Daily British Whig (1850), 20 May 1908, p. 6

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AI Ye THE DANY _BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, MAY 20, 1908. ' LEBSLATE hau, 4 FOR RE-ELECTION EO. J. B. PENSE. Provincial Election. TdThe Electors of Kingston and Por uth a ENT capeetfull Het Your wotes aod loa to cite my a. SEpreantative in the Very Trbiy Yours, JAMES H, METCALFE. . : ughter, brother or dig hothesteader. 'Aad avpicaion for cancellation must bs person. The applicant must be i jn La homestead entry. DUNTES --(1) At least six months' ee upon and cultivation of the each yeay during the term of Yours, ay A homesteador may, it he 90 de Erle the required residence du- by living on Atming land owned y him, pot less than eighty go in extent, in the vicinity of . Joint ownership in land will this requirement. Bh the Jathar (or mother, a homestender hat Poatdencd on farming land solely by him, not less than eighty acres in A oxuat, in the vicinity of the toad, upon a homestead gotered him A the vicinity, such on may perform. his own residence by Hving with the ). #f the f4F The term "vichnity' In the two ing | paragraphs is defined as mean t more than nine miles in a direct SIS OF CANADIAN NORTH- TT MINING REGULATIONS, CUAL.~Coal mining rights may be or twenty-one years at an annual of 31.00 m acre. Not more than a rey to 'one appl yaliy, he cents per tons person eightesn may CER MINING CLAIMS Fuerally, square. Entry fee, 30% ING. «Twa leases ob ve; miles of a river may be issued to one a fora terms of 20 years. fonta a mile per annums Royalty, t after the output ex ls $10 000 ws W. W. CORY, ty of the Minister of the Interior. ~~ Unauthorized piulention of this advertisement will not be paid for. Deseronto Asparagus - JUST ARRIVED. Potatoes THE FINEST YET ry AT 'A. GLOVER'S, ~ Cox. Bagot und Earl Sta. 1 \ x gh | te en wg ee re I NY POOR HEAD" Mf > Stop Those Headaches. Headache and neuraigly are pro- nounced signs of This polsoning of from the waste matter of thé blood comes the body | being regularly carried bowels, kidneys and skin. blood. 'Thus, the blood ls loafled nerves, Poor skin action also causes head- ache and neuralgia. Impurities cansot | escape through the skin, $0 the blood must take them up and deposit them on the nerves. If the bowels and skip are mot rid- ding the system of waste, the kidneys Ary to do so and are overworked. There 13 just one way to cure head- aches and neuraigia--to regulate bowels, kidneys and skin so that all the pol of the body will be proper. ly carried off. "Fruit-a-tives" keep blood pure and rich--relieve the stomach and kidneys ~--regulate the bowels; and invigorate the skin to healthy action. "Fruit-a- tives" are a wonderful discovery, being a combination of fruit juices and tonics. G0c a box-six for $2.00, Atl all dealers, or from "Fruit-a-tives" we | ldmited, Ottawa. i The sudden changes in Weather Ig ought to suggest the wisdom of putting in some good cosl. We sell good Coal. It's the kind that sends out the most heat, makes the home comfortable; it's the best momey can buy, and s there is none better mined. We deliver it to you clean and without slate, Bt the very bottom § prices, Booth & Co., Phone 183 Foot of West St | {4D THEATY-THO BS ON HIS BACK AT ONE" TIME. YWO BOTTLES UF SORDUCK 81300 Boils cve simply evidence of the bad Mood within coming te the surfaes. Just when you think you are cured of SSAC piee SAX fe Wie ite plese sad prolong your misery. The enly way te rid of balls, pirphes, and all skin Hamish, 20 that they will never Fetnrn te ether you again, ie to have (he blood itheronghly eleansed of all of its impurition, For this purpose there is no other blood | yoars, and in that time we hove retsived thousands of testimonials lioed poisoning. | being left in the system, innledd of | off by the | When the bowels Go not move re- | gularly, the refuse is absorbed by the | with foul polsops which irritate (he | {much rain keeps ston ast iat I fi sons; LI Whyte's; ---- {der Snider, | stroke, dition | returned { evening. X.Y. the {to cut his leg quite badly. Dr. Bal antyne has returned from visiting his | parents at Kingston. Joseph Wells, | Manitoba, is here, closing the sale of this property, here, to 2. 'S. Campbell, Mrs. H. Reynolds is quite sick. ¥ { Carr has received his new Blower for {his threshing wiachine. . | i who suflured a paralytic iz mot much improved in con. H. Dixon and daughter, Lila, from Kingston, Saturday James Craig, Watertokn, visiting at" CO, C. Craig's, | WHAT WHIG IG CORRESPOND. ENTS TELL TELL US. { The Tidings From Prom. Various Points in Eastern Ontario--What People Are Doing And What They, Axe Saying. Westport Waits Westport, May 19.-F. C. B.A, left last week for { Man. George Thompson, Bustle, {has moves to town. R. E. G. Bur | troughs, Cobalt, was calling oneiriends | here, Mrs. McPherson, who conducted | an ice eream parlor here, has moved to Brockville. Kennedy, Winnipeg, LIVE STOCK MARKETS. -- The Paid Centres. : : Montreal, May I%~About 1,000 Violet Jottings. {head of butchers' cattle, 149 calves, Violet, May 15. Many farmers in|ls0 sheep and lambs, and 1,647 fat thiz locality have ne grain sowed vet, | hags were offered for sade at the on account of the wet weather. | Polat St, Charles stockyvards this Sharp, an aged gentlemen of this | {forenvon. Trade was good, with wo place, iw quite poorly. Rev. Mr. GU- | material change in the prices, except- christ and family Have moved from | ing that hogs: are tending downward. here t& Kingston, on account of Bis| Priae beeves sold at, Bic. to Bic. per ill-health. A bee at the cemetery, last | {1b pretty good cattle, die. to 5c. week, was well attended, and a new | and the common stock, 3ic. to : fence will be the result. The grist | per Ih. Calves sold at. from' 81 to $10] mill is out of repait and so Ro work | each, or je. to 6c. per 1b, Sheep sold | will be done for some time. Miss|.¢ 5 4, Gie. per lb, Spring linha at] Smeaton and Mr. Woodall, of Kings | g4 to $0.50 each. Good lots of fut ton, wers the guests of Miss Mabel | hogs, sold at 6§c. to 63c. per Ib Valentine, on Sunday last. J . Prices at Various | Ts Chicago, May = 18. Cattle {| 19,008, steady toa shade higher; ¢ Dale, May 19.-Fine weather | hooves, 24.75 to $7.25; Texans $1.65 The farmers are busy seeding | (o $5. 60; westerns, $4.90 to $6; §tobk- > the Tand gets ready, but | ery and feeders, $3.60 to £5.55 0 , the land unfit. ¥. and heifers St to $5.85: calves, $4. Cummings paid a flying visit to King- | roo | to $6.25, Saturday. Visitors: Mr. | Hogs, rectipts, and Mrs. D. Hartman and children at | higher: light, $5.20 to 85.4 J. Cummings'; Mr. and Mrs, T. Root | Whyt ¥ YJ. Joh : | $3.20 to $6.50; heavy, : iyte s; KE. and J. Johnson a Fre ch, 85.15 5.05. doe 0. Kirkwood's, Washburn; Mrs, Wil Fol to $5.25; good, to choi oy ? : . heavy, $5.25 to' $5.30: pigs, liars Hill, Gananoque, at J. Gar- 1 85.20; bulk of sales, £5.40 to $5.45. rett's; CU. Clendinning at F. Thomp- | Sheep; receipts] 21,000, foe. NL " ; y iy ° ( : 3 Aithaw at Xilliam Thome | jowes; native, 84 fo 85.85 r. an rs. T. Woods at £. 184 to 86.85: PD. Shook at J. Curtis'; Her- f lambs, £5 wan Pierce, Brockville, at William | g7 40. Thompson's; Mrs. J. Wikkon at' J. Garrett's, receipts, Maple Dale Personals. 20,000, peuerally Be. western, yearlings, $5.90 t, $6.55 to $740; western, $5 son's; Fast Buffalb, | ceipte 100 lead, to be. lower: prime steers, 26.25 to 36.65; butchers, $3.25 to 86 50; heifers, $4.50 to 862%, Hows, $3.5 to $5.50; hulls, $8.75 to 86.00. era and feoders,, $1 to Ble; stock May faiely active and 15 same sales abe, $6.60 10 $5 Allisonville Jottings. Allisonville, May 19.--Mrs. Charles Mhomas has rétwned to her home, ai- ter spending a couple of weeks in Plainfield. Miss Maud Calnan is vis- iting her sister, Mrs. L. Dvammond, this week, Mrs. Bruce MeFaul is seri. ously ill. Dr. Kidd, from Trenton, was called down to see her. Mr. Young has his saw mill in full blast. Fredevick Bonter and wife, and Carl Bryant and wife, visited- D. Ans worth on Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. L. Drummond visited W. J. Calnan on Sunday last. A few more people have had telephones placed in their homes, Mr, and Mrs. Elias Pine vis ited their daughter, Mrs, Skyler Humphrey, on Sunday last. springers; steady. {vo #2 dower; 5 to $38; good demand for goods slaw Jon common, 25e, lower, '$5 to $6.75, Hogs-- Receipts 10.100 head, active. gaod weightl and' Yorkers strong 10e. higher: others steady, mixed, $5.65 to 85.75: to $5.70; pigs, $4 to £4. 0, to $4.70 stags, | dairies, 85.25.10 $5.65, 1 Sheep and head; slow: lambs and yearlivigs, = ower: others steady; 50 £5.50 to $5. gon mixed, 32 to $4.15; rows; Snider Road. Snider Road, May 19---The factory is again open, under the capa- ble management of Mr. Hicks. 8. Draydor is preparing to put up a new barn. A colt became unmanageable ahd broke M. Snider's shoulder, He was leading it. Visitors: Mr. and| 4 Mrs. Stanley Snider, at J. Walroth's; W, Clement, for some time at Water town, N.Y., and his Brother, 8, Cle ment, Moscow, are at their sister's, Mrs. John Walroth; Mr. and Mrs.- R. Snider, at B. Spider's: Mrs. J. Me Knight, at R. Snider's; Miss E. Gange, at 8. Snider's; Edward Read, after spending the winter with friends here, has returned to Kis home at Cape Vincent, N.Y. cheese 2 awethers, 25; sheep ms Street Market. 9% wheat, red, bush: 97. spring; bush. ¥e, to $e. goose, bish., 93c.. oats, bush., 53ci; barley, bush., 5be.; peas, 90e.; hay, umothy, ton; £17 to hay, mixed, ton, 815 to RIG: per ton, $15 to $16, egps, new lyid dozen, 15¢, to 20c.; butter, dairy to MWe; butier, creamery, Je, chickens, vedr old, Ib., 1c. fowl, per Ib. 1%e. to Me. barrel, $1.30 10 $2.50; dozen, 46c. to HUec.; $1.25; to $1.40 $L10 to 81.15; to 811; wheat, wheat bush. 51H straw to 22e to Mk apples, cabbage, per| onions, per hay, | potatoes; per bay beef, hindquarters, $0 Barriefield Budget. Barriefield, May 19 W. Kincade has moved from Brockville to Barriefiekl He will he a welcome acquisition to With the novice in his service the devil is extremely courteous in giving orde Som men fail to hit tie target of success hecause they aim too high. The Earl-Carbid® Feed Acetylene Generator Is folly approved hy fire under writers. The feeding of Carbide is controlled entirely by the Gas Holder. Easily filled with Carbide: and no. waste Gas. Gas Generated Cool and Pure, High grade work and material Neo delicate parts, water-sealed throughout and perfectly safe. Fach machine is tésmted and warranted to work satisfactorily. 5 to 10 light sizes. for summer cottages: 5 Sizes from to 500 light. Write for catalogue and prices, to the Inventor and Manufactur- {belief when sciatica, Egy (| Throng Hered aches and pains thet population. Charles Kincade has purchased the Seals' farm. Dr. Gar reit's splendid wharf at the camp is] four feet under water and going to pigces. J." Tisdale' little pony fol lowed some horses going over the bridge. When driven back, it took to the river to swim across. In keeping] too close to the bridge, it got its fore | fect entangled in the pier works, and A Sure and Cértain Wav to Cure was almost drowned, when rescued. This Terrible Torture. George Medley sinking fast Myr.| There is just one sure, scientific cure Toner has gone to Gananoque for af {for sciatien, rheumatism, lumbago, rest. Many who planted - potatoes [neuralgia, headaches early have found them ail decayed. the pan from your blood and necves Tie grass is fine and droves of eattle] with Dr. Witliams™ Pink Pills. Lind from Gananoque and other places fill iments never eure. morve and blood. dis the commons. ienses. De. Williams' Pink Pills strike [straight ot the cause hecanse they pe Death Of A Lady. itually make new blood. Through the Tichhorne, May 1%.---The remains of thieod they eqnguer the painkal poi the late Mrs. Durns, Perth, were ton, soothe the nerves, loosen the mus- brought here and interred in Parham eles and banfsh every ache and pain. maiden name {Thomas J. Etsell, Walkerton, Ont, was Miss Annie Kennedy, for [says : 'When | began using De. Wil merly of this place. She was of a {liams" Pink Pills I had been off "work bright sunny disposition and mach {for three months. The cords of my estoenied By all. She leaves a hus [right Jeg were all drgwn up and I band and four small children to | could only limp along with . the aid of mottrn. Much sympathe is oxpressed fa stick. The pain I suffered wage ter: for the sorrowing relatives. Mrs. "L. | {rible. Only those who Bave heey | A. Cameron is home again after an affficted with sciatica ean understand extended visit with friends in Mon- [the misery | was in bth day treal. Visitors : Misses Edna Dufiy and I night. Ethyl Allison. at D. J. Howes'; Mrs. | liams' Pink Pills before they heipes me . Gray and Miss F, E. McKivor at [bat after that every day saw an inv Carls; WH. Ackroyd, Perth Road. provement, and by the time | had | 9 Mr. and Mes. J Allison at J. fused 6 fen: hoxes, every vestage of the 'Hewrris': Misses Irene MeKéever and (pain Rad dishppeared. 1 have mo Bessie Harris at H. Swerbrick"s; Mr. 'hesitation in nouncing De. Wil and Mre. ' T. HN. Swerhrick at T. {tiams' Pink: Pills the best mpdicing in Pufiy's: J. Dermott spent Sunday at the world for sciatic." we Tie pas SRE . pure, health-giving Happenings At Verona. {blood That is -- the, er "Bead Verona, . May 18~Rev. Gordon aches and backaches, i tion, kil Churchill is baek from attending She nes 4 and liver troubles, anaemia, heart district meeting 41 Kingston. tion, and the ills that affect fime-kiln hag closed for a short time. [women only. But be oh you get is a nice little boy haby at the genuine pills with thelall name, Haan a Waloth Lage tive girl "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. for Pale at William ig's. Byron ac- People," on the wrapper around each éidentally stuck a jack-knife blade in box. Imitations are worthless--often his knee joint. Herbert Burleigh was dangerous. Al Thousands Converted. heed, beof, choice, medium, enrcasge, SXO0 (, 810; carcase, $6.50 ¢, 87.50, mutton, cwi., 80 to SHLOD. prime, per owt, $9 to $11; ewt., 314 to 815. - , CRIPPLING SCIATICA mr veal, 1s cemetery. Deceased's it at £2.50, curable. But doubt hady misfortune while uxing an edge, | i die. | £5.15 hs $5.50. | $1.40 to to Ile. to | 1 Ri lower: | shipp nz, | steek- | 8.50 to $1) | I Cream Bars, Sold by Grocers and Confectioners. PRE COWAN CO., Limited, TORONTO lambs--Receipte ¥7800 | lambs, 85 to to + q | per | beef, forequarters, $6 to $7.30. | lamb, per! and | I took six boxes of Pr. Wil-- | a ! i ¥ ta successful competitor in the name | 1 , i contest, wmnibg a building lot at} {| Newago, near Montreal. Mrs. Alexan Oripiug snd pain will never occur ua- there is irritation. Salts and Barsh pills bring their resuity by irritation--by causing the bowel fluids to flow. So in the eyes or nostrils will ids 1 oe. But is it wise to treat a delicate membrane thus? { Do so for a time and the membrane i will harden. That is how Nature wards off sustvattacks. The you Eventually the calloused bowels fail in their functions entirely. Then you bave chronic constipation, No wise n will ever abuse the bowels in that way. They will use Cascarets. : Cascarets never cause pain. That proves that their action is natural, Yet ef just as effective as harsh i Beware of | Any Physic That Brings Pain H the bowels are calloused, you may : need a Cascaret twice a day at the start. But you soon cease to need them at all. Those who know the injury done by | harsh physics never use anything but Cascarets, -- Cascarets eure the trouble, only make it worse. Cascarets are candy tablets, > il aroguists but never in Ae SEA, with CCC on every The hox js marked like this: The box is 10 Tha onli emacs 3 tars 12,000,000 boxes anouaily Cathartics | -_-- GASOLINE 20c. PER GALLON Put in your tank at our Dock. We always have in stock Spark Coils, Spark Plugs, Columbia Dry Batter. ies, ete. Repairs promptly attended to. » Selby & Youlden, Lid. Kingston Foundry. CABS! The Old Stand and the EE -- i PEEL PPFPE FPF PP330 0701200900599 0 00044000 00 Nice Ee Floors. Do you want a nice, that will Jook well sweep without raising a dust? OUR FLOOR OIL Easily applied and costs little compared with the comfort it gives. clean shop floor; one and. which you ean Then use + FHEEEEEIIY PHIRI McKELVEY & BIRCH, 69-71 Brock St 3 EE FRR Eth EE Ee ratte dtd Lege. FAROE EEIN4 Old Number 490 OFFICE NO. 1. All orders promptly attended te, {might or day. mss. The undersigned are the drivers {the above 'phone at the old place | Re Boyd, 2 MeQtiald, Dram tO ond, B. McFadden, id, Cayle, J: Sinnott, 1. Boyd, | Wn, arvis, | i | | uatng a ob J. Nolan, Ja Wm. MeQuaid. HAVE YOUR 'Windows Decorated with GLACIER The only substitute for Stained Glass | Artistie, Durable, BEeonomical, by iD. J. DAWSON Successor ta Dawson and Staley, an? Princess street. High Grade Pianos at Livieg Prices. { Victor and Berligper Gramophone, Wi Sewi ng Machines Phoenix Fire and a full line of Musical Music, etc { } | ! fans 1 Xtingu ishe Instrumen 1s, heifers, $3.40 to 83.75; fresh cows ami | hl Maple beavy and Yorkers, 85.4 MilK Ch | { Toronto, May 18.~Wheat, whith, bas. | ~~ Will You Try An . C. Smith Typewriter? The The most delicate and dainty sweetmeats are COWAN'S Veals--Reewipts 2,700 heads alow nd | Buds, ocolate, etc. | Standard Visible you must. drive | We hnow other typeleters of all | { kinds and we know that -the L. C. Smith has every improvement and {every feature that any of them | has--~AND MORE. We want to place am IL. C. Smith Bros.' Type- | writer in your office AT OUR ,EX- | PENSE, and have you compare it | part for part, feature for feature, | with any other typewriter. We will let the typewriter speak for itself. All we say about it and claim for it will be demonstrated] by the machine . itself more con- { vineingly than we could tell it. Then we want to leave the de- fetsion to you. Ii YOU want it | them we will" sell you one on favor- [able TERMS, or if you already | Bave a machine we will take that {in part payment. 'THE TEST OR TRIAL WILL NOT COST YOU A PENNY. This is'the way we spll typewrit- ers ; it is a good, fair, honest way. Tt has mot & weak link in the chain of fairness. i We do not'belong to any trust PRICE sell, and nobody dictates the we sell at or HOW we shall That's OUR business. We sell pur machine strictly its merig All the writing oh the L. Smith is always in _ sight, direct in the line of vision WRITING LINE 1S INDICATED | and the PRINTING POINT IS POINTED OUT so that the Ta C Smith is just WHAT WE CLAIM c --~a perfect VISIBLE typewriter The typebar and hangér are the heart of a typewriter, that means | they are the most vital fra wenk typebar means a Weak writer. Show us a typebar- hd ing that is marrow and has no wearing surface, and it tells 6s that under hard wear such's type- writer will mot 'retain its align ment, and sooner or later will get | out of order. On the IL. C. Smith the bearing is wide and the bar heavy, and will stand years and years of hard work. LOCAL "AGENTS: en JAS. MULLEN, Granite and Marble Works First-Class Work Guaranteed | Satisfaction Assured. Lettering ¢ in Cemeteries Neatly and Prompt- ly Executed. '372 Princess St | Opposite ¥. M. C. A. At the Baldwin laromotive works i Philadelphia, the in Banding owt wages on pay day that IRD fed adie THER patil Toth than twenty clerks are so expert minutes Then again, with the L. C. h ong machine is equipped to do all kinds of work--better writ ing, invoicing, billing, tabulating, figures, stencil cutting, without ching the ribbon and heavy { manifolding anything that any typewriter can do the L. C. Smith will do--and more. Smit ¥ ton and , i The | You can lift the platen, or writs {ing cylinder, right out and put in { another in a second. You can write in'two colors, and you do not nave to totch your ribbon from the time you put it in the raachine till it is worn out, i § You can do all these things, and many more, and do them befor than you can with any other type- writer. » i And remember THIS IS the ma chine we want to place in your For ined for trial and examination AT OUR EXPENSE. It doesn't least you a pemny to fry it. WILL YOU DO THIS? Typewriter Supplies for all makes of machines. Typewriters Rented and Repaired--all makes. d. E. Ferguson Company, EASTERN DEALERS, 205 QUEEN STREET, OTTAWA. C C0. 79 am: ¥ -

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