Daily British Whig (1850), 26 May 1908, p. 7

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XY THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, MAY 26, 1008. J ~~ PAGE SEVEN, In Connection With Canadian Pacific Railway. VICTORIA DAY "\. SINGLE FARE | Going May 23rd and 25th, returning | : May 26th, 1908, $ HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSION To Manitoba, Saskatchewan and | Alberta. | Good to go May 26th; June Yth and! 23rd, i Full particulars at K, & VP, and 0. P.| R. Ticket Office, Ontario St. Phone,' 50 F, CONWAY, Gen. Pass. Agent, Pe BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY uniom statiom, Ontastd daily (Sunda) xcep ted Sydenham, Napanes, Deser- onto, Basnockiurn asd all points sorsh. | Fo secures quick despateh to Banmoek- | burn, Maynooth, and points on Central} route ur shipments via lay of Quinte Hallwa Yor further partice | arn whly to R. DICKSON, Ageat. | o i VICTORIA DAY, 1908 Return tickets will be sold hetween all] tations in Canada snd from all stations! iu Canada to Port Huron, Mich, Baffalo, Black Roek, Niagara Falls, Suspension | Bridge and Muagsens Springs, N.Y. | Island Pond, and Swanton Vt. at | SINGLE FIRST=CLASS FARE Good going Saturday, Sunday and! Monday, May 28rd, 24th and 25th, | good peturning from destination on or before Tuesday, May 26th. Homessekers Excursions to and the Usnadian Northwest May 26th, June 9th and and 21wt, August 4th and 15th, returning within two months of date. For tion and any to J. P. HANLEY, Agent, Cor. Johnson and Ontario Sts. ---------- i -- FISHING Manitoba and return good goin Tourist car reserva- fuformation, apply Pullman or other sme: JN] seman Quebec and the Maritime Provinces Write for Publications giving full details as to Streams Lakes Guides, ISSUED BY ! Rg IIE] TY 1] RAILWAY Montreal City Office, 141 St. James Street. or General Passenger Department, MONOTON, N.B. Quebsc Steamship Company LIMITED. River & Gulf of St. Lawrence Bummer Qruises in Cool Latitudes 8s eeelre "Canny Twin Screw Jron . bells dnd all with electric lights, wodern comfort HALLS FROM MONTREAL ON NM BAYS. at 4 pan. 1st, 15th and June, Hh and 27th July 10th © am 4th August, Tth and 21st September for Pletow, N.S., calling at Quebeo Gasp, Mal Bay. Perce, CUrand River Sunuverside, PELL, and Charlottetown, EL -- NEW YORK FROM QUEBEC, calling at Charlottetown and Halifax, 8.8, Trintad, 2.600 tons, sails from Quebws Thich, and 20th, July Sth and 29nd, August. x BERMUDA Suinner Exoursions, $40 and upwards, hy the Twin Screw SN. ""Bermadian," 5,500 tons, Sailing fortnightly from Now Nork, from dad June to Sth Oetober. Temperature cooked hy sa breczen seldom rises above BO degrees The finest trips of the season for health and comfort. ARTHUR AHERN, Sceretary, Quebe® For tickets and statervoms apply to J . BANLEY, or ©. MN KIRKPAT- JOM, Picket Agents, Kingston Ont. Montreal to Liverpool an sails, Fri, May 20 3 80 a.m, a ri, J 8 nan. A ov" June 3 am. Victorian sails Fri, June 19, 3.00 a.m. " and full Informe t GTR, Io . Local Agents. 2 r { i i i | dispels all darkness, Pen-Angle trade 1g GEIRT TET $1TS gloom of uncertainty which enshrouds the J (8 {5d | buying wear. Eo RPL al garments fit best, wear i are unskrinkable, and guarante [ore 23rd, July Tth | B NATURE AND AN'S WORK Nature and a woman's work com bined have produced the grandest remedy for woman's ills that the world has ever known. ¢ In the good old-fashioned days of our grandmothers they relied upon the roofs and herbs of the field tc cure disease and witigate suffering The Indians on our Western Plains to-day ean produce roots and herbs for every ailment, and cure diseases that baffle the most skilled physicians Jie have spent years in the study of drugs. From the roots and herbs of the field Lydia E. Pinkham more than thirty years ago gave to the women of the world a remedy for their pe- culiar ills, more potent and effica- cious than any gombination of drugs. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable ( pound is now recognized as the standard remedy for woman's ills. Mrs. J. M. Tweedale, 12 Napanee Street, Toronto, Canada, writes to Mrs, Pinkham: "I was a great sufferer from female troubles, had those dreadful bearing down pains, and during my monthi feriads I suffered so I had to po to bed doctored for a Jong time but the doc tor's tréatment failed to help me. My Husband saw Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound advertised and got ¢ bottle for me. I commenced its use and soon felt better. 1 kept on takiag it until [ was well and an entirely differ ent woman. I also found that i dia E Pinkham's Vegetable Compo made childbirth much easier for me. I would recommend your Vegetable Compound to every woman who is affhi with female troubles." "What Lydia E. Pinkham's Vi . ble Compound did for Mrs Tovecdale, it will do for other suffering women |STANDARD BEARER FOR | COUNTY LIBERALS, ] {Was Selected By Unanimous Vote | { at Convention Held Saturday | Afternoon. | { Howard Ww Reynolds, of Yerona.| { will be the standard-bearer of the lib | | eral party of the county of Fronten fac, at the coming provineial election. | i He wad chosen by & unanimous vate, | | 8t a convention held in the Whig hall, | j on Saturday afternoon, | | The president, R. J. Vair occupied | the chair, and in opening, explained | that the meeting had been called to {see what action should be takers re- | garding the placing of a candidate inf {the field. He then asked for the Zen- eral feeling of the meeting, and the re- ports from the - different delegates showed that it was desired 16 POL up a candidate, and of motion of Messrs. 8. Snook #ne {. Storm, | Mr, Reynolds was selected, amidst {loud applause. r. Reynolds urged the workers to get together and ganization. He couM not win out without the united support of all the members of thé party. The time be- fore the election was now very short, but if evervone put his = shoulder fo the wheel there would be no doubt as to the outcome. He had been asked by a unanimous vote to lead the par-4 ty, and would do so J. McD. Mowat said that in select Mr. Reynolds, the convention had secured the best candidate available, ind he strongly urged the members to rally around the leader, and send him to victory. With proper spport and organization, Mr. Reynolds would be sure to win ont. Mr. Revnolds was L good politician, and when elected would not only do eredit to the coun iy af Frontenae, but to the whole of Intario as well. lr closing, the speak or referred to the brief time between now and election tay, amd his farewell message that the liberals work | hard from now until the end. > President Vair the mesting, also paid tribute to the can lidate, referring to his fine record in have a strong or- my was hefore closing councils, in closed township and county which he The meeting with cheers for the candidate. served, GRAND OPERA HOUSE. "Fast Lynne" Was Produced Victoria Day. The old familiar on emotional drama f "East Lynne" was presented at the rand Opera House, bath Mternoon and evening, before large widiences. The talented voung actress, Avis Paige, as "Lady Isabel" and 'Madame Vine," gave an artistié pro- Iuetion of her double **Arehi- ald Carlyle," the wronged husband, ww William Wagner, was a good piece f acting.» A. A. Sevmour, as "Sir Francis Levison,"" made an accom- dished villian, "Barbara Hare," by 'lorence Barroughs, and "Little Wil tie,"" by Baby Lillian Ross, were weditable portrayals. The company vas a capable one. vosterday, roles Jazimova Coming. in New §ork, Madame After a long season vhere she has remained on the stage f one theatre for more than two vears, Madame Nazimova bas left the netropolis "just as New York had learned how to pronounce her name," w ond critic remarked. Local theatres goers will look forward to her advent here at the Grand on Wednesday, May 27th, presenting "Comtesse Coquette' with more than ordinary interest "Stronghkeart." Ralph Stuart will be seen at the Grand on Thursday, May 25th, under the direction of Henry B. Harris, in his Intest success, "Strongheart." 4 omedy drama by William C. ge Mille, with its scenes laid at Columbia Uni: versity, The author has provided for Mr. Stuart the unconventional rolg of a college-bred Indian and in its por frayal this popular star has added materially to his artistic repute dhs cam-- LAD WAS INJURED. He Struck Dynamite Cap With a Stone. A fourteen-vear-old of Samuel Gordan, contractor at Sharbot Lake, is at the weral hospital, sufiering from injuries received in an accident While celebrating, the lad got hold of 2» dynamite cap, placed it on a rail, and then struck it with a stone Part of the contents struck him in the eve, and that member evely dnjured that it is ot whether or not he ight of 'it, although hopes are wmtertained for the best. The lad also had a couple of his fingers injured The lad was brought to the hospital Monday morning, amd was accom anied by his father. He is doing atoely. gon WHR 50 not known will lose the A Salt Rheum Experience. Most persons who have salt rheum will hear of remedies which are said to have cured others, but on trial they fail. There is one remedy that does not fail. Wade's Ointment cures eczemn (salt theum), cold sores, hw ns, piles; blothes, sore feet, dandeaff, and all scaly or itching eruptions of the skin. In big boxes, 25c., at Wade's drug store. Taken To Lock-Up. A couple of young men, who let off ome big firecrackers on the street, vesterday, were taken to the lock-up, wel detained some time. Ond extry 'arge cracker, which had a report like that of a cavnon, was let off on the Market Square. Horses were badly rijhtened, but rét a serious accident was reported. daring the dav, and Sundrads of firecrackers were let off wn the streets, 4 Boys Will Be Boys. A boy with a pea pistol \can caus 2 good deal of trouble. On Saturday ight, w Prinvess street was crowd HOWARD W. REVNOLIS.." giving way to the gentle aciion mild effects of Carter's Little FINE HOLIDAY WEATHER the Celebration of Viec- toria Day. y The very f[iiest weather favorsd Vie toria day, and everybody was delight The warm spell made excursions to the city by water really enjoyable and hundreds came from bay and riv- er points by boat. There were about three thousand visitors in town 10 celebrate the dav, and the people Kingston turned out en masse in day attire, for Victoria day seer be the herald of summer. tions of t years wi from the greater wd. Were miss Hags flon nme of buildings. It has been pretty con chagively that a military pas ade is the chiei drawing card on a na tional dav There. hasn't been one here for the past two vears on Vie toria day, and only hall the fon wr number, of visitors have come. The military draws the crowds, and it is hoped that next year the military part of the 24th of May programme will be revived under the direction of the commanders of the various eorps here. Fireworks an the streets to a larger extent than when the polive wese vory Monday. the old-time liberties seemed to be enjoved. It was had enough on Princess street, but in Macdonald Park in the evening, during the band econ cert, the actions of bow were viefons They hurled atl kinds of fireworks into the crowds. aml many ladies had holes burned. in their dresses. The po lice were badly mesded at the park to arrest some of the notorious eulprits Kingston's fireworks' hy-law is not enforeed as in largér places Three bands did Service dpring the day. The 14th Regimental and the ROCHA. bands played morning, af ternoon and evening, the Alex Cornet hand in the after two loeal bands: rendered splendid concert music. In the ing, the 11th was at Macdonald Park and the RC. H.A, band on the market scpunre There were four thousand peovde at the park in the evening which was most beautiful. The water was like class, and a large flotilla lay proven were used last year strict. Un and Pav noon, The andria even around the park shores. A Contest Worth Entering. A life annuity of fifty-two dollars is oliered by the Urange Meat people to the one sending in the largest number of booms of Orange Meat packages before May 3lst, 199, Ths that the wmner will receive one dollar every week or fifty-two dollars every year, as lopg as he or she lives, or they may exchange it for a cash prize of seven hundred dollars. Besides the above there is a second cash prize of one Rundred dollars, also other cash prizes, us follows : Ten cash prizes of twenty dollars each; ten cash prizes of ten dollars each; twenty cash prises of five dollars each, and one hundred cash prizes of one dollar each. The only condition attached is that you cut out the bottoms of the Orange Meat packages and send them in to Orange Meat, Kingston. The bottom of a Jumbo package copnts equal to three of the smaller size. be able to win one of the ahove prizes i you start immediately and get your friends to help vou. Send yow name and address to Orvauge Meat, Kingston, to-day, and state that are entering the contest. It is worth trying for. means you surely Return To Ministry. A letter from Rev. George McArthur, a former Preshyterian clergyman of Cardinal, states that he has given up his position as emigrant agent in Seotland, to go back into the minis iry. He has heen oMered two tharges in that country, one of which he ex pects to accept. Mrs. McArthur family, in Kingston, will sail m to join him, and July Tired nerves, with that "no ambi tion" feeling that is commonly felt in spriog or early summer, can bes easily and quickly altered by takine what is known to druggists everywhere as Dr. Shoop's Restorative, will ahso- lutely note a changed feeling within forty-cight hours after beginning to take the Restorative. The bowels get sluggish in the wintertime, the citen lation often glows up, the Kidneys are inactive, and even the Heart in many cases grows decidedly weaker. br Shoop's Restorative is reeognized ev ervwhere as a genuine tonic to these vital organs. It builds up and strengthens the worn-out weakened nerves; it sharpens the failing appe- tite, and universally aids digestion It always quickly brings renewed strength, life, vigor, and ambition. Try it and be convinced. Sold by all dealers, Despatehes received from coast of Africa announce that steamer Ville De Bruges has sunk by a tormado, Rix Europeans and forty-eight blagks were drowned. Misa Gertie and Bertha Obrecht, aged nineteen" aml twenty years re spectively, and Fred, Clars, twenty one, were drowned at Walkerton, their gkifl goiny over the dam. , Harsh® purgative remedies are' fast aml Liver If you try them, they will cer One the west the Pills. tainly please you. Thirteen passengers were birt in a collision of street cars wear (Mtawan. Frank and Charles Byrne, Lrothees, ne in pn eritieal condition. Beef, tron asd Wise, "Our Own" make, pint hotties, 0H0c., at Wade's Trug Store. Frank Carter eeeapcd from jail at Cornwall by hmbing on the kitchen roof and then making his way to the wall. Mrs. John Staphas, Torcmto, t-o% carbolie acid by mistake and died from, the effets. A Keen Appetite and*a healthy stomach indicate an active Liver, which is enjoyed by all who use Beecham's Pills, They insure strong digestion, sweet breath and sound sleep. ESTABLISHED 1873 OF CANADA Head Office =" < « - Toronto JOINT DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS may be made or withdrawn Savings Bank suitable for y or'cost. Write or call for further either of the two members of a household. living in the country, as either member whe in town. In case of death, the money may be withdmwa particulars. interest added four times a year Department in Connection with all Branches. KINGSTON BRANCH J- S$. Turner, Manager COR. PRINCESS AND BAGOT STS. You should | SACRIFICE THURSDAY. 127 New Cloth 148 New Spring SALE Suits Cloth Coats ONE-THIRD OFF We guarantee every one of these Suits and Coats to be this season's latest styles, made in the best man-tailored designs and ee A mms handsomely trimmed. $10.00 Garments 12.00 15.00 17.50 17°50 for $ 6 [11 « " 1 ¢ 1 ££ 1 &ce. é«' 6" &e.,, &c., 6.67 8.00 0.00 1.67 3.34 Alterations Extra | a ----- See Window Display R. Waldron. been i MARK] DIANJBEA CORSETS oe >) By logical, seientific and tion, this Made of good quality materials , by precos grized specialists of the art. -- NT Nova ARE {LEADERSYAT.S 150 A fitting of one of these new hip reducing models, will satisfy you com: pletely of their absolute, excellence. lar priced, aly. shaped corset makes it possible to attain the present Yogue of gender hips, slight bust and flat , without least particle of dis~ On Sale at Your Dealer ; Descriptive circular mailed free'. " 'Wo. 597, coutil, 18 to 30, $150; No, 487. batiste, 18 to 30, 85.50 Quebec, Montreal, Toronto {DOMINION CORSET CO., Mafrs. #4 He | Synopsis of Canadian Northwest ~ Uo HCMESTEAD REGULATIONS { { § NY even-numbered section of inion Lands in Manitoba or Northwest i Frovintes, except and 24, not reserved, may be house isteaded by any person the sole bead of ja family, or male over 18 years of age, to the extent of one-quarter section, of {160 sores, wore or less. Applicaton for {be mate in person by | Dominion Lands Agency or Sub agency. Entry by proxy may, however, be made at an Agency on certain conditions by the father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister of mn intending homesteads. ' | An application for cancellation must he made in person. The applicant must be jeligible for homestead entry. DUTIES --(1) At least six monthsbe | residence upon and cuitivation of 'thik [lund in each yeag during the terme i | three years (2) A homesteader may, if ho so | sires, perforin the required residence dfi- {ties by living on funming land owned {solely by hima, not less than eighty (#0) | acres in extent, in the vicialy : of hia | homestead. Joint ownership in Jand will {mot meet this requirement. {| (3) It the father (or mother, ¥ the {father fs deceased) of a homenteader hag | permanent residemcs on farting land {owned solely by him, not less than eighty { (BO) acres in extent, In the vicisity of the | homestead, or upon a horeestesd putered for by him in the vicinity, such howe | steader may perform his own residence {duties by iving with the father (ur | mother) (4) The term "viclaity'® in the ten preceding paragraphs is defined as mean- {ing not more than nine niles in a direct | line, [SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH. WEST MINING REGULATIONS, | | COAL.~Coal mining rights may be | leased for twenty-one years at an annual {rental of $1.00 sn acrs. Not more than {2,560 acres can be leased to one leant. Royaliy, five cents per tong QUARTZ.--A person eighteen years of age and over having made a discovery may locate a claim 1,500 feet hy 1.500 foot, Feo, $5.00. At Jeast $100.00 must {be expended on the claim each year, or paid to the Mining Hecorder When 1 $500.00 has been expended or pald and {other requiretuents complied with dhe {claim may be purchased at $1.00 an | acre, {| PLACER 100 feet square. DREDGING homestend entry mugt the applicant at's applis MINING CLAIMS generally, Entry fee, $5.00, Two leases of five miles each ofa river may be issued to one aps plicant for a terms of 20 years. Rental, | $10.00 a mile per annum. [per cent after the output excecds $10,000, WwW. W. cony, | Deputy of the Minister of the Interior, | N.H.- Unauthorised publication of this advertisment will not be pa for. Indigo Worsted $19 Trouserings tegular $6 to $8 goods, for $5 auitings Best ship MACKENZIE & SMART Tailors to Men of Fashion 179 Wellington St. I.atest Workman BOYS Just what you want for & (summer; something that {will stand the wear tear. Don't fail to see our! tehildren's before you pur- iehase. $1.50 to $1.75. 'H. JENNINGS, King St. IMPERIAL CROWN BRAND very garment Durabliny comforts Mads only by HOSIERY CO, LTD, KINGSTON Kingston, Why Buy Imported : Mattresses ? When you can get better and ® wp LEAR hn, Sa cy re Royalty, TT 1 | "a i ER 5s and be | Copper, Lead | Tin, Zinc. Send us your Inquiries. 31 WILLIAM ST. The Watson, the negro who killsd sd with people, un youngster zot husy a policeman while at Meridian, Miss. ! andl made it rather wnconsiortable for was shot to death by a sherifl's 0 oy og Wb some passersby. Corstable Mullinger SUE 3 h book Se Jinght Ah 1h *i the uct of loading cheaper goods from your own dealer, made by the ' * Kingston Mattress Co.: 110 Clergy St. = cecharm's PIG METAL : his

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