PACE 'OURTEEN, 1% missin . PHOTOG + i a $3 $ "Look pleasant, please~=no, not that ¥ yes, yes, that's the right expres. on" A moment's panse~breathless Ripon A click of the camera. Qf atch - the birdie--right here now-- it move." $n they don't take pictures that way y more. That was the method of the ys of the past, when all women in tures looked alike. The modern otographer has evolved a new scheme, d in photographing women---well, to F~ has become $e purpose of art. What sort of photographs are popular -- = "Most of our ambitious y rican girls work too hard al teachers have little or no t about pushing a child her endurance.- y ought w that girls especially have a r Yolior Often; too often, sital collapse is the result, and it takes years and years to recover lost vitality. Many ay girl has been hel over this critical I Cem helped pated for a healthy wo by r 38 Elsie L. Hi f Cheilses, oe Ls Hockof C hs. only sixteen years old, but I you that Lydia E. Pink. Vegetable Compound and foe cured me of he, perlodie h and sleeplessness, also of & lgritable condition after ered. jog else had failed, and I want tk you for it." ' Bron SICK WON Pink C irty years A ¥ Vegutable PA made im roots and herbs, been the hi Dy ale lS vely po bay been drdubled with Safinraniation, cera. tumors, jrregul ities, backache, that bear- ling, flatuléncy, indiges. ~ When you can get better and cheaper goods from your own % Taor ber Fl Faas Per | among the fair. sex? What is the! favorite pose, the desired expression? Glance into the album of any well known photographer, and you will see that the art of photography has Deen developed, decidedly. for the women. Nothifig is so charming as the. good likeness of a beautiful woman--a photo- graph that bears the expression of life This is the present idea in photogra-) phy. 1 When she arrives at the studio the expert pliotographer at once knows how the young lady will best appear in the EMPIRE DAY IN FAIR CANADA HING % THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, aYo picture, So by gentle suggestions he persuades her---she does not kiow it-- to select certain poses Another young woman arriving a few moments later is delighted with the full- face view of a woman of unmistakable pulchritude, She opines that this pose will be the very thing. But the alert photographer quickly observes the lady is not comely, that her face is quite unattractive, but hér profile is as perfect as that of the Venus of Milo; it is classic, admirable. Some women look_best with a three- quarter view. A few may assgme an A Valuable and Miuminating Catechism On the Day and Its Importance, and op the Greatness and Extent of the British Empire. COMPILED BY FRANK YEIGH, TORONTO. YRIGHTED] id THE BRITISH EMPIRE-ITS SIZE AND .POPULATOIN. Q. How large. is the British Empire? A. About 12 million square miles, or ante-fifth of the earth's surface. Britain thus leads the world in area, Russia coming second with 8 milliop square miles; United States third, with 3.623, 000 sgtiare miles, Q. How many inhabitants are to be found within the Empire? A. Nearly 400 million, or-one-fifth of the entire human race. China has the same number, Russia 130 millions, United States 84 millions, One out of every five of the world's inhabitants. awes allegiance, directly or indirectly, to King Edward. Q. Who compose the 400 million in- habitants of the Empire? A: 54 millions of white people, millions of colored--viz, copper, low and black. Q. Where are the 400 millions found? A. On five continents, viz., Asia, Joo millions; Africa and Europe, each, 43 millions; America, 7% millions, Aus- tralasia, 5 millions. a 344 yel- 5 Q. How are they subdivided re- ligiously ? ~ \ A. Hindoos, 208 millions; Mohamme- dans, 04 millions; Christians, 358 mil- lions; other religions, 35 millions. THE SUB-DIVISION OF THE EM- PIRE'S POSSESSIONS Q. How many dominions, colonies and dependencies comprise the British Empire? A. & 0. WHat is the official designation of the self-governing nations within the British Empire? A. "Dominions," of which (there ure seven, wiz, Canada, Australia, New Zealand; Cape Colony, Natal, Néwiound- land, Transvaal. Q. When was this title of "Domin- jon" decided upon? A. In 1807, by direction of Lord EL gin, then Secretary for the Colonies in the British Government, Q. What constitutes a "Dominion?" A, Having a parliamentary * govern- ment or 'representative institutions What "is the title of the British possessions that are not self-govern- mg? : . A. Colonies, viz, India, the various parts of Africa, the Soudan, West In- dies, Guiana, and many minbr. posses sions that have no representative insti tutions or parliamentary government, Q. Under what head does Egypt come ? A. Egypt is a protectorate. KING EDWARD---HIS TITLE AND REIGN. 0. What is the full title of King Edward? A. His Most Excellent Majesty, Ed- ward the Seventh, by the Gage of God, of 'the United Kingdom of Great Bri- tain afd Ireland, and of all the British Domiitions beyond the seas, King, De- fender of the Faith, Emperor of 'India | +). When did he' ascend the tlirone? A. In 1901. : Q. How many Kings and Queens has 2 | England had A. 20, from the vear 827 to date Scotland had 28, from 1057 to the Union. EMPIRE DAY--ITS MEANING AND i? : ORIGIN. > 2 What is Empire Day?" mperor's An effort throughout the King np Dominions 10 remind all British - subjects of "the virtues which a good ience "to, lawful au- If-sacrifice than Australia gitizeq, sich as loyalty, | Gos A. Because May 24th, the birthday of the late Queen Victoria, is already ob- served as Victoria Day in Canada. Q. Where and when did the Empire) Day idea originate? | A, The first resolution for an Em-| pire: Day obsérvance was passed by a! committee of the Hamilton School Board, on December 2, 1897, on the suggestion of Mrs, Clementina Fessen- den, of that city. Q. When was the first Empire Day observed in Canada? A. On May 1899, in Montreal, when a choir of a thousand children sang patriotic selections, Queen Victoria replying to a loyal message. Q. When was the Empire Day idea adopted in England? A. On Apnl 23 1809, when Lord Meath wrote to the London Times sug gesting the adoption of the Canadian idea, resulting in the 24th of May being sét apart in the British Isles as Empire Day. Q). Is Empire Day observed elsewhere in the Empire? r 4 les. Since 1904 in the British Isles, and in other Dominions and Col- onies until to-day the chain of celebra- tion is complete so far as the self-gov- ening and crown colonies and the motherland are concerned. Even in India individual celebrations are held ©). What is the Empire Day celebra- tion intended to serve? A. "That it shall be the outward sign of an wmer awakening of the peoples who constitute the British Empire to the serious duties and - responsibilities which lie at their door."--The Earl of Meath, Q. What are the three watchwords of Empire Day? et A. "Respectability, Duty, Self-Sacri fice." 1 Q. What is its motto? | A. "One King, one one Empire." EMPIRE FIRST. ly John Talon-Lesperance Shall we break the plight of youth, And pledgé us to an alien law? No! we hold our faith and truth, Trusting to the God above. °* Stand. Canadians, firmly stand, Round the flag of Fatherland 22 Flag, one Fleet, | Iritain bore us in her flank, + Britain nursed us at our birth, Britain reared us to our rank, "Mid the nations of the earth. Stand, Canadians, firmly stand, Round the flag of Fatherlang In the hour of pain and dread, In the gathering of the storm, Britain raised above our head, : Her broad shield and sheltering arm. Stand, Canadians, firmly stand, Round the flag of Fatherland. O Trine kingdom of the brave, O sea-girt island of the free, O empire of the land and wave, Our hearts, our bands, are all for thee. : Stand, Canadians, firmly stand, Round the flag of Fatherland. CANADA'S RELATION TO THE EMPIRE. Q. What is Canada's relation to the Empire? , A. "Daughter am 1 in my mother's house, but "mistress in my own. --Kip- eg \ How minch of the Empire's area does Canada include. A. Canada contains one-third of the area oy ithe British Empi pire, or 334. are is as large as thirty British Isles, twice the size of British India, and one-third larger ch of the white popula. Q. How jon of Dominions ito { United Kingdom? mons cal 974.000, or nearly 15 and | THE SHIPPING OF THE EMPIRE. Q How does the Empire rank' in} smlmiinine Dorner Siistlae te rae Zp yrs artistic attitude to perfection. "Few women can or care to assume the posey pose declared one of the most populiir photographers of women in the country recently. "Comparatively few women tan sit for a prohle. The American woman is éémposite, beautiful, gracious, Aftractive usually; bat while some lines of her face may be fault- less, others Often are imperfect. "A wopsan niay possess a Grecian nose and forehead, put 4 poor, receding chin. Or the lower porfioh of the face may be incomparably beautiful while the nose may be Roman fo a decided degree | Canada made Pacific cable by its cost. Canads is agitating for the all-Red steamship and railway route around the world via the Empire Canada was the first of the colonies establish Government wireless tele graph stations. Canada js already helping to feed the motherland With her Surplus products, and is deftined 'to become "the granary of the Empire" Canada 1s working out problems in legislation "and governmeht, the results of which will benefit the rest of the Empire; as their experiments will he valuable to Canada. Josie the all-British contfibuting 5-17ths of THE EMBIRE'S "MOTHER OF PAR- LIAMENTS." Q. How many legislators has the A. 1,302, viz., 632 peers and (yo mem bers of the House of Commons. Q. Why 5 the British House of Com- cd the Mother of Parligments? A. Because nearly fifty parliaments and legislatures' have been established in the Empire under Britain's plan of giving self-government to her possess SIONS, | . J. How many legislators has Canada | in its federal parliament and nine proy«| imcial legislatures and councils? { 735. | CANADIANS WHO HAVE RE CEIVED TITLES FROM THE BRITISH CROWN Q. How many titled Canadian there? A. o8 in all, viz, 7 peers. 4 baronets, 2 GCMGs.; 22 KCMG's, 17 KBs 46 Companions and Members of the Orders of Knighthood. There are in addition Canadian members of the Imperial Servite Order. THE TRADE OF THE EMPIRE Q. What is the value of the Empire's total trade? A. £1006726000 (in 1906) aor 9 bil lion dollars, About 73 per cent. was with foreign lands, and 26 per cent between different parts of the Empire. Q. What is the annual revenue of the] British Empire ? 'A. £318p00,000 (in 1005) or nearly billion and a half dollars are > a THE TRADE AXD REVENUE OF THE UNITED KINGDOM QQ. What is the total annual revenue of the British Isles, apd how raised? 0. £144.860,000. or 706 million dallars The estimated receipts from taxation in the United Kingdom for the years 1006-7 are: Catstoms +. .. Excise , Death Duties | Stamps, © Land Tax . .. House Duty... «5... .5. Property and Income Tax .. £34,230,000 30,200,000 1 3.200.000 8,130,000 700,000 1,950,000 31,500,000 Tora! Tax Revenne .. Post Offices « . . Telegraphs . . . 7... Crown Rands | , Suez Canal. rete Miscellaneous | + 119.030.000 17,500,000 4.330000 L000 | 1,100,000 4 1.580.000 icant | | Total Revenue 144860.000 | {© What is the annual Governnlent expenditure of the United Kingdom? A. Estimated expenditure, 1900-7, £145. 786008, leaving 'a surplus of £3- illion dollars. Q. What is the nalional debt of the ¥nited Kingdom? A. £780.900,187 at end of financial year of 1905-6, or 3 billion Bea million dollars.{, ie shi eg? T It owns or conirols about one- half the shipping of the world, viz, a mercantile 'marine tonnage of 11.901 381, What is. the value of the ships in ins marine ? % A. 8 'million dollars. - pin What is the coast Jing of the Em- "In most cases the full-face picture is preferred by women. There are many réasons for this. The most important is that the photograph that pleases is} that which has expression "How do we get expression? By} keeping the interest of the sitter alert | By many arts. By touching on pleas | ing topics of conversation. The features | which the photographer devotes himt-4 self to the eyes are Af 43,000 miles, 6f which Canada ha neaNy one-fourth, Q. What the value of the annual sea-borne commerce of the Empire? \. 7 billioh dollars In 1814 million dolkars. 435 THE BRITISH NAVY---ITS COST : AND SIZE, NO. What is the naval expenditurd of the British Empire? £33.575.000 in 1900, or about million 'dollaré, United States comes sécomd with Wo million dollars; Ger many third, with 63 million dollar France fourt! th 60 million dolla Q. How much of this sum did th Dominions and Colonies contribute ? A. £440,306, Jr a little over 2 million dollars, viz Indm asda Australian Commonweal New Zealand Cape Colony Natal . . . Newfoundland . . . Great Britain pays therefore, 163 mil lon dollars, or over 98 per cent. of its nivy- cost, and its Dominions, two mil lions, or under 2 per cent QQ. What are the British mates for 1907-8? A. 131,000,000, 105 th 50,000 33.000 3.000 naval esti or 150 million dollars ish navy? A. 508 (built, building and projecte April 24, 1900) Q. How much do battleship ete, 'cost? A. Cost of a battleship cost of an armoured cruiser. cost of a torpedo-hoat dest oon; cost of a submarine, $ of a s8-ton gun," piercing shot for $350; cost of 500; yf 16,000-ton hattle News Year Book Q. What is the Enpire A. Officers and men serve, 53.000; British cantile marine, , cruisers, §- $6,000,000; wer, $350, 0.000: cost f arn £00,000; upkeép of ¢ Daily Cost $750,000 vip maval 120,000 | eamen 176073 SIZE British THE BRITISH Q. What is the army? A. As recently re the territofial force, field forces of regulars ARMY ITS 300,000 of the rganized, and 100,000 of CANADA'S TRADE WITH GREAT BRITAIN, Q. What is the value of Canada's ex ports sat Britain? A. Agricaltural products, animal prodiuets, $48,313,070; 78 millions. (For & March, 1 Q. What the above tot A. Wheat worth $10,566,017; worth $2 4 Worth $0655.25 $300,350 agricnltural ITE! 140,348 worth $10,200,137; 35,233 sheep, $027.86; 17243300 hs. of worth $3.805,025; 177.442.1106 The, of cheese, worth $21.00087% 2.434.308 dozen eggs, worth $321 Hs6; provisions, (meats, ete, ) worth $36,053.06: 033.700 bbls, of 'apples, worllt 82.311,195 Q. How much of Canada's' natural prodact exports does Great Britain buy 7 Nihe tenths, or 78 millions out of ot millions. (For year, June, 1906- Mirch, 1007.) . How. much of Canada's cheese does Great Brithin buy? A. 90,679 toms (1907) out of her to- t3l imports of 125500 tons i OQ. What is the proportion of popu- lation jn the Empire? A. In the United Empire. (vutkide of fadia) 4 to each square mule. In Can- ada, 172; England and. Wales, Amistralia, 1. $20,040,454; total 1900 i bushel of flour of hay. sales, 2443 633.903 64.501 ton attle, bitter, {it 0. What 1s the strength of the. Brit | 1 url {] tronbl J worthy :imidrket erying that foreign devil hia week 77 I'o get expression, spontaneity, a sparkle in the eves is the secret 6F sw ces in the art. The sitter sees this and likes it. Her friends like Why? Because it is like her. The expression is living, "If one gets expression in the the "friends who receive the picture will picture eves i not notice large features or other mary ing of teristics Ie eyes dominate face." the QQ. What is the relative area of the British Isles and the ? Beisain's vover-seas empires is one Iréd times the size of the mother colonies ~ hun land (. What is Canada's relative area in the Empire? A. Camada has 33 per cent. of Empire arta, but only 1 1-3 per cent of Empire population of 400 millions Q. What 1s the value of British in vestments in Canada? A. British investmen a market value of $r ada's int 5 due Oo mi 1 total in Canada Nowe 75,204.000. Can Britain is about ind bought 63 million dollars' f Canadian bends in 1907 Great Britain has over 15 billen dol lars invested in her 'tolonies, Sottth Africa gets 13.2 per cent, Australia 0.4. Canada 4.1 British ~ifvestments in Canada have more than' doubled in fo years ©. What is Great Britain'y sind Can ada's public debt charges? A, Great Britain, $3.14 Canada's, $2.06 ) per head rE GREAT BRITAIN AND CANADA'S TRADE AND COMMERCE | Q. What is the extent of the and commerce between Great and Canada? Canada's Great Britain, { 1907, $5,030,056; | 783,564 | Canada's tota { tain, June, 1906 055, 773, viz, mmports, ports, | - ' { bd : effect Cana trade Britain exports of manufactures June, 1gob----March, forest products, $i to I trade with Great Bri March, 1907, $160, $04,810,072; ex la's trade of Great iritain sh preference of 33 1-3 mn. Wey waports 2 million 8 fr 200 per cent Canada's best given 1007 - KILLED FAMOUS SNAKES, Students Test Superstition in An. . cient Chinese Temple, Aeross the river at Chinn there is a temple famous for it« idols amd chakmg, Amoog its charms wer thre that the temple keeper walounsly guarded and watched, They were renowned far and wide and visit I to them by offi cials, scholars and all dasses of peo ple. They were said to posséss for all for all students WOT Lnchow, snakes were regularly Cures diseased, salvation all and degrees' for All that was to ship them. A few their officieney, t »Lher idols, ete was i= here, which and, the killing snakes Was necessary months ago the subject of th tu visat with a HE LR restilied in a of dents to the templi of the fame The news got sroand later that the student that had killed the snake had died as a result of Lis folly, because had not the snake power to bless and One to Injures rumor Was for a kept face" ong of the temple "op and so the eatored ft is said that these snakes are over an hundred sures old Last Sunday went over again to the tmple tahave a look at the idols, and no doubt the fight brovght hack old we tans they proceeded to pull the idols down from their places and to smash them up, and wot content with this they proceeded to the Place where the remaining two famous snakes were kept anid with stones killed them The temiple keeper ran dat into the wig. dents had killed the shakes, and endl jng together the peaple ' fey chal v number of students ROOTS the stinddiite out of the Mirket Alas now. for the famous temple, tx snakes are killed, ite idole derecrated and those Who did it are Lill Hiving and the subject. is regerded ay a huge joke by" thy stadents bebe, ! Turn About Fair Play. St. Louis Times. Ap stquaintance:of the theatre man ager vished wp to him with out stretehed hands. *How are you, Mr Libretto ¥° he inquired. "You're the very man I'm looking for. Can you give me two passes 10 the play for - "Cortminly," answered the manager. "By the way, ean you bend me $5.7 A DEEP CRACKS FO ECZEMA Could Lay Slate-Pencil: in One-- Hands in Dreadful State--Dis- ease Defied Remedies and Pre- scriptions-- Suffered Seven Years. FOUND A PERMANENT CURE IN CUTICURA -------------- "1 had eczema on my hands for about geveh yours and during that toe 1 had wed péverst so-ca peridie, bgt i lava "ah il incng a i ) cf tw omits snd a n laced aor methodic vrhki Al t uch tl hI ged - . - in Lotien, y mod 1 did net ue any ? i welille SOMO » Ointoun used, J how ke p Joa av it desl more In KN vt do prt wank t se, Willman 1, Dose . i liseli CHILD SUFFERED With Sores on Leps, Cured in Two Weeks by Cuticara, "ite little daurhtor euflend w pores on her loss all lack parniner. fort were sony, hd | tH wear horseshoes, Tt! ining throug WNL I 5] tofind a Noap sr remedies hut Filtod fire, I ¢ont for Cutloura 8 1 Cut Ointment which oured borin t I find Cuticura tho beet | ew any kind of goreand L hope 1st be without it. Mr8, Gertie Ivydale, W. Va., Apr, 25, 1907. Complete. Eixtornal for Every Humor of | cunsisls of Culieura » Cutiewrn Omtient to eur Hesolveut snd Totoro Puls, In via throughout Corp, sole Props, boston, Mas Gr Mailed ¥ree, Culivlrn Book on Skin Diseases 10 HIS MAJESTY THE KING. SirJohn Power & Son Lud. ESTABLISHED AD. 1791 THREE SWALLOWS IRISH WHISKEY Famous for over a century for its delicacy of flavor, Of highest standard of Purity. It is especially recommended by the Medical Profession dr account of its peculiar "DRYNESS" 5 Ww we De a id Ma a ey: Mo ; a * oy Tintin Bo Pury Sots fash. Iie Spied ayes. fot rosie dp. CoTTAM BIRD SEED