THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, MAY AY 3, 1908. i ---- R-- THE WHIG,. 75th YI YEAR| going that in the year in question not | financial statement. While the expen- ! : DAILY Sarrisy WHIG, published a week passed but some hapless libe- | diture on outside legal service, for | { = ele: leo 9% ral official was temioved to make | instance--the pap department, design- | year. and 4 o'clock WEEKLY TEE wil, 16 pages, oul | Soie for a government favorite. ed for the feeding of the hungry and Surprise or The Day. in parts on M ursday mors- " : 2 $1 a year. To raised L Stastny charge | Numerous as were the decapitations | needy hangers on of the party--has (Ottawa Citizen. The surprise is not that Harry K. : A h d ¥ hed 4 ori sc. for Fer. to be they were 'aot sufficient to meet the | gone up 240 per vent; the aid to _arri Fas is pie 2 sot that Hcy #1 Offices in js one Cons of the dest Job Printing | demands of the party, for it-is found | cultural indudtry bas been increased | = Tien ahd ee ony pu Te that in the three years and four | by 7.57 per cent. to be so afflicted. msi tne There is plenty of money and it is} os r---- ---- ' ou Rn b Publishing Co., Ld | months they have been in plwer the a ABLE Whig Pub od being spent with a lavieh hand. That How Is This ? B PENSE, J] Whitey has i Bb FLOOR VARNISH ] itney government has increased the : : " Juamaging De number of public offices in the pro- | is all that really can be said in de [Hupingn Spectator. faationt appeals 4 ¢ é ad by . $ : - e ey government appeals to Ma . The Shs swine Dailv 1Abi {vince by 113, and to-day of the 517] fence of the government. H Hhete is al the electors on its general good re Williams Co.e1s tough § v ag. functionaries who may be strictly | prosperous treasury who should get! gq ,0t on the hydro-electric power and elastic. Doesn't scratch called paid members of the civil ser- | the credit? Not the Whitney govern | scheme. The man who says that the or mar readily under foot A SOLDIER UNDER FIRE. 'J vice, 324 ave appointees of the presept | ment, since, in opposition, its mem- } ouer_quistion an. fa. aug pve wear. Can be walked on Col. Hughes read out of the party ! government. At the same rate it | bers stormed ageinst the succession | ge 4 It has been thought of, as one t take J ser- | dues--the robbery of the dead--| p . . a. next day after application. J as n 4 ought of, as o Judges would no al ong to make the ser | du | Sweet Moralizing. Smooth Split Straws, Milan from an article in the Hamilton Spec | vice entirely conservative. against the tax on corporations, (gu. .h Mercury. . . x = tator. "There is only one thing that] That the, service is not entirely con- | against the brewers' and distillers' | Life is a cocktail, made up for the B raids, Sennit B raids, ete. $1.50, would make it desirable," says ouf | servative, that some liberals remain | licenses, against the provincial rail: pt Part of Shan things, and tinged 1.75, 2.00 values. ap New Ontario wit lA dasn ol hitters. e must drain contemporary, "that Col. Hughes {in it, is not due to any great leniency | way which opened {it to the dregs to get at the cherry, | 4 should be read out of the party ind or favour on the part of the govern: | and produced the remarkable increase | just as we must live a full and round OUR PRICE $1 00 connection with the Ross rifle con: { ment. The process of elimination has | in lands and minerals. All the "ini- [ed life to know all its pleasures. 9 . . tract, and ax no one has ever insinu- | been steadily continued during the quities" of the liberals, in the way of -- ated that one ting in the colonels | reign of the government, and its de- taxes, have been perpetuated, and in Breatiss or. Sis Glory. ease. it is hardly likely that he will velopment is only checked temporarily | addition the work of which the Ross| (Ope can easily imagine the Omtario be asked to leave the conservative | pending the election. The spoilsmen government began was finished by the | minister 'of education at the close of party yet awhile, even though be may Jare yet hungry, and the capacious | Whitney government and with a very | his Visit to ove of the educational in- | " have opinions" of his own and at | maw of the party must in some way | substantial gain in the subsidy from Shicutivag of the Jroiace diomicsing [P03] TRANG Caddies N 1i variance with those of his colleagues | be satisfied. The men who would not | the dominion. If the treasury depart | Gitdren. vou mav le the devil and NR eg 1gee Tins, Half Pints, 'Pints, on this somewhat important matter." | resign when told to do so, who de | ment is in affluent circumstances the [shake yourselves," ~ 1. e 1, Quarts, ete, The one reason can only he imagin- | manded a cause and the establishment liberals are to be credited since the - 4 a Shi rts ed. Col. Hughes is not, in any case, Jof it by reasonable evidence, will be iniquity of their sipeessors succeeded | MacKay In Evidence. 1 ; CORBETT'S HARDWARE at all worried. He wept direct from | threatened again, if by anv chance in adding _ only' $351,432 out of the ag Staion as chieftain, an Ottawa (after his collision with Col. the Whitney government is sustained, gross receipts of $8,320,119 last yenr.| other MacKay rousing the clan? in Worthington and some other tin sol- [and the slanghter will go on while One item of revenue could have been | North. Oxford, and a third MacKay Genteel White Shirts, Soft Bosom Styles, Pleated and Plain carrying the fiery cross over the clifis COMFORTABLE diers on the 'conservative side of the | there is any place a vicious party {i creased much more had the promise th ey Fa Bosoms, $1.50 values. . : : : ke vy. Al EY 80 : gov : i ang rough the forests of Algoma, commons), to Lindsay, and there re- |hack can envy 1 this is a scandal | of the conservatives been carried out. who will say that the liberals will not SUMMER SUITS ceived Mr, Whitney and led in his |--8 scandal the Whitney people said There was a. 4 dous row becauss| march ta victory on June Sth? . adoration at a local political meet they would not have, and a scandal the Ross government did not off-hand --- . Our Price ( 00: ) We have them in all styles and ing. Col. Hughes, does not consider § the party leaders in Ottawa profess adopt the Pettypieee bill which levied A Neat Come Dowi. hullabaloo raised by re himself less a conservative because to utterly abhor. ' % 3 ; . {Hamilton Times. patterns. Latest designs and low- |, will eis hie individuality 'and! -------- ll a tax.on railways as it is levied in |"Uyp O° TRE ost prices, $5, $6.50, $8.50 up to : he hetat hi y od ie b> Michigan, but three years and a half Major Hodgins, with the help of the : $13.50. gnats 2 e dictates of his oie ouce RUCTIONS IN WEST TORONTO. have gone 'und the' Weekly: Sun, | the] tory press, over wrongiul classification a i on public questions. As a soldier he The Ross government is not under farmers' . of work on the N.T.R., he stated on Pik : isan isi paper, proclaims the default , Tt qc -- Cn hs. . Come in, look ower our stock |does not criticize the militia depart- |eriticism. 'I'he conservatives are pot Y-oF the gon ¥ pe and widés "Fond oath, on Thursday, that- his charges Fancy Hosiery, New Styles and Colorings, 50c., 75c. value A : og ; a » ernment, = are - and see if we cannot suit you at [ment in a partizan spirit, going info ancient history. Wh | tions which not admit of any de- be Te der iy based the amy, het Or rr prices obtainable nowhere else. annot he be a soldier and a politi They charged the liberals with many Nence. The |farmers, uifortunately, | on the matter, and, that, in his own Ra rice, C. cian without compromising his char- heinous... crimes in the administration etting the worst of it in| opinion (the words are from his own Rod & 9 h i 3 3 . : od - = i "olassifiea: acter ! ls the: member of parliament | ¢ (he public * business, and cammot | taxation, in education, in aid to | PO't to the commission), "classifica Did you ses ou Nobby $15 Men's Suits ? ~deastwise the member of the opposi- % A tion is not a serious matter, in my woduee proof of it. Fifteen years ic i thi ey ; 2 I I n years ago. | agriculture, in everything, and there opinion, and that of Messrs. MeArthur tion-- bec 'hine in : ISAAC ZACKS, ion--to become a mere machine, or {4p.i. leader, ii Lambton, and in the | will be no redress 50 (long as they |and Hazlewood?' B71 Princess street. part of a machine, without the ca- presence of the late Mr. Pardee, fairly | are represented by men of the Gal- : i; s Je ; pacity for any service but to move | chook with passion. as he charged that | lagher type. His usefulness is over. It AN EMPTY BOAST.- - "1. BIB BY G0. Also large new sfock of Boots and Shoes at rock bottoin prices. ENCE EV BALD- , y BCI PREVENTS LD- | at the beck and call of the whip and some day, when the public offices were | is time he gave away to some a NESS. vote as he is commanded to do? opened to inspection, there would be | ooo : Has Not Done Much' ¥s" Stop The Fatal Germu and Its Remedy | What a scandal it is that three years [shockifig revelations. Later, during . Plague, London Advertiser, Now Facts of Science. have passed since the New York [the long probation of Mr. Whitney, EDITORIAL NOTES. y dveltitedy rr resis It is the rarest thing in the world mayoralty election, and a recount of [there were ominous mutterings of n a sf ¢ > ¥: for.a man to be necessarily bald. No the ballots is only taking place. Mr: what would happen when the people man whose hair is not dead at the : "~ : 3 vi e hid. Tha Sate used bp bail he will uty New. { Hearst - mad » great sun iu 1904-2 lives Win 2 in 4 - De -- ing to be denit with * to head off the great white plague { orpic , j ) . Bh . p ree years ago, and the ictex 0 hea gre 4 . bro's Herpicide, the new scalp anti- | greater one than he could make now. y € mst, Al the. Whitey guveramept Bis bi. Hespiddy flegivole the -- He has Jost in popularity'through his [exposure has Bot yet $aken plage. The Why camot an alderman discuss the done in this connection has been to : i ae . y' ud fa d quarrels with the Independence League. Tact is that the liberals left office | power agreement as well in the coun- [devise a scheme for the publishing WO pecia S in i loane le Tr with clean hands and clean records, | cil as out of it? The facts and the land circulating of literature bearing on tion. Mr. Mannett, in the Maryland PROPOSED STREET PAVING. and it is galling to have to admit | manner of treatment are the same inthe treatment of tuberculosis, which, Black, Butte, Mont, was entirely | The Whig is gratified that the alder- [the fact. The party of purity--how | any case.' in view of we pressing ond ut fee bald. In less than a month Herpicide { . vith the citizens jProud it was of the title in former i tutions ge he prope . Se, ak : aA ie X or S Kad vémoved 'the enemies of hair [Mo |" Common wi agen 1 Cas vel ak If the succession tax was a robbery 0nd" segregation of victims of the dis- gederally, read what it has to say on |"ayS--Imus quarrel about something, case, is very initie indeed. growth and mature did its work by : . d' havi ey & | of the dead under Tiberal rule, it mst i i i cipal pst i 1 that they |®™ aving no ground for attack . In 'the matter of the treatment o dovering Jus Jwgd with thick hair gn } municipal questipns, anc a y be a rohbecy of 'the lead now. What ltusereitone the poopie of Ontarie ave : 1 > he liberals are now proceedin os sn ix weeks he, had: a have, heen inpressed "with its views. upon 1 al ¥ g does 8 the poopie he Ee Sold by "eading "he bers Yi, K hay be the [10 malign - each other. The attempt | ®XCuse the provincial treasurer [educated VOI : it means. oy . ry W dries." Sod 18. in stampa fox | 0 SOF ol Ne. Why May bo the FOCI PLY weieht ase in Wen | ive or canting it ¥ now know full well hat whercwlosis | 3 J adies' Dark Chocolate, Gibson Tie, $2.00 sample. to the Herpicide Co., Detrait, easier way for the city to in nee 1. f the is curable if grappled h ; 'e a) Mr. Kirk th Toronto--or rather the attempt of the, G ine eivi teas. 1 : : is too late, and that it is 86 com Mich, Two & Shciapd $1. G. | street paving. Mr. Kirby was the pro- hi ifice for. ti k senuine civil serviee' is being aim- icabl lo be most serkons "0 . . W. Mahood, oped jector of the artifidal. walks which Machine; to 'sacrifice him for 0 Sake [ea A in Ottawa ander the direction mumicayh a8 © be b> " "What the Ladies Patent Colt, Gibson Tie, $2.00. 5! agent. i , {of the one who has the call "fram an x menace to all commumitios. have become go numerous, and it may of alpermanent and independent com- public demands is, not more advice be that his work will be the means of unfair bunch of Conservatives, is lead- ission, Why cannot there be the land instruction on the subject, but causing a new departure. on the-sub- {0g to riotous conditions, rhoge who same civil service reform in Ontario ? that the provinge shollld provide ade are not iersangity involved, and who quate accommodation for and means ject of street making, » os : & : 3 1 Teo wefloction co public mana like the admitable fighting qualities Conservajives are appearing upon of treatment of victims of the scourge. \ of Mr. Wright, feel like saying, "More | the platform with Dr. Hossack, in To-| In this respect the Whitney gov 3 » A) "When is the labour council's petition |Hon. Mr. Hanna, in reciting the -. - - ements of the Whitney govern chie 8 \ with regard to the street railway go- [ort claimed that it had done much ya. ment, 4 ps {hut eompetently : i . ernment has been remiss in its duty.} LEGISLAT ASSEMBLY constituted works department cannot | POV" to your elbow. When lawyers | ronto. The further evidence of what is Not only has it failed So provide undertake public service. as cheap, if get what they call their due every | said by travellers--that Hossack is much-needed sanatoria and hospitals, RATES REEF ESSA E EAE ESPERO EATS : pone sits up and asks for the particu- | the people's candidate and will be but it has discouraged municipal ef not cheaper; than ivat p- FOR RE-ELECTION . . | #2 : a prva . contrac lars. elected. fort. At the behest of the Hon. Adam se tor, Mr. Kirthy is undertaking, it is 7 -------- Beck th yi J ¢ has FEET da SE " : s ' x N je government majority ha BITTEN BY A DOG | x ' ' - TT . ! SUICIDED AT 'PHONE been used to block a worthy project sident, eacled, satl man ran in erying she 7 is that woman her lying sgainst the wall orth {ine lance told him $0 be paid Jor his time geription,"" A steam engine in trousers, . y By I is time and also from ter into a purity eqreement ! The a most deplorable situation Mr stable To-Day. Identify Her. : . down bribery and gorruption by any [majority of the people whose repre- | on the leg by a dog,:yesteeday after | day entered a telephone booth in against any personal experiment, go {M18 force is ungbated. : , : Mr. Nickle does not. like the object | tinue his obstruction. Russell streets, the dog ren out, and | siied took the receiver from its hook at ¢ kaa Provincia al Election : od bY the People, think that the Whitney government it : ; . I'he assurance is now given that the + to any extravagance. er question. Then he should say less A Real American although not of a serious nature. |, the receiver that it almost touch ; g oy 1a sual | i b ' To The Eledkors wt of Kingston and specification of which the city engineer | growing, he says, and the growth of . Em. { day. us Srv he. lel) sioady hur = head.. Rwting A ty should be very quiet. pire dinner in New York in honor of pect 0 votes and influences, to secure my | engineer: and that the contradéts will N for the increased ex i sonable excuse for the incr News abhors and loathes any better | Americans as were British educates J i rs : i > ng pi wecia- " AMES H. METCALFE, council. This is the bu# ness proceed- | devssing a Kingston mesting. shortly Pyne's iden of pap and its uses' the give expression of American apy a Bath Brevities. vious : . ™ y : 1 1 consideration of the question, [ed what item could be cut down or province ? over into imperialism' and denied | have been visiting their sister, was past aid. He wns.) F true, an educational campaign of some i iti ; rat 2 Rerahi paig Leader. MacKay answers the ide- Now it is the conservative candidate » al ae = 4 conswderable value, but he calculates a . » | at Brockville who has declined to en. |°figinating in % 3 le » Was Shot By Police G i : : which would have done much to meet anine as Sho y Palice on- | Woman Called For Some One to due He has been ddressing six to ten " the product reap a reasonable re- ~ tw the. and | #reat Donovau is mot going to put {Beck over-rules the wishes of the Street Foreman 'Timms was bitten Helens Daw i t th t ward, The Whig was not arguing meetings a week for two months," a | i Daenzer wenty six ve other act of his. sentative he has been, and he makes | noon. He wae riding = his whicl, ANAL drag store in Brooklve spread a let much as against the launching of a WHERE THE MONEY GOES. eine no secret of his determination to cour f when near the corner of Montreal and | yor pddressed to her mother before her, scheme "which was not folly under- The conservative candidate does not i i I -- attacked him. His trousers were torn A 0 } lessons he has been getting in the pow- il a i she talked sho too a revolve the animal inflicted. a nasty wound, | {p,m het dress, put the muzele so ¢low : i has been given 5 : " y " i about the w 5 9. The |Watertown, N.Y. Times. : 1 8 8 able to be around to- | 4 paving will be done according to a The business of the country has been bi 3 ut boa chien s gn The RR area woke iculauly: falinhs Mr. Timms was able to be around { ed, and fired a bullet into her bra Mg eneliclary ai the city's boun. tous in his little speech at the ho # wat reported Ho: i al g wil . Bo . * . ie Case As repo il 0 1 polos against the receiver's arm. Portsmouth : pro oat the work will be }ocBenditure must go with it. His thee birthday and which | 8 Constable Frederick Davis, this | [1 ; the drug re had scarce done under a2 - -------- 3 wen Victoria's 0 hI " ah he del . ye th 1 & GENTLEMEN. respectfully solfet o t supervision of the party did not accept that as a rea Is the patronage which the Toronto a given by British residents and such morning, hot th o x. Fn animal | | . rod their senses when thi way owned by a ontreal street re | wi own' open sind a bare #8 representative In the ensuing I n open and a A 0 Very y Yours be binding only when they have been penditure by the liberals. The finan] when exercised in connection with fod. | By virtue of his doctor's degree from. $ Trul reported to and approved by the cial treasurer, for instance, in ad- | oral than provincial governments 7. 1g { Oxford, Mr. Clemens was present to nc May 20d, 1008. ti f Queen Victoria. Now a good | ing whi 2 : t ion of 'een V1e10. 4 May 2% 8 Fre rivet | § hich was missing from the pre- | before the change of government, ask- idea of the conservative party in this | many speakers would have slopped Kinth. ay els ¥ Feank ri y an Mra. sibhert, hoth o orond« Cook's Cotton Root Compound and its presence gives ground for hope | omitted from the budget of that year, a -- American ideals and traditions. Mr Mes. D.'T. Rowe. have returned home Jurbidge, to whom she had been talk : that. the work when done will be re was vi fi Mr. MacKay, in Hamilton, f j {Clemens did not. He was pot even Ft : i She told him she would be dead no aunswer, off. Mr. Machay, an aml » Iavoured * oO a (roy bank, here. : great ut: {and ough the 4 funny, which would, of course, have Mg. Watson. of th rown hank, here, | two minutes. In her letter to her isfartory 34 SYETY Tespens hand; the ery went out of waste and | the call of a minister of labour to the heen a great breach of good taste 'om has returned from Shelburne, where | mother, the youny woman had said wa _--- * lextravagance. government. He would certainly bel oo °C i He spoke earnestly jhe was spending his iedlidays, George [ather, wh Suing Noman had said al could be gaved by the Whitney | 'That the Matheson argument ® was | of more use, if an efficient man, than [and soberly of the splendid influence naa, ch oR a m | appointment, She was of a sweet dis : ? I is V: : a mgston, where he has secured a po t government ¥ The money spent in 'the merest claprtrap has been demon- | some of the mén now called ministers [of Queen Victoria as a woman, wife bition onthe steamer : Nosh King. position amd populaz socially in: what is known as ver Stuyvesn Sec commissions, | : : i x he land mother; how that influence had [¥ n 1907 the espendituse strated by what has transpired during | bnd drawing big salaries from the such beneficent effects on humbler |G A. Wartman returned on Wednes fica" in' Brooklvti under this head reached $114,700, or, she Jast t years. The total out- | province. ' homes and how it reached into the | Jay, from Kingston, bringing with hin ee emma outside of the railway board, $96,320. lay of the province has gone up from future. It was a simple recital of |& new up-to-date gasoline launch A Nifty Telescooe Hats. Even that is an extra for work which $5,000,000, under the Ross govern- There must have been a rare mn American appreciation of the life of |pumber of our citizens attended the was formerly done by the executive ment, to $10,000,000, and it can hard tiny in the Whitney government on ljueen Victoria, and # was true. The | celebration m Kingston on Monday committee, ly be said that the business of the the power question when Mr. Beck |light that went out from ht, Sone Hine Shue], Viokat, Na *imting hee ; i i . {was the light of parity that illumina- iriend, Miss Stevenson. | rr | Waldron's WORK OF province has doubled in that time. pag ign iat lime, Sats ted rr Bore. This made her + a [300 Maxvillo, visited His brother, ("8 dion OF THE Ake MAN, In other words the increase was as 3 * lmonarch, as Mr. It is pleaded that the spoils system much in three years as it had been 2 : . | The wild of a professional baseball Cle: id, th- | Daniel N. Robinson, on Wednesday. A | 4 : i Ma 4 Have the "knockers" surrendered ? Or out a peer among th oouded game of baseball was played, here, | player doesn't seem to mind the fact 1 « v last, § wen the n od has not been so muh in evidence in Jin the previous thirty-three. Show ame, have they been knocked out ? her upon cither her own throme or a Hoda Jae Btwn he mitied | - Ontario the ki i + -_g any other and makes her name live | and sing ; ob | EAT WHAT YOU WANT as liberals allege, that | where there is an undue increase, fe / for ever of 33 to 1 in faver of the married . Whitney's axeman has not chopped off the apologist. Well, in civil sov- | . The grievance'on the power question [for ever. men, so many official heads after all. No? ernment the . advance has been forty. | 1* that all 'people are not being treat- Mississippi Golden Wedding : {But Find the Way to Digest What vy Jermen ed alike. If the poor man should not | P : Ree Bibby's $i5 blue suits. | You Do Eat. ' . } ; event took place at Mp EE siz pee ent," from $304,000 to 3500, get the gas he uses in his cooking and Sr Hh MeBioton's, + "White:] The Canadian Magazine for June | The first thing to do in the case of indigestion or stomach weakness Is to 00, and the effect is Visible hy the stove below cost, the rich man, and {hi use Lawn," Mississippi, when they | contains a rumber of excesdingly ele | larger number of persons employed the rich corporation, should not get celebrated their golden wedding, May] ver mites, including "Ihe Literature | strengthen the muscular walls of the 4 around the rliamen bubldings-- . , . 3 4 Gr ore the festivic | of War," by W. J. Pitts; "Modern [stomach and intestines, so that thes 300 in 1904 ha 359 in 100, There is his power 'or Wlectricity below cost. 3th a a. of on od numerous 1m, by Rev. J. R. Teely, ELD will care for the food that is enten. x : inesd other presents were received by the | The Faychotogy of Gossip," bf J.D. {In no other way can this be done as An iden expressed at the W ¥ aged couple from friends. Fireworks, Lagan, PhD Some rare poetien] [well a2 by taking a Mi-o-na tablet be- evening meeting was. that the conserv- in the evening, ended the reicicings. | gems are also to be found in this flare ouch meal. This restores strength ative candidate wanted to go to To- [Guests were present from all purts. | number. to the stomach muscles and stiouilstes routo and become lhe 'dictator of the{The table was beautifslly decorated. | See Bibby's $15 grey suite. he pouring out of gastric juices, then Both Mr. and Mrs. McKinnon feel in Joka BE. Redmond. leader of the le! ithe food digests readily wad you be government. It wv > semembered { J, tory of health. ish party, and Joseph Devin, Sation- [#in to get the full benefit from what that 8 "Johnny : J alist MP. for Belfast, are oo 16 [you eat. Sentenced To Death. Boston in September to Attend the | Use Mi-ong whenever you hive wick Greenwood, B.C, May 29. At the | convention of the Trish League { hemdache, benrtborn, bad taste in the assizes, Francesco Cedia, the' Halian, See Bibby's $15 brown suits mouth, costed tongue, spots before who wrecked the Niagara hotel. with Francie Merritt, a middle-aged man | the eyes, sleeplessness and © the many a bomb Sablon months ago, killing § in New York, has allowsd doctors to | other symptoms that sre the direct i daughter of the, propristot, Louise | inotulate high with tuberculosis germ | result of indigestion. eh] 1 in order to experiment with various | 6G. W. Mahood gives with every BSc. : 'box of Mona a guaranties to vefwud oe Bibby' rot ¥ straws, 'the money unless the temidy cues The best stock, at Campbell Bros'. 235 sale of whitewear, Nee apdvt that he is a baw deceiver \