Daily British Whig (1850), 29 May 1908, p. 6

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PAGE SIX. SEs THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, MAY 29, 1908 A ------ ET -- A -- foes THESPMLEDITION THERE 15 40 GROUND "°C WOPE OF SETRAENBN. = For fine pangmas and best straw STORY OF POLICE COURT. pop CHARGE MADE AGAIN. rare she" iemantasn thie ov | ip WEEN DOMINION STEEL { P I A A or. | ST LAURIER ye AND COAL COS. Woman Drunk Was the Only Of-| fender To-Day. i 1,000 Islands--Rochester. S---- Is dramkenness among. women in the That He Was Tiscourteous to| Steamer North King leaves Sum Minister of Labor to Confer With | : city, on the increase ¥ Several cams rde jdays at 10.15 am. dor 1000 Islan C.P.R. Authorities have come belote 'the. police vourt of: Borden--He Entered Into Nol ports and. at 5.00 pm. for Bay of uthorities Respecting «| -~ > the Deadlock in the Arbitra- | (ustom De artment filote, aid "the only offender before the Negotiations With Premier | (jyinte Ports and Rochester. fee Roblin, of Manitoba. or tion Proceedings | police "court" this MOTHINY, Was a Wo i drunk She [Speninl so th bebe Call It St. Gecrge's Park. Montreal, May 29 When F. 8 man charged with being was cathared in®last nicht by Police | wa. Ma ' th pesth be > "F." writes : "Many names have | ( louston, general manager of the | All kinds of new fur. gar- Constable Thomas Mullinger, Her case pil veste ¢, a= the | been suggested for the Clarence Stree t| Bank of Montreal, returns from | [ments made to special was a very sad one She had beealeonservative v i the negotiations | Park. Mav I offer one more for con- abroad in a few days, steps are ex- | measure, and we also have drinking very heavily, and on Princess yoeently con «1 between Si Wil. | siderntion ? Why mot call it St pected to be taken which will, in'all | unsurpassed facilities fcr re- street was seen to stagger. She bad|frid Laurier and 12, L. Borden, in re- | George's Parki-a good * name and a|probability, lead to important de | modelling, repairing, and re' no | control over hersell whatever, und | gard to the contentious clauses of the | loyal one, suitable for the old city of [velopments in comnection with the ef forts which have wen under way look- 'dying furs at short notice when she staggered into one of the election bill, 1t is claimed by liberals | Kingston." "that makes it pessible for us storcs she fell. on the floor in a seri-fthat there is absolutely no ground for | - ing to a settioment of the trouble be ito transform your old Furs £2] 00 condition.' A call was then sent tofthe charge of iudefinitiveness or dis- | $2.50 Rochester And Return $2.50|twein the Dominion Steel and Coal Jinto new. We guarantee per- the police, jand Constable Mullinger jcourtesy on the pari of fhe prime | Spend Decoration day, May 30th, at { companies. When Mr. Cloustan went fect satisfaction as to fit. responded. She was removed to the [minisiqr The conservative view of the | Rochester, N.Y. Special excursion per abroad he left memoranda of his vie ws | cells, matter) is based on the allegation of steamer North King, leaving King- | With respect to a basis of settlement | for thé conference which was then | Si. Telephone 489. The accused, about middie age,' and} certain negotiations between Sir. Wik lston on Saturday, 30th, at 12:30 a.m. € i foge | i { > i Fare $2.50. |approaching. The figures contained} well dressed, was arraigned before frid Laurier and Premier Roblin, of | Home Sunday morning Magistrate Farrell, this morning. | Menitoba, in regard to the Mpuoitoba | Full information from J. P. Hanley, therein were not satisfact tory to B. KE, "I have no home, | work among voters' lists. It is denied on the part | agent, Wulker, president of the Canadian : Bank of Commerce, the other banking the liberals that. Sic Wilfrid ever After a busy month in our Wash Goods Depart- strangers," she told the court, "1 bave| of - ) : John W Kay Fur House, ® 1 no home of my own now, althowsh [{ente red into any si h mnegotintions Given An Office. authority Sonteial with the _ Peace | ment a large number of Remnants have gath- £ o vé he < , tk woblin, and t the ir p bw a of 2 RO Ve nt. pon p. Oust 8 o> | . 140-155 Brock St hid #4 uke; tie, I ha i wrkimg [with ny ney 10. Tf bomb Dr, Bos nw graduate & unt anit reread thre Toe rnb ered. These we propose clearing To morrow ot. or a lady on ~---- stre i v Which the antol mae nd a nephew me dams rik ; : . OOOO OO "I'l give you a chance then," said] {had with Sir Wilfrid Laurier on the -t vv, Hori han el a 'number of | eR will get together and adjus t their at prices that will mean. a great saving to you. --_ i i {1th was arranged not for this aues- | coarg was recently elected secretary- differences and agree upon a basis for the magistrate. It was her fst ap fi ! a ht or ; . : : ly & seer presentation. do Messts. Ras ind pearance, on a but jor the dis hori Me OF {treasurer of the Reform Association of Plu While | ro h "And 1 am sure that I . am very] f the proposed legis lation relative. tol jgnace, Ont , and also appointed one hn an yr. Ye. ree to refuse the obliged," o {the extension of the boundaries of | of the delegates to attend the conven ankers' basis, it-is not believed they s much remarked the woman, 2 - will decline " re by a Manitoba. tion at: Kenora, i J ine to abide thereby. ) 7 8] av she was escorted to the door Y a .e Rodolph "oe WEDDING fj | policeman. wo - ka res the allegation that Sir 3 fatun., todoly be Lomious, Minister of OF WASH ( OODS OF ALL KINDS Hiri has fated to provide r. Bor- abor, is expected in the city, to-dav, } K Y : don 'with the. amendments which he is] (3.BE3ton And 'Cape Vincent. = li,'c fer with Messrs. 1. MoNicoll Bia AT THE B1JOU. j Change of Time~Commencing Mon-| , ner 'o , \ ' . © general manager, and A. BH. Creel Remnants of best English Prints. n . willing to make to the form of claume day, June ' 1st, steamer will leave! n,n solicitor of the Canadian Padifie i : i 1 of the hill, it is stated that, follow . 4 ° . » £ in RINGS Travelogues, Moving Pictures and|. =o "woo 5 0000 he h ee. Kingston daily including Sunday at railway with reference to the deadlock Remnants of good quality Ginghams. { { } : ing apes 5 : Illustrated Songs. 4 memorandum was sent. ta. Mr. Bor. | 2-00 © aun, and 2.00 p.m., returning lin the arbitration proceedings between The travélogue is the latest acces | don which removed any doubt fis to juve Lape Yieens | 10.55 a.m. and the management and the company's Remnants of White P, K. ~ $ sory feat dded to the moving pic- at © iors . For p.m. making irect conneetion| mechanic It is hoped ive . . . 4 We : always keep a good MH Naty EE iron al in the what the, prem : np nis " ay to and from all points in New York| some basis on Eh Ah Pt Remnants of White India Linens. | selection on hand and make | first to prodoce it ino Kingston. The | prime minister ever ag r. Roblin State. at, Winnipeg can be opened after hav Remnants of White Persian Lawns. to order any special size or B | travelogue is a series of still pictures, ---- EE -- , ing heen interrupted for several dave : | shape. each accompanied by a few words of May Be No Camps. ™ Th Sava Thank Offering. through the 'withilvawal of the arbi Remnants of Fancy Muslins | explanation. For the latter purpose, Ottawa: 'May 99. The deadlack i he thank offering for this year | trator chosen by the railway owing t 42 . y y a y fe ar '[from the Women's Missionary Auxil-| the determination of the an : - And many other White and F ancy Wash Good8S. ary. of Ontario diogese was 3681, and [take up eastern along with western These will be sold one-fourth to one-third will he devoted to the edueation of [matters at issue ff t} % North-West nussioparies. One hun- o ne pr Ice, dred dollars in gold was given, at the Sale Of Books. Our gold is rich ia color EB Ralph Tntton Jones, a highly educat | the commons may result in all mili and style, and workmanship [| el Englishman has been engaged. The | tary camps being postponed Svdelin perfect. travelogue "A Day in London" was|itely., If there is no monev thers will p produced on Wednesday and Thursday, i he ne enmps of instruction Some Buy from the maker and and on to-day and Saturday, there isl oven June Tth, and if the deadlock | get the advantage in price. offered "The Wonders and Beauties of bywere at once broken it is hardly pro offertory, on Ascension. Day, at cele L Special prices for Saturday, May Sunny Italy." hable supplies. vould he put. throvith i bration in St. Mary Magdalene's, Vie- {30th. New popular copyrights, the Almost all must (100, by 'an auxiliary' woman. This regular $1.50 and %1.25 baoks, at will form the nueleus of a superannpa- [48¢. " Niek Carter's stories, and Dick tion fund for aged missionaries. {Merriwell. stories also recently pub {lished, ecloth-covered fiction, at Ye, A large stack of paper novels, hy very Sale starts at 9 o'clock and lasts all day, ip moving pictures there are two! time to hold them rex "Th Humors of a Franch | hold over dates until] the result is 'A Giant Strength in al known, Spangenberg Fl do Kol rt Davis sings "I'd Like Edwards And Jenkin. | ave a Home, eet Home." ; ; 4 For choicest strawberries. popular authors, at de. a copy. Mc JEWELLER, i -- sam " i i Home-made pastry, lemon pies, ete: Dermott Bros, 260 Princess striet 5d 7 Pineapples, tomatoes, rhubarb, . SAYS BOYS MISBEHAVE., : ® ; tuce. Issuer of Marriage : a - : Mak ' Wa Oranges, 2 dozen . i | Citizen Has Complaint to Make to WE 3 High-class chocolates, Licenses. Police. " ie Bananas, hananas, bananas. 5 Homestead corn, or peas, * Old Church eatsap, 200. Good teas and eoliees, 274 Princess street. Phone 775. oon i : LIBERAL ROOMS. FEE The Liberals have their up-town committee rooms over Medley's Drug Store at the corner Princess. and Clergy streets, and all sup- porters of Mr. Pense are in- vited to visit them fre- quently and aid the workers in every possible way. The down-town committee rooms are in the Golden Lion Block, Wellington A citizen was at the police station, this morning, very early, to complain about boys who gather around the corner of Ontario and Princess streets, 6 Degrees Above in the evening. He says that a crowd i of about twenty gather there, and 2 Report Urntrue. that their language is very abusive, a Tt was reported around the city, to Freezing and that they often engage in a freee 5 ko day, that Richard Marks, at present for-all fight, He states that part of "4 confined in the county jail for at -- the gag i= made ap of Barriefleld | 2 tempting to murder his wife and child, : : boys, and that the remainder are city Y had attempted to take his own life. This is the rembirkable accomplishment chans it turned out that the rimor was of, our The police will keep an eye on the} § ; X entirely without foundation. Governor street, on the second floor. Corbett stated that he had heard no- The latter constitute the | orner, and look after the offenders. P c White Enamel Retrigerators| Hy ; | : thing whatever about any of the pris- Ww headquarters. oners doing harm. Will Meet In Kingston. ] ; arn EEFEINEE FEREFTFELTESLT EF EBEEREZL 545 With less ice than you have eter used hi. fore. It in worth your while in the in-] The Congregativnal. Woman's Foard ! Live) terest of health and economy to have of Missions will meet in the First H Sold at Best's drug store ix fully s one of our Refrigeratorsq We have them! Congregational church on Thursday ig Ld vrug ts INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. om | and Friday next. :Juns 4th and Sth > puatanted. t will do more for you : 3 , ' E an any tonic sold. r { $7.00 up to $42.00. and three sessions will 'he held eac h any ont old a od jor | Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up Sv . The "speakers will include Miss NL * 5 Me {| Reporters On Their Rounds. day. . nic. It is a tasteless compound reo a ' Kk i F poung hes: ety Nugent, engaged in missionary wor cod liver oil combined with peptonate | When you need a Ceb 'phons 600. We have CALVANIZED, wire ' gag i v ) . i 5 AS JANE $ ndia, Mss Emily MeCallum, "ol a § » | re - Ra ENAMEL and GLASS LINED just in i ior ms Rov. I. MeCal ol of iron. Take it on a guarantee. If | Mr. and Mrs, George L. Clapp, Iic Pn key, Be fo W T 3 : Be you have not yet tried Livol take atom, have moved to Kingston. tam, of this city. ev, .F. Gunn, ¢ sample botue and see it prove its | William Swaine, piatio tuner. Orders W. A. Mitchell's Hardware. NAC, BD, the Congregational gene : worth. Sample hotues frecly given | received at MeAuley's. *Fhous 778. Ol Ww Iral secretary, will speak at Friday's at Best's. 1 Pr. William Thomgmon, | First Of The Season. {session on FCongrepational Home ye | York, is visiting at his home in this Excursion to Watertown, Saturday (om Mrs, (Rev.) McLallum, irs, Surplus Of Fifty Cents | city { (Rev) MeKenzie and the city pastors 3 Ss. Make the canvasé. thorough for - A : : : a . | and Sunday, returning until Monday of the Congregational churches * will the Victoria lay eelebration com-},, G5 WC CEE ES fon night, $1.00. lalso take part in the proceedings. . 2 mittee is phead O0¢., after paying all | ranted. expenses. It would have had 300 | ETON hh y # y Carleton Plave Canadian @ Se soany " . FrOMMY RUE to the good if horse races had not {lt A Paso Specially sujet ten Aa And Stand Covers, high-class. eriminpls aro being sent to| Bananas ! Bananas ! Bananas i {0 who is Aichernig for matches [been held on Tuesday. These races | Orr. cole st a bargain at Nir the Kingston penitentiary we may Edwards & Jenkin, Phone 775. : in Old Eaglond, were expensive and the attendance patrick's Art Store. ) : These are a Manufacture rs' Sample Lot, di! hor some Gay of plans to erect an : ON was small, so the. gate receipts wets | On page ten will be found a read lore lo ¢ I HES aristocracy hell within ite walls, {| "No more popular resort" in King The Late Mrs. R. Davis. not what shey should have: been. Rae- | Plo article regarding Capt. Mchay's ferent sty es and ralues, 1 "a anging from 40° Joseph Girouard, Carleton Place, (ston on a hot day that Gibson's Red The funeral of the late Mrs. R.ling on the day after a big colobra- { cighty-fifth birthday : o0e 60¢, 7 75¢ 95¢ each. has been in Kingston undergoing tres: | Crass drug store fountain. Davis, Rideau street, took place onltion is too much. However, horse | H. Cunningham, piano tuner from ment for his eyes, having to undergo The steamer St. Lawrence iz at the | Thursday afternoon, and the remains racing interest has been revived The { Chickering's. Leave orders at He Your Choice To morrow while the lot lasts » an operation. 'The trouble was start | government dry-dock, being fitted out} wero interred in Cataragui cemetery, | committes has come to the conclusion |Atifey' s hook stars. i r and r= od originally by getting a pieee of | for the senson. She will go down the | services were conducted by Rev, Mr. that May 24th is too early for trot i i mus] iceh axot » #téel in the eye. river on her regular yun in a few { Whitmore of Calvary Congregational {ting races. 'The horses are not in | wedding quietly celebrate | Susi on th 9c ach FN \ . pa - : : oe w g , ' say Sweet Castor Oil)" for childeen, | dave church. Although the funeral was of a Jeondition and. entries are accordingly | V5 8 anniversary on Thursda » . Prof. Fowler of Queen's, has re He... Gibson's Red Cross deng store. Pineapple eyer, best, 25¢. Corbett's, > rE 3 laroe : | ; private nature, there was a large at (small. { 3 Ty ' terdance of. friends and atquaintanc. | turned from Ottawa, where he attend SA LE A 1 9.30. Remember the hour. [og a meeting of the Roval Soviety wr-- sm-- wimmimpns - nis v S ox at the service. Many beautifull They Secured Him A Start. Praitatives or Fruit Liver Tablet No Telephone Orders accepted: : 1 J ( J A RR flowers were placed on 'the Sane HH. Hunter, econtragtor, and R.lare sold in Kingston at Gibson's Red , Forms a large proportion of every housekeepers supplies. Tt will be The iotaghor loves tv sinters, hi Stevenson, of McKelvey & Birch's, did | Cross drug store. to your interest and profit to use (especially for preserving fruit Rate al Thm Kin ton x Fone a very kind act when they canvassed | Miss Gertrude Timmerman. of Pa: the season being now on) BEST GRANULATED which is the well A BE Iain for subscriptions anil sectred $80 for| ham, is spending a few weeks' vaen Snown +Brother, John Frayiere, orida, the benefit of James iL reig, a citigen | tion. at hi home. on Privosss atrest ee -------- who recently became blind. The money | If you want a piano especially suit Grocery Specials At Mullin's, was expended in getting Mr. Creig aed for summer home, the same ean Two tins salmon, waggon for the sale of edibles antl in be seen at Kirkpatrick's Art Rooms Six tine sardines, purchasing a stock on which to start. | Reduced in price. Three tins Kippered herrings, 27e. Mr. Creig bac started business at the] Ribhy's for genuine shoulder hrace. Fresh soda biseaits, per box, 20c corner of Princess and Wellington 'lee cream made from pure erean Fancy mixed biscuits, 3 Ibs, for 25¢. | streets, and hopes to be able to sarn ston ona hot day than Gibson's Red Seveni-pound pail jam, Fe a livelihood, The city council grant [Cross drug store fountain. Redpath's Granulated Sugar is the acme: of sugar. refining. Ask Frosh eggs, per dozen, lie. S ed him permission to sell on that cor-| [ioense Inspector. Wright, to-day, oir Grocer for and see that you get Redpath's Granulated. J. A. Choice farmers' butter, per Ih, 25 | ner. added three more names to the "In Corner Johnson and Division Sts. dian list." He was busy serving no : A Singular Contest. tices on the different hotelmen. Cheap Excursion To Watertown. Have vou madén start collecting Good rubber tired cab always when Fickots good going Saturday = orf gms * of Orange. Meat packages ? you "phone Sunday, returning up to and inclading | 'Phe Opange Meat people are offering AM; Nickle does not refuse to ae cept the gifts of the city council, oven Monday, only $1.65 return. $62 a year for life, besides several oth- | ADVANCES ; 5 a er large cash prizes," to. winners in if he cannot talk of street railway 2? 3 Very Hot Weather. sheir competition. HM yon wish to com- matters in it. Keep cool by wearing one of Thos. | ote wnd in your name and address A piano is just what you need to a \ 3 | " "ro warmer weather . Mitts' Hght weight straws or Pans f io Orange Meat, Kingston, at once complete your summer home. The ore 4 y . s Kirkpatrick's Art about. our mas, Ie. to $10. They will forward full particalars and [308 want is at ¥ : ) ii-- ie enter You - name on the fist of com- Store, greatly reduced in price, Nature's Pile. Lure ix sold at Best's, petitors. Commence Baving the bot- The members of the sation hos y i h : It is fully guaranteed. You get al goums of packages and write for par pital staff at Tete du Pont barracks, : \ eonpon with each box and after six | oars todday. Orange Moat ie made | toe dav. moked | nto Er quarters E J med have been taken and a cure is not he whole wheat, thoroughly steam-| on Queen street, near ry street, ' ave you seen our A ! eficeted "your « $3. will he cheerfully re af ye ndiling malt, yy and salt, The flower boxes placed in the win f / Thies able} gatherings . Fy) funded. Sufferers from hemroids | (hen flaked and toasted. : dows of the post office were much nd 1 ¢ ¥ of Somjorinh . ht : a should: ypprocinte thic liberal offer. mired, Jordas. Zhe (Danes am nicely 4 : iL. -- -- hey Ht oi " + arranged, and the fluwers show up d / : Wl . 4 ea ath - ie Selig _- 4 Kingston Wedding well. y fe : £7 Sh gape at the sukle, slip at day. SOW are now making no for lost p "The Man on the Plax," + "The Lion the heel, wrinkle umder the times andl if the good weather "ron- 1 ; and the. Mouse," "The. Man of the y mstep or _chals your fort tinwes © we will not he so-far behind | edral, Mise Hour," swecial dibrary edition of when you walk, And they with eur work after all." only danghter, of Mr. and Mrs. (Cap 7 4 y books, at 4Se oa retain their fine lines until Those Englishmen were given whet-{ tain) Cadott; was married to Leon. they've worn pat. ter at the poliee seation last might. jard PBabeock, Vincent, No. Y.| "Bromo Seltzer" for that sick head ; ' {ine war on hit way to Montreal aed] They were united: by Dean Farthing. ache, le, Ne, Se. and $1 Lottles, |. F 7 a os n Regals you have your the other two éame from the east, | The bride was attended by her cousia, fresh: at Gibson's Red Cross drug k choice of the newest, most and were on the way te Toronto: Mies Gertrude Sudds, Simcoe Island, : distinctive custom models, Watertown: excursion, tickets Sooty Albert Smith, Kingston, was best hays for mew shoulder brace. martow, medium or hind ay 200 pom, Saterday ; are : W. ¥. Nickle has introduesd into his g - tht - An - pe returning, until 5 % due Lrd rimmed. soles, mm itary or ] walking heelé--and in all Jeni haen, E STORE ices

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