mn YEAR 7 75--NO. 125. ME TCALFE 'S | MEETING The Candidates es For w the Legislature + "sal Were All Together. ro The Meeting Was Eminent for Breeziness--- J. H. Metcalfe Told of His Treatment by Members of Conservative Party. ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 2s, -- 1908. CRUCIAL CONDIT ION Alleged Graft Case Wa Was Quite Easily Exposed. Eo friday' Liberals in Parliament Have Done All That em Honor Required to Get Wages Due the i Employees of the Dominion. KINGSTON, LAST EDITION a Mr, M wd and ham he kind feel f the atter penitentiary called Assn tic recommend in that instit agreeable to Before sider that My. Metealio, the appointment t the 5 election tr 11 fishing griey protest il for 1 A NOTED PAIR. { charms three vent a of the ceeded Prob abili ties. Toronto May 28, 1908, Ottawa Valley and Upper St. Lawrence, HM a.m. -- Fine and warm, fn be alt speakers Mr. Met was Duke Michael! of < and Countess Torby. wa p-------- Grand i ns ing for while of the duty AL he a man for itibn the head was his O a o would of the} placed, | duty 10 hae wi { not he ora, wetitution, he a man it was and al was for institution, bribery char 1. it id were not I speshition. that Met nd 10} "e it that t Fest re ol mt rs uct to es in the "Ver most | , wo we for | party | the M. wat to Sus~ Mr. Met purity | wo \ for the H if wy part had 3 the ance by on Fas te the most by J. + had for the them Vis agreement, might made was test Intyr Wh Zenerous, M. Shaw made per din sig in in pro Me and | i Correspondent, Che the The had we had H hay he would the peo- to parha had money mency than I do not tiation charge heen that he no mos to pl would just because may have more be added, "hut that he could stand on the floor the house, and look after the of the people as well as 1 could, | all his legal ability." The speaker suid that he had for long time fought in the interests the conservative party, and the one deliver the that honored datesman, Macdonald in the hous he was thanked personally statesman. He aecused the ention of being pad that he had riven fair play: Mr, Nickle that he had a nominat i What this la At the city hall, last night, the FAO payers of Kingston had the opport ity of the thee candidates the, provincial legishatore, Me Edw. J. B, Pensze, W. F. Nickle J. MH. Metealle, on the one platicrm The meeting was called Mr. Met calle, and the other Hdate were present upon his to diseuns political issues of the day. The hall was filled to the and each speaker was given a most attentive heating. Willinm Kelly proposed Col Huwldon for the chair, and he v elected by an unanimous vate, to pre side over the mecting. Others the platform besides the candidate chairman were Mayor Ro Nickle, P. J, Corkey, dams J. Wright, Thomas Francis Gallagher. Mr. N at the meetipg just alte and Mr. re ame utes later. MA Metealie speaker, ¥ ~ rules What Li We order (ie situation crucial' nai r qualiicatic htest evidence is true that not challe 1 to a for which the liberal party pardoned, they had order and | work | was con leted into camp" no Money « ng % 0 ergne Nurely une | made } will 1 I Foster falbot Bennox of 0 alk fering tain vale be u 'n A maos rs we ing governmen of wl not have guutty ple ment 'He have Lies i of liberal My the At (EL or the the m y one the stragy Yoste ile sepel 0 man he and Russia what result of point beautiful Ihe Grand Dake Michael of nele of the czar, and his , the Countess Torhy, har emeroe] from the semi ry h maintainnd As rey society, and Bre Bow mn week-end visits among British nobilits The grand duke is a man of poweful strgeture, and was the personal favorite of his tricus | father, Alexander 111 | morning sh not of roval the wisning The artist Timi vinted a noted portrait Forty, which won Paris Salon, by i i tween 3 relay vat goed wit ince the of that gned the Aly parties mons Frederi { pany two Ie Ie o recent discussed the V graft of Sir { government | ame { the if that be voted Mr. Fiel grate Var enough Tayi reement tirement ards Eng king an ag was bein conservatives were 'taken invitation, ¢ tDo You Wish to Decorate and Beau- tify Your Home ? If you do call get quainted with our house nishing department day we hear approval in this secti that wl Borden, ndments the had i he Mr of 1 while it fine te a com of the The liberals literally, Continuing, Mr, the fifth time he hefore the electors, and he almost felt that he had worn his welcome out, It had not been hig wish to enter anot! er campaign, but had decided to stand on peeing urged by his party. With his of other business, it would ha been a grégt pleasure for him to tire, but t nomination had be al, that be had not the Irart to so, and he was now assured that welcome had nat been wora out Ce Ont, May 28.--It had retained all his old friends, th story of MeClure | he hoped by Monday next, to puted rich man who died reeen ve made many more {Loudithe Red Cross hospital, her Yfar-fetehed he Burses the therg were no pockets. "In nurses, 'when taken right from t hotel, and ditt n | they quickly nod im mn with 1% estimate the lish i pete ant doors, pight £1} with cont would connected secured a ermment was not done fn allegations easily Fisher th a | contract we ot We oustry by was Pe i i an CAE EE . " nse enid that this) Was appearmg vesterday ie tion heen | was speech of | mir John | for 1) con had that the commons w think widn t WOR an & As i lus The Piy oer wn i one | to Czar Nr not From uesday arly { wed ing of un ac- fur- Every expressions ot the shown n. Hugh | five vesterdav | do Prof an Lee, B Fleming and \ s and threats Mi: My of e ministe the ra Rupprechy | 1 Con which that wry ative ded,' nt sand the the Paterson ument I Yrs mn atten of jekle arrived CORN rash 2 reat * « Con i} civil t «fl 1 : ii r ld of ol rit opened daimind pot re- | ar conld do I HO and in ti Oppost rn nr in wand patent Muht n od to ht i At My vies loudly 'When ed wns the t MREEATY make out the think 1m on Mi. Story Far Fetched stom he thi Pense We Offer Beautiful Lines of: Nottingha NE r tamporary supply hs to Mr, In opening, Mr citizens for turning numbers to the meeting he was glad Mr ent, ax he had certain which he wopld refrain from he were present. He charges too make, both agair Pense amd Mr. Nickle. le and other eandidmtes would he all same space of time, All speaker wished to ask for at the nu ing, was fair play and no fo He returned thanks to Col. Hadon, for having accepted the invitation to a as chairman, and then stited that he waomld. devote the fiest part of his ad] dress in giving an explanation why he was in the fickd, and why he ought to win. He was not in the ficld like Mi Nickle, from any ambition. His am- bition had been gratified. Mr. Penso charged him with a great sin--of be- ing. bribed--hut this he He re Metcalfe"s Address Metenlic out the 4 din and of ' the 8 hall, ylang thanked the entered he | neh Curtains rye in cheered, - shall we three Mr, Metealie, two canthidates, follower It nnd hat in Nickl things agam "| looking at the] the remark be-| laughter. to wet all same time cheered, thanked th had meet Whitney Tambour Net Curtain years thnt ht to sald 1 i pres speaker he LO ernment had vestigate the the | all the charg hel two, and one nature had instead i! foun i one here, the clothes personal 1 ro tact he | in and to rad 5 four rilled Curt AND overnment had dwindled do was that a certain given with sgvature, § mini ainettes, he by much thing at the audience gravity 2,160 artment not had gras his My Line wn Madras Curtginettes, Bordere« 8 a great og odd em 1h was ; iat rubber ; any a This| His when a man was at the was the There had been have heen fairest oppositi on! Among his horses runming added, and the Mr Metcalfe then Ponse coming out te that Mr, upon him as his "political asked Mr. Pense if this locall replied stated that kind he ' + been a hu 1 Cretonnes, My or ultima to the eo Mr larsta { the and the consequence ght hherals won! Lhe sav, | ha My meeting appearance, they only indication that he aay wealthy . to some extent effects that the hospital took charg later were 5 watch ring and gg castly overcoat in Cobalt are SHI endeavoging his danghtér, Margaret mp of Was nd enme, | back of this and | four vears of | shown. (Cont'nued on pag Floral Art Muslins, Floral Sateens, lay O the Ho mis Bers We hill | #tn | I was heeaking the el tht that for 10 said being cor n Peuse looked stamp. ; done that mean the the had pas {est papa,' not Pens 1 to ountr elections for of voles 0 3 was eof 1 Denis and Drills, Mr Mr. and nee We ng probably ar worked clans Par M¢ heh Yes, { gold The had always been to him, and that great del, His woxt statement ference to Mr. Nickle, He Mr Nickle loved Nis party, | get of the road and let him de feat Mr. Pémse, (Laughter). He would | ferred to the last provincial election, | 285 that the ratepayers send the man and could prove that he had never | 'o parliament whom they thought | been offered 1 position or any bribe would beat look after the interests of 1a regard to the present campaign, all the people. The speaker wished to an- sorts of storiis had beens xent around, § Bowne that he was in the field to the He might be wrong, but he was giv-| [ons h, and no money © anything else | en to, understand that Mr. Richardson would keep him of the cont at. | and some of the richer portion, want- | He could not even be t mpted by the ed Mr. Nickle to be the candidate for affer of million dollars, He would] the conservative party. The speaker|not take backwater from Mr. Nich haul asked Mr. Nickle, if he thought] or any person else. that he (Mr. Metealfe) would get the Mr, Nickle, he said, nagination, and Mr. Nickle had said | some of Mr. Whitney's 'Ro, I'don't think you will." The th be honest, and speaker had also told Mr. Nickle that to bold," "This should he dil not think that he (Mr. Nickle) to be bold, would get. the nomination, "The speak to be cold." (Laughter). or asked Mn Nickle if this convex Metoale gain stated that tion was not true, and Mr. Nickle er been hribed his life, . Continuing, the speaker either by money or position. His a he was | auxions leaving bis position at the penitenti-| Na a decision He ary was due to the fact that he stood | Hudson My Nickle that suffering humanity. He had received | duite Ww convention he conld get two letters, thanking for the! Hollingsworth port himsell, for every one that would | good he had done for poor E> Matilda districts support Mr. Nickle The latter fortunates, Mr, never sai Maalinette 4 he did not remember Me. Metealfe avthing against him, and he { more E Howard ing this, and Mv. Metcalf to poturn thanks to him, Mr, { Boll. must have a bad menwory had/ on all occasions shown him kind- | po ait Mr. Metealfe said that he (Applanse). Many of the Bberals | on shell ote oceasion heen invited to kind to him. It had | Kingston Mr. Nickle, The latter he could not st a cam- | pores Wolke seat at the right Mr could stand hundred | pe forsea ing, "I could have put yom it was music inhis ears! oo : foot." "Hl he had done thi electors cheer, \ 5 have made "it the head," said the speaker. He went on to that he had been desirous of bringing about i DAILY MEMORANDA. ker Pens o (the country employees . sion of Mercerized Jute Curtains, Speier . s gaod deal of "hot talk," | giri the ult 1 nere fhut the | was AO LLW,, a clock No. at U1, eight lodge, evening Limesto this rood { ne him had re that 3 he yery res tl nothing | mor which Heavy Draperies, The faith the liberal tretehing the | where owed a meets . kn volts ton t thi WBN men | | i | | don had shown | the cew y rood in huwmar al Table Covers, ete. fat | ties RH their endurance to | the blockade remains longs, upon the AL the talk that the _appasition METHODIST CONFERENCE ot Er The Changes Made by Fi Stationing Com to horn a dicilation which they elaim they are thorong hly [ prepared mittee. To-day the battle will be gil, auain ---- eaid niin wo nf i We invite your inspection out ohstractionists said 0) 1% anv man at denied a werent « pingh of poverty we want it to be not oar en for f to whom the g f thi understood | hut that of | » obstructing the lps Money the mermng, that Mv thé men of { bre wl edd AMI Mr No estimates were pass vestorday A f portion of rablé de te i= wortl Macle of Prince proceeded from a return | izure i i Emmerson or brit i the out | i readin Pate \n Fadward a 1 Perth distri Perth, Montreal | son; Kemptyille, Thoma kville, | Thoma amhroke trict--Haley Nel Renfrew, 1. Bx Blanchard; eonce Richard wn: Mer D Bro the May conference hy Whig. ~ Speeial to n At. the the Quiet Methodist the TOS Mon 1 prt on OF THE £ NEWS. | i 'The Very Latest Culled From An Most Difficult For Over The World. Land There. k has May i ve Book if Quarterly Now Style Ready. rif when bhorrowe | following an Bold | en | tions aed, | ne Montreal bold |; Square), hag i words, change the first draft of sta is to honest HARD ON GANANOQUE, he enough eno ough "Cald enough Mr had ye Craigmor {(Domin Crabb. Montreal | Mo Montreal Hart Hughes A. Rea ue), J Ww. M Arie 01 district and i Steam J istrict--(Mtawa FEHR HEH HH ion {Centenary | (Ebenezer real (FF niseal | I. Mont-| . F.. Pat Jackson J. Rol tro Rawdon Clenshinuen Man been od Ganan | at th {wo cold wh | Jud st he | peu rat! I he a } I aver F. Prof pointed profes ot Metall At the vention chur Stephen Leaco ot poli rsly. big national democratic to be held a Denver, y liguor is to be sold. Fhe West pgreement recluctic saul ney mn ol | econonrs whart stat to airmount I th wd os ambert, Unive ed that Helle arrive at that he told D in ly Hender George G ent at the to sup hy n him cok the had Isiands are with { of tarifis, a by loronto, his RLrst many Indian | under thas uh apnadg lor a Matilda L. Bb Robinson H. Mello an tual pleading Kirk : Flt tebe tele ' harge sal wile Sak! Penne n I to patrick, i Jones aay wished " Ss amy anid Pense | { £ jo DIED Ar Athe eph Stell N. B apping redinmick; itt Harrow Ww listriet not know had ta linner by gave him Whitney L on r ness. had said Fi district Island ge 0) Pletts; Svdenham, M. Brund heen ays La rail heen that he us the i, fn and of say the dd paign an Geor at contests, 5, I wo sith, Han \ Tame Cornell Bay, Shorten many | Hos ught, and the ti ROBERT ading to hear J loronto hd eption wl ol 1k company it a We | one h REID Undertalser Prince lev's r- F Nee A ------r-- na in was larg Metcalfe's Record, | one v he had ruw five | elections with the aid of hig friends, | had lost ane. AN he asked for | a good square contest. Mr had asked Mr. Nickle, | Saloon Smasher Taken election ran on an how ot | Custody at Pittsburg. Peuse had asked him} Pittsburg, M Mrs Mr. Pense Nation, of HBansas City negiceted him, because {charged with odin of the fact that iseakling and embarrassing four calfe), could not be bribed. elec: fined ang tiohe had been before in the workhouws no sgn of dishonesty "I have said Mr. say Mr. Mr. Metealie ret s street, THIRTY-THIRD ARREST. Fullerton, that X SUL th the | and THE GULF STREAM. iver the can hi itself. Ken You Hear it That the Are wold stot, St. Lake's "Sirongheart,"" £18 pan, Humane Society Meeting p.m. music and addresses. Voters' Appeal Court, 11 am, gn City Council Chamber mestone lodge, No. U1, A. 0, "Imests this evening. at X o'clock, Street Mallway Fleetric Power Debate by Ads, Nickle and Toye, City Hall, s now, was Pense, he said, to have the bass, Mr about this, everywhere, Inte nobhicst summon hats at Campbell Hros'., Prince Make New York Tropical Duclos, well with l, for tor Montrea ues York into in never - Carr known COUT bad he he ay Soclal. Grand no doubt arrested work wall Met mission t ftv v4 ied mn N stnugy Mexico arrival Opera Ho Wiis for (Mr. His courts, disorder men In FUN Ww wang aware i Whig Hall | the CORls r (mnamen, United {public, was thirty days Magistrate {pay her fine Philadelphia, The phenomenon of the " has widely weather marine i of those boxes at the and States Irom a had been foand heen asked this question, Metcalfe, in his remarks, 'HH vou go to parliament, what will yon do? 1 will support Mr, Whiteey on general principles, as a conservative, but 1 will sppory & eryvthing that 8 for the advancement of the cause ol labor. 1 never gave an anti labor vote in my life." (Loud ap planus 3 Fri ti f mberiase Org Joft to dead on the Reader 'I have and will | 4 Pay ond to In vw York, the honora onlerrid « Prady. She refused io and will be sent to Allegheny county workhouse ring to hor arrest she said: {heen arrested thirty-three times {1 have paid my last fine, I spend time ail before I will any more fog beer fis re > 1 ve arpanl onferenge ir of Montreal dent thi ., Capt oy niared a and wad one experts Than L1.D. Wetm an ernor Bulye Premier Hazen, New Brinswick, bills for assault Alexander to have attacked Wellwood 's fruit May 1st are mvestigating I cution committee Naidolf, thought t government rv degree of was gession i eomclading | whe { hy and or Chararisr « REVI INO nent Al the we of | Quebec { for th o ust ioe { n CX fer Opanion 1 aad oulf viohen ol i herta, Univ [Three ay who Fthel { oronto, {ae Rask he tream,"' ai aud hw New York HT hive stream New with an in from hy town EYery Jas, Redden & Con Ismmporters Of Fiue Groceries, Hurry Rhymes' Coneert, St and Seorgv's Hall, to-morrow night, at A o'el tream a ¥ oery ol true mn « fines." we that lor Opening of Ridean Ward Reformers che new commitice rooms over Medley's wh Prinvess street, Cor, Clergy found ainst Hose, man running York alm x My whee short to spent ts sad parents, h | | Have You Seen Him ? | Toronto, May The pglice have received a circular asnouncing a { ward of $8500 for information r gor ing Carleton H. Greene, son of E. Cd Greene, 97 Pallister avenue, Detroit, {who left 'his home, on October Hith last. He is eighteen years of age, five toot nine inches, 118 pounds, sandy ihair, lght complexion, blue pe. ibe. THe i shghtly dimpled chin and has a shight meeting. io-Telt that there wis never Ho ulat eh of the eyes and face time wheh he could go before the elec | He wore a dark blue serge suit. tors with such an easy conscience asf ~ o Romantic Drama, 28. Elmburst Manor, "At The OM Theatre t of vis sings ow wat Baorothy Lo Robert Da r wack with rel wr Chady dave rents Konith Haze! dave this rents in Deseronto ed marse, heen spending a the guest of Mr Harrison, Church ih i ' hat Secession Fes bran neh of the "lhe . : treasury has of ¥10.000 on account from af the Inte Mar-aret h of the | Alexan-] 1 Ottawa. Lams | 2 i neva px Lansdown, the work Mes Mr harn wire ok with the Mrs Vincent few weeks and Mre street, left Mr. Pense Speaks. To Al the clow of Mr. Metealie's| speech; Mr. Ponse was ed upon, and he was given a vers. Sarm rocep- | tion. In opepming, he thanked Mr Metoalic for the wsitation he had ex fended Rimi fo be present at the appears to be during Mr sireet i volutionary man named Russian sian Te For Every Variety of Dwellings, : Lots, Etc. fn the city, lscluding Farm Lands, in Western Canada in tbe best location. Apply to EWIFT'S REAL ESTATE and Insurance Agency. provincial creed payment the exoentors { Lamsaden, widow ate Lumsden, of Mrs len dieu) ig) A ths wht len ving oH te to adopt a catechism Favinee will y alléct 'a or Which the | ched in simpler language than the 1 Justice of thé Peace W. OO. Balen shorter catechism. 5 1 } and wed Mrs Wilh Meni a latter's Ihr who wen a compile have and oO Sydm has advised the ral assem Preshyterian church in the hills or gene wee Pe ter n. tra ha town, 4.9 for home of the ted States of Cape { inner Sets . Point Vivian house, at Point in the present election. He and Mr Metcalie had been Mo-long friends, and! etealfe was quite ight when he | he (Mr. Metenlie), was | muuicipally, or The speaker refarved to Jus starting out in news ! paper work, amd to his election ge school trustee in St. Lawrence ward, | coming but for this honor, at the sug- | gestion of Mr. Metcalfe. Later, he was | vivated an alderman for Frontenac | wand. He had no intoption whatever | on his own part to enter the field, | bit he was persuaded te do so, had | sand enough to enter the contest, and was elected. With Mr. Meend! We are showing some Very pretty designs. Fresh arrivals o, he re Two More Bishops. Raltimo teenth ba {eral confer | copal chureh, Revs. Sonx © | Green Castle, Ind. feaving two leche ve, Md, May 28.-On the {if Hot for bishops at the gen- rence of the Methodist Fpis- | Pre. W, 8S. Lewis and E. H. Hughes, were elected, thus bishops to \ ity, In, more "Three Swallows." Sir John Powur & Sons. -- for over n cent: ree Swallows" -Jrish jskey, standard of par ' 'Hi the King." of he | T¢ [honder, has stated officially before the | 1 ihoard of health in Hohoken, 'N {thal he performed po marriace mony for Mme" Amma Gould Prince Heli de Sagan. Provost, Brock street, has a splendid assortment of gents" furnishings and | ready-made clothing at Jow prices, The order deparjment 1s well gesorted with new goods, First clags value and fit | uaranteesl. Premier Ward, of New thinks "Wany mate™ ark treative { that of i core. and | i i ! Zealand, | a= Canada. with France would | | mean the Bemimaine GF the overthsow | fertine the poliev of France gnd Great palace S700.,000, hav been promised by. od the *unupercial premacy of the | smbassador, | state for foreign affairs. at The Vivian, was Com Thousand Islands, ! pletely destroved by fire, last Mon- {day night, the dock pavilion, several boats, including a $2 #0 motor boat, Tsim likestise food for the flames. A gasoline stove exploding caused the Phlaze. M Mary the French fordon see M. Cambon, the French hada long conference secreiary « the Lor All questions af Pinchon, ye abd with Sir Fdward Grey, don foreign offive Britain were distussed showing a, complete pyreement, ~ yesterday. Mrs. left. vesterdav, in' Tonawanda, NY Mrs sireat, latives in Kingston. A -------------- Jacob Dewitia, Stope Buflalo Clark Tavior, The Central American vourt tice, of the results of the ( American peace conference in Wa tton last year, was inangursts i onde Rien, vesterda: , and a to hone the court to one "drew Carnegie. for a two weeks' and Niagara spent the past week with 'entral MUST BE SOLD Relrigotats Bowers, | Benches, Mores All it metty ressofably TURK Hand Siore ne, i Lawn 1rd ng at Phe street 5 . said . Tw 705. Slome re In { mage, on' Welne Lhe Bag guors snd a roy lay mornin French ins Listance of five st the inge's pre M. Dela- jas- a 5 while Pelag {aeroplane seemed purfert, { Earl Grey, nt the 1 jes, unveils] the tablet thoss who fell in the War, heaght shing- | ten feet, r trol of od m a ont i An tonto in memory of a "ann of King Viator Em ul party, entor, flew his and Ope if only tha armour African '