Daily British Whig (1850), 29 May 1908, p. 5

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, AY, MAY 29 29, 1908. AW ------------------ wrest -------- OPOILING THE MARKET..." =m, . . REBELLION | IN SAMOS..." VED FROM THE SEA Past ? Lords Won't Pass It. FACTORIES SHIPPING HALF, aN Clot. tembers of the civil REVOLT AGAINST PRINCE, Toray ction of a Seoteh "home PICKED UP TW. TWO SAILORS ) CURED PRODUCE. a throughout the dominion ol AND GOVERNOR. . rule" il will Sonshor complicate mat- ADRIFT OVER FIVE DAYS dil acturer S dip e | their salaries is something that must] ters ia Britishe polities. Presumably Black List Will Be Kept--Names of | not hie estimated lig ily.' Men like to) His Highness Assaulted--Fighting there must he some Scotch demand for| Without Food or Water--Men been introduced in re Shippers Who Are Guilty Will | zet fhwir reward when their work is Has Been Goin For Se lit, as it has i chi dad yw gut. g on For Sever- | '%. : ou Td Were in a Pitiable Condition Be Forwarded to the British done, 14 doesnot weed more than the! al Days in the Capital and, demption of a pledge given by Win ton and Wept With Joy When : Su It Sa le Churchill during his Jate campaign in Deal | normal amount of imagination to ap-| : oh | prévigte hat Fen) and powsibly multi-! Toere Are Many Victims. Dundee. In Mr. Gladstone's day, there) They Recovered Consciousness. | Brockville, Ont., May 29.---Chief| plied hardships will be caused by the Constantinople, May 20,--The in| was no demand; for the G.O.M. offer. | Halifax, N.8., May 29.--The Allan Dairy Instructor Publow, for Faster { withholding of the monthly cheques. habitants of the land of Samos, aed the absence of any such feeling asi Carthaginian, from Liverpool Ontario, attended the meeting of the | The responsibility for that, however, |lreek possession off the west coast of [a reason why he proposed home rule brought two French sailors, Collet . : local cheese hoard, and in a vigorous | the opposition must bear. The covern.| Asia Minor, are in revolt against the! for Ireland and not for Beotland. | yi ior and Obligot August, whom she Bargains in Buits that far oversreach all address complained of the continuance | ment has to be true to another re-| Prince of Samos and the governor of | Judging from the Canadian parallel, picked up at sea in a dying condition of the practice of shipping, both from | sponsibility, which is stated in the) the island. Fighting has been gomg|it would appear to be only common They helonged to the fishing schooner previous bounds in the Clothing history Montreal and the factories, cheese not{ assertion that in this British coun-| un at Vathy, the capital, for the past | sense to give Scotland, a legislature [3 50 vos Gt Malo, They got . sufficiently cured. He had in his | ty: the majority must govern, There! three days, aml there are numerous | which would look after local affairs. font ina fog last Friday morning and of Kingston pockets scorey 'of letters from dealers | can be no receding from that posi: | victims of the encounters. The trouble | This need not weaken the importance had been adrift in the dory, without es . in England, making protest against | tion, When George Taylor, or George| appears to have arisen in a conflict | of the imperial parliament any more food or 'water, for five davs and > the practice, many of them claiming | Foster, . of aeoryge Fowlen declares | ietween the governor, Kopusiz Efien-| than our provincial legislatures take half. ' When the Carthaginian picked that the il in esegning, ante of | that he will: Vd disouss or vote on di, and the senate. Ine Prince of Sa [away from the weight of go Saiegal them up yesterday they were lying ' afing. ie believed that preen | meagures «Ki tome before parlia- mos was seized by the malcontents | parliament. But there must he Scotch A ' air dory . i. gi a ' A ' cheese was responsible for the loss of ment, but employ ecercion _-- the| and beaten. He made his escape 10 par am as there is Quebee business tone Su ths hollom of hair x Cleared out five sets of Suit Samples from a leading Manufactur- at least he cent per pond ih ana- | power of obstraction, it becomes the the palace, which has since been be whith could best be dong al home NBCORSEIONS, and did not recover their er, sizes 36 to 40. 230 Suits bought at a price so low that wire dian goods So serious had the en-| juty of government, which is the guar-| ledguered. Reinforcements of troops ¢. political effect of such a meas-| « Their lops d arms were . s quiry become that considerable con- | dian of oue-Pritish constitutional sy-| sen: away from Smyima were driven | ure is not likely to be large: for in wi hey pcg By . er was offered to the Manufacturer we did nos think it would he ne fultation with regard to it had been | stom, and. to resist these tyvamnical| hack by a fusilade from the shore. Scotland 48 already liberal; as is size. anil one ol the. men. wos alse had with the aevicultumm! partes méthads hy every means in ite power.| 'The revolting islends are being aid- Wales, She thie mat an gi She largo covered with hoils, which had broken department loaded down with the cream of this season's Suits, be visability of applying a drastic rem- he Eoviriioant is not. sowons ble for Led: by the gewinrmerie. Jv appests}lsaye dd 4 flered. Still a parlia- out during the days they were adrift. ay a the non payment Phygcial salur- | that the telegraph office has been seig- | ture Sow Edinbur h would 'make it They suffered terribly from cold. When | He vidted Ott ' } while the ies or the yeneral prage of pub-|ed by the revels, but a despatch from | ment a / he It consciousness returned, despite their attempted, * visited Otlawn, and while th re lie busines Ale three Georges and | Smyrna with to days date declares | more than ever difhenit to refuse one sufferings, the men wept with joy that ek Sh dominion divs commivlore | hi Jw, are. The goverment | tht the stack on, th plato Con lo Dulin: The oppoution of Mo Bal hes"VE Stor hey hut civn the decision being reached to give the Sonny recede om og JE Gon wit | Risen, dud that Here bate boon fous, in That is, it will not >» hope. Halt rh hour after the tats o 0000000000000N. 0000000000: out a wiraya Of 3 undamenta jany casualties, 4 thaginian picked up the « ory the oy m AQ PASO. FS . . Sankiacturers Sue. more Sppartunity principles of popular government. The| Since 1532 the Island of Samos has| become law, but ill aman only. dx pian 1 again. Pad they not twen ? TE JARNENTS coin » icy injury. Many factories ir Byxtorn On premier must he prepared to pros ud) Leen gn autonomous principality, » Pay promise. Nor ht i Ae a seen then they would surely have Worsted: in this Mu . npr o tario have heen visited by his instrue to any extremity rather than yidd to! ing an annual tribute to Tarkey. The Srelond How py and jaan wh pn perished. 'Lhe sea was very rough sired Colorings, and Patterns, in- Sars. Who had - to report. that. thee! opposition" that has positively lost| ruler, styled Prince of Samos, is no- | Treland; for Sco when the rescue was effected, and in cluding 5 is, An . ps, } #epoy Ba "WY |its reason. Roblin and, Rogers have) mingd «l by the sultan, and is a Greek, | of grievances. 3 eflecting it the Carthaginians boat Mcing fine Stripes and Overcheels gither found no cheese at all on the bewitohed i y 1 bint : rs : al a New single and double breasted styles elves. or cheese 'only: two: days. old 3 it. The island has a general assembly, It ¥ Girl swain fell overboard and was nearly Sand padded : Shoalde i m-------------- is twenty-seven mules long, and its Hat For Young . drowned. He had 5 very close eall, Jat det boulders aml cotip, every suit is a pefect gem. These Mr, Publow added that he had ot Mow askdec a had 'al . greatest breadth is ten miles. It is he Suits are worth from $12 to $20 cepted. But it was, and here we are with every table in our Clothing ing offered at prices that overshadow 'anything that was ever © OOD ODOC OOO00000 OOOO 00000 O00 ready directed instructors not to make | any report on cheese less than one || forty-two miles southwest of Smyrna. ay : RULED OUT OF ORDER. Have divided them into f lot " 'I he t Ars wa » / J fe em into four lots, as week old. They have also been ye i he Jona on Jan Fears ago 8 ms : follows for Saturday and all next quested to report on factories in the 50,000, mostly Greeks. SH h The Decision of the Rev. Dr. week -- : habit of stripwing green cheese. and a | ji Carman. list of these will be kept, and Faglish From The Island. ' Quebec, May 28.--At the Methodist Lot 1--Regular price 812 denters notified of their existence, Tha Athens; Muy 29. Many women and ] ; a> conference the quiet hour was observed and $13. On male Satur: 1 48 hoard adopted a resolution snecifving chidren fleeing from the Island of 0 from 8 to 9 am. During thi= hour x day and all next week that all intending buyers shall he re- |} Samos have reached Smyrna. They | § ' n Rev. W, I". G. Brown, B.A. gave an Q Lot 2<Rewul ice 814 aquired to sign an acreoment with the |} represent the situnt.on there to be able address on '"The Gengsis Narry- | 5 ars PRAar price and $15. On sale Satur saeretary-treasirer that they will not most critical. It is feared that the J tive." The ministerial session met at | : . day am i . Turkish reinforcements now on their . 9:30 am The applications of young and all next week On Sale Satur comeidey porches their property, or : v i i {| way to the island will start a geoer he fy men as candidates for the mmnistry x Lot 3--Regular price $16 . / ? R {were considered. It is ux very sad J and $17. : fact (that very few young men are of c day and all next week. put them out of their possession. un- 1il they have issued an accepted cheque to the salesman in hill nayment. Ss ing urged. The principality of Samos ral superintendent, ruled that the mo ! ? © Lot 4- Regular ¢ 18 WRIGHT' s CHARGE. exists under the guarantee of France, , g ans $20, On. Si Q a | l 4 | tion for the appomting of a commit x 3 , Sa " day and all next week. ------ Was a Traitor to Party and arg INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Tha hat hece pictured is a good ex: | ee to hear statement of Dr. Work A : "Gg - ample of 'the new summer millinery, | nan was out of order at this time "FOOD OOOOGOCOCOOOOOOFOTOOO0 Client, % o-- ; a 3 Toronto, May 29.-1f R. R. Gamey's | 18 Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By aid ie expucialiy designed for a, you inasmuch as his case is now hefore the ' Ally . 2 % irl. The J g of tural color | {f appeal of the church for re . a Reporters On Their Rounds, gixl, "he mode Wag orna court of appeal of See Them in Our Window . pt. \ in @, t WwW. D Me PE ae at of Wy Buon ; Try Bibby 's nobhy $15 ts straw in a fine braid, and was some [hearing. While the board of gover tion" 10" Mave Toronto. and. indeed . ry ee Ho abby B uit A what on the mushroom order. The [nore of the college dismissed Dr. advised him to do so at the. time of A : app The. Ebest a. trimming connisted of a wreath Ol | Workman because his teaching was not the famous Gamey trial and having J SR fr hy Mao uuthigy hie; Sturn! light yellow ith Pink ag nd 1 wo acceptable to them, yet no charges for dodge he withheld: it: fron DOT. B. JEWELL, Huy AD a. " " i [cosmos with foliage, and a large |}aracy have been brought against him . ¢ Hie knowledge Jy Nithhal oo om Singing wud Dancing Comedienne, with Cra ey an 5 Ujiwan 5 Red Fouetts. how of pulg blue chanseable |p oiore the courts of the church. If You can t come Saturday, come Monday. he was a traitor 1o his client and his [1° &iske Sock Uompany 81" the Grand . fe rea faille ribbon. The pastoral address was read by » . . trait ofl fest wosk. | George Henderson, of Watertown, Rev A. A. Radley. Yhe address om Don't let an opportunity sach as this pass party, This, in effect, was the state- N.Y., has returned from a brief visit WAS GIVEN A YEAR ind the follow pts: The : ment which A. W. Wright, The inde- PITH OF THE THE NEWS. | to this city. . phasized the following points: The . you by. You can't afford to pendent conservative candidate in Lastoria," the genuine, is soll at | Another Deserter From R.C.H.A. maintenance of personst ope i Jn * 7 est Toranto, in gecordance with his | The Vary Latest Cu Culled From All {Gibson's Red Cross drug store. Take Son tended ' religion; our responsi nlity as ion threat, made at his meeting at Vietor- + Over The World. lao other. ; i Kh tians for the well-being of humanity, in hall, last night, and he added that Parlianient | bee Li os Mes. W. A. Guy. Bath. will leave Driver "Timothy Halligan, a deserter [especially in reference to the social he made the statement on the author arlinment has been sitting for six a ' 'Hirom the R.C.H.A., was this morning [and economic conditions of the age: ity of Mr, Gamey, who had promised it Mr. G N, W : mation El hat the roihwias & Fly Yemlay. night, to join her hus sentenced to a year, at hard labor. immigration as involving increased [H to wpeak at one of his meetings, if 18 Expuiec iat Whe 1 © | a o The heavy sentence was due to the missionary activity, and the growing Hudson's Hay will he built by the |: William MoFedridge, returned from fact that this Wad the third time that neglect of attendaice wpon public wile, before the close of cthe cam-| § Winnipeg, to-day i pos ' federal government! peg, to-day, and will spend the he had deserted from the ranks. With {worship. paiign. b. De ore stmaster i s of | Summer in the city. : E 7 : Wi har, pustinster gg Miss Helen Finkje, Newburgh, return- good conduct, it wy he panditde that, DRANK BAY RUM. denly, of heart failure, on Thursday. | home to-day after visiting Mrs. 5d Wanthy 8 Yeu Will be cut! pp AVE WOMAN REWARDED. 4 , off, but his discharge will take place, d - {While trying to chloroform a cat' Ramsay Dul, Princess street, . ! ; Indian and Squaw Indulge inj "ol TOE Ll LEW mer, sey. ( neapple eyer, no waste: Corbett's, | after be has served his time. Bank Gives $500 to Woman Who Fatal Spree. entesn Sours oll. was badly bitten, | Rev. Dr. Ryckman has heen elected This is the seeond deserter to be Moncton, NB, May 29.--Oliver Sec Auge pice were eating the other President of the theological union of sentenced within at dow days, Driver Frustrated Robbe I Grimes, of Butouche, and Mary Noel, | fh in Feho © Lake at Grand Island, the Montreal Methodist conference. Forbes having beem given six months New York, May 29.-- Mrs. Eva Jo- wile of James Noel, Indians on the Mighi., the Pe. NOW being wht and at 'hard labor. The military authori- | vernicka, the young Polish woman ° camp near here, met in Moncton and dnp ed RS # Bt ties here have had a great many eas- | who Jast. Monday irvatrated the at- '. x " etd SE « tempt of three men to rob messen | ether, They 1 : . 1 . es of desertion to dey. Many of the | temp ¢ ' WR OR A pre topes y hu Vein Gloyn who léft her home at men like to enlist for the winter, and | gers of the Jefierson Bank, of $43,000, a pint bottle, labelled bay ram, but] 110 Church street, Toronto, on Mon- Curtis, King street. 3 i 3 eived 3 : y ; . Call 'at: Kckpatrick' tS 4 then get away in the spring. Some | received a reward of $500 from the J A d 5 , 40 all a irkpatrick's Art Store and Kg ) spring ome : of the bank. She said that ust rrive 9 0 =INnC wn; reat it was emply by the time they regched [gag nnd whose absence caused her fl Ve esate P . or camp. Grimes and Mrs. Noel fell ill, parents some anxiety, was discovered | the piano offered at n bargain; | deserters have been. , captured and o ry) 3 1 will bre { ; : {terms arranged. brought back after being away two or | $he and her hushand will at once re . . . angl hoth soon died in great agony. |in Hamilton ) ang b ha E : Po a, fl turn to Poland, where, with the $500 ds English Print Sa Both deaths were due to drinking bay Granville Schaffer, a trucker at]! 'ite a number of tourists have al- | three years. for a nest egg, they will be in com . ving ram. 'the dead squaw was thirty-nine Limeport, Pn. gavesan "onion par ready been attracted to Sydenham, It will be remembered that some rative inde sendence She fears that All he 1 " years old; Grimes was between sixty [ty at which the guests peeled aud |The fishing is reported to be wood. few months ago, a bugler, attached pe a ipo thin SCE. ttm , Dew patterns in checks, Two hundred and fifty yards and seventy. bunthed three waggonloads of onions. giment, under Lieut. Peters, was at | to the R.C.H.A,, skipped out on one Black 7 ain ' ald is h or rib Stripes, dots, flowered and White Victoria: Lawn, fine Unable to tare un cargo at Supor The signalling corps of the 14th Re- | of the night trains, and went to his|&™ of wi ody E id 4 rae figured designs, All desirable erén weave, good finish. Suit Changed Their Faith. jor, Wis., because of the dullness of og in the armouries last evening. Jaoume I Detralt, leaving all his sol. | Way from her, she sal aay gut. wadium jd able for blouses dress's, un Philadelphia, Pa., May 29.--Seven|the present shipping scason, the new thee haya ini Detter at theje work he Othes lied up wiky Bundie hess Case Settled. a 3 varany * ast color, dovwent ete. Fully 40 inches former Protestant Fpiscopal clergy: | steamer Truesslale has sailed for' Bui- : 3 ast year and are a SWills wharl. ths game was to have " ult a . 5 ular. price OP hip falo, without cargo eredit to the regiment. the authorities believe that he. had | On Thursday afternoon -at Short's gular * price, 13c, 15¢. yard. Special men knelt together before Archbishop |falo, without omrgo. : There is a bi ch of way frei " ; icid it WAS hotel, Portsmouth, Col. Hunter set- yard, Spedal for Ryan, yesterday, and, after making I+ is rumered on excellent asthority = i a ig rh of way Freight gommjtied suicide, but it was learned tied 2a e between two residents : Q fy 1 ony" for Saturday only a : ' : : : ' nthe railways these ps, J p toy 3 s UJ case Blwoe Ie * Saturday only profession of faith, were received into | that Premier Musay will resign tol CM eds he ah ta - Shot he bad crossed 40 the Un- fot. © Ewart charged J; Burke and A 3 a-- -------- the Roman Catholic shure Ee cone contest North hg Brgton and ie fow dave has. heen very heavy. and at cel val Ap 2 William Smith with driving a heavy a mony took place in the cathedral toria, N.S, in the liberal interests, oy ' a | eart across i le 1 ar ¢ . »" ) the GTR. it is the same. coal cart acro: nis lawn an new d C chapel. and will enter the: dominion cabinet. Bibby's for President sus, senders. VOTERS APPEAL COURT. cinder path. Witnesses were summon S. ng ish ans a ly or- All the seven will study for the| George Andrews, aged twenty-one The ka 4 ! : + | ed on both sides, but the magisteate pricsthood. 'Phey are Dr. Willias: Me-| years, was almost instantly killed, on he water works depaftment was | Liberals Gained Four and Con-! succeeded in bringing the case t sels Garvey, former rector of St. Eliza Friday motning, in the Firstbrook called, to-day, to attend to a water servatives One. satislattor IERIE Bh %. rt us in beth's clewrch; Rey. Maurice' I. Cowl, [box factory; on King street, Toronto. pie - i ts. The p i nd At the mesting of the voters' regis |* © oe on a on 4 ' an * ok . falling hia rincess streets 1e pape burs am a - . ny oy : Rev. William L. Halward and Rev. He was struck by a falling machine. this was the. cauie of the brouhis. tration court, to-day, to hear appeals At Liberal Committees Rooins. auth i : and Drab, steel filled, medi William H. McClellan, former assist Thomas Gilmore, foreman for the] "0 LC. 0 best pineapple ever, 25¢ to have names added and sthwck off uy lowered designs um height, very lar m ants at St. Elizabeth's; Rev, Edgar | Séhaghticoke Electric Power company, The Rartore Ph Ho Bagel u the lists, ten cases were heard. J. det. 1 van ' Smhel a - N. Cowan, of Milwaukee: Rev. Charles | was murdered at Sechaghtivoke, N.Y, i T nro seball | Mel). Mowat appeared for the liberals : " 4 was wigs Bowles, and Rev. Otto W. Gromell, of | bv Angelo Giovanetti, a Syrian, whom League i. a make some ar {4 nM Melatyve for. the covserva- Spent fil the uptown commitiee room 13 cents vard Pip eg y Chicago. Gilmore had 'a short time previously Sanne is ~ : ly 0 have the Lyiv, candidate, Mr. Nickle. The other | OV®r Te iy 8 drug store, at the cor On Sal Satur C Satarie ol n'a C The ceremony was witnessed by only | discharged. Th nes Have a aft air grounds. | on orvative candidate, Mr. Metcalfe, | "er ©f Princess and Clergy streets, day only : ny a few persons. To-day the seven re The body of . Bishop | Charles oA | 2 here Wil be some fifteen or twenty {07 ot represented. The following last evening, and there was much en -------- : t : : s . i 3 V games piayed, \® thusiasm. This evening, the Frontens a ---------------------- ogived their first communion at the | Washington, who died in Woodstock, | 5° i i was the result : hands of Archbishop Ryan. Wednesday, was lying in state jn thei, vse attached to John Sinnott *1°W. B. Mudie, Polused the right to | 8c Ward supporters of Mr. Pense are C I d T bl Pa Less f r Pre { v : ; & ¥ po . N . © - BME. clureh;, on Douglas avenue, [FF "40 oy heat Fo gers vote; Robert Barg and John Murray, invited to attend at the same rooms. olore able ly 0 re Mill Hand's Narrow Escape. Windsor, Ogt.. The funeral took place ndeavored ta miake things lively The allowed to vote; James A. Eliott, i Ng : Brockyille, Unt., May 20 Frank W, | to-day. horse ran as far as the city hall and struck 'off lisy Frank Blake, allowed Enjoyable Fishing, Trip. overs ies $ i i « Fron. | The British punitive expedition hae | y + 80d Ho remain on ligt; William Jamieson, | On Thursday afternoon, Dr. G. Dixon, machine tender in the Fron ¥ was then 'eaptured. : : te tenac mill at Dexter, met with an ac- [ended its ampaign against the war {70 = pool Ie ' added to list; Lyman Hull, and D. A. | Keyes, Dr. Xx. B. Thompeon, Brook- (Ba A snap happened on a good Just arrived 5 dozen fine cident, in which hs escape from death | ring Mobhmand tribesmen and. on Sun- ' : : time age a BX » Songun a Curtis, not allowed; Charles Mink, {lyn, N.Y, S. Corbett and a chef buying chanee, and 8 vured 75 White Lawn Waists, whole was marvellous. His clothing was [day, Maj Gen. Wilcocks will return to ville nto on 1 Bolleville TOCR- [allowed to remain on Bist; Arthur | were at 'Collins Lake, on a fishing aomly imgorted colored dam front id made of panels of * caught by the machinery, and torn off | Indian temvitory and mobilize his talked of The locals Are anti a a Frecheite, added. trip. The trip was one of the most ask Tablecovers. Size 58 x fine embroidery joined with . . 3 2 y Ve . i tt i him, while he clung to the iron frame |forees. enter a team and would like to --o ae liberals gnined four, Joes and enjoyable ever taken by the "101 80, fringe all around, eolors lace, also lace cofis and col work for: his life. Dixon is badly | Dispatéhes from Teheran gtate that the Tague fo i. No ati ho the conservatives one. Club. ~réd and green, and red and lars, short sleeves, buttoned rmec ' -- white : Regular . 98 back, Regular 1 19 al maswaere, A proposal that the pow os despatch warships to Samos is be fering themselves Dr. Carman, gene John Arthur, of New York, one of the favored millionaires of that me- tropolis, is visiting with Dr. OC. LL. Thirty wight inches wide, in Made of fine Batiste White 1 here was a large attendance of Mr Also some have drawn thread Pense"s workers and friends at the borders Good value at i ined. an armed attack was made on the of- . bruised and sprained es foie): vavidence of the Russian Suan heen called yet to draw up a sche- Death Of Mrs. Brown. : price £1.50. On sale price $2. On sale A Freak Of Lightning. cial agent, M, Ostrogradski. Though | The death occurred, on Friday we Awnarsigs For Sawrday. Baturday., mo "Cornwall, May 929A water {ower [badly wonnded M. Ostrogradski 4 morning, of Mrs. Sarah Drown, widow | Vormng, noon and night. Try Car- fire was the rather unusual spec foneht --- his ai Chath + Cheese Boards. of the lates Thomas Browu. Ita fnovaky for fresh berries. at Milles Roches yesterday. Dur on oct han Bee i - ain. Woodstock, Ont., May 27.--Seventeen Mrs. Brawn had been ailing Jor some . : ; the, st lightning struck and : be] a t Ho factories boarded 2527 boxes of | Yim and for the past few 8 had | David Lloyd George nonounces that fire to the top of the hig water |" he sack gambling ae, N | cheese. The bidding started at 103: been confined to her reom. The de- | thefovernment has sanctioned a fund N.B.--Bear i ind that t} ix D 'at the Cornwall Paper com- St ha Det it, 85 a _ and rose to 10fc. without anv eales. | asd, whose maiden name was Sarah | to be set apart from the exchequer to a ay IN Hun atthe six yy Goods pry ifs. "The body of { tank [R- a troi X and costal he curh the buyers offered 1030., {dane Holder, was born at Batterses. organize the country's international . " saved by ing it, but the] toh: v Were bookmakers. . but salesmen held out for 316. sixty-six years ago. She had lived hospitality. This fund may be, utilised Special Prices are for Saturda Onl th AR IL The resignation. 'reclman Brockville, May 28.~3,145 boxes were | MOst of her life in this city. After' her during the coming peace congress in \ ly ly | -- > from thea xshing staf of the Rong registered, of which 2,070 were colored. «he Ma London, in uy ; ional Col ns heen receiv 100. offered: sol. . Van leaves Mellquham's livery for 3 3 fat fh abnor that immiitation with | 1716, ofered: none told. al Te a---- ins livery Jor Many other lines clearing Saturday aad a simi-| ool 0 AR sold at 10 15-16e. {that she, passed away. She was a | day except Mondays amd Satordays, all next Week. acoepts fe hon pi the Auburn Theologi- ip of the Salvation Armv and starting May 3lst. oa Lip grea miveed, as she was al- Bibby's for ddinty fancy vests. oth for dhe . 1g Ie tha idine the. violent pro- © jwass a wost willing worker » Tau buy To y a -- wp- ho he visi. ling a testa that are ine. made ngninet . thing that « was undertaken the | holstered elevator rather than make 3 King Fdward's: visit to Emperor ) a i an attempt to climb the ladder of Fa? Nicholas, Teenamfions for the trip are " ' "the © ci sucoess. : SF pe rule iw FE ew ne =| The Montreal Stock Co pal v coming visi 3 , 2Be. Waldron' . : Rox abi" ET ning ett te i : ye it Suey aldron's sale, See Com sem In De ah jE masse [0 PRINGESS STREET | gg ' . ED RTA, ty-four, ni his Jb Be Condon ] The rerigd between a i * . ' 3 ' - ih oui Th : ; tor 1 Between Redden's and Crawford's Groceries, Saturday only

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