Daily British Whig (1850), 29 May 1908, p. 2

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"PAGE TWO. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, MAY 29, 1908. " / any advantage to the city, as it cost ¢ motion to adopt the report, and also 3 3) ar or a inets M8 cents more for production. He de f SOCIETY gave a toe addeess. He sald © that "H U N 1 S 3 med that he had raiseal the strect the society had been domy a "great A. | | ------ '!} ALWAYS , . A rallway ery for po'itieal purposes. It ideal of work during the year. and { those, like himseli, who had not done THE SUBJECT OF PLATFORM NT har, a, Loe raped nly lor HAS CLOSED | A' YEAR OF | los: ved in deap debt of = i be) fmach to aud it, owed a deep debt © SUITABLE +s statement about dollar DISCUSSION. gar. Ald. Tove admitted doi H he GOOD RESULTS. gratitmle to those that had The { weaker said that Nr. Peuse had ak Maisak tspoken of the good things done by ahogany finish- : true that the eomfpany rersives els ther people for the society, but had z % ful : : Ie eomipany receive oo - , ls © peo} ¥s 1 ed designs, at Power Guestion--Ald. Nickle tric power for the cars at 1.66 cents Hall--Addresses By Principal |, vor mentioned his own work. My Didn't Deny That Company that costs the city 1.94 cents (6 pro | Gordon, Prof. Macnaughton, | Pense has always heen the right-hand B $10, $13 and $15, Got Power Below Cost duce. ! Dr. Massie and Others. man of the society, and has made a hel 4 he annual meeting of the Kingston |}. 3 ol this, os he has of every Humane Society was held in the Whig thing he has ta rn hold ol," said the 1 vou can certainly get . an the street pailway power gpestion hall, on Thursday ave ing. The p oF | speaker % Prof honaughiton Went on Haeou ation of oid stock to ee oi had it not been that the latter at : ing. Ww presi- | 1p speak mainly to the children about Everything new and up-to-date or set of any kind cuss the steeet raiiway WET (Ques: Jee A 3 % 3} ton. BD, Keeves was che A" t ps tacked his dollar gas scheme. which ps ht, 5 +. B. Pense, occupied the the treatment of animals. He also wom. BD, Ses was chosthv to > : | gas me, shat. ere Wak oni hdmi » a : : E wt ool side. The debate originated wom a] ¥8% for the benefit of the poor man, || be hall | ' a large Lie nanos, { spoke about the taking up of the REMEM BER knowing that 3 i Nick ' od ale i hi his of] Ie ha wing comfortably filled with tsuinect in the schools, savine that he challenge of Ald. Nickle to Ald. Toye | 80d also tried to ruin him hy hi embers and vi . sng x . alit 1 to discuss the matt ith him ono Joris to get a four-pound loaf n- | members and visitors. In his opening [thought it should be done. In clos- That we are agent for the amos J u. Y. Pa ern distus : © aanm hi ; z : it : Parlor Suits ; 4 " Lhe ay r with him on a dard. Ald. Tove said he Lad met All | FD8t ks the president sid that the ing, Prof. Macnaughton said that all | Brand ars and VOW. @ \ vs ote 2 iis 2a. re Nickle on the street and told him he members met again, after what bad {living things are born, so all are | and 12.7 + lars made id Cons \ and Price y agreed. The only new thing learned py . as 1 bee Very go i p : rod i f pe i ; i little A large handsome variety not] te disenssic the te t = 1 would bankeapt him (Toye) and all bee wa very good year for the S0eiety. | akin, all are a great family under one ada. It your collar is just a litte tight ; i Wan the statement gi The society had accomplished much | ather, under one Maker, wear quarter size larger equalled, $17, $20 op. rather bakers in sgeton if he Tq , $17, 8 P Mr, Niele, aw a stoccholder of the the i her bakers in' King m2 {during the year in many wavs. Hel After this interesting address the | ) 4) | 2 ! AAA passed that matter. He told him he - . . ; Verandah and Lawn thus Failway funy. that he line had lost $1,569/Jast vear in the bread | spoke of [Inspector Arnel and of the | following officers were elected for the : # Wt paying. e did not deny the { geod work he was doing, So far this year : . ° 0 4 SMITH BROS. . : X : Se . business, and invited him to look over : : Chairs and ats statement of Ald Toye that accord- his hoot This Ald Nickle refused wi month, three horses have been de-| Honorary president--Mayor Ross. i : ; ; i Jewellers and Opticians. ro--p-------- eg thy to the financial report of the Saving he: 'Was: soln waved | #troved. The president stated that the] President--E. J. B. Pense. r EI ah light, leat an i power plant, the wtreet flo, su} ing on fig he oe oi | effect of the blue paper - of the law | Vice-presidents--Miss ~~ Machar, i 53 BROCK ST. 350 King St. a aliway was receiving electric power Tave thought 'was ost anjust in | Was showing up here the same way as! Bermingham and J, B. Walkem. Issuers of Marriage strong, 42 | : for 1.66 cents a kilowatt hour, om of th sdnerr us troalment he had | it did in the Children's Aid Society. | Se retary-treasurer--Miss Cottle, Licenses. inches long, So WE whereas it cost the city 1.94 cents t,, ascorded the Street railway in Tooard| It did much to influence a drunken | Executive committee Principal Gor: folds, only produce that kilo-watt hour. Mis ar to power Ald. Nickle. he charged | ©F €ruel father, and it wow does much don, Lieut.-Col. MeGill, Fieut.-Col. : c gument was that it paid the city to po" : an a Yous | to iofhience a cruel man. He referred | Massie, Lieut.-Col. E. T. Tavior, P'rof. u | 23 ' Tn had ne thoughts for anyone ele bat . vo ! YOUR WIFE'S ANXIETY +, could 10 beip the street railway i ---- Alds, Nickle and Toye Speak on] !¥0% but that didn't make ** The Annual Meeting in the . Whig SILVER -- parme Silver dishes ¢ table handsome f you want est and Ware (8 0 universa > v accepted as most suit st Shirts Made =i. gilt that no need ot th No worry about what of give You can select Solid Mahogany, | There was a large audience present] Al. Toye again declared = that $25 to $60. in the Usty hall last evening tw iis [Would never bave attacked Ald. Nickle here tn to Aldermen Niexle and Tove dis y from our stock a piece are. quite right $1.50. fe retain the street railway company as] pil gun interests. when' he would] © the good work done hy the two|Butler, Prof. Martin, Dr. Black, a customer, : veterinary surgeons, Drs. Massie and | Dobbs, Mrs. M: Strance, Mrs. Cle a knowingly @ ahead and ruin the!" i Ald. Toye was the first speaker. He a he balers A A ** | Nicholls. ments, Mes. March. Mrs. Betts' and Carpets and Rugs \ suid that the guestion at sue was a fa | The secretary's report for the vear|the officers : : the result of Ald. Nickle charging him { just ended was then read, and show-| An excellent musical programme was 4 TEN. CENT Beautiful color effects, all sizes with having made a hiz mistake in THE SPORT REVIEW. Led a most satisfactory year's work in | then given. Songs were rendered by - 'and qualities. A choice that]. i T f= f Ki 8 i selling gas to the peopie at $1 when i : all departments. The following is a (Some of Kingston's leading soloists pleases, it dost 31.26 16 proce. In reality, A Two Mile Race in Gananoque; of the inspector's wark dur-| Miss Kathleen (VHara, Miss Hazel CIGARS FOR 25¢. Next Thursday. [ing the year: Horses inspected, 38; [Mussie, Miss B. Tandy and Mr. Hodgw Curtains gas wold for $1.09, the meter profit Lv fe bald ia we having to be added, He had retorted | A two mile race will be held in %a- Hy ces humanely destroyed, 17; horses [contributed several songs that sere Nottingham and Swiss, special | that Ald. Nickle shoud also have Ranoque. on FPhursday alter noon, a xt: | ordered to be fed, 3; horses _to be | greatly enjoyed by all present. Miss purchase, some rare bargains, at | criticized the selling of electri power |The race will be ran on the hat hile {shod, 1; horses to be rested, 7; cows |Singleton contributed a beautifully SMOKE OUR Bo 25 and $1.75. to the street railway company for track, Two local Funners wi x os inspected, 12; cows medically treated, | rendered piano solo. Linoleum and Oileloth, 1.66 cents a kilo-watt hour, when iy [Leslie Wood, of Jareiufierd, p. Ii cows. destroyed, 3; dogs estruyed,| Hh gical Jlambirt, ies LIMESTONES Repair and Upholstering work | 'ost L914 centst to produce a kilo Miettanter. Woods ran in A twvie [10; cats destroyed, 53. prose utions, | Cal. Mnssie read an interesting inper promptly done. watt, He had nothing to add or to [Mile race here on Vic GEIR, CY an | 3 convictions, 2; case dismissed, 1.jon "Uruelty To Animals." This paper Equal to most 10¢. brands. Y retract. He secured Ms information | Wo€ well up with the bunch when h The prosecutions appear small, but contained many useful hints to the urs, from the light plant financial state obstacles | Society, to the inspector and the ---- Ts F. Harrison Co., ment which was duly audited: -- That FHONE 00 was all be had to say upon the mat- quit, owing to the Brockville team | this is owing to the many jockeying him, He is 4 fast two orf C Co too 4 cope with;-such--ds | People in_general. Aut oF three mile fuga and should be in the | Lo 0 unwillingness to come for-| After "The Maple Leaf' had been College Inn Cigar Store he athe ou will el ter, and he would be pleased to have | MOY: } McMaster alte i a fast man | ward and give evidence, and the fear Hing by J. bE Walkem, and the mem : : Ithouoh he has not been figuring very | have of losing + bv ag- bers, Dean Farthing moved a hearty Ald, kle shoy hs y set rail- | 2 $ { that many have of losing tre Wa v Ww. AKE dd, Niekl ww that the street rail {vote of thanks to the speakers nd J. F R, Prop . ominently lately. Quite a number | . re way wasn't getting power from the {PF ment hu 1 wom the § 1g the society tothers wih had k 2 } ity below eost of local sports will accompany ae { The financial report was next read, [OWhers, who had taken part in the | ofl ISERIES ALL. Nickle ase ied an hour In re boys to Ganannque Horse races are and iz as follow { proceedings. Mr, Bermingham stated] . # / a han eters r u F . I : also to be held on that day in Gan- {that it gave him great pleasure in plying. He first reviewed the history . | second t) i betede tote ebde be bee bth \ AGOUR He firs : Y { anoque ceipts. CON we motion, paving kind tei drdepobebod - = of the SEfuet Failuay from its 2 Receiy {bute to the ladies who had contribu Ls } ai W, F. uU DIER. mencement in id, and then told of «| ted to the musical proeramme. The the losses sustained by the late com 2 10. 25/ iy oe. Th | To balance from last annual The Baseball League. meeting : . : pany, when the city too over the A full meeting of the executive of | Annual memberships ..... . 7 Oi) LI. rapt a a close by light plant, which "practic ally main- | the Kingston Baseball Club was held | Quang collected under { singing the national anthem tained the railway. The latter wus [in the Randalph hotel on 'Thursday | junior membership fos ... ? 60" RALPH STUART AT GRAND evening, President Frederick MePar THE FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY ESTABLISHED, 1863, President--Sir Richard Cartwright Money loaned on City ahd Farm Pro perties. Municipal and ( . Lures Mortgages purchase received and juterest allowed 8. C. McGill, Managing Director. New England Chinese Restaurant 331 King Street. Open from 10.30 a.m. to 8am. the host place to get an all round Launch in the ciky, Meals of all kinds on shortest notice. English and Chinese dishes oa specialty. hone, 655 HN filha, Ra able to pany only when run in con junction with the light plant. The late George Richardson, H. W. Richardson and himself had stepped into the breach when the line was closed up in 1905, and when no one would buy it. hey bad put up $100,000 to get the line in operation again. His family had lost 360,000 through the com- pany's. failure, According to newspa- was discussed, put to a vote. and' the per reports, Ald. Nickle said that motion was Tost by a small margin. sometimes the people would: think The representatives of the C.1..0. team that he was a thief and a grafter, stated that after considering the ame the way he was attacked because of | oy Ge RO HA, which did not his street railway connection. come off 'a week ago Saturday, they land, presiding. The schedule was Total ... =< ( considered, and the representatives of the Mio-Macs were present and stated Disbursements. | lightful Play. that the team had not dropped out, [w Nicholls. V'S. > gervives 271 251 "Strongheart," by William ©. De but would play their games on oa Ina ctor Aru i ' 3 on | Mille, was given at the Grand, last turday. N. Mathewson and 1B. Ha¥ri Wha Publishing Om: SRBY. {night by Ralph Stuart and his com son were present as representatives of Ne ug Publichit anpany pany. and the pay proved a most the Emeralds, and applied for admis- 3 xk Pri pod ° ha we | delightful ome. | herg was only a fair sion to the senior series. The matter Re Wallon RE apa sized audience, ' Constable Ontario: Park. |i Stary cuntres around the life of Bibby, horse. for ispletor 5. | Slrongheart," who is the son of an : i Indian chief, and a hero of the grid Stamps and posteards iron. He enters Columbia 1 Balance in hank 00 av : 0 min Lintverdsty gp | Plavs on the football team, and falls _ {in love with his chum's sister. The Cash on hand As to power he thought tat when decided not to accent it by default, Cg {girl's relatives object stron~'- to his swit, and, although she is willing to the Richardsons and himself were risk- but to play it off. They will take the 5 yd a} ing $100,000, the city could afford mf one that the Mic-Mace' did not play | In mov mg. the top! on 4 Aa 129 With him, his people object to her 1056 to risk $2,800 for power when | pn Saturday last. | above report, ®'rincipal Gordon. ga¥e fC 0 ife of their future chief, and : { an interesting address, especially 0 lhe is forced to ' : the railway benefited Kingston to a ) ha. Your Measure for $1.25 the young members of the Band of | 4 he play i ------------ large extent. * Ald. Toye had brought MARINE NOTES. gives a true picture of Have you seen the Skirts PORCH SHADES to council the report recommending | Meter . he meting Fhe Seg fe | college life of to-day, and of special that Mr: J Rosen, the the ii ir d of ower O the street ry i | stated a 1 gave him grea I en - | ote is ~ QM a : a? & 1 1 x : way ay at 1.66 ty a Hl The Vessels Are Beginning to suré to move the adoption of the hos " _ Tat --_ rt r hie Tales i ha » Waking joy Are just the thing for your watt hour, Ald. Nickle said and had T ; Move. ». . fabove report. He spoke of the wse- fo ete 3 hich] nl wind ne 9 . uring This fae 2B Verandah, made of thin strips | voted for it. : pe, Steamy ht Say When i¥ in| fulness of the lower animals through Ips a ational Ddeawtic and y: SAC ky Style, St and work- : ED Regarding: the te thems ; he avis' « ry dock for rgpairs. the country, how we must depend on { heart" is suspected of So he ol mans ip eT : of Linden Wood artistically s iw th Statement that the Steamer Dindee was here, this morn- them, for vood clothes and many ¥ ol treachery. hut Our range of goods is very strévt railway gets power below cost, ! ing he x {wpon investigation is found O0e 3 as : : g&. on the way to Montreal, other things. He spoke of the doy, | ¥ innocent complete, and the prices stained, all sizes in stock. Ald. Nickle propeeded to demonstrate Tug Peter Smith, Toronto, arrived |wuving that those who have had the | In he role of the Indian, Mr. Stuart reasonable Suppose you that the city makes money by giving | bere, to-day, on the way to Montreal | pleasure of keeping a good dog knew [rave & Wu hed 0 performance, and he call TO-MORROW poe to the Cats for 1.66 cents a for plywood. 5 the pleasant companionship . derived jas ive Several vurtnin talle. How a Ul siloowatt hour, even if it does cost Steamer Glengarry will arrive from [fiom him. Intelligence of the lower | " Ha ie" Aro r y fy ivi i R. McFA 9 L9 cents dor its production. He de | Oswego to load 'wheat at Richard- | qnimals espe iadly the dog, appeals | eas je abl yi ig I New Goods Arriving Daily " >" street' pi > " ¢ wk | . Hoy wv of capable people, iss Fvel 3 clared that the street railway was | sons', for Montreal. very strongly to us. The speaker | Vaughan lin Li t ol y in pr » Summer Weight Corsets, al] ¢ v 10st pleasine or Mer sizes, 50c¢. each Kingston Carpet Warehouse the best customer the city had, and The steamers City of Montreal,| went on to speak of the intelligence | 0% he \ without it the cost of electrical pro- | Brockwille, and Victoria are here for | of the sheep dog, how it would herd jae ation of the role of Dorothy Nel Summer Vests with or without sleeves 121¢. and up |#on, and Margaret Moffatt, who, by . Ladies' Fast Black Cotton Hose, 16¢. and up. Ladies' Tan Cotton Hose, OR 0 { "Strongheart'"' Last Night, a De- Rn ANH Selotoleelodode todd Seelrdelododet tot ts rTTrTTTTT TITTY sR oie at 60 = ~ 1 A Nobby Skirt Made to . = Sobobolobatoud Bd. RF duction would be higher. If the street | overhauling in dry dock. sheep on the hills, in the city or any {the way, i H-K 1 1 | the «18 a well-known Toronto gir special at 25c. a nair ; The Wood's Phosphodine, railway was to drop out gs 5 custont Steamer Simla arrived at Richard: | place it was required to do so. He via t+ : 1 AN 19 Great Bnglish Femed) er of the city plant, all the city | sons', this morning, from Fort William | 4lso spoke. of 4 dog in Scotland which i R 5 Fouls part which she fills with s » n ' Q ore ¢ . ' ' Ends utes a 07 lgGrmiom: ba wha would save would be $581 year for [with 50,000 bushels of wheat. for yeard never left its master's prave, [Toot rodit Ph bunch of collnce ) 6 Liiowd in nid Veing, Durex } eve | the salary of ove man kefit to run At M. T. Co.: Steamers Algonquin | only once a day when it would go for a! r ; 1 in Ii he. whale procuetinn Ou Debiity, Meats and Brain Worry, Des | the street railway engine, Ald, Nickle | and Winona cleared for the upper | food Principal Gordon referred to the [1x T2000 and it is to be regretted b ! yondeny, peal Wonkuens; Himinvions. Sper claimed. The othpr running expenses | lakes; no arrivals, to-day Indians i } oh thei that the Ladies Embroidered and barr ern, aod Klvets of Abuse or Facesses ' Ig expen es; n ' . : ndians, and to a trip through their fate Hose. Tan or Black iw 81 per box, six for §% Aus will please, sh of the plant, he held, would be the| Swift's: Steamers Aletha, from |country. He stated that he was ate E SL oroidered Collas i . : ' : : i i cidere llars, will cure, Bold LA ail druggists or Jan Ale | rame. "Ald. Nickle quoted J. M.|bay points; City of Montreal, irom | watching to see how much the Indians | i a . a ; Fiske Stock Company. special at 25¢ -. o Fiske Stack company, which Li dies" Wash Suites, 'just stating that the street railway power willdopen a week's engagement al the in, $1.75 and Pe with coal. ! kept cats. He stated that that was Monday evening Files of Ale ny fomnany was not greeted ' 13 Regular Price. with' 3 bumper house Selelelot elotol dott 8.8.8 ATTITTTTTITTITTY plata phir on receipt of price. New pamp. % . eri, hat, ree. Tho Wood Med rine Co. Campbell, Ross & Holgate (Montreal), | Montreal; North King, for Rochester, | were becoming civilized. and noticed 1 Nimertn Wind wom rerante. On" | George Osborne and Prof. GE as [on first trip of the season, tonight: |in one agent's report.that thew were | a schooner Keewatin cleared for Oswego fast becoming so, as some of them {Opera House on EAL LLL ETT arrangement was an advantage to the = - . . J . are the first time he evep heard the eat |" Ist, are offering much in the and up. RR SHORT SToP city. Prof. Gill figured that the city : 1 made $400 from the street railway in First Road To Be Built. held up as a test of civilisation In [yne of novelties to their patrons. 3 {They present large repertoire 1907, although it gave it electricity at Men are at work on Park avenue | closing he pointed out to the children 1 of en: CURES J {4} oid, 8 1.66 cents when the cost of produc (Bagot street from West to Barrie [how necsssary it was for them to jo ¥ new plays, varied in scopd and y LWAYS ; tion was 1.94. cents. stfeets) making trenches gnd sewers on | keep these things in mind, how neces- | Character, mterpreted by an exception bd r the sides of the road, preparatory to sary it was that attention shoukl he jally strong acting company, augmen Ald. Niekl: then dealt with the f a * its rebuilding. 'This will likely he the drawn to the subjeet in the school. jted by a large corps of vaudeville fey AND COSTS BUT ; street rallway company's finances, Sf i tures, The J " first piece of road to be macadamized, Prof. Macnnughton seconded the | tal : ' ie Fiske company is an okl > The o she 3 . A {established organizatior Ith not have given out The engineer. wishes to test the new E - ml fis zation, although is} road machinery on this pisce of road} UR 18 its first appearance in this city bP R ! i been for Ald. beh ou, hm ot which is entirely through eity pro- About Men's Hats. jad . has Fd ae Nighust praise y ing to stand eerything without hit-|Perty on both sides, and where no Fo ie puess of the larger ate of {9 The Always Busy Stcre. ting back. Re wasn't going to have Sete ietty . > itl he caused y there | STRAWS AND PANAMAS Had EE ik, or Manda night ny one 3 - ye . iui: fare delays, ihe road mm question 1s Ye * given wath every PR) 3 ¥ RY 1-3-4 3§ ¥ 5 ¥ . rt Sti Pe By ontiruing no in bad - shape anyway. the 'rond E Ia Hott tare hased : pefore J dn. py! 4 a at which we are deter- concerning himself and the railway, {Machinery has not yet arrived. rd fhrough the Breakers : i ¢ 3 {will be the opening bill. "JUST IT." mined tor clear this Since January lst, 1906, pot three x Z per cont. had been made on the ia- A Creamy Delight. \ ---- For the Breakfast on a cold morning "ye : ' Sia . : - : ho Mild Cured Han nd : . vestment. The debenture intrest duel! Good ice cream soda is the most de B. A. dotel Arrivals A iol Mies of oat MY Fics, "60 week. The boxes are % : Cn Strie Fresh Kggs, at Jtto, Acmethine in which you ut Jasuary Sad "aw, vai ai ious borage" mod" Oe sole page, rh ale, Donets | od moe" wie . oF P % & ae < oO WTOW 3 y v . ; { Sprague, RK. L. Kichard, Harry Doner mn ile * ati have to. be "lucky" to' win. from the nk go clear the wacks of | ral quantity of pare ice cream ie n nt { Frank Lynch, Georgé 6G. Brywn, New soiled but the station- There is no "chance" element in| snow last winter. The owners went | given, pure crushed fruits and fruit Yori; N. BR. Turner, Ber. C. Budd, the purchase of improved Real | into the concern for puble spirited | syrups only are employed, and our an F K. B. Pe Guere, H, E. Trent, .Ino. te. ness and were prepared to stand by classes and everythine else ahont the . \ ' { Ho. Greige, W. Marshall, Beni. Allan, it. The $6,000 spent upon new car fountain are absolutely pure. Wade's You can't stretch rR tearge 0), Stone, R. C. Burlingham, If you want something good see] barne did not come ont of the road's] drug store. B.C. Taylor, Foronto: George T, owing or other properties | earnings, Ald. Nickle said, but out of the season at the 4 Hanson, Syl E. Convery, Alex. Stew- our list. the stockholders' pockets. Ald. Nickle An English Estate. g art, Mr. Kingkist, 8. Turk, R. G i * stated that when the street railway Toronto Star : farther end of it to get the most | Sharpe, J. R. Lancaster, F. Andrews, BY. 1b ~ oe New Double Dwelling, 30] hill came before the railway commit-| The late John Pearson, of Sheffield, wear out of a straw hat. There's Manteea; Klok a, Hand ton = ripped. lo i - . Rs it a: A. ony nov and in no 82 John street, 7 rooms | tee at Toronto, Mr. Pense had com- | England, who died in June, 1908, had . -" - : ° an estate in Ontario valued at 35,668, [a time to put on a "straw and a] Bell le: Arthur Allen, Wellinwton: | @ Sit aden, It We have fifty-eight boxes of Stationery JIE AALAA LL ALLL TPT i -------- esscsee . Sevseseseesy ory inside is in good ASTIGMATISM. condition, and as it is a staple article for every day use, it makes a - #ach, with bath and closet, hot | mended it and voted for it, and yet Lar A hada ait] splendid buy at the and cold water, 6 foot cellar, | his newspaper was continuaily attack: | of which $2,205 is in debts and notes, lyme to lav it by -- these are the! James Hughes, Chesterville: R. Melp: causes hendaches independent gateway to each. | ing him on street rejiway matters, | and $3,120 in real estate, at 78 West raw hat d : Th f tosh, Winchester; GG. W. Hunt, Ottn- © House rented for rental $240. and said that he had gone to Toron avenue, Toronto. The legatees are : : ays, i e soit wa George Stacey, London; V, 0. : for clats legislation. © {Jessie Fasson Pearson, cousin, snd beim hats like the pictuse will Piliipe, 0. B. Goolding, Berlin: A. The strect railway question he claim Mrs. Fuphemia B. Murray, daughter, Be ver 1 Pri 14 Brebner. Prantford; George Ferguson, ed shoald never have been thrown in- | of Kingston, Unt., and Mrs, Georgina y popular, fiees Oflda Ferguson, Cleveland. to this campaign. In concluding, Ald. B. Crossland, daughter; Mvs. Lillian . tnd Nickln stated thut when changes wero | Maxwell, daughter, and three sore. | Pygamas for men and ladies Here You Are Sonny. made to the cars, the company gave city. fh \ are rapidly gaining favor and as Boye" and children's summer hats, up its privilege of paying only $2.50 o in straw. o y I 2 a wal we" Bave the best aloe 10 Toni fr ! meter, t veri rej. isty's Scott's. and the biggest variety in King- mm" : ® oi . Ee i Shh Fore out that Toms | cCricbnte hate ate to be bod in |ypon Prices $5 10 $12. Try Wibl's collars, 2 for 2." | 8 (MANY css ave srodemesd LT In reply 'All. Toye fail that Ross | Kigsston at Campbell Bros', the leaj- . Prevost, Brock street, has a splendid | © to sre shout pour s ag r & Holgnte had reported that the | oo in men's hats. Fancy Hat Bands 50c. extra. assortment of gents furnishings snd Wiammen. My optical sxausinadiom (Successor to Nisbet.) street railway Gompany as a ------------ i . {ready-made clbthing at fow prices. The | & 47 es 10 the public . ; Watch oar windows. order depart i well gasortead with : 2 Ln a Cor. Princess and Welling. fomsamer was of net | : new goods, First class value and fit | § | port was made, it cest 1.56 cents to cats inti enti here waranteed. a s : DR. A. P. CHOWN, ten Sts ow an yi ait : a s oa a osie 5 Nee ailvi . PRUGGIST AKI OPTICIAN, ets : ! ue ew ] : for smart | prices we are clearing it.

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