Daily British Whig (1850), 26 May 1908, p. 6

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7s i somo = THE DAILY ulate Business " . Nothing puts backbone into trade like pointed, personal, orders through the mails. M Typewritten Lefters. Use a Go after arch Visible TYPEWRITER. The Writing Machine that 'out-does and out-lasts its fellows. 'In case your need is temporary, we will rent you a MONARCH V en. Typewriter at these rates: One Month - Renewals - Six Months - $ 4.00 3.00 15.00 In the event of purchase, part of the sental- allowed on purchase price. THE. MONARCH TYPEWRITER COMPANY LITED Eastern Ontario Branch--254 Bagot, St., Kingston. 'CAMPBELL, Manager. --g dirty, heart-breaking job, Ss oll a clean, tecord-breaking job. . SA EAR dS] yaa THE FLUE DOORS ted "singly " over feed door --on some furnaces. "doubly," same distance from each other, same distance from feed , ado on' 'Sunshine " Furnace. UNSHINE " ADVANTAGE . : ator can easily it of soot out of ra in THE OPERATION put out, smoke-pipe pulled down--on some furnaces. stays in. smoke-pipe stays up ~ "Sunshine * Furnace. INSHINE"" ADVANTAGE : Furnace can gust out any ume in season without trouble din, or * fear of chilling the house." : = MeClarys - Bor A Tan. aT Va nee LEMMON &.SONS. Shier the buithp 1 sew: on, ne ends of he ard deb Ce toh "thachinery, this sewing is sewn by hand, sT. Mr HAWRY CALGARY THEIR DUTY T TO SOCIETY AND STATE OUTLINED. Rev. W. H. Sparling Speaks + Bubject at Queen Street Metho- | dist Church Syndav Night. "The Christian Voter's Duty in the Coming Election" was the subject | {taken by Rev. W, H. Sparling in sermon at Queen street church, Sunday night. en was latter part of verse 31, 1 Cor inthians, [104k chapter © Wha tsoever ye do, do all 10 the glory of God." In his opening remarks he said that every part of a Christian life was sacred. it had been well and truly said that "i the Aeligion of Jesus Christ is any- thing, it is everything." Religion was introduced to cover the whole of one's life. "The speaker wished to refer par- ticularly to the duty of the Christian to society and state. Had the Chris- tian any duty to society and the na- tion? Was he under any obligation to take part in civic, provindial or national affairs ? "his was a serious question. Pid not "the kingdom of God stand for something, and was npt religion something more that a pri- vate matter between God and the solil 7 The starting point was the indi- vidual, but the goal was the kingdom. It was mot enough that one should oly strive fo save his own soul; there was np far 'wider field than this in social service. There was a field all too little culivated hy Christian enterprise, Theré was just as much need for the missionary and his in- fluence in this sphere, as in the dark regions. Rev. Mr. Sparfing went on to say that to read the criticisms of the party papers one would be led to be- lieve that there were wrongs on both sides in the administration. While there was so much smoke there must be fire enough to imperil the welfare of the country. Popular government was on Ms trial, and there was dan- ger of falling into the same trouble as our neighbors to the south of us. In order to overcome this every Chris tinn should discharge his duty faith fully. gréat many Christian men had the idea that politics were too dirty gnd evil to have anything to do with, and so steod aside. It was true that when sothe moral issue came ap there were enough Christian votes unpolled which would have heen suffi- cient to turn the issue on the right side. It was necessary that Christian men, discharge their duty. WM there must be a political battle it should be conducted. as 'honorable men should conduet it: Honorable weapons should be used is party rwarfare. Christian wien should be selected to serve the people. "The Lord desired Christian people to do something, and they whould rise and respond to this call and so place the foumdation of this great dominion broad and deep for God, There should be no fear of evil men. We should be worthy of the land we live in, aud of those whe had gone before us. ' The Yacht Races. The yacht race, under the anspices of the Kingston Yacht Club, was started at 2.30 pan., Monday, and the sight just after the start was a vory pretty one, and was witnessed by a large crowd in Macdonald Park. A handicap was arranged at the start and thé boats were started in the fol lowing order : Baby Grand and Hér- mony, 2.30; Teepi, 2.33.30; Chiriva, Thistle and Kathleen, 2.36.30; Teme- rarie, 2.50, The courte was from the vacht dnb to the asvium point, thenve to a buoy below Channel Grave, to home buoy. The breeee was light and the Kath- leen gradually drew ahead, and when she rouwded the asylum huoy was sev- eral minutes ahead of the next boat. On the run to Simcoe Island buoy the wind flattened out. Jeaving the vachts becalmed, and &H but the Kathléen were towed back to their moorings by gasoline boats, The big Temerarie, with a handicap of twenty minutes, was gradually closing in on the other boats when the wind gave out, The hathleen covered the course under her own sail, but as she did not do at within the time limit, the face was fleclared off and will be pesailed, pro- bably on Satardav next, * The sailing vacht Ogeista, with a patty from Deseronto, arrived in' the harbor, Monday morning, and spent the day in the city, returning in the evening. A -- A ---- "Three Swallows." A John Power & Sons, W Swallows" Irish Whiskey, Famous for over a century, w highest standard of purity, Distillers to Hif Majesty the -------- King." Central Russia is just recovering rom the effects of floods quite as serious as any previous inundation of which there is any record." The provinces of Orel and Smolensk have suffered severely, their villages having been submerged, the farms drowned but, their railroads washed away, and their jrdusirial and bwajness activities 18 GALL T0 CHRISTIANS {iy- five years | Me Lean village, on fon {fected with heart trouble, his | whiffletree, Methodist {hie ad Ly the horse, The text cho | widow and a large 1 Fe BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, SE WAS FOUND DEAD. Was Likely Kicked on Head By Horse. Vanvolkenburgh, about six- of age, a resulent of about eight miles west of Parham, Ont., was found dead, the public road, on Momlas imotning by neighbors. Deceased, aly had driven factory with his milk way home it id supposed spell, fell over the was kicked on the Deceased leaves a family of grown He Robert to the {and on' the he took a weak and cheese up children. A Veteran Dead. Morrison, near Tamworth, died on May 2nd, aged ninety-six vears. He was the oldest Orangemen in Addington county, and was prob ably the oldest inthe dominion, hav ing eutered the order seventy live years ago ind Ireland. He was an early pioneer and ghad Hved on the same farm apd in the same log house for the past sisty-five years. He was a member of the Anglican cuwch, raised a large Tamily, conservative in politics and possessed the esteem of the entire community fer noble char acter and 'conduct, His fuperal to Christ church, Tamworth, was largely attended. He was buried wader the Urange order. Samuel Look In Your Mirror. 1i there appears on your face any canker, pimples, boils, blotches or other skih disease you know at once jour blood is impure. Perfectly pure Pood means an absolutely clear com- plexion. You cai have such blood by using Wade's Tron Tonic Pills, (laxa tive.) This remedy ' cleanses and en- riches the blood. They are a great nerve strengtheper Mid blood maker. Tn boxes, 25¢., at Wade's drug store.~ Money back if not satislaétory. Theatre Decorated. George Hammond had the theatre decorated yesterday,, of the heliday. The entrance decked out with flags and bunting, and was so arranged as to present a very pretty appearance, and many favorable comments were made upon it. The theatre was crowded all day, Douglas & Jackson, comedians and sihgers, proving a great drawing card. I'rinces in honor Was No Sunday Ball Games. The police are after boys who play baschall on the Sabbath, It has Leen the custom of a number of lads to en gage in a little game near thy gov expment dry dock every Sunday. Last Sunday's game had to be called on acoount of the gresence of a couple of constables, and' in fature, a dose watch will be kept oh these offenders. Hair Luxury. Hair may he made Msirous and Beautiful and its growth be promoted at the same time by the use of Dr. Dawson's Hair Restorer. It is a poilet luxury and & remedy for all hair and scalp troubles. Restores grey hair to its natusal color. In bottlés, 30c., at Wade's drug store. Did Big Business. All the five-cent theatres did a rushing business on Saturday night. The largest crowd of the son ithronged the streets, until a very late hour. The also did a goed business, and the merchants and the eather man are now on good terms, It was the first Saturday in many weeks that it did not rain. sen stores A Natural Cure, When you apply a soothing, ointment like Dr, Hamilton's, certain cure for piles sure 16 follow. Ewen cases of years standing invariably viekd to Dr. Hamilton's Oumitment:" try Wt yoursell, healing Motor Boats Out. Motor boath were out in full force on Sunday. The weather was fine and warm, in fact it was an ideal day for boating. A large number of sail. boats were also out. | Weak women should read my "Book No. 4 For Women." It was written expressly for wemen who are not well. The Book No. 4 tells ci: Dr. Shoop's "Night Cure' nnd just how these soothing, healing, antiseptic supposi tories can be successiully applied. The book, and strictly confidential medical advice is entirely free. Write Dr, Shoop, Racine, Wis. The Night Cure is sold by all dealers. ~ . « Sixteen persons. . yeve Berkeley, Cal, cipitated them to the ground. Kidney Tr Trouble - 4 BOXES GU pre _ I burst at a height of 300 feet and pre-| Sick all the Time with injured ath when a great airship] i MAY 26, 1908. ~ ne that is as Harmless as Food | If you ate plenty of fruit, coarse food and green vegetables, the bowels world never need help. But when you eat fine food, and rich food, you must supply the laxative | in some other way. Do it in Nature's way. Don't employ salts or pill cathartics, for they violate Natare. Theyirritate | and injure the stomach and bowels. Nearly"all dyspepsia--all constipation is caused by the use of harsh physic. Cascaretd--a vegetable laxative-have | precigely the same effect as a laxative food." You know they don't harm you because they don't gripe. They do for the bowels just what right A -- A Laxative | living would do. 'Ased they do it as geutly and naturally. | You can take them any hour of the day, | And that is the proper method, Carry them with you. Take oue just as soon as you need it. That is the way to keep well at at times, without the iil effects of a physic. Joss £2 rg candy tablets. They are sola x , but never in bulk." Be sure | ad in Paulie wi CC with CC Lon every tablet, The vest-pocket box is 10 cunts. The month-treatment box 50 cents, 12,000,000 boxes sold annually. «us Style and Value Some men put correct style above everything else, when selecting Suits and Overcoats. Others demand wear. _The- Fit-Reform trade mask is in the pocket of Fit- Reform garments to guar- antee that you will get both. This trademark is "the all-important part of a Suit or Overcoat. It's the biggest Fite thing " in Canada, it stands for the best oe is in tailoring, Look for it when you come for your new Suits. | For CRAWFORD & WALSH Bole Agents for Kingston, GASOLINE 20c. PER GALLON Put in your tank at ow Pock, We always have in stock Spark Coils, Spark Pings, Columbia Pry Batter. ies, etc. Repairs promptly attended to. Selby & Youlden, Lid. , Kingston Foundry. or ESTATE Cottages, on Wolfe furnished. Summer Island, Houses and Lots for sale in the City. Fire Insurance to rent, J.R.C.Dobbs & Co 109 Brock St Typewriter Headquarters, COAL! 'The sudden changes in Weather ought to suggest the wisdom of pulting in some god d goal. Wo self good Coal, It's the kind that sends out the t heat, and makes the home comfortable ; it's the Lest money can buy and there is none better mined. We deliver it to you clean and without slate, at the very bottom A -_ PURITY, BRILLIANCY AND UNITORMITY -t \ Pe RN Re AND LAGER 0000000000000 000000000000VVOO0 OOOO Women's House Shoes! Now that the warm weather has set in, yon may have trouble with sore and tender feet. have relief for you in the line of Conifort Shoes for We ' wa, Jarvis, gl 2p prices. Booth & Co. Phone 133 Foot of West St oo CABS! The Old Stand and the Old Number 490 OFFICE NO, 1. All orders promptly attended to, | night or day. -- The undersigned are the drivers using {the above 'phone at the old place; | Re Boyd, J. MeQuald, C. Diamond, P. Lawless, |S: McFadden, Ji: McFadden, id. Coy 5 Win. Boyd, [Ji Bioo®, 3 Nolan, / il. Boyd, vw James, {Wine J James Mitchell, Wm, Melua sh to be successful at- tend The IH you wi ' Kingston Business College Limited, bead of Queen street, CANADA'S HIGHEST GRADE school, Hookkeeping, typosrriting tole business chorthand graphy, subjects the nahly cam pelent experienced Day and night classes, § x any time Rates very moderate, i" hone 440 H. ¥. METCALFE, President CUNNINGHAM, and Secretary ip. Walsh, Coal Dealer | BARRACKSTARE HAVE YOUR ¢ Windows Decorated with GLACIER The only shibstitoie for Stated Clase (Artistic, Durable, Ecomomical, by 'D. J. DAWSON Sucrensor to Dawson sod Staley, 2132 wearing in the house, Prunella : 4s . " Fine Light Kid and |, " {Princess street. High Grade Pianvs at Living Prices. | Victor and Berliner ram: thione Will. lamas' Sewing Machine, Phoenix Firs J | Extingui shor ; and a full log of Musics] {ipatrunmunts, 'Music, ete, - SPECIAL N NOTICE. i the Ladies of Kingston : I have removed to the fermer {Board of Education rooms, Mon- eal street, corner Princess. Re- mber the place. J. ROSEN, LADIES' TAILOR. The Old Cab Stand With a New Namber PHONE 600. ---------------- intecfered with. Provost, Brock street, has a splendid Santen ot Sing. nidhings and ready-ma a iw prices. "| Sei departmend is well assorted with ; w gocds. First class value and fit Nr sales: Listowel, 621 at |; 11 1-l6e. to llie.; Ottawa, 120 at 10Zc.; Winchester, 100 at 11jc.; Perth, 240 at 114c.: Kemptville, 380 at lle; / wille, 1.910 at lle to 11 1-lfc.: don, 112 at n ¢.; Cornwall, 940 ik at le. to, 11 ankleek H Hill; 630 at 11 1-16e; atiriown, NY. fie st 10jc.; Canton, N.¥., 1,700 at At Komsack, Sesk., Forreswr, "the 220 OOOO thinks he should Fore EY veka sie, 16 in Women's Prunella Slippers, 50c¢, 60c¢ to $ Women's Prunella Gaiters, $1.25 and 65c. Women's India Kid Slippers, elastic vamps, 50¢ and 60c. Women's Fine Kid Shppers, with elastic vamps, $1.00 to 1.50. Women's Fine Kid Strap Shoes, 1.25 & 1.50. Women's Fine Kid Laced Oxford Shoes, $1.50, 1.75 to 2.50. Women's Fine Kid Juliets, rubber heels, $2.00. Many other special lines of Solid Comforts, 1.25. ODO OOO QO vith or without DOOOO00I000C0000000CTHOVOOOO0000OOTOCOODI000DOGOIOIOTOOOD

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