REGISTRATION FIGURES | The Total For Monday and Tues- day Was 703. The manhood suffrage registration | clused dant evoning until Friday mora- | ing, at ten o'clock, 'when it will be continued until 9 p.m. Saturday. Custom Department follows : All kinds of new fur gar- nuts made to special asure, and we also have unsurpassed facilities for re- | modelling, repairing, and re- dying furs at short notice that makes it possible for us to transform your old Furs into new. We guarantee per- fect satisfaction as to fit. Telephone 489, John MeKay Fur House, 149-155 Brock St. | Frontenae, 173; Rideau ward, Victoria ward, 73, It is expected that the registration f will he at lemst 1800, Of course many Queen's students who registered | on former occasions are no longer here, and the registration will accord- "WEARS LIKEIRON"' Gives new life and lustre to old Chairs, Furniture and Picture Frames. It is the ideal floor finish and IH Nk Noa wood work. ; PF, { ALL COLORS, er All the best and most widely adl- vertised goods are always to be found at this store and at prices to please every purse. W. A. Mitchell Hardwa e The Kingston Artificial Stone and Construc- tion Co. Repairing] Of a fine watch if done as it Should be calls for a degree of skill and training that few eredit. If you are sick you natur- [¥ ally want the best doctor X you can get and if your 8 watch gives trouble it should = be trusted to the best | Yea mechanic, | Manufacturers of alt int s of Artific inl Our workmen are special- [Ml Sion, Vicluine lilding | Mosks ef ists in this branch and we Sills, Steps, Colmes, Balusters, LAWN ean promise you very satis- VASES, Garden Edging, etc. factory results. Houses Erected g 3 Atl the actual cost price plus a per- centage NO CHARGE FOR PLANS, Railroad Watch Inspector & Free plans to enyome buying blocks for any building. Issurer of Marriage {Licenses Artificial Stone Walks Constructed under expert supervisiom: can be Fuller particulars and cost obtained at our Offee, 18 Market St., Kingston. | Special Sale Thursday Morning, 8.30 O'clock 1240 Ready-to-Wear] okirts Regular values $4.00, 5.00, 6.00, 6.50, 7.00, 7.50 For $2.98 Each. Comprising many extreme novelties in ~ Voiles, Lustres, Panamas, Tweeds, Homespuns, Cloths i ll the Iatost shades, including bissks and whites. . All sizes in these skirts, 1A Owing to the low prices at which these drments are offered, any alterations will ed extra. : Sol es | far 703 names have been registered, as] Sydenham, (mtario and St. o | Lawrrnte wards, 157; Cataragui, 146; 1 154 ; - o { Registered Only 20c. Tin| 1off the track, this morning, and , Window Display | : THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, MAY 20, 1908. - = THESPMLEDITIONME NOT BATISHERS SUSPENDED _ SENTENCE { J UT {at the Salvation Army Borracks, to- |B IN OTHER DAYS THEY | on the subject, "Two Hundred HAVE VOTED. | ' | An Appeal is Being Made to the | | Attorney-General and He | May Institute Prosecutions of | Offenders. | Ottawa, May 29 claim that in one part of West ftta. wa division many Polocks are being | registered who are not British sub jects. They have wired the attorney | general at Toronto, as to this and prosecutions are threatened, Tis claimed that at the hist election, too, 50 Italians voted, when but 10 of that nation are nateralized. There hay always been a slackness in these | matters and some interesting develop menis may ensne, INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up 8y Reporters On Their Rounds. When you need a Cob 'phones 600, J. M. Farrell is a Toronto. There was no session of the police court to-day. Good rubber tired cab slways when you 'phone 600, Kingston longs for the return of Hiberal rule at 'Toronto. | The young Indies of the ¥Y.W.C.A. { } ! § rg : : i The conservatives! {are organizing a tennis club, | The committee meetings of the dior cese of Ontario are in progress. William Swaine, piano funer. Orders | received at McAuley's. "Phone 778. | Charles Chambers, jr., Rideau street, thas obtained a position in Montreal *"Nestle's Food for Infants," fresh gt {Gibson's Red Cross devg store. Phone 290, Mrs. William street, is visiting | LY | | : . | Atkinson, Wellington, relatives in Syra- ang gs of the city property for g {industries' committee were called | this afternoon. | "Fresh on Monday," Nestle's for Infants, at 'Gibson's Red drug store, H. Cunningham, piano tuner from Chickering's. Leave orders at Me- Auley's book store. Has the Whitney government im proved the school system of the pro- vince 7 I said it would. William Carter, Chicago, returned (home, yesterday, having spent a few {days with friends in Portsmouth, Has the Whitney government cut down the provincial expenditure ? You know it has not, but it said it would. | The work of putting fire eseapes on {Victoria school is progressing faver- lably and will be completed in a few days. "Thousands of Headaches" hy Stearn's Headaches Wafers. the window display at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. Every reader of the Whig can buy the best 10-cent cigars for Be, at Baker's cigar store, next Friday. "Mat." Bmith, advance agent for Rall Stuart, in "'Strongheart,"" at the {Grand on Tharsdyy, May 28th, is is the city to-day. | T. J. O'Connor, of the commission {mart, arrived home last evening after a three dnys' business trip to Mon: treal and Quebec. Pense works for Kingston's interes(s and not his own. 'The people have {chosen him four times in shecession. Let them choose him again. | ""Wa-Hoo Blood Purifier," for 25¢,, at Gibson's Red Cross Istore, Col. Gordon and Lieut.-Col. Young left 'this morning for Peterhoro Food Cross | eured See $1 bottles drug of the 5th Regiment. Hamilton Spectator independent candidate has retired. was too suggestive of defeat. The flgor at the roller rink is down and the planer pat to work on Tues- day. It will be as level as a billiard table when it is completed "Clear polished glasses" for sod water, dispensed at Gibson's Red Cross trug store. Miss Anna Marble, agent for -Ma- dame Nazimova, is in the city grrang- ling for the production of "The Com: tesse Coguette," on May 27th, at the Grand. Miss Edda Connelly. Yarker, nurse in-training at the Brooklyn hospital, returned sto her duties, to-dav, after spending her holidays with ber par ents, To the Pr. in Spankie, Frontenac, liberal party is due Thoth ithe manhood sufftage and an up-to {date registration. It is, in short, the {party of the people, and as such de 'serving of support. | "Four headaches cured for 10e." [Perfect Headathe Powders will do it. Sold at Gibson's Red Cross drug 'store. i | Col. 0. G. Staples, Wyshington, BD. Co. has writter to an Dgdenshuty man denying that he has leased the Thou sand Island House gf Alexandria Bay to other parties the coming season. "Impure hloed, boils and pimples, Wa-Hgo blood purifier will remove them. $1 bottled for 25¢., at Gibson's Red Cross drug store) One of the Portsmouth cars --- service was badly mixed up for some minutes. It took about thirty min- utes to get the car back on the rails Rin. Mocs municipal ownetship of the | street railway sound too 1 Bat the Tine i: 8s bepisd : Sea." to [grated pulp is first washed and press jain Maj -Gen. Lake in the inspection [ed to force from it the poisonous juice. The dried pulp, pounded into a toarde He found that his name an inch Hary by de of id CITY AND VICINITY. Salvation Army--To-Night. Col. Pugmire, of Toronto, will speak Thousand Miles By Land And By -------------------- Sprained His Ankle. C. W. Lane, * jeweller, is nursitg a sprained ankle. While endeavoring to fmd a dry spot to walk on at his boat house he slipped apd fell, njur- ing his foot. Note Paper Bargains. To make room for pew goods com- ing in. 100 boxes of ppte paper, with envelopes to match, Te. boxes for B0c.; She. boxes for We; She. boxes for ibe. Good quality, at Mallagh's {suceessor to F. Nesbit.) What Came A Year Ago. This day, Inst year, there was heavy frost in Kingston, four inches of snow fell In Buffalo, and Ottawa got six inches of the bemutifel. The spring poet might warble joyfully that things are not thusly, this May 20th. Died At L'Hotel Diem. Alired W, Howe, an aged pensioner, died at the FHotél Dien, on Wednes- day morning, after un Bngering illness. He has no relatives in this country, his family living in England. The fan eral willbe held on Thursday to Cat- araqui cemetery, Spring Importations of 1908. Prevost, Brock street, has received three cases of imported goods for his ordered clothing department, consist ing of Scotch and English tweeds serges, cheviots and vicunas. A grea variety of them to choose from. ---------- Had To Shoot Horse. Inspector Arniel, of the Humane So ciety was called fo Barrieficld, last night, to investigate a complaint made about a horse. The animal was found to be suffecing from an incara ble disease, and was shot by the ia spector Died In Totonto. Miss Martha ©. Stoughton, daugh ter of the late James Stough ton, of Kingston, Ont.. died at 178 University avenue, Toronto, on May 18th. The interment was at Bow- manville, on Wednesday, on the arriv al of the afternoon train from To ronto. A Bad Roadway. the corner of com- Citizens living near Princess agd Ontario streets, plain of a ire hole in the roadway, at that corfer. They say that if the chairman of the board of works should come along that way in his automobile, that his machine would almost disappear from sight The matter was reported to the city engi ner, Flour Was Stolen. Sneak thieves around in the city, suceged in getting in their work from time to time. The latest 16 sufler a boss ix the stores department at Tete de Pont barracks. Some person or persons gained an entrance to the store¥, and made off with four bags of flour, which was stored there for the use of "Tommy 'Atkins." Nothing else was found missing: Bread From Cassava Meal. In tropical America a» cassava meal, obtained by grating the fleshy root of the manioe, is made into bread. The meal, is made into large, flat loaves, three feet in diameter and a fourth of in thickness. Such bread; when baked, may be kept in good con dition for years. FOR EX-IMMIGRATION IN. SPECTOR WAUGH, Pleaded Guilty to Taking $250 By False Pretences--The Money Paid Back--Claimed it Was Used Through Misundetstand- ing. i Chatham, May 20.--James S. Waugh, fordher dominion immigration inspec tor, appeared before Judge Dowling's vounty criminal court, and pleaded guilty to the charge of obtaining $250 from the government hy false pre- Twé other charges were not Pressed. Counsel for Waugh represent ed to the judge that the client had paid back to the goverament sll the money that it claimed he had mpro perly received, also paying a portion of the of prosecuting. He claimed (hat the matter was largely the result of a mistaken interpreta- tenses costs tion as to the rights of Mr. Waugh during his tenure of office. The judge handed down a six months' suspended sentence. WILLIAM WILFRED CAMPBELL Will Give An Address at Gueen's on Friday Evening. On Friday evening the Canadian poet, William Wiltreq Campbell, F.H. S., will give an address in Lonvoes tion Hali, Queens University, at tue formal closing of the facalty of educa- tion. To those who bave not had an opportumaty of hearing Mr, Campbell, Ins visit will afford a decided intellec- tual treat. Mr. Campbell is a forceinl speaker wind his message in [rose is scarcely less stirring than his inspire Ing verse. "Canada," to quote his own words, "needs to-day to be sav- ed from her worser self s~ namely, ma terinlism. 'The best cure is in the hizhest British ideals, character, cul ture, loyalty and imagination. The People need to forget their rights and awake to their responsibilities, For this end we must all work, both the «ducationalist amd the poet, side by side." ? Mr, Campbell is scarcely dl A ar having been born in 1861. His father is an Anghean clergyman, liv ing at present in the town of Wiar past mid ton. The future poet was educated in| Toronto and Harvard upiversitics. He studied for the chuch, but in 1891 entered the civil service and 15 at pre. sent employed in the privy eouneil of. fice. His most famous publications were "Lake Lyrics," 1889; "The Dread Voyage, 1503; "Beyond the Hills of Dream," Poems such as "The Moth- er, attracted widespread comment and unstinted admiration at the time of their publication--but the Lest of his work is perhaps after all that which deals with national life, deeds of heroism and the imperialistic spirit, 1 here is no admission fee on Friday evening and friends of education are cordially invited, Eo -------- A GRANDSON'S VISIT. S---- Came to Queen's to Learn of Family History. Old times at Queen's have been ro called by the visit here of Rev. Mal- colm Smith, of Syracuse, N.Y. Mr Smith is a grandson of Prof. Maleohn Smith, who followed Prof. Romanes in the chair of classics, at Queen's, when the college instructed its stu- donts and housed them in the" stone building now known as "The Avon more," on William streef, dnd in the houses which fianked it. Prof. Smith's wile died at sea while they were crosding togeir Scottish TO-MORROW, * SPECIAL. SALE GLOVES We have just secured a manufacturers' complete Sample sett of Gloves. These we will offer To-morrow from 9.30 a.m, all day, as follows : 327 Pairs Ladies' Fine Lisle Thread Gloves Taffeta Silk : Gloves Fine Pure Silk Gloves These are all samples. There is a, varie- ty of colors and lengths, both lohg and short. 'Also a few dozen in Long Lace Effects, in black and tan shades. The entire lot will be sold at ONE-THIRD OFF THE PRICES. To-Morrow, all day, start 9.30. home, and that same simmer the professor himself was drowned at | Gairloch, in © Scotland, and Qlieen™s: | and the world Jost then a brilliant classic. Prof. Smith, and all his | clan, were staunch Preshyterians, but | The Bijou Theatre. ] The Bijou offers, to-day and to-mor- i row a drama which every boy and | every boy's sisters and parents should | see, "The Successes Of a Brave Boy." | They also offer a rattling comedy, | "Three Bachelors And A Housemaid," | which every bachelor, every spinster | and every housekeeper will appreciate, John Robert Davis sings "When They're Bringing In The Corn, Nel- | lie." v i " og How City Money Disappears. It is to be hoped that the city en- gineer will soon be able to have the Princess street road from Alired street to the city limits attended to, so that people may drive over it with safety, and not run the risk of in collision with the unused street railway tracks, which were al lowed to remain at the expense of the city, 1H 3500 was spent wpon the stretch of rofd in question it could be made safe. Rideau ward residents sk that something be dane. Frees Livol. Over throe hundred samples of Livol, the tonie that builds, have been given sway, with the greatest success. More samples are readyfor thos¢ who need o ood tomtie. One woman, past "the alloted time, after taking Livel, said "I'he allect of Rival was wonderful and so lasting. 1 4 twenty 5 younger. The father of 4 chi ol cight said : "'L vol has been 4 to me. My little boy, whosd could y immediate , Livol i | finished. It is on Pembroke stfect. fgearry property os Hrow afternoon. The refusal of | Kirby company {council's stredt {may be disc his grandchildren, including Rev. My { Smith, who is in town to look for traces of his father and grandfather, | have left the paths of Luther and Calvin. Rev. Maleohn Smith has taken orders in the Protestant' Epis: copal church of the United States, and is a high churchman in faith, as well as in stature. His grandfather ruled at Queen's in the '50's, when Rev. Prof. Ferguson : a student. UNGSTER CAUSEP TROUBLE A Three-Year-Old Around Loca) Railway Yards. A three year-old youngster caused a good deal of worry and excitement around the local railway yards thiv morning, The little fellow wandered away (rom his home, and the ears in the yard had a great attraction for him. Railway men who noticed him werd in hot water for a lew minutes, as a and it was feared that the child would be injured. The rynaway was hatless, and gave every appearinee of having "skipped out" from his home, unknown to his parents. Ha dodied in and a nd the cars, aid it was some {ithe telore he was taken in charge. A him to his home. Sr -------------- CONCERSSNG THE STREETS. First Concrete Walk of the Season Completed. This afternvon, the first concrete walk laid this season here will be The first piece of road to be re built will be that on Bagot street, be- tween Brock and West strects. Fixiga grates have been pit 'in, and some are also Being laid in Brock street, A wire lence is being constructed i tewly acquired The' board of works meets Som 1 to accept the city paving proposition Fashionable Summer Suiting In a great variety of new materials, Many of these it will be impdssible to duplicate later when the present stocks are sold. We can only mention afew : SHANTUNG LINENS In Light blue, Copenhagen, tan brown, champagne, mid brown, navy. INDIAN HEAD SUITINGS In navy blue, white and Copenhagen blues. » FINE SCOTCH CHAMBRAYS In 5 shades of blue, pink, greens, mauve and the grey shades, Prices 15¢, 20¢, 25¢. FANCY MUSLINS In dainty new designs. Many of these with only one or two dresses of a pat. tern. 25¢, 35¢, 39¢, 45¢, 19¢, 65c. FINE WHITE 8WISS SPOT MUSLINS In the popular small spots. Very fine makes that give excellent wear. 25¢, 35¢, 45c, 49c. shunting engine was at work. } ad who koew him volunteeredyjo take | DO 00000000000000000000 000000LO00IQOLDOVOOOTD WR The Fluffy Ruffle is the Latest in New York. Any Ladies who have Patent Pamps or Tan Pumps, and who would like them made into the latest styles with the Buckle Effect. Let us send for yonr Shoes and quote you a price. 4 be Joockett Shot Store. P.8. New Tans and Chocolates griving daily. OOO SO0 B a