Daily British Whig (1850), 23 May 1908, p. 9

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a ' 4 rr 3 J PAGES 9-TO 18, 7 itish INGSTON, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, MAY 23, 1908. --_-- i | ! f a i i ! ids aaN-- ATamily Group Natives ; 1 F IR 18 THRORE HOW PRISONERS CONFESS. - of Marken | Suspected Murderer Put Through @ 2 A | { Terrible Ordeal. The sea and fishing have played im-| haring, and is canght during the sum- | streets are deserted; (he men are no | COUSIN OF CZAR WRITES New York, May 23. --I'vank Zastora, f portang toes ih the history of many | mer, salted and then smoked, when it longer idling in the street, the bouts LOVE NOVEL. the young farm hand intplivated in the nation') A pl endify const has done in culled bakking. The pan herring is! and note ame ne longer drying on whe . - shanting of an ami Th Shoppasd i more than powerful navies to protect] a Kind of fresh herring caught in the behich. 'I he wotne re alone for m : Land Jennie. Dente Chain," ant England and Holland against foreign | Zuyder Zoe. ' long winter he 3 ve for mans | Grand Duke Michael Shows That now a prisoner 2h Frechold, N.J., Wis invasion. The Dutch "fisheries have al-{ Different Dutch towns are known by | their husbands are safe. They forwet | Lives of Princes Are Not Al. {Put through a "sweating" process in ways been a selivce OF much wealth to] the kind of herring they catch. Raar-| their trials in looking after their ways Happy. {the attempt to elivit ow confession of Holland, 'and he was often attacked | dungen is known as the seat of the | children and homes. This takes much| London. Mav 9 The. Gr {guilt, which would have broken the and harassed by Other nations whol jickled herring industry; Se hevingen | of their time; for" their homes are! Mic ArT be : ph : na Riu porve of any nar PetsoIx. . were jealous" of this important source | and Katwykare are famous for their | small, their chifdren plentiful. Often | his first hi Saar, IBS: Macy: Rod hours Mout tho discovery of of revéple, A large part of the Dutch {ved herring; while Urk, Shokland and | their men are drowned; the women Messe Collier & Co. Aa | the ale $C or mf ai A Fisherwoman pg ive Along St Rout; try Marien hay e huttdotia of fishing boats | spe compelled to resign thomselves to | novel * entitled Roar Soy Tried 4 | perintendent the I - ~ Sa = > " are eds of ms awns scatters 1 alching 8 on r nt 3 . ts] ; 3 . h ¥ ' J 8 De. 0 along the sea, their chief met ow, et ot bas. che national their wed fe Su support their chil-{ the title-page of which Michael Mich- | put Zastera through an examination jsharpshooters. A number of Lilwrian) THE DEADLY BUTTERCUP are the fishing boats and nets drawn | character in. dioEs Tiving aml manner gretk ha Rut Un life and the dan: | aeloy itch boldly puts his name, There | which lasted frome 10 a.m. into the gi- lofficials and twe Dutch army officers a up on the beach. The worn fishing | (lune tebaciobaly I Years wome ES. ABE threitin their happiness arelis the simple dedicdtion, "To my | ternoon. ~the latter to act as arbitrators--will | Cancer in it, Says a Philadelphia | cling so ning i ars gone | with them almost second natuve. { wife," and behind it a romance bes! The early examination was follow- | complete the party Physician nels are as much a rte of their hy the ging he firs aul was Tha : : . : b towns as the uch 2 7 are of Pehl . bringing \ hin or tk tal ust Wa intent 2 of these towns is | hidden, a ed by a still more vigorous adminig- | Much of the territory to.be try Philadelphia, M ND-Pr. WW an the Mall of London. 'To appre aire The mt harrd cdi wy] eu, on the ps Zxe. Though a It will be remembered that some [ tration of the third degree. Numerous |Versed is occupied by hostite tribes, Challant. whist doolitotiom that a .- ate the Dutch character one must be pineed on. a' car: decorated with ings ha ; Sree oh age, it boasts of | seventeen wears ago, in the reign of devices were employed to obtain a [who have long been a source of trou rs & we ATRIA familiar, with their fishing life. This | and taken in trinmph fo the king, who . e rd and a schoolhouse, As in all the late czar, the grand duke created | damaging admission from the prison. [ble to both France and Liberia. "This hazardots existence. so full of hard presented' the Aoitunate Dsherman with utch gowns the houses are built oa a great sensation by defying the Fm- er. . Isingrularly complicates the matter, for whip and privations, has, played an 200 florins, The fishmongers likewise gkeat heavy piles. In the summer time peror Alexander and contracting a The blood soaked vest of the mup- [both sides agree it would be futile to importan® role jh making the Dutch fered a nent apioos. for tie fitst her the usual approach to this town is | tharriape With the woman who 'is dered farmer was placed on Zastéra, [dvaw the frontier line through terri raignment. of the flower strong, cowrageons: and independent ring: canght "Po-day "thize men: are by boat, though in the winter meh known as the Countess Torby. His |a Bible was put into his hand and he {tory controlled by one tribe, or even bp now asin a it of Being tht tates For centuries. a large part of the only rewarded by having: their places abd women skate across from The -------- was told to swear by the blood of the lby a group of associated tribes fof . a i RN ig 4h Jn : Dutch popbdation has lived on the fish | jocorated with wreaths and fais. lngue. These people cling to their Tae [victim that he was innocent. After | Bvery effort wilt be made by the Lt terol la EE oh un : - trade apd closely allied © industries Cod fishing . in 'another: ons of the | 131Ve costumes, bouscs and mode of - : . being taken to the jail he was kept Mittle party to avoid bloodshed, and J oot Shp which ni I a Aa : hte Though "it ix impossible to sav when Idea TK rrr vail Brn living more than - all gther Dutch. awake all night and questioned with [with this end in view M. Richaud to ry i ~ HOCue tu Faungiion ' i a i Jiceat ali) tas Toutunern o Fheiz type and dross are similar tof) Juxeat ripidity by Detedtive. Cosgrove | taking along over 1,000 pounds of pre- at contact, and when take internally totten jcases of measles are due to 4 poison | ontained in the common field hatte } ups, atiracted considerable attengion, faa out with ancoiher atement nn al hduwolit, the Dutch industeies. Most of the men 3 : : 3 i the Norwegian, i Li nd sistant, Sy or. Rast fo head Savill comme i Ghee "tom. orwegian,. 'Ihe town da exceeds a his assis » Sylvester era | ents glass > at ache cand convulsions, and frequently v ation gave new mnurte to . ate i i a ; : : i life and expecially | "4g their al who Satch. haying ah he Sin ingly: quiet all the 'week, for the men hi fae not given ote moment's rest. The | loth and bright-colnred carpets, ote lent T : trade. | othe most: t COE] my > od Ne tinh of w ate out on their fishing expeditions Jamsistant prosecutor took part in the [It is feseed, however, thet some = hard | 0% hy he poison is transferred also these ing towns the owners Became] °C he. Tu ly stant iy] ares fom Monday until Friday. They come] | examination, which lasted from six [fighting will be met with. Many of | Kk and meat so wealthy they commander] the same! of hi orth Aan i ol ne back. Friday night and it is a time| § ff jo'clock Satufday night until ten {the tribes im the Liberian hinteriang | The familins and to' many persons respect as' the glasshlowers of Italy, | 50600 of t - tshing expeditions. | for 'merry-making: and rejoicing. The J o'clock, 'yesterday morning are Mohammedans, who are always |Girogreeable smell of tgton ix. he as The catching herting ix one of the though Hive a i fo to, the eonst of | men and women both put-onr their Zasta was thoroughly exhausted, ready to take up their gros on the serts, 4 distinctly capeorgus. smell. He largest and most profitable of these dela, ta the Pogger Bank. Thes:| eet attire, The men wear long coats, 4 thut, while it made meny contradic- least hint of a "holy war." Stories industries © A woll-kuown apthority, | ¥Peditions © are generally full of lany baggy {rouscrs and high hats. tory statements, he clung to. his ori- | of French fightingTin Mororco have al: on this subject, save: "It was {Ah and oil, Fhste SaBAsiTs ive They walk gp and down the beach ginal statement that be discovered the reqrly leaked through to these distant healthy flesh with Buttercup that the herring was un- me fhe ry hn a Riiey ive with their hande welt clasped behind dead body of Jennie Bende, the ser. parts, and the Liberians themselves states that he hag produesd conditions sunilar to those of cancer by ribbing , and dee iclares that in all probability the dis I. the ancignty, for none as vet of sit on their doorsteps smoking vant girl, and that when he ran te sport that their black hrethrem of the |= he has its origin i the meat or 8 found' in the Mediterranean. ay weeks throuzhout the: year OrSipe. The women are oy less woud = alarm Mr. Sheppard be found hs em- hth have lately hoe moa rate of ill of animale whitly sat the. fas sol the oven hais hoon to} land. Their lives are hard and their | yy oC oe Their headgear is so ) ployer and Kix employer's wile dead nnest. ' fers. He urges the destruction of the eth Fan albment of great- remuncration small The orew receives high it resembles - Minerva's casque, ke at the foot of the stairs, {bloom. new a prodperity. This herring. by 25 'per cent. of the hun ane the eap except. it. is made of white linen. Thoin J pr 4 He admitted without qualification Fo being Ion ariel, changed the | tain double the amount. Their aver-{ ory are hidden by the long flaxen A x that he was a'degenerate, and had NEW FRENCH BANKNOTES, | @ "---- hintoudt desting of Holland, and with | age earnings are. from 250 "to 290 flor curls, where golden locks are lacking ne eC been under treatment, and that his | it that of 1 workd in the twelfth | 08 a year. "The codfisheries have Fean artificial curls take the place. 'Fhese . wuind was not always clear. Neverthe | Familiar Blue Paper No Longer a and Cgistoentt omiturios. A tradefsintive to: Holland for. centuries, and] ooo po place by large. gilt a Jes, hog showed irent. shrewdness: in Safeguard. is rephes, amd whenever hard press. Paris, May 2. Those pale bua which. exerted a great influence over | formerly brought greater profits than pig. The little girls. and boys dress the revalution of the united pros inces | they do today. . just alike, with Lise juokets and large od took refuge in saving that his men: inal bills which * always strike the and the events that fellows it' Viaardinaty is one of the oldest and | bloomers. tal condition had affected his me- ivissor to Paris as a novelty . are Thi hve kinds off herrings entight | laegest fishing towns, and the men Their simple houscs are arranged in mory.. ne " off the north sonst mre the pickerel, | wha go for herring in sammer spendhf plots of four; and. ate known by the Following this terrible ordeal of the the sb and pan herring. the dong, deenry. winter ontching, sod | yroup. The interior is oftentimes ¥ omer the dni spread that he teh gokaaste When these expeditions bogin the sombre bee.use of the low ceilings and i on ha oa Confession, but this wa mm p-- . the plainsdecds built into the walis. The AY ssistant Prosecutor Stokes : Ihe chief decorations are the white ans public; however, do not regard 1. jianily 2 Hoan : h this denial as sincere, but ag made to cotmterpanes embroidered in red and further the etide of culation. the tall caliioets that hold a few pice : Wai wo Justice, piel throw I: "ns of the. chief paints of difference es of china and silver, These simple will be that new bills will he printed | fisher folk have g very hard struggle. : in forir colors, while 'up to the present When their hauls are good a dollar . TO MARK' LIBERIA'S BORDER. [French bank bills Sr ih have wen anil a heli or Swo dollars is all they GRAND DUKE MICHAEL. h | prisited fix ome color only. Mae was eats, and less if fate is a them. | - : - A Two Years Job in. Dark adopted in the first place as Iring Nehovingen io amothest interesting | toval Highness was thirty. years of age Africa. difficult to photograph, and thus in fishing: sown. It was once norless| st the" time. He was banished from | Paris, May 2h Lilwioin spain looms (possible to counterfeit Such pro quaipt than Marsen, but im tho -lase| Russia for his Atomerfty, and he gud | argo: on the diplomatic horizon, for igeess has heen made in the art of few Yeats it has"hecome such nw Meoes | bs: wild have sinee lived mich in Eng- fan important Frengh mission, wader | hotography. "however that' this for the tourists it has Jost much of] land. They' are received at court, and | command of Gov, Richawd, left lant | afeguarn 'no longer remains its: otiglual character, In marked con [are very popular in sociéty : j week to mark the frontier between the sious. trastiwith 'the fnshivnable hotels are! The vovel is not a translation, tar little Airican republic and the ac joins The precautions which the bank au- the simple huts for the childwn, The! the gland' duke ix a master 'off "Eng- ling French possessions. Satoritios take © agaieet rounterfeiters children. make merry running up and) Sh, shad hi hes probably hid the as-| Bvor since the Libotism Republi 'ape many and complex. Good coun down - the sand with: thoir seavy cogs. | fistance of his accomplished wife: inframe inte existence the question" baw |terfbiters turn ups, however, every now The men start off in their fishing his task, The preface i¥ of Beep inter- bean 5 continual source of dispute. (dnd then. bodts early in the morning and do et, It ring as follows : 7 : | Liberia has never made - any pretence | Fhe paper gnawhich the Frengh hank | not! vetilbn umtils Into at night. Bulonging, as do, hove the imperial | of governing its own feeritery word Kills are printed hak a watermark | Though their hadls are often: large, blood, anid being a emi oi one of cham afew miles © from the cowst." Which is very dillionlt te imitate. The they fim] '% hall dollar werthy com thes reigning Hodlaeu, J Shots he 10 | Whenoves travellers got into trosfble pager itself is manwlactured by a pri poisationsiar a: hard day's' work. pune to the w Hhow wien: it is od | TOmewhers in the Liberinn' bintoriond, vitejcompanv in the presence of spe he, w and children go out' wag] 0 ingr-ae She Lahiarity a matin {the Monrovian authoritios-clwimed 1 dial commissioners. The printing = is Heo, tir knees to catch: crabs and | MF jt to hi ; AA pg fthe incident oeeurred Lon Prenek one! in the centeal establishment of oysters,' which they $ ' ; doubt ei lls all te | tor Fheny when Frunee would send Ih Banquo de Foose, where the ny wirby and to hotels. totl wath: the ale] = ge ont, a itive expedition Like i ve is of the utmost rigor. After | the Ditch "paiitters;" has devoted bis : this Nard? Tak oly hingpinese {woald im that its territory was bis Fee Millon printed it voeives a thin | #f yoares and genius So portraying the a al Ey {be | violated. 3 "eont of spe varpish so that the | 1 4 dress, manner and ha ps af : y " bo he present expedition. Resided = by be. remcyed under pressure, 'people. In no «lass hus he Yeon f WM. Richand, will probably remigin twp found. necessary alter it was interested the the fisher folk. the ie ! drs at ite task In this Po 4 svete] (hat a clever French ecoun- He loves to show i thougl Ye ) i pected to Cover over 2,000 ee on testo had discovered .a means hy cHrewarn looking 3 ¥ 8 . Kove t, through densé unghes and gorosy whi he used a getnine bank mole ty | 1 F - ha hss : Ee mountains which hitherto have "never pring splendid. imitations. Lo HEIR TOORUSKIAS THRONE ; surveyed. The Fan 3 Tt hae been stated that the Banque [he Couvawitch Afans se rowing wa i docFramee is the largest fiduciary ene nace Ros Polly te - Bprisntin the world. Its present nots [pave wits Tass. tearm 148 began to i equivalent to about five bil- [faseinating of Lome smodel raliwaye. Last. Christages the amr wave hi - hesutifol model of 8 Hessian, = express copy or Uh Nias Germs 41 Therion : CatFeh. |; «| Prof. McKay Says 3 Per Cent. [S00" : te. ~4 have tzid m greatis Prof. CG. L. McKay, of lowa Agric ei many remedies for Caterrh, sultaral College, speaking of a pro Penalty Of Blood Poverty. of them ever helped me. "In my opis to fix the migimum standaed | Blood ix the life, Life wits iL crime ion: Catarrbozone is the a real cure milk at 3.35 per emt. fat, wid © pou signal in the fas. I yok luck the fon Catarrh.' FG nS MH this = were to _betome a law bun ruddy bue of health on lack life, you Minden, Ont. --"1 ash delighted with] dreds of dairymen sould be wnstantly Yard inviting discast Tf the face fe the results from the gee of for adulteration of milk, ual: if the handy aid foot are cone frome. 1 think iv iy the beet remedy in | over which they bave no contfol. This | tintally cold, or there is any other the: workd for Catateh." Thomes Cox. is quite evident to every crenmery buign of deficiest circulation. des Myich extracts only. hug convincing. jmax in the country. Many of our fine | Wade's. Iron onde Pills $Laxative) Not claims © but praol. That's what {Holstein cows "that have made won | + They are a great nbrve strongthener the peopls wapt before spending thei basefil records as butter producers | and blood maker. Jd Boxes, Be at prnoney. We can supply aver two thou' bwauld come mnder the ban of the law, | Wade's Drug Store. Money back i not ¥ back if vou are.uot not Holstein would at Catarrhosone is sold bv oll dealers: | times be condemmed. Three per cent | There's 8 world 'of 7 difference bes doomed to an early disappearances The regents of the Banque de France have requested the eminent artist LugOlivier Merson, to design a new humdred-franc note which will diffe from those at pressnt in off searchers for Sheppard's money sy Sle. most should be high enough | tween attention fu details. aud abs daar of oe ad wonption in. rifts, . -

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