THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, MAY 27, 1908. Kovcsiond Priranons x DOCTOR IDVSED [BANMOQUE TRAGEDY 250 py oly Laxative traight bh alter floishing ourth 2 Al LWAY AN EIGHT YEAR OLD LAD/| in the first heat. Best time, 1.08, HT Syaspsis of Canadian Northwest In Connection With DROWNED. [D. won the named race in strait | Used b Those Who Know HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS. n Connection W | heats, doing one heat in 1.094. Can i "if ilway { i 3 clad 4 NY even-numbered section of Doe angdian Pacific Railwa The Body Recovered After Ten | Shee aint be iy ny To ban o! People never use harsh physic after | Use them Sreqaaty and Jou need A inion Jands in Manitoba or the » Be . > os { always--in constantly larg a Neinces, eatupti After Other Treatment Failed -- Hours Search--Mitchell & The Paciic Commercial Advertiser they know what it does | them alway ' Ber and 3s. not reserved, way be home Leaving Kingston Tuesdays Eczema in Raw Spot on Bab Wilson Apreal Judgment For|ol Honolulu, Hawai, says: 0. Swi-| That griping and pain are symptoms « - Fay or and Jerson the a . p y Miss | zert, a passenger to the colonies by | that the bowels are irritated. But Cascarets cause the bowels to re- |, the extent of one-quarter section, of June 9, 2; July ft 2; Boy's Face Lasted for Months-- Damages For Death of { the 8. 8. Marama, was much interost- | You have come to think, perhaps, that sume their proper functions. One [160 acres, more or less. ith Pain when Washed, Pennock. {ed in the sports of Honuluhi, and| such effects are necessary, else you | never needs'them long. This is the | Applicadon for homestead entry must Cried wi spat ; i Aug. 4, 18; Sept. 1, 15, 29 Ganungejue, May 27.--A very sad | gtated bel leaving that he would would never endure them. | only laxative taken by those wno [be Sate in Ferson by the aph lioant at 4 tality occurred a little before noon, | return in September and inaugurate | gp they are not; they are wicked. know. {Entry by proxy may, however, be made ---- {at an Agency on certain conditions by the Round Trip 2nd Class, ECZEMA WAS CURED AND . yesterday, wherehy Bginald, ye | thie ga i lat ros, hich he thiuks| ppas irritation of the stomach is the | Cascarcts are candy tablets." They are sold | Inther," mother, soi. Gaucher. brothtay year-gok : "2 u Alrs y he a wg ' i 8 + i " Tickets to Winnipeg N y HAS NEVER REAPPEARED Art 3 "A : ig North street lost | a gle 2! ipa al cause of nearly all dyspepsia. { by all druggists, but never in bulk. Be sure [Sister of an intending homesteader. Rip oxi ci ren. : » Bue, . A 'eta rho L aC] v > : gt 3 Nothwarsl pits ot mM nm oy 1 iv To ait ey 3 boro in a decsedly rough! That irritation of the bowels--causing | to get the genuine, with CCC gn every tablet, An application for cancellation must ba ais life we little dellow was a puplif match, Hurtabise, of Fewrvore, was he fining to callous---is the cause The box is marked like this: laude in person. 'The applicant must be Ver Low Rates "Or beby boy broke ont with Jin 'Miss Lloyd's room in Stone street { yyarded the bout with "Yankee' |. the g . eligible for homestead eniry. y GczeTHR ON ba face when ene month «hool and the of a family of. twelve | gi org of Buffalo, because of the lat | of constipation. ---- DUTIES -- 1) At least six months' GOOD FOR SIXTY DAYS cid. One place on the side of his face hildren is mother, on going 10 | tur g foul tactics. Rogers got the first | me sesults with | {residence upon and cultivation of the | he aia « oth uickel a. yuu Like beef. all him to get ready for school, fovnd | gq) jy, twenty minutes. After seven | Cascatels being She 54 Jui tn tach Yr during Me | letm | of { steak for three months, and he would im sound asleep, and did not wake | joo 5 he second he at. Referee} out injury. : a v ] i "lod ey neve pe-- . 2) bomesteador may, o #0 : cry out when I bathed the parts that H ke Boul. ta dock | Minutes of ! hou . They r gri never pain. They A a ¥, 1th do- wore gore and broken out. I gave him | him ie woke: up abo 2h 0 Ce Conkle, of Hamilton, gave the match | are as harmless as laxative foods. sires, eriorm the pequired residence; dus 3 A. i The vest-pocket box is 10 cents, ties by «diving on farming land owned Saits and pill cathartics increase the | The month-treatment box 50 cants, solely by him, not ess than eighty (8 ' 4 i 9) . acres in extent, in the vicinMy of bh trouble that you seek to cure 12,000,000 boxes sold anaually -- homestead. Joint ownership in land wil aot meet this requirement. Comlortable berths in Tourist Sleepin Cars al small extra charge Ask for Homessokers Pamphlet Full particulars a K © nd » ' R. Ticket Office, Untori Phone, O4 a months' tre sutmont from a go od and with some of the adighpol § ehil to Hurtubise, because Kogers tried to | doctor but at tho end of that time the ' | jen went to play by the ban of | : : ; nd ; ouge his opponent's eyes out with | F CONWAY, | child was no better. Then my doctor {iananokjue river, on a rocky point, gous ! i Gen Kyat recommended Cuticura, After using ¢ ' Lbay- k bis thumb, and refused to desist when | -------------- | & cake of Cuticura Scap, a third of a dong the SRoantt ahupe bay, ow warned, | | br x of Cuticura Ointment, and half a | as the Punch bowl, and just a short | "ap 0 0 le exneeted to form the] (8) It the father (or mother, H the To ara aon. BAN AY { bottle of C yhcura Resolvent he was wall listance from Btone street, not more Canadian | ee pa) ny tenn: in Eg d ---- - " [father is decossed) of a homestoader hag alom # om, . fac vas smooth 5 . . ¢ > " -8 " A ag -ng- | ea > a perinanent residence on farming and rent. pan. daily (Bundays excepted, | gud Yi He is - a han 100 Jards north of the = hool, latul are: W. Chater of Walkervill; P I 00 0000000000000 oe SPOOR DEOEEEE® | (wned solely by hun, not less than eighty ed hey played there some little time, Bawden, of Ridjgetown: .J. Asy small | (80) acres in extent, io the vicinity of the Sydenham, Napanes, Deser | fog Banbockburn asd all points sorth. | half old and no eczema has reap, aed; ned Reggie slipped off the racky point, homestead, or upon A homestead sntered lo secure quick despatch to Banmock- | I am still using the Cuticura Soap; 2 X : and Johan McDonald of Tillsonl i . y © burn, arnt and en a Central | think it is the finest toilet soap I ever wt a httle neighbor boy grabbed him G i Hu Sh of » Duanville oy n Surg; | , for 'by hip in the vieinity, puch home. Ontario, route your shipments via Day | weed, I keep my little girl s hair and | while he was in the water, but could Russell: Mr. 4. W. Fdisar ames (® | duties by HNving with the father (or of Quinte Hallway. For further particw| face ddeanand with it toc. I am 80 |,.,t hold on. The cries of the chil- | Bussell, ir, . - Edgar and James mother). ona o. s Re W, DICESON, Aquat. | thankful for what Sp ucurs has fone iren attracted William Griflin, who Scott of Hamilton George Anderson, (4) The term "vicinity" dn the twa 8. for us. Mia, M. I. Harn BJ: 4 eh Lud K. Cameron, H, Cieighton, A preceding paragraphs is defined as means > .» May 14 anc y a'. ran , ve Fh o> . ", 4 , . . n, Lan, yy ' wy by that time drifting out, near | Gemmell and Ww. a. Wilkes, of Toron Ba buy ing a Gas Stove, buy the best x not wore then pine miles in a direct ~ : SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTE . : 9 WEST MINING REGULATIONS, 1Ca ewe o COAL. ~Coal mining rights may be leased for twenty-one years at an annual fo) | Tental of $1.00 an acre. Not more than 2,560 acres can be leased to one applis is acknowledged the best Gas Stove manu- 3 | cent. Royally, five cents per tomy factured. They comprise all the latest aa UARTZ--A Futon wishtom years of improvements. Simple in operation, made may locate a claims 2300 feet by 1000 i 1 } ' 1 . 1 foot. least $100.00 must 5 st Nn « 30 3 Wier Ph 5 be expended on the claim each year, of of the best steel, handsome in design, dur fi je, saDunded on the claim each year, of § $300.00 has been expended or patd and other requirements complied with the claim may be purchased at $100 an Acre, from the street and seeing the i y LINNEA th ntre of th tream. ph 3 to; A. Fall and James Trow of Strat e oe : 0 » stream, ged int : Stra Hh TR i REAR H rte hut che n Bi hf was | ford: 8. 0. Inksater of St Catharine i | | | ay | irom the shore to the boy, the little} J- A. Ogilvie, and J. G. Cohoe of | a Local Branch Time Table. SANATIVE ellow sank and Griffin being encum- | Brantford, J. G. Hay of Owen Sound, | rains will Jeave and arrive at y A. Yule of Harriston, A. M. Smith of | | | Depot, Foot of Johason stn t. } ered by his shoes and clothes had to ar TH 3 » : GOING WEST. . | Antiseptic Cleansing Is Best nake for shore. A crowd soon gather- | Acton; and E. P. Watson, John Iuk-| Lve. City Arr. City! Accomplished by Cuticura, sl. Boats and grappling irons were | Sater and F. Smoke of Paris. No. Bb mail en 12.88 a.m. 1.07 am, Women, especially mothers, find Cuti- | secured and all afternoon and evening a 245 am. BAT aml oon ap: Ointment, and Pills the pur- | he riverbed and punch bowl were The 14th March-Out. 11 local ..... 9.15 a.m, 3.47 a.m, | -- . ; \ " 1 Inter. faa 322 25 poo NAZn0 a a eet, sweetest, and most | dragged, but to no avail. Richard | The cricket field was crowded again, iy ? madl o.. 9 pan 5 hil a ve Suelo, Tor Wilson was also out in his boat and | on Tuesday evening, when the 4th | - . . Frenen . Bd dolly 7.08 i re o Ser . h i, "we le p a i » : { 13 font 3 i 08 | \ and beautifying the vploded a dozen or more. charges of | Regiment marched out. The soldier | | able, and having the best burners made, » GOING FAST. | AN { i i te, k 1] 1 - . 3 pkin, scalp, hair, and yonami wt a to no avai At | boys did not arrive at the field un will > 4 er ns - 8 mail h : | \ hande, for the treat~ | lark the grappling was still going on nearly nine o'clock, as they were put | they are economical in the burning of gas. 4 fast express 2.85 aun. 8.17 ! 3 me! nt of inflammatory Hali the population of the town lined | through some drill in the armouries hb 4 - un i osu) AD aa, ; ) A a io sono he river bank during the afternoon | The grass was a little wet at the De Aaa . wed eve There is i held h ¢ MEV p olees | A : Be : | storin to health ne ning. 1 is an under cur- | field, the log was heavy and the ole * +h al rv g ). 1. | Mreniyh, and beauty rent which. circles through the punch | tric lights did not show ver brightly, Nos. 1,2, 8,4.5,6,7 snd 8 run daily, | pale, weak, nervous, |bowl, making it very deceptive, The {so the regiment did not stay there | All other trains daily except Sunday. premature] faded, rundown women. |hody was found at 9:20 o'clock | very long. It went the h the diff Homeseskors Excursions to Manitoba | Guaranteed absolutely pure under the Matchell &° Wilson | y long. It went through the diffe DREDGING Two leases of five miles each ofa river may be issued to one ape plicant for a term of 20 years. Rental, $10.00 a mile per annum: Royalty, 2 ELLIO r I BROS 17 PRIRGESS | - ' | | ? ST. per cent after the output exceeds $10,000, and the Canadihn Northwest and return! United States Food and Drugs Act. , against whom a | ent movements in fine style Both | PERRO EEEE) OOOO ( OOOO W. W. CORY, May 26th, June 9th and 23rd, July 7th | judgment for $500 is held py Mr, and |} 1 we aftendanee y , u Complete. xletins and loternal Treas ) Ip and | bands were in a tendanee and rendered wk and 21st, August 4th ond 18th, go 4] ; ty Humor of {ns ants Children, and Adar Mrs. W. A. Pennock for the death of | » o | Deputy of the Minister of the Interior, 1 fine music along the line of march _-- - Eh IIE = --~ -- N.B.-- Unauthorized publication of hig : pe Examine Them Before Purchasing. i SLACER MINING CLAIMS, generally, returning within two months of going s of Cuticurs Soap to Cleanse the Skin, . > | -- te ' ; » skin, and curr. | their daughter, Miss Lucy M. Pen- | The different co lupe: are fast round. | advertisement will not be paid for, x For Pollan. or Tourist cal reserve ma itesolvent (oF in the form of Choosiate Coated | noek, have appealed the case, I it {ing into shape for. the final parade . 3 tion and any other information, apply | Ma! 0)" tite Braga one 1 will come up for heating at PAL ing gh wadhichin i Bund parade Health in every cup of s J. P. HANLEY, Agent, | wa Mailed Froe, Cuticurs Book on Skin Diseases | il September. . Cataraqui, No. 10, 1.0.0.F. . CRESCEN I. and Cor. Johnson and Ontario Sts. | Fhe Arlington hotel is making some | [ast evening, Cataraqui Lodge, No.| ~= oul . mem Very necessary improvements to put | 10, 10.0.F., elected the! following of. | 9 'WI RE WORKS: = | h t into condition to meet the require: | foods for the ensuing six months : | we FP Ay Tu ments of the board of license commis- | 5 p.;;, pr, A. W, Richardson: N.G. | Tl oo = Brand Mr. George F. Emory iA T. Hatch; V.G., Thomas Timms, | . * i , Ottawa, spent the holiday here "with | Xecatdlin R Socrelusy, R. Douglas: = fin-| PERFECTION PARTRIDGE & SONS. -- i an jul secretary, Gi. Graham; treasur " - Bar a . jer, . McLean. Representatives to } Smm-- is George Emery, Pine street." George E. | the Grund Lodua 'of * 0 Pas SY to their new Abbott, of Hartford, Conn., spent the i a bane ig htario, Past ov i brick factory, Sea Food past week with relatives in town. J J Grands B. Mek, E. by Sliter and A 3 » West, pa Quebec an the R. Dargavel, M.P.P., Elgin, spent, | V: Cathcart. District committee, Past # A site flospital. o sg 0 * ! kins, Watts, Brig Singleton Sh - : here to Rockport. BS $s £ ro =h ps . . . . 3 place and Maritime Provinces It is more casily digested-- Mrs. L. Fraid, King street, spent | ter and Cathoart. Very nutritious and very digestible. Give it to your ¢ 3 better facili " -- : : i 2 \ wlactur I heals tent Mr, aud Ne CF Wika | New Physical Director. children and drink it yourself. 7 siete is more healthful. .l et 1 : ¢ boriT Tha or 4 . b » . . iat seronto, spent a shor ime this week of J, hompson, {or we past vear ' Write for Publications To get it in its most keenly : ins JY. Jiivagtor at the Linda X00 CA. has THE COWAN CO. Limited, TORONTO o be Tr Wena to { Corp. Sole Props. Boston the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs A. W. Mclean have removed A , . : - Is Better Than Meat vesterday, in town, proceeding from | | Grands Meek, Denningn, Douglas, At : . Bee x a ave a is practically all nutriment- the past week with Fela tives in Mon ties for mans nd kinda, the guests of the latter's parents, My. | PE WWE WS AR iving full detail to appetizing form 'you must and Mrs, Thomas Meggs, Stone Street, been appointed physical director at g 8 tails as specify to your grocer George Whitmarsh, Stone street, | the Kingston Y.M.C.A. He was for - n --_ ! "Brunswick Brand ' spending a short time in Merrickville, | some time an assistant at the West : the guest of his daughter, Mrs. (Dr.) | End Y.M.C.A., Toronto, und his work Kippered Herrings, | Bedell, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Howe, | at both places has heen very good * TRE : £ { Onk street, spent the past few days [and in his appointment the local Finan Hoddie, Sardines, f with frien in and relatives in Athens Y M.C.A workers have made a good a es Herrings with Tomato Sauce. | Mins Mabel Bullis, Norwood, N.Y., is | selection. The appointment will take Rebate h} {the gest of her mother, Mrs. Bullis, | effect on July lst. pi i Pay less than for 'foreign | King street, for a short time. jo r-------- . ® ® 9 {§ brands. | ---- i Straw Hats. t Y t Y Gu ides Packed in Canada with great care by | THE SPORT REVIEW. The kind that please the hard to mi ew 1 L a ) ® Rr | plea e. The new styles, 25¢. up, at ISSUED BY Connors Bros., Limited | tic Macs Drop Out of City Base- ( ampbell Bros', Kingston's style Black's Harbor, N. B. 1 ball League. {tre for men's hats. \ Ihe Mic-Macs have dropped out {| n al Tad INTERCOLONIAL -- er ------------ -------- ihe City Baseball League ha the Prevost, Brock street, has a splendid | RAILWAY Emeralds will likely take their place. [2550rtment of gents' furnishings and | ready-mude clothing at low prices, 'I bs ' i 'he Fhe Mic-Macs have lost quite a pum order department is well gssorted with Montreal City Office, ose, of their plasers to anbther tedin ILIKE So RM En I at Volar ead Hh and they do not feel like continuing 141 Bt. James Street. the Emeralds vhowed up well last sea guaranteed, or ALTHOUGH, NOT A DANGER- | ou: and should make a good runing | Bert Jenkins and "Thomas John | Standar this vear. On Stor the C.L.C | ston, Fort William, went out in a General Passenger Department, ous DISEASE, ARE A VERY {aud Vie torias play at the eric Ea tield Sano aud are supposed to have beer - - MONOTON, N.B. drowned V bl ee | THOUBLESOME AND UN- | L.crosse Team Did wel. = | Major Stewart Muhev, a well. | 1SIDIC Quebec Steamship Company SIGHTL Y AFF1 ICTION | The Kingston lacrosse team cannot | Know vf Winnipeg man, died in Briti sb ®-® eo receive too much praise for their vie | Columbia ' 3 4 tory on Saturday. Lacrosse a | Pibby's great sale of Tooke and | i tel ' LIMITED. | 3 BALLItAY Lact ha, al { Crescent shirts starts to-morrow { 1 a wavs bee Have ock . « They are caused by either poverty or hm. | 7 ¢ been played in Brockville, and | REPO SUITE Irish const are do { iat present there are two teams there, , lant River & Gulf of St. Lawrence] »=™y «f te tod and require the prompt |, they can have lots of practice. The || grave damage to transatlant : | wae of & good blood medicine sch ae Bur- | locals have no team to practice with, [27% rem t a) ; Bummer Cruises in Cool Latitudes Bit foe | up to the game on Saturday had | i We hnow other typew:iters of all| We do not belong to any trust| Then again, with the L. C dosk Blood tors, their eadioation, |, "ver-been together before. There was | kinds and we know that the L. C. and nobody dictates the PRICE | Smith one machine is squipped to which it epeedily accomplishes, at the same | a lamge crowd at the match,--show ing | Smith has every improvement and | we sell at or HOW we shall sell. |do all kinds of work---better writ- { { ing, invoicing, billing, tabulating, Twin Screw Iron NS Campana, strengthening | that the people are taking an interest | every feature that any of thew | . with electric lights, ewctric bells and ail] S68 the antire system. | wl it is to be hoped that they will | We Sell | Deer? AND MORE. We want to) That's OUR business. , figures, stencil cutting, without fern rt | . , PEALE FROM MONTREAL ON sox.| Pimples alse often arise from dyopopuia. | ntine to do so. If the boys' work | | place an L. C. Smith Bros." Type-| We sell our machine strictly on | touching the ribbon and heavy DANS ah huge dat, 15th and 2900] snd constipation, snd in these eases Bue | 0° appre iated by the people, they | { writer in your office AT OUR EX- |i. = ois manifolding anything that any June, 18th und 27th July Oth and {wor uid feel like staying at it, and a re it A sei | typewriter can do the L. C. Smith y August, 7th d 2ist Septs "| dook Blood Bitters double effect ee ® | PENSE, and have you compare it | | 1 ar th C. Bumith Tha tan N = in alt : ! Quebe Bi has the of | {fine lacrosse team could be kept to | a | part for part, feature for feature, | LAL the writing on the L. C.|will do--and more. ° tian, Mal Pay. Perce irae tiver, | pmoving the pimples together with Sheie | c+ ther here : i | with any other typewriter. | Smith is always in sight, and | ditiuherside, "rb , and Charlottetown, | i i . | J | direct in the line of visicn The ¥ -u. { Bay Of Quinte Yacht Club. i IS INDICATED, i be We will let the typewriter épeak | WRITING LINE Y {t the platen, o . NEW YORK PRON QuEntc, cing] _ Me D. P. Summon, Owogola, Out, wrlted | 11, following offers were elected : Fh dy peal pre and [and the PRINTING POINT 15 |, X'n CAR L(t the platen. « ht at Charlottetown and Halifax, #1 was troubled with pimples all ever my | Honorary commodore--Ii. R Jad § ied i 1 a ed | POINTED OUT so that the L. C |," . : . x ; Trinidad, 2.600 tons, sails {rom face aod hands. I paid out money to |busn. | o@ the itive guarantee | claim for it will be ernonstrated! Smith is just WHAT WE CLAIM | Another in a second. You can 18th, and 25th, Jul) Sth and 22ud, Q 3 ! | by the machine itself more con n° J . . if "¢1write in two colors, and you de August, . y dostors bat they could do me ne good. Al Commodore--H. Miller that 1 it does not give satis- | Lp than we could tell it. -- perfect VISIBLE typewriter. not nave to touch your ribbon Vice-commodore "H. 8S. Reynolds friend souvinced me to try Burdock Hed | Secretary-treasurer-- E., W. Sherriff faction we will return the The typebar and hanger are the {from She Hime you put it ia the Bitters, snd after wsing two bottles { Executive committee--Jas, Hepburn, : t f id Then we want to leave the de- t heart of 'a typewriter, that means machine till it is worn out pimples vanished, and 1 ave wot been | Di Gilbert, J. W. Hamly, ¥. E. W. | entire amount of money paid |... to you. If YOU want i ey are the most vital part--a | troubled with them since. Rants, T. 0 ni 8 Heeb : Mas- | us for it. We mean this -- 3hsh ve will sell you #he on javor weak typebar means a weak type | You can do all these things, and S Kixeursions, $4 d ap is ttn, . 'orte and 8. B. Gearing. | able or ou ail | writer. Show us a typebar-bear- | ne . ha yd xeursions, $40 and upwards, Burdock Blood Bittecs may be procured | H Tobex: il and ask all those who are have a machine we will take that | ing eiffel) and has many more, and io thew better BY he Twin Saning _. For tag eel ot all Druggists and Dealers # Sailing a ey { no than you can with any other type. a ons ali ortnighti re - ¥ ,, ars . . 3 3 yther - RT eR rite. Sint 5 WE | sick and neod strength to try |i» pert pays A Tn be at sy bepie ober. emer tare COO hy 5) Sars = ' . « A » . . . . a ue a ype- J * Breesss seldom rises above SO degrees. it with this understanding. THE TEST on "TRIAL WILL NOT! writer will not retain its alen.| WILL YOU DO THIS? Beatin mah womans. Won By Sandhurst. GEORGE W. MANOOD ment, and sooner or later will got : and comfort. a ian . . ' 4 7 A vHhe BR AHERN, Secretary, Quebec, f The annual revolver competition be- T YOU A PENNY t of order. . ; Jor tickets anu a PRR PAT to a1 y tween the Roval Military College ; Kinguton, ay Ontatie. ------------ 0s : are ts gad remember THIS 1S the ma- oF ks LY. : - " * 4 } isn § i , . Saat) ine w y to place in your K, Ti Agents, Kingston Ont. cadets of Canada and the cadets of G This is the way we sell typewrit-| On the L uiith the bear! ng | chine we want pla RICK, "Ticket Agents REE n Sandhurst, Eng., resulted in favor of ~ DISCRDMINATIN LADIES. ers ; it is a good, fair, niin w wide and the bar heavy, and] oes for trial and examination the latter by a score of 240 to IS. Enjoy Using Herpicide on Account| way. It has not a weak link in| will stand years and years of hard |AT OUR EXPENSE. It doesn't work. cost you a penny to try it. The FEaglish cadets have won this aa the ch of fairness . S ALLAN = Royal LINE A Not competition for several years The Cle Cagney bes' . a hooti took | pk last 8 ° who have used Newbro's . - 2 ol: hi ; ad : } i Sathivned and the scores wire sobted 15" | Nerpicide speak. of it in the highest Typewriter Supplics for all makes of machines. Typewriters ; Montreal to Nea terms, for its quick effect in cleansing * " Fri. May 20, 3.50 a.m, Ot ba ed Swimming Resumed. the scalp of dandruff and also for its , Rented and Repaired--all makes. a Fri., June 5, 5 a.m. The ht club members © start. [excellence as a general hair dressing. isian sails Fri, «June 12. Yam. od a ra eth have + t chia the rip feel roe: Snir TY allaye that itching which dandroff will Victorian sails Fri, June 19, 3.30 a.m. " ' : sem to find the water very cold. ) N A oy . oe | EEE mpan pli 3 Eee ant J wpe [Th 20 a bent gh, lnk mr re da, a 1 drone he gem EF. F erguson Co P y MANLE , Ageat G.TR. or U.S. i 1 : that causes it. The sume germ causes KIRKPATRICK, Local Agents. irapidly. This exercise will be kept 3 out. and Inte | in 5 : [ur through she' summer. ee ie ierpiciin. mons fallin. ain EASTERN DEALERS, 205 QUEEN STREET, OTTAWA. d ie, 8 and pretents baldness. It is also an Wm. M Auctioneer fo eifeck Sporting Notes. ideal hair. dressifig, for it Jends - an urray, s J a deg The fivemile Marathon race at!grictocsatic charm to the hair that is ¥ 27 BROCK ST. {9% "0 & ranges, $0: No. § | etleville, was won easily by (harles| quite distinctive. Sold by leading LOCAL AGENTS: | Thorpe of Peterboro Y.M.C.A., inldruggists. Send 10. in stamps for SE ST EE ny (NEWMAN & SPRIGGS ELECTRIC CO. 79 Kington."