aT The iy YEAR 75--NO. 122, 1S ARNOLLE The Marriage Performed at Kingston. LAST EDITION ---- ES ---- Probabilities Toronto May 23,1908, Ottawa Valley and Uppee St: Lawrence, 10 suev-Hiod: erate wesler winds, fine wl Cd wart this alter agon and os Sunday. pe - -- 1 : > i | loging that her mhrriage could not be | JOKE ON DE RESZKE. } challenged béopuse al the time of the mstitation of the action her husband was of Tull age, and his parents had, | In tonsequence, lost any right of at | tacking the mariage, i Justice Davideon maintained this | demurrer and dismissed the action. | Hence the present dppeal, in which their lordships were called upon to de- cide whither a father and mother have the right to usk the annulment of the | marriage of their minor child after | such "child has attained his majority. | In rendering the judgment of = the | court, the chiel justice referred to the | importance of the case, and remarked | that it was the first of its kind to | come before our codrts. It was not. | he sak, a case of feeling or "tnti. | He is Known As a Man of Good Ideas. | Gangnoqgue Reporter. {| In"owe of the targest and most | Singer Adopted Subterfuge to Get | : Master's Opinion. } Paris, © May Z.~To. a party of | KINGSTON, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, MAY 23, 1908. 3 meta : | friends she-was entertaming at dinner, | fthusiastie convengions of the~liberals | Madame Joan De Resabe pelated the | ---- rr pend in miay yours Wo | i pied 135 : g i ; Should Be Adopted In| following anetylote Bo iy [Despatches From Near And \y;.0. Gananoque, has been unani FE "A few days ago a mah, déscribiog | WY Ho of 3 8 Distant Places imously endorsed 'as the standard himself ws a poor cloth oclige, called | {bearer of the party in the present ' -- allp DBSTRUCTION ---- und asked my loshand's' peonission campaign for the Ontario legistature, AND PREVENT WASTE 3 . on | LLG, CADET BE to sing before him. De Bszke always! on the outlook for utdiscoversd tal THE WORLD'S THINGS eed ent, granted the request.' The poor stranger sang in a voll ko splendid GIVEN IN THAE BRIEFEST POS. SIBLE FORM. Eu i HE DID NOT HAVE CONSENT | Mr. Wilson; us the junior member of {the firm of H. Wilson & Son, dealers lin farm machinery, ete., is known by reputation, if not persomatly, through out the length and breadth of two {eounties, Mr, Wilson ie a voung man, having just entered the thirties, but has hid ! that my hashand wus ef€halited and told the stranger he was Sraey to ped dis cloth when he Hed sith a voice, | OF [and promised him a position inmedi- | ately in the Puris ope The poor ment, but one in which the texts of the law must be strictly applied. That {being the casé, the majority of the eourt found that the terms of the the | civil code authorized the parents to i OF PARENTS. ' Whe Marriage of Miss Gober to 'A. W. Agnew Set Aside By TIME AT BIG EXPENSE, fellows wis deeply touche, and suid he had sung once in publie, bit made such a flaseo: he decideak 8 Stick to {his trade. Then ho loft, "This afternoon | vecelped & marker The Ross Rifle Question Has Been Thrashed Out Until the Op- an experience, gained hy persompl con- fpacs with men and things, thet more frequently falls wo the lot of men of {maturer years. For years he has been the ofied man, the financial Wan. Matters That Interest Everybody Notes From All Over--Iittle of Everything Easily Xe i First of the Kind to : i i Demurred. Montreal, May 23. <The court of ap: peal has rendered judgment in the very important case of Agnew vg, Gol This will be rasembered as an act ion taken by Mr. and Mrs. William W to annul the marriage of their sot, Augustus Waterous Agnew, with in wile, forraerly Misg fioher, MA, oF Kingston, Ont, the grownd of action | being that whey young Agnew mar- vied he wag under WWenty-one yedrs ol age; that he, in consnquense, quired the consent of his parents his valid marringe, and that he not obtain such consent. The mar- riage was celebrated. on December 1th, 1904, when young Aimmew was a cadet at the Royal Military College, and when his. wile was principal of the Kingston Ladies' College The principal hea to the action wis a demurrer, filed by Dame Liober, al ro to DAILY MEMORANDA. A Big run \ On Campbell Bros'. Sumter Hats. Roller Rink open all thay Monday, No Whig on Monday -- Victoria Day, Voting Registeation cloves, 9 pun. Waldron's Sale of Blouses *1'o-Night Bbc. See Advt. : Private Sale of B20 Princess St. "Hast Lywne'* Grand Opera" Hous 2.80 and » pay, Monday. Get the. habit' road Whig Want Advis, Soap up some of the bargains. Straw. and P#line Hat opening, Tos Night in George Mills & Co's Big Store, Meeting Labor Fdueatiohal Associa. tion Delegates, Labor Mull, 2 pm. 1o- marrow, Wonderland Egeniture, Tuesday, i Theatre ~Pletures, 7A Wife's Devotion," awd 'Love and yele," Milly and Of Vatdeville. On "duty Bed, BE lighodral ©. WW. A. Bog ; : the Steamer Pn, amon nil, White Wiouses ToNight, 256, #L Wal Hron's. Sas Advi, Hijou Theatre--Medinevitl Drama, "The Great Barl, and The Poor Girl' : Go ly, 4 Baboon . Theat Turned Dentist." = John Robert Pavis sings 2 Take Ma Back To New York Town.' -------- n o in Victoria Day Events. 10 wm, Marathon Hace. = 10.80 a.m., Lac Match, Droekville ve. Kingston, Ow Field. Quebec Court of Appeals--Tne [take an action to annul the : Come | Before the Court--Two Judges did | on marriage { contracted by "on their minor child, no limitation being of action by sa af \ced on the right ul' child attaining his majority before the getion is taken, and the only condition required being that the action be instituted within : six. months: Under those conditions | the sussion to. digeuss, adveradly,. tho the first judgment must be reversed | Ross Tille, which is the official wea- the action maintained, and the mar! (Pon of the Cauadian government. {ridge declared null and void. I: | Judges Tremholme. amd Cross hin | 10 | These obstruction" tactics are render: the progress s+ of parliamentary fronted, and in giving his dissent, Jue. | egislation and work far too slow and | tice Trethiolme held that as soon avg | costly for the twentieth century, and man is of age he acqtires the full ox. | while, in thig'country, the rights of a ervise of Wis civil rights, and there is | parliamentary opposition hay e bean [no instance in ow law of anyone hav: (held someyhat sacred, the talk in the {ing become of age and' still remaining Mobbics is"beginning to be louder, that | under the authority of another per- | it is high time the Canadian commons toon, even if that person be a father | 8dopted the procedure of the mother jor a mother. {of parliaments, and instituted "the | | élosure," | At Westminster where a debate has proceeded far enough to include every Nausea ting-- Premier Roblin May Come to Time Shortly. From Gur Own Correspondent, Ottawa, May Z3~For twa days the opposition have held up the work of { | SENSATIONAL EPISODES shows a disflosition to block the legis- lation, the government immediately | uppties the closure. Here in Ottawa | we are faced with the decless practice {of allowing everybody to speak who wishes, Points are again and agin | ment in prominent down town - cafes, | presented by different speakers, with | in the quest of stray girls, had 4 no variation of argument. The same thrilling experience last night. The speeches are again dnd again deliver | woman and officers followed a youngled. Take the Hose rifle girl and 5 Japanese escort from af which has been before the country cafe to a Filth avenue office building. {during these last two days; it has Galning acecss to the sfffee by the fire | been threshod out several times be- escape, they arrested the girl, but the fore, and there has been nothing new Japa se éscaped to the roof After 4 [to record except that, at Quebee, the chase over the voof in the darkness | weapon was 'tested by experts and was from hwuilding to building the officers | found to be superior to the Loe-Kn also captured "the (dfeigner. In the | fick. meantime the theatre crowds in Fitth| The interest in the political dead- avenue, witnessed the sensational {lock over the election hill scems to chase, and: almost tig up traffic. A [have been transferved, temporarily, to short time later the women éntered | Winnipeg. There is an fwpression in another Filth avenue building, and ve. political circles that the solution of ing ithe fire escapes ugain caused' the | the difficulty lies. with Premier Robin, arrest of two couplis in' a third and those who ave watching the situa- alice, tion rt ised to see fr ------------ : wiitoby Gazette Wreck Of The Latona. extending the time for revision and London, May 25. <The | homson line increasing the number of registration places in certain constituencies where sfeamier Latona, whiel loft Montreal] it hoe been claimed that liberals were on May Sth, for London, and was sunk | Hscriminated against, 1% is said that olf the Limsed in collision with tho |. this were done all interests would British stemmner dapanich, bound for | De safeguarded, and, the dominion gos Montevideo, eniried a very valuable} ®nment wanld be justified in' amend cargo of feem. product, mostly from [Mg the bill'sa as to meet largely the Ontario. The Latona was one of thelYiews of the opposition. finest: frdight boats afloat. She had A matter which deserves dome no- refrigerator plant. which coul temperate re of 17 below 2 ro. She was of Pittsburg. Pittsburg, Pa, May 23. Woman crusaders of the W.O ILL. unger th protection of speciul police officers, who have cavsed considerable excite question, | | aor y a d give a 2 pom, Horse Races, Fair Grounds, Baseball, wid '2 pm, Orientals va. Water. town. Cricket Fisid. 2.30 pm. Baseball, Victordas, Fair Grounds. 2.80 pan. Yeeht Races off Macdopsid | Park. | pan, Band Conterta, Park and Market Square. Napanee vs Macdonald | i had an tice came up before the public ae valufy at $700,000 and her cargo, counts committee, vesterday J. Ww Gendron, who was before the commit which aly is a total lows, was worth $320,000, toe, Thursday, in. reference to the dredging operations in Mi tchedush Bay, wns further examined, vester- day, by F, F. Pardee, M.I"., ands nied the charge which had been made by Mr. Coghill; an earlies witness, that he (Gendron) was at once ernment inspector and manager of the dredge Hackett in the work which she did, for the public works department. Matthew Porter, who was crane man on the Hackelt, also contradicted Coglll's evidgfice and stated that in ---------- Eviction After Fifty Years. London; May 23:7 resolution be submitted (0 the Blackwater town council today 16 clear away the gypsies from the end of the prompy ade at South Shove, where they have encampment for more than half a century. "he Boswell family the descendants of Gypsy Sarah, wlio 4 will gov. position's Tactics Have Become | In the Down Town Business Blocks | Ct 41 sue and the opposition | and Remembered. ~ King Alfonso is growing in popu Iatity in Spain. = Allan McLean Howard, Sr., passed away at his home in Parkdale. { paper from Munich, containify an in: terview with the supposed petilar, Ho told how he suceeoded in ting De Reszke's honest opinientt £9%¢ man was Heinrich Kite, jost | from a successful season in New n ---------------- A NOTED BISHOP He is in Charge of the India Mis. sion Work. ork. been appointed archbishop of Toron- A young of pocket-picking, in Toronto, pleaded guilty. There is talk of a great struggle be- tween the C.P.R."and the mechanical unmaons. London labor men have decided not to put a candidate in the field for the provincial election. Four young men, charged with theft committed for trial. Wo WM. Reynolds, of the Pacific cable board, died Lishon, on Friday. The Welcome Stranger, an Austra. lan nugget of pure gold, weighed 2, 516 ounces and brought $51,000, Emmerson Benns was killed by mass of day falling upon hint Bell's brick yard, near Toronto. The dominion railway board, Hear- ing govidenee on behalf of a viaduct for "Poronto, adjourned till June 4th. Arthur Ponsonby, liberal, was eloct- od by the majority of 1,361 to stored the late Henry Campbell-Bannerman in Stivling. It is said that spificies against coming more dangérons. Ray 8. Cogswell; Rochester, recently arrested io Toronto, has been held in 8 New York pelice court on a charge of grand larceny, Muont Morgan, New South Wales a veritable mountain of gold. It produced 2,471,803 ounces of worth $20 an ounce, [i A grand jugy at Laporte, Ind:, has hem charging murd Lamphere, Mrs. ( The miheral. yield of New Walgs for the year 1907 is val t £10,577 378, against £8 169,625 in the previous year. Thif is a record for the state. James Young, the hired man at i a at BISHOP FRANK W. WARNE. Bishop Franeis W. Warne, the noted miskiopary bishop of the Methodist Episcopal thareh, whose ¢ 48 in Lucknow, India, is now in this cotn- try. Bishop Warne has probably: been more constantly on the outposts of Christianity than any othe man = of equal clerical importance il reden years. Bishop Warne" wag he Erie, Ont. in 'Detember, 1 = 3 first. missionary work was he was sent ta the wilde British North' America twenty-four years of 4 there until 1881. "He f ett in ISNT, 'ard such. wi Sue cess as an organizer that be was made missionary bishop of India in 1000. in India that con' British rule are be- widespread and' more , is has gold, er, against Ray South 42,035 Skakespeare Pilgrims. London, Muy. 23."The record whum- ber of 43,085 persons paid for admis sion to Shakespeare's birthplace dur- ing the your ending March 3st, and the number who visited Ann Hatha way's cottage was aldo mfore than in any previous vegr, Rixly antionalities are represented in the visitors' book at the birthplace. Unemployed Demand More Wages. London, May 23.--In response 16 a petition from the unemployed: engag ed in the removgl of clay from a new depot, the Lambdth council has fant ed them an increase of ove penny an hour in wages, making dover pence in all. As the increase is réetrospertive there will be several pounds for tribution who near Brockville, was arrested pear his mother's house, after three days' chdse by the constabled, During 1907 the Chinese government spent = nearly S100.000 for students studying in foreign. countries. Japan got nearly half the wmedey, and the United States about one-fourth. The gambling fever is very active in Paris and recently the jewels of an actress who had lost all her menev were saved. by a police raid. Many servants are victims of the eraze The stamps of Kalgurli"s Golden Mill, New South Wles, have produced gold valued at $160,000 060 It costs $25 to haul a cord of sage brush, the miserable fuel used at the batteries R. J. Me€Cormick was chosen liberal dis- woman caught in the act | from the Orr pool room, Toronto, were | managing director Indictments, five of ininnesy' hired man. assaulted Robert Stewart with a club, | lager, of the firm of H. Wilson & Son, who .do" an annual trade of $46. 606 jor E00. To fill 5 position of this kind demands more than ordinary jability, and it was the knowledge that Bishop McEvay, London, Ont. has { MF. Wilson possessed this ability that {caused his services to be sought inthe Md of municipal polities. Fot many years Mr. Wilson sat in tthe Gananoque cotmeil; thie of these i | f | | i WILLIAM JAMES WILSON. The Reforny Oundidate for Leeds. as dHairman of the executive mittee, fhe most important of [standing commitieos, Satisfied that {with 'the schooling thus gained: he {had atiuiged fhe necesenry knowledge {to equip him for the higher position, [three * years ago he aspired to. the mayor's chair, and in a threecornered fight was slocled. At the end of" the 3 hing (om the ith credit to himself and satigfaction to citizens gendruliv, he wat coutent to retire aml Bide hig time to take the next step up the political ladder. He was not altogether convinced that this time had asrived, and had na thought until a day or two pra: {vious to the donvention of Tuesday { last of allowing his name to go Hefore jit. He, however, generously placed himself in the hands of hia (sends {do as wey thought for the hest; and the result is he field. After {having accepted the nomination, with the energy that has characterized all His efforts in the past, he hae started {in to win | In the rear of the where he }in not co well known, hiv friends. cun {do most for him, but there should he | activity all along the line Fhe time {ie short---only two weeks remain---and | where organization incomplete | prompt action is pecessary. Arrange itherits should be made, and made f without delay, tn have every available [vote polled. 'The liberals of Leeds chisel expcutive w to 1g in the riding, in Rved on the boach for eighty years-- will probably be allowed to stay, on condition. that they rail themselves ff from the vest of the pleasury' beach at- {tractions. Toilet Sets Special prices for = short fime only. Best quality Sets, 6 Pieces, $1.40 10 Pieces, $1.65 "all solors ROBERTSON _ BROS, ------ Morocco As A Resort. Liverposl, May 235 lhe Liverpool Journal 'of Commerce states that (Messrs, Eider, Dempster & Uo. nave decided to start a new passenger ana dargo spevice to Morecs, via the Canary islands, and to build se eral fine Hotels on the Moroccan const. Combined #téamer and hotel fares will be atrunged. Konscientious Mayor. Paris, Mdy 248A mavor in Paris finished a marriage coppmpny yesterday with the words, "You are united." The Avedding party bad just loft when he remembered that = ho had omitted port of the formula, and that conse quently the marciage was invalid. He promptly opened the window und shod' Ho them "F uy, you know, it is inthe name of the law that you are united." ; t Italian Enibassy. Va Paris, at Gibson's * aL a A la pert 18¢ { perjury, when he spoke jon board the Hackett several the ie death, while at Sotteville the dis- his opiion # Coghill had committed of having heen times during thé season of 1905. A mammoth petition présented to parliament by Armand Lay ergne, ask my for Aegislation to compel all rail way, télegraph, telephone and UXpress companies! to use both languages in their dealings with the publi¢, is easily the largest presented to © the hoiise ih many years. I$ contains FI3.S45 signatures, very nearly twice the number of people wha voted at the last general elections in the whole province of Quebec, when the total vote cast was about 256,000; ------ Historic Game Of Bowls. Plymouth, May 23 The mayor Plymouth opened a bowhking Yesterday, af the spot where Sir Francis Drake and his companion: wore playing whet they were told of the appiroseh of the Spanish armada. Bowls useil in the historic game were played with. 2 Black Pox In France. Paris, May 98. A telegram to the Petit Parisien from Cherbourg, states that black pox has made its appear: ance in two colmpunes. At Acguet- ville, sovetal cases are red apd of green, HON. FRANK OLIVER. The Intrepid Min of the Interior For TOS the Thom Bion. x5 Living Oh Three Sents A Day. London, May 28.wfev. J. DK. Ma homed stated ut the meeting of the Bury St. (Edmund's Guardians, on Thursday, that he knew of eases in which men in ipt of outdoor relied had to Kop a wife andl family of thees or four children on the money allow od, which worked out at three cents a d per day. 875 Miles In A Governess Cart. _ Paris, May 3, A tradesman and his wife and' ¢ ter have ust fixie the wholy miles from a i the Alpes Mat to thar home at Santenav, near Poke, in a small goc- erridns cart "drawn by one horse. © It todk them fourteen dayd to complete the journey, and the horse is none the 'Worse for it ' : Srna dase has already emused throe deaths in obe family. Affray Av St. Etienne. Paris, May 23.-During an electoral meeting at St. Eriesine an. attempt was nto strangle M. Vinceat, the Mayor of La Rieamarie, a socialist. during the aliray which followed four persons were infared, one being stabbed three times. oo -------------- Notorious Deserter Sentenced. Ban Frageiso, Max 23- Fifteen years' spfiment in the United States eV prison is the fate of Deserter r the most no- totions deserter the ariny has known He had enliSted and : eleven pr rg : Bud 23 peasant peti Hojosh from the paid prise, of Novgrad, Hungry, a candidate in Bast Lambton in succes ston to the late Montague Smith, Mr jnever-had a more favorable opportun 5 . " 4 , i Ay 1 . 1 y MeCormirk ie a farmer and brick and ity of send na a representative to To tila manufncturet, and very popular, [Forfo. gid with prompt, active and A Mexican band of 'gighty instru. [united effort this murh-to-be desired re g mentalists, ageompinied hy fen beau- | Fult can be accomplished tiful dancers, is making preparations | - for a concert tour of the world, | will start in London text win | FARMERS NOT WELL SERVED. which ter { Hedley J. Gardiner, formerly' con. | The' Money Spent in the Whitney nected with the Roval Bank of Casn- | . Govermment, ada, has heen arrested at Providence, | Mr, MacKay's Address. . i RL, charged with stenline 13.000] At the outset Mr, Mac Kay launched shares of Pay State gas stock at | into the question of expenditurcs for Boston.» | agridulthre. Conservatives, he said; In Vienna a man whe a] claified to have spent a great desl church and protested there nu | INO money to gssist. agricultpre, and Lod, was seized by people and mal-| were therefore deserving of more at treated. The interrupter was recog | the hands of the farmess than the nized as ode Heimann, a well-known | liberals, "Had the conseryati es given socialist writer, tu agriculture the same proportion There is a dog in Bedminster, Eng. , | of total revenue as we did they would which will wot die. It thrives on poi- | have given a , gat deal tore than sons. Prassic acid' is quite a delicacy | they did," Le said. "1 desire to say to this eanine freak, and it is rather | enipBaticaily that the claim misde by fond of strychnine. The dog's name Phe present government, that they are| is Seaut, and it is Trish. jdeuling more liberally with the! Lord Howard de Walden, famous for | pred agricultural class thay did the! bis race horses, his fencing sod his| former government, is pot well-fogsd-! skill as n yocbtsman dnd motorist,| ol gn fact. Consider the increased re-| will appear af bh dramatic author, He! venie nt the present time as com. | has writton a play calle] "Lanvel," | pared with the total revenue in form: which will be produced at The Play-| ir yeats. In 1901 the provincial re house, London, at two invitation | vejue wis $6,195.358, In 1905 it was matinees, only $6,016,178, and then it incregsed The French law has decided that if | until last year it totalled $5520 414, an actress desives to underfuke to ap-| Now, my argument is that as the to. pear in revues and ballets such as are) tol pvenve of the proviges imireased, | p lin establishasents Tiké the | (he oxpenditure on agficaltyre should Ambassadeurs or the Aleasar, whe can- | mewhat similarly have inereswed. | not fairly regard the wearing of but this is not the case' (Cheers) tights as placiog her in an doforeseen |, be said: "lis 190% the Lil | ition. i eral cetnment expended on agricul: Pre Britain is Canada's Best cus | 400 FRI6 481 'while in fred the . amount expended by the present cov-| ernment was only $405,584, whereas | hal the expenditure bern oportion: | ate 16 the total wvenue tl would | have ben expended about $445,000, or | $40,900 more than the present govers | matt df expend. In 1906 the jresent | administiation drent on agricatture| only $432.99, but had this ii | ture been in proportion io in- | in was rose amount would | 1907. The amount only $480,317, | stgrts # this. White Wash Skirts, $1.65 to $6.75. Collar and Cuff Sets. Colored Wash Skirts, $1.25 to $2. Embroidered Colas. White Muslin Blouses, 75e. to' $86. Embroidered Wash Belts, White Silkk Blouses, $2 to White Kid Belts. Dainty Corset Covers, 13c. to $2.50. Tan Kid Belts, White Underskirts, 90c. to BB $8. i Embroidered Hose. diblod--the position | of 4 White Linen Coats, special at $0. Silk und Lisle Gloves, ste. BQOCCOCO0OCUOTOOTT ge : « ; Special Notice Nl 2X On Monday May the [Of fey 85th. This Store will ® | i ® close shar» at 1 o'clogk, : DEBE DOOOOO O00 = = rp ROBERT J. REID, Ths Leading Undertaker. Phone, 8577. R27 Princess street, The Tea of Character = Nothing we significant of the merit of, our "Queen Bee" Tea in being used hy lo eo ple i judi the same (eople Peopl of wood | ment and experigncs, year after: year [he character of the Teh, so evident snd a0 uncoTHROn i8 Me Passport ite' every hots where Food Tel" in" 8 pprecia ted Jas. Redden & Co. Importets Of Fine Groceries MUST BE SOLD: Refrigerators, Tawn Mowers, Lawn lenches, Screen is me Then the fact that it ¥ Doors. All those seid {pretty ressonably, at TURK'S Secund. Hand Store. Telephone, 705, » resenue it would have come to shout $610,000, or B160.000 more than was actually allowed for alf agricaltural purposes. So vou wee' that while the gener] expenditure Létween 1905. god WS increased some $9 per cent, the increase for agriculture in those thres years was obly about 7} per eeni., or about' one sixth A the increase . proviues ever, going to prove that agriculture has not been treated as Jiberally by conscrvatives a8 by liberals, In The World Again. Edinburgh, May 22.-The (Orkney car hiv, which broke down before Christe mi, Wil reopened, yesterday. | Tele grams have been forwarded via Sheet. fubd sines Christmas, Straw Hats, Our big showing surpasses all pas for ai style apd wuine,