FAS tor a Ae MA PAGE TWO. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, MAY 2, 1908. Parlor Cabinets Some handsome Mahogany finish- ed designs, at $10, $13 and $15, Solid Mahogany, $25 to $60. Parlor Suits A large handsome variety equalled, $17, $20 up, Verandah and Lawn Chairs and Seats 4 ~~ not This on cee strong, 42 inches long, folds, only $1.50. Carpets ad Rugs Beautiful color effects, and qualities. A choice pleases. all sizes that Curlains Nottingham and Swiss, purchase, some rare bargains, $1.25 and $1.75. Linoleum and Oileloth. Repair and Upholstering promptly done. Yours, T: F. Harrison Co., PHONE $90. special at work The Only LINOLEUM Worth Buying is M. NAINE & GO., KIRGALDY, SCOTLAND. The only place where you can buy it is at . McFaul's fatstn Car pet Warehouse spoons, kalves, forks, elec, are jaagiied Recognired as silver excellence. BOLD BY LEADING DEALERS DON'T PUT YOUR MONEY Into something in which have to be 'lucky' to win. There is no "chance" elemeht in the purchase of improved 1 Estate. If you want something good see the following or other properties on our list, $2,400 New Double Dwelling, 30 and 32 Joh.. street, 7 rooms each, with bath and closet, hot pd cold water, 6 foot cellar, ne dent gateway to each. rented for rental $240. 'Double Rough-Cast Dwel- street, corner Lower rooms each, with good barn you lot neary Now Brick Dwelling, 71 Bagot streets 7 rooms, anita: piped nice METCALFE'S | MEETING if 'outing from from page 1 you 10 a large said We extent, Mr. Pense. marley are before with an endorsd Many charges" had the Ross departments, tse had been proses. clean and he that the liberal govirnment be given the confidence which bad been taken away. Lredit was due the Hogs government for progressive policies, especialy to lator in Mr Pense said that. in the past be hall al- what was in the best people, and woald sl to do He would not have the opportunity of canvas sing all the voters, personally, and $0 would urge them to be ready lor the eputest cn June Sth, I'he speaker was loudly taking his seat sony OLIeY, been against hut of 1 he urged une party had a leader, its many rey remarks, in ard his concluding ways stood for interyets of the ways continue 80 cheered on Mr. Nickle Called. Mr, Nickle was then called upon, end was greeted with cheers. He said that Mr. Metcalle had asked him to attend the meeting, to discuss public imestions, and in reply to this he had come to the meeting. He was sur prised that Mr. Metcalle had taken up thirty minutes on a personal atiack an the speaker, and not touched up- on any question of the day. His feel ings towards Mr. Metoalfe were of the kindliest nature. He had always look el uppn him as a bright, genial pro- mising man. Mr. Metcalfe had said the speaker should say, "honest enough to be cold. He would say that he was honest engugh to be cold, and would not be gong around the streets saving, "How are you boys." The speaker was running as the nominee of the conservative party. He referred to the convention, which he wad nominated, and said that My. Metcalfe said to him, "if yon get the nomunation | will rum, matter whatever happens. '1 told Mr. Metcalie," added Mr. Nickle, "that if 1 got the nomination I would run, and it he got it, I would support hin. 1s 'not that fair play ? All | want is fair play and no favor.' (Applause. ) Mr. Nickle gaid that at the meeting of delegates to convention, Mr. Met was the who refused to by the decision of the conven- As regards the charge dis- against him by Mr that he al- courteous to been made had monev, at no calle only one abide tion of courtesy made Metcalie, he would wavs endeavored to be everyone, 'lhe had that he had money. If he it was no credit to him, as his father made it. Was it discreditable to try in an honest way to represent people in the legislature ? Mr. Metealie had made fun at the motto, "Bold enough be honest, and honest enough to hold. Not Jong ago Mr. Met calfe had cHeered this to the echo. (Laughter) The speaker spoke of the secret 'hal- lot being introduced by the Whitney government, and about the expendi- ture of $600,000 additional mone on edugation. The Whitney government had accomplished a great deal. Canada, be said, was hehind, sim- ply because she refused to develop her resources, The expenditure on eduea- tion had been objected to. Should ob- jection be raised by the liberal party about the grants to Queen's Univer- sity 7 The claim was made that the Whitney government was extravagant This was not so; the spending of money to get resufts, was the highest economy. Mr. Nickle say ory to said that Mr. Metealie had a right to come out as a labor candidate if he so wished. He was glad to see the questions discussed on the platform. He then took occasion to refer to his debate with Al. Toye, at the city hall to-night, and invited all the ratepayers to attend, "You won't last long," voice, "The 'getting in' is not everything," said My. Nickle, in his closine re marks, "It is the standing out for the principles which you think are right that counts," said a Gave Second Address. Mr. Metcalfe spoke again, close of Mr. Nickle's address, and had something to say nfout the "unfair bunch of conservatives." He had been told that he would get the momina tion next time, but said "they will have to be fairer with me than at pr ' Mr. Nickle, he said, was very anxious to get into parliament, that Mr. Whitney was in power, because of his desire to get the pa tronage, The speaker caused muy i laughter when he announced that Mr. Pense re- quired a rest and that he (Me. Met calfe) would ll his place in the logis lature, Regarding education, he stated that the svetem was wrong. He believed that too much time was taken up with the young children, taxing their young brains. The public school cur- ricwlum for children, should be short- at the went now "SHOW ME" PROOF That is What HByome Will Do in All Forms of Catarrh and Troubles of The Breathing Organs. It's not a question of Hyomei hav- ing cured some one else but will reach your own particular case. If ite cold in the head, catarrh, bronchitis, pasumona, croup or any aliection of the breathing organs G. W. Mahood says ves, and will refund the money Bit fails. No other preparation tor the same purpose ean successfully d, this, hocause the Hyomei system of untment is different from anything You simply breathe and inhale its medication in dry air form which destroys the germ life that caves op- pressed breathing, nasal eatarra, throat irritation and lung troubles. It brings to these suffering organs the balsam laden air they would get in the pine and Eucalyptus forests, 'The aie that stamps out bronchial trou ¥ The prince of , entertainers. Marshal it ened. The edwation most peoded wag | the' cdieation of the heart. "What about poson labor one asked it should never petition with free labor. In his closing remarss, Mr. Metealie sad that he would not safier mapv | "should he lose the ii both Nr defeated he Mr. Nickie you like it? would take jt he would. WH would challange mayor of the city. He Pense to promise that didate would nut be broueht ous, and | this caused much amusement, He claimed the «ity of Kingston needed advertising, in order to go ahead Mr. Mewalfe, on behalf of all pre sent, tendered a vote of thafiks to the chairman, and the adjourned | at ten o'clock, with for the | king. ! Soe come 10to poms (Applause. ) Con and himself shake hands | "How headaches, Vick le would test were with "do awd say i defeated with Ff grade both were defeated, Mr. Nickle no one | than | he to run for | Mr "an- { varnted a liberal meeting o cheers A DRUNKEN WOMAN Causes a Disturbance on King] Street. HE30 o'clock, disgraceful scene King street, near the man amd a girl, barelt teens, drove Barrie stovet they loud talkmg and they were coming, seen by the few people to be ground it was pitiful. young man and the girl were They were mtoxicated that did not kuow where thev were ally the girl beeame anxious home but the driver she thought a few names would help him. Aevordingly started and | for a few moments the air was black | with foul language, which became sg | bad that the boy fmally bundied the girl back into the ng and drove out | Ming street. Wednesday, witnessed park. A young out of her] and when past topped. I heir | singihg to'd that when they were | who happened | toth the drunk. they | Fins H go refused to go so About a On | was along but £0 to she ol A CIVIC DEBATE. This evening, in the City Hall at eight o'clock, Ald. Toye will meet Ald. Nickle in response to the latter's challenge, and discuss with him from the platform the street railway power agree- ment with the city. Ald. Toye a fortnight ago drew attention to the fact that the street railway company, in which 'Ald. Nickle is a large stockholder, is re- ceiving electric power from the city at a price much be- low cost. The citizens will have a chance to hear the matter fully debated by at- tending the meeting in the City Hall this evening. The admission is free. FASEFEFRRESRF FH HHS rr Sm A FEAF E RYE EFE 7 | LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. Subject Of Ventilation. Kingston, May 2.16 the Editor): Without doult the most important item in the matter of safftation, is ventilation; therfore, up-to-date agchi tects in laying thar plans for the construction of buildings place yrim ary thought upon planning for first. class ventilation. There are, however, a large percentage of both private and public buildings to day, that are supplied with no other means of ven tilation other than that afforded by means of doors amd windows, and it is a sad reflection upon housekeeper: and church, and other public building caretakers, that not even these facili ties for letting .in the iresh air of heaven are sutliciently used. A church, or $ther public building, to be in pro- pr sanitary condition should be thors oughly aired, all possible openings be- ing used, at least, during one hour Le and one hour after the close of every public meeting, The welfare of the publec demands this precaution, and it is a reflection on otherwise up to-date churches that this most im- portant of all other items, is sadly neglected, or perhaps, properly speak- ing, overlooked. Permit 'me to sav all church and other public building caretakers--please do not overlook the most important of all your duties, proper ventilation. ~A VISITOR. ROBBED POOR BOXES. fore, to St. Mary's Cathedral Was Entered During Last Night. Some time during last night some thief or thieves secured an entrance to St. Mary's cathedral, and robbed the poor boxes of their entire wealth, amounting to about £12. Entrance was secured by one of the side entrances, the door Wing open. The robbery was discovered this morning by the caretaker, when he went to open up the cathedral. After securing an entrance, it was a very easy matter to smash the boxes, About two vears ago a 'man found guilty of breaking into the ! cathedral, and stealing money from { the poor*boxes, and was sentenced to a term in the penitentiary. door broken | was Struck By Street Car. A man named Briceland had 5 nar row escape from serious injury at the street railway juection on Wednesday evening. He went to cross the track in front of eur No. 10, in charge of Motorman Nesbit snd Conductor Burke, when the fender hit him, knocking him | down. His body hit the fender in just ithe right place, as it picked him up. saving him from going under the wheels, 'The car was quickly brought to a standstill and the man was found to be none the worse for his mishap. Interred At Kingston. The remains of the lale Ann Fraser, wife of the late Aiexander Fraser, 195 Cottingham street, Toronto, who died. on Mav 26th, aged cighty one years, were brought to Kingston for inter ment. Campbell Bros'. For nobly straw hats, 205 up. evening THE SPORT REVIEW HORSE RACES NI NEXT WEEK AT GANANOQUE. The ing Hard--Hope Lacrosse Game--Tennis Courts Really. The Kingston lacrosse fairly tle sore most of t | The new yet and local guod turn-out Some of the b Monday = fram kim put league it in 13 not ¥ not known team wid have their next They will likely arrange a game with {of making Baseball Teams Are Fractis- | to Have a team on Wednesday were a hit game, bat an appearance deeded upon where the Jame ys Gananoque or Belleviile. City Baseball League. The city league baschall teams i work out hard evelling., | work there torias had | toria Park teums every teams make in tl Two of on Wedpes a good {he senior workout together, Jood prac still we ricket them were day. The ractice at and and lee, at Vie Vie the two Races In Gananoque. Most the bun of the | for the Victoria Day meet have { for the east. Tana bogie, hors s ch that wer The next next week, here left races are m and nearly all will go that were ¢ here | down and follow the eireuit. The Y.W.C.A. Tennis Court. The new C.A., Johnson tennis conn street, and the members play ternoon. arranged bers. A tournamen before Jong a YW, order, ts at the are in there every ai: t will likely be mong the mem A Coneert. With A Purpose. The peo have for next most lented Mrs years lent is now titude Usca free to tl fo each of them with good proceeds ¢ will be devoted to this purpose, arranged proposed, ple of St a Monday Cone ceeds of which are to be a Mignon and Norma Telgmann,' little daughters commenrtiable r Telgmann, k ly devated we benefit of as a r their f Monday ev Andrew's evening, their services, church programme the pro devoted tao Misses the ta ert objeet Mr tor musical the church. mark of to viol ening's of cone ia pave fru present ns. 'The coneert it hoped that those who have enjoyed the violin will atten help on t same time some of Kingston. playing of the t d on Monday he \, enjoy the best a cor good eause, musica girls next, at the on hy n wo little evening and, put talent wert Roller Rink Popular. The rol dav, 'and clearly shown still pop hundreds of people were Tuesday and Weds on bers tur weeks the serape vers ler rink the crowds that ro ilar. On fed out. Fo from opened Victoria have in on since then Her skating the opening day, present, and lav large num r the past two floor has heen getting a se the larg? electric planer, and naw i in fine gondition By Frida of the Very few od Ar able con of the we States usual, wv. largest and best in rinks in Canada or the as large Rvan are Mr w of rk. has assistants flaw will be one America. Unit this one secured in all as an parts Compare The Relief. If you have heen accustomed to us- ing ordinary Liniment White how mue cures, It and vet kinds. and all external injuries. liniment h quicker belongs in a costs less than Cures "Rheumatisny, thé next it 8, trv Smith's time and see relieves and class itself, the common Neuralria Big bottles, hv 20c., at Wade's Drug Store. Arxange For Music Many peopl out ¥t* Macdonald Park, on Wedne if there this warm ane for the sary mor vea There by Dr. stop any minutes, them as lets, ily as Pain Tablets simply coax blood pres- | sure awa all. Pain ~congesti Dr. pain is ins were Shoop's sdav evening, r I'he I the council summer's mu voted, wea WV 1% to be any were ther is should The getting arrange S10 neces is a Pink Pain Shoop, that pain, Drugeists headac he, Dr. v from pain comes from Stop tha Headach tantly gone. on. Sold bv all dealers. The zen is charged with erecing was further to day. "that which on the Satisfac tisfies."" will hy street larpad for 5 week appreciate all grocers in sealed lead only. Line, tion Use * means this CRA EW cin anywhere, everywhere Dr. Shoon's Headache Tab [} rid bat they stop other pains as eas Salada" defination, Tablet will positively in twenty sell Shoop's Pink | centres--that ss blood t pressure with e Table's amd | 20 Table. s, 20¢ adjourned ease in which a citi- | a portic, en g- Tea and you Sold packets ain Does It Pay To buy a good quality straw hat ? Well ! Tey it once. months' wear you will learn tha three Alter It Does Pay. $3 and $4 for the best. Others $2.50 $1, $1.50, $2, Faacy Baads ia all colors, 50c. fie ld | jumor | and | enquiring | band concerts | | made Pressure | GRAND OPERA HOUSE. A Delightful Evening With Mme Nazimova. Ruzsian Liey Mme the fairly Grand } her ( Nazimova, actress tivatei ber House tation ox petite that has beer cap Opera prese obtesse ascinategd her had alT aptly actress storm during While Mme. N good twa { Engh = and « PASONS vet lack he telli of the very atten cious, power herself fully i central portion has to follow her catch nearly all her tenes will not of the the French Nazimova is so she gibl be i vond the f One he MiSs tivel ish ito lines, 1 joer word-runs like admi language y La ) but delightful this rander twill | that verlooked took the Lorenzo," and . "Gino Riccardi' the lath willl-knawn The parts Miss Florence Fisher, by H. McAulifie, tage setting may he « Tynan Silvio part ! "C ome di merson that of befitting ina star. are the of An ner and world eed | theatrical | "Bianca." and "" well very actors in minor by viuseppi, were taken. The beautiful Wore S-- To-Night '"'Strongheart." Ralph Stuart in "Strengheart, at the ( wl to-mght. As "Strong heart" Mr Stuart will be seen in a unlike anv In whic h he has previ appeared; in fact, this is th " will RALPH STUART wn which a colle selected as the domi drama. The equally unusual his four acts, Colum He has pictured col know it to-day, uth, bubbling with sentiment an exciting the of in the dev Stuart with a « and will first instance Indian has been nant figure of a hag selected an vironment for bia Umversity. leve life as we of vo tender we bred author ou reciol with He drama play, a foothal forms over ent | breeziness, introduced m result has as tie episode game, the important part the story. Mr selected company e juipment heart," and § the which an elopment of refully elaborate "Strong the Hud New Yor Boston an seenie present prec given at theatres in theatre in ISClY as "on and at AVOY Park LIMERICK PRIZE | st. George's Baking Powder Lime- rick. Prize Winner seventh of the 0 for the t t i {for St. George's 1 i jerick has been ¢ y Mrs IM. Dewar, 31 Beaconsfield av ronto, Ont This the competition {tor ot iL imerick amd perhaps win one of big prizes Look up the advt ir issue of the Why An by idnight, May Sis! do it now weekly prizes of The hes enth wes 'owdsr Lim H Tes nue, this second week of there last and is is still time ened it a th WY our readers to Ay = f te rs matled before m hut {will be in time, | Following Kingston's Example The retail Ontario ilies get by age when shoe merchants of many are | g the ex umyple Kin mepchants some tine { sell all goods | ] ott merchants decided to allow The or " I thd no anything on ap; robation {| London had meeting, | Friday evening, amd decided | the jlanp James T. Sgthorland was | prdent and kelp ol the meting { He told of how the aml ho to adopt started SHE CP Ry and go into eff | here both tomers | { i | system will | . i | en "1 on Hair Luxury. Hair n be made lustrous and [beautiful and its growth be promoted {at the same tine the of In {Dawson's Hr Restorer It is = [eile luxury amd a remedy for all hair tand scalp troubles. Restores gray hair {to its natural od In bottles, Sik at Wade's deng tors Attending Conference, Rew. Allan MacRossie at Balti wore, atbonding the seneral eonfuence of the Maghodist Episcopal} church Mr. MacRaoseie of the delesntes chosen from the Ne Yori emfirene of 256 men. ~ ny in 15 one w Campbell. Bros'. For fine panama hate, 5 up. Piles are easily and quickly checked with Pr. Shoan's Magic Ointment. To prove it | will mail a small ial box As a convincing test. Simply address Dr, Shoop, Racine, Wis surely wontd Bot send it Gee unless | was errtain that Ur. Shoop's Magic Oint- ment would stand the test. Remember it is made expressly and alone for piles, either external or internal. ewe dal, Slesling or itekine either external og internal. Sold Hunt's Hot Weather Togs New Fe Lisle mere and New Neckwear, New Summer Belts, New Straw Hats, New Summer Underwear, New Umbrellas, Headquarters for the fa Brand Austrian Collars, 20 3 for P. J. HUNT, 53 BROCK ST. us Jd Hix A WORD TO KINGSTONIANS We have just completed special arrangements with "THE GRAPHIC" for a special supply of their issues illustrating THE QUEBEC TERCENTENARY We believe there will very heavy demand for these issues and as our supply will be limited, we have already started to book orders Our telephone number is 411. Will you not let wus have your order NOW and save disap- pointment by putting it off indefinitely "PHONE 411. W. J. F. Mallagh, to F. Nisbet.) be a (Successor 1 EE Sobelotot ott dt rrr TTTrY td olirolreleainaiacteaioctonled FERNTTTTYTY YT T™ rrr retire ee BEA ELL Lode lolol dt ttt Man - Tailored Skirts for $1.25 Only a few days procure a First-Class made bv Mr Rosen the high class Ladies' Tailor, for the low price of $1.25 SeBrlodeoliond eluded tbl dt TTT TTITTTTTTTY TET left to Skirt, PTT All the popular Cream Goods darker shades, to be seen at Weave 11 Sample Skirts our store as as Are You Ready for the Warm Weather ? Have you a Summer Vests, ( Lisle Thread Hose wear, White / Gloves, W mn w Selo ileeletelotoddot t 8 SEA ALLL LAL LE Ask to see our New Wash Suits, $1.75 and ap NEWMAN & SHAW The Always Busy Store THEE TTY del elolelelotodelodot dod g LA i a a BBL 1% MYOPIA ox NEAR SIGHT THIS condition a A near sighted oy weil in the distanre tear objet MY optics business Lions are DR. A. P. CHOWN, PRUGGIST AND OPTICIAN, 185 Princess St, Kingston, # ton not but can room is o hours, asd all a fon daring a Sevancesssesssensens ALWAYS SUITABLE SILVER } er dishes ant and un or set of aay knowing that Quality, Pattern and Price are quite right SMITH BROS, Jewellers and Opticians 350 King St Issuers of Marriage Licenses Made Over and Re at reason Furs paired here able prices. W. F. GOURDIE 16, 70 and 80 Brock Nt. Faomey TOU, THE FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY ESTABLISHED, 1863. President--Sir Richard Cartwright Money pertios Lures received S.C ity and Farm Pro. and County Debens purchased Deposits allowed lopned on ( Municipal Mortyug and interest McGill, Managing Director, New England Chinese Restaurant 331 King Street. Open from 10.80 a.w., to Bam. the hest place to get an all round Lunch in the cily. Meals of all kinds on shortest notice. Eaglish and Chinese dishes & specialty, I ne, 6 Clearing Book Sale Affords an excellent ppor tunity for re-stocking and re furntshing Any Sunday School or Public School Library , The prices we quote vou will never he offered to the citizens of mgston again We are determined to clean out all present stock pre paratory to refitting and re modellidg the store W. J. F. MALLAGH, (Successor to F. Nisbet ) Cor. Princess and ten Sts Welling-