Daily British Whig (1850), 30 May 1908, p. 3

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, MAY 30, 1908. BeEesssseessses sv IRERSS0segeesecosnsenE Bosetessestioetotitesety _About Stylish Skirts and Extra § |§ Bold in jl. Fmusements. Modish Hats Guwilight i ALL NEXT WEEK. CONDENSED ALY ERTISING WANTED-GENERAD, ' WOR SATE, Meee PEPPPe ; Lvening, av £8.15. Matinee, Sat., 2.30. TO HIRE FOR ONE MONTH, A TOPPED CARRIMIE, Twole i 1 First iosertion lc. a word. Fach con- horse, suitable for city delivery, Ap-! CANOPY : Mrs, John Mee naughion, West THE FISKE STOCK CO. Soculive insertion thereafter half cent ply at this Office : als. Apply te McUsun, 31 Br street, gave a luncheon party, at the Presenting Popular Plays, Players and a word. Minimum charge for one iu. Vaudevilie Variety, Special Scenic sertiod, 25¢ PLAIN SEWING DONE, OF ANY miti------ rt -- -- Mrs, « Fletcher Amg © a : > Mr fou 3 ects hey th a ts Monday Evening-- THROUGH 834 King street, uber Armstrong's, |TWO GOOD HOUSES NOS. 60 aad were : rs. . KR. Hemming, Mrs. . E BREAKERS WANTED-MALE, Wellington street. Apply A. B, Cums a Mesut hers, - DAILY WORK BY & RESPECTABLE hiagham. saunders, Nes. Walter Machee, . Mrs. Special Nothin GOOD PLAIN COOK. APPLY IN THE| Young masried woman, with first- James Cappon, Mrs, H. E. Burstall, tien 10 15-26c¢ Higher. evening to Miss Hors, 45 King St. ro Sridentiala, Apply Box "E., Nooo lub, Lesterday, in hoot of Equipment, Continuous Performances. kind. Call or write to Mrs. Cayless John Bell Carruthers, Mrs. Herbert Musienl Naylor--4-Auto Girls-4 GILT-FDGED MIRROR, 6x4 FT. Ale so Ladtes' Bicycle. Car bo seen at Mrs. Kenneth Dlaje, Miss Mary Horg Beats how on fale. only L 3 A ft i or onday nigh i One Lady BRICK SEITE " NUE = a Ta . rs 3 - » OR : a and MIs Reekie. Alter lunch the ticket given free with every 25¢. ticket BRICK SB TR eT a ya IF YOU WANT YOUR HOUSE PAIN 368 Dividon 8 from 44u 7.p.u ladies played bridge, purchased. Apply to the Seeley"s = Bay Supply ed, ceiking kalyomined, walls = papers] 2 HUNDR TART oe ad-Const. Co., Sechoy's Bay Onk ed at low charges, send to T. lesle, | THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND NO. 1 a -comst. Co., Seeley ¥. . 15 Rideau St., for estimate. Brick, best quality | price right Ap 2 The hostesses at the golf tea. to- T h M t 1 Ply to James Saul, Tamworth, Out. day, were: Mrs. E. T. Taylor, Mrs, e on rea TECTIVES ; SHREWD, RELIABLE | pe rrr ITY TO FURNISH man for profitable seenet service, to estimates on electric work. All kinds » . > Frederick Bi field, M Ra redler rownheld, Mrs, msay ¢ act under orders ; Do eXporience nece ) RR TIRE IN . y : . tay « " wo 6 4 woes { work promptly dope. ¥. J. Birch | RUBBER TIRED RUNABROUT, DOATOR Duli, Mrs. James Cappon, the girls Jockey Club, 1 td. sary. Write HI, CO; Webster, Indian Bor iroIbtly, done. I 3 oh Stanhope's Top Busgy, Ba Wag Milk ~ | | helping them being Mise Elsie Pense, #polis, Ind, ns, James Miss Mildred Jones, Miss Jean Duff, SOME MORE PROPERTY TO SELL. 1aturney, Princess Kingston, Miss Christine Cochemne and Miss If you have any, give us details. W arriagemaker. Mamie Garrett, WANTED-FEMALE, wili turn it into cash. J, R, C. . a 5 Dobbs, 109 Brock street. TERT a EB Ma i 'Sie' + [LAUNDRY HELP AT THE GENERAL a RESERVERS. IN pn FIRST. Mis ? Mac a Sve 3 N ¢ j ie ply 7 ih LEANING . o condition, for unches nd 8 acdonell, ydenham 7 : Hospital. Apply to B paw A JOB CLEANING ABnms OUT OF skifle. Buy one for your oy. Pro Street, gave a theatre party, on Wed- © baggage ach, FP oh hoy, 3 A CAPABLE GIRL TO DO GENERAL| carted. Prices right. ARIE to >. - Bron Nore Ticket Agency, Foot nearly i - as x £ ; nesday, after Nazimova in Comtesse housework, References, Apply = 3 Lytle, General Carter, 35 t. Coquette," in bongr of Mujor and 1 { to Wellington street, Mrs. Nelles, >a fr m-------------------- FURNITURE TO FINISH OR. RE-lyy ison THEST LAWRENCE, * & 3 + > oe A GENERAL SERVANT. APPLY T¢ Bnish. Ppices moderate. Good work Wolte Island, Ont. A favorite sum: The engagement is annouhced of Mrs. Jo Miss Ethel PB. Mudie, daughter of the William Sus : hrs rraughter of the! pactmy and Steeplechasing every - doy, MOLAR ENCSCIINIINS John McKay, Cor. Sydenham aranteed. W. H. Whittingham, Cor mer resort, for = American Tourists, \ it and Queen Sts, Kilpatrick's House is in first-class shape, furnishe lat John Mud if Ki t to M ol * od aud a Rood' opening, Datisfactory ate John Mudie, of ihgston, to Mr. i Shi GENFRAL SERVANT, AT ONCE. NO . rs a ro Feason for selling. Apply wo Db, J, S. 8. Huebner, of Philadelphia. The |X" °F Shire. Pt' 150 Bagot mrad Vly after 7 DRE rian Batts inde a Goner| Pawson, 217 Prinos St. Kingston. i : : Races. & Tues tp o 13 " r Spi » iallo- marriage will take plage, in Ottawa, | Stake Races, every Tuesday, Thursday P-m., 10 130 Bagot street. wong 3 nd finish guar-| TE - a > and Saturday, Bund in Attandance, way's: Style, price and. finish g GASOLINE -- WF HAVE TIE ONLY From one of the best makers of skirts has come this especially interesting lot of walking shirts, Each is of greater value than the low price we've pi i given it --and the savings on them will make the lot hurr quick: time. ¥. Away 3m So, it the chance to buy a jaunty separate skirt of LESS THAN ITS REAL VALUE appeals to you. We advise you to come immediately. . : Of Panamas and Cheviots, strictly tailored throughout, 2 2 This o a' . 4 4 St., on--June 24th. This announcement is GENERAL SERVAAT, WITH GOOD A NT, eid} Brock St uptodate plant in the city. abe. a matter of great congratulation to references, for family of Two. No and water rewo and gasoline cone .. - friends of both, for what we who Admission (Including Grand washing. Apply Mrs, Hume, 135 k : King street " : or Ei . veyed to vour tank through metal now her say of the bride-clect, those Sta $1 00. . NEWMAN & SPRICGS FLEOTRIC { 0 Morse. High. gtade pomenh. metal wh ¢ i repo . , nd) ' i . are making. a study of lighting pA dd lub ric Fails. Pries io know him repeat of the groom UV, LADY SEWERS MAKE SANITARY halen oR Ree RAIL Kreases ahd Aunrieating . of ees lately aceurnte measurement. all dirt that is to be belts at home, materials furnished : » . He, 48 . Gas and Ejeotricity, they fnvite you Fa po at - $15 per hundred. Particulars step Goleit thom. Aik advice Sheer. Yacht Cub Yad, = ko ed envelope, Dept. 430, Dearborn pd given free of charge. Nickel and| = TT Sil The engagement is aunounced of | ' : a ; 3 ] . . Specialty Co., Chicage, lil. py . N Spr, Miss Florence Anuie May Wdodruff, of Oddfellows Excursion Ee ann] Biter Plating, Privanan b poss, PIFTY-FOOT CANIN MOTOR BOAT, Syde » o or Hil ph » ag we » : equippe with 40 H.P. 6 cylinders ydenham; to the Rev. Walter Hil ; A DEAN FOR WOMAN'S RESIDENC 441, engine, and Fagberg Blectric Instally 8 a yard Smith, of the mission of Shar- 4 in connection Wish Queen's Unive - : rm ---- englie. and 3ng c ! i 1 " g W sfOre e ¥ or ghting and cooking. -- PO ity. Kingston. Apply before Jun Cabin built of solid mahogany. and nattily plaited and stitched. In Black, Brown, Blue, Creand and other 4 - hot Lake. The marriage has been ar- oe ' ' a emanded color y ¢ we has been 10th, stating exporicuce and 1s TO-LET. thoroughly equipped and furnished A range » Ww, quie i SN § ings, fangud ia ak Pla, duietly, in it required, ying selrhces 10 dolightiul craft for cruising Dries, d iferent sizes i : hh SByUshham, on e Juba tons ar Er TWO LARGE FRONT ROOMS, FUR 3,500 Can be inspected at King. Waist Bands of different s s and all lengths of skirts, h Johnton street. ih ae I 50n . Foundry Company. Ringtone: ® * * $4.50, $5.25, $6 and $6.50. morning of June 17th. The bride to mio Ontario. Address communications te \ be will be welcomed by Mr. Smith's | yudes Auspices of Mallorytown Lodge, SITUATIONS VACANT. FURNISHED DWELLING. OR ROOMS W. CO. McCausland, in care of The Who W Distinctly N ? me ants a Distinctly New Hat : many Kingston friends at any tune | No 245, 1.O.O.F., by special G. T. Ik. storage for furniture, ete British Whig N . she comes to Kingston train, on MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN BAR. 51 Brock street, ber trade. Graduates earn twelve to -> --> -> will FRIDAY, June Sth. Sighteen dollars weakly. Haip. secure] -- oro oo ty COMFORTABLE ARCHITECTS. News of, pn. engagement which positions. Will equip shops. Con- interest Kingston friends very greatly Tickets good returning June 6th and stant practice. Careful instructions seven-rooms brick house. Apply et ERET . " vi - was brought by the mails, this morn- | 7th, Truin leaves as follows : Few weeks complete course. Cata- 175 Clergy street. ARTHUR ELLIS, ARCHITECT, OF po - fice, Cor. Queen and Bagol streets 3 The curving of a brim--the way the flowers and foliage are i " . { Barber | ------ - ing, and it was that thé apnounce- Kingston 7.00 a.m 3.62 logue frée Write ~ Moler ment of the engagement of Miss Ade- |p. I. Junction 745 a.m. pans 3:15, Solioes, Torso BRE X we I ARPL.Y i " io i : oo . rishe Oro he hes PNR V Ant + a 9 laide Ritchie has been made in Mon- Lansdowne..... 7.50 a.m. 00. Apply to McCan Brock St. HENRY PP. SMITH, AR HITEC § treal. The very lucky and happy { Mallorytown .. 8.10 a.m. 90, MONEY AND BUSINESS. re teeta e-------------- ete. Anchor Building, Market Square 2 : Sra oy - " CIR ER Phone, 845. - 77 and 79 ALFRED STREET, improvements. Possession { Apply A. B, Cunningham. combined nd applied--the tilt and swing of a plume--the LITTLE things about the trimming and shaping of a hat make it decisively modish, or commonplace. The very latest ideas in summer hat-creating are on dis- y : \ man, as her friends here consider him, {Lyn ......... 8.25 a.m. . is Mr. W. W. Symons, accountant of | Brockville .. . 8.35 am ee... 2.00. ] OUR JoLIcIes COVER MORE oF medein the Bank of Montre 1 Sidnev. N.S building and eont then any other 3 ie Ye 0 ontreal at Sidney, company offers. Examine them at chant's Rank Building, coreer Brock . - id ' Godwin's Insurance Emporium, Mark- " GF U TRNISHED on rich . . to a 114 St. James Church Annual ot Square. unfurnished, on St Lawrence ad and Wellington strects Phone, 2. Very warm wishes for a calm vov- p pF isi ¢ i wp McCann, 51 Brock age, for a happy visit, and for a safe xcursion' Rideau. Apply to ) ; i B LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBR street. WM. NEWLANDS. ARCHITECT. OF. return, are with. Miss Macaulay, Mrs ) il bkra ' i or: dk ---- Fire lInsurano Company, Available . Nv Or o ood' : William Kirkpatrick and Miss Louise TO ants $61,187,2 5. pan addition t Sos. svcond flo Princdis aoa Barus Kirkpatrick, who sailed, at daybreak, OTTA W A which. the policyholders have for SUMMER COTTAGE, THRER MILES Streets. Entrance on Bagot streets - 1 secu i unlimited ab y of al rom the oy, ron toad, its "Pn OR for Low the Sout) k NM rity th Jimited labilit f all f b F t R 1, Fit Phone 6 ¥ London, on the Southwark. ay the stockholders, Farm and city pro- burg. Apply D. D. Rogers, Erie, or Macaulay will stay in London for Wednesday, June 17th perty insured at lowest 'possible J. 8S. R., McCann, City. rates. Before renewing old or giving ENGINEERS. a 8 yt > d i r . y yp Sh and: ll go fo Heighten 4 Via GTR. new business get rates from Strange dor Kickiors dk als "Fiv cathe | Specinl Train, at 8 am. & Strange, Agents. 'Phone, 568. LARGE OFFICE ROOM, IN EX.|==-- - cer Kirkpatrick, dean of Ely cathe Adults, $1.75; Children under 12. change Chambers, No, 116 Brock St | ERNEST R. BECKWITH, A. M. CAN dral Mrs. Kirkpatrick and her | 9oe. Apply to Geo. Clif, Real Estate Sec. 0, WB, M. Ontario Asgocin tion daughter will leave for the continent, | A special train will jeave Ottawa, at FOR SALE OR TO LET. Broker, 95 Clarence street. Architects, Consulting Engineer and CRUMLEY BROS. HOI SRR IIIS SRS . 7.30 pan. all tickets good to return' any -- Architect, 18 Market, $t., Kingyton, SEReNRLeseseseeseessennssrcestnsestienes . mightor will leave for the cont pp -------- we | 0S Nas. Dilloughby Cummings' var | regular train, dune 15th; AT EASTVIEW PARK, FIVE MILES ; ty, at the end of the Pan Anglican from Kingston, ome of the most | FURNISHED, NO. 180 JORNSON ST. 3 0, jus & : 5 congress. beautiful spots on the St. Lawrence, 2 bathrovins, hot and cold Water and PERSONAL. 7 hE S . ANDREW'S HALL a séven-room cottage, Also lota for as heating on each flat olor par-| pr -------- he tes ] . : le. and pasture for horses. poly ticulars, apply on the premises, THE ART OF 8) DEFENCE, J . ! Copper, L.ead : Goll IH going to oe upy the atte n- Mi N T 1 ia a D. Boyd, 108 Pine St, SU urs. npy Jitsu, taught hy EL X fring Far ; tion of the "fair sect" in very seri- ignon and Norma Tel¢mann /TWO WBLL LOCATED OFFICES, ONB| leulars Apply to Box 96." play here. POWER & SONS, ARCHITECTS, Mins : ; Whether you select a trimmed hat for everyday street Wear or one of the richly dressy hats that reflects the modes of : » ° » - Parisian designers. You'll find our present showing of Millin- ery correct, becoming, and pleasantly priced. Come, while the assortnient is at its best. \ 3 1 Ty Zi we. ous fashion all through the month of These Juvenile Artists will give a { = furnished, the Other unfurnished. ut 1g . office roses. A professional from Toronto | Concert, MONDAY BKVENING 8.15 ITUATION WANTED. 846 King street, Appty J.P. Forrest PUPILS REOEIc ry fo Bend us your inquiries. I « ny, 1 ONDA Joy ENING. at. 8.13, SITUA N | Gents' Furnishef, 348 Ring street. PUPILS RECEIVED BY A: RR, ------ -- J Fearne, Professional Pianist Fa SEIT 'e are uarters . Bend : { : 31 WILLIAM BT. has come down to teach the players Telarn, 3 ih . T 3 § . iy gwann, Elocutionist; Arthur Craig, y RX PE INCE TERNITY y Canada Metal Co Ltd T RO fancy plays, not to mention faney Raritone;" Miss Richmond, Carmen | PY No P EHIEN Bn aid RAT or| LARGE DOUBLE FRONT ROOMS. | Kagem ents wanted fur dancing classes Br bd 0 ONT Jargon, which is more than half the | Telgmann, Harold Angrove, (Violins) ; th First-( lass references from! also large single rooms on the bath | = A Rr Whig ly hy ten -- game (80 outsiders say), and the | Mr Telemann, Lello; Harvey Angrove, the hest Fnglish Doctors. Apply Mrs.| roc flat. Apply 160 King St., near - F., Whig office - : > ¢ gayest month in Kingston will have | P#®% Miss Shaw, Pianist. Atking, 243 Montreal street | City Park. dl tf an additional pressure this season. i SY GTaTACE [HRALR. MoL2s, RIRPHMA RRS I 8g ADMISSION, 25 CENTS. NE DRY STORAGE, FOR FURNI- | Warts, eto, removed permanently, el (Prosseds to aid in securing good MARRIAGE LICENSES. ture, goods, ete. Separate rooms and ! without sear. Twenly years' experis G. Frost, | ence. Dr, Filmer J. Lake, Fye, Far I. . Nordheimer Steinway ener Ka anngh, of Montreal, | Victina). Bir. Jock aud ke ria Por N : i rive Tiosday ae an R Hn , Ci Painter, ose, Thros vd Skin pt ¢ will arrive, on Tuesday. to spend a 3. 8. KIRKPATRICK, ISSUER OF torage Agent and an i » a Do reat nd Skin Blemish J J -- ---------------------- Pia nos Pianos week or so with Mes. D. Phelan, THE ANNUAL MEETING Marriage Licenses, 43 Clarence St. 209 Queen Ste Johnson street re ------ m-- . : i r 1 , OF THE SHAREHOLDERS THE " tise a - oo - Mrs. N. Wilmot and Miss Fmma Kin . J LDERS OF THE . " : : . , e gston, Smith F Warehouse: KIRKPATRIOK'S ART STORE, 160 Princesa 8t. [| Wilmot, Clergy street. are oo | jim | Kingsto Company will be held Sens The Earl-Carbide f . : EE : next week for a visit with Mrs. (Dr.) | Randolph Hotel, in the City of Kir at. ; ! % oO 8 ) Ont, on MONDAY, JUNK 1st 1908, at * ! - Kirk, in Brooklyn, N.Y the hou ; : h 5 NX, z ur of 10 a.m, for th leetio { - EE a-- - -- tins Miss Marghret Campbell, of Hamil | Directors of the Company and ov fi j pp C ene vd fom i visiting Mine Nay Roll. Wel. | etn cf ste odhir Shoten 33 20% EN - 8 lington street. Miss Ethel Clark, of FRANK SCOTT, a Generator "SUMMER FUEL" Ottawa, who has been Miss Pell's Secretar: guest for the past week, left for her Kingston, Ont; April 30h, 1908. y HARD WOOD home this afternoon x : Mrs. M. Lavell is leaving next week hort ! Is fully approved by Bre Jnfite | SOFT wWooD, for Strathcona, Sack., to visit her 7 ry lie say by the Gas] SLAB WOOD, son, Mr. J. R. Lavell, ex-M.P. § i (HH Holder. MILL woor, { . - - | 4 v -- . = { Easily filled with Carbide and | CEDAR BLOCKS Of Miss Lizuie Lenea, Stuart street, SEALED TENDERS ADDRESSED i no waste Gas; Gas Generated | left, to-day, for Syracuse to visit | to the undersigned, atid endorsed "Ten. ES . . Cool and Pure, All dry new wood cut and friends, der for ( obourg Harbour Breakwaters . : : : Hl be received at this of q Hi High grade work and material split to order. gl Miss Portia Mackenzie will leave St. | 8 OT until 4.30 i ! , 2 u Sh Paw, on Monday, J 26 oO! No delicate parts, watersealed | : natruction of two Breck ate 10" - | : tiroughout and perfectly sate. |JAITTIEN SWift & C / te -- John, N.B., on the first of June, aud | the construction of two breakwaters 5 i " in . : , . Cobourg. 1 selon £ } ; is expected in town on Tuesday or trio, aco rand any : | Meal ii Each machine is tested and 374 Princess Street. : E Wednesday to visit Mrs. Iva Martin at tion to be seen at the oMces of 11 5 : | . i Warranted 16 work satisfactorily. | oie... m------------ re "Underwood . Lamb Fug , Rewideny Engineer London. ih i _ Sal light sizes, for sumer | hn 8 Mré. John Fletcher, of Toronto, is | Ont." 3. G. Sing. = Esq. Resident En E 3 i itl . . THE AR R PH i i oO . . , ' Kineer, Confederation Life Building, TT § i L G g the guest of her sister, Mrs. I. D R. onto, on RDPRAAtion te the et Hist from. 5 to 300 light. aitarian Hemming, "Martello Place." Her | at Cobourg, Ont. and at the Depart - it 3 i . i daughter, Miss Margaret, is with her. | Went of Public Works, Ottawa. ii : : Write for catalogue and prices, | REV, CO. W. CASSOR, Mrs. Fletcher is Md: friend > Tenders wil mot: be | considered uniess ~ 4 $0 the laventor and Manulactur- 5 made in the dar. Hoong old friends, I mado on the printed foram supplied. aug 4 N 2h he Religion Of The Open iii i Rl. or, | made in the days when Prof. Fletchor | signed with the etal signatures of | i = g = was at Queen's. tenderers. i WwW F E R i The sunshine aml the open air Are yg An accepted cheque on a chartered 1 gE § . A L| the greatest foes to unrenlity and the ge i Li ht Fa V I Mra. J. H. H Coleman, of Merrick- bank, payable to the order of the Hgn- . i rot : ville, is slaying at St. James' rec- fourable the Minister of Pubiic Works, 5 Athens, Opt. *™==g | makebeliove Let the marker « 3 \ - : x tory. § for thirteen thousand dollars ($13 0060 . _- ss -- a wifrom the dim lit chister afd weird . PIR 00) must accompany each tender. This ih candlelight, and the sunshine will go . . ou a cheque Will be forfeited if the party ten anes -- a ah ak . EN A - 2" i Miss Minnie Moore is here from To- | dering declines © tor fails to "RAPER LP 0220554645004 PPE FE P4494 F 0 clear through his paltry pretence Are becoming more popular every year. A ronto, sand is visiting her sister, Sumplote the work gee ee an } IF isso i like the ger ™ o Hy ren \ s R. V. Rogers ie street ; A k * | losis great many men do not wish to discard the vest Nie sey Rogers, Battie street. ne IRA doa hot bing stat We Don't Lose Many Customers'for Bit po Oe En The Page: Miss Machar, Sydenham street, went r : for the hot months. To such men the light, down to - Femnclifs, to-day, for the]'" accept the JENER Dn any, tender. '¢ | light. i To know po truth as , in, ped a 3 DS {into the open «1 the sunhght ie 3 y summer; and Mrs. MacArthur has tuk- RED GELINAS, ~ « : : : cool summer vest is a find. © REA en her house in town. : » Secretary, = . through the pelibles of your receiv i : Z wd Miss Gertrude Power, Sydenham Daparimiht of May 3 Thos ' : opinions, aud you will be able. to tel 2 E > street, is home from T to. Ni I mot be id for this] § ¥ the glint which are the diamonds They also add greatly td tlie appearance. Ap- Mrs. George Groeue, of Ottaws, who | sive uy md Tio Ro ruth Tinmot ainwl for. onething s £ t ¥ "pd N - . » Ne suthori 3 -- ---- foes not a lihi - pearance has more to do with a man's success hunt hws spending a day or so with | Suthority ln AND that does not sthnd th g : . ucks, Barve strect, re- Bibbyv's #1 straws for comfort. 5 : 2 than probably You will give it credit for. turned to Ottawa, to-day, Alexander Rose, the man charged] » 4 ® 8 ? 2 : As L. Fisiin bas gone back to St. fuith assaulting and robbing several : : gues' school, Belleville, after visit store-keopers in Toronto, 1 most | § \ } d ; ' + 5 5 dozen Ii i . 4 We have put on sale 15 dozen light, washable, ine Nis. Strange, King street, wtious being: that. of , Mica Schick. - Bummer vests, worth from $1.50 402.50. Sizes ae aries Juhont Sil Bot © | whom he knocked senseless in Well: 4 i Fe Foe to 9! tll some timenext| wond's store, pleaded guilty, on Sat. Which shows that our assortment and , | Crescent prices suit all classes. $+ " { . ' Wire Works 3% 10-50, bg y urday, 18 two charges, indluding that SEE THEM. Sp : i : Bt foban oo ER $ y ; a' our order, 7e acca aus | 158 geet on | S555, MoKELVEY & BIROH, 69-71 Brook St § ov. svn mem. oe ws "Address, Rev. C. W. Casson, st 25 Beacon stress, Boston, Mass, lor the literature. AAA AA Avan ik Sl x. po i ; i 5 po 0 on Miss Schick. Case laid over till : 8 = ae FPN - AES September, to inquire as to his san- : Are You [isi eiieds lh & al ty causes n rly in life with i. birthright of Honesty. * Ribhe's 8] straws for enoluess. gr ae ar = 3 ke ctti : < i : - gop _ { Fencing, Wireguards, Railings and 'Come early and'get elt Resort TESBIESEI SIS EERIIRR FEISS II AIFS EIAERS Wire Goon of all Kinds, : . 1 Gon. 1 Ribby's BI sheaves tara 4 ; = T "Factory and Show Rooms, White grt i To pen If thete is one thing a garrulous wan | A man may overt ake a lot of peo- - BAe ut detests more than another it is a talk- ple on the road to ruin, but be pever Kin St. West tive woman. meets anyope. | g «WW ' , "Praitatives or Prait Liver Tablets" | Whiks blouse to-pight, Me, : are sold in Kingston at. Gibeow's Red | Wabdron's, eae F t at ! Opposite Hospital.

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