re past. To do so would have been 3 square deal ¥ Flower Thieves Abroad. Flower thieves are getting in. their work in King: Last night, some person or of School Inspector Kidd, on Barrie street, and robbed one of the tulip beds of its Dest offering. Several citizens have in this respeet. ---------- Another Assault Case. Assault cases are becoming quite common in the police court. of the police is one in which two brothers, living on Queen street, are involved. One claims that he was beaten by the other, and will have a warrant issped for his arvest.: The whale affair is said to be a family quarrel. I -- Y.M.C.A. Ladies' Auxiliary. * The annual mesting of the Ladies' Auxiliary of the Y.M.C.A. was helt on Friday aftermooh. These officers were elected : President, Mrs. John Wright; vice-presidents, Miss HM. Booth and Mrs. George Lee; Sdosetary, oi] Meel Mis. Toye, who retired from %, pre- sidemoy after fourteen years of active and faithful service, was presented with a large bouguet of roses. Married In Ottawa. In Ottawa, on Thursda evesing, the marriage took place of Miss Violet Beatriee, youngest davghtor of E. Browne, to Alfred Pannell, of the firm of Henry Birks & Sons, and formerly of Kingston. Rev. W. A, Mec- Hroy, of Stewarton Preshyterian chuseh, performed the ceremony in the presence of the immediate relatives and friends. Mv. and Mrs. Pannell left on a trip. to Montreal and other cities. They will reside on Gladstone avenue, Ottawa. Had A Fine Time. The Daughters of Rebebah gave a very pleasant progressive euchiv party in their lodge roams, Princess street, oi Thursday evening. About twenty tables were in play. Mrs. W. Hazt man and Louis Langdon won the first prize, and the booby prizes were awarded to Mrs. M. Wilshire and Wil- liam Pogue. After the cards dainty refreshments were served by the la- dies, after which 8 short dance brought the pleasant evening to a close, Dr. Spankie At Glenburnie. Dr. William Spankie, the indepesident candidate in Frontenac, was greeted by a large audience at Glenburnic, on Friday evening. The doctor citicized J. 8. Gallagher, M.P.P, for allowing fine opportanitics to legislate in the farmers' interests to slip away, parti- cularly in regard to educational mat- ters. He spoke -of his educational po- licy, and what he would endeavor to do to improve existing conditions if he was elected. Dr. Spankie addressed five meetings in Frontena¢ during this week, A Faithful City Employee. There is at least owe employee of the city who deserves an increase in salary, "and that is the superinfendent of parks, Mr. Phillips. When one looks around and sees the splendid work he has done and Is doing in con- nection with the parks, it almost seems on shame that he is given only $500 & year. Mr. Phillips has been parks superintendent fourteen years, pe should have had an increase in salary long ago. The parks committee would like to give Mr. Phillips a bonus o it bad the money. No doubt it will if there is. a surplus at the end of the year. i The Bills Considered Lage. A special meeting of the board of health was held, yesterday afternoon, at the instance of Mayor Ross, who desired to make enquiry into a couple grocery bills passed by the board at its last meeting on the recommen- dation of the health officer. It was thought that the bills incurred in ¢onnection with some conta; tous dis- ease cases which were isolated in March and April at the expense of the city, were rather large, a number of "lusuries," such as gum, tobacco and raisits appearing in the tabulated ists. The bills were gose over, but nothing was done in the way of re considering their caves in question cost the mich less than previous ones of a similar fa- ture in years past. ROCKWOOD X NURSES. Those Who Passed Examinations --Prize Winners. The results 'of , the , 'visited the gasden} J The latest to come before the notice B| per, will ViekitpaOther Briel ne a Interest Easily Read And Re membered, Seo Hihy's «i cream shirts. Cains, Kingston, hat pate ed a cigaretie holder. Goad When you need 4 Cab "phone 600, The independent voter is against the hi crowd. It's timis for a nge. Slack, Shi to the penitentiary from Toronto, for Lide, Was a convict . on Good ps A ted cab 'always when you 'phone 600. Two more eastern horses arrived, train "for the Vie " of ante Club, BOW in penitentiary, will srork the binder twine factory. Hioy' % 32 hats are faverites. market on Saturday morn) was well attended. For once hn weather man favored the farmers. William Swaine, piano tuner. Orders received at MeAuley's. "Phone 7780 The Salvation Ammy band will bold another of its popular band fes- tivals on + "Try the new Electric ge Mathine at Kingsbupy's barber shop. Froutdnae Cab 'will have 'its og alley in operation this sum- mer. It will be censtructed in the stone building in rear of the club edi- formerly used as stables. "Patterson's butterscotch" i= sold in Kingston at Gibson's Red Cross brug Store. b. T. Marks, editof of the Indus: trial Banner, at London; a labor pa- attend the Labor Educa- tion Association meeting, in Kings- ton, en May 6th. London is sending three delegates to the meeting H. Cunningbam, piano tuner from Chickering's. Leave orders at Mc Auvley's book store. 14th Regimental band. will give a Froinenale concert in the Armouries, ediesday, May 20th, at 8 pm. Ad- mission, Me. Three prizes will be giv- en to lucky ticket holders. Prizes on view in Angrave's window! Princess street, "Kentucky lawn grass seed) makes Kingston beautiful. Will grow any place. Sold oily at Gibson's Red Cross. Drug Store. Bibhy's #2 hats are leaders, Prof. Lavell's lecture on "The Ren- aissance in Florence," next Thursday, for the County Institute, will be giv én in Convocation hall, in the old avis building, instead of Dr. Knight's classroom. \The lecture om "The Renaissance in Venice" was given in the classroom, but it was uncomfort- ably crowded, and it has seemed best this tie to use the Jarger hall. SLACK HAS ARRIVED ------ To Spend Rest of His Life in Penitentiary. . Sheriff Janis and deputy aniived from 'Toronto at moon, to-day, with the prisoner, George Slack, whe will spend the rest of his life in prison for criminal assanlt. Dlack is a young man of good physique, and has red hair. The convict bad dinner at the British-American Hotel, before being moved to the penitentiary. "I'm in 'nt of 'this charge, 80 help me God," exclaimed Slack, burst- ing into tears, when Justico Anglia sentenced him to life imprisonment in Kingston gpenitentiary--the heaviest sentence since George Chambers, the highwayman, got twenty years last winter. Slack was convicted mine years ago of assault and robbery, and sentenced to twelve years. Me was reloasd re cently on parole, the requirement te ing that he report on the 23rd of each month to the chief of police. The assault on Mrs. Davis was com- mitt. d on Mgrch 20th, Slack reported mitted on March 20th. He had been working .as an elevator man. Mrs. Daiis was positive in her iden- tification. Klack's own family were positive jn swen ripg to an ahibi for him. He Bimelf" said he was bome sick in the house, except while he was out posting g letéer. GIVEN SPEEDY TRIAL. Pedlar Fined For Working With- out License. Simon Jacohsan, a stranger in the city, arrested at noon by Constable Jo Naylon, rial. He was arrested, atraigned be. fore the court, and his fase dispoged of all insids of twenty minutes. Jg- eobson was taken in Shape on Raglan Hoad. Jy Constable ylon, on a charge of peddling without a fi conse, Magistrate Fi session of the of pleaded guilty, and o fine i was on iis way to Totbito. ---- A Chbaty Lookost. he market square to-night. To-Nigt, 7.50 to 10 O'clock We have some particularly 'good things to offer our cus- tomders To-night. None of the lots are large, and these represent; the pick of 4 differ- t purchases made this week from wholesale firms in Mon- treal, who are now stock-tak- Jing and any small lot of Spring Goods over is usually sold at a loss to clear out, 113 Yards Ladies' English Worsted Suitings . Light shades and medium shades, very pret t were imported for children's wear, others for'ladies' suits and skirts. The width is 44 inches and these are excellent value at 75¢ yard, Your Choice To-Night, 35¢ Yard. There are a few pieces of Pretty San- nal Berges in the lot at same pric 0 combinations, all new this spring. Some of 200 Dozens Narrow Valanciennes Laces and Insertions. Very pretty narrow designs, ranging in value from 3c to 4c yard. Your Choice 1c yard. Not less than 1 dozen yards of a pattern soli: 4 265 PAIRS LADIES' SAMPLE STOCKINGS These are just as they come from the manufac- turers" travellers. AN" @ierent styles and © makes, Some fancy, some embroi- dered, some of lace effects, others plain black and plain white or tan, All the 35¢ makes for 25¢. All the 25¢ makes for J 8c. All the 50e makes for 35¢. And so on through the lot, 160 YARDS ENGLISH MADAPOLAM This is a fine make of white cotton, sui- table for summer underwear for ladies and children. It is 36 inches wide and worth 12}c yard, Yours To-Night while the lof lasts, 8¢ Yd, | was given a speedy 1 #15] © and costs, or teeaty days in jell wis | imposed. OOOOOGOCGO OO TOO OBO OOOUIDH OOD nd. Chitdren y: We have just openéd op a lot of new lines in Choco- late Shoes, and have mark- ) ed them very low. Ladies' Fine Kid OChocc- late Blacher Oxfords, light soles, $2.00. Ladies' Fine Kid Choco- § late Blucher Oxfords, heavy & soles, $1.50. : " Misses' Fine Kid 'Chocolate Blucher Qxfords, § 3 sizes 11 to 2, $1.50. o : Girls' Fine Kid Onosdiste Blucher Osforls, 3 d sizes 8 to 10, oo. SL. g Also Chocolate and Black Strap Slippers. Joockets Shoe Store. OOOO 0OC Chocolate