THE 5P.M.EDITION CITY AND VICINITY. Hardwood, best ( body maple, out and split as required, dry kindling and millwood, for summer use Prom de- ustom Department W{livery, James Swift : Co. At Mullin"s. Strictly fresh eggs, per doz, 17c ! Choice farmers' roll and' print but- All kingls of new fur gar- {or > a pe, per 1b. 26c. ments malls ta spacial Comer Johnson and Division Sts, y AR we 0 ave urpassed facilities fcr re- ' pi zepairing, and re. The King Fdward company install t . short I Datics : ol, to-day, electric fans, and fresh air tha makes it pessible for us inlets, and can now boast 'ef having to Sransfoxn your old Furs the coolest house in Ontario. By re into new e guarantee per- quest we are repeating oNf programme fect satisfaction as to fit. of yesterday, "The Legend of a Ghost." Cool As A Refrigerator. O (8) (®) ®) 2 ® in a -- a. Secured First-Class Chef. p)| W. 'Telfer, proprietor of the British ® American hotel, has secured Mr. Cha ® han, late chef of the Cadillic Hatel, ) | Detroit. He has had long experience *) ®) 249-155 Brock St. in some of the leading hotels 'in the states, and 15 one of the best chels VEE EEEEEEEEEY that ean be found, Mr. Telfer is al ways trying to keep his hotel service up to date, dt ---- Wall To Cost $2,000. It will cost 22,000 to erect the stone wall at the rear of the Queen's Uni- versity residences, for the purpose of improving the medical quadrangle. Tt was proposed to put up 8 wooden fence at a cost of 3600, but something permanent was finally decided upon. The medical faculty contribute $800 to We always keep a good the great stone wall. selection on hand and make ---------- to order any special size or a Makes A Goma lat Milli PY end ) & s '. ¥ pe. 5 uperin mn complained this morning about the Our gold is rich in color = estibuers of the RoMA driy ing tei i orses through the cricket field, ® and style, and workmanship a hen that the by-law does not allow perfect. . B21 this, and: that the practice should be stopped. He states that the grass was broken up, and considerable dam age was done as a result of thie trip made by the horses. Buy from the maker and #8 get the advantage in price. fg Burieg On Friday. The funeral 6f the late George Eade ovenrred in Frooklyn, N.Y, on Fri day. His death in Chicago was due JEWELLER hd te heart failure while he was taking a » jl bath. His wife heard his groans, but | che could not get in as the door was locked. A child was sent over the roof, to get through the bathroom window and open the door, but before aid could be secured My. Eade had passed away. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. A Kindly Ackpowledgment. J. B. Cooke, district manager Tm- perial Life, Kingston, Ont, is in re- ceipt of the following letter, which fully explains itself : 'Dear Sir-I oy to thank vou for oe settlement of claim on the life of my son, James McLean Boyd, Pa 000, policy No. 19073. I filed the claim with vou on May 16th and did fet an ticipate sottlement within at Jeast thirty days. You may imagine, there fore, my surprise' when you handed me the company's cheque for the full amount, dated Toronto, May 18th. As oo the papers could not have possibly uh Er wood work. reached vour head office until the 15th + ALL COLORS, this would go to show that settlement Only 20c. Tin wos made by your company " the same day. Such promptness is, de: the best and most widely ad- fi 0 if 'the highest praise, and if 1 Sort oe ate always, to be can be of assistance to you in future 1 » ey at prices hy putting in a word for vou and the company vou represent, T will only be W. A. Mitchell, too pleased to do so--Yours truly, Hardware Gives new life and lustre to old Chairs, Furniture and Picthire Frames. It is the ideal floor finish and all {Signedy MRS BL IZABETH BOYD." Bibhy's for men gs on Io rwear timulate Business Nothing puts backbone into trade like pointed, 'personal, Letters. Go after orders through the mails. onarch Visible YPEWRITER. The Writing Machine that at-does and out-lasts its fellows. Typewritten Use a re p case your need fs temporary, we will rent 01 a MONARCH VISIBLE Typewriter at 0 rates : ; \ Orie Month - $ 2.00 Renewals " 3.00 $i Months - 15.00 of purchase part of the rental $2.50 Rochester And Return $2.50] {son, having the best seam ploced: in THE DAILY THE FIRE COMMITEE | TROUBLE BETWEEN FI MAN AND VETERINARY. | Chatham Engine to Bg Put in! Better Condition--Settlement With Waterworks Committee For Hose Destroyed. i | The civie fice committee had a des} | sion, yesterday afternoon, with 'Als. | | Hoag (acting chairman), - Harty, Hen! {derson and Robertson in attendance | Ald Hoag proswnted a typewritten] | complaint from Pr. Nicholle, claiming that a member of the fire Brigade had used iwsulting language fo him on the | 17th. A letter of the chief was sub} mitted in explanation, stating tht | the accused had told Dr. Nicholls he | didn't Know what was the matter | with a wick horse in the department, and refusing to carry out his orders Dr. Nicholls called in Pr. Massie, who confimad the tpeatment baie piven, A committee, consisting of Alds, Henderson, Hoag and Robertson will investigate the matter. Af a recent meeting, Alds. Hoag. Harty dnd Henderson were appointed to report upon the condition of the department. "Theo presented a state the Chatham: engine and the bose Waggon of No. 1 station required Jeome atteption. The secessary re pairs: will be made at once. from the water works, in full payment for damage done to hose loaned at was on fire wp often The city clerk was instructed to no- put the roaflway legdine to its mill building inte good condition. J. M. CAMPBELL , PRESIDENT Of a New Electric Railroad Com- pany at Rochester : JOHN M. CAMPBELL, John M. Campbell, of Kingston, has Feen elected president of the Lockport and Rochester Electric Railway com chester, N.Y. The line between Ro-| chesteri N.Y. The line between Ro chester and Albioh is now ready, and that from Middleport to Locknort is about completed.» Mr. Campbell leaves | Kingston with the sincere regrét of the citizens, whose light plant he ably | managed for the past three and a hall yOurs, TO GO TO WATERTOWN To Take Evidence in a Land | Case. | J.B. Walkem, K.C., local master, has been commissioned by the high court of justice, Toranto, to go to Watertown, N.¥Y., with a stenographer and take the evidence of a Watertown lawyer in connection with a land deal involved-in the suit of Thompson vs. Skill, both parties to the case be- longing to Toronto. Mr. Walkem will go over next week to take the evi- denice. I The case is quite interesting. It seems. that John Sears, of Inverary, secured a Fenian raid land grant. Later on he found that his tract was close to a town site nid ot ef line of the new Grand Trunk Pacific rail way, in the north-west portion of On- tario. He was first offered. $5,000 by the defendant in the case, and later agreed to sell to the plaintiff for $7, 0. Bowever, he stuck to his first agreement and sold for £5.000. Then Thompson hirought suit to have the sale annulled, on the ground that his agement was a written one. The few years. - PERSONAL MENTION. Movements Of The People--What They Are Saying And Doing. Capt. EDean returned to his home in Quebec Uily, last night. Joseph A. Mdnly, Montreal, is spending a brief holiday with his par- ents. Prof: Fotheringham, of Trinity Col- lege, Toronto, has been in town this week, Thomas Dalsell, Charles street, who has been quite ill, is able to be out ain. Collamar Jolger, superintendent light department, has been laid up by a se- were attack of rheumatism. J. P. Healey, formerly with James McParland, ~ang street, has resumed his Position with the Salada Tea com pny, New York, i B. Nelle, secretary of the LM. CA. wint to Toronto: last night, to spenck the holiday. Mes. Nelles went to Toronto a short time ago. x James P. Mellwain, of Montreal Shamrock lacrosse team, is in the city en route to Toronto. He says the Shamrocks are out to win this sea the field in five vears. i Horse Was Shot. An Flginturg farmer, who tame to the city. | Satarday | morning, home minus his horse. [evening 1. J. Flach, R. A. | game of bridge whist was played with ithe Ringston Whist club, in which . | the Napance contingent came off vie Paris, May 2. MN. Charle ment showing that evervthing was in| 8 an oficient condition, excepting that i The committee decided to accept $6557 the timé the water works coal shed |¥ tify the Kingston Milling company to? | Hamilton, at tho Customs house. [quest of Mrs. R. Bell, MO Wellington | | Portsmouth. land will become very valuable in Lh BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, MAY 23, 1908. 5 A HEGONGILITIN io | SOCIAL NOTES. {« oti from page 7.) he following gentlemen from Napa- jpee were enter tamed by Nr. Dorman LOVE IS REVIVED BY Al fat the Frontenac club, on Wednpesdny pb REVOLVER SHOT. : 4 to dimmer ©: Messrs. W. | Herrington, Jd. PP. ¥rooman W. Leonard; J. Warner. A friendly Wife of Music-Hall Singer Fires at | Him in Street and Slightly | Wounds Him. - | Leriche, ! { tortious. a "Irie artsy, otherwise 5 musie- | eh hall singer, whose naive has been more | Mrs. L. L. Henderson, Bagot street, | Widely illustrated by his sisteran-law, | eked twelve little girls to teq, yester. | AWgustine Leriche, ome of the most | Ham and C. M. | day, to keep Miss Ruth Henderson's] loyous comip actresses in Paris, was | walking hotne yesterday when he met | : his wife, also an "artiste fyrigue. -i There would have been po cause § The Principal of Queen's and Mrs. alarm mm the meeting but for two Daniel Gordon gave a men's dinner Mason, Ume was that divorce pro party, last night, in hosor of theirjt®edings were pending between thera guest, Mr. Witham Wilrid Campbell. |The second, and more immediate dis: i turbing reason, was'that she cartied 4 Miss Dorothy Chown, Stuart street, {dainty revolver--one of those miniature entertained a few of her friends last | Weapons which, as a rule, if not in- might, variably, are unpleasantly peat and o. - - * accurate, Miss Frances lewis, of Newbdre,{ M. Leriche murmured something and who has but lately retarned fiom Wins [made offi. His wife went after him and nipeg, has come up to Kingston for gf fired twice, one shot hitting him ip short stay: 'Her friends Hope that'thefthe shoulder blade, Police and the usual crowd came, and the hushasd HEHSHAAASANSIOIIIIE AER | was taken to the hospital, where his wound was found to be insignificant, IMPORTANT NOTICE. while the wife was led off to the pos : lice station. 'There she said she had There is to be no: special shot her husband out of jealousy, but court for absentee voters. was deeply sorry, apd promised" to All notices resarding @ |pever carry a revolver again Khe absentees must be handed was let off on pail and went home to the registrars by six x Her husband, in the meantime, had o'clock this evening. The. # also gone home from the hospital, registration courts will be #| When his wile prrived he was not vig open till nine o'clock. Be Hi dietive, . hut forgiving. Her demon sure and register; strative affection had touched him deeply, even though the one ballet AAAI, | which took affect had penetrated only half an inch "Pome to mv arms! affection of her eye, which Has causél|bhe eried, and embraced her. He had her trip here, will soon yield to treat-|never dregmed. she loved him <5 much ment. { The next morning he went to the pe Miss M. Witherell is coming down, lice and withdrew hix= complaint from Rt. Agves' school, Belleville, toiagainst her for having shot him spend the 24th of May with Mrs. E [Their he called on his lawyers apd . Pense, King street. . Bates is so much better that! the couple wiil live happy ever after + was able to leave the hospial, | yesterday, and is again at her King! street home. | birthday, of it, and they had a jolly time {stopped the divorce proceedings. Now HOWARD W. REYNOLDS i, {Is the Tiberal Candidate For Mrs. H. Muitiand Hgnnalord is com Frontenac ing up, from Montreal, to spend the | holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Ularke Mrs. ©. Dean has returned to Mill brooke, after her vigit to hgr sister; Mrs. R. C. Chrter, West stpfet. Ws. | Carter and Miss Maddon Went up to) Toronto, to-day, for g short visit | Mr. Henry Lyman is up from Mon- tress to spend the holiday with his mother, Mrs. 'Theodore Lyman, at! "Calderwood." } - = | Mr. James Canpon, Barrie street, is home from a trig to Atlantic City and New York Mr. F. PB Larkin, of Montreal, who has many friends in town, waz ex- pected up, to-day, to spend Victoria day with Major and Mrs. FE. D. hai ferty, at the staff adjutant's residence, Roval Military College Mrs. Hobart Pryde, rT tract. and Mrs. J. R. Henderson, William street, left at noon on a brief visit to Toronto and Georgetown. - - - Mrs. E. Loucks, Barrie street, went ap to Picton, to-day. 2 . 4 x HOWAR W. REYNOLDS. Miss FKthel Clark, of Ottawa, is the MRD REY NOLIN The Frontenac liberals met, Satur- day afternoon, and chose Howard W istrect, v Miss Wilson. Kingston, is the guest Reynolds, of Verona, as} thei stan- | of Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Williams. Sneiitnror, ta opposer], 8 her Mrs. (Dr. MeCammon, Kingston, is] gher, A. » on June 1 he liber in Napanee or | alg will make it hot for Mr. CG; £ v risiti cody eB 2 | Ham and a a { gher, and Mr. Reynolds thinks hie can Miss Estella Bull, of Picton, is the! wing guest of her aunt, Mrs. J. M, Platt, | PRACTICAL ADDRESSES . - Mrs. Charles Edward Deacon and | Delivered to the Mrs. M. Fitzgibbon came up from | Teathors. Montreal, to-day, to visit Miss Etta] 9h. sochool teachers in attendance - Ward, Johnson street. . | Frontenac convention listened to twal Miss Lillian Mowat, Johnson street, |; seating nildrosses. on relay alte came home, to-day, from the west noon. 'Hil. first speaker was Prof Miss Maxwell, of Bournemouth, Eng * ihwde, who spoke on "What is lmagi who has not been in Kingston fer f ngtion ? He cliress: was most ns] sixteen years, came, this afternoon, to | Frontenac visit ber bother, Mr. G.'W. Maxwoll [Loreal ng nnd structive, suis and Mrs. Maxwell, ean street. He told the teachers that a failure | Mrs. Clinton Crawford and her] oo. (he best chance for eorreetion, daughter, Miss Ruth Crawford, arriv-1, 04 (hat their lessons should be ar ed, to-day, from Baltimore, and are ged in a practical way, and "that the guests of Mrs. W. J. Fair, King £ | they should read poetry aloud and street. {draw the attention of the scholars to i. | the wd / Invitations have heen jssued for the A marriage of Miss Lena Richardson, | pa only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Amos A. Richardson, Deseronto, and Frank { Peden, of Montreal, the ceremony take place on ue evening: of day, June 2nd, at eight o'clock. sure of the verse. 4 Jordan also gave an inter esting paper on grammer, the$ was most instructive to the teachers. 9:30 o'clock Saturday mormng Spankie addressed the teachers first gpoke of the trip to Europe {this summer for the teachers Are irangements had been made with the | steamship companies and the teachers . {could go over and hack for $125, and Of the Labor Educational As- lthat $2080 would be a liberal allow- ance for the trip. His address wa® on sociation. Reading, "and its teaching in the MEETING ON MONDAY ---- [STORE OPEN MONDAY FROM 8AM. TO 1 O'CLOCK. AFTER SUPPER SALE To-Night, 7.30 to 10.30 O'clock. 15 Ladies' Stylish Spring Coats Light Fawn Covert Cloths anl Light Fawn Venetian Cloths. These are good value at $7.75 to 8.00. YOUR CHOICE TQ-NIGHT, $5.75. If not quite ready to buy have one placed aside until required. 360 Pairs Ladies' Sample Stockings Ladies' Fine Black Lisle Thread with lace ankles and some with lace fronts. Ladies' Tan Lisle Thread with lace fronts or lace ankles, Ladies' White Lisle Thread with lace fronts or ankles. These are very good Stockings, ranging in value from 50¢, 55¢, 60c¢ pair, YOUR CHOICE TO NIGHT, 39c¢ Pair. NEW YORK WHITE WASH SKIRTS Just received and ready for your weae- ing on Monday. White Indian Head Linen Skirts White P. K. Skirts Made in either pleated or plain gored styles, with strappings or folds of Bame material, or trimmed with embroidery insertions, at lengths from 37 to 43 inches. Prices range from $1.25, 1.49, 1.75, 1.99, 2.25, 3.25 and on up to 4.50. The meeting of the Laber Education: schools. He stated that the subject od aseaiation will open fn Gennt ball 50 fay ait with by the Io when Mayor Ross will prin an or net spotiefs, ut he, wishet! 16 speak dress of welcome. William Driscoll he ol to she. libiatios of the will whi a delegates the "he | sehoo and how the pupils read the "3 i : {hooks systematically and not just on behait "of he. independent aie (1001 WEIR SLT ol by F. orkey and am | connection of the story and alter Bally Dai ott of |the¥ had read the book they should Don Sap awe, ney: { i be made reproduce it, showing how! the Dominion Trades Congress, and| op Soh oeated to them. "let Samuel Landers, Hamilton, are > theshd get wp in the school and teil pected jo be n strate and dor how they liked the book," said Dr. ars, roe Ton t Judugteint be Spankie. Dr. Spankic's address was es at on, Out, will also, greatly enjoyed by aif present. The labor men gre now epdesvoring to secure sole speakers to stay set] Registration Figures. on Tuesday night and address a meet-1 Whey, © the manhod sulirage regis- ing to be held in the interests of J. } {ration courts sdioiiraed at noon to: H. Metcalfe. hd only 1,134 voters had registered. | The figures were : Sydenham, Ontar- Inspector Tawdvin has recived word [io and St. Lawreme, 247: Catareqgui, from headquarters td the effect that [246: Frontesge, 21%; Rideau, 245; the close senson for bass is from Ap | Victoria, . 117. 'The total will fall wil 15th to bog ver 18th. and not Junelfar short of that of 1960 or IW, 9th, as formerl- stated. The orderin:|prideipally on decount of there beitg conncil for June Oth, has Jeen vexeind- {no outarde students, » Summer Fuel. J Spend Decoration day. May 30th, at taragui andy Rochester, NX. Special expurdion per Fishermen in this district report ajsteamer North Ring. leaving King- OOOO COOOOGOTOVVGOGDOTOTTRN SOME SHOE SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY. 1 Table of Chi dren's Fine Laced Bl ucher Boots, sizes, 8, 9, 10, 10}, regular $1.25 for - = =~ 1 Table Ladies' Chocolate Blucher Oxfords, all sizes -$2.00. 1 Table Ladies' Kid Laced Low Shoes, Patent Tip, all stm, $1. 1 Table Girls' 3- Strap and Laced Blucher Chocolate Shoes, 2 kinds, sizes 11 to 2 $1.25. : A 'able Full of Men's Working Boots, sizes, 9, 10 and 11. and $1.50. Choice «cn -svv = $1.15. wrshe wan Bbe Joockett Shoe Store. P.S.~The Largest Assortment of Trurks and Bags in the city, en SER, LE