Daily British Whig (1850), 23 May 1908, p. 13

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' _Gips For | Ghe Farmers BY UNCLE JOSH WAS MAINE SOLOMON. | Magistrate Took Pullet Couldnt Pr. Ja {produced by ev twive a « Year. Moves that airy own. ory cow lav' apd every Woman Agree About. 1 R: Pay, chancellor | Syracuse University, was disemssing ow his tion that some mind In a heed cohtaifiing 35 | ters preach in 4 sensatior nad yelimannd 34 the next, the average! yous 0 the nla 3 arly production per cow Tor 'the two . A | vous was 8,345 pounds of milk, paging 4.92 per pent, fat, which would|{ They {vidld 320 pounds of butier. The © they of feud per cow averaged $46.19, mak- | ; itle jing the cost of 100 pounde of milk, h,.: including that for labor. 72 comts, At 31 190 pounds for mikk, the average wold be 217.20 for jer pound for | S114), ° Under must produce separata barn into a milk} MR i! of BACK COMBS ¥ The latest styles and designs. in the finest French and American Combs, Bold Mounted Btone Set, Carved and Flain Shell; also a nice selection of Barettes. » Me ---------------- reams recent ass Paws One manner al. the went Sti me aud, from » Aver their own Uncl sution or A traveller vessation with stated thatthe there is regarded as satisfactory "ANF thay w growth ha 'Ina few cases om litth woulda 8 been Leiter Beers BAF Hodder good Lone, and o great many ticks report ; scriptures vesterday i rops He nigood are precisely like a the « : about used to laugh One of tithe Wome with a that it belos his decisions hee the I MOLY rin | hot The Beauty of Our Garments Is in their shapelinesz. They are forma fing Fut the figure beter than a glove does the hand --snugly and comfortably, without Seeding ha per wu l§ return « | the vear, At 1s ' butter it would these conditic { enc declaring + | self. Fi { "The magistrate, net heavily at this 'Does ? he Jones an neregse] from his the first belong Myre Nui, it don't, sir replied. Then he turn ed to the other woman, 'Does this pullet belong to Mrs, Smith ¥* "It cer- ll not," the woman eplied, The p high sent nn hs from the 5,619 pounds o Woman. pay pro- Cable adviees are to the wd cheese with a deol old vountry | COW effect that in both butter | milk, the. English market ik juiet | for the ne. in price In Sutter | Gt, if any, thive wre Tihéral upplies, and prices Fis manurial are JW a owt, . lower. Cheese has d for these herd trapped 25¢.' newt. Le n, Billings, New Je The Canadinng market for putter has | tural Experimental kept revonekably high, alth sagh port. ost places ft is down from 2e, aml eastern bitter has heey low ax 256. in a wholessle ix at least Je. a pound highes? than | quoted to ied game time last year The Digh | lows : price haturally deters any export, shut | Flour and Feed--Flour, baker's with increas cidg feeding facilities a rea [$2.90 to $3.10; farmers', $2.90 to $3; onable drop is expected. | Hungarian patent, $3.15 to $3.30; oat- In aver 11000 boxed more | meal and rolled oats, $4.40 to $4.50. were shipped from the port of Mont { corneal, $1.50 to $2.10; bran $26 to {827 per ton; shorig $27 to ¥¥ pw 1 straw, $12 to $14; hay, loose $I8 to $20; pressed, $20, | Eggs--New luid, 20¢, per doten. | Uraig=Oats, 45¢.. to Be; Jocal | wheat, $1 to $1.06; buckwheat, Sc; Canadian Pacific Railway. | barley, T0e.; rye, 78¢. to Soe, ; peas, | corn, best, S0e,; mixed, VICTORIA DAY FERIELS . 4 and or' bufter, prints, 25¢,; ya 4 . LE FARE {rolls 23c. ----- . ' ' | Meat--Beel, carcase, $0.50 to $10.50 ay Sand and 25th, 4 ewt.; choice euts, Be. to 17c. 1b.; pork, |94c. per 1b; veal, by the quarter, Se, Ito Ye. per Ib.; cuts, Ge. to 12 by | | carcase, be. to Be. per Ib; cutlets, | 124c. to Ide; lamb, by pound, Me, { chops, 15¢. a Ib; mutton, lle, per {iby live hogs, ¥ Fish--Salmon { skinned digby herring, Ve, { whitefish, 124¢, a lb.; pike, | "hinook salmon, 30c. a Ib; { c., 15¢. and 200. per Ib.; herring, Yarmouth bloaters, prudet asked: her to indeed, a wrinkle anywhere. Just the most Kinnear & d'Estarre | DIAMOND SHOP. l "Princens and Wellington Sts., Kingston, or 37 pounds of butter to The ony manure, pur- | computed - | | food she eats. would be in the value of the feeds she comfortable Underwear you can buy for yourself, your husband or your children. » is \ does second Agrieul- Ke rsev Station Nos. 95 and 100 stand first and fore- most among all high-grade Natural Wool garments of medium weight and : then . to Mx Jones, nor does itbhelong to Mrs Smith. The pplet ts mine. Jan take it round to the house and give to my cook.' et," the mag strate decor nat dong to he Produce And Prices. Unt., May 23.--Prices were the Whig, to-day, as loi selling as | wav, This | Kingston, choose In Connection With weights select from Nos. 7 and ; farm- Me; May 18, 30 returning HOMESEEKERS EXCURSION To Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. ™ Gaod to go May 26th ; "tro rd, 9 th and trout, 124e. June alb.; per lb; 10¢, a lb; smelth, kippered 40c. al salt |! Full particulars ot K. & Pp, and C, P, R, Ticket Office, Ontario St. 'Phone,' 50. F. CONWAY, Gen. Pass. Agent, BAY OF QUINTERAILWAY sone mae | codfish, Train leaves | . At upiom station, Ontarin inlly (Sundays excepted) AR a Te 8 a ints mor! Beapatch Lo Bansoek- oo TET VICTORIA DAY, 1908 Ieturn tickets will be sold between all tutions fn Canada and from all stations in Canada to Port Huron, Mich., Buffalo, Mack Rock, Niagara Falls, Suspension Nridge and Magsens Spring, N.Y. Island Pond, and Swanton Vi. SINGLE FIRST=CLASS FARE figod gol Satu Sunday and Monday, May ara, Tien and 26th, good peturning from destination om of before Tu s 26th. Homeseekors Fxcarsions to Manitoba and the Capndisn Northwest and return May 26th, June Bth and 28rd, July 7th snd 21st, August 4th and 18th, 'good returning' within two months of goin ta or Pullman or Tourist car reserva tiom and any other information, apply to J. P. HANLEY, Agent, Johnson and Ontarip Sts. FISHING | Guster. and the Mgritime Provinces: Write ifor Publications giving Toll details as to Streams Lakes Guides ISSUED BY INTERCOLONIAL Cor. - hy G. C. CREELMAN, | The Popular President of the Ontario A gris Ritual College, Guelph? He is Now in Ewgope * Studying © Agriculiusal Conditions, week | pré- real, last week "than fast year, but there was a good portion of old cheese among it, "and New Zepland shipments still arvivein | England, | for same this | on | Keep plenty of grain over spring do deed to the young pigs the grass so as to have them ready for i vomarket, when the price is lest, | paymg attention to these th ng | others we Ry as weil as to have profits might space he losses re mention, oar | greatly increased, and fuced to a minimum the farm. | W. Simpson, Pranee Edward leland. | en our on Cand are like men, they seldom | "kik without a enuve. Sometimes | tir teptsiare gore or tender: rough | wiiie hurts them, Sometimes the | miTkers the long hairs op the ud- | ders when milking. Shear off the long «| hairs, cut off the long finger pails, | hathe the teats in warm water, grease | them with vaseline and vou will wee mapy kicking cows. --R., €, Misener, Lanark eounty, Ont ---- Roe | the belongin One several | was al I. | Amvoutbrents of planders, at beck near Brockville, resulted in destruction' of three horses to Joseph Whitely, of that place ok Aye Is. was sick far Ein. vg thinking it Lithe tecth, called 0 Magne to dase "as| dr IR aginaont, the ge | p confited | JIS Severn! ather 1 gliborhaod" are hed ng | hal in ut the for' thipty five days. | Tht ower off these animale will * ve. | fuga tigids oi their vale, in nc THRE ALE Governments pro- | glan- | +Hdon' Tor homgn destroyed: foc pe { fail ole « Knvs No Ww man farmers in the provinces of Ontavio | renlize that it theih four gigas, bs apgeh to feed the injurious insects thie a tack their crops as it costs to educate their children 7 The | apditultural products of the prov hee | of Optario in 1006 were valued SO. 000, 000, whi'e the soots, estimated at a minimum, etal to one-tenth of the value of the crops haryvedted, namely, $22,000 800. | The total cost of edu to protinge in thé same vear 000. When these facts are given the copsideeniion they deserve, il hecoles perfectly plain that a working knowl i mn Dio cost ater losses by in! wore | the | £5.000 - | ation wns ¥ {legs 10¢c. a 1b; {sters, 40c., | finnan | snappers, | 124¢. | dozen. dered, 5e. { Portland | cigar 4 { faints f just f Rosen | out of | tomohile | niinate lozen; Atlantic salmon, 30c. lb.; 7¢. to' 13¢. a lb.; halibut; 20¢. a Ib.; fresh haddock, l0e. a lb.; bullheads, 10¢. a lb.: red herring, 15¢ ia box; mackerel, 15¢. a lb.; trout, 124¢. a 1b.; perch, 30c. a dozen; frogs ciscoes, 15¢. a 1lb.; oy- 6i0c. per quart: blue "take herring, 10e. lb.; 10¢, ¢ Ib; rod 15¢. flounders, 10¢.; fresh salt water herrings, 40c, to 60c, doz- en: fresh lobsters, 30¢, a Ib.. sea bass, a lb.; smoked salmon, 30¢. a lb.! Poultry Chie ckens, $1.25 to $1.50 per pair; turkevs, $1.25 to $1.76. Fruit- Malaga grapes, 20c, per Ib. lemons, 20¢, per dozen: Valamcias, 10c to 20¢. . Mexicans, 20¢. to 30c.; navels, 2%. to bbe. ; bananas, 30c. to 40c. per Potatoes, $1.10 per 75¢. to $1 dozen; celery | 50¢. a doz n; parsnips, 75¢. a hushel turnips, 8c. per bag: beets, 30e, per peck: onians, Se. per lb.; green onions, | 50. dow; carrols, 75¢. per bushel. Wool, washed, 15¢. to 16e. per Ib.; cheep skins, fresh, 70¢c.; tallow rem- per 1h.; deakins, 50c.; veal 7e. per Ih; hides, No. 1, dc. hides, No. 2, 3c. per Ib.; horse 50 each. bbe. , 15¢. a Ib. haddie, fish, Vegetables-- hag; cabbage, skins, per Ib. { hides, A Fainting Horse Oregonian. Kosendeld, well known horse that is not sure that fainted, but the fact Walter the merchant, has a My. Rosenfeld his fancy roadster Collie Milton Babn is certain of and he swears that if Mr. Rosenfeld's horse had not fainted they would have both been killed last Friday night. It see Kahn were Linnton road. gs they Rosenfeld and My on the that Mr. (noying a drive "It was dark and rounding one of the road, lights, a big automobile and 4 paie of ing lovers in the front sent, straight at the buggy I tried to swing the when © suddenly collap sid. The. driver of the came to his senses quickly and stoppeti his ear a fow feet from the |resirate animal Just to add to the excitement the lady in the machine fainted also, and Mr. Kahn was in a quandary for a whether to apply restoratives woman or to Mr. Rosenfeld 's ma (uite were turns in the without spoon came Mr horse the au tearing fel his way, horse just to the horse. Royalty On The Quilt Register en Andrew 1). White to Germany he received some letters from Americans. Perhaps was mimster queer the Chistian e "Wh PRINCESS CHAMPION J =% Danilo was hel her mar Jutta of Me ek) lenburg published WRESTLER Montenegro the Duchess In his recently tenegro's future ruler is a ls dy distimilar hobbies and attainn sides being brilliant piani clever need oman, she de time to ea turing hor ent spends one RINE every week very masculine sport of wrestliag jrincess understands jiu-litsu, and most invariably suecessful in the n 'which she so frequently indulg CHARACTER OF MILK. Need Pure, Not Rich Milk, S Dr. D. Robertson, Milton. Milk is in such general use that the question "of ile purity ways an intportant one. Milk of tho most healthinl and economieal articles of diet aad contain nourishment It is a real sEity and, therefore, every means ought to be taken to guard against adultera tion. Let milk oder from healthy cows, any thing to be added, vou have an ideal food of much value, But why should a standard Be fixed, a stand wd higher in fat eontents than much pure smitk contains? Why should milk that contains the mast fal be a counted the hest ? A yich milk in fat easily. digested mud in which the fat Phe other constituents in valuable. proteid ingredi the building up of . the prime property of any food, are thé most important. Milk with low fat contents agrees' hest with infants, ehildrén and invalids The human milk is the ideal milk for the young, it is a perfect milk that is nearest in composi this is the auitedd fou Jl familios where there ave children Now this milk a low percentage of fat, and if a hivhir standard were wplied to the milk it would have to be reject Rick milk ofter more or disturbauee in hildven, and if «, often seriously as a food i= al ane much nee he pure and An do not allow and is loss absorbed than a milk percent go 1s low those go to food, and the on to one hest in has wmather' canses ends Experiments have menstrated the fact all ¢ nals do better on milk of fat « sits than rich milk farmers know now that they ean alves, and good ealhves too, with little fat in and shim wilk. Ft is woll-kno that some dows give such milk they cannot theiy the calves will =iekon dives walk of fess conelusively that the vouny milk ver yon wn fart suckle and die unles richness he} ass CX AN A Bicycle Tire for 1908,made bythe Doughty Patent Process, makes \_ a bicycle ride (¢ Nr light as on air. You will know the new tire by the name embossed All the dealers have them. Ghe DUNLOP TIRE AND RUBBER GOODS CO,, Limited - VANCOUVER - on the slipless tread. ST ONTREAL - Is what I asked for. want. ST.JOHN TORONTO LR] 2 No substitutes for me, ead - Ask for the . newDunlop inner tubes, the kind that go with the Ar Doughty made tire. in 1' is what I WINNIPEG thank you. No dealer who honestly desires to give you the best for your money will offer you anything < vdge of pronomi entomalogy i» mndis- pensablor to the practical, farmer. -- is: resily Experiments with young pis have boert conducted by ©. L. Beach He fied separate tots of pige with skim milk, milk poor in fai and milk rich respectively. During the first Hunmiest of all was a mandatory epistle {froma an old lady living in the west, . {who enclosed in her letter four pieces progrosging linen, each some six inches RAILWAY Montreal City Office, 3 gion" Sodairpman fol white ps 9 , 181 Bt. Jamas Street. 3 General Passenger Department, $ . MONOTON, N.B. LAN LINE Montreal to «Liman ; etaram, 3 I ay 2 350; AT my : ' ah ¥ri., June 12, ¥ avi : Talis of p HAN ad PATRI i and fell faformas from J. Po GPR. or O08 Local Agents, when he : Sente that hall that is "just a hall' to the butcher, and pets & praee be | animal of the best possible individual. | ity. ix diane Yh Cuts holes in his SUARE silo for win- dows and pats in a door, and wee it for n ugg "shed or a hariess room, or 'moat anything else, and ereets a rolind ello OF Gwe instead' Sells. ail all. Kis. noncbrending, non- producing pets" in his Herd. i his an ae of wiik pounds CH + of Rad b Take Va tom, fs jug wre. re. fday the lady was carcless enoush to "We are going to have 5 fair in our church," she wrote, "and T am {making an autograph quilt. I want you to get me the autographs of the emperor and empress and the crown prince, and to tell them to be very careful not to write too pear the edge of the squares, as a seam has to he allowed for putting them together, Gray Hair Restored. The proper way to restore gray hair is notste dye it but to restore heal thy activity to the scalp and hair bulbs; natural color then returns. This wi'l result from the wse of Dr. Dawson's hair restorer. In botiles, 50c., at Wade's Drug Store. Pushing It Too Far. 'Mrs. Graham is an estimable lady, whose hobby is house decoration. (ne drink a glass of red ink, believing it to be claret. She was a good deal seared when she discovered hot mis. take, but no harm came to "aer. The doctor who was summoned, up- on hearing what bad happened, dryly remarked to her: 'Wirs. Greabam; there's cach a thing as pushing this rage for detorated in fat, 10 days the the., the poor in him milk pair gained 62 fat pair 84.8 Ihe, and the rich in Tat pair 42.2 ts. The nest 10 days the gain for each pair was 22 lhe, 20) the and 3} Ths. rve- spectively, The next (0 davs' results were 20 The! gain, 21 Ihe. gato amd 6 Pas. Joss respectively, After slanghier the pigs fel shim and low fat milk gave better meat and bone than those fed rich mitk. The same result hed monstrated on other animals: fod on low fat milk gained more grew faster and were healthier thowe fad richer milk. There courre, cases of illness and some oth- wr oxvertions where fat is needed in the svetom, and in sweh cases the fat i+ better taken in milk, and then milk vich in fat is the best, But is it reasonable, is it wise, i= i neessinre, for the protection of the yblic health to place a bar on puis milk with low fat contents wher all pxpeti mee proves that. sach milk is a well-balanced ratioh----thit it is. easy of digestion and assimilation that its tissue bailing growth-prodwucing qualities arc. ahead of wilk 'vigher in fat? : It 'will take mor thie Halk and and than are, of isfteriory Yoo, far." tears to tear down sins battlements. else when youask for "*2 in 1°' At all dealers 10c. and 25c¢. ting 3 =]

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