FOURTEEN, PAGE . - WN SD 2), Wa HB Sa N Hopes to Break Down Barriers Success on the Operatic Stage ut of Pant story that world. It o ty woman the other day came a miterested the civilized neerned a young and pret Something caused of ni comanotion," gews dispatches stated ie the f; 4 ducted hb Renzke the expulsion of one of his was 1onn ble chool con Joan (de becanse ol most pro ion "It learned that the expelled: pupil was to be the puth of of a series ol anonymous letlers | sald ross M. de Resske amd attack. | ing the character of Countess Mar | auerite Cassini, n and adopted | daughter of the bassador gt Washington. "Poer left Amn erien, the coumtess has lived in Paris, | Won diveoveral | miging papils without explanitic | { 1 to joen former Russian am nee Count Cassini Jean de in studying under fn to appearing opera has made excellent and slmast voady to make her debut. #16 is said that jealousy of her suc oss. was the only Reszke, with She is view Progress motive of the ano nymous communications in which she was attackeal, The countess was groat ly distresoed over the incident, is the writer of the litters wa Iriend," ! | { un supposed | cr---- Bark of the simple statement made! above is an intgresting story that hoes | had ite various chapters written in | widely parts the earth -| and always with pn dashing young girl an ite central figure, - It #0 Many the Countess Cassini, niece apted danglter of the Russian amas salor, the algebraic | % of diplomatic circles, No ons knew | what she would de pext. When the ambassador was tramdor ed to Madrid, the daring, fiona] Young countess parted out of the' pnvals of Washington life, 16 was generally, supposed. that she had to the Spanish, court with. hee aed foster father, Many who thought first enlightenment depatehis tellin denn de Reszke's Paris school not generally that tose was preparing for wm career upon the operatip stage Why ? wap the question that gprang to hundreds of Hps in social and di phoma tic circles, Why should a young Shan of wich distinguished position al wealth wish to pass through the grinding stages of preparation for opera, unlese with another object THith that of the honors attained by the suceossful prima dono ? BNO one imagings--not even herself, ape that the Countess Cassin Will beeowio a new Maury Garden, Melba, Tetrazend pt, it; ix whispered in Paris, one possess sullicient talent, lifted high operatic possibilities by ar be training, to atta a command lion am the stage; society may foet---and this, it is whis un, is ¢he secret mative that the young woman's: opera Separate of Pr heen years and hasn't ince ad wan vegarded as { { undvounyen i 3 i woh so had through the their Dew fliry «0 It was the coun the of Know ny 1 + wishes to. conquer the society hat heen rather coldly disposed ¥ her throughont: her cnreer in dic atic voles; her nedest gtipek wi oi Ue siranghelds ie to be made hey: the operatic staga ow' women' Rive been so generally usted cortainly few have been w, BE heut pilloried by her own sex | oni the tongue of possipeas the Cown- o fed Unssind, | Gossip god budy. with pc when, a the ol fitedn 4, she was the ot her ml in te Fig hi, was representing his pomntry at ihe court of the Flowery Rimeon. Her Beauty und accomplish pte," i willition to 'the romanew of Wo younir w hostess, shold have ober o loader, oven pt that age-- shi was precotions--in social dic « ntl hivwevoer 6 MAR dene of their , ¢ not at their ' has have det in motion cere vomarke and ophiions regarding houshiold of the Russion ambas- at any rate, the Cassini maid: mn found an Sncadingls. frauty recap whiariver: she fppoared. al UE this mnt' have been obviated, ourse. ik the ambassatlor B) matic sepvice favorably : | would, Count Cassigi | and hair, the only bit { ering about which are deep crimson asic was in an So Count fered, aml dor aml the young girl went gladly. Thuy would deal mote graciously with the dashing young wide the doors of the embassy, with lavish hosgitality entertaibed at son redence. in fair Russian and she was trented coldly, not being accepted as "a lady of the diplomatic corps." Her 8 the ambassador's. hosschokd di ) seem to make the impression she and Conet Unssini desired, second Cassini again sought op teapsier, aml this time was sent to represent that the wives ba man hoped. that in the brdwy capital of the new work's they would commanding sdeial carcer, with. no searchiiihts ) menis and hearthurnings of the past. scribing the Intest addition ington's "fuge Cassini height, THE DAILY B EE " , Dre of fer / 4 oy PHTegreals. yen, (8 | % Tey as be ould ngt remove the frosty barriegs rected against his, protege. Diplonk in the Clipese capital unfavorable frame of mind. to he trans the ppst in BpoOCIely Cassini ashed war given "arie. To the Frenchy capital the ambassa- Paris society believed that } most brilliant fanbtions | Dut the rumors that had gained Pekin had preceded the to the French eapital, they opengl unsl woman; of the if the year, m not position as 'ties' because of this It was largely that Count disp ppoittment his vornment at Washington, 4 Both the count and the youmy wor greatest sation» enter upon a new * Md turned on' the disappoint. said n writer inde At this 'to Windi-§ hed i : g tie wircles, poe ia Bitte exquisitely" formed Bps, mg labs woman and driver, Bou® with as much ea A$ fenow on the back of a hunter won several. championship caps on the golf links, is fond of wheel riding amd Bikes sports of all kinds." y the young woman arrived that | There ervmpling : thorns of an wmmistakabk Peyuvsontl vie mooth for oné hier strike the other women of the diplag] "Her: skin is wonderfully' white and self dark eves of hrithant col being her fall with face . She 1s ag aecomplished athlete, he- hen Washington, hewover, she found her social aspirations ardained to a flowery bed were more than rose leaves the she i= an hg an active member of several sport- nthusiastic horse whling the rib she takes a She has i in not fore of were ease, there character couch; were The wives of several Furopean diplo mats, hooded be Hengelimallew, ®ife of the ambassador Austria-Tlongney, refused to acknowiedge Marguerite Chasinl ne the smbussudeess of the Russian ou assy, and for quite a time there was a pretty wanpest teapot: at Washington, . the Baroness von in the diplomatic Perhaps most newspaper readors roe memboe the stir that the young dan woman caneed during President -- RITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, de pasion the and en MeKinley's administfition hy hen termination to a vt The! czar ! heriditary her had coq tith dowed "her with as the head of t) hold functions an ambass This unnsunl and contrany the usages of the courts of Farope, it was said: at any rate, the diplomatic ore in Washington declined to ahide by it. A meeting of the amBashadors was ealled for the purpose of settling the matier upon her codinty spweial hogors which, ¢ ambasalor's hose her at all public rank and precedence of would give Lhe iba wile, i Wks to { Is was gone about in this way : | Lord Pauncefots, dean of the Corps, Issmed invitations for a dinner party, fin Count Cassini and: the ecoutitess amohy the goeste The countess was J asmigued to a talle place mong the athor voang Women present--a place to which no official significance could Iw madi to attach, A Apother dinner wis given the fol lowing week by M. Cambon, at the French embasgyv, at which the Pawnee fote precedent was followed. then came a smitar affsir at the home of the German ambassador, That, if semed, Fanttled the matter so far as the diplo- matic corps was ied, lL The young eniten . mat a little pet iilod, annouscond ler istention of seek. ing recorsition hy President MeRin- doy. She declared. that at the state dizners to be giten at the White House she pumposed] to rank nest to that she Togeed the Russian p dor to gn to the rin. and make a personal plea at the White Howse for "When the {ine drew sear for issuing. the Inaitations a emrious condition of affairs prosentedt ituell. Tady Pudore Lady 'Paubeefote, and it was assepted of her most ambitious plans. ambaysa : | er/) ant' Cassiny, Tersararm Ambassador Nashinglron in Furope, ambassg French ambassador and the wii the Italian dor of the eity So Countess Cassini pave it that she intended to walk into dining-room on the arm of the dent and ahead of every other woman on the diplomatic corps then in Wash ington. They stirred up things great ly, and the grave diplomats from various comntries hurried to the White House to discuss the situation with the president . Me. MgKinley settled the contro versy by declaring that during his a«d- ministration no uwunarried woman would, on occasions of state, take pre cedence of the matsons. The Countess Cassini atignded the dinner and ste her humble pis. with a pretty grace that won her considerable admaration. Bat, while wot finding favor among the women of the diplomatic corps, the countess managed to ent a con siderable figore in Washington siciety, Her fade, perhaps, were partly 're. sponsible {or this. One of these fads was the number and beauty of her dogs. Another was her preference for red-brown hair, Her fondness for sd venture and Ber daring in oF kinds of sport also made her many friends. It was Couness Cassini whe intro duced the costume dinner to the young set in Washington. AH ber one tertlinments were gay: in fact, it was stated that: a great' deal of woseip was aroused by a too pronounced type of guiety in her social fmetions. Withal, che was successful in some During the war with Japan she orenniznt and eartied ogt a bazaar for the lbenelit of the Russinn Red Cross Society. an affair that netted nedrly $30.000, But the voung woman's. campaign for sovial recognition could mot Ie the favor of the diplomatic was of was alse out out the presi was. withheld 'I by eon Washington to Madrid the young | accompany him, There were certamm matters about which the | Meudrid court reputed to be the Nn in Farope, { | | woman did not is to Paris and lie- for the operatic Prove a great vet have the world of society at feet and a sweet trinmph those who have turned the cold shoulder upon her in the past, Instead she went gan studying Should may { hex j aver stage. she suceess she JeOre Health For All Children. attacks the little through the digestive. organs. Baby's Own 'Fablets are the best thing in the warld for. all stomach and Bowel troubles of children, They wet quickly and are absplately safe, 3 necessary the Tablets can he crushed to a pow der in water. Mrs. Win, F. Gay, St. Eleanois, P.E.L, says' "I know of nothing to equal Baby's Own Tablets for the cape of stomach and bowel troubles. | cannot speak too highly of this medicine and do not feel sof: without a box of Tablets in the house." Sold by medicine dealers or by mail at * a box from The In Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Unt, Disease S---------- Foolish Burglar. Wentminster Gazette, A story, said to be new, of Balzac, in related by French contemisorary A burglar to mes house, work fa guined admission nt the novelist's | chamber. Balsac was asleep at the time, but the movements of the in { trugder aroused hime. The hurelar, whe | was working most industrious) paus- ed. A strident laugh arrested his operations, and he beheld by the moonlight the novelist sitting up in bed, his sides aching with Iaughter What is it that makes vou merry | demanded the burglar. "I laugh." re | plied the author of "Pere Goriot," to think that should come the night without a lantern to. search secretaire for money, when 1 ean find there in broad day and was soon the secretaire in | vou in i my never light." any Look In Your Mirror, If there appears on your fare any canker, pimples, boils, blotches or {other skin disease you know at ence | your blood is impure. Perfectly pure | blood means an absolutely clear com } plexion. You can have such blood by | using Wade's Iron Tonic Pills, ¢laxa- | tive.) This remedy cleanses and en riches the hlood ! They are a great nerve strengthener | and blood mdker.' In boxes, 25¢., at Wade's drug store. Money back if | | not satisfactory, Royalty On The Hill. When Andrew Il. White was minis i ter Germany, he received some {queer letters from Americans Per | bape the funniest of all was a manda tory epistle from an old 3 in the west, who inclosed in four pieces of white linen, inches square. "We are going to have a fair in our church," she wrote I I am making an autograph quilt i want you to get me the autogriphs of the emperor, the empress and the t rowh prince, and tell them to be very careful not to write too near the edge jof the squares, az 4 seam has to be allowed for putting them together to la living letter ach "IX "ne It 3# said to be unlucky for any one to pet wp an umbrella in a rooms exept an anctionsr, menior Ftiner { Toludo, and that said fro wilh Pe One RUNES DOLLAKS for each and every ease of Catarrh that samnot be cured by the uae of Hall's Satan Lama, NK J. CHENEY FRA -- Bworn to befors me and in' ones | {rental of $1.00 an acre. Bal- | i Cowrrtess Marguerrle SSI Ne Synopsis of Canadian Northwest HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS. minion Lands in A section of Dos Northwest Manitoba or the Provinces, excepting 8 and 28, not reserved, may be hoine Steaded by any person the sole head of & family, or male over 18 years of age, to the extent of one-quarter section, of 160 acres, ApplicaMon for mors or less. homestead entry must made {un person by the applicant at a Dominion Lands Agency or Subragency Eatry by proxy may, however, be made at an Agency on certain conditions by the father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister of an Intending homesteader. An application for eancellation must be made in person. The applicant must be {eligible for homestead entry, | DUTIES ~(1) At least | residence upon and euitivation | land in each yeag during the | three years, | (2) A homesteader may, if he #0 de- inires, perform the pequired residence u- {ties by living on farming land owned {solely by him, not less than eighty (80) acres fn extent, in the vicinity of his homestead, Joint ownership in land will not meet this requirement, (8) It the father (or mother, # the nther fs decensed) of a homesteader hac perinanent pesidence on fay {owned sdlely by him, not 1 ol (80) 'acres in extent, in the vielnity of t homestead, or upon a homestead gntered for by him in the vicinity, such homes steader may perform his own residence duties by MHving with the fathse (or mother). {4) The term "vicinity' In the two precoding paragraphs ts defined as menu ing not more than nine miles In a direct Hae. SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH WEST MINING REGULATIONS, COAL.~Coal mining rights may be leaned for twenty-one years at an annual Not more than 2,600 acres can be leased to one applies cant. Royalty, five cents per tong QUARTZ.--A person eighteen years of Age and over having made a discovery may locate a claim 1,500 feet by 1,500 fost. Feo, $5.00, At least $100.00 must NY even-numbered | | six moaths® of the term of y | be expended om the claim each year, or aid to - the Mining Recorder. When 500.00 has been expended or patd and other requirements complied with the claim may be purchased at $1.00 an here, PLACER MINING CLAIMS generally, 00 feat square. Entry fees, $5.00, PREDGING.~ Two leases of five miles each of a river may be issued to one aps icant for a term of 20 years. Rental, 10.00 a mile per annhums Royalty, 24 per cont after the outputeseseds $10,000, WwW. Ww, cony, Deputy of the Minjxter of the Interior, MB. Unauthorised pubMoation of this advertisement will not be paid for, American Oils Coal Oil Lubricating Oils Gasoline We make a specialty of handling Lubricating -Oils of all kinds. Prices on application. W.F. KELLY & CO., South Cor. Ontario and Clarence. JAS. MULLEN, Granite and Marble Works First-Class Work Guaranteed Satisfaction Assured. Lettering ° fn Cemeteries Neatly and Prompt- ly Expeuted, : - 372Princess St Opposite Y. M. C. A. +H You Intend Belling Out, CALL ON TOMMY O'CONNOR Anetionser snd Commission Mart. 86 and 88 Brock St. ALL SALFS CAREFULLY CONDUCT. ED, PROMPT SETTLEMENTS MADE. presence, doy of D AD. iam WUE doy Sealy A W. SLEASON Cure I» taken interonl. directly an the wud Halts iy, and blood . the system, Send for neous wirfaces of frog. TIF IT IS TO GET A SINK Bet up or a bath room enstalled. I can do it in first-class style and at he right price. Give mes =a tr