smoiosimean aay sl TY Tes ~ Ge THE PAY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, MAY 26, 1908. "7 THES BALEDITIONCUT WIFE MD GAL) =.= PERSONAL MENTION GUESTS OF FEE DAY, IN A BRUTAL WAY WITH, he BE army' roll wad prit but- MOVEMENTS OF PEOPLE TO| | Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up dv A RAZOR. | Co Salnton and Ditision. Ste AND FRO. w-- i Reporters On Their Rounds. j{ When you need g Cob 'phos 600. | Richard Marks, of Portsmouth, is| _. For The Firemen. | The Archbishcp Was Ordained in William Swaine, piano tuner. Orders in Jail--His Vietims Are in the Fhe firemen's caps, supplied by | Kingston Diocese--Fred. Suiith | 5 ; \ Ioe'y. * fn ' Aidt : : % | received at Mc Akley s. 'Phore 735. 4 . | George Mills & Co., the hat and cap w a Visitor-- 3 Custom Department } A number "of Anigican soldiers, irom | General Hospital Badly Slash- spiinlists, ;are toiay shown in one as a Visitor Personal Notes. Sackett's Harbor, spent the holiday | ed. {of their sttrhetive windows « b is in the city. At------------ in the city. : . « A 4 i apt. Thomas Doonelly was very . @ | «Good rubber tired cab always when + har pus He ; nan Hes in) All kinds of new fur gar- @ you 'phone 600. the county jail, charged with an wn | Lorkéy was hero from Napa ments made to special The annual exeursion of St. James' TL = -, ipl speivhing the holiday : f suceessiul attempt to murder his [tended the « Methodist church there, | y measure, and we also have XX church Sunday school, to (Hinwa, will ¢ Major | un assed facilities fcr r he held « J un 19¢ fwife and ehild, about one o'clock Tues: [Sunday night, and the pastor; Rey "modellin, repairin 4 I" UW a 3 a +13 oa {8ay morning, while in a deunken! FE. B. Eyre, preached go fine sermon. | a ry Bh ng an + .- { Chick unningham, piano tuner from je.zy. Macks had been under the in- The choir rendered appropriate music at sho notice ickering's. Leave orders at Me | fluence of liguor most of the day and {and Herbert Hogan favored with «go that makes it possible for us { Adley' s hook store. {returned home late at night Things | fo transform your old Furs Ki Constables Timmerman and Filsen | ldid got appear to go just fo his lik o new. We guarantee per. 5 "farted cut this. morning on the an ling, 2 he attacked his wile and. ten | 2. $0 Rochester And Return $2. 50] fect satisfaction as to fit, {rual inspection of yards ale e : Saturday, f Heke Clerk MeCammon complaine lw ld gon: with a yazar, inflicting | Spend Decoration day, May 30th, at | Mise Carrie It il, of Torontae, is i ore . We 5 b = 3 be : . | § elephone 489. {to-d; iy about the manner in which : en eatsuals: a uth of th "G Both Rochester, N.Y. Special excursion per i visiting hor sister, Mrs. D. A, Shaw hoof hipped nfo the sity from deh HS victuns gre now in the General steamer North King, feu ing King- Unie street. orn pr inis wa ried i t Hospital in ,, dangerous condition, bit ston on Saturday, 30th, Mics Car k of T t ints was carted around the city, 1} . : a ) . sn s Carrie unk of Toronto, spent apes are entertain for their ries < PR : Ld He says that the ment js not covered | 1 1% q 1 ; "| Home - Sunday morning. 2 holiday with Miss Mamie Nes covery, ; ot "i : " McKay Fur House, * up, and a pk 4 nat Hh hit | Mos ke was arrested by Constable] ¥ ull inlormation row 1, 1. Hal 3 bit, Juhnson Stages. X i : » i J ea hifion Ot Shee fe will hort to AJ ames Baker. and confined in the vil ¥ > Lad i fred Eick Leper, Wales Son: i an 2 re the Sdn shore, county y resort or to visit % e health authorities. 3 Visit 10 'his cousin ten ae 43 3 n . . " . 3 lage jad til the " o. he he : i amy a 149-155 Brock St. i lags 1 til 1 "wun = n. wg Portsmouth Public School. | lagher, Wellington street. eity friends, never considers her wardrobe EOE EEOEEOD The Royal Visit. {Hunter and committed for trial. | n account of the Frontenac teach- Ny, ¥. C./0'Brign and Mrs. W. HB : } ET : : Phe visit of the Prince of Wales to! The « nly evidenée taken was of the [t rs' being in session on Fropire Day Pipe, of W atertown, N.X., are visiting cuplete unless well supplied Ww ith Canada will be followed with the oustabie and is, in Lax iol, a follow 7 | the pupils of this school held Haste {friends and relatives here. n siti rac s celebration on Tuesday afternoon, 3 rfl i i . 4 i hee nest ints ' : in England and the] "About six o'clork Mrs, Marks called] A kon 2 woe FA rua 1 Miss Jane t Roher teem, of Ivy lea, SE re ' Pageant and ther ter ime up, saying that her husband had Ivor Halliday "aad Smith, and _ S sili the ha with nit Jessie Mac centenary celebration it Quebec ave | hratally assanite np wk shi wa ] ' e J y hays ollimgwood avenne. ! " 5 tobe carries { boon] rutally assatiited her and she wanted Kathleen McCammon recited Ki phing's . Mallen and T. Murphy, Brewer's 3 al on a magntbieont | ne 3 "Rs oN w a i out oa a Ke" ito Sion i : Rfwided her am i found lecessional.'" An ingirmmental piece Tr ¢, spent the past low days in the : Ral ¥ persons Ww wer Jelt arm slashed by a sharp in 5 ® { . 4 ide to . was well rendered by Miss Marjorie |, . her able to see even a portion of thes, strument, and also found one deep watts 8 ity, celebrating Victoria Day. ; se hey a thas anlar Songs % i tatdesd | i > > RIN c or - th Ee! ) \ 0 i 0% EE [wut aver hor lit eye, I telephoned "Canada roid hg seu he "Maple i 1 he 01 Folger, who. has lem BETIS both plain and fancy. IERINT nol so privileged will weleome (for the doctor and he ordered her to ad . y ill for some time, 8 greatly im- y + piete "ard ' 8 ' $ i J Cre fas riven, 'anon Cook . / y pe 81 the pictorial: rroard which is to ap-lLa sent to the hospital immediately, 117000 Wer apo gon. Canon COOK] proved and will he around shortly. f We now offer an exceptionally pear in the Graphic (London, sixpence hel : and Rev. Crisp addressed the Willi Grant he sient Sats iad : ' vlped to take her to the hospital, cre : . akoandt } gm Grant has resign as on he ox : Yaahly } ' special artist © and pho hon Jaid information, and arrested children, and the proceedings closed by 1 pep of the court house, and ntemls good chance to secure pre tty We always keep a good Bgraphers will furnish a complote pie: [yiarke. the singring of the patiomal anthem. | jou ting his time to the oft hnsiness Stockings at prices much Selection on hand and make GH torial record of the celvbrations, and "at | He. 8. Foleer left to day for by a X r it," said the witness, "| : | n + Ja . to order any special size or She: § ilustration .. will form a + thule yoy back to the Marks' home to Buoys Required. {| ton, in his vacht Comanche. He wil! below real value. istorieal recon of a noteworthy | | 3 Ths x ohalkn y i , 4 shape. Avent in: Britich: Histars ren about the children and found the Frat the hat) .- the north hd ro from there 10 New York, on busi / * 0 Ad 3s sich § 1 . a ro {older boy, abous ten years old, with owe hl i" epg oy. eins haa. L BissBort) ir ur gold is rieh in color N . - {three cuts on his leg. fhe cuts on h OWI rey much shorter smd 158 Mae anr gh ms Bertha and style, and workmanship Outside Officers Heve, : Mrs. Marks bled very freely 1 found | More sheltered than the south chon { Chambers, Watertown, N.Y., are fect L. Col. C. W. Macdonald, commanding o0r that looked ns if it had been] "eh: Very many boats have to use thel spending a fow days with friends in perfect. 1 the 19th Infantry Brigade, Toronto: psently used for such a purpose, north channel and, many more would! the erty. amp le toc in S Buy from the maker and Major C. M Nels ROD, Sting the point broken off and was] 40 =o i it weve sale. A number off Roy. W. IH. Sparling left for Queber, get the advantare in price, u dahn's, Que and Major Carpenter, covered with blood, anid had some hair craft have grounded on shoals, aml, Mon lay, to attend the Methodist ' 3 R.C.R., Toronto, are hers for a WW ian the end of it. npvigators are petitioning the govirn-|eonfercnce. He went ahead to the day ftenching px lecturns at the | "This was the only evidenos taken, the | Ment to place two gas budve, oiie in | meeting of the stationing commit tee ¥ ' i » ' ; 2 " 3 ' 3: » $ ff oval Mili uy College, Major Car {justice finding it sufficient {to hold | Cassidy Shoul, seer the head of Howel Dr. George Emery, wife and chil Ladies' Plain Black Lisle," penter 18° we know in Wprston Island, amd the other on the shoal Le] dren, spent the holiduy in the city 2. ID x : » freeing os a { ] ; § ) 4 r , "Tre ber huwing dmnphere, on pregion ote itrinl and will appear at the June | tween Big Bay and Grég Island. That| with Mrs, Emery's parents, Mr Ladies" § ancy Embroidered. pangen g ge - . jnusizes, these are a long felt want is evidenc-| and Mrs. Saminel Rireh, Bagot street Ladies' Tan Lace Ankles. . Dr & Walker ris! Enquiries were made at the hospital | od by the number of sighature to the! jArchbis hop MeEvay, Toronto, was | wkerton, asserts - s - + i . 3 » ; r,. « te 3 JEWELLER, R | that the Br nt bind of a3 arantine Bt noon mul the authorities stated petition from Kingston and Ganan-f ordained a priest hy Archbishop | Ladies' Tan Lace Fronts Orangemen At Church. + Manda, i The Urangemen of Portsmouth at ewis Shannon, of Londen, came down for over the holidavs James Richardson, Toronto, spent boliday at his home in Ning #0i0 ! ! . ! dock Harty and James Swiit, » took in the races at Toronto 'on A Tmamtacturers' sett of samples complete, ithe prisoner. He wags committed for n kmallpox « + nheurd, He ad i i in Run BEER 1 Sit SE Yo las well us could he expected he mye wiest were performed in Kingston Issuer of Marriage | Vaal Fh ph a Emiother Ras ao severe gash in hor left Episode In A Church. : 3 3 oe. al Jetting the ene al publie { forearm, which severed the muscles, The little Methodist thureh in Cata-| Miss Bale, of Hamilton, stator - " ve Licenses. BE look out for itself {and may leave her hand useless. She | ragui was the scend 'of an attempt by i. 8. Bale, of the Collegiate Institute, | All the ale makes for 35¢. i ah . {also has a deep gash, twe inches in a voung lady, twenty-two years of, |is spending a few weeks with her | All the GOe makes for 46¢ and 39¢ senestor 4 young man of the sane | brother on Unjon street, previous te a . J {lemgth, from the corner of her right y { Red, Itching, Skin NE ahout two inches wp into 'the rh While the esompany were at! trip to France and the British sles. | And SO on through the list, «chapped hands--Dlotches on the face { hah § 1 was hikely from this eut| prayer, the girl got ap from ler sont, | Rev. I. KE. Burke, of Brock street p irvitation all age cured by [ that the hair came which was found | nd moved acrbss to the pew he bined | Methodist church, leaves to-night for o on the razor when it was produced in | the voune man, and quickly pulling gthe conference at Quebec, ring his court, Lhe lads injuries consist of | payoluer from the folds of her dress ,jahsence Rev. . a. Fairbe will preach three severe cuts in the right' leg, | laced the muzzle Viehind Mis cor and] next Sunday morning and Dr. Nash in which took twenty-six stitches to piled the trigeer. The revolvr con- jthe evening. - TRAC MARK REGISTERED. close.) These wounds may prove very | oihiad three onrtridoes, aud three 3 Mr. and Mrs. John Boyes have mor - SKIN SOAP serious, as they are quite deep. empty chambers. Fortunately the triy {od from Oshawa to the Carrying 1 n un | Place, to take the plaes of the for It heals as it cleans, A medicinal and ace, to ta we plaoe of n AE we i : : oF A # the Joe makes for 25¢, [that thw hother and child were doing | oque, hes ides those of lnke and river. 1 Cleary in 1882, His first duties as al And many others | | | Marks is a ship-earponter by trade, | or hit an empty chumber. The youth] broth I ho leaves | , 4, Je i" : O 0d oR r tollet soap bined: Soothin 3 and a good one, if he would leave | hoard the elie of the revolver, and] tr brother, Lr. Jaycee, wh A o { liquor alone, but for some time he : : Eh oof Kingston, to become superintendent of > 1 - ir.f . cklv, took if away from untiseptic. Elegantly perf . In turning quick ' a y | the general hospital. valuable for babies, t has been dfinking hard and making | (he woman, She left the church, : BF d ch) ! 0 keep, the delicate the lives of his wile and children 4 bur ag hn he { Miss Adele Macdonald, is Avith Miss ! : skig clear and smooth, ; 1 hol I A a _~ {| Mabel Nites, Alfred street, for a few 35¢ a cake--at druggists or sent on receipt of | én. ie whola Village 1s up In arms i Bo . STINE TR 1 S price. The Clhiemisia'Cu, of Canada, Lb tover the afigir and their views are The New Ontario Raad. | days going on a visit to her | I, 8. Seott, of the constrmetion st af | ister, y Burns, of Lakefield. She The latest styles ant Ramilion. . 24 | ory strop" against the prisoner, ; designs in the finest . of the Temiskaming railway. Ontarvial oon' the wintic with her sister, Mrs Fri on d American government direct work, protests|{ie Watertown, N.Y. enc an { rains + complaints made he J. & . ' . { : against the milaints ma t ( t. Smit} f the steamer Joh s "oO ( y . i Combs, Gold Mounted 1 rent, Utoring 1 THE 1ATE MRS. W, A. PEEKS. O'Driscoll, but his letter cannot be re | Dunkin, in poy he ro is vighty un ip Just received the following Stone Set, Carved and|| Bi &8 Piiosuioron which womenew' | A, Aged Kingston Lady Died in| Produced. in its fullness, bocanse off oars of age, one of the oldest cd. popular shades : Alice Blues, Brown, Navy, | . : open, fold in three d y & en ils wl He declares il £ y 1 nice strong statements use 1 he we. He had charge of Fiain Shell: ain 2 ' gh voi. $i 5 Toronto. that none of the efficient foremen have | nt Fog 14% p wt Smit n i ! » : Pink, Light Blue, Copenbagen and { others. | well-known in marine circles - Wide widths, extra good quality. selection of Barettes. " fo a yt per box. Mrs. William A. Decks hed at the left the work: that conditions are not fd = rues a residence of her niece in Toronto on f yp ito the mark, but that he (Mr This morning, ~ Michael Kennedy, A A rom Saturday night, after a year's ill-1 Qo 14) was sent there to improve | : » > gr ni JL ness. N The deceased's maiden name | g has hi fa i the | messenger of the Patitentiary, appear] oi - them. He has his own family on fed in a khaki wniform that put the was Mary Ugmer : the was horn Wing sanits vay lary A au _ ek W y A he spot, showin that ann Are Soni astern Untatio commantt oihoses K »e We K TS ro. « o SO VE Ri " 4 mn ingslan Sbven) yen i tions are not ry Be as only completely in the shade Michael look IAMOND SHOP. 4 0 n 2 Her husband died nine years ago. She | ger accident the constmction fore | every inch a general, and his fiends ' Princess and Wellington | is survived oS four sons and one Lhas hadaggas to the. credigiol the mak- | hould all cont i thw diate when he : gc. C. LB 5 ' sto > 8 ' M Sts., Kingston. daughter : W., of Mngston; A. Uae of the Pharges in the letter com | appears , x of Toronto; . J. of Pittshurg, Pa; Jained of, "and he continued to blow | Rev. C. A. Sykes has gone to Que s A. g ' w $ ' uC. i, of DBufialo, dnd Mrs. Raines, frozen earth through the roof o the Fhee, to attend the sunual mesting of of Chicago, Also surviving are "ong sn k 4 often that it is no wonder it | the Montreal conference, which open i J sister, Mrs. David Thompson, Mon cake . in that®ity to-morrow. and continues | real, and o..0 brother, Angus Came- -- ---- Lill. Junecdth. Mise Gwendolyn Sykes : shied aw i he da George Hammond's Fine Yacht. went with him to Montreal, where she ® SHOE POLISH on, W "W Decks 130 dohiston The fdst steamyacht Evelewht, own- | will "visit with friends until hi re n un 1 sed street and the funeral took pince this wd by Capt. George Hammond, of the | tarn. os R ones, and you will / \ . Princess theatve, madp--her first np} Frederick Smith, apanee, Was : i nfternooy to Uataraqui cemetery. Rev, : ini y 2. honrtil vreeted: | scores of ale Registered © NR discard every other. C. A. Sykes, of Sydenham street Me [Of the season, of : " rig hy 19 I~ Liviondh ye. Te Fo Jeweler. a | For Children's 8 ( % " : 2 i 3 ok 7 ahaa hi g . 4 steamer has wndergone a 5, yesl ) en pe 1 J 'ens Su or ye "WEARS LIKEIRON Insist on getting it thodist church, conducted the a vnrhwiding sine leas ing her winter i former Kingstonian and has the | F A mmer oat By : S vices. : % : . : | ha ' of tolline stories ax | » Ladies' : ei Black and alt moorings at Mr, Hammond's home on | happy faculty of 1 or Ladies' Coats and Skirts Gives naw life and] < 10g ------ { Wolfe island. The trip was enjoywd {effectively ax his brothers, Char los, : ts, + { alors, 1 : « { ; Juiitrg So old, opti 425s; 10 \ The Late or. Cameron. | | highly, by a number of Me. and Mrs { dohn and George, of Kingston Fred 4 Frames. It is the ideal] i Just a week ago Sunday, cecurved | Hammond's Wiends. The ya ht, with {erick has heen in businesg in Napanee C, C 5c Yard ficor finish and alll the death at Westernport, 'n., of Dr. [both Canadian and American flags fy- fur_foryy yearss AR i y . wood work, : | Martin F. J Cameron, a nephew of{ing, was a Very pretty sight, as she | Mi. hg oa vispurs. 4 : Rormari LL COLORS, | Mrs. Decks. The deccased suffered from] left the harbor for fayton. She un- | Miss acaulav, ins nnie nelle asthina, He wae forty years of age lderwent her annual mspection on | ron, Miss K. Lyman; Miss Annie Buly fr ¢ y = | « Rogers a row pr Only 20c¢. Tin | Pry Chmeran was one of the best phy Tuesday by the loreal government ine § Min N He Sina . a Boe 5 A ati 5 Sentng + sectors, alter which she will start a] morine, Mise Gildersloeve, | the best and most widely ad- micians and surgeons dn Pennsylvania, oa to Kingston Mills, daily. Time] Dalton, Mes, Charles Abhigft, Mrs E d goods are alwa: to be and had been om assistant in Johos A RO. ha : Ml . ben at" this store and at prices | 1 Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, Md. Helof leaving will be duly advertised in a Yavior, Mia Slips Sari to or 3 wos a profesor in' the Milwaukee Me-| Ringston papers. Those present om J. | the Church of England Wo ' / dical UGlloge. , The newspapers s;eak | Mpnday were © Capt. and Mrs. Gearget lo atiend the lurch of agian 00 highly of lm" as a physician and eit Hammond, Ng ane Mes. Rochefort, man ._Aunitiary meeting zen. 'The Westeenport, W. Pa, Cor Mr. nnd Mrs. W Bhillioms Mrs. George | ; ! respondent in which Jown the doctor Saguve, Sr, Mr. and Ms. Leorye | Orientals Defeat Watertown dined, says i "The doctor was a faver Sanve, Jr. the Misses Gertrutle and| On Monday alternoon abodt five tein Wosternport, and: did ach Bora Foe; Mes. Laura Morgan _and hundred people tured out at the work among the poor for sweet. char: chikispn. the . inses Edith and tis {cricket fie id ta see the Orientalb- Water ity's suke, pnd they will miss him for{SbIWy, Mis He Fonnon, {town husehall game. The large ert Rw 3 ae ag y A . £ spectators were not deappointe they will nat soon sce his like agin. Wh Edward Summers, Leonard jas 3 fine game of ball was i up op and Earl Groombridge: George [The locals won out by four rung, the une, engineer, and W. Weaver and {final score being 10 to 6. The game COMMITTED FOR TRIAL. Yr: Temple, first and seoond mates. {wus close gil through. The visitors . ---- hattery put up a fine game, mn once James Tyo Before Court on For Business Men. or twice they were pear Winning owl Charge of Theit. Those but the Urientals dame back strong. Ho . inquiri for dlectrie signs ! dames Tyo, a young man, was, this! ooo SEHR JOE ni MHiand won out. The Orientals lined sip : ' " S 3 : X # "Ring Bdward," one . h morning, commit for trial, byl op get quotations, fitted to theiein Berke, co; MeCammon, p.; Dixon, Fi 3 " ¥ : Ko Negistnte Farrell, an a charge of a x i Derry, 2h; Laird, su; Saunders, Will you drop in at your first opportu- g fthelt: e de sored of stenting S548 Mare, complete from Simmons Pros.lyy' ool. rf: Vanhetne, LL; Apple : Rtbt a ; 3 sos from Samuel Massoy, of Ompab, a vis-b poo 0 tem, ef. P. Nicholson made 5 satis ® * : <8 he ) Ps ware given shelter at a ph Y . we nity and Jook at these New Suitings ? Riker, i the city Mey SOE (0 pn ttn Ta ee arn {inetary reree. m-- having been drinking, but swore shat artette was taken in the might be- | The Orientals were entirely ances re eotelortable | fore. " rostnfortable " . : iy ga COU Divo grablexd the money ont Hid his ful in their enterprise. It cost yuite | od d i They are a very special lot in the Newest B | ie, gd vam of with it. He snide fem {50m to. ring the viditing team here, eS 0 poetry. They wea U1 that Jwas with Tyo and another but the « were paid by the J a # te) Sun hat wt She 26h of kim out ratads of the game A a a he ww ¢ " Winks gander the k i A Ste © chafe « ow a Lwesty-live cont piece from his purse | A Topic For City Council. & . "ow And tr to pay Tor a flask of whiskey, whew pe . en you walk. Tyra took the money aml gol away. There will likly he a disoussion in po . retain ther fine lines antl He gave chase, but could not eatch the. city council meeting this evening 3 they ve worn out, hima : regurding the fire horse that had ta Massey sail that he hal about $13 be shot last evening. An attack of 1s Reals you have sour or $14 when he come to the city, but, grippe was followed by inflammation] § 4 choice of the newest. | most i the way in which he of the lungs. Au episude in connection i distinctive costom models, 3 Y with the veterinary and o fireman is : Bareow, medinm or brosd i Lows entomgon or hose Jeanine] woolen, military pe walling heels wid in all lersthers OE STORE AS