© BNAMEL and GLASS LINED, IN MARTNE ¢ CIRCLES. | Wkat is Teapapiring Along ths | CONCILIATORY TREATING. | Harbor Front. Swift's } Weg 3, with | with coal; points. + At Crawford's : | Lydon arrived, weg; schooner Wego. Quite a steamer the. steamer steambarge Minn Aletha, from be coal; stegmer AY Mary fram Schooner with' Acacia ol All kinds of new fur gar- ments made to special § asure, and we also have : assed facilities fcr re- , modelling, repairing, end re- furs at short notice t makes it possible for us ito. a your old Furs into new. We guarantee per- ect satisfaction as to fit, ol town number of the crew the Rapids King went on Belleville, Wodnpesday. The Laura D. and Graager are at the Canadian Locomotive com pany's, with eoal, At Richardson's : Steambarge Rob ert MeDonald cleared for Sodus, with feldspar; steamer Neepawah, from Fort Wilhate, with ofits, will lighter igo on to Montreal, steamer Simla twill arrive from Fort William to-maor- | vow, with 50,000 bushels stounbarge Navajo cleared for Mout: real with wheat, steamer City of New York wleared for Montreal with wheat sloop Mag Lo. cleared for to load cement for John Hons, Kingston { At M. T. Co's: Steamer Algonquin, from Fort William, 70,600 bashels of wheat; steamer Winona, from Fort William, 102,000 of wheat; steamer A.D from Duluth, 78,000 hiishels of wheat; steamer Oma- ha, from Dmluth, 45.000 bushels of wheat; steamer Rosemount, Fort Wil Liam, 81,000 bushels of wheat with barge Hamilton, 65,000 bushels of wheat: tug Emerson cleared for Mont res). with three barges; steamer West- mount. cleared for Duluth. on sloops and wheat 1 ol wie Lemmon & bushels Davidson, 2 RINGS We always hoor 4 good selection on hand and make to order any special size or shape. Our gold §s rich im and style, and workmanship perfect. HAS GONE AWAY. Miss Suddard Has Been Taken to Chicago. Cataragm, to take the life of Sunday last, could County Constable lay afternoon, cold Hor e friends made no hide the fact that she They told the constable and "her father had left for 1t ie likely the girl will be sanitarium there It is will take ng steps to as long as the yopng color Fdng Suaddard wanted Hor atlempling Walter Cook, not be served, {Smithy on Wednes her to gone, Bl that she Rl | (Chicago. placed in a thought press the charge away The family feel the position in which they are placed, indeed the villagers sympathize wicu them in their trouble. . Hunter has the revolver in his | possession It is an old American B® oolt, of 28.calibre, aml contains three Inrge cartridges, On one of them the i ---------- dent of the hammer ean be plainly dt failed to explode ' the on Buy from the maker and 'get the advantage in price. j Rot gente Cook Spangenberg JEWELLER, Igsuer of Marriage Licenses. jreen here 6 Degrees Above" Freezing "his in the White Enamel Refrigerators With less fee than you have ever used he. fare. It is worth your while in the in forest of health and economy 40 have eof vur Refrigerators. Wa have them $7.00 up to $42.00. Have CALVANIZED, S---- ib i HORTICULTURAL SHOW, | Held This Year on September 9th and 10th. At a meeting of the directors of the Hortioultutal zociety, held last night, wns decided to hold the annual 0 on September 9th aad 10th, The society is on a most successful hasis, and it is hoped that the show will he a great success, It although not de- finitely decided yet, that the poultry men will go in with the Horticultural society amd hold their show at the same time ge last year. A committee was appointed to pevise the prize list. remarkable aceomplishjpent fthis year is fully expected, We WHITH "A well known place," for meeting friends. Gibson's Red. Cross Drug Store. : vod ---- Ww. A. Mitchell's Hardware. Tuo Words Each From 5 "Sunshine" Testimonials We would Jie 19 Rave you rout the many A _apoken about the a spaci forbids it. There glanced over Trt a5 festimonials and taken two words * from cach one, Iere they are: 4 * Easily shaken, No gas. A " Decidedly economical. §' Very complete, Works perfectly. Best system. { Fuel saver, Real comfort. Admire it. 'Endorse it. Many features. Fully appreciated. Quickly operated. Effective flues. Big deer, grates, Even heat. No dust, Like water.pan. 'Labor saver. Best_yet. Proven meritorious. Every satisfaction. We're pleased. TESTIMONIAL BOOKLIST on REQUEST VANCOUVER ST JOHN; N.B, HAMILTON 7 CALGARY =» % "Phe warm weather for the last few days makes you think of putting off your heavy 'anit and getting a nice Light-Weight Wor- "sted or Tweed Suit suitable for Summer Wear. We have a fine assortment o Ann | Os i sree Jor Bw | i the prisoners, elleville, | or, 'appointment, {ily add twenty additional street nghts. "pills for sick out them. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIC, THURSDAY," MAY 28, 1908. THE 5P.M.EDITION CRIMINAL PROBLEM, REFORM HABITUALS " | Behogger Briton, from 0% would Affect Two Tee Glasses dens: | and Sunday, ure Proposes to Follow Penal] | Sentences By a 'Period of i 2 ~Home Gladstone, introduced, in the | He Ouse a bill aiming to reform habitual criminals by concilie tory treatment. Mr. Gladstone the present xvstem was sufficient terrent for fifty to sixty per buat was useless for two namely, who crim inal owing to mental or physical de- ficiency and those preferring to live by grime. The latter laughed at the pres- ent system. They refused a helping hand and were determined net to work. The bill proposes to follow penal sentences by a period of pre ventive detention until the authorities are assured the prisoners will live hon- estly and until age or infigmity inca- pacitates them from resuming a ile of erie. The said Mr. Glad- tone, is hased on hope, not fear, Jt would enable a man to effect hic own release. The bill passed its first read- mg. London, May Secretary | his of Commons, 1} le- | of | sau nt classes, those are system, INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. -- Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up dv Reporters On Their Rounds. When you need a Ceb 'phone 600. Magistrate Farrell is home from Ot- tawa. N. C. Polson has returned from his European trip. James Sutherland" left, New York on business. William Swaine, piano tuner. Orders received at MeAuley's. 'Phone 778. Fresh McConkey's high dass candy at Gabsons Red Cross Drug Store, "Phone 230. ' several cases of German measles are reported among the school child ren at Williamsville, "Crashed fruit," made from fresh, ripe fruit, Dispensed at Gibson's Red brag Store fountain. to day, for Cross Pre-| ventive Detention. | CITY AND VICINITY. 'nemubers at Carmovshy's tartanan ( Black i ofa, at cherries from sky' First Of The Siason. Excursion to Watertown, Satwday returning until Monday Cali arnov z | night, $1.65. Voters' Registration Appeals. The segizsteation court will meet in the city council chamber marrow morning at eleven o'clock hear appeals 10 have voters names added to ihe ntanhood sufirage list, and to have others struck off, volers lo to $2.50 Rochester And Return $2.50 Spend Decoration day, May 30th, at Rachester, N.Y Special excursion per steamer North King, leaving King- ston on Saturday, 30th, at 1230 a.m. Home Sunday morning. Fare $2.50. Full information from J. P. Hanley, agent, ' Ice Dropped Out. The high water was the cause of a mishap at FP. MH, Smaills jee house, this morning. The water has wen very high in the jee house far some time, and, this morning, it was the camse of pne end of the building drop- ping. out, and as a result ransiderable 16 was Los t. Spark Flew Inte Eye. John Saunderim an employee of the Kingston Foundry, suffered a severe aceident on Wednesday shorning. He was hammering a piece bf hot iron when a darge spark flew up and enter- ed his left eye, burning it severely. He went to a specialist and had the injury treated. HM is not known yet whether the eye will be saved or not. Meese Kingston And Cape Mincent. Change of Time--=Conimencing Mon- day, June Ist, steamer will leave Kingston daily including Sunday at 5.00 am. and 2,00 pan, retw ming leave Cape Vincent 10.55 am. and 4.39 p.m., making . direst convee.ian to and from all points 1m New York State, Thursday, May 25th, te Satur- day, June 6th inclusive. LOST MAN TURNS OP ROBERT ORR CLAIMS $6,000 "~ LEFT BY HIS SON. sin Mrs. Orr. Lives in Toronto, and Part of the Son's Estage Was Turned Over to Her in the Be- lief That Orr Was Dead. Cornwall, Ont., May ~Robert Orr and lus wife separated when they bv-| ed in Uotnwall some thirty years ago, | and drifted apart, the wile keeping the children. Last fall the san, Charles Orr, died in Vancouver, B.C., leaving $6,000, This was claimed by the meth er, Mrs. Alita Ur, of 143 College avenue, Toronto, and on her affidavit the husbaml was declared legally dead, and a portion of the son's estate was turned ower to her. Mr. Orr, however, ig alive. He has beem lvieg at Iron- ton, Ohib, and is now in Comwall to sca bis sister, Mrs, William Tackaber ry, ang other old friends; who easily identify him, He daims to he his son's legal heir, and is going after the money. He ealled at his wife's Toronts address with g view to settle ment, but she deélived to see him. aR FRONTENAC CHEESE BOARD. Selling Price on Beard Thursday Was 10]e. At the Frontenac Thursday afternoop, tories boarded : White--Angan, 35; taraqui, 90; Elm Springs, 0 Exolsior, burnie. 36 Hinchinbrooke, mer, 50; Morning Star, 35: 90; Rose Hill, 60; Sand Hill, cheese board, ou the following fax 1 oh. Ca fold Glen 20. lati Pine dil}, 30; Sun lattersea, 26; Grove, * Underwear | 30 styles of WHITE SKIRTS now ready for sammer wear,both Lace and Em- broidery trimmed, also with hemstitch- ed frills, CORSET COVERS, in new and dainty bury, 30: Wolfe Island, 26; MeUrath, 30. total, 716, Coloreds--4Gilt land, 80; Oso, St. Lawrence, HM); Thousand Islapds, At 10ie. Mu 1s 104 oh 30; Howe Untarw, Silver Springs, total, 261 Gibson secured 576 boxes, and Me. Alexander secured the halance at 10« All the factories sold with the exception of McGrath's and Cold Springs. 2 The matter of having the Edge, 22. cheese Mis Miss W. H. Deschamps and sister, I, Crow, after ing the holiday Toronto H. Cunningham, piano tuner from | Chickering 8. Leave orders at Me-| Auley's book store. Father Staley, assistant of Father] Kelly, Smith's Falls, in the hospi-| tal, threatened with typhoid fever. { There was a good attendance at] the mothers' class in domestic yesterday, conducted by Miss Bawden. This is good weather for efferves fruit salts. Buy them at Gibson's (ross Drug Store. Fresh there. Mes. Hosier, Cape Vincent, N.Y., who has been the guest of Miss Mil Colborne street, has returned are home in #oend- SEE EaRE "ny home. Van leaves NMcilquham's livery fon Cataragni cemetery, at 2 pam, ecery day except Mondays aml Saturdays, starting May 3lst. 7Are there any bald spots on ygur lawn ?" Sow Kentucky lawn gross sec], Sold only at Gibson's lad Cross Prug Store, Mrs, "Joseph MacMillan, of Brock- ville, who has been visiting her mo- ther, Mrs. Bucknell, Montreal street, has retsuned home, Mrs. (Dr.) Beeman, Newburgh, daughter, Annie; trained unprse, Fort William, are spending the with Mrs. H. Paul, Earl street. "A junior Jacrosse club is being or ganized in the city. They practice in the ericket field every morning. A few jundor 'games will likely be pulled off shortly. "Almond Bars,' MoConkey's, at Gibson's Red Cross Lrug Stove. Watertown exeursion, tickets good going 2.00 p.m, Saturday and day, returming, until Montlay, only $1.65, The eivil sebvants in the inland re venue department here 'will get their choques, to-morrow, The customs and postal officials will have to wait for theirs, "The most convenient place,' ? meeting friends down town is son's Red Cross Drug Store. your friends there. Rev. Dr. Workman is listed as\ a minister in Montreal district without the stationing commit tee having yet to decide. The annual meeting of the Wo man's Pregbyteal Association, of Kingston presbytery, met in Belleville on Tuesday, The, treasurer announeed that the contributions amounted to $1,626.02. "Polished Glasses," or Gibson's Red Cross Prag Stoge fountain. If the street radway company paid cost for its power---and surely that is low enough--the couneil might eas- and from day fresh Sun- night, for Gil Hye Then the taxpayers in the outer wards would get benefit, Good rubber tired cab always when yon "phone 600, Mrs. J. H, Ross, wile of the editor of the Smith's Falls News, died pu Saturday, after fifteen vey of ill health. Mrs. Ross was born in King- ston, forty-eight years ago, hes maid- en name being Mise Mary Christie, She was marcied in 1882, "Look over your furs and wookns" for moths. Cedar Camphor in flakes, at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. There are men in the city whe have risked as much in their business as the street railway company and pay for ail they receive. They pay taxes, pay the highest price for power. aml hight not make agy mare pros fit than the street Iailway company. They visk all and no, advantages. They 'are the back of the wity. If you.onee try Carter's Little Liver hiliowsmess or Constipation, you will never be with- apd easy lege Mics Bridge eB erick Bridge)" while "in Toronto, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. G, W, Pres colt, of Huron street, who pave seve eral lancheons and thea'rs parties in her honor. Miss Pridge leit Toronto on Tuesday, atcoipuitind ) by Sir Fred: Bridge, and » cienion, SH Red | © tor of Sir Fred A LIBERAL ROOMS. 4 | Mt - The Liberals have their up-town committee rooms over Medley's Drug Store MW at the corner Princess and > Clergy streets, add all sup- #* | porters of Mr. Pense are in- #¥| vited to visit them fre- |: quently and aid the workers in ewery possible way. v! The down-town committeg rooms are in the Golden "i Lion Block, Wellington Ha! street, on the second floor. The latter constitute the headquarters, ¥ H * i * --------, German Medals For Cueen's. As another evidence of the warm if terest taken by Queen's graduates in their Alma Mater, u gold medal has donated by M. McCormick, of a graduate in honor moderns This medal will be awarded to the male student in final honor German who, shows the greatest pro- ficiency in German speech. Mr. Alexander, a prominent Guelph manufacturer, also donated a medal to Queen's, ta be awarded to the student attaining the highest marks in the preliminary honor Ger- man examinations © cn ---- A Promising Runner. FE. W. Summers, who ran in the Vie- toria Day Marathon race, will likely take part in the race to be held at} Brookville shortly. Summers was dis | qualified on Monday for a mest trivi-| al offence, thut of resting his ham | on a tab while going over the course. He was then well towards the front, and had a good chance for one of the | first three positions, He is being hacked by Dr. Waugh, who intends to make a Longhoat out of him before the autumn AITIVOR, Summers mn out-run the doctor's horse. heen Gaelph, of 1901. has Advertise The City. "What this town needs is advertis- ing," declared J. H. Motealie at his political meeting last evening, Aod the crowd applauded tha statement. padly. We have everything that makes advertising possible and es sential. Here nature has done a great deal and man agent deal loss. The oppor: tunities for advancoment are not tak- on advantage of. The city s magmifi cent stractions are not advertised. i they were, the ineush of people would render a new sammer Hotel not only necgisury but indispensable. ---- A. Hotel Arrivals. S. Watlle, Smith s Falls; Mrs. Jas. Murchy, Miss B. ¥, Murchy, J. Belfer and wife, Gananoque; . J W Bald, Arnald ¢, Gyde, Addison Pegg, Lon- nor Mocha, CS. Archibald, ¥. J. Bishop, G. B. Harlock, 6. + Laird, iH E. Trent, C. H. Burgess, i. G. Burgess, G. G. Hendry, W. William son, Foropte; C, H. Hu » Wat erfos. 4. H. MeComb, & she oo, > J. Sharpe, "Montel, ¢ alien, oh ton; Mrs. G, ¥, Miss Leister, A. washington, Iu e Roy Negl, Leisburg, © J. Mae- Jonald, Londons: Rey, J, Lyons and wife, Plevna; Thomas al. Corn wall: Geogge A. T New York ; W. J. Leonard, B. L. Creigh- ton, Thorold; H. Fit. York. erick or awa, en Aten y will nit £ | ment {the It does need advertising Jt needs at | - aed these have to be arranged. properly weighed and tested in King ston was Srought before the hoard by F. Valleau, and there was some discussion, but no definite taken. Mr. Valleau also urg more care hit taken in the setting of the boxes for shipment. He that it would be well to have one appointed to do the weighing. Messrs. Kerr, Dillar and Fawcett also briefly, taking the \game stand as Valleau. "No Nn, action that | up sald sone seed spoke Mr, ---- Fiske Stock Company. polite vaudeville joy a rare treat during the of the Fiske Stock company, Grand Opera House, commencing Monday ening, June lst, The company is much above the of those carried by popular priced organizations, and the plays presented are varied in character and most of them new our theatre As a special inducement on ladies' pickets will be issued, which can be reserved at they advance sale at any time prior to seven o'clock on Monday Through the Breakers" will be the opening bill. will én engage at Lovers of on ov acting average 1 to patrons, Monday evening, J A Lack Oi Logic, Hamilton Times The hingston Standard attempts a most ludicrous excuse for Whitney's surrender to the spoilsmen, It admits grudgingly that there have been some dismissals, but it says "considering all the facts, we should say that the number was surprisingly small,' In vear Whitney dismissed over 600 the Standard, ar "Whitney has been disposed than fair," because, mm the "liberal office holders to un one otheials. howm er, gues that to be more city of Kingston been allowed remain hay - I molested,"" Met With Accident. "Chie" Sleeth, a wellknown young Kirgstonian, had one finger of the right hand severely injured at the Whig office, this afternoon. He was assistipg in taking a piano upstairs, and had the misfortune his hand jammed against the to have wall. Work Commenced. The K. & P. railway sent three boarding cars, with twenty men ont on the line, to-day, to commence the construption of the new telegraph ser vice between Renfrew and Kingston William Marshall, of Kingston, perintendent of the work, 1s su » 'Most Popular Piano Pieces.' This is a folio of standard and clas sid compositions, selected from the works of Grieg, Wagner, Mascogni, Gounod, Handel, Robengten, Chopin, Schuman, ete. Special sale price, He designs. DRAWERS, trimmed. CHEMISES, trimmed. NIGHTGOWNS, from 50¢ to long "list of prices between. Lace and Embroidery i Lace and Embroidery ), with a -- The and Most Stock of LADIES' WHITE UNDERGLOTHING In Kingston, now at its best_and ready for summery selling. Largest Completes CHILDREN'S FINE WHITE UNDERWEAR Children's Nightgowns, all sizes, 1 to 16 years of age. CHILDREN'S WHITE SKIRTS. CHILDREN'S DRAWERS. Children's White Dresses, From 2 to 16 years. Prices range from 49¢, to $6.75. Children's Dresses, Dainty White Dresses at $2.50 to 5.00. from ' First Communion a copy. Mcbermott Bros. For The Exams. There are 130 apdications for the matricalation examinations, far « for entrance to Normal school there are 31; scholarships, 4. senior teach ers' certificate, 1; honor matricila' tom, 1, so A Drop In Ibe Price. Of strawherries. For Friday and Saturday eur price will he 20e. for yuart boxes of the best berries. Oth: ers at 18¢. per box, at Carnoveky's. Cheap Exeursion To Watertown. Primed, lr wi up inclading Manday, only $165 retwn. pi nasi. > meting of the executive baseball league for iis this evening, at the Kandoiph ho tel, to consider the schednie. The Mic: Macs have drogped out and there sre two games that have net been play- of the ibrd Marks and her son are dy improving, and should be around again in a few guays. «The child will be laid ap the ional. an pit will take quite time fur bis Jog io boal up. : ie or hie of visit Hantlettar : They're comfortable Le cause they ate made right and fit perfcetly. They won't inpe at the ankle, olip at the heel, wrinkle under the instp or chafe your fest you walk, Aud they retain their fine hoes until they ve worn gut. whens Je chore of distinotive euniom pacdium or broad pr close military or and in all Reyals yon have your the newest, most models, Barrow, toes -wetenion trimmed soles, walking I leathers. T HE LOCKETT SHOE STORF