Fi A DURABLE FLOOR VARNISH Made by The Shorwin- Williams Co. 1s tough and elastic, Doesn't scratch or mar readily under foot wear. - Can walked on next day after application. ' Has a lasting lustre, Easy to apply, We sell it. Tins, Half Pints, Pints, 't Quarts, cte. CORBETT'S HARDWARE BUT THERE IS ONLY ONE MAGIC BAKING POWDER PR EW.GILLETT 22 mite TORONTO,ONZ. Make an early start and get your wheel in- tocommission. Bring it out with the buds. If you want new tires ask for the new Dunlop kind ~made by the Doughty Patent Process. All dealers have them. LOOK FOR THE NAME EMBOSSED ON THE SLIPLESS TREAD. THE WHIG, 75th YEAR DAILY BRITISH Whi published at 308. - Kingston tario, at $6 per itions 2.90 sn 4 o'clock p.m. WEEKLY Buirish Whic, 18 pages, pub- an Thursday morn. Fo lies Staten, charge made 60c. for Daly; s eekly. Attached is ome of the best Jeb Printing Offices in Canada: rap, anid. Stylah, ang ebeap work; nine improved The British Whig ¢ Publishing Co, La . B. EERSE, aging Director Daily big. OUTLOOK MOST PROMISING, It is admitted that the Whitney government made some mistakes--it is even that the events of "that last awful week" ard worthy of condemnation--but it is mot conceded that the people have wholly lost con- fidence in the administration. Well, there is no doubt that the prestige of the party has suffered ex- tremely. . There is po question that the feeling is running as keenly against the gdlernment to-day as against the confessed late government three years ago, and of thirty-three years. therefore, no telling what The fear of the party shown by the plea that after a reign There ix, may happen. in power is "it should have another chance." Fhe liberal candidate in this city has certainly bad the advantage of tome remarkable change of public sen- timent., The administration is either not as popular as it was, or its can. didate in this election has failed to secure the confidence of the people as be was expected to do. In any case the liberal candidate is the gainer. In no election which he has participated has the feeling of the been more cordial and sincere, his sue- in electors and the outlook for cess WAS never more promising. JHonoVan, of Brockville. asked to hingston anti-bribery agree Mr. accept the ment in the coming election, says he has learned that the agreement did not work out satisfactorily. No! Well proposal of W, F. Nickle and D. M. Mcintyre and the only. dis- satisfaction we hear of it is that the bye-election did not give the seat to it was the the tory candidate. "The agreement in that respect proved a boomerang. HON. DR. PYNE'S PROFANITY. TIMBER supply of § | logs in our Pond, from which we can supply various sizes We bave a good of round or square Wharf Timber, on short notice. 8. ANGLIN & 0. Poot of Wellington St. BEST'S SHORT STOP WITT (RE aad' 3D INR NE AND COSTS BUY 'Town Over-- You can tramp' from end 4 of ik fof AS from + 10 end | Only one paper--and that, singular- the its devotion to the higher principles to the exhibition genuine indepen- undertaken to justify the of Hon. Dr. The Whig has repeatedly pointed out that this man is entirely unfitted for the office which he occupies: He has not the virtues which one would expect to find in the minister of educatiofl, not the graces of a man of refinement, speech of who is intel attainments. ~ He simply a ward heel- the talk of a party hoasting that he will see ly enough, one which announced and necessary of of journalism, when dencer-has profanity Pyne. nor the one lectual in his has been, and is still, er, glorying in and that not the smell of local patronage grits) "and if "they do not they can go to the devil" boss, goes to the ike his style, The tario in the ministers of education in On- past have beey richly en- dowed, mentally, and they have not been able, like Dr. Pyne, to refer to his satanic majosty. with the taction from long acquaintance Truth to tell no one who val- that comes ship ues refimement will find excuse for the to which Hon. Dr: Pyne has lent himsell. Mr. Whitney is somes brusque and forceful in speech, but he is not standing out as .an ex- and not desiring his 'thoughts the indignities times ampler, to be of the day, The minister ought to be, a pattern unto ses why \he should, embodied in school books of education i#, or others, and one fails to become involved in and on any account, license and patronage scandals, language at onde course His office demands the de- and bearing which descend © to and vulgar. portment, dignity, he unfortunately does not possess NOTES. party in Toronto The Gamey EDITORIAL The conservative is in a state of eruption. scandal is breaking out again in West Faronto. -- Conservative cabals and conspiracies are becoming common at Ottawa and Toronto. What is the matter with the party anyway ? ---- The dictator in the council and its finance cooimittee is hearing about things that do not look so well when submitted to a public examination. It looks as il the federal conserva- tives are doing theif best to drive Col. Sam Hughes out of the party. He is not a machine politician, and for no others is there apy room in the party fold. 3 Fancy Col. Hughes' bribed with the office of president of the hon Rifle Association, ag Sir Frederick | Borden's nominee. Only a conserva: tive member of parliament, My. Fow- { ler, can see the infamy of it: Another, attempt is being made, by' erm ecpriboll uag oon i om" of sigurettiu ay the Suialt and girle. The law. applies to "Doth antes, so that it is assusied | government. has kept ita pledges has {Club will hold matinees on July Ist THE DAILY BR \ ITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, and works will be pretty accurately appraised. A Methodist district meeting in St. Catharines has declared that "license inspectors of Ontario are not any bet- ter than wooden Indians." The point of the comparison is not very appar- | ent. i a-- Mr. Borden's 'speech the Ross rifla was very brief and very mild. He was one of the eighteen who voted for | the resolution of censure, an evidence | in itself that the party is pretty well | 1 ashamed of the alleged scandal. § on It may be jest as well not to" say anything more about the hole in the county case until after the tion day. Dr. Spankie much, but he has a case tint stand examination. -- The idea that no one but the editor can ask a question, or point a query, in the newspaper is a very ancient one. Some of the brightest and most original things the metropolitan press appear in nomina- | is not saying | will | in the news and local columns, -- Campbell, the poet, is not appar- ently a practical politician. And yet, as a departmental clerk, he must see and hear a great deal that are educa- their effects. He has been criticized for his speech in Kingston, but he will survive it. Poets must be forgiven for saying uncommon things. ---- The Whig has been accused of doing Hon. Mr. Hendrie, of Hamilton, a wrong in crediting to him the senti- ment that if the Ambitious City wants favours from Mr. Whitney it support his nominees. The words seem to have been used by another, but the Times says Mr. was The tional in should Hendrie present and offered no objection; Whig gladly makes the correction. SPIRIT OF THE PRESS The Main Issue. Toronto World. In this provincial election the para-| mount issue is the Whitney-Beck pow- | er policy. Must Simply Kick, Toronto Globe. The-miners of New Ontario nust not lie down to the Lennox hold-up nor the Cochrane claim: m- jumping. A Haunting Fear. Belleville Intelligencer. A little more of this kind of weath' er, and the iceman will begin to wear the broad bland smile which refuses to be obliterated. A Defect Sure. Kincardine Reporter. Any man who says that the present either a short memory or a careless re- gard for the facts, --- ' Just Resting. Toronto Star, Premier Whitney will not speak any more this week. It is understood that he is waiting for the dictionary to catch up with him in the matter of hard words, \ -- Open To Reserve. Hamilton Herald. Praspier Asquith is willing to be convinesd that women ought to have the right to vote. Being a proetical politician he may be induced to cede the right even without being vinced, econ con Imperial Loyalty. Montreal Gazette. The British House oi Commons clined to permit the introduction of a bill to provide for flag-flying on Fm pire day. In" England they think most of the loyalty that grows with- out law-book help. ' de FIREWORKS IN CHURCH. The People in St. Mary's Scared on Sunday Evening. As vespers in St, Mary's cathedral were completed on Suiday evening, and as the congregation was prepar- iag to leave, some one threw some ground fireworks on the floor of the choir gallery. 'The fireworks exploded and caused a terrific noise in the ca thedral. The people, especially wo men anid children, were badly frighten ed, and Rev. Father Hanley had to come down from the altar to restore confidence, ine perpetrator of the sacrilegious act is unknown, nor can anyone say just where the fireworks came from. «wey may have been left on the floor for people to walk over. Honor To A Kingstonian. The executive of the Grand En- campment of Ontario, LO.OF., met in Torgnto on Friday, May 2nd. Among other duties performed was the filling of the vacancy oceasioned by the death of W. Dushel, of Windsor, the late seniop warden. The junior warden, Bro. Morey, of Ingersoll, was advanced to the office of senior warden, having resigned that to which he was elected at the last meeting of the Grand Encampment, and to the office of junior warden, R. Meek, Kingston, was called unani- maopsly. The honor coming wisotht by Kingston's representative ig the more appreciated. It will lead eventually to higher honors and a seat in the sovereign grand lodge. ' To Hold Matinees. The Kingston Gentlemen's Driving and August Ist. The club conducted a fine racing programme yesterday and Boni Jott oct and Charles Melay is séoretary. | dish falling on it. The teath oceuteed of Mrs. Susann fi Hon: Sydney our ei oe wes TOWN OF GANANOQUE C. W. MARTIN FELL AND BROKE HIS LEG. Timberlake Had His Thumb Nearly Severed--W. J. Wilson, Liberal Candidate, is Con- fidept of Winning. Gananoque, May 26.--C. W. Martin, South street, met with a severe aca ident, the latter part of the week. While going over a ledge of rocks down to his boathouse, just east the town, he fell and broke his leg. B, Timberlake, son of Rev. Mr, and Mrs. William Timberlake, had his hand badly = gashed by a large glass The thumb was al- most severed, No serious results are anticipated, Contractor Wilson bas his forces at work on Brock street and is pushing the water works extensions along. Work on the granolithic walks will be started shortly. The coal schooner Jessie arrived on Saturday morning with a cargo for Taylor & Green, and cleared for Os: wego, Monday eveming. The Gananogue High School base ball team went over to Clayton on Saturday afternoon to try conclusions with the team representing that vil- lege. In a good game the Ganano- ques trimmed their opponents eighteen to two. The West Ward team, of Ganasoque, from the St. Lawrence League, trimmed the Clayton team nine to five. At end of eighth, Clay- ton refused tog finish the game. A. A Welsh, proprietor and owner of the Gananoque Ion, accompanied by R. Rough, have arrived from Mon- treal and settled down to work mak- ing ready for the opening of the Inn at an early date. W. J. Wilson, the liberal candidate for South Leeds in the local legisla- ture, returned . on Saturday from a trip through the rear of the riding, and is quite enthusiastic over the prospects in the rear. Organization work is rapidly developing ip the rural sections and he feels confident that the liberals have the opportunity of their lives to send a man to Toronto as representative. He has appointed Dr. Fergus J. O'Connor as his finan cial agent for the campaign. The local liberals have rallied to the work and secured the rooms over Sine's drug store, for use by their committees, and have settled down to earnest, hard work, and if vietdry does not rest on the banners of the good old liberal party, it |will not be on ac count of lack of energy and downright hard work. Miss Anderson, of Toronto, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert J. Reid, King street, during the past week. Jabez Coombs, First street, spent a short time during the past few days in Kingston. Miss Janet Crouch, teacher of the Ivy Lea public school, is spending the holiday here with her mother, Mrs. William. Crouch, Princess street. Karl Green, who has spent several months in Toronto in attendance at business college, is holidaying here with his parents, Mr and Mrs. J.T. Green, Stone street. Mes: BO. Britton, King street, who has heen spending the past two weeks with relatives in Toronto, has return- ed home. Miss Annie Shaneman, Tanner street, who has been spending the past few months at Russell, Man., the guest of her brother, Russell Shaneman, man ager of the Merchants Bank there, hag returned to town. William S. Yule, for a number of years a prominent business man of this town and for the past few vears located at Owen Sound, is spending a short time in town tho guest of his parents, Mr, and Mrs. J, J. Yule, King street. The Misses Kenney, of Jones' Falls, spent the past week in town, the guests of their grandparents, Me. and Mrs. John Me- Ardle, First street. B. of City League Games. Two city league games were pulled off in the cricket field on Saturday ai- ternoon, one junior and one game. In the senior series the Irish- men defeated the R.C.H.A, thirteen runs to seven. This Irish- men two wins this season. The game was a good exhibition and was wit- nessed by a large crowd of specta tors. In the jmior series, the Vie torias II defeated the Crescents, thir ty-two to two. This game was quite one-sided, the Vies, having things their own way. Duffy pitched n strong game for the Victorias, lowing only three hits during game, senior gives the al the A Fire Horse Dead. Last evening the fire horse at No. 2 station, which was ill for the past fortnight, was shot, av it was bevond recovery. fhe apimal was a good one and worth ¥20. Today Mavor Ross, aul, Robertsan and Veterinary Nicholls met to make a report pom the case for the city council, in view of certain statements that havg been made. pA ---- "Bunions No Joke. Not to the man who has to about, but a slight application "Putnam's"' softens the thickest sue. and cures the bunion quickly. Just as geod for warts, limps and eal louses is Putnam's Painless Corn Ex- tractor, Use no ather. move of tise Will Kill Germans. Paris, May u6.--Mulai Hafid, the usurping sultan of Morocco, is quoted, by the corsespondent of the Matin, as saying that he would, if necessary, order to. secure . the intervention of France's rival in Morocco. The Lakewood, N.J. Citizen says: "It is 'with more than passing plea. sure that we aniounce to his many friends in this and and adiolaing counties that Howard © Vah' Sant, American consul * to Kingston, / in promoted and with it goes in onary has steted Dat have severyl Gorman subjects killed in 8 MAY 26, power of SCOTT'S as a flesh-pro- ducer proves that much of the activity of the cod's liver is contained in every spoonful. All Druggists ; 80¢. and $1.00. NEWS OF DISTRICT. The Tidings From Various Points in Eastern Ontario. Rev. J. P.' Wilson, Belleville, has been invited to the pastorate of the Lindsay Methodist church Norris Westlake, Brockville. ha posed of his farm at Glen Buell Joel Moore, of that place, Rev. W. H. Emsley, Napanee, is the "district representative on the station ing committee of the of Quinte Methodist conference Rev. Peter Nichol, Presbyterian min ister of Tottenham, Ont., has accept el a call, unanimously tendered to him, by the congregations of Delorest ville and Crofton Rural Dean Beamish, Belleville given $45 by St. Thomas tion, to assist penses at the tion in London, Mr. Beamish will sail on 20th inst, Lorne C. Mallory, son of G. W, Ma) lory, Mallorytown, has successiully compléted his senior year at the Phil adelphia Dental College, Philadelphia, Pa. He entitled to all the privileges of the de of D.D.S. News Budget From Klynesbhoro. May 23. Although seed this cinity, prospect good." Meadows: never Gordon Maxwell, teach , made & decided dis tg lay was congrega in defraying h Pan-Anglican convés which place ex Eng., for is now ree Kiyneshoro, ing 8 of crops look looked better. er of Mahon's improvement in the school grounds on Arbor day, by setting out a hali dozen voung maples, and making a neat flower bed. Robert Walker, lost a span of valuable farm horses by lightning, ago, purchased a téam to replace them in Perth the other day, for 3350. Mrs, "Archie" Rielly, who has been on the sick list, has quite recovered. Mer Master Willie, is quite ill at present. Miss M J. Healy, Lane, paid a flying visit to her cousin, Mrs. E. T. Helier nan, last week. Robert Ray, of Michigan, with his wile and child, have come to settle on the old Ray homestead in Beaverton They have rented the house lately cupied by Thomas Muloney. They will live in it until such time as the con tractor will have their new house erected . on the Ray farm. The old place has not been inhahited hy any of the family for the voung people will be guite an acquigition to the neighborhood. There has magnificent bald-beladed eagle several times in this lo ality since last January. He has seo within the last week, along the of a brook flowing through the of Mark McNamee, Patric Maloney, Beaverton, hi gone to live in the House of Providence, Kingston slow in school who some weeks sn, Gates' ot years been a seen been twice bank farm Beaverton Must Wear Duck Overalls. New York, Mav 26.-A Middletown to the Sun says: The orders issued by the board of health of New York Cit that all persons who milk cows must white duck reket the Howed New of pecial from requinn wear overal anc otherwise to enter milk will not ix York, have placed the majority the milk producers in predicament. Much of the milki ha heretofore bepn done the daughters of farmers now declare that they one: overalls The farmers think ford to dispense help, and they what to do by wives and all of whom will never dor the with their at a Jo fannot al female are to know More Than Half a Million Women are wearing GC.M.C. Hose Supporters Reasok: Nopiasto dundand scratch, beits or pads or back strain, CA a 4 ur Clothing. Our Clothing is always fairly priced.-- looks well and lasts long; and if you'll take note of the fact, you will see that our customers are better dressed and get a little better value than the other fellows. SUIT TIME 'NOW. SEE OUR HANDSOME $15.00 MEN'S SUITS. New Patterns, New Materials, New Cut. WAAAY WARN VAAN PY Try Our Special $2.00 Hats and Our Special $1.00 Shirts. THE H. D. BIBBY CO. Kingston's One Price Clothing House, Vy F. G. JIOCKETT, Kingston, Ont Fab ONEEICAREOENIGOBGE SOLEMN LE AALEG MAE: Toilet Paper! EDDY'S Latest Toilet "PHE COTTAGE." of the value Have you scen Paper ? It is called 3,000. sheets finest, strongest, Paper whereof we speak: Order a Sample Roll. { MoKELVEY & BIRGH, 69-71 Brock St Bissssssressssrsesresissesssssioisesine ; SALE rdf renee BABY CARRIAGES. Must be cleared out in 10 days. Big reductions at R 55 Nivaiene S, FPF 464404442 lightest, and. Toilet to-day, and we know While you think of it, ina roll; best in thé land PEEP L4 0204000048000 0 044400044 SENSI 1 et bathe * +