Daily British Whig (1850), 19 May 1908, p. 3

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hee THE pany BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, MAY 1 19, 1908, & SeFeNsesaerseseITNITENIs nsec scetesserIIS FOR FLOOR AND W e want to talk to every wo- man who isa PA RTION LAR house- keeper. Got the best of 'news for her-- about crisp, filmy ¢rtains, that will make her windows beantiful -- --and about soft, 'rich rugs, to make her floors attractive. We've just unpacked a fasein- ating assortment of lacy drapéries, aad of sheer eurtainings that are sold by the yard, the most enjoyable selection we've ever shown. CHOON EAOOEDOUINSOIAZOINOFO0OOEUOVTY IVY T YN SWS "Enjoyable," because much "of daintiness may be yours very small sums. Whether you. wish superb draperies for your parlor, or simple sash curtains for your kitchen, you'll find them here for slight expenditure. AND THE RUGS! Every size and style is here-- little 1ugs for odd corners--or: to cover a worn spot--and large ones, to caver an entire floor. | for Quiet, in soft blended shades, or as brilliant in design and coloring a8 you wish, CRUMLEY BROS. | E-- S---- ---- r bain O000000OOQGOGOINIGORSS assesses WOMEN EWTENE Re CUTIE ON OTC IVETI IT UURT TENG SHEN: 2,000 Loaves sold each week. 1} 1b. Loaf for....... vers BCe The Bread of unequalled merit. Do you use it ? If not, start to-day. % : TOYE'S BAKERY, Ontario St. NURSES ALUMNAE A FINE GATHERING AT THE NURSES HOME. P------ The Election of Officers--An Able Addiess By Dr. Macintyre-- Cake and Music. The most. enthusiastic and most largely attended meeting of the Nurses Alumnae, of the Kingston General Hospital, which has ever been held, took place in the purses' home, on Monday afternoon. The election 'of officers resulted in placing Miss Seott, superintendent of the training school, in the honorary presidency, Mrs, CC. Tilley, in. the presidency, Emily Baker in the vice-presidency, and Mrs. George Nicol in the tary-treasurership. The chief event of the afternoon was Dr. A: D. Macintyre's most interesting paper on "Modern Methods of Fumiga- tion," in which he dealt with their sa- tisfartory and uptatisfactory points. He counselled his hearers not to rely upon them catirely, bul to seek the powerful aid of fresh air and sunlight in disinfecting. The afterncon was not altogether given over to things of weight, for Miss Wiley, a pupil nurse, sang, Miss Creeggan, another nurse, accompahy- ing her, and Miss Webster, gne of the graduating class, also sang, and the music was heartily emjoyed. Besides this there was cake and cofice to close the pleasant niternoon, Miss Scott, with her nurses, dispensing refresh- ments, The alumnae is in a most successful state, and the financial balance is about ww, secre- CHEERING REPORT. Lots of Work and Encouragement For Smelter. R. E. Cushman, of 130 King street, accompanjed by E. E. Robinson, min- ing expert, from New York, have com- pleted an examination of the Fron- tenac Lead Mine and other lead pro- perties in Fastern Canada which Mr. Cushman is interested in. The in vestigation was made for H. Pe, Morris, a prominent banker and bro- ker of Wall street, New York. Mr. Morris has entered into an agreemerd with Mr, Cushman to sell 150,000 hares of a new company to be form ed with 4 Canadian charter to com plete the plants and operate the mings and erect and operate a lead smelter here in Kingston. Mr. Cushman forming a board of directors to incor porate a company. The letter reeeiv- ed from Mr. Morris, who was highly pleased with the report of the expert who made the examinations, "Having gent my expert to Canada for the specific purpose of investiga- Bays: | ticular. tl Straw Straw Sailors, $1.00, 1.50, '300, + Straw Hats with soft smarty $2.50 and 3.00. bri, for young men, very | ting your lead properties, his report (kas been very favorable in every par I am advised that vou have ore on the dump of your property and blocked out, perfectly visible to the naked eye. to the amount of from £200,000 to $250.00, and this ore ean positively be. mined, milled, shipped and smelted at a cost of, approxima- fely, $55 per ton, and as yon are aware, there is a eonstant and in: creasing demand for lead at $30 per ton, you should thus readily realize 5 rel profit of at least $25 per ton, the sipelting charges figured at $10 per tori. "1 am advised that fuel ean be readily obtained at 5 minjmum cost end transportation facilities are at hand. You, of conrse, require a smel- ter and vou now have a most desir able site on the harbor at Kingston My expert also looked up the oth er lead propertics at Bannockburn, and there found about 12,000 tons of ore immediately available for the smelter. Your smelter would not only give permanent employment to a large number of people and be & monopoly in its business in Canada, but there is sufficient (re at your property amd within sixty miles of the smelter to keep said smelter in constant opera- tion for many years jo come. From samples taken from your property, you can rest assured, you have an are, which would averagerat the low- est eight per cent. lead, and in the profits referred to as being probable for your smelter to earn; no estimate is made of the income from the by- products. "1 advise you" to immediately ine corporate a company, surrounding voupself with. as strong a board of directors of local people as is possibly have your stock fssued at par value of $1, and I shall then be prepared to immediately take up the sale of all of the treasury stock of your company on a cash commission basis of ten per cent. | suggest placing 150,000 shares of this stock for sala at 50¢. per share as you require less than $65,000 to fully operate and develop your mibing property, erect your smelter and have suflicient working ocapital to Legin op- erations. As the summer is rapidly approaching, 1 advise you to Jose no unnecessary time ip incorporating your company and selecting Your dhic- eetors. As I am reserving a plage in my business for your of ins a ol kindly advise me definitely at the earliest possible moment. --Yours very truly, H. P, MORRIS. Will be found an excellent remedy for mick headache. Carter's Little Liv- er Pills. Thowsands of letters from people who have used them prove this fact. Try them. The women of Ottawa are preparing 3 modest campaign for sufirage. Dr. AA Cameron, gn foe minister, will advocate their i. The local coun cil 'of women is not yet unanimous. In Montreal William Kinloch suddenly, at his residence, as Yhe age of Rinelyom Jars. hg 3 THURSDAY, MAY 21st. The Cohan & Harris Comedians ~--Present--~ Brewster's Millions A Dramatization by Winehell and Byron Ongley of Geo, Barr Cutcheon's Famous Novel. With all its mh of Scenic Effects, showing the Wonderful, Realistic YA CHT SCENE, Brightest, Wittiest, Smartest Comedy of Recent Years. Prices, 25¢., 50¢., The., $1, $1.50. Seats pow on sales "Princess" "THE BOME OF VAUDEVILLE." GFO. HAMMOND, Smith c- Mgr, "The House of Originations,' The House That Reirsins A Top Tusita The Management Tha DOES TRY TO SPOIL SBOTLERS, SUCCEEDS IN SPOILING them. a acts may be all ©, x. but when it comes to Bramstorm Manage ment, well, THAT LETS, US OUT. &e also originate our own ideas AND WOULD BE LOATH TO USE OTHER PEOPLES' BRAINS, f the SHOF FITS, WHY WEAR IT; Pioneers re- wember the Princess is owned and oper: ated" by a Kingstonian, and we employ A Full Kingston Staff Don't fail to see the real things Miss Ada Wilks and her Three Kentucky Rose- buds, Singing, Jancing snd Comedy, "And "All This Week" 4 and & o'clock, ings, as many times as desired Go where the crowds go There is where vou laugh and the world laughs with you. Don't go where you .weep and weep alone, Our CHA REED Afternoons, at Even- Pictures are First-Class 'and all DALLY.™ All ew Illustrated TAREL Times u week. All the "PRINCESS. "I SAID PRINCESS" Polite ushers "NUFF SAID, Ti KING Tk This Palace of Amusement, Corner of Princess and Montreal Sts. will open THURSDAY, 21st inst, at 7 pam. Songs, changed this at will shew ybu to your on' be Special Moving Pictures 'will provided for the occasion. The Vocal Soloists will be C. B. S. Harvey, Basso, and H. Bristol, Barritone ; Pianist, Mrs. Leslie Hughes. Read the Programme Announce- ment To-Morrow. CHAS. B. S. HARVEY, Managers Se. be, Auction Sale of House- hold Furniture WEDNESDAY, MAY 20th, 10 a.m., At Mrs. M. Sinclair's, 86 Frontenae St Viz. Black Walsut Hair (loth Parlor Suite, Tapestry Carpels and' Rugs, Pictures, Rockers, Sideboard, ste., Table, Dining Chairs, Davis Sewing Machine, Radiant Home Squars Heater, Happy Thought Range, Kitchen Utensils, etc, Ouk Finish Bedroom Suites, Springs Mattresses, Toilet Sets, Student Tables Lace Curtains, Hanging Lamps, "Clocks, and numerous other articles ALLEN The Auctioneer, Phone, 23 243 Sydenham St Mass Meeting of Fron- tenac Liberals. IN CONSEQUENCE OF br Spankie's resignation as a Candidate, a meeting of County lLibérals will be held in the Whig Hall, on SATURDAY, May 28rd, at 1.30 p.m. Alb Liberals invited to attend. J. VAIR, President. TED 10 PART THEM LEGISLATOR HIDES AFTER SHOOTING | \ I-- A North Carolina Mast Fites-on Some Time Police Chief in Street and Takes to Mp 9 Waynesvil NG Hay 19.~Henry Abel, brot of Dr: Ab#l, of this place, and formeyly dri of police here, is dying 8s result of two pistol shots + inflicted by David L. Boyd, representative of this county in the North Carolina legislature. Boyd fled immediately after bo 4 encounter with Abel, 'which took place in Main street, and all efforts to locate his hereabouts have proven futile. /It is believed that Boyd has fled the state and escaped across the stated line into the mountaiv districts of Ti was the re man i n | citizen, Abel and. Boyd of "the" and Abel- rn de weparate the two men, which enraged Bowdd, who drew at Abel. LOST. TWO $1 BILLS IN CROWN BANK Reward if returned to Whig office TO-LET. -------------------- FURNISHED, NO. 180 JOHNSON ST For particulars, apply on the pre- _ hsns. FOR SALE, : | TWO GOUP HOUSES NOS. #0 and 63 hellington street. Apply A. B, Cune ning SMART learn machine, a.m. YOUTH, ABOUT 10 operate a moving Apply Bijou Theatre, 18, TO picture 10 FTHOUSAND price right famwort | THREE: Brick, piy HUNDRED best quality to Jawes Saul TWO GOOL = SMART A MESSENGER boys, who can rida bicycie Steady position to right boys, Apply be tween twelve and o'clock, at Whig office IN coNsugl E NCE senger, having position kh the Montreal ant School Board, the the Protestant school board, « Valleyficld arg open to eongage a principal for the Gault Institute. Ap piy with references and full particu lars of gqualilications to kam Shannon, Valleyfield, P. Q. NO one FURNISHE D DWELLING, OR ROOMS, storage for furniture, etc. MeUann 81 Brock street. BLACK MouULb FLOWER or top dres ashen Drop a card t Albert Stan Barrie street. BEDS soy od, til FOR WwW. J. MES. : acoepted a Prajest- trustees of OF RESIDENCE, Apply Al~] SUMMER FAMILY HF \ so cottage and board. Gordon, Bath, Ont IND. 138 UNIVERSITY solid "brick house, hot Water + i8g, offen plumbing Apply Ww Sullivan, Clarence street. AVE... POUHLE SUMMER COTTAGE, ON MH, » Lawrenge River, near City. te McCanp, 51 Brogk Si. Mm | umn RCTIRED RUNABOUT, DOCTY Stanhope's Top Buggy, Business Waggns, Milk Wauguns James Laturney, Princess St, Kisgston, Carriagemaker, 79 ALFRED STREET, | impraxements. Possession | Apply A. B. Cunningham. | OFFICE ROOM IN x. 'hgnibers, No. 116 ack St LIFE or ironing. References wired. Ap- Apply to Geo. CLff, Real Estate | class ply to Mrs. W. T, Connell, 11 Arch Broker, 95 Clarence street. i skifls. Buy one for street, { eadh. Folger's Ticket { of Brock street. WANTED-GENERAL, TWO WELL LOCATED OFFICES, ONE | furnished, the other unfurnished, at | . 6 King street pply J.T. Forrest | PROPERTY AND BUSINE SS AR AND "ients' Furpisher, 348 King street. $ artelsky, Verona, HSS on a i cation. Ap- . FINE DRY STORAGE, FOR FURNL frame store and dwelling, well extale Hshed foperal store business, good a ture, goods, etc. Separate rooms and 'our own lock and ke; WwW. G. Peason for selling. Apply to J S|. Tost, an ge Agent and arriage Painter, NOS. 77 and all modern Ist May. AY- OD GENERAL SERVANT. ¥8 Bagot ply to Mrs. A, Strachan, street. - LARGE . & change PRESERVERS, condition, for IN Fins. launches your bey, 2 Agency, Foo GENERAL SERVANT. NO WASHING GROCERY, OR C in good I Whig office. TO BUY Tobacco Store, ply Box "4 PLAIN SEWING DONE, OF ANY kind. Call or write to Mrs. Cayless, 334 King street, over Armstrong's. a --------------------------. McCann, 51 Mrock St, Kingston ueen St. 'Phone, [Viet THE-ST LAWRENCE, Wolfe Island, Ont. A favorite mer resort, for American House is in first-class shape od and a goc reason for se Dawson, 217 THE OPPORTUNITY TO FURNISH estimates on electric work. All kinds of work promptly done. F. Birch Electrician, 200 Wellington street. MORE PROPERTY TO SELL I you -have any, give ws details. We will turn it into cash. J, R. C Dobbs, 109 Brock street. Leah NTLY LOCATED FURNISH ed rooms, with or without sitting | roo, modern Terms reasonable Or would rent whole house furished | ne SOME for summer months, Apply "H Prinooss Ht. Whig office PERSONAL. PUPILS RECHE VE n BY Ast Fearne, Professional Planist Fone gagements wanted for dancing classes private parties, ete Apply by letter thet 1 to "a. 3 Fo Whig office. ' | HAIR, MOLES BIRTIHMA RK i, | warts, #¢ removed pormune ntly, without scar F'wenly years experi ence. Dr. Elwer Lake, 1} i Nose, Throat Skin Speciniist, 258 strovt sero ! i | UNFURNISHED HOUSE MONEY AND BUSINESS, of Princess St for small Rent pot exceeding $14 ori aUR POLICIES COVER Apply Box ° Whig office building and contents than a -------------------- company offers Examine A JOB CLEANING ASHES Goodwin's Insurance Ilwporium, yards or cellars, or other Dy a ot Square carted. Prices right. Apply to BS. Lytle, General Carter, 85 Main St SMALL West family MORE OF | any other GLORY, Available INONDON AND Fire Insurance Company, assets $61,187,215 In addition to which the policyholders have for security the unlimited Hability of all | the stockholders. Farm. and city pro { perty insured at lowest possibie | rates. Before renewing old or giving | Good work | new business @et rates from Strange | | ARTHUR 7 1 I ™ ALC ur TE of guaranteed. Orders thay be left at] & Strange, Ageals. 'Phone, 568 Bee, Cob. Quack and Bakot' ats Whig office, or sent to W. H. Whit- | | ey diana tingham, 286 Queen street. | Hi NRY p SMITH ARGCHET IT - MARRIAGE LICENSES. Anchor Building. Market Squat: 345 LIVERPOOL GET Gallo- guar St. aod Bagot TO at finish Brock DRESSY GENTLEMEN their Spring Suits made way's. Style, price and anteed to please 131 next to Bibby's Livery. ARCHITECTS. FINISH OR RE finish Prices moderate. fk SPRIGGS ¥ LEC TRIO. CO are making a study of lighting 8. KIRKPATRICK, homes and public huildings both With}, Marriage Licenses, 42 Electricity, they invite eam . sult them. All advice chee y given free of charge. Nickel and Silver Plating. Newman & Spriges, Fiectric Co., 79 Princess St, "Phone, il. Shone Ait POWER & SONS chant's Rank Hington ISSUER OF Clarence St. ARCHITECTS, ME Building, corner Hroek streets wl 114 14 C. Gas and sr FOR SALE OR 30. LET. ASS BLA 3 in village of Sydenham, er particulars, apply Ww Lake, Sydenham, Ont. FWLANDS ARCHITECT sceond floor over Mahood corner Princess and Entrance on Bagot BOS fice store streets Phone PRO For Calvin FIRST; SITUATIONS VACANT. { WOMEN TO LBARN BAR-| Graduates earn Lwelve to weekly. Help secure positions. Will equip shops. Con- stant practice. Cureful instructions Few weeks complete course Cata logue free. ? Write Molter Barber crris, Soiress, wie. For terms, College, Toronto. apply 33 Earl sew rms ro ------ PRINGLE-BRANDON. "THE PARA RAPH P PULPIT | Unitarian. REV, OW. CASSON, w MEN AND ber trade. eighteen dollars MUSIC. HODGE HASS list, accepts engagements for ENGINEERS. BECKWITIH A. M. CAN M. Ontario Association Congulting Engineer and 18 Market St, Kingston. MARTYN FERN TT R Boe. C. EK, Architects, Architect, VOUA. Con ete; First Wedding at St. Thomas' Chureh, Morven. Morven omitted, to chronicle an The scribe at through an oversight, event which may perhaps be of inter- est some day to our local Historical Association. It was the first marriage solemnized in the new Anglican church of St. Thomas, on April 22nd, 1903 Frederick Havold Pringle, a prosper ous young farmer of Richmond town ship, and Frances May Brandon, cond daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Shirley Bramdon, of Morven, were the contracting parties, and might roam the eounty o'er, and perhaps the conntry, before finding a hand couple. The little church was to its utmost capacity, and the was made a very bower of beauty and fragrance by the loving hands of the bride's friends. Her ter, Elizabeth, made a very charming bridesmaid, and Garfield Sills per Beacon street, Boston, Mass., formed the duties of groomsman. The | literature. officiating priest was Rev. F, 1 ---- Dibb, vicar of Napanee rural dean of Lennox, we followed al DESTROY THE CAUSE. time-honored enstiom of presenting the ---- first bride in a new church with handsome Bible A truly sumptuous breakfast wae Many then given at the home of the bride's | | urday parents, after which the happy couple | drove to Napanee with a very fine and varied of old boots, wired to the axle and took the G.T.R. flyer to Toronto for the hones moon, amid showers of wishes. The Resurrection Of Religion. Men that the church is dying, amd they speak wiph The emblems of do not appeal to mankind . they did. Religious authority J erywhere being doubted, and old st dards of truth are displaced new hike banks in springtime, and for the reason. But in spite of the passing of the form, the fact and the force of re ligion remain. It crting itself § the daily life of men. It rising to new heights growing altruism of the race for grows, and love say ood | | | i sy cause outer 2 li onee i 18 eve tan: | being by se Creeds are crambling SHOW Kame you 5 ASS too, 3 8 Somer filled sanctuary in the Religion relig grow love | = ion wiv ! at 25! for the | Address, Rev. C. W. Casson, and Township of Kiggston Court of Revision. IS HERERY GIVE of Revision and A poe of Kingston will he | You Cannot Cure Dandruff Without Destroying the Cause of it. { ' i | 1 peopl: wash their scalps Sat might or Sunday try 16 | keep the dandruff down for the week but on Monday night the has Firm « } begun to itch, and Tuesday morning Ca a { will find a good ® supply of dandruff | All | when the hair is brushed. There is but | Court one ronal scientific way of curing dan- §1¥ { drufi; and that i is to kill the germ that eauses it, and falling hair and! | finally baldness. There only one - { preparation that will destroy the (g ™m, and That is Newbro's Herpicide is an entirely pew discovery and Watirtown, N.Y., May, 19.~Thirty | the only hair preparation that is has years"ago Charles Livermore left this od on the new scientific principle. I city, started for the west, and for | addition Herpicide is u very refreshing | many years his brothers and sistors hair dressing for regular toilet use. | have spoken of him as dead, for not! Sold by leading druggists. Bend 10 | NOTICE the Court Township to scalp selection ATG regu tree, i pera , wil) ern Lhe srine] se rice and good JNO. Simi meth ht Towg LOST BROTHER FOUND. May loth, 1008 FOR SALE OR FOR - CHARTER. ---- Relatives Made Happy By Hear- ing From Him. a single word had been heard from !in stamps for sample to The Herpicide him in all this time. Effort after of {ou + Detroit, Mich. Two sizes, 50 fort was made to find traces of theland $1. © Ww. Mahood, special agent man, but it amounied io nothing. Yesterday Frank Livermore of 'Adams until recently a resident of this city, beard the welcome news over the tele: phone that bis long lost brother had been located ang "was doing well in ------ PO ie Toledo, Ohio. It appears that the 2 brother had likewise bium seoking in- MONTRE AL formation about bis relatives and had Under Auspices of MaMorytown Lodge os 345, LO.OF., vy special ©, T. KR train, FRIDAY, June Sth. Titkets good returning J th formerly of Toronto University, was | 7th, Trait Jones lows = writien the Sachets Harbor postmes ter, who was aware of the search made by the local relativeg. tested at Hammondsport, N.X., on {Kingston _ _ 7.00 am. Monday. * L : Junction TAB Aa ni - sw BW, i & sin - '5. 10 8.05. 2.00, | outhitied and squipped complet nok ton... EE dm ™ 4.65 "iy slectric light plant _-- Oh! dmspection of the Stedme Brockville #85 5. es 2.40 Ft ame POR appt tian ir signed, at 3% Sewit Two ears om whom may be wo Pe re duins Ll ging, the yoimg ishman sho was arrested in Toronto on the charge of Stenting watches snd jewelry from hiy , Barry Tekin, of this town' lima been Been sentomiod he Police Magis | i trate Mitchell to tee years in peni- The Undersigned, Interim idator of the Lake Ontario gaticn Company, Receive Offers For | The Purchase or Charter of the Passenger Steamer "ARGYLE" Now i be seen is Prepar ving at Kingston, where sho may The Steamer is a paddie «hos! {ooe, of wooden copstruciion, with oa | engines, and was baile fw R09 and | Hegister Class A-1§ én Iniand 1 {about 200 feet long und hes Kaw, an | wons snd steel arch atew runuing fore $3.65. [500 aft. Tt in well atapied Tos Pras ~ B15. iengor and exenrsion busin. we. pond has ww 300.1 Canadian Hewase for SM) fo sseng os Whitewing, the aerodeme construct ed from the designs of ¥. W. Baldwin, Hritinh yrs Dish Washing Makes Rough Hands Ra Too muck soap and hot water ia- variably crae's, rouphens snd destroys the beauty of the hand. tA vaseline awd similar preparations Can't pedeirate deeply enough to do' good. But Dr. Hamiltoi'e Ointeent takes out the parched, dry wrinkles-- smoother out the skin, gives a dainty appearance. Rub it in-Jots can't harm. Any droggist ean sapply Dr. The Marconi Wires pany bas voted to ital ta E750.0606 Ty legrraph copa eRe ii we the indie of £2 3. Hmitton's Qintment, in Bx, owes, 00 preteroncs stok, s s a

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