RRR | i THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FR IDAY, a --_ NEWS OF NEIGHBORS The Tidings From Various Points in Eastern Ontario--What People Are Doing And What They Are Saying. -- nn § 2a i . 1 | WHAT in Connection With 1 Canadiah Pacific Railway. Leaving Kingston Tuesdays | June 9,23; July 7, 21; | Good Prospects Por Fruit. Aug, 4,18; Sept, 1,15, 29) sumccn vrs 5 "Sr | here spent the Round Trip 2nd Class | mer have alm Mr. antl Mrs. A nd | spent Sunday at Yonge Mills i Vora Herhison entertained a few | her little Monday { noon. E. Bummers and Thomas | Franklin spent Thursday in Brock Mise Addie Baile has returned after spending a week in The prospects for fruit in very favorable. Our Wells, is attending from f ur seeding 1 Kingston Ys Herbison family Miss of and Tickets to' Winnipeg Northwest points at Very Low Rates QOOD FOR SIXTY DAYS Comfortable berths in Tourist Sleeping | ville Cars at small extra charge | home Ask for Homesswkers' Pamphlet in r i Full particulars at K. & P STOCKY Bile R. Ticket Office, Ontario St | this seetion are E #1 Rev, W. W ay F..CONWAY, 1 pastor, Ke a Pass. Agent conference at Quebec Pr-------- nd 'BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY Train leaves union station, Ontario preet, 4 pa. daily (Sundays excepled fur 'Feett; Sydenhamd Napanee, Deser nockburn and all paints north secure quick despateh to Bannock- Maynooth, and points on Central Ontario, route your shipments via Bay of Quinte Railway. For further partic larg, apply to WH. W, DICKSON, Agent, 'Phone, No. 3 SUMMER OUTINGS itr ' Lower St. Lawrence | * Gaspe Peninsular Maritime Provinces All reached hy the INTERCOLONIAL RAILWAY Nieeping principal friends on and and CC, P Phone, 50 ' ' Death At Millhaven. Millhaven, May 27.-The many friends of Billings Amey will be sorry to hear of his death, which occurred thig morning at 2:30 o'clock. He had heen ailing for some time past, hut death was quite unexpected. He died sitting in his chair. The funeral will take place, Friday, at two o'clock in the afternoon George VankleeR is visiting friends around here alter an absence of about forty years. Mr. and Mrs. C. Tolling vere recent visitére at Moscow, 'where they spent a few days. Mrs. James Young is recovermg from her recent illness. Walter and John Barrett, Portsmouth, were calline on their many friends on Sunday last. burn Death At Wilton. May 27.-On Sunday marn- Fuphemia MeKim died at her nephew, Rufus K. Wilton, ing, Mrs the home of Mrs but was weeks! She McKim had seriously ill was eighty. eight years old. The funeral was con- lucted by Rev. D. Williams, at the house on Tuesday morning Miss Emma Storms, ill, is improving. Mrs Peebles, Low ville, N.Y., is visiting at her father's, Samuel Davison, who is quite ill. Rev My. Tucker conducted the Preshyter- inn services the last two Sundays and Rev, J, Steele will preach next Suap- day: R.-N Lapum leaves for Syra euge this morning. past few heart trouble, only a few yenrs Dining and ar equipment j, Fishing, Bathing, Boating, Shooting TOURS (Excellent who has bean Writy for HAUNTS," quoting special thurs, and scribing territory TO SUMMER special rates for other pamplats de Murvale Matters. Murvale, May 26.--.John Ferguson is building a new drive-house and also having a well drilled, Miss Muriel Grant has returned from Kingston to 141 St. James Street. spend the summer with her parents, or Mr. and Mrs. John Grant. Mrs. I, A, Gene P, r part Grant, is soending a few = days in nl assenge De ment, Kingston with friends. Nrs. John MONQOTON, N.B. Young attended the funeral of her brother, Lloyd Jackens, at Wilton, on Thursday last. Cat-fishing is the order Miss Flla Lee, Har: rowsmith, was the guest of Mise Gloria Wallace last week. Visitors : Mr. and Mrs. E. Day, Harrowsmith, at B. Guess'; Mes. Nelson Bovee at ---- Montreal City Office, of the day here Horuonsekers Excursions to Manitoba aml the Canadian Northwest and return May 26th, June Pth 'end 2ied, July 7th and 21st, August 4th and 18th, good after-! Oevns, where she has been residing the | i f f f and Rep ¥ " ARTHUR AHERN, Secretary, Quebec. | tion and any other Bepat, Foot eof Johnson street; ' J 8 local 7,08 ' AN other traine daily except Sunday. refurnmg within two months of going "" , Mrs. J. Tageart"s; Mr. Foraythe, Harrowsmith, Grant 8 aby For Pullman or Tourist car reserva- information, apply taal, P. HANLEY, Agent, Cor, Johnson and Ontario Sts. Local Branch Time Table. Trains - will leave and arrive at North Cobalt Budget. Red' Rock Mines, May 25.---The toads are all dried and the weather is very hot. 'The box social and ball at North Uobalt was well attended. Proceeds were $55, W. H. slowly recovering. A wee girl come to board at T. Webster's Ruby Silver manager is pumping out the shaft. George Dawson has re turned to Haileybury after friends at Toronto. W., A. Cronk left for his home at Parham on Wednes- day last. Ard. Wagar, lL. E. A. Barr and BE. E. Barr - had a great time on their fishing excursion on Saturday night. Visitors : b. For tail partiewlars, apply to Tole and G. 8. Cronk, at Red Rock; { J. P. HANLEY, Agent; * (1. Hoppins, at «J. Farrell's; Miss Leg Johnson and Ontario Sts. Lavack, at A. Legault; Apna Wagar, at the Lake for a week, City GOING WEST. Live. City Arr. 5 mal «aa 12.88 a.m, 3 express .... 2.85 a.m. ® $11 1008] puree "5 1 Inter, Li 2 7 mall unas. " 15 local win T GOING EAST. ! * Lye. City Arr. City 8 mail . ....1.48 a.m, 2.17 a.m. 3 fast express 2.35 a.m. 8.17 a.m. "14 looal 18 a.m, 8.50 a.m, 6 mail pom. 12.56 p.m. 4 fast express..1.02 pom. 1.29 pm. City 1.07 a.m, has The 8.19 pam, 03 p.m, 7.38 p.m 51 pow 12.25 pm. 7.88 p.m and 8 run daily. " 33 aigeidbion By Now. 1, 2, 8, 4.5, 6,7 Cor, Quebec Steamship Gompany LIMITED. River & Gulf of St. Lawrence Summer Oryises in Cool Latitudes Hesse, Pine Hill Personals. Pine Hill, May 26 tended to Mrs. Rufus Wagar, who mourning the loss of her father, Rob- ert Vanvolkenberg, who died on the 25th of May, of heart disease. Rath Kellar has gone to spend summer at John Palmateert's, Erinsville, Overton Wagar and Alonzo Wagar have returned home from Newburgh, where they have spent the past month. Alexander Kellar and Mrs. Jethro Kellar spent Sunday at Robert King's. Misses Maudie Wells and Gertie Shane and Mpssrs William Cameron and Silas Wells spent Sunday at George Black's, Canaan Mr. and Mrs. Sampson King and little son, Cecil, spent Sunday at Rufus Wagar's. J. H. Ellis, of Picton, at Alexander Kellar's, one day last week. Allan King spent Sunday at home. Miss Mabelle Carscallen, teach: er, spent Sunday at home. ---- Innisville Items. Innisville, May 27. --A few from here attended the celebration at Smith's Falls on Monday. Miss M, Wilson, of Clayton, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Thomas lreton. V, Crampton, of Michigan, is spending a few davs with his many friends here. Mr. and Mrs, William Ireton spent Sunday with the Tennyson. Miss is the near 8S, electric "Campana," bells and all Twin Serew Tron Withpeleciric lights, modern comfort, SALLY, FROM MONTREAL ON MON- DAYS ft 4 pom. 1st, 16th and 29th Sune Ai8ch ahd 27th July, 10th and 24th fugust, Tth and 20st Neptember, for Pleton N.S5 éalling at Quebec Gaste, Mal Bay Perce, Grand River, Suminerside, PRL, and Charlottetown, PEL . 1 ¥ ---- . NEW YORK PROM QUEBEC, calling at Ubariottérown and Halifax, 8.8. Trinidad, 2.000 tons, sails from Quebec Ith: andg@bth, July , Sth and 23nd, at. . BERMUDA Swmnmer Fxeursions, $40 and upwards, by (the Twin Screw 8S. "Bermudian," tons. Sailing fortnightly from York, from nd June to Oth Fr. Temperature coeled by sea breckes soldim rises above 80 degrees ¥ finest © of he season for Mokets and stateroows apply tofjagiar's parents at A . Ph [latter Morris, of Boyd's, is at her . uncle's, J. H. Morris. Messrs. Me- Dougall and Watt, of Hopetown, are engaged painti Mis. Cook's and William Tretod'® houses. Miss VV. Warren spent the holiday in Perth. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ireton, of Drum- mound, called on 'friends in the village Sunday evening. Rev, Mp. Weagant For Rick, NORTH KING. sir. and Mrs, J. nt a J Wagar is visiting | Hopping, | Sympathy is ex- | Misq | 1 Brow -- delivered a sermon in Holy Sunday morwing. Trinity Thomas Code, a compmnied by his two sons, of Perth. | called on friends here on Sunday Appointed Fire Ranger. May 25.--Dr. Sparks son,. Kingston, were in the village on 2th Rev. Mr. Huyek in Nafianee last week on business. Couet Plevna, inst. was tof revision was held in the town hall Hast Saturday Godkin has been appointed ranger for thi | distriet, Martin were at lLavant merchandise for GG. Osler. Dr. Clarke. Toronto, ix speading at Mackey's Lake, looking after his sum mer resort. Luther Tooley has secur. ed a position at the Hoerth mines, He will run the steam drill. Miss Fannie Watkins, Ardoch, has returned home after visiting Miss Esther Wood, Miss i Briggs spent Sunday with Miss Maud Card. Frederick Hill has invested in a horse from James Johnson Miss Kathleen Wood is visiting' her uncle, Philip Wensley. Mrs, Campsall, Fern- leigh, after visiting Mre. H. Martin, returned hame. Mpssrs Osler, King and Collins are fishing today i Brule Lake, Jacob lire Station for a few days on Echo Lake Echoes. Echo Lake, May 25. Hay are promising. Farmers are still (seeding, The weather has been and the ground was unfit for {vation. 'the mosquito® gre on hum again and very numerous on account of the wet weather, Alley {Wagar has sold a block of timber {John Lowry, Parham. Service teonducted in the school {Sunday by Mes. M. L. Gowdy. There {was a large congregation. arthur Hayes and family have moved to Wa- ltertown, where they intend to reside Mrs. John Cronk is stopping at her father's for the summer. Miss Eilg IMelead is suffering from an ahscess ip the throat, caused by swallowing 4 fish hone. Harvey Babeodk has gong to the west for the sammer. Vande water Bros. have moved on the far recently bought from Arthur Haves. { Visitors : Miss Goldie Sandburn spent Sunday at Long Lake: Mr. and Mrs William Velley, at their daughter's Mrs, J. Switzer's: Mr. York, at b {MeLeod's; William Cousins angl his mother, L. Switzer's; Mr. and Mrs Charlie Sells, at Allen Wagar's. Crops at wet culti- the to was house last | | Sunbury Notes. | Sunbury, May 25.--All has, the past week, made growth, Captain Lawrence ed his self-denial efiorts, having met with good success, Farmers are through seeding, having got a hustle on since the time of starting, jlactories report the flow of milk in. jCreasing in quantity, Watson Lyons has rented the Gordon farm as the in- {Jury the proprietor received some weeks ago made it impossible for him [to follow the business, for this sen. jon at least. ine Preshyterian so- jeety cothmittee will erect a Cammo- {dioys shed close to the other one Now standing on the property. 'The la- {thes of the town are doing much {4 {have a fine display of the {roming summer hy late sowing and planting, A number attended the { Vietorig Dav colébration in the city, {to-day. 'The hay crop, hy present appearances, promises to he good {T. Lloyd lost a serviceable cow last | week, George Garrett is doing a goad {fence trade. The services at the vil lage churches are now well attensled. | Butchers are now offering good prices {for fat cattle and find them scarce, a, they report. Vegetation very rapid has finish Local flowers ~~ -- Harlowe dappenings. { Harlowe, May 25.--Mr: and Mrs | Catton, Toronto, have returned home, | after spending a few weeks at her | mother's, Mrs R. Seott. My Way, Tweed, was in town last week, Walter {| Seott has nominated president of the Charity League. Mr. and Mes, S. Wheeler and little daughter, Rachel, and Miss Maggie Hualiman, Parry | Road, spent Sunday Instat Mrs. A. {| Palmateer's, "Cosy Nook." J | Perry, Myer's Caye, visited recently at i their sister's, Mrs. FB. Wood. Mr and | Mrs. 2% Gra¥ spent Sunday at R | Gray's. -X: Border, Fernleioh, visited | M. Thompson's. Mrs, T. Whiteman | has returned home. after spending a { few davs with friends at Northhrooke | T. and C. Thompson . have gone to | Huntsville. Me. and Mrs, G. Wheeler, | Parry Road." an davs { with their daughter, Mrs. A. Palma jteer. 'Mr. and Mrs. Cuddv. Parry | Road, spent Tuesday at 8. Cuddy's, Mr. and Mrs. F. Grav. are visiting { friends at Tweed. Mrs. A Palmateer | lost one of her cows, last week, hy ite | wandering off in the woods. Many i searched for her, bat she was not { found for two davs, when Jaseph Hill, { Parey Road, found her in a swamp in Wood learning the trade of shearing sheep, Mrs. W. Black. who has been seriously ill, is convalescent. : ---- } Locals From Lapum. | Lapum, May 26.--Mrs. Clarn Lapum and son, Clarence, spent a day last week, at James Denison's, Odessa. with her niece, Mrs. H. ¥. Hamm, and daughter, Eno, of Mexico Sperry Rikely is able to be ont again, after his recent illness. Miss Florence Jov ner is spending this week with friends in Svdenham. "Abona Parrott and daughter, Annie, Millhaven, recently spent a dav at James Huli's. Mrs Carr and Mrs, Simmons, Wilton. were, on Saturday, guests of Mrs. Emily Simpkins. Mr. and Mrs. C. Jovner and daughter, Hazel, were, on Sun day evening, callers® of Mr. and Mrs. BR. Rose. Mrs, Eliza Fields has return- od to her home, in Gretna, after a two weeks" visit 'with her daughter. Mrs. William Fapum. Master Clifford Hufi is spending a few weeks with his aunt, Mire. Michael Love. Mr. and Mrs Melvitle Sembidge, of Nay ' accompani wv. some friends, spent Sunday "with Mr. and Mes 'F. KE Brown. Mr. and Mrs. William Pringle srent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Sperry Shibley, - Wiltan, Visitors : Perey Wilson, with Walter Rosh: Mrs. fieorce Simpkins awl dasghter, Leita, and Mrs, Henry, Burkey, Odessa, with Mise Sarah Simpkins. Willism Brown, Wilton, with his mother, Mrs. RB. B fay, Miss Jessie Huff, with her Morother, Harold Huff, Camden Fast: iss Lottie Brown and sisters, Keitha and Vivian, with Mrs, Stanley Brown, ' -------------- veaple who wld at" been erwin ow few ie very eloquent missionary | + H. W. REYNOLDS HOPEFUL. church, here, | and | George Johnson and Harveed and O, {He Has a Fine Chance to Defeat J. 8. Gallagher. fhe hberas of rrociense have a { 00d chance to redeem ine county | with Howard Keynolds as toeir stan dard-Learer, Although he entered the Campaign with ouiy two weeks for | orgeni.ation, he is hopeicd of | able to defeat Mr. Gattagher. Un the | Inst octagon the two contested, Mr | keynolds had all the alleged wicked t ness of the Ross government (which neviripraten) to shoulder, and | other things were added to the bur iden. Now bie faces toe el «torate of Frontenae in. a dierent light. The {liberal record is _ pertcetly ciean--it | never remlly was otherwise--and Mp. | Reynotds beliewes that Frontenac iy | dissatistied with Mr. Gallagher as its | representative, as he has not dong what be might bate tried to do fo the county. . "Mr. Gallagher has Jet slip the op portunities that. were open 10 dm to do some 'good things for the farm ers," is the ery throughout the coun ty. Frontenae heeds a man of the calibre of Moward Reynolds, who wili work for the intervsts of the farmers, whether He he on the government side or in opposition. At the Mast election, Mr. Reynolds was defeated by 318° votes, This was when: he was laden down with the burden of erics against the Ross rov- ernment, Now he goes to the people free roms the alleged sins of others, and thinks he cn pull that majority down to nothing. A change of five votes at eVilry poll in the county will do it. Hence ithe liberals of Frontenac have a good chance to win. Let them work hard from now till the evening of election day, and see that Mr. Reynolds heads the poll. Mr. Reynolds dec'ares that he is go ing to have a pure election, and will have Mr. Gallagher's workers well watched. If money defeats him he will rrotest Mr. Gallagher's election. The liberals will gonduct a straight elec ton and witb stand for no bribery by their opponents, Mr. Reévmolds throughout the next ten days, Leiug i ! i i | hold during will county meetings the Will Run Pure Election. At the convention of county liberals, weld in the Whig hall on Saturday af- ternoon, Mr. Reynolds outlined his policy in a good, clear fashion, sta ting that it would be a purity elec tion, so far ds he was coticerned. In leonsidering the nomination, which had {been extended to him, he said that he had come to the decision that there should be no campaign fund. If there waf a campaign fund, he would not be in the race. He was out from the very start for a parity election. Dr. Tovell stated that the remark had been made a leading county von servative that hy Dr. Spankie dron- ping out of the race, Mr. Gallagher's leading supporters would be saved $1,000, for it was expected that such an amount would 'he spent in fighting Dr. Spankie. Now that there was still to be an election. no doubt the tories would sped money to try and defeat Mr. Reynolds. ---------- MYERS' CAVE NEWS. ---- What is Transpiring at That Busy Village. Mayer's Cave, Muy 2 aod pasiures are loosing fine Meadows , and the I rospect ioc a bountiiul hay op is lavorable, tor the present gt lease. A great amount of corn has Leen plant «d in this meighborhood, owing to the sery high price and se arity of grain tor seed. Mrs. Mi McDonald, who has Leen tho suey % her parents, Mr. and Mars Sy, oF Mighell for the last three - morithe, "loft for her home in Goed hon, Alta today. io. MeUregor is baving a lege Kitchen = built on the west end of his howe, A Crab tree, Jr., is the Qurpenter, Harold Mc Lregor has returned from Balderson, where hie has heen attendipy school Mes. JC Mitel and Mrs, M. Me | Donald were visitits at the eave ou | Dundny afternoon last, the guess of Mrs. 1. D. Perry. The pupils of =, No, 4, Barrie, Miss = tell, teacher, spent the after noon of kmpire bay, in singing and recitations, scl etions on the har monica. Mrs. F. H, Jack, of Point St. Charles, Montreal, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. J. OC. Mitchell, 'Lake View." Miss Nelie Me. regor 8 ent Friday at Lakeview, the guest of Mrs J. C. Mitchell. Mr. Snyder, of Avden, spent Sunday at the cave. Miss Lillie Sedgwick was the guest of Miss Mol- lie WeGiregor on Sunday last, Mrs. I. Dellyea, who has been on the sick list for a few days "is some better. Joseph Lloyd and ' son Koss, with George Conway, al of Richmond, were the quests oi Mr. jh "Mrs. W. Loucks, on Sunday last. Mrs. Jolm Crit hley, Harlowe, spent Monday at the D. Gray made a husiness trip to Kal- adar yesterday, S. cave, Dyspepsia Is A Crime. Nearly all conditions that in break- ing down of health have their begin- ning in chronic indigestion or dyspep- sia. These troubles ean be effectively cured at any stage hy use of Day's Dyspepsia Cure. this preparation has digestive, tomie and laxative proper: ties. Each = hottle contains sixteen days' treatment. "For sale only at Wade's drug store. -------------------- Within adlewi moments after her husband « homecoming, on Saturday, and just after she had paid him kine ly attention at the evening weal for which he bad been late, Mrs. John Metcalf, of Picton, tarned, and as she sat in her chaic she expired, death be- ing 'due to heart failure. OEE00eIUaPIIeToonanaca Sapte o Just Arrived: in Ti for Saturday. A »OOOCHO0 8 to 7, $1.00. Women's $1.50. values at $5.00. Children's Red Laced Blucher Poots, sizes 3 Children's Red Strap Shoes, sizes 3 to 7, 90c. Children's Brown Strap Shoes, 3 to 7, §0¢.. Children's Kid Strap Shoes, 3 to 7, 506 : White Shoes for Women, Girls and Childean. Barefoot Sandals for Kid House Slippers, 50, 60, foe to Children, Boys atid firs, Women's Prunella Slippers, 50c, 60c to$1.25, Women's Gaiter Boots, fine kid, $1.50 gud 2.00. Many kinds of Women's Solid Comfort: Boots at $1.50, 2.00, 2,50 to 3.50. : Special lines of Suit Cases & Trunks. Special 'THE 'NO secret process of electricity, For sale by McKelvey & The kinds and we know that the L. C. Smith has every improvement and every feature that any of then has--AND MORE. We want to place an L. C. Smith Bros.' Type- writer in your office AT OUR EX. PENSE, and have you compare it part for part, feature for feature, with any other typewriter. We will let the typewriter speak for itself. All we say about it and claim for it will be demonstrated by the machine itself more con- vincingly than we could tell it. Then we want to leave the de- cision to you. If YOU want it then we will sell you one on favor- able TERMS, or if you already have a machine we will take that in part payment. THE TEST OR TRIAL WILL NOT COST YOU A PENNY. This is the way we sell typewrit- ers ; it is a good, fair, honest way. It has not a weak link in the chain of fairness. RAZOR OF PERFECTION . EVERLASTING SHAVING COMFORT RAZOR TROUBLES POSSIBLE ' These razors are tempered as ! You can obtain one on 80 days trial from your dealer without obligation to purchase, Firm of A. L. SILBERSTEIN, 476 Broadway, We hnow other typewriters of all | hard as flint by our exclusive New York, N.Y. * Birch. ®°-7' BROCH \STREET, ' . KINGSTON, ONT. Standard Visible Writer We do not belong to any trust and nobody dictates the PRICE we sell at or HOW we shall sell. That's OUR business. We sell our machine strictly its merit on All the writing on the L. €. Smith is always in sight, and direct in the line of vision The WRITING LINE IS INDICATED, and the PRINTING POINT IS POINTED OUT so that the L. C, Smith is just WHAT WE CLAIM ~a perfect VISIBLE typewriter. The typebar and hanger are the heart of a typewriter, that means they are the most vital part--a writer. Show us a typebhar-Lear- ing that is narrow and has no wearing surface, and it tells wus that under hard wear such a type- writer will not retain its aligns ment, and sooner or later will get out of order. On the L. C. Smith the bearing is wide and the bar heavy, and will stand years and years of hard GOS E work. Typewriter Supplies for all makes of machines. Rented and Repaired--all makes. d. E. Ferguson Company, EASTERN DEALERS, 205 QUEEN STREET, OTTAWA. LOCAL AGENTS: A { 160 weak typebar mieans a weak type- | v RIC Co., Synopsis of Canadian Nor{hwest HCMESTEAD REGULATIONS. NY even-numbered section of Do Winton Lacds in Masiloba of the Northwest Provinces, excepting 8 and 24, not reserved, may a bone sieaded Ly any person the sole head of a family, or male over IS years of age, [10 the extent of one-quarter section, of Sched, more Or less. Applicaton for homestead entry must be wade la person by the applicant at a Dominion Lands Agency or Sub-ageacy. | Entry by proxy may, Rowever, be made {at an Agency on certain conditions LY the father, mother, son, daughler, bLrother or sister of an futending howmesteader. An application for eancellation must he made in person. The applicant must be eligible for homestead entry, DUTIES. ~(1) Ay least siz manthe' residence upon and cultivation of the land in cath yeax Bg the tem of three years, (2) A homesteader may, If he so sires, perforin the peguired due land awned ties by living on arming solely by him, not less than eighty (80) of bis ncres in extent, in the vieinlty homestead. Jolat ownership fm land will aot meet this requirement. (3) It the father (or mother, if the father is deceased) of a homesteader hac permanent residence on farmdag land owned solely by him, not less than eighty (80) acres in extent, in the vicinity of the homestead, or upon a homestead entered for by him in the vicinity, such home steader may perforin his own residence duties by Hving With the father (or mother). £ | (4) The term *"Vielifty" in the two preceding paragraphs ts Gefined as mean ing not more than nine miles in a direct line, SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH- WEST MINING REGULATIONS, COAL.~Coal mining rights may be leased for twenty-one years at an annusi rental of $1.00 an sere. Not mores than 2,560 acres can be lensed 10 one -appli- cant. Royalty, five cents per to QUARTZ. --~A person eighteen Jn of age and over having made a discovery may locate a claim 1.500 feet by 1,500 feet. Feo, $5.00. At least $160 00 wust be expended on the claim dach year, or paid to the Mining Recorder When $500.00 has been expended or patd and other requirements complied with the clatia may be purchased at $1.00 sn acre. PLACER MINING CLAIMS generally, 100 feet square. Entry fee, $5.00, DREDGING. Two leases of five miles each of a river may be issued Lo one apn plicant for a term of 20 years. Meatal, $10.00 a wile per annum. Hoyaity, 4h per cont after the output erxoeeds $10,000, W. W. CORy, Deputy of the Miuister of the Interfor, N.B.-- Unauthorised publication of this advertisement will not be paid for, de- American Oils Coal Oil + Lubricating Oils Gasoline We make a specialty of handling Lubricating Ofls of all kinds. Prices on application. W. F. KELLY & CO., South Cor, Ontario and Clarence. -------- Will You Try An L. C. Smith Typewriter? Then again, with the L.C Smith one machine is equipped to do all kinds of work--bhetter writ ing, invoicing, billing, tabulating, figures, stencil custing, without touching the ribbon and heavy manifolding anything that any typewriter can do the L. C. Smith will do--and more. | { You can lift the platen, or writ. {ing cylinder, right out and put in {another in a secqnd, You can | write in two colors, and you do | not nave to totech your ribbon from the time you rut it in the machine till it is worn out. ' ! You can do all these things, and many more, and do them better than you can with any other type- writer, WILL YOU DO THIS» And remember THIS IS the ma- chine we want to place in your o c¢ for trial and fxamination AT OUR FXPENSE. It doesn't cost you a penny to fry it. Typewriters 79 Princess St. Kingston,