PAGE TWELYA Another Modern Miracle of Paralysis Permanently Cured. Vouched for by a Well Known Clergyman. Ppralysis, no. matter how slight, is a térrible affliction, but to he paralyzed Frpim *w adibreto the feet, Lo be a:help- les eripple, totally dependent upon what others far you, is a comli- tiongas' wretched us man could possi- hire bear. Buch Wad the ate of Mr. Allan J. McDonald, of Rice Point, P. E.L For over a year he was a belp- devs invalid. He was paralyzed from # waist to his feet amd for pine months lay in bed encased in a plas- ter. of paris cast. Four of the Hest doctors in Prince Edward Island were unalle to help him uw 'he seemed doomed to a Fle of misery and des pair, But hope came to him when ho read of what Dr. Williams' Pink Pills had dane for. other sufferers from par- alysis. He, procured a supply of the wills and began taking them, Grada- ally they Lirgke the chains: of disease that bound him, and filled his whole body with new blood, life and vigor. Mr. 'Mechonald save: "I am a farmer and in consequence have n great deal, of hard work to do. One day while about, my work | injured my back, but ob the tine | paid Jitthe attention to the, injury. and continued my work. Aw time went on, though, the pain be came more severe and I soon" found mysell unable to lift anything no mats tor how light. It was not long before ¥ had to 'stop work altogether and conmilt a dactor. He treated me hit treatment 'did not help me and | rapidly grew worse. 1 had to take to my bel, and in the hope that my spite wight receive strength, 1 was encased du a plaster: of paris cast, This did nat help me, and 1 could feel the paralysis slowly creeping over me! tH waist to my feet, | lost control aver | my bowels and adder, and my legs had nor more Seelitg: than if they were made tried to cute me, but their treatment also wak o failure, and for over eleven months 1 lay in bed usable to move. ! Dr. Williams' Pink Pills were then ad- | couraged people. in every part of the medicine He. a hox, or six box Dr. Williams' visedignd Iwas shown testiminials of ethers who had been cured of paralys- in, though them. 1 Vought an supply rr ---------- the Gradually uk mg knees, my aid of a cane and the pills T was the least trouble. liams® Pink Pills palin" ; In corroboration or more doctors paris, and which might be to use Dr. Wiligmes hig toe aud 'from You are pow faif trial . { was totally paralyzed irom my ment had 0 hopelessly Is actually make blood, feed - the starve bring health part of the hody, ently hopless cases ald's, and it is made a remarkable change in me wae able to get' out of bed and crawl Hoor on my totally of what Mr. Donald says, the Rev. D. Maclean of Charlottetown, PEL, writes: "1 vis ited My. McDonald: many times during his illness. He was attended by three and put in plaster imaginable of benefit was dome for him without suecess, He had lost all power of his body: from, his. waist down and 1 think he was vearly Year under treatment before he began Pink Pills. { was with him the day he first moved his time on he gradually improved and for the Jast few' years he haw been perfectly well. I carr-vouck for the cure Pr. Williams' Pink Pills effected in his case." i vou are sick and. the taking does not yon, 'give Pri Willams' Pink Pills a i They have cured thousands after doctors and other medical tredt fefiled. new, everything that xl as hands apd limbs became stronger. Soon 1 could walk with the inside of nine months after 1 had bfzun the wse of cured, and once more able to do light work. Now I sm as strong as ever | was and can do 'any work about the farm without I think Dr. Wil are withbut equal, for, besides my own case, 1 know of two other cases of paralysis cured by them. Two young girls who had been cripples and whom | advised to tregtment help nerves Mr. MeDon why they have cured thousands and thousands of sick, dhs world. Sold by all or by mail at ed for $2.00 from The dealers, ond in Jews than three months they {Medicine Co., Brockville, Onts al TO TELL AGE OF EARTH. Radium May Wring Secret From ' Old Earth. R, J. Strutt, o British scientist of high standing, iin the course of a lee ture at the Royal institution, London, said that, thanks to recent investioa tion ofs radium, it soon would be pos vible to estimate the exact age of the earth, Aecepting the hypothesis that heli: um is constantly produced, at a defin- ite speed from radium, Mr Strutt pro- poséd & quantitative estimation of the radium and the helium present in vari ops minerals, as a means of determin ing their relative ages. Proceeding on similar lives, when ones the rate at which radium is transformed should have been estimated, a simple opera tion in arithmetic would solve the problem of the age of the earth. "I have," said Mr. Strutt, "heen able to find that the age of flints present in chalk, is only one thirtieth of the age of the mineral that is being mined 'in Cornwall. It is to be hoped that jin this way it will be possiblé to form an exact estimate of the date on which carth." Hair Luxury. made lustrous Hair may be man first appeared upon and beautiful and its growth be promoted at the same time by the use of Dr. Dawson's Hair Restorer. toilet luxury and a remedy for all haic and scalp troubles. Restores 1%, is rey hair to its natural color. In bottles, 50¢., at Wade's drug store. A Hard Question. Hamilton Herald. "Are you in favor of a non-political board of license commissioners 7' geks the Temperance Electoral association of the candidates: This is cruel, It is a8 much as to jntimate that the pre sont license hoards. pee political - andg Mr. Whitney has "Solemnly this alter asserted that he had removed ministration of the license law the ad from the dphere of party politics, Sasi: A ------------ ET --C--A A ESTABLISHED 1873 Head Office = + BANKING . Toronto BY MAIL If you live out of town, attendance 'in person is not necessary, you can send us deposits by registered post and make withdrawals bo by cheque with perfect safety. Special arrangements for this purpose. Write for particulars, KINGSTON BRANCH J. 8. Tarner, Manager COR. PRINCESS AND BAGOT STS. 7s [BLOOD DISEASES i try Me- a These rich, red and aml strength to every This ix why Dr. of Waal. Three other doctors | Williams' Pink Fills cure suc h appar the ™ THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, -- NEWS OF DISTRICT. The Tidings From Various Points in Eastern Ontario. M. Ballantine, ope of Lanark's township councillors had several rigs | dislocated last week, ' The Suflerer Paralysed From MWalst to Feet---Encased in . Plaster of Paris for Nine Months---Dr. Willlam's Pink! - Pills Cure After Four Doctors Had Falled--The Cure], At Greenbush, Mrs. Samuel Justus, an old resident passed away Monday, aged seventy-two. Une week ago the deceased sufiercd a stroke of -paraly- 18. : Mr. and Mrg C. R. Cotton, Gana- nogue, aunounce the engpgement of thesr daughter Wilhelmina E., to Da- vid Alexander Mitchell. The marriage will take place on June 3rd, John Crawford, Oso, bas leased the mineral right on his farm to Rogers & Young of Toronto and they are busy prospecting on it and have dis- covered a good show of pyrites. William Ferguson of Clyde Forks died, Friday, in. Victoria Hospital, Renfrew. The remgins were interred on Sunday at Hopetown. Mr. Ferguson bad been ailing for many months. Miss Della Traynor who has filled the position of operator and assistant in the post office; so obligingly and courteously for six years, had resign el and will accompany her sister, Mrs. Bannan, to North Dakota. James Golden, one of the pioneers and oldest residents of Elizabethtown passed away Wednesday at his resi- dence a short distance west of the Tin Can. The late Mr. Golden was born in County | yrone, Irdland, in 1522, When a lad of twelve® years he removed with his parents to Canada. An action was brought by Mary Sprague, who had for about sixteen years been housekeeper of the late Nostrand Sprague, Picton, against his executors, She 'claimed thgt he had promised her £3,000 in addition to what she received during his lifetime if sw would werve him until his death. The action was settled by eon gent, she receiving $2,100. without cogts. The death of Mrs. John A. Paul of Poland last Sunday morping at the age of twenty-nine vears and pine months was one of those sad events which cast a gloom over a communi- ty. Mrs. Paul was a woman enjoying the, blessing of health when a severe shock, occasioned by a fright, im- planted the roots of disease which grew up into acute catarch of the stomach. Lingerie Blouse Model. pic The preity sepmrate waist he of tured was in the original garment white French mull, inserted with val- enciennes, but pale blue, pink or lavender mull, with white lace, would aldo be Very attractive. The blouse wat tucked by hand to yoke depth, back and front, and there was a little hand embroidery in white cot: ton between the insertions of lace. North Frontenac Crops. Parham, May 25.---The condition of stock is fair, but cattle are thin From disease many fine horses and colts have died. There was a bad kind of horse distemper and scours, which could not be cured Many farmers had to sell cows to save feed, which was scarce and hard to be got. Cows algo died for want of feed. Oué man lost his whole herd and some hoises owing to the snow being so deep that feed could not be got in. The 'pig prospect is good Pig feed is very high, which is against keeping large quamtities. Fewer pigs for market this year. Cattle feed was scarce and dear and thonsands of dollars worth had to be sent back in- to the country at 320 per ton for second class feed. -------- Maple Lawn Notes. Maple Lawn, May 28 Farmers ave nearly all finished sowing their grain. Prospects are for » heavy crop of hay, but short grain and roots. - The local football team bas started prac. tice and is now ready for a match. Any outside team wishing a challenge communicate with W. J. O'Neil, cap- tain. 'Miss. Florence Hogan spent last week visiting frientts in the city. A large number. attended the and other eslobrations in Ki ton on Victoria Day. The supply milk at the local cheese factory is increasing fy. H. "Bmith, Pine Hill, paid Maple Lawn a flying visit on Sunday last. Items From Zealand. Zealand, May 29 Spring's work is progressing very rapidly since the fine weather has come. A very small quan- tity of milk is being sent to the fac: tory * this year. George Bishop= aad family moved to Zealand this week tA Willing Workers' meeting was held at' the home of Robert Ar 3 iday night. Visitors : Miss wi Saturday and Sunday with Perth; Misses Mabel and Garrett, at J, Conbov's, Jr: M. Gracie, ot J. Garrett's: . at R. Laidlev's; W. Garrett, races \ SATURDAY, ----------------, Gips For Gbhe Farmers | BY UNCLE JOSH i Reports from the Canadian west in dicate that the sesson for seeding has been most favorable, and that hopes are entertained for a bumper crop. Throughout Ontario, however, the situation does not - appesr to be 5. favorable." Report says That fall wheat and pastures are coming {on well, but spring seeding bas An greatly delayed, and in many cases, it looks as ii the end will not be repch- ed until the end of the month. | Un the land well draived, the cgops are looking well, and if 'the remainder of the season proves favorable, a full average crop may be obtained. The dairying prospects are ve ty bright owing to the splendid growth of pastures. Watch the health of the chitks every day. li you eee one looking dumpich, look for | the tause. If it seems to have diarrhoea, it may be from lack of grit; or too sloppy or sour food, or perhaps sn overlecd oi meat. Correct the fault at once, be fore more of the floes aie affected See that the drinking water is always clean fresh. Keep the flocks of different ages apart, or the younger ones will crowded away from the feed. Harm . is often dane by the little fellows being forced to go on shert rations, before it is nqgticed; and then it i® too late to make up for lost time. The safest way is to watch for these litte things. Prevent them, rather than try to cure them afterward, a he Farm most with managenient is one of the important studies connected agricultural science, "ays the Toronto Globe. Without pro per executive management of the farm and careful attention to business details, agricultural practice will fail to yield its largest and fullest re sults. To be a suecessiul agricultural practitioner one must understand the principles and 'facts of the sciences re lated to agriculture; one must also he able to organize his farms noy only with a view to present success and immediate profits, but also with due regard to the future fertility of the land. The more one knows .of agricul tural science, the more skill developed in the production of crops and' the feeding of live stock, the greater will be the rewards of the exééutive and business management. Therefore, the practical farmer should strite to sy- stematize his methods, and should ecek to put his operations on a busi ness basis: but he will find. when he comes to consider the question of eco- nomic production, that he must. ao- peal to the natural sciences for infor mation, as to the, best. mepns of handling hig soils,; of fertilizing, sow- ing. cultivating. aml « barvesting ki: crops, of breeding, rearing and feeding his live stock and of preparing his products for market. His aim should be to maintain and, if possible, in- crease the fertility of his soil; to keep his land free from weeds, and his crops uncontaminated with diseases; to increase the amount -of his live stock and improve its quality, and at the same time to market each year go greater volunie of produce at enhanc ed values, ---- Produce And Prices. Kingston, Ont, May 30.--Prices were quoted the Whig, to-day, as fo! he Flour and Feed--Flour, baker's $2.90 to $3.10; farmers', $2.90 to $3; Hupgarian patent, $3.15 to $3.30; oat- meal and rolled oats, $4.40 to $4.50; cornmeal, $1.50 "to $2.10; bran, $26 to $27 per ton; shorts $27 to WY per ton; straw, §12 to $14; bay, loose $I8 to $20; pressed, $20. Egge--New laid, : Grain--Ugts, to wheat, 81 to $1.06; buckwheat, barley, 70c.; rye, 8c. to S0c.; peas, $1; corn, best, 50¢.; mixed, TSe. Butter--Choice ereamery, 28e.; farm- ers' butter, .prings, 3c; packed, 23c.; rolls, 23c, Meat--Beef, carcase, $9.50 to $10.50 ewt.; choice cuts, Se. to 17c. Ib. pork. 94a per Ib; veal, by the quarter, Sc. to 9c. per lb.; cuts, Ge. to l3c.; by carcase, Be. to Sc, per lb.; cutlets, 124¢. to. 1dc.; lamb, by pound, ldec.; chops, 15¢, a Ib; matton, lle. per Ib; live hogs, $7.25. Fish---Salmon tout, 1240, a Ib. ; skinned digby herring, 20o, per 1b.: whitefish, I24c. a Ib.; pike, 10c. a ibs; Chinook salmon, 0c, a Ib.; smelts, 10c., 15¢. and 266°per Ib.; kippered herring, Yarmouth bloaters, 40c. a dozen; Atlantic salmon, 30c. Ib.; salt codfish, 7e. to "15¢. a Ib.: halibut, 2c. a Ib.; fresh haddock, 10c. a Ib.; bullheads, 10¢. a Ib.: red herring, 15¢. a box; mackerel,' 15c. a lb.; trout, 124¢e. a Ib.; perch, 30c. a dozen; logs 10c. a lb.; ciscoes, 15¢. a 1b. oy- sters, 40c., 50c., 60c. per quart. blue fish, 15c. a lb.; lake herring, 10c. finnan haddie, 10e., 124e. Ib.; flow smoked salmon, Poultry--Chickens, $1.25 to $1.50 per pair; turkeys, $1.25 Lo $1.75. Fruit--Malaga 20c. per Ih. MAY 30, 1908. PICTURESQUE CEREMONIES, Mark Annual Distribution Royal Bounty. Harper's Weekly. Lue aongal aistribytion of the bounty, in the form of Maundy has just been with pictur | Sue Eremoaies in Ab | bey. Sixty-seven old an equal number of women were the: cipients Javery year for years Maundy money has beey tributed by the English sovereign as many old men and women, sepe ately, as there aire vears to hi Thus on the last occasion of Victoria's benevolence eighty-one per sons of dither sex received this alms. long procession marched along the Abbey chair, including the Lord High Almoner, the dean, the children of the Chapel Royal, the secretary of the Al} monary and his assistant, girt, with] towels, as well as the Yeoman of the Guard, * { Bach man received in all 3%, and each woman $22.66. These sums . iu-| cluded the Maundy coins, sisty-seven | pence in specially minted money, two. | threcpenny, abel fourpsiny | These coins were bagerly | sought by the collectors, and bought up at many times their values. ] Three other bounties had been previ | ously gives. "They were the mmor | bounty, the discretionary bounty and | the royal gate alms, "and they ere doled out hy the Royal Almeney to] 1.000 aged and deserving submots of | the king, re rer We ey, tminster men and several bundeeds of dis- to penny, pieces Mountain Grove Musings. Mountain Grove, May 25 Orangemen intend laying the stone of their lodge room July Eth. Several lodges have imvated to take parte wm the celebza fon, among, them Seat y Falls, Sharbot Lake and Arden. Kev. L. M Sharp and D. J. Cronk, attended dis- trict meeting ot Napanee last TR. Price s fine now barn completion wih DD. "Hartwici Frank, Mountain Vale, carpenters; Y ouman With U. tare as carpenter Mrs, Taylor of hingston the Ww ith hit I Maple Farm, Beals, immigrants, Price s yesterday morning, hope to be employed for the summer Mrs. A. Crozier and little daughter Mildred, Mis. Drake and Master Char lie Wood spent a few days at KR. Cro zier's, Portsmouth, Mis. Lapum, Wil | ton, visiting Miss Mabel Frice, poi turned today. Mis. A. W. Saunder son and Master Macalam, I'weed, spent the 24th, with her moth er, Mrs. M. WW. Price Wellington Lee, | Mountain Vale, visited Lis nt, Mrs, | A. Crosier, lately. Our popular dress maker, Miss Mabel Price, is kept sery { busy with the spring sewing. Rev. | M. Sharpe preached a very interesting | and instructis ron Sunday last, on the influence of noble i dealing largely with the late Quven | Victori¥s life { Miss Annie Godfrey secared al position in Kingston. William Browy | hos purchased the house and lot on the N. E. corner of Main and Chuich | streets. Freeborn Cronk has mov edgto bis farm west the village. Mrs Loyst, ¥r., has returned from Good lands, Man., where she spent a with J. K, school funeral at ley one of able young Wednesday last ston, at Sharbot new residents are Messrs. R. Cox, H Kellar and Yor with their families H. Hartwick has moped. to his fath- | ers farm of the village. Our schools are rejoicing their flags. Mise Maggie Cox has returned | from Havelock nt the winter. Miss Gertrude MacDonald paid Sharbot Lake a visit last week. My and Mrs. William Duff, Havelock, at Samuel Dawson's: Edward Godirey at James, Parker's, Jr; Miss Maode San derson, at B. F. Carley's on Sunday Mrs. J. Moore has been attending her | mother, Mes. Miller of Arden, Ywho very low. Messrs. Davy hate fine job with their stumping for 0. Youman A Grave Disease. Chicago Tribune. "Johnmy came mighty to death the other Lapsling. 'He and he got a grain of it fast windpipe. At least that's thought it was, but when the came, he said i wasn't his windpipe at all. TH fhwrors had dodged in hi safeophagus."' The | corner new on | been Week iy nearing son, ol aso D. 18 spending y at and Mrs, | at J. t daug Me. arrived summer Grove where they John ol on lives has ol year her granddaughter, Mrs. Nixon Pomeroy has returnid to his | after attending father «| Wesley. Miss rad Mountain cstim ladics was married on | to E. Soddiv, Kin, Lake. Some his Clara Lirove ol our north over new | where she oe don wp Chine hed | hoking Mr popcorn near das said was eating Lit his | il loctor | in where Why not Keep up your home with al bright cheery appearance, It makes | everybody happy. It makes you hap- | py. Ramsay's paints are happy paints, | They make things clean and new and | give longer lite to the house. Let W A. Mitchell show you the colors with suggestions how to do it % i (TERRA IX | FREE TO for your case, entirely frees in {my Bask WOMAN'S OWN. M | women suffer, and how © | Menstruation rm -- Don't Give a Child Any Form of Harsh Physic Childreh like them because thew are candy. Aad because:they never cause pain, Even grown people are injured by every 1 dose of drastic catbartics. Children are doubly injured, or oil, pills and by the griping You know what © harsh cathartics do pains that follow. You can feel how the stomach and bowels gwe irritated, That is how harsh physic gets its effect ~by causing the bowel fluids to flow. They act as pepper acts in the eves or the nostrils. Pepper capses fluids to flow. But do you think it right to treat mem- branes in that way the tender membranes of children? The use of harsh physic, if continied is bound to end in chronic dyspepsia Cascarets are candy tablets. They are soli by all druggists, but pever in bulk. Be sure to got the genuine, with CCC on every tablet The box is marked lke this: Cascarets are the only laxative that should ever be given to children. They are vegetable-gentle add natural, They are as harmless as food, The vest-pocket box 1s 10 cents. The mopth-treatment box %0 cents, 12,000,000 boxes sold anuually, ra FREE TO YOU AND EVERY SISTER SUFFERING FROM WOMEN'S AILMENTS, {am & woman. 1 know woman's sufigrings, | f have found the cure, I will mail, free of any charge, my home treat. meat with full fustructions to any sufferer from women's ailments. | want to tell al women about this cure -- you, my reader, for yourself, your daughter, your mother, or your sister. | want to tell you how to cure yourselves at home without the help of a doctor, Men cannot understand wom en's sufferings. What we women know from ex« , we know betier than any | know hat my home treatmdhit is a safe and sure Sure for or Whilish discharges, is placement or Falling of the Womb, or. Painful Periods, Uterine or Ovarian Tumers or y Growihs, also paing in the head, back and bowels, Ci Dearing down YOU--MY SISTER lings, nervousness, SLL To, Eur Let to our sex. send you A free to prove to t you can cure yours scif at home, easily, quickly and siirely, Remember, that it will cost you to give the treatment h tageatinue, it will cost you only about 12 cents a week pat interfere with your work or occupation. Just send suffeg, if you wish, and I will send you the treatment : J will also send of cost story illustrations showing why me, Every woman should have if, the doctor says--" You must have an operation," you Women have cured themselves with my ome remedy Fours. To of Daughters, | will explain a simple home treatment which speedily and effectually cured ea, Oreen Sic ainful or Irregular health always result from its use. » Young Ladies: Plu @ Wherever you live, I can youlp ladies of your own locality who know and will gladly tell any sufferer that this atignt really cures all woman's diseases and makes women well, strong, plump and robust, gend me your address, and the free ten days' treatment is rs, also the book Write S0uiity, as you may not see this offer again, Address' RS. M. SUMMERS, Box N. 1, - . - » WINDSOR, Ont. & complete trial ; and if you shoul or less than two cents a day, me your name and address, tell and learn to think for herself. can decide for yourself. Thou It cures ail, oid or ness and Spring Furniture > After house-cleaning add scmething new in the Furniture BEDDING Victor Mat tresses -- Ask for Hercules Spring. the kind that last a life- tine. Use our 8:%° FURNITURE RESTORER Coo oe 1 houise-cleaning, at e 2 The Leading Undertak- James Reid's er. 'Phone, 147. SALE att OP wrens BABY CARRIAGES. Must be cleared out in 10 days. Big reductions at REID'S, Pelephone 577 Ambulance. RJ 230 Princess St. FRESH STRAWBERRIES NEW PINE APPLES - H TOYE, 302 KING ST, ---- The St. Lawrence Sugar Refining Co., Ltd MO N TREAL Manufacturers of the choicest REFINED SUGARS Granulated and Yellows. Made entirely from Cane Sugar. Be sure you ask for "St. Lawrence." D. STEWART ROBERTSON & SON, Agents for Eastern Ontario. Ly Dunlo : Dunlop Detachable Clincher Auto Tire : wl ol