Daily British Whig (1850), 27 May 1908, p. 3

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, wd MAY P AG E THRE E | . ® . * W ° . ® » * » * * * : ; : * * A : n "About Stylish Skirts dnd Extra § Modish Hats | B one of the best makers. of intevesting lot "of walking Fro especial Eaeh is of greater value than the low price we've given it --and the savings on them will make the lot hurzy away in quick' tithe. So0,if the chance to buy a jaunty separate skirt of LESS THAN ITS REAL VALUE appeals to you. We advise you to come immediately. Of Panamas and Cheviots, nattily plaited and stitched. In Black, Brown, Blue, Creand and other ings. i Waist Bands of different $4.50, $5.25, $6 and $6.50. Who Wants a Distinctly New Hat? The curving of a brimy--t he way the flowers and foliage are combined and applied--the tilt and swing of a plume--the LITTLE things about the trimming and shaping of a bat make it decisively modish, or commonplace. come this strictly tailored throughout, demanded eolor- sizes, and. all lengths of skirts, The very latest ideas in summer hat-creating dis- play here. Whether you select a trimmed hat for everyday street wear or one of the richly dressy hats that reflects the modes of Parisian designers. You'll find our present showing of Millin- ery. correct, becoming, and pleasantly priced. i? are on Come, while the assortment is at its best. S---- Sun] CRUMLEY BROS. j I 0000000 0NOENINO000000000000000000 a TRADE MARK. 3 { Gives ADDED HARM TO THE WEARER Owing to its being the most successful corset design ever created. jt isa wellknown fact thata "D & A" Moyle! greatly enhances the beauty of a per- fect fithre, while it improves ordinary figures it of all recognition, A YD & A De Luxe Corset" is the elixir of elegance, swartness, refined dis tinction and conifort, Light as air] yet guaranteed to outlast two ofdinary corsets PRICES $1.00 to $5.00 DOMINION CORSET CO., Manirs. Quebec Montreal i oronto "The Earl-Garbide Feed Acetylene _ Generator 1s fully oved hy fire under writers, g of Oarbide is controtied otiroly by the Gas HH Easily filled with Carbide and no waste Gasy Gas Generated Goal and Pure. High grade work and material. No delicate parts, watersealed throughout avd perfectly safe. chine is tested and work satisfactorily. sizes, 'for samiger Hach Warvan a ACaicons Sizes i 5 to S00 light. Write for catalogue amd prices, = the Taventor and Manalactie: 3.5% BEDDI Spring, the kind that Yast life- my se our [FURNITURE RESTORER ; Undertok: FAILED TO CONVINCE THE C.P.R. REGARDING THE WESTERN STRIKE. The Company Preparing to Lock Out Two-Thirds of Its Mechanical Staff--This Would Not Inconvenience the Road. May 25.--F. Ackland, department of labor, OMawa, here in conference with LD. Nicoll, general manager of the (. R., with to the arbitra tion deadioek Winnipes, has re- turned to the capital without being abde to ecomyinee the that it permet matters at stake be arbitrated ith the situation in the wried in railway labor the CO. PP. R, is preparing to out two thirds of its mechanical taff to impress on its employees that eh ard western interests must tamd apart and - that can do this without inconveniencing the service to any extent at the present time, The closing of the McAdam shops is ye gnntbxd as partly Lint in that diredtion. At the annual meeting of Dom iniom Textile company, the fin ancial statements showed net earnings of $900,000. There was written off for repairs and betterment S2I5.000, aw far new plant amd machinery $215,000 After paying interest and dividends therd was a surplus of $41,000. Sales for "the year amounted to 35,045.000, a decreace of 3161,000 on the previous ver. "The company employed 6,000 hares and wages amounted to nearly £2.000.000, some $200,000 over the pre- VIOUS year. of who Mondrond, th Ka Me Pp woes reference in management should the western to east, err. tern it n the year s FITH OF THE NEWS, J The Very Latest Culled From All Over The World. Admiral Crowinshield died at hospital Wednesday Rey the" Episcopal morning. Grand week of §H1.377 A gasoline launch exploded off Point Atkinson, BU, The ed into the water CPR. teaflic earnings for the ended May 21st, 1908, 81,255 000; the period last year, $1 decranse, $292 000, Mr. Jamieson, a Vancouver hgd his skull fractured while ont of street ear blow fram a passing I'he on for the showed a decrease Trunk earnings Muy third of occupants plang and swam ashore week for same LO047,000; tailor, leaning by a window ear, n schooner Mass, was court, by thirteen drowned, Mrs. Henrietta Grisman pleaded guilty at Toronto sessions to a charge of stealing a £9 table cloth, from Eaton's. Remanded for sentende {till Saturday Rev. Charles A. Washington, color ed bishop of the British Methodist Episcopal church of Canada, died, at Woodstock, on Thursday night, aged sixty-one. years, Bishop Washington lived in Windsor, Maurice Powers at Rossland, B.C, holes in a slope in the eleventh of the Centre Star mine with a powder called Mitchellite Powers had partially hlown off. Fame, of Gloucester, off the Maing Jouton, and were run the members down, steamer of her crew was 'matantly killed while loading some level new head Four persons were ber badly injured bv a tornado struck Alva, Oklahoma, day. Hali a dozen houses destroyed and the for of several miles were ynined, Before Sidney Morris, wanted in To ronta charges of defrauding To rohta wholesalers, will he handed over to Cangdian further evidence will have to Morri captured in Eng. weeks Ago. Five men digging a in his killed and a num which on Wednes- farm were ero an areg on justice, be put in. London, was several while main on Tues Were res their buried alive on ong of Wilkesharre, Pa. day evening. Three of them cued but the other two had lives crushed out. Thomas Kirkpatrick and Emma Hayes were in Toronto police court, acensid of bigamy. Kirkpatrick sai his first wife, with whom he had not Lived for twelve years, was married again. He was remamled. Fmma Haves surprised the court hy declaring she was not married to Kirkpatrick. She will produce evidence, were sewer the streets EIGHTEEN LIVES LOST As the Result of a Collision Off Yammouth, N.S. Halifax, N.8S., May 27.--As qa result a collision, last night, off Yar- mouth, N.S. betwen the Dominion Atlantic railway steamer Boston and a fishing schooner Fame, off Glouces- ter, Mass, the schooner sank and of twenty souls on board two were sav- od and eighteen lost. The master, Thomas Fay, aml several seamen were in pat in a dorey, and thus escaped. The accident occurred in a dense fog. of MAY COME TO IT. Openly Called For Dissolution House, Speeial to the Whig Ottawa, May orderly debate of Zl During the dis in partiament during the might Mr. Taylor, chief conscrva- tive whip, openly éGalled up the government for dissolution poted the premier in that conpeetic "We may have to eume to replied the fingnee minister, meanwhile, we are discussing election bill." Baseball On Tuesday. loague---St. Louis, 2: Phil tshurg, Boston, 1. 7 Chicago, 1 Cincinnati, that," * but, the + Nati Beira . York, Sasi 5; wey Eastern dened, 2. Baltincore, 2; Foronto; 2% Big Ripe Bananas. Two dewen for a guarter, all week, at Carnovsky's. T HAmusements. (GRARD OPER WOUSE TO-NIGHT. SAM. 8S. AND LEE SHUBERT Pre. sent The Great Hus ser Aserican Actress, MADAME NAZIMOVA laying in English, "Comtesse Coquette' A Bpilliant C¢ translated from Lhe Ttaliamw of R Madame Nazimova was born learned to. speak English and in two years her achievements have sug- passed those of any Fare actress, Prices, O0¢ 5 Seals now | Breen Russia, months ------ THURSDAY MAY 28th, HENRY B. HARRIS, Manager and the Mousse Co.' Presents RALPH STUART Fala Lion th In 8 New Sensation for the te of Amusement Seekers, "STRONGHEART" The Great College Play.' A HNuceess Crown wuus and Surpassityg Imnmaginat Special Keats THE KING EDWARD: Pionacle of Edie Dreams ny wis Prices, now on This Palace Of Amusement, Cor. Princess & Montreal Sts TO-NIGHT AT P.M. -- - 0) "The Basket Mystery" "The Unwilling Chiropodist" Vocal Soloists Will Be C. B. S. HARVEY, Basso. H. BRISTOL, Baritone. MRS. LESLIE HUGHES, Pianist. "DADDY," By Request Song, CHAS. B. S. HARVEY, Manager. Se. Be. BLJOU| Pd<day and Thursday we offer aro mantic drama of "Ye Olden\ Tyme, entitled "A ROMANCE OF LOVE AND DUELING" This play tells of the Tove affabs of Suuire Douglas wed Jadly Borothy, of Klimhurst, Manoer--How,. thei. woolng wes opposed hy Lord Raveshood and Sie lohn Barney How Setive Prouglas fought a dud sfor his lady's sake and was saved by her from death And how they were married and lived happil ever afterwards, "At John Robert Davis Sings The Sid Ross Road. " only Two Places To Go Wonderland And Some ""The Architect's Apprentice" Pot he. "The False Coin" Pathe: ALL THIS WEEK JACK McDONALD voden Shoe Dapevr--A MAKE BELIEVE Snwith Refined sung by Mass Meeting CITY HALL MAY 27th. 1908. To The Electors Of Kingston : The Electors of Kingston and Portsmouth are cordially invited to attend a Public Meeting in the Citv_.Hall, on Wednesday Ev'g, 27th inst. Commencing at Eight @'clook for the purpose of discussing the political affairs™"af -this Frovinee of Ontarie. Mr AE. J. 'B, Pense and Mr. Willd Nickle are inyit- ed to attend, , Each Bl these gentlemen will 'be 'given one hour, and I ask no longer time myself. Yours Trulw, J. H. METCALFE. ANNUAL MEETING KINGSTON HUMANE SOCIETY ¥ 4 IN H THURSDAY, May 28th ~~ 8pm. r Addresses will be xiven by Principal Gordon, Prof. :Mae- Naughton, po ron -- v Es thes i J. B. Jonge and others Instrumental Music , Col. E. ne ute' Bs i Massie, Miss XK CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES sertion le. a word. Fach con secutive insertion idbereafter half cent a word. Minimum charge for one in section, 25e. WAN TED--MALE, ALN PLY AT wa First S BOY $3 A we X ¢ brug More, MAN TO WORK IN BARBER Apply J. M, Theobeld, King YOUNG shop K AR 1 hall Api Mrs. ONCE Brack and Tile Bay ley's Bay, BRICK Senbey Ag and Hay Supply Ont Seeley's Ser APPLY IN THE 43 King St. STON LAUN and Sydenhan COOK. Miss liora GOOD PLAIN evening to GIRLS, AT THE dry, Cor Princess streets. AN EXPERIENCE D SKI : Apply Johnston & Co., 107 street AT ONCE cess AN EXPERIENCED t RL. FOR haomisewo Apply Mrs. Cuabninghin Karl sireet, A MIDDLE A . "WOMAN TO with housework and care eferenoes, Bax +C, C office AS of Whig TO-LET. DWELLING, OR ROMS, FURNISHED ete, lcCann storage for furniture, 561 Brock greet, ee ------ COMPORTABLE Apply at PURNISHED A seven-rovm brick house. 175 Clergy strect. SEMI-DETACHED BRICK denice, location, modern enoes Apply 419 Johnson conven St. fine gas. 79 ALFRED STREET, improvements. Possession Apply A. B. Cunningham. 77 and modern May. NOS a 1st rHREE FURNISHED ROOMS, FOR light housekeepin with gas ; Princess St near Univ FURNISHED OR Lawrence River to Me¢Cann, SUMMER COTTAG E unfuraished, City. on near Apply Brock SUMMER COTTAGE from the o> burg: Appiy J. So Ry McCann IN v Brock St Estate LARUE. OFFICE ROOM, change Chambers, No. 116 Apply to Ge Clift, Real Broker, " Clarence street NO. 180 JOHNSON ST hot and cold water and flat For par premises, Fu RNISHED 2 bathrooms gas heating on each wiculars, apply on the TWO WELL LOCATED OFFICES, ONE furnished, the other unfurnished, at 46 King street. Apply J. Forrest ents' Furnisher, 348 King iret. AB FINE DRY STORAGE, FOR FURNE TO RENT, nished and wi PLAIN OF ANY | vd Mrs. Onyiess, | Armstrong's DONE, ts WW yar Ss WING 'all or wr X + Kins street, IF YOU WAN HOUSE PA ! CONV ENS ed, ceiding k - : } | ior sign, on Princess, Wel ol at low . : 15 Hi TO work. THE OFrPoR rn NITY estates on slustrie of work promptly Electrician, 200 Fl All kinds ' Jd. Birch an Welling toa street. PROPERTY TO Il you have any Kive us det wili turn it into cash. J, Dobbs, 109 Brock street, SEL alls. We BR. C SOME MORR i ouT OF] baggage CLEANING ASIIE S or cells, og Prices right General Carter, A JOR yards carted. Lytle, Fl Ante RE TO finish. pices 1m guaranteed. W, 1H, "Whit and Queen Sts. 35 Main St. FINISH a % : ROW BOAT, ingham ' "r can . A Tatriek 8 & 1 TO GET at QGallo- finish guar Brock St TLEMEN Spring Suits wade way's. Style, price and anteed to please 131 next to Bibby's Livery. NEWMAN & SPRIGCGS ELECTRIC CO are making a study of lighting homes and public buildings both with | (Jas and BEleCtricity, they invite youl to cowsult them. rdvige cheerful | ly given free Nickel and Silver Plating Newman & Sprigay, Eiectric Co., 79 Princess St, "Phone, 441. the ir A BEEF FINELY FINISHED PER. A fectly new § 60 and «3 A, B, Cups | TWO GOOD HOUSES NOS, Wellington street. Apply nin, gham THR 1 THOUSAND NO price right v Worth, Hl NDR DOCTOR Business Jaen Kingston, RUBBER TIRED RUNABOUT, Stanhope's 1 Waggons, Milk Laturney, Princoss Carriagemaker {LIFE PRESS class condition hy shina Buy each. Fol of Brock SAL ING SITUATION WANTED, FIRST LASS COOK house Keeper nm ply 124 Stuart OI' WORKING | fatnily. Api i ----r a . IN FIRS aunches ong for your boy Cicket ~ Agency, vale street YOUNG MAN STEADY and well ree A learn oth B hia nt this Office wer's strect FWINt wit irkes iti SpLo0p | SITUATIONS VACANT. auxiliary bh "WOM TO LEARN BAM Graduates earn Lwelve 1 weekly Help see positions Will equip shops. Con stant practice Carn instructions Few we complete ree log rn Write Moler College, "Toronto MONEY AND BUSINESS. OUR POLIOIES COVER MORE 0) OF | FIFTY-FOO MOTOR building and contents than any HE. 4 company offer Examine then Goodwin's Insurance Pmporivm, Mark | ot i ME N AND ber trade eighteen dollars ur | VILLA-ON-TH} Wolke | Kings aon BOAT, aud Square. yughiy ghiful WO equipped raft Can Foundry Ontario WwW. British { and furnished arony v Available] LONDON AND Fire Lusuranoe Company assets $61 187.215 In addition t which the policyholders have for} security the unlimited liability o i the stockholders, Farm and city perty insured at Jowest po i Fates lefore renewing old or giving new business get rates from Strange & Strange, Agents. "Phone, BOS { ARCHITECTS, W. Lake Sydenham, ARTHUR FLLIS, ARCHITECT, OF. A ~ p ---------- fice, Vor, Queen and Bagot streets | ATVI wv PARK, FIVE from Kingston ome of beautiful spots om thete A wEVen-room fottage Al LIVERPOOL, munications care FOR R SALE OR TO LET. FIRST-OL AL s perty, in farther particule A PF. SMITA, ARCHITECT | Anchor Building, HENRY etc ture, goods, etc. Separate rooms and your own lock and key. W. G. Frost, Storage Agent and Uarriage Eeinter, 299 Queen St. P hone, 526, LARGE DPOUBLE FRONT ROOM o 1 " v furnd ENGINEERS. R. BECKWITH, M. CAN BE. M. Ontario Association Consulting Engineer and 18 Market St., Kingston. ERNEST A Soe. © Architects, Architect, Notice to Creditors. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN PUR puant to See. 88, Chap 120 Statutes of tario A807, and persons having against of Patrick fate « { Kingsgon, in v Retired Merch od on or about the A.D. 1908 at shid send by post pre wo dl § 1 that a gne proof Tot the MONDAY the 1908 Notgos said Sth day signed Executors b the among ing regard which they the said for the said Assets to any person or pers loins they shall not have the date of such distribution Dated at Cit of Kingston, 13th day A.D. 1008 JOSEPH BROWN] WILLIAM IL St i LIVAN, Executors of the last of said Patrick Browne. Auction Sale of House- hold Furniture. THURSDAY, MAY 26th 260 University Ave. Vis Risch Upright Piano, Desk ers, Piceures, Couches, Rug, Extension Table, Dining Uhairs Machine, Linolenm, lron Mattresses tore i and . Chiflinear Sets, Drop! other Tables Thrpy Thought | K Hehen Mitonnils, ete A ucts oer "TENDERS SEALED TENDERS WILL RE RE- ceived Ly the ufdersighed up to noon of WEDNESPAY, June ¥rd, for a season's supply of coal and mood. and for un smiths' and painters" work in conmection | with the Collegiate Institate and Public Schools. Specifications ay be wen at the Board of Fderation Hooms, Comer of Princess and Sydenham Sis JOHN MACDONALD Secy Treas bow r claims on or June Hih day of jars a fore AD And herehy given that after Jur " d inder pr distri the tied ther is goed to safe ent those clain then have notice will not he 1 an pars 1 or h wd notice at said this of May 410 am. ut Mason and Fancy Rock Sideboard Singer Beds t Open Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings, also every after. noen. 4 Aiternoon, 10ec. Evening, 26e¢. "PRIVATE SALE. Searting on TUESDAY, 26th oath. A quantity of Household Furi ture, will be held at 520 Princess Bt {pear uel) ur of waje 1 to Revised | Unitarian. 4 REV, C. W. CASSOR, ¢ jgnin or L}tage. | be d and ripening inta a} at "| liberal Market Square. a) and post | adn | sale. and pasture 'Phone, 845. te He I Na 1 | POVER A SONS ARCHITECTS, hant's Mank Building, corne glton sireets MiTRe PERSONAL. RECEIVED Professional f PUMLS Frarne gnpe i + partie ot Aj Whig FWELANDS sceond floor over Mahood's Drug corner = Princess and Bagot Entrance on Bagot street, Hos fico are streets "hone ply by let office MARRIAGE LICENSES. ard Bagot HS, KIRKPATRICK, ISSUER OF Marriage Licenses, 42 Clarence Nt THE PARAGRAPH PULPIT i | The here not Advantage Of IS Boo OIE The Adverse that "SUMMER FUEL" HARD WOOD SOFT WOOD, SLAB WOOD MILL woor, CEDAR BLOCKS wood mstance of hi ji in Some way dated } growth to th In adverse that ha Phere 1s stootl as RO OV) under of makin and. 1a ix 0 terms of a g the divines { lege CPR know rin new ut and All gplit to James Swift & Co 374 Princess S dry ofl man knowledge wi order the tree of Lion me thi Up | fmarest fruit | blooming i treet. faith ha ven to {forceful con f th sir "on jmacy. Po tion tv with to share it CAS MULLEN Fp street, Boston, Mass, | literature. for the Granite and Marble Works It You Intend Selling Out, ~CALL ON=-- TOMMY O'CONNOR Auctioneer and (Commission Mart, 86 and 88 Brock St. ALL SALES CAREFULLY CONDUOT. FD, PROMPT SETTLEMENTS MADE. First-Class Work Guaranteed | sss Cam Assured. Lettering in Cemeteries Neatly and Prompt ly Bxeeuted, 3 72Princess St Opposite X. M, C. A. OXFORDS We have many new| and natty styles in Pat. Colt Skin, Viei . Kid, Chocolate, Tan and Gun Metal Calf. See our window for different styles. iain For Women 3 50 | $1. 25 REID & CHARLES, id IL PRINCE. PRINCESS ST. ~ Pi PIC METALS RING STON \ Copper, Lead Tin, Zinc. 81 WILLIAM ST. » TORONTO, ONT Ca. I Tg

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