{ery THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY. MAY 23, 1908. re -- -. = 12 FOOTED THIEF CATCIIERS ros. L. DOR TTI JHE "All Druggists; 50c. and $1.00. a of v The old adage, "It takes a thiel to ON os enteh a thief, hats been tried and ound withting. Inefwetor Byrnes, the mg of New Ydrk police chia; worked this systan with ocortaby wmohing. of %, but this war mainly | due to Mie wholesome respect In whieh fprnis was held by crooks, hig or fe, gb the matent they set foot on. New "York soil untit they were Tanptived and railfomdled to a ine ceell or else given hours mm Which to Shake the dust Bf Gotham ] 5 x u ; . 3 from the soles of their gum shoes. A i Bs ) 3 ; gd p 3 ons | By . { y - theory has been advanced fle 4 ¥ b RR , \ f % 4 : Y Sn J | 3 grds to the rihning down' of cri § " A p ig 2 he . F ! ; ! P Ww 1 h C al Deal 4 nals, owever, of late--new in New ws P , 4 e ' Fo ¥ ? ® i a EN Le a S ' 0 er , that i, buf dating way back i a i 7 § Es ps . 5 4 ye 4 2 x oo. SBARRACKSTRE T to rk. ahteheilum days, or «Tn ear 5 a Fa alba oi cn Wh 4 wn ; id Lr E hd BR Ec in other vivinities Now the dog | a 3 : ; . 3 - " ey i : & heey prossed into service angl hy : : on 3 A Bion HS ; : On : ; Matham IHW " Poiiee iad. it cour - 3 i : i 5 " ; : 3 p iy NH you wish to he successful at- id ol a quinietle o " a an . " > > . ! end The led, Hittie deuths ever inioried to Held ap by Ros: gi Bowled Over ; x ; these shores, RE : Yih bs J : : A Kingston Business Last full New York was in the throats jGhent, which died shortly affer its fform of A policeman--in fact, they kroands, bit all "in Yair. The dour | and { a wil g Ap : : _8f an epidemic +f crime that struck Hmportation. Lieutenant Wakefield's J were taught to regard #ll who wed sleuth terrored hiih_dut, pout ad up- | aug 5 MS 1 v ible. Ty 3 ) : College "error to the bigs of the law-abiding iy in Ghent oC W¥igrel in 1 thas Sdiufarth Bs a friend, and aM fn hi, aul bv led Riis over sud held vo ; wl ; a re 4 oo Lill. SE 01" inion street. % MS, Cape ' those wh hived 1g 3 t t the dog ole: 4re © wactwal | otherwise attire as an arch ene ) « | markal Ter | iy ? i - Tn Be tot » ho ho, Greater She Ghent Eas got a rsticin which {Fhe dogs are never visited an their ther | polictman in aiform cam upon than safisiaet i wed like 1 Ri ' ; : CANADA S JIGHEST GRADE New York, Hardly a day rifhssed bit { nearly. every police department in Con- | kennels by anyone unless he ven 8 the en 4 i $k timizing of | { telliven vari wich som < Husinews school, Hookkaaping, that the yoflow journals oF the city ftillental Twrope has heen quick tof uniform. The min who feeds them man, EL Wake told points to with | are i" dat mee line of wor } 4 Sharthand, typariting, tele: adorned their froft pages with hal (adopt, and there is every reason to | niust he mm uniform; 4he one who « Ker vial Juhl , hh it is fie my 1 her, - reas th aL were raising and thilling accounts of some [suppose that the five-dog squad mn | Gists them is uniformed, and if thes » ways © i: a he dogs, ey » In ; : og is 1" Aner] i Riss tO 1 - compton Experienced an Bw il atrocious. rime, the authon |New 3 ork sill rapidly gro wil it ure se to appwoneh, good naturadly, | membered MCSE wbdeed Jin oll beat uid and gies a avioin wnouno SERES RE Tg JE cl, Mt seta: Toes a "oF authors of which invariably Avadod astiiined the proportions of the Baris fone not this garbed, a switching mintie > lore has assumes the role | 1 i is wot an n x d ene a . ture. In almost every instancs dephrtnient, where 460. dogs ar in { takes the place of the morsel of dog A eps o hui carne pals : : gpl fant depredations "werg committed in daily service. 'The police RR j biscuit whi h, is invariable theirs if : ening, toweber, does not a i fox it ' its for th by " mR oe x J on ot NN INGHAM a She outlying or more isolited see: [ilevided novelty, both in bse'and ap- [their lesson is letter perf Hess | monopoly of assdming the 1 of od have' Tot: ioe of & 3 : Ww ary of fhe city, where gu policoman's [pearane, and they did not fail tg (to say, this procediire soon begat an roe : : ¥en ha eo i « : Beat traversed many blocks and the attract universal attention at the {irritation that juickly develpped into o wate © ae we training e Fnstic o ' me. Jor, after' all, wWriminals conld iply their teade with: dog «how heid last fall at Madison! a chronic suspicion that anyome hi i Hi ie visitor a invari {hy eis . a of co X i wher out fear of interruption by the strong [Square Garden, New York, iy | iain Shothes is an jalenin a le siden yd " AL ito oryiee. Je beitor ofessional ary \ od pall HAVE YOUR of ¢ law. As these crimes in-{to mdnce the chiel-of poles « Jhenit Plated and one whose sot v should be J is en § ud 3 we ' n | and gi ; $ . pion ar and daring the po- [to part with any of his trained dogs, {shunned by a well-disposed and Taw el told ts Juik nay Ihe dog held | . \ -- Windows Deécorated deprirtinent acknowledged itself | Wakefield purchased five six-month old protecting dog. the next step was io in jeash oh . Jo ievman 8 Hid ; i ; rH nd the citizens for once |puppics Four of these wese Belgian ch (hem to' respond only to hu ALE a pv ain Hu Inn EN ind SPECIAL NOTICE : . Mime nals SF i, Sch Sie fn, oh ple Shel fer | Mk, 1 Sh .| GLACIER hissioner Hingham to capture ang [stand about knee high 1¢ a mop of to accomplish. An ordinaly cillzen a y dg , : 3 . > o ia nl and then a tangle go visitor and dog Wanting The only substitute for Stained Glass i the eriminals, or élse step down {average height. These dogs weigh tan whistle until he is* blue in the . ! \ Artistic, Durable, Economical, by f. NM rook. Othe policemen have i allow some practical policeman to {abowt Hifty® pounds each' and have short Juco, Nefthia vs of anyone of oe gait, the #5 op i hosed on ver : To the Ladies of Kingston : 1d a v N a) Sans fj Guintette withou causing hin O ¢ anothe y 13 je and thy su l id pie fharge| of the department. ixhaggy coats, which by no mean ac even prick up his ears, but. one | pect, donning uniloem, can give bil { I have removed to the forint] " 'oR d. ef. Education! xeepisy + Mons ohn tie blast, OF tbs whistle wibl sends oon. 2 2 ould gs ¥ § Rsar fo ibd small, ahpep oven that him inte hysterics, vv 1 "Ton a GET NY that ny FOR "RE- ELECTION Ag erat, Han Feinue, 2 ri Bua a Se ny he p Summing or GhiZeieal exh h i Then came their lessons in the art J give to Wakefield gr He rman As ov-| High Grade Pianos at Tdvieg Prices. 1 with the eagerness with pression The filth dog purchased 334 oF attack and. with a full Blan: sus: Jory so is taught stor fave and iol J ay Vitor and Berliner Rraiophars. oan, owning man catches at ala Groenendacl-somewhat like the ul . 2 AL "mi 3 blu low the R the dors inatraet- | . rR O S E NN, fams' Sewing Machin, Phoenix Fire was willing to seize upbn [shéep «log, except that it has a Jong. pician . against all, minus police blue, 110 RB, a ns i dat ag Extinguisher ; ond. a Lill lneof Musiesd ¥ i hey : brass buttons, et al. it Was an easy | od to respect the whiforme | s 4 1 ' LADIES TAILOR. I wents, Music, elc. any suggestion that would [dilky coat and is hy far. the prettiest a! : 8 1 i ReRtig hi Eh' vein & stop to thesery of por lof the lot. The dogs cost 10 4 head matter Lo tram them to pounce upor n detonstiitiung his dogs' pro ' y Por | jo ; all those who passed their way so [to me afi digs 'aed' the licutenan Eney. iwhich, together with an import tax : ' A ti. | A oy Ale ese 3 t this titne that the success lof $2 eweh, brought their at cost |umfortunate das to be without this wppeared with Nog in, feashy Fine | 0O000C0H0H OO $00000000COCO0 OO 0000660066600 timent with potion: de ito the solion de wrtmont up fo S31 form of ornamentation atrolman," explained the lieutenant | > stime w dogs wo de p ; : ~ [a \ had at - sted ow . J J oh eA : can-brod dog is Yo Like a pughist, each dog has his in- | "in going Tom the station house to} gin, had attraetoc w at-leach, 0 American ' og. ¥ an. i n at that time was mot on the | te heir beguty. 'They have tong, hat al of gro vith Mayor McClellan {like faces it $v government (Tammany give them v -- ~ 5 ; : : : dividual mode of attack. One will at | his heat, alwiivs Lefegas his so in one of Lotham's police |Airsdale terrier, dogs remarkahlé for pe a : BL oe spring , , ¢ d fifty [leash, and than, Yoo, the doc® a Land straightway did . he {their hardihood, strength and courage, ont pring for the throat--and g ' ) Provin ial Electio \ y omen's . Binh i the ' ittlet AInorice } pounds of vicious, snarling, snapping | only dsed at. night. Now we reach the Cid ection. d - A | to Commissioner Bingham jand so far he litte merienty han oy nding ona mun's' chest, even | Boat. vi Wo i o 3 into his witling ear 5 plan] provid thet he is fust'as good a cop though ie. be mugrded. will bowl over Phe leash was slipped angl the can i ¥ te Little dens could - used fper as his foreign born dawns. : the most stockily-built crook. The | mand "Search" was given, Instantly | To The Electors of Kingston and L H ouse tage in bse York, Adios Fadl Prd tla oe ot oo nant | oame animated projectile, with jaws | Nogi began to nos "afound, poking Poftsmonth : xX gs overjoyed, apd without |Waketield was provided with a'hotue tw {0 poing, landing om Mis back, or [into this or that arcaway or dashing] GENTLEMEN--T rospecttully solic . ' 8 hesintion detnildl Liew- [a remote suburb of New York ak fo the hollow of his knees, or twist- | into shrubbery and behind trees your votes and influences, to secure ny FF 3 efiold (it was he who ap-|with two policemen detailed to assist ing and winding throuph his Jeor "Thov have heen taught to search, ----t-- representative fh the ensuing 3 "5 ingham on the subject ta thim he sét to work to train his Htthe | 0 0 being the customary, most aps | continued the licuténant, 'amd this is | api Very Tmuly Yours; X O C to Ghent, study the work pets in the art of trailing and cap-fo. ved nnd high-sthool modes of at-|ore of (He conmands. oglvadour being : plice dogs, and, if possible, | turing crooks. His tusk was an 8 L404 will accomplish the : wid "arch" "attack Feel" nnd JAMES H. METCALYE. \ ¢ > weomplish 1¢ shme re : ' oa : Kingat fn, May 2ad,.-1908. brace: of them and bring fduous: oie, but after three monthe| ii" Ones aid low. the raptor. is | 'down,' the latter ohlv when they' ave OOOOC00 OOOO New York. Phis Wakefield | patient work he notitied Deputy Com: prone to lie still and not tempt his [astride the prostests form of a cap & 8 # a ¥, and although ° he tmissioner Woods that fix dogs $9 beintor to any further awgretsion. The | tive. Now if he finds anybody lurk ) . £ = 2 x in for an unmereciful gmount | eligible to don their unuorms and gra os hile pay rained Er unr ing in "t Hee placgs +' , CARTERS 2 Now that tive warm wenther has set m, you at the hands of his hrother fdunte from the probationary stageito faver their prisoners and notify their | But farther wards wom wishes. The 2 may have trouble with sore and tender feet. We y dubbed hith the "Dog [that of full-fledged patrolmen. Woodst gue logged brother re of 'their | abinuitous Beerfiti;; in eilizen ITTLE ! . . i : ** he has trained his. little [journeyed to Wakefield's iotreat and | sapture by nities of barks u Sv 1 elothes.: came soaking out of an nro . 2 have relief for you in the line of Comfort Bhoes for that de i perfect] the little | t through th nt y pri Sutil thy | clothes, came ts ing } ; : ¢ at degree of perfection {saw the little beasts pu iongh their Larrivee on the run and pelieve the dog | way, and ones more there wa { i i pt : 3 Porn s »s Ahey have already achieved [prces, snd accordingly 'the "names of {of any farther partein the work oo | wld mass of poliec-dog and n > wearing in the house, in Fine Light Kid and orfant captures, to say Jim, Nogi, Max, Doma aed Lady {hand : B1% "Bo he dors like: their work ?" . . Prunella : ARe stare or more ériminals [were duly enrolled the last two l 'In thik part of the instruction it | Wakefiekd repegtnd; | tracked to their cribs, named claim the proud distinction "of Hell tb the lot of Patrolman' Beerman "Well, Feliould sy they da K's tog Sind i SoTnpese being the only "lady coppers" on thefta play the part of w crack. 'This [are just as eager 16 go ont on patrol Ld { Women's Praaella Stippers, 50c, 60c to $1.25, ou, Max, -a an dy, | metropolitan foree, . giised'" in citizen's elothés and carry duty as a chill is to phiy with i y ' & Hirst -mamed isa nativeshory The first lesson in the course of Jing "suspicions" looking handles, he [toys i ) Wome n's P rune lla Gaiter 8, % 1.25 and 65c . i having heen purchased to | their instruction was to instil in the f was hickdon: hehindg troce apd chrab- |. Yes, 1 think our five veri o | 2 Bindseho and rellovs Sil. fi tres: Ly Women's India: Kid Slippers, elastic vamps, of the dogs er dogs 'a wholesome respect for the uni- | bery in the vicinity of the trainis g useful members of the poli 0 Digwes, Sanoes, Drowsiness" D1 . { © o0¢ and GUc. 3 -- i, Vain in ide, ku. W : > * gy " al * : SL t ; Bn ne he : b- 8 Women's Fine Kid "Slippers, with elastic + tribes and countrics since. man asd | ing from the right shoulder and stgrhit- | 'Daeg this 'bus ga.all' the way ? y i 9 vamps, $1. 00 to 1 0 implements of offence and defences the | ing with the right eye briggs the righ! "Yes, sir," responded the conductor, | ? As : . - leff side, whore the heart Mics, has oye into prominence politely, 3 Women's Fine Kid Strap Shoes, + * 1.25 & 1.50, been protected: by the: shiek), sand the Its significant that with the decline | "Toes it yo as far Ne Oxford street Yicadschn, yot Carter's Little fiver Twn | Women's Fine Kid Lac ed Oxford Shoes, $1.50, left hand was called the shield hand, fof militarism comes the suggestion of | T want to get oul there," Wually vainshle in Constipation, curing ai-1 pre 1.7 anidecness anid Fiht evednnss whild the pight hand wis enllsd the [schools for ambidexterity and (the es-| "Yes, gir," was the reply, PEER hay alee io to 2.50. i Gh dinner ofthe 5 Aothactyliniriete s : Fgenns homo, De. George M. | spear hand, | tablishnient of a movement for pro-| "Well, 1 want vou to tll me when ax der prim SE Women's Fine: Kid Julie ts, with or without watchd for them in squir-] Next to fighting dame commerce, The fnmdguting the gospel of two handed: [we get there. You'd better stick a rubber heel $2 00. use their front paws to hold fundamental Sqndition of bartering | ness and its obtious advantages. fetamp on your nese, or putia straw } \ ET eels, $<. that strike at mweots jo the] Was counting with the low numlers, in your mouth, or tie a knot in on : M: , . ar} 1 i ¥ . ol y with wopndodgmice, and | one to ten, The fimpers of the free { or The Oldest Peer [ot your lips, so that you won't fin wold bonimont pricclesstn ¢ ou he Vany other speeidl limes uf Bolid Comiorts, Lor animals, hut he is core] right hand. were nativally first nsed, Lund Garde. wl . . ) {get it oh teasing compiint: bu fori | > . a rs Sosdiy . & word Gwydr, whe was ninety -cight N : ato: Lx trie Set piy shim r goudnoes does notend hers,a; fs preferonce. is given to. the and aly Je : the i x go Ser the other day, it "the oldest living |; h vauhd in Cadi Sh he | Raoouetry bern will find those little pills vale k aver thé left. digits, as are the fingers themselves, oo Ys» ving lin my position to do so," said the | {kedioo nuuny wars thy thes wil will ot bo wih lowest human savages all while the basis of our pumberings igfpeer. He was' prosent at the corona: | conductor, conrteously. "fut if you elo without sho. orld shoiee in grentée exe the decimal or "ten fingered syftam., tions of Grarye IV., William IV. will Kindly. pin vour ears round your one hand is clearly pres. | Berry drill and aetion of the soldier | Quan Victotia . and King Edwanl. | nek 1 think 1 shall rena ty toll} A HE se for ifs Sr Ropment ia] Frond lent Grecre to modern Ameri: | Ue of hia most amusing reculMetio my vou. military customs. n all ra is t sided in every detail, Fir-] (says POT. 0.) relates to the bane | bmn i £©aSane of vo many vce (hat hero 1g i ! at Neti Hall which followed! id sou" aver § . Wumakeout great bosst, Car pitweuret « Q the torohation of George 1V, He anc fy, de n A tS or expe cake 8 ers ite Lier Piet op mo ~ his eseort, Lady Elphinstone, were loa bat ee hs ar Ihe ony ey fo taka. One oF two 3 GOO OBODOOCHBH000O00000 GOIOCOIOOG000000HOOSOS seated in a gallery overlonking the ithe ge oe Foti: Bon Betiove Ya A airietly yegotabio and 40 not ripe & feast, and becamirit suey hungry, they iui "or busiest 1g he tells ve IS Homie 31 : dgnalicd to 'their i an who tells su i oy a ative, Lord Prad- that. Tio & ul 4 - v Enews He Lie. G t hoe, Whe aa among the royal gst coy ite Red (Cross Able ire at SPIE UEDICIE 0 Mew Yo0{ thine thr » Would like some of the! Conkey's and Huyler's Wighetass sah i things that were, going. Lorik yg, are sold there," This drug go] 1 § SOG OCOO00000! OOLOBO0 OC HOOOVOOOOO0OOH OOOO OOO OK OO A HERES PEAR REY a Fireworks ! A Big Assortment of Rockets, | % Roman Candles, Mines,Whee!s, Baloons, Etc. : Firecrackers and Torpedoes. idhioe: aviordingly wrapped up two ; . ne substantial portions of chighen in pa- ge riety Nighedass cay, Phen fer. and' thew thom up fo. the gal-| ry, wheve they were rectivicd © with | Statitude by Lady Ephinstone and her | small companion and hastily saten. | wo ; "Thetis something richly Wunvorsud | agleriale > all ay "ges a in the idea of chicken leg vamp DF loevey, short a Pu iid hustling through the air ty Most of the men behind the Hare § | Ponnt banquet, heliovid ab ome time that thuy were Jelexer. " i HE dn Hor wil | AL, REES, 166 Princess St [we might Have them there is pod There are times when the truth YE ; A ait de of he otic, ct I x od Cross § about os inspiri $0 b frindt wolf pot as popular as Tihwon'y Re rosx | abou inspiring as a cold fried *Phone 5%. of drag store fountain. Ljubi sane ity a , Bae wapt bo talk about it... Some men don't marcy. because they can't afford to antl oihges don't ul {marry for the same reas HOR MII 0 oo RI