Daily British Whig (1850), 23 May 1908, p. 5

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, MAY 23, 1008. Paris, May 23. which oecurred on Wednesday ening at the flotel Bellevue, in the Avenue de PlOpera, has been carefully hushed up by the authorities untii~now, ow Ing to the high position of the vie- tim. Signor Sergine Poli, who was twen two .vears old, and a member of one of the richest families in Italy, arviv- wd in Paris on his honeymoon, on Tuesday evening, with his wii: who was a Signorina Lorenzo, a member of a prominent Brindisi family At 7.30 o'dlock, on Wednesday. the n TRATED. vores ee ol SEPARATE SCHOOLS, Zoo=ecemm= nix" y pyope peppnter HEART WIFE 5 PROS L The Very Latest Culled From a : | Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By, Cl "HEADACHE, WEAKNESS, TROUBLE" ---- }-. -- 8 - HONEYMOON ENDS IN HUS- Dr. James Bain, chief h arian i When you d a Cob - i BAND'S SUICIDE. Pe to wiblie" {ibrury, died on IN CITY HALL. ee pi Hip haan oto. | MUCH. WORN. t "I Suffered With for Years-- -na Cured i y § Quarrel Over a Trivial Arc's last. dags were spent. | J. J. Behan and Dr. Ryan--A | Polis station last night. Domed Ceiling to Check Echoes, ® A terrible tragedy 22nd, with 4 first, 352 second, my the Children. | dry Bibby's fancy hose, foe. | } 5 Over The World. | Reporters On Their Rounds. | 4 of OBSERVED EMPIRE DAY IN| Try Hibby's 81 straw sailors. DID NOT APPEAR TO BE The discovery was made at Koweg of | [8 at Jenkins'. i > ! Matter | ruins of the erring where Joan of {Addresses By Rev. Father Hanley,| Fight tramps were. cared for at the A Large Net Spread Vader the | 4 Me Entirely " : { | . i Leads to Tragedy in Paris "X¥he Allan steamer Virginian, for | Fine Programme Given By i. illiam E nd D tuner. Orders | ~Wisdom's Words Did Not! : Hotel, Montreal, sailed from _Liverpobl, on {received at MeAuley's. "Phone 778. Wear it Much. | | Miss Albin Chauvin, No.5 Rue Agnes, St. Henri, Montreal, Can, writes steerage, On Friday afternoon the children of | The British mail arrived, this mom-{ Ji C. Brown. of New Westminster, Principal Peterson, Mefiill Univer- | the separate schools gathered in the | ing, "I consider Peruna better than any other remedy, as it cored me whe headache and weakness. I never expected to find anything to eure me. Saw one day, in "La Presse," that Peruna was excellent and I tried 18. On ; bottle produced a change in me and if the price had been $100 a bottle would have paid it gladly. I have taken six bottles and gum entirely Please aceept my thanks and best wishes for your Peruna." ity, will leave, next Wednesday, for] city hall for Ewpire day exercises, [age vin w hee. [ lumbia penitentiary, hut who some a ten days' tour of the maritime vro-l and a large and_patrioie gathering | a Fount Stators, 2 hut ot Gil | Years go was . Prominent figure in} vinces, ! I they made. Rev. Father A. J. an- {SO ga ¥ Store, FeSh | the politics of the western 'province, Broniiogy Whits hopes to he able | ley was chairman. He made a neat | there, a {is fond of telling of the gem of rei to deave Tob 1 nas county, next week, | speech in opening the proceedings and | The civic finance committee didn't | partee produced hy a bright page boy | where he will gomain until after nom-{ called on J, J. Hehan for an address. | have a quorum of members present an Luho, ane tine dinportel himself in the | ination, IM. Behan gave & most interesting | Friday evening. + legislative halls of the province. | An unknown steamer has gone | alk to the children, who listened at- | Try Bibby's Fan-Tan nockwegr, | British Columbia boasts of one ofl ashore the Brigantine shoals of | tentively to all he said. He told them | } he steamer New. Island Wanderer | the most resplendent legislative cham: | the N Jethey const. Life savers have | hy they were there, what they were { brought io Dutseng ers from Cape | bers in Canada, indeed in "América, gone 10 her rescue. ; {velebrating, and how proud they | fet on Satup ay. ! The 'architect, in designing it, allow- James Brown, Kingsville, for many | hould be to have the opportunity of | « Cunmingham, piano tuner from |e Ms luxuriant imagination free rein . * i " 4 hore koe " i » & TEE ¥ y in } i sounds. of a quarrel were heard from | Yeers finahcigl agent, resigned from doing so. The address was simple, | Chickering s. leave orders at Me- jand the place is gorgeous in colored | RR Sidenly roe Sam the Methodist church, but not 4s a forceful and eloguent, and the young- { Auley's book store. | marbles, polished granite, porphyry, Fang out, the dir aid To -- consequence: of polities. jest scholar present could appre iate | One hundred and fifty passengers falabaster and all the other ornament- 18 108 hotels teh hs petals While United States vessels have fit. B. J. O'Reilly, principal of St, sume jfto the city, this morning, via f al stones which the quarries of Brit-| Signova Poli met them, ghee a ped ungdtion choke i Mary s school, followed. 1 ent b. tuitwuy. PAMC q | igmbia produce. found that th She was half-dressed and mad from" oe bod Ta a opening is } ely | Fhe next speaker was Dr. Ryan, and fe move int their new quarte pt { ion "oy olizhe : ae bad her shock. The - had the greatest] 40 De abi 4 wuch later date, { his address was © also~greatly enjoyed [to move 0 quarters om [profusion of polished stone had the of- B : witnessing another 'catie sass-| B.C den of the ab 'o-| | Dothing else could. » Ww other 'quick pa now warden of the. British ( ng I suffered for years and years with heart trou * diflienlty in Preventing her from To he hihgod on August 215t, was | hy the pupils. Dr. Ryan is always an {ue street next week, : fect of-causing thy voices of the speak- : the sentence passed hy Chief Justice [interesting speaker, and his heart-to- | Bibby's $1 shirts are right. ers to echo, anti] they were almost Mulock, on Guisippi Greco, Hamil: | heart talk" to the scholars was greatly The board of *works was to meet, | bnintelligible] A remedy was sought tam, found guilty of murdering An enjoyed by all preseut. He, also, | Saturday afternoon, to consider the | and the defect was done away with by toni Riészo. ¢ f spoke of the great and glorious em. | street paving question, spreading a large net under the domed By a vote of fifty-five to eighteen {pire to which they belonged, and how Farmers are still complaining abgut | ceiling. V the,' governnient supporters defeated [they should conduct themselves, The | too much raig. Some are away late Happening into the chamber one the dmentdment, condemning the Ross [future of onerof the greatest arms of | with their seeding operations, day, Mr. Brown found the vouth in rifle contract, as an extravagant and {the British empire rested partly on | Try Bibby's swell $1 shirts, by + seated on the steps of the ugbusinesslike one, . | them, as they would soon grow up Fhe Bay of Quinte railway brought [speaker's Ms gazing thoughtfully at 'oro "Hustice MeMphon award: {and take an active interest in the | one hundred and fifty people to the | the net. eck Clarence * Lennox, (Ottawa, £3,000 country's affairs, so they should al- | city on Saturday morning. "What are you thinking about. citable, and the Young husband, in against Willinm H. McAuliffe, of the | ways look forward to this and always There will be au "interesting golf | son 7" asked Mr. Brown, the middle of the quarrel, suddenly Je. | SOME city, far the loss of an arm | feel prowd, that they were British sub- | match at the Country Clish, on Mon- : "1 was wondering what that net was clared that his life was not worth lik, through 48 sotiden, . | jects. : | day, whan the president. will play the Fores. 38 the reply, en , WoL. Mackenzie King, deputy min- |° A fine programme of music and drills | captain. That," retorted 'Mr. Brown: "Oh ister of labor, is on his way to Van- [hy the scholars followed the speeches, | John Sauve, an old man, arrested [that is to catch the words of wise couver to adjust the Chinese claims, Ivor Wallace sang "The Death Of {on charge of drunkenness, was given | dom." arising out of the riot of last year. I Nelson." in fine voice, This little [a Month in jail, by Magistrate Far- "Oh," said the youth, and lie again Of the Death of a Prominent Man The claims amount to $25,000, % chap possesses one of the finest child veil. : gazed at the net, Then he smiled : Phe Upited - States is now without | voices in the city, and has appeared | Bibby's for newest 50c. neckwear. tather sadly. 'It doesn't appear to " 38 Picton. Conservative leadership says Leslie M. lin many amateur shows where he has The steamer Aletha brought a large | b¢ much worn, does it 7"' he queried. | * Phvlal " oe Wiis 23.--J. PF. Borin Shaw, The trend is toward hossism |always made a hit. The different company from bay points, to-day. An ----------e > Ih or pris Picton. at omic nga a] WER the day when the elasees sang hy Nagle beat, ale biria hurge crowd is expected on Vie i Adain's Baby Sivhi tional "Please Accept My | residents, passed away at eight Ited £08 , { Britannia, An ) A ape, aia day. . 2 3 in the Corner of Te a ions i o'clock, this morning, after a week's] ® } h B Pik ol {and other patriotic © songs. Class re See Bibby s dainty 81 shirts. | Museum, atta hed to Independence Thanks and Best 0 illness of - pneumonia. He was secre- i yo " De presi ont and manager {citations were given, including, f A middle-aged woman © was arrested hall, Philadelphia, and under. a neat . % A fary treasurer of 'the Bloombickl Pack. wind he Betrait Predging company, | Herg . Fo I'he Land," "A anada, | at the corner of Brock and King glass case, there is a little suit of silk Wishes For Your ing company, the largest independent I ts well. known through- | *Britammia, "Fair Canada, and | streets, on Saturday morning, on a | baby clothing that seems to attract 9 coneorn in {he provinte, and had been oy - ih Pr I dead, follow} were greatly enjoyed. The Part I, charge of drunkennesk, much attention, especially from the PE-RU-N. . United States consular agent here for he An : "e that baflled his physi {Part 11 and Part IH classes put on | Martin Powers, an old man, and women visitors. It includes a tiny twenty vears, He was one of a best f 3 *§ SARL: : | excellent drills that were loudly ap- |blind, living on Chatham street, took cap, dress, waistband and handker . knowh busiioss sacs and, thous an | Gi . 88. orsican, Allan line, Jrom | laude. The little fellows of the {an overdose of laudanum, on Friday, | chiefs, made, according to the © card Many cascs of heart trouble are caused | Such a condition of the stomach fs merican by birth, being horn at Al- | 4 rn inward, & Father Point, | first class wore uniforms, their bright and hed a narrow escape: from death. | attached, "for the sixth president of | by reflex disturbances. also liable tb produce headaches of the See N.X., of German parentage No Tr hr 3 0 puuthwas, Deunin { helmets and knapeacks adding much libby s %1 shirts for neatneds, the United States by the wife of the Derangements of the stomach and | worst sort, Seventy years ago, he was a thorough | 7.05 eh vet third | 1 the > ou Pe | SXercises : Jere i il Rogers, a membe ul the R.C. pecan; Mes. yi oha " Adu As her Hyer produce symptoms of hearstrouble. | Medicines that palliate the symptoms Curindity in spirit and by naturaliza- class PASSENEors, : a tod Rave ps he King o* inti RE et ie trol ut Bote in 167. aud dine ny ane: as Catarrh of the stomach is a very fre- { will never lead to a cure, " np re . : ' : J . . , ster | oy y 8 as Hm. WM wd bate a ro : Murked by a-night of absolute quel [and they sany it right heartily, as the | day. committad for trial evidently worn only a few timés' in | Qaent esuse of sympathetic hears dis- It is the effect which Peruna has upon yd iy In contrast with the violence of Er could he heard blocks away, Try Bibby's 50¢ halbriggan. his earliest infancy, it is now more | ase. the stomach, healing the mucous mem ¥ throwing herself out of the window The police and a doestor were sent for and examined Signor Poli. whe was lying ba the bed dead, with a re. volver, in his hand. ft appears that on his retwrn from a stroll he had been met with bitter reproadhes. from his young wife, who was furious ot having heen Felt alone all the after. noon. 7 Both husband and wife were very ex- ing, and shot himself. ---------- PNEUMONIA THE CAUSE. dheti a Jewelry business in early 3 went . ; iy i " . . < : Yor Hh va in the Praceingr$ t fone hours, negulin The Canadian Medical Association | than 140 years old. As evidences of Palpitation, shortness of breath and | branes and restoring the natural tunes. highest esteem. A w idow survives jas oo irik. the Cleveland, Ohio, At Rideau School. will meet in Ottawa, June 9th, 10th | maternal love and care, the many (e- Lioating after meals are the most prom- | tion of the stoma bh that causes Peruns me------------ oh lay trite were continued" en | pupils and teachers of Rideau | ahd 1Hth. An unusually attractive |licate cross stitches in colored silk art | nent symptoms. | to bring such prowipt veliet. : Baseball On Frid ' aturday morning. . ] school had a very pleasant stirprise, | Scientifie programme will he presented | preserved with marvellous delicacy. | am ------------ " as " ase! riday. A. Kelly Bvans will not be an inde Kon i. | and medieal men will he present | They are sure to attract admiritir re. Kastopn leagues Foronto, 1; New- bendent" conservative candidate iy |Yotterday afternoon, when' shortly af: a B, Wil 1&_present from h IO ¥ I elie h| ter the Commencement of the pro- all over Canada, marks whenever a group of matrons ! p 9. i re, 0. IQ py A : ark, & Montreal, 4 Baltimore, South Téronto. The platform of fish | ame, James Craig, who had Good rubber tired cab always when | or stylishly -dressed younger women dafial 2: dersey " Uity, 1. Rothes- nt io . 4 ors § iY . : ha TM Providency 2, rion, on which he hat fim - Pir | thought it impossible 16 be present on Yau pov 900. ®i bend over the case. RI DA YIS Aa tt ) » ad p . of stres Anbss n libby's for best $2 hate. pen -- American leagne--Uloveland, 1; Phil, George H, Gooderham. [account f stress of business, walked w A Bad Leaning Th . 1 " Rn ing The Hunter-¥ e delphi, U. Detroit, 4; Washington, 1. Keyser," 'W, Va., and Westernport, i and took charge of the proceedings, he Hunter Rosp company announce at Way, 5 is interest i y ae) . | for publication in June a little book of At Emerson' inner- a 4 Boston, 2; 86 Towis, 1. Mil, were Visited by unusunlly heavy | [18 interest in the school wax thor ) B verse by James PP. Hav re i Sinner table. one dug National league-Cincinnati, 5; Phila- rain falle and on Friday night a re. |2%hly appweciated, and all connected Siang verse by James fa orson, a lthere was, mention of a' woman well ; A. Vittshurg } . ! Vir therewith. hope to have many more | Toronto Hewspaperman. The tithe of | known as a lion hunter; and, in 4 » ig) . : Emsam p y #:o Hraoklyn, 5; n V c Wes Ah d 5 a : . . 5 o I a 0, 7; Hoston 1. {inia, tnat rom Alaska, Saat wa | [iSite from him in the future. Mr, [the volume ix "Sour Sonneta of al <pesking of her, Mrs. Emerson, wed 73 LAE Lo ot & orb down ate Reo ford ahd Craig is. "a member of the board of Sarehead and "Other Songs of the the word "snob." Mr, Emerson oh ve Pad Willi ms fart a A ha the dein " education, representing Rideau ward. Ntreet," © : ected, the. word was too harsh: he : N Dot a 1 . " teat ang two Beating os ny oy Mrs. F. H. Sproule, M.E.L., gave a ny Bibby's Robi = he Rik didn't like that ugly class of words Is your wardrobe readv ? If not it can be replenished here Maddeid, May 23 «In commemoration | te Ssengers re drown- 1 aitnti ie oli s chil The steamer Prescott, the Riche- | hooinni "sn." iv wile 1 of the birth ot the prince of the As- [edd aah whith 0 delight Sh J lieu ed Otani NaVirain ---- horinning al a har hte th New Costumes, in Brown, Na vy and Black, also Light Colors, 3 % : pa y s dren @ § esponded to hei 9 #l ho we Would characterize the i 1 S $ » latest $12.50 2 turing, King Alfonso has pardoned ra rh hive, of Marlborough hearty encore. The order throughout | pany, has heen condemned AR 1e8pon-l lady. '1 should say'--very slowly with Black and Brown"Stripes The latest Be 50 to $25. Senor Nakens, the journalist, at] his } 81 fafal option dy ind ys was excellent and the singing of the | sible for the collivion With the steam: | she j, & person - thaving great sym New Spring Coats, Black and Colors, $5 to $10 associated, who % were sentenced © to toe he | Children was of the very hest type and{er Havana, in the Lachine canal, Inst | gthy with-sueress." New White Wash Skirts, in Linen and Pique, Plain and Em- Ll ES a livin twenty-saven years' Imprisonnient for 1 the by-laws quashed, on the reflected eredit on the painstaking ef- | summer. The damages are to be as ------ : : complicity in the bomb outrage ' 'on 3 that Ea had Tote, She de. forts of the teachers. The matter of sessed by the registrar of the court, ; broidered, $1.50 to $7.50 A very choice collection the day 'of 'the voyal wedding = two | hed ent has hus rueter The N= enlarging the school building is a | With the assistance of competent Cause Of A Woman's Strike New Blouse Waists, pretty styles, sizes 32 to 44, ranging in yedrs age, S Yerar Rintmars ant byl w pense. In very important one, as it is impos- | merchants, : od Two hugidred women employed by a ' price, from 50¢. to $3.50 mn at carried that. the court had to Ho. sible to; accommodate all the children | Anahinive tmzuage Che var tried Thirm of haters at ' South Norwalk, . C Lost In London. . ad the eourts had * to ""de- of this section in this school. before Justices of the Peace Hunger Connecticut, recently © went on strike MILLINERY ! MILLINERY ! MILLINERY ! Lode May Z.--Of twanty persong | Side. and Rea, at Portsmouth, on Friday | because their employers wanted to reported to Scotland Yard, yesterday This department was never more to the front, with the latest American and French Novelty Hats, Merry Widow, Merry Girl, Columbin Defender, Rialko, Lafaytte, Naples, Pana- ma, Langtry, Imperial, ete ' n : s. pre" w tried | k heir age le , ™ Orphans' Home School. afternoon." Mrs. Sayers" 'was now their ages in order to promote as missing five were children between Ac ESS TOOK ILL. The H drm Home school celebra- unger an old by-law for suppression of | the three oldest to the position of in the ages of eight and twelve. Their ---- ted Empire day in right fashion. The |imMorality and bad language, Mrs spectors. It is now, we hear, intended homes are at Whitechapel, Kenning- | Roselis Had Heart Attack, Daugh- school assembled at two o'clock. The Frank. Drake, Frank brake and Cou to appoint the three who look . the ton; Hugrumersmith and Kentish Town. ter Filled Place. following patriotic songs were given : | Stable Baker gave evidence, and Mrs. |oldest, and more trouble is feared. . S ER Wook tork, 'Ont., May 22. Roselle "The Maple Leaf" and *'Rule Britan- Sayers, herself, admitted her guilt. I D a Vv 1 d M. P e n Cc ec, h She was fined $1 and costs, or thirty Reverent Burglars. Trap For Fruit Stealers: | Kuate if #rnest Shipman), the [nia." Recitations were also given by ; : Tid . Brussels, May 23.--A peasant named Ran actress, was taken | the phils "Flag Of Britain," [days. Mer fine was paid by a friend. At a time when no one seems to The Leading Millinery and Mantle Store. Bewart at -Aiseau, Belgium, has heen ill 'at hen hotel, and wag wnable to "Made fa Canada." "Men To Mpke A ; have a good word for the house-break sentenced to prison for sticking nee- ploy rar Apart in 'Alice-Rit-by- [ State." Mohn Melntyre, K.C.. one EN ; er, it seems only fair to record the dles into the fruit on his pear tree to | the Fie She war seized 'with ®bwho always shows an interest in this HORRID D OF VICE fact that a party of burglary who pedvent the. neighbors' children from sudden weakness of the heart: It was! chool, was present, and gave a splen- : $ in | made their way into a vicarage last i eels re ery ) Ye) stealing them. hopéd "That" she would be able to per- {did address, Mayor Ross apd Rev. Scandals i Mn in Berlin week left untouched a number of valu- : Xa g - form. "Hut: whont nine o'clock it wa Mr. Sykes alse delivered appropriate J 2% The f mn = able sermons--and this in an age 2 Cat's Strange Family, anpounced to the disappointed audi- addresses. After saluting the flag, i Baskin, Hay br VSS he Th thes which is certainly not distinguished hy IC . { po " ler | givi hree cheers | he king d 1 2 vancawsn, oe W} ie "| reverence, Tonddn, Nay 23.--A cat at Knole fence t tgshe could mot appear. * Her | giving three cheers for the king an , Schmid Phi de park, Almondsbury, which was de- | dutiigh ory Miss Ng Hout, capably flag. the national anthem was sung. Site ul ie at. von Schmidt-Phieseldeck, . ------------ . + in ar Miss suf- | « eo es prived of her kittens, has adopted fied i Hover) 7 it her ARTILLERY OFFICERS * {door of his wife's boudoir, on Sep- Jollying Her. ' r . » thive little rabbits and a duckling, 4 " Stratford tember 28th lasy was found guilty of | Philadelphia Press. When buying a Gas Stove buy the best ® all of whom she cares for in a box. jour ¥:to Staptiopd, Zunched at F t Club B manslaughter, And\gentenced to three "But," said she, pouting, "I don't : hed 4 ' 4 4 Ss ham Unahed a Frontenac. } Clu y years' imprisonment." It was proven | see why it is vou find poker so fascin Tee 2 He uy sm \ 2 ® w hn - Lieut.-Col. Rathbun. that Frau Lewandowski maintained a ating | A 9 9 ; " | On. Friday alterngon; the offivers of "universal temple of love," where] "Well, vou see," replied . her. hus EES 4 wr. fhe 9th Artillery brigade wege enter- young girls, military officers and mar- | hand. "it's the queens in the deck. my ) shot, through the opaque tained at, lunch at the Frontenac | pind men and women of all stations in | dear. They remind me so much of . | Clab by Lieut.-Col.| E. W. Rathbun, | life became ensnared_ and entangled vou." : % 18 acknowledged the best Gas Stove manu- RE of Deseronto. Those present were i | Loin (he "high priestess" was enabled nn f: red They ce rise . . ; Confidence [Lieut Col. Rathbun, commanding the | to hold them in tyrannical bondage: }. * fact ee. cy si rise all the latest 4 brigade; Maj. Robinson, of the Sty Frau Lewandowski's testimony, ac- Taking Sex From Parents. Improvements, § imple in operation, made { Field Battery, Gananoque; Mai. Mal- cording to the newspaper reports, has! Dr. Romme's theory, published in La of the best steel, handsome in design, dur- ut ley, Deseronto;: of the 5th Field Bat: |loft Jittle doubt in the mind of the | Revue, to the offeet that by a law oie when fating that your 'food is of tery, Kingston; Capt. F. Cartwright. court that her hushand was fully cog- | of nature a child takes its sex from able, and having the best burners made, --that it has Kingston, and Capt. Robitaille, Na- byizant of his wife's manner of life and | the weaker and nof the stronger of they are economical in the burning of gas, + ' banee, of the 3th' Field Battery: Cart. | the source of her income. its parentd, is not meeting with goen- ; nothing in it that cah 'or / VW. W. Sands, brigade medical offi.vr eral acceptance among fathers of fam- Examine Them Before Purchasing. The officers made arrangements for ilies of boys. you -- makes : the repast the camp to be held at Barriefield Gobbl Gobbled -- doubl comfortable and satisfactory next month, The 9th brigade will be eosks The Gat de . Campbell Bros'. To-Night. BE 10 77 PRINCESS X y fid € : por han_svor. Recruit Neal Des Moines, lowa, a farmer's For lightweight soft hats. LL, . ply Supreme con ene you Kingston, Napance and Deseronto, | Norse that was galloping eround a . OOOO 00 Cl] 3 field slipped on the ice and 'went down Fancy sox, all the new plain colors, have when the is ; with E ames breaking, his lee. There were. no mem | 2c. and 0c. Jenkins'. " & 3 4 Waiting For The Poor. : turkey gob-| See Bibby's $1 lize. - # hs. 4 When Helen, aged four, for the first folks about, atd.an ald tuthey' zo Pr Richard Noten lon; 2 ® J Spring Furniture 4 3 wh d seen the accident went | Pri, time Accompanied. her: 'mother to a 0 ed door of the house and and "Prof. D. G. Hogarth, of the y ] : After house-cleaning add church she was given, some money for | Cy up such a gobble that the wo- British Museum, in a recent expedi- | Jo 4 ; 7 hi . A Raat i the cojletion box. 'I Whi carehilly man came to the door. Then the fowl|tion in the Kuphrates Valley, have | | WAH | something new in the Furniture Fplaipel to her iat this money 'was {rhe and walked away, hut stopped {found scriptions rom. ruins Ma a | f CU line, oor. < very, fed: 'feet to gobble some more, leity dating two thousand years : ! [eal 8s Ei SE Helon_ 461 patiently through per- I the woman follome hati gy dating igs ; 4 71% mm BEDDING Victor Mat haps "a'third of the service, when she enough to see the horse lying on its | Only one place in Kingstod you can ; . tresses -- Ask for Hercules, startled har mother by rattling the sie I NE buy strictly high-class. enndy. Me-| / ; 8 wing. the kind that I t a lif ar coins between her edpped hands and y # Conkey's pnd Huyler's are sold only : : : | g; | € Kind that last a life inquiring ih a loud voice, "Mamma, Thr at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. J 2 time. Use our 3h -- the poor png wud} Only A Little "Touch." A human skill was found on Friday ¥ eight cents is ge a t a ik A : aftémoon in a cesspgol on the Guine stocky 1": - Bara, Mr. Smith," the young man | ness farm, at Laporte, Ind. Search for : Lr -------------- began, "that you share in the confi- |g. remainder of the body is now bes - ' § : Ontario has now three Indies who | dence 3 daoghter spams {0 repose ling made. | are admitted to practice law. Miss in me' v J Bibby's $1 shirts for style. The Leading Undertak- Grace » daughter of C.F. | Her father nodded With'a receptive | See the new suinmer collars, at Phone 147 Hewson of Barrie, was called | air. ¥ 2 : Jenkine'. er. one, . "Fam now getting 835 a week," the | A" eommittes of Lioyds has awarded me------ . "nnd Fawant to [john F, Welch, aged twenty-one, a SE Te = vo ond on Lalo tnt ha {be 250 SS NORDHEIMER steamer Numidian sailed Fy ¥ : ; Fallacy ins vessuing the crew A GREAT RARE AND 5. GURAT hd on parr. 0 We ers Df the. Manti ~~ PIANO i +r rani. going i youn Jy nzaima hate, new American shapes. view at KIRKPATRICK'S ART STORE, 158 Prrntase 86. ye See Bibln's new She. Beltu. _.- : : i

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