THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, MAY 26, 1908. -- ---- -- N66e8000000000000000uentensesscassesssessced About Stylish Skirts and Extra Modish 'Hats From one of the 'best makers of skirts especially interesting lot of walking shirts. Tach is of greater value than the low price we've given it «and the savings on them will make the lot hurry away in quick; time, ' . So, if thi chadits to buy a jaunty separate skirt of LESS THAN ITS REAL VALUE appeals to you. We advise you to come inunediately. of amas and Cheviots, strictly nattily plaited and stitched. In Black, Brown, Blue, Crean has comé. this a LR I LM tailored throughout, and other demanded color £ ] Wa sizes, and all lengths of skirts, $4.50, 'Who Wants a Distinctly New Hat? The eurving of a brimo--t he way the flowers and foliage are combined and applied--the tilt and swing of a plupie--the LITTLE things about the trimming and shaping of "a hat make it decisively modish, or comunonplace, . t Bands of different 5.25, $6 and $6.50 5 The very latdst ideas in summer hat-creating are on dis- play here. Whether you select a trimmed hat for everyday street . wear or one of the rok dressy hats that veflects the modes of Parisian designers. You'll find our present showing of Millin- ery, correct, becoming, and pleasantly priced. . a Ee CE AAS SAS sys eat stpevVeTSe SEVITUSEUIEETI NE Come, while the assortment is at its best. ---- A SO CRUMLEY BROS. 0000000 RNAGNGS Spring Furniture A After house-cleaning add something new in the Furniture line. - BEDDING -- Vietor Mat- tresses -- Ask for Hercules Spring, the kind that last a life- time. Use our FURNITURE ARESTORER or house -cleanifg, at The Leading Undertak- er. 'Phone, 147. 3 Qur styles are not "Late." They are on "Time," and you can see just how your Suit 'will look before you feel that you must buy it. You hate to order a Snit and not take it, don't You? § 'We can show you not one Suit it nt a bundred. We. can' also show you that weil' save 5 N 5 $10, 12.00, to. 15.00, 1 ot Jon the flour of he Siouse ¥ £ (THE TOILING MASSES MKAY'S EIGHTH LETTER TO ONTARIO'S PEOPLE A Cardinal Principle of Liberalism to Trust the People--The Measures Adopted to Help the Working People. Toronto Globe. "Trust the People" has evir Leen a vardingl principle of liberaligm. The pages of our statoles, Both provincial and dominion, comtuin many concrete ihwtrations of this poneiple. From the liberal party has come nearly every endetment to extend the frum- chise to the masses, dnd to place nll ment on an equal footing as to cili- sinship Itevals we owe the bal- lot 'manhood suffrage, and manhood suffrage registration, as almost the entire volume 'of labor laws tg le found in the sRatutes, whether dom: ion or provincial. To Dominion Measures. I can, at presemt, recall no out- standing measure pated by conserva- Lives, during the many years they 'were in power at Ottawa, for the hen ofl the yreat army of toilers; if reat be made of the crea- tion of Labor Day. Against this, among other aets, there stand to the ertedit of liberals, for example, the creation of department of labor, es tablishing and conducting of the La: hor Gazette, the general aot of concili: ation gnd arbitration, the alien labor art, the "fair wage' policy, the Le. mieux act for the compulsury investi gation of disputes. affective public utilities. Provincial Measures. A perusal of the prinecial statutes of 1871 dowm till 1906, will show that scaverly a yoar passed that did not witness legislation intended and ad apted to improve and to make for the Itterment of the condition of the la- borer. Outstanding amon; these are such acts gs the mechanics' and wage earners' lieng amet, the act respecting masur and servant, the act respect ing actidetits to employees on rail way#, the factories act, the shops re- gulationr act, the trades dispute act, the miners uct, the act respecting schoold for artisans, the act respeet- ing technical schools, the got creating a buresu of labor, Opinion Of Labor. It i8 not surprising, therefore, some years ago, A. W. Wright, (who is at presorit an independent conser vative candidate in Went Toronto), who was then a labor leader and an honored member of the executive board of the Knights of Labor of Am erica, should have said things decid edly favorable to the Ontario labor laws. Mr. Wright is in the habit of saying things, and lately has hinted that he may now any evening say something highly ~ interesting. Mpeak- ing of the then Ontario labor laws, he said: "While there is still & great deal of legislation whith we labor ranks think should be enacted, 1am five. to say that Ontario has not much to learn from pny state in this respect, and is immeasurably in ad- vance of most of them." s---- Liberal Convention. in November, 1991, at the great con- vention held in Massey Hall, the libe- rals of the province of Ontario wnani- mously, by way of resolution, made the loliowing a plank of their plat- form: "That this convention is pleased to notice the progressive char. acter of the labor legislation of the province of Ontario during the past twenty-five years, by which wages are secured by hens and preferences over ordinary creditors, or by simple pro- conses at law, by which the salety of the working classes has been protect- ed on railways and in factories; hy which the hours of labor have heen re- stricted, and facilities offered for vot- ing at municipal and parliamentary elections; by which the inspection of fattories, bakeries and mines has been provided, and a labor Bureau estab- lished for collecting information with regard to the condition of labor in Canada and other conntries, That thiy convention is of the opinion that those branches of the public service affecting labor should be consolidated with a view to the fullest considera- tion of the various matters with which they gre concerned, in order, if possible, to establish bettef relations between capital and labor, the avoid- ance of strikes by "the best methods of conciliation, and the prevention of un skilled alien' and prison labor from unduly interfering with the oppor- tunities of the bor clnsses of this province." - that Conservative Record. Contriisted with the above, the cone sarviltive party in this province has néthing to show, except brokpn ante election promises that 3 would re quire all prison-made goods to be distinotly labelled a8 such. This pledge, contuited in one of the reso- lations adopted at the conservative comference in November, 1904, was ex- prosely vidlated in one of the very fist prison labor contracts made hy 4 the 'present goverment om attaining office; od | has x Repaally been openly re- | madiated bh tha, pavincial secretary, of this department, t as to prison labor contratts, More XH MACKA At Forth * Worth, Tewhs, wilt of Aobds, the hw Hmusements. * SAM sent The A Brilli the Itaka Nasiopova to speak pasword Li Prices, Seats n in a N The Gre Success Imaginati Special WEDNESDAY, 8 two vears her achievements Crowning and Surpassing Sedts mow on MAY 27th. AND LEE SHUBERT Pre Great Riusso-American Actress, MADAME NAZIMOVA | Playing in Emglish, "Comtesse Coquette" translated fron Bracco. Madame Russia, jearned months, and in have 'sur Hing actress, 50, $2. ant Comedy, mol Rohert was born in English in six 0%e of any Sue. Toc £1, 81 OW « we THURSDAY MAY 28th. HENRY and the Monse RALPH STUART Manager "Lion sents' B, HARRIS. Co," ew Sensation fur the Palate of Amusement. Svekers, * STRONGHEART" Pinnacle of Pifforis, Prepms of sat College Play. A all Previous the Wildest on. Prices, ane THE Change (new 5c. be. ston, A Animals. JACKIE CAPT by Ulare Will Sing Mrs. Leslie' Hughes "Only Two Places To Go Wonderland i TO-NIGHT, "A GURATE'S DOUBLE" and "THAT QUARTER" of Programme To-Morrow. Hlustrated Song ) by HARRY BRISTOL. Chas. Harvey "DADDY ." Pianist. CHAS. B. S. HARVEY, Manager. Se. Se. And Home "Hunting Lions' The first of dts kind shows in Hunt for Nature's King- Real Wild "A Tramp's Revenge" A good Comedy. ALL THIS WEEK © MclMONA LD, Champion BUNTING Wooded Shoe Dancer. ATN BABY Smith, sung MAY To The The the political of and Mr ed to Portsmouth are cordially to attend a Public Meeting in the Citv Hall, on Wednesday Ev'g, 27th inst. Commencing at Eight o'clock for purpose 'Ontario. Mass Meeting CITY HALL 97th, 1906. Electors Of Kingston : Electors of Kingston and invited of discussing the affairs of this Province Mr. E. J. B. Pense . William Nickle are invit- attend. Each of these 1 gentlemen will be given one hour, and I ask no longer time myself. Yours Trulv, J. HH. METCALYE. Under °. train, on Tickets Tih. Kingston T. 1 Malloryte Lyn 245, Junction 7.45 am. Lansdowne. Brockvi Ho Oddfellows Excursion L490 -- MONTREAL Auspices of or Wado Lodge. 1LO.OF or GO, FRIDAY, June sth, Train rs a wl TOD SNL 7.50 am. vp: we... Bream. ... 8.20 BA B65. 5 ay on RAO. [Auction Saleof Howse it on JUBSPAY: ath this be a ot Sha 3 ritcem wr gone to have his sem amoutated, and ONCE, FOR Tike "Yard Bay Supiy ont, WO TE NE ATAPPE ARANCE AND good address. to travel with Mur ager in Ontario, Good position and rivpidl promotion for Hustler. Call on EF. Juoes, Randolph Hotel WANTED--FEMALE., BRICK Seeley 's Apply to the and Uonst, AT "Brick and Seeley 's , Beeley's Bay, G oon PLAIN COOK. evening to Miss Hora, ONOE AN EXPERIENCED housemaid, weages $14. Apply at this Office. APPLY IN THE 43 King St. AT KINGSTON LAUN and Sydenham AT Cor THE Princess GIRLS dry, street ONCE, AN EXPERIENCED SKIRT maker. Apply Johsston & Co. 107 Princess st AT WOMAN, and Box 7 TO AS- care of sg, € A MIDPL FE- AGED) sigt with housework child References, Whig office. A DEAN FOR WOMAN 5 RESINENG E in connection with Queen's Univer sity, Kingston Apply belore 1th stating expurivnce and salary required, giving references to The Secretary Woman's Residence, 18¢ Johnten street. SITUATION WANTED. FIRST CLASS €O0K, housekeeper, in private ply 124 Stuart street TO-LEZ. FURNISHED DWELLING, storage for furniture, 51 Drock streel, WORKING Ap OR family. Ot ROOMS, McCann COMPOWTABLY FERNISHED, Apply at seven-room A brick ghouse. street CHED BRICK RESI dence, fine location, modern tonveni ences, gis. Apply #19 Johnson BL 79 ALFRED STREE improvements. Possessi Apply A. DB. Cunningham NOS. 77 and all modern 1st May. FURNISHED ROOMS, usekeeping, with gas I'rincess # near Universit THREW light }¥ to 479 Ave. SUMMER unfurnished, near City. Brock street. FURNISTIED OR Lawrence River, to MeCann, 51 i COTTAGE on St Apply LARGE OFFICE ROOM, IN EX ¢hange Chambers, No, 116 Brock St to Geo. CHA, Real Fstate 95 Clarence street. Apply FURNISHED, NO. 180 JOHNSON S 2 bathrooms, hot afd cold water and gas heating on euch flat. For pars b= ticulars, apply on the premises. WO WELL LOCATED OFFICE x furnished, the other unfurnished, 846 King street. Apply J.P. Forrest Génts' Furnisher, 348 King street. FINE DRY STORAGE, ture, goods, ete. Seyiarats Bom ou lock and ki ne A gent. a FOR FURNI- td roomu and G, Frost, Furttans Painter, ROOM! furnished water heating locality Appl Whig office FRONT well » TOM flat, het contral w LAR #0 large «i bath room gas Hghting by letter Box MARRIAGE LICENSES. KIRKP ATRICK, ISSpln OF 8 Licenses , 43 Clarence St. Marriage F. A. KILPATRICK Granite and Marble Works PY New shop, new stock, newest de- best material. Reasonable Sarco og signs, prices. 149 SYDENHAM ST. Near Princess St. Notes From Philipsville. Philipsvilie, May 26.--1he rain Friday put a stgp to seeding for few days. Pastures and meadows are getting a great growth. Some the farmers have finished seeding, and are fitting up their planting ground. Mrs B. C. Phelps, Watertown, N.Y., spent a few days with B. UC. Parcants, Miss L. M. Blackburn, nurse, was the guest of her aunt, Mrs. W. B, Phelps, for a few days. She hgd a call to, Frank- ville, Tuesday, to take charee of an operation. B. Bs Ostrom, teller in the Farmers' Bank, is spending the holi- day at his home in Frankford. The Philipsville cheese factory opened its doors for the reception of milk on the 19h. When the factory finished it will be one of the best factories in Ontario. The factory is built in ao grove of maples. The building is thirty by eighty-two and one-half feet, built of brick, plastered on the mside and ceiled with threesinch lumber, It! comprises un hofler room, manufactur ang room, cold storage, and an ice house, ull under one rool. The pro prietors are putting down cement Roars throughout the whole building. The Baptists have the foundation joompletid, ready for the brick werk for the extension of their éhurch build. ing. Young people from heve held a picnic on Vitoria day at Jones Falls. They left Delta in "put-puts." EA. Whitshore attended his aunt's funeral at Lyn on Friday. Decessed died at Picton. Mise Edith Davidson, Brookville, spent the holiday with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. B Phelpe. Mr. Montgomery, of the Farmers' Bask, paid Blgis a short visit on Sunday. Camphell Bros'. For advan styles in straw hats, on a of 18 ---------------- Word bas been yocebnt in Conteoon of the death of C Rn. « proprie- tor of the Globe hotel} To a aS iuivare hossital in Chicago, Nr Dade had after the ovevption complivations sel in, ewasing his denth. ion Massey, beta has |THE PARAGRAPH PULPIT LAIN SOME mon PROPERTY { | HAIR { vou would have HOUSE FUR for gesilowan Box 110 RENT, nished and w le. SEWING DONE, Call or write tv > Arimstroug's, SMALL or unfurnished, Address ¥. O. 10 Kind 834 Bimg street, over THE OPPORTUNITY TO FURNISH 'estimates on electric work. All Kinde] of work prompiiy dose. ¥F. J. Birch Electrician, 206 Wellington street, TO If you have any, give us details. will turn dt inte eash. J. KR, Dobhs, 109 Brock sipeet. SNELL Ve U ouUT OF A JOB CLEANING ASHES Laggare yards or cellars, or other carted. Prices right. Apply . Lytle, General Carter. 35 Main Si to FINISH OR RE. rate. (Geod work Whittingham, Cor Bipatrick's FURNITURE TO finish Prices mode rusranteed. W. Ih fagot 'and Queen Sts, Old Stand, GENTLEMEN TO GET their Spring Suits made at Gallo way's. Style, price and finish guar anteed to please. 131 Brock St next to Bibby's Idvery. NEWMAN & SPRIGGS ELECTRIC CO are moking a study of lighting homes and public tuildings both with Gas and Ejeotricity, they invite you to comsult them. All advice cheerful. ly wiven free of charge. Nickel and Silver P lating. Newman & Sp RES, Wiectrie Co., 79 Princess St, "Fhohe 441, . SITUATIONS VACANT. MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN BAR- ber trade. Uradudtes earn twelve to eighteen dollars weekly. Help seouse positions. Will equip shops. Con stant practice, Careful instructions Few weeks complete course. Cata- logy free. Write Moller Barber Coudgs, Toronto. MONEY AND BUSINESS. -- QUR POLICIES COVE NpRE OF building and contents than "any other company offers Examine them at Codwin's Insurance Bwporium, Mark. ot Square. sh. LOST. ® wing AND TAN wr iH Aout Howard § rel Hrock St GOLD BELT B - HAIRED in Bowen - CCKLE, WITH Win ofive reward, LADIES imitiais i whet Field, or reward for its ney A GOI WATUH x tv urn to Whig OOH CONVEN on 'r Wedlimgt or King Sts... on 1 Hy retary PIN, EMERALD RB tional design Clare I Reward for shoot, exday 10 167) Prinoskg By EN Tohiason PH BROOCH, SUNDAY ing, on Barrie, #'rincess, or Sts., Svdenhum 3t Uhureh, Mag donald Park, or 10 Nurkes Hews, Reward fur return to Whig office nage GLARSES on Arch, Tames' Church) Finder piled vos ang regetve PAIR COLD RIMMED EYE Sunday ening, near St or in Court vard turn to 4 Arch St. ward, fon St FOUND. A ROW BOA ON MAY er can huge samo by & P. Round House pensys OWN. at h ex Dh inquiring and payiag SKIFE i" this Office ¥ FINELY i. fectiy new, FINISHED Apply at A 00 and aa A. B, Cuns TWO GOOD HOUSES NOS Wellington street, Apply ningham. THOUSAND price right Tamworth, 138 UNIVERSITY AVE, DOUBLE solid brick house, hot Water Wate ing, opeu plumbing Apply W. Sullivan, Clarence sircel RUBBER TIRED RY NA DOU 1, Stanhope's 1 Waggons, NOVA Ape Ont. THREE HUNDRED Brick, best quality | ply to James Saul, NO. bog TOR Business James crony Available | LONDON AND ire Insurance Company, assets $61,187.215 In addition t which the policyholders have for | security the unlimited lability of all the stockholders, Farm and city pro perty insured at lowest possible | rates, Before renewing old or giving | new busifess get rates from Strange | & Strange, Auenie Shane, 568 FOR SALE OR TO LET. FILST-CLA CLASS BL AC CREM Tr H we RO erty, in village of Sydenham. For urther particulars, apply to Calvin W. Lake, Sydenham, Ont. AT BASTVIEW PARK from Kingston one beautiful spots on the or a sevensroom cetisge Also sale, and Pasture for horses to Rev 1. Boyd, 108 Pine LIVERPOOL, ¥ ve MILES the most Law pene ota for Apply St 7 PERSONAL. ao WOULD GIVE FRENCH exchange for music lessons a" Whig * office, RECE] Dn py Ae Professional Tianist. Fin antell for dancing classes etc. Apply by letter | Whig office. tt FRENCHMAN lessons in Write . "J. PUPILS Fearne, gageineuts w private parties to "A. R. F, R. | Laturney, Kingston, Carriagemaker. PRESERVE na eyndition, or Imunches and skills Huy one for sour boy, 20¢, each. Folger's Ticket Agency, Fool of Brock stroot LIFE IN rinsT class g---------- SAILING FLERTWING equipped wit gine, Barker " ndit i SLOOP t hie foland south Apply to J. McMaster LAWRIE A favor) American ape, fv Satisfactory wo bb, J, Kingston, sven NO, win urine tisha VILLA~ON-THE-S Wolfe Island, Ont mer resort, for House is in first d opening clbing. Apply Princess St, class sh Dawson, 217 ARCHITECTS, LIS, ARCHITECT, OF. Queen and Bagot streets. ARTHUR ¥I fe pe, Cor BR P, SWITH, ARCHITECOY Ho te. Anchor r Buiting. Madket Sqenrps Br hone, 343 ------ ons ARCHITECTS, MER Building, corner Rrock streets. 'Phone, 213 | POWYS R'R & SONS chant's Dank and Wellinglon BIRTHMARKS, perme maently, | yours exper ri | Eye, Blemish MOLES ete, removed sear. warts, without ence. Dr. Elmer J Nose, Throat and Skin Specialist, '258 Bagot street. Unitarian. REV, C. W. CASSON, Getting Ready For Heakben Heave boss than a condi It will be heaven only to thom who get rea No ohe gan sing mn 'the learned heaven's of can enjoy nos a place tion jy for 3 her RY voir choir who bas pot varth., No heaven enjoy ments here are not heavenly, To the Impure, sensuoue it could not be hdnven. Get ready for heaven pow Learn its love-songs. Eater into its enjoyments. Live now you expect : paradise music on whose base, as to live in Drop now what you know that you wold have the gate bo not depend on heaven, for heaven de on you! ---------- to drop at pends Address, Rev. C. W. Casson, at 2 Beacon street, Boston, Mass, for the literature. FALSE raEoRtEd Lead to Worthless Remedies. \ Stimulating the scalp may allay the itching of the dandrad), but that dos uot the wllp. The disense won't yield to quinine or wr fleghol, because or Harmful cure capsicum it ix onumed by » germ or parasite. To dandrall the germ pvust be despoved. Until re cently there was no-hair jeepmration, or dandruff cure, or hair pestorcs the 'market that would kill that digus gurm that dries up the scalp io {hte scales called dandrnfl, apd rorbes the vitality of the hair, causing falling hair, and finally baldvess. New bro's. Herpieile the only really scientific preparation to vure dandraf, prevent falling hair apd baldness Sold by leading deuggints. Send le in stamps for sample to The Nerpioide Co., Detroit. Mich. Two 5c. and $1. G. W. Mahood, spednl agent. cure on El ak mw Bien, ENGINFERS. eon A A. | ERNST NR BECKWITH, A. M. CAN Soc. UO, Fl, M. Ontario Amsociation Architects, Consulting Fai and Architect, 18 Market St., Kingston. WOOD! ' "SUMMER FUEL" HARD WOOD. " BO¥T WOOD SLAB WOOD, MILL WOOL, CEDAR BLOCKS All dry new wood eut split to order James Swift & Co 374 Princess Street. and a t) The Kingston Artificial Stone and Construc- tion Co. Manulacturers of i kinds of Stone, including talding Bloc different designs and colors Mills, Stew, Colomns, He VASES, Uarden Fdging, Houses Erected At the actual Cost price Pius 8 contage NO CHARGE FOIL PLA Free plang Lo anyone buying bloc any building. Artificial Stone Walks Constructed under expert wypervis Artificial *w of Lintels, LAWN unlors, ete, free ST Fuller particulars and can be oblgined at our Offer, 18 Market St., Kingston. JAS. MULLEN, Granite and Marble Works First-Class Work Guaranteed Satisfaction Assured. Lettering Lost in Cemeteries Neatly and Prompt ly Eawcuted. 372Pringess St Opposite ¥. M. C. A. "Deseronto Asparagus JUST ARRIVED. Potatoes THE FINEST YRT ually" J Ww