Daily British Whig (1850), 23 May 1908, p. 4

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------ Sa ---------- -------------- a EL A DURABLE FLOOR VARNISH Made by The Sherwin- Williams Co.81s tough and elastic, Doesn't scratch or mar readily under foot wear. Can be walked on next day after application, Has a lasting lustre, Easy THE WHIG, lL DAILY BRITISH ne street, year. at 8 WE BRITISH lished & on 8 year, » Daily Whig. 3 DEFAULTS. REVIVING WHITNEY'S The local government is claiming great credit for what it bas done for the derelects of the province, The abolition of the Mercer Institute has been followed by an experiment, the supcess of which has yét to be estab- lished. The women, mostly young, formerly sent to the Mercer, had been seriously degraded by a life that was given, to immorality. The iden was to bribg them into contact with good women in a home suppiorted by the province, 'and under an influence that was elevating. It is possible that the Superintendent of Neglected Children may find homey foy the erring one Tins, Half Pints, Pints, * Quarts, ete. CORBETT'S HARDWARE 4 Walking Made Easy BY WRARING THR ACME CUSHION SHOE Made with an all-wool felt innersole, w relieves all jar oh nerves, stimu. blood cirenlation and protects the from heat or cold and dampness. FOR SALE BY SAWYER "SHOE STORE, 212 Princess St. TIMBER i We have a good supply of plogs in our Pond, from which Pwe can supply various sizes tof round or square Wharf imber, on short notice. 1 i | 8. ANGLIN & 00. Fo " Winn St. smb Rs SIRIRRL IY] » ALL Coughs ALWAYS, gut IS outside of the publi institetions, but 2 one perigee with gard to y voila tions on which the rural school frus- tees were not prepared will not soon be forgotten The local government is not true to its' advocacy of certain things while in opposition. 'For instance, in 1594 Mr, Whitney moved that the office of minister be abolished. pot revive the motion now? The people would be thankful for any means that would retire Dr. Pyne from a position for which he has neither the scholarship, the experience nor the training. The limit is reached when he becomes a ward boss and uses language that is beneath the dig- nity of any gentleman. The local government is upon its defence. Even the plea is offered, give it 'another chance. Who would have thought that the first conservative government since confederation, and with a majority of forty-two in the last house, would be fighting for its life. ~ -------------- TRUST THE PEOPLE, The conservative press in this city has undirtaken to emphasize the weak- ness of the last legislature. What the Why should he | it is not every housewife the tact for has been years. known Mr. party, appointment and work. The Hamilton Spectator--which see that Premier Whitney stops fibbing. He has twice repeated story that Mr. Pense and Mr. Kay agreed that the CNR, should' not be opposed after Pense has flatly contradicted it. ABSOL UTELY UNTRUE, unfairness which mars the conserva: tive press, declares editorially, 'in re- ture, Mr, Pense ed, and, like the others in tian, offered not a word against its passage." tion, that Nr. with Hon, Mr, not to oppose the legislation : who has correcting' a life which spoiled in the premafffe The experiment will be watch- ed with interest, antl if the truth were Kelso is probably to be credited with what favodr it has suy- gested. When Mr. Hanna boasts of what his government has doné for the masses itis well to remember that his and . particularly his leader, were bitterly opposed to Mr. Kelso's such a stickler for the truth--should his the Mac- deal Ms, gard to the Canadian Northern rajl- way guarantees, that in' the legisla- "sat mutely and meekly when the measure was present oppost- of protest This is absolutely false. The Whig, of May 4th, made this statement, in connection with another false accusa- Perse had conferred MacKay and decided "But thig 'does not apply to the people surely want is not a' re-elec- tion of the government with g larger number of supporters, No well wisher of the province desires to see that. It is well to reflect, then, upon the _in- advisability of any change in the re presentation so far as Kingston is concerned, Tha events of "that last awial week' dre not 'a reflection upon the opposi- tien, but upon the government. which delayed important business until the dying hours of the session. The ini- quities for which the government is is] now so severely criticised were begun on Thursday evening and completed on Saturday afternoon. It cannot be said that the member for Kingston was in any way neglect. ful of the city's interest, He accepted the instructions of the council, when they were tendered with regard to lo- cal legislation. He introduced one measure whose merits have been fre The Kingston. Standard, with that k quently questioned. That was the bill which confirmed the present street railway - agreement, with regard to power, etc., without the sanction of the people. The plea was offered in justification of this proceeding, that there was not time in which to con: sult the electors. There will have to l® a revival or renewal of the agreement in the early future, and it should not he under- taken without consent of the rate payers. Of course a friendly ecouneil may be induced to repeat tha opera- tion of three years ago, and a mem- ber for the eity who is not personally and financially interested may be most bad act of bring wn : ol in the dyin ing Sows he prorat: not to the evident misleading of the house as to the conditions of the original mortgage in gard to ter- mini, On both these points Mr. Pense made protest at the presentation of the. measure." The Standard is in receipt of the Whig, had access to it, and yet, with deliberateness and malignity declares Mr. Pense "sat mutely and meekly when the measure Wal present ed." . Will it withdraw or will it, like its leader, Mr. Whitney, leave the lie un- corrected. On May 4th, the Whig de: nied the alleged : MacKay-Penge inter: view, Mr. Pense denied it through the Toronto papers on May 2nd and 4th, and yet on May 7th, thé premier, in the first speech of the eampaigh, re- peated the falsehood. The Ottawa vorrespomcdent of the Telegram says "it does not aid the nation-builder notion to have Sic Wil- Hiri shaucier, treating with Hon. R. ¥. Roblin snd Hon. Bobi Rogers." No it «legs not, and the Whig is glad to know that this treating has not taken place. ABOLISH THE OFFICE, It was most fitting that the Toron- to News (mow the apologist of the Whitney government, not its indepen- dent critic), should give a long and flowery description of the education department. The minister comes first. He was a promising student in 'medicine, served in an hospital and in an insane asy- lum, and aected as the registrar. of that most autocratic of modern insti- tutions, the medical conmeil. He made no tlaim to being an» sduedtionist, and reached office only because he was The secretary of the department is a journalist, one who began life in Mon- treal and won distinetion in Toronto as the secretary of the education comn- desirable. wanting. excellent cartoon Whitney is on one side and the un- popular acts of his government in the other, . It is a contingency that will not be forgotten on June Sth, the balance and foind This is the subject of in the Globe. Tried in av Mr. and the misdeeds prove the heaviest. ------pen AMES SIMPLY A GOAT. The alleged scandals of Mr. Ames are not at all serious when they are scrutinized. The care with which they are elaborated indicates the man of detail, bit the directness wilh which most, "if not all, of the charges have been met, mark the individual with biased mind. Jt will be recalled that Mr. Ames, before the Public Accounts committee, vainly struggled to maintain his: er- roneous position, and 'he careifiy avoided calling as witnesses the men who copld give him the light which he professed to desire. These men, Messrs. Turriff, and, Burrowes, had to force themselves upon the committee only to give the allegations of Mr. Ames a flat and emphatic contradic tion. Even then Mr. Ames kept on repeating his fictions, accompanied withi limelight views, in addresses outside of parliament, and had the nerve to revive some of them in the house, in the presence of 'the men he maligned. He was obliged to sceept correction alter cogrection, and to withdraw cer- tain statements -which were declared by the afiected parties tobe "'abso- lute falsehoods." Yet his motion of noun-confidence or censure in the gov- ernment, having been prépared, was put aid suffered an ignominous defeat. The case is parallel with that of Cotigressman Lilley, who charged that a certain Electric Boat company was really directing the work asd expen- ditures of the United States nave de- 'partment, instead of the naval officers and navy committee. The scandals were submitted to 'an investigation, and though the microscope and stere- The CERTIFICATE oF CHARACTER. | Mr. Whitney, made g serious blunder when he, at Hamilton, referred to thet men who are serving the provincé in a fon-partizen Mey as servants and hirelings of the government. Mr. Whit ney has repented of his words so far as Mr. Jaficay is concerned, and in connection: with ; this case it will be rémembered that the premier made the pitiful apology that he was jok- ing. Quite a' different thing is the assault on Mr Macdongld of the Globe, He was expected as a governor of the ugiver- sity 'to denounce Mr, MacKay, and simply because he been standing on financial matters for a fendamen- tal principle, Mr. MacKay was not stabbing the fastitution or injuring it. As a graduate of it he wes bound to cherish and pfotect ji. He simply dil- fered with Mr. Whitney ae to how the financial aid should" be applied. Only that and nothing more. What Mr. Whitney wanis to dy, says Mr. Mac donald, is" denpunce, less a reason more. A imped is given of - interview 'which Mr. Whitney sought with Mr. Macdonald, of the javitation which the one gave ithe gther to join the non-partizen' board of management, and 'of the assurance that there would be nothing to involve any ohne in political entangle . This makes the offence' of 'Mr, 'Whitney fhe more serious. It advertises him as a leader who is extremely. podrse in his lan- guage, and 'indisereet' in his manner. Mr. Macdonald should be thanked for a statement of facts that is at once frank and manly and so worthy of hig reputation. Nr. Whitney has, been frantically ap- pealing to the editor of the (Globe for a certificate of character, and now that he has it "the hope is indulged that he will be satisfied. . . deaii-------t EDITORIAL NOTES. The city does not want as ifs repre sentative in Toronto amy man who has an axe to grind. Ald. Nickle has . appeared several times hefore legislature commitices-- in the interest of seme personal deal. The premier of Ontario will not re- fer again to Mr. Macdonald, of the Glghbe, as the sexvant or hireling of the government. That is yery certain. ------ Judging him by his speeches, all dealing ' with rome alleged slander, Mr. Ames, M.P,, must have continu- ally a' very 'bad taste in the mouth. -- The issue in a few words: Do the electors want a mdmber. in the legis lature who will look after their. inter ests, or vne who. will. look. diter the spoils ? The labour party is still issuing lit- erature in which the Whitney combin- ation is referred $0. as a "'Thirty-cent government.' One cannot regard this as a sign of gpproval. mA The ratepayers were not congulted about the street railway ag ent three years ago. But they oF vo willingly be * ignored a second time. That much is certain. The Hamilton Times will pléase be careful not to eredit any of the radi- cal ideas of this peper to its loeal contemporary. The idea of any con- sérvative organ commenting upon Mr. Gooderham's barvel ! Are some aldermen trying to drive the engineer out of office ? They talk as if they would like to cripple him, or limit his usefulness. The electors should minke a note of this. Monday, will he generally observed as a holiday. Even in Ottawa there will be a lnll in the political pyro- technics and the small boy will make a noite with his pesky fire- cracker, i The Spectator hastens to fleclare that the power question is not an is- sue in the local eléetion. Well, if not, what is it? Why the hurry to get some municipalities committed to econ- tracts ? The postmaster: rpm! will not re move the girls who are now in the post office service. But it is sale to say that with the civil service reform there will be a smaller number of them engaged in the future. -- The plea is offered in support of Ms. Nickles ambitions that he is a great talker. Some of his friends would be better pleased if he talked less--in the city council. He has hot added to his power by posing 8s 8 municipal dic tator, ; rid of the whole perplexing problem. No Ground For Fight. Montreal Witness, If the offer of Sir Wilirid Laurier is to place the debatable electoral lists absblutely in the hands of the judges the opposition will only make nega- tive capital by, making fight against it. A Square "Deal, Eh? Toronto Globe. The campaign pamphlet falsely slan dering the Temiskaming railway com- mission has wot been withdrawn, A government ' depending on falsehoods about opponents has ouvived its use fulness. The Money Goes. Brantford Expositor. In 1907, the Whitney government spent ¥35350 on immigration, and this year it has taken a vote of $55 000. All of which information is care fully concealed from the warkingmen of this city. Eighabin. Liberal Benefits. 1 , country to thes liberal part Vote by ballot. i Simultaneous polling. One-man-gne-vote. Trial of Fluction petitions by judges. rage. Manhood enn registration. The liberal party, in short, is party of the pebple. f THAT PAMPHLET, A. G. MacKay's Third Letter to + People of Ontario: Toronto Globe. A fair specimen of the unreliable fn- formation. contained in the conserva- tive campaign pamphlet recently is- sued is found in connection with the explanation given of the gift of $180, 000 of the people's mbney to the weal thy La' Rose Mining company. This wonderful document says that "on December 20th, 1904, in the middle of the general election campaign, Hon. A. G. MacKay, then commissioner of crown lands, and now leader of the opposition, ruled against the claim ants" (the La Rose company) "and passéd the property over to Mr. O'Brien. . , That Mr. MacKay should have secretly decided the dlis- pute as to the ownership, when an election was in progress, in favor of a friendly politician who was at the time in charge of the Temiskaming railway is another point worthy of consideration," The Hon. Mr. Mathe- son, speaking at Newmarket, is re ported as making sdbstantially the same statement. Now as to the trath. from the records in the department that in or abopt November, 1903, each of two parties claimed to be the original discoverpe of the same mining location. The (FBriens purchased the title or claim of the one, the La Rose company © that "of the gther. | was sworn in as commissioner of crown lands on November 22ud, 199, Prior to that the disputed claim of these two compafiies was submitted to a board of commissioners or arbitrators to inquire into all the facts and re port thereon. That board consisted of T. W. Gibson, now deputy minister of mints; Aubrey White, now deputy minister of lands, and Dr. Kennedy, head law clerk of the department. This board publicly and openly sat as a court, and heard evidence for about three weeks. Both sides to the dis pRite were represe uted by eminent coun sol + G. H. Watson, K.C., and Mr "Holden acting on the one side, and J. B. O'Brien on the other. After the evidence was fully heard, they argued the case at length before the board, and on December 20th, 1904, the board: gave its decision, awarding for- ty acres to the La Rose company, and the balance in dispute to the (¥Briene. HH this report or award was to be ear- ried out it was then necessary to or- der the leases to issue in accordance with the report. I did so, marking the report, "Concurred in. I personally did not then know, nor do [ yet know, anything of the mer its of the dispute. 1 had not heard the evidence. 1 had confidence in the integrity and hilit® of the commis- sioners. I still have. The records, 1 understand, show that the lease to the La Rose company was issued by the old government; that to the O'Briens by the present government, in Febru ary, 1905. Still, in the face" of these facts, the government issued a cam paign document in which it says that, 1 "secretly decided the dispute' This is the explanation yr give order to base an excuse f eri and making the grant of $130,000 to the La Rose company, because, as is alleged, they furnished the govern: ment with evidence wherewith to fight the O'Briens. How are the mighty fallen ! This is the same government whose leader ap- pealed in January, 1905, to "the good people, the Christian people." to sup- F port him. If there is any honest de- fence of the government's in handing '$130,000 to the La Rose Mining com- pany. it is certainly not contained in the conservative campaign pamphlet or in the speech of the honorable pro- vincial treasurer at Newmarket. 3 --A. G. MACKAY: ------ "Foot powder," Army and Navy, oy 10e., at Gibson' s Red Cross drag owes the It appears "he tongue of a gossip never grows rusty. for neleing would | be dad, to be well Our Cloth Our Clothing is always fairly priced--- looks well and lasts long; and if you'll take note of the fact, you will see that our customers are better dressed and get a little better value than the other fellows. SUIT TIME NOW. SEE OUR HANDSOME $15.00 MEN'S SUITS. New Patterns, New Materials, New Cut, Try Our Special $2.00 Hats and Our Special $1.00 Shirts. THE H. D. BIBBY GO. Kingston's One Price Clothing House, £g g The "Gillette" is the only new idea in razors for over 400 years, It is absolutely safe in its work--uses a thin wafer blade with double edges, which may be adjusted for either a light or a close shave. The "Gillette" The Gillette Safety Razor consists of a triple silver plated Holder and 12 doublevdged tle sible Blades, in velvet lined jcather case, Price hn $5 at all teading Jewelry, Dr Cutlery, Hardware, Sporting G s and Department Stores, Write or ask your dealer for free is always ready --and yon can shave yourself with it in from 3 to 5 minutes, at a cost of a fraction' of a cent a day. It is the ideal razor for GILLETTE SAFETY RAZOR CO, OF CANADA BE A | m-- ht - co. 1 po FapT (& CU V Z booklets. eannot supply you, write if he young men and old men-- for tender faces and wiry beards. LIMITED MONTREAL le pa IAAI 2 Cream Bars and Milk Chocolate are superb confections. Nothing to equal them. 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