fe THEY THREW HN OUT 'AN EPISODE IN A UNION HALL AT MAGOG. TO WRITE PLATFORM. HELL 00000000000000000 i : 3 Gold in Guwiligh | Gignic the Deposed President Re- | 5 £ a wi ig I | fused to Hand Over the Re-| fi eg ; vO FIREBAIIIRIIVII SNe cords--Lemieux is Havi iiss ng a (Continued from page 8.) prorogucd, alter being in session since | de ence. B Mr. and Mrs. Iva Martin entertain April 30th. The house voted $7,500 to! outreal, May 30.--Hon. Rodolphe " " the Quebec battlefield fund. ! Lemieux, minister of labor, who - i Sinner, ab Sila vod, last At Bremerton navy yard, Seattle,' the city in connection with other la- other guests were Colonel and "Mrs the sellow flay floats from the mast | Lor matters, is holding a conference E. T. Tavior Colonel and Mrs. H E of the battl ship Kentucky, one of! with representatives of cotton com- Burstall, olonel T. D. Bvans of Hali- the Atlantic fleet, as a result of small | panies relative to the proposed loves fax; Major Brace Carruthers, and Mr gox having developed aboard. | tigation into the trade, in view of th E. Dodwell, Halifax. 2 The BS. Lake Champlain, C.P.R.| claim that it is suffering for want a - line, from Liverpool, inward, 110 miles | more tariff protection, to such an ex- Mrs. John Gwillim, Barrie street off Fame Point, at 8 am. The S58. | tent that it was necessary to reduce} gave a tea, yesterday afternoon, for Dominion, Dominion line, from Liver | the pay of employees. Mis. George Hare. Mrs. S, W. Dvde pool, wmward, fifty miles off Fame There was trouble among the ranks and Mrs. WL. Goodwin were in Point. : : of the cotton strikers at Magog, last charge of the tea things, assisted by City of Winnipeg debentures, to the | night, whem A. Gignae, the deposed some of the younger girls. amount of $7,300,000, which have Heen | president, refused to give up the re --- -. in the hands of the Bank of Montreal, | corde of the textile workers. The Mrs. C. T. Dickson will receive, for | ave been underwritten at ninety-six| strikers threw him ont of the hall the first time. in her new home Lm and will be placed on, the market | and chahged the lock, Gignac, it will Barrie street, on Tuesday. Her daugh- next week, | be remembered, sided with the com- ter, Mrs. W. J. Knox, of Kelowna The Cairo Express collided with a pany and advised acceptance of the will be with her, : freight" train on Saturday, between | ten per cent, cut. Some employees of - > - Pamavhur and Tantah, Mliling six! the colored cotton mill, heretofore 9 A men's dinner, in honor of General and injuring fifty. Mony/of the injured not afiected by the strike, have gone Otter, was given at the Roy al Mili it is expected will die, out. tary. College on Thursday, i Rev. 0, H. Mctiowan, Windsor, con- | - we - victed of ingubordination, from now! Mrs. Hugo Craig, University avenue. until the conference theets in the sum gave a little tea this afternoon. . bill | mer, will hold service in his old | Man i. - - church: Up to this' time he has held | Mrs. E. T. Taylor will give a garden services in private houses, i party, on Wednesday, at the Royal Mr. Schwal) sayp the present Steal] pie inhabitant of Bad Navheim, a Military College, when her guests will depression is improving, and predicts | be the members of the various Daugh- that in ten' Years the: annual rodue- | hale old gentleman of ninety-eight, . A a E Jonny B I { celebrated this week his second silver ters of the Fampiaghngters In town. - - The croquet season will open, form tion of ateel in the United States will | Coding anniversary. Many years bave increased from twenty-five mil ago, while still inthe prime of fife, liom to forty million tons, Herr Schier commemorated the tWen. ally, on Maenday, with games in the | Near Bannockburn, the two-year-old | {y fifth anniversary "of his marriage City Park, and Tuesday will be the child of Charles Ruckstupl met death | ith his first wife. . first "party day." by drowning. The little one had been| After being a widower "for some > oe ow in the habit of playing outside with! venrs he married again at the age of br. and Mrs. Edward O'Connor, of the dog and had wandered away from | yaventy thrée, and now has the rare Montreal, and Miss Lena Fogarty of the house. When found the hody was | privilege of holding a | second ilver that city, spent thé® week end with in a pool of water in a fence corner, | jubilee, Among the participants at Mrs. Cornelius Besmingham, hing A monument to the memory of the | the festivities are two chikiren by his street. officers and sailors in the naval guard | second marriage, a son and a daugh Mr. William Harty, battalions, who lost their lives in the | tor. The - old gentleman approaches improve, thinks Battle of the Sea of Japan, when the | his centenary in most vigorous health few days with Mrs. D Staten Island before Miss May T. Hinckley Monday, June Ist, for Toronto, where Russian fleet was annihilated Bw el i ] | HE SHAAAAAAAAAANNAANNNN she will 'spapd some time, taking 'ex Japanese, is to be reared in St. Pet- ershurg. » Residents along the Canadian side of | 3 LIBERAL ROOMS. the Detroit river are again complain | aminations ay the Toronto Conserva- ing that the wash caused " hy the | 4 tory of mus}. Her friends wish her speeding of the big passenger hoats IE the best of sulcess, . rapidly eating away the shore, and | 4 - . the Canadian govergment may he soon | Julia. Horsev, who has been in asked to take steps to stop the ngis- | 4g for a few days, leit, yestordas 1% Rochestér, N.Y. where Dr. amd Horsey have taken a PITH OF THE NEWS. RIDE A BICYCLE--IT PAYS. ueliines suggests the old story generally considerably faster but the street par wales many stope go NEW CIVIL SERVICE BILL WILL PROVIDE FOR TWO COMMISSIONERS. -- Latter Will Have Rank of Deputy Ministers--Present Board Will Will Be Chairman of Committee The Very Latest Culled From All on Resolution, Over The World. The Allan steaser Virginian, from Liverpool for Montreal, passed Martin River, at 3:35 pm., on 29th. At Toronto] dur ng a storm, Daly House was struck hy a flash of lightning, and some serious damage was dope. The New Procswick legislature has | A ride down town to business on a Bicycle so of the Hare and the Tortoise. A street cdr than one could comfortably push a hicvele that's why the Bare lost the race to the steady runs BE tortoise, ress. ved Saves There are no stops when mgdims. a bicycle, and your seat 4s always As an ecomemical, sure and rol { transportation it has mo equal time, carfare and worry. Your id means of comfort is assured if your \mount is a r MASSEY SILVER RIBBON Cushion Frame. Made and. guafanteed by The Can- ada Cycle & Motor Co., Ltd. V est Toronto. Makers of the World's Best Bicycles. Kingston Agency 'ANGROVE BROS. 88 90 Princess St. -- _------ ls] PARKER. 30. -- Former Judge Alton B. Parker, democratic candidate for president, in the campaign of IM, will be chaitman of the com mittee on resolutions of the demoera tic national convention this year. It is stated also that Me. Packer will je write a platform to he comvertion ALTON B. New York, May Pretty flowerets, Wl SECOND SILVER WEDDING. HON; SYDNEY FISHER. Ottawa, Ont., May 30.--The which Hon, Sydoey Fisher is to intro duew jn the commons is, in many re pects a radical departare from the Present civil service act, It places the "ial under the or control of a permanent commission of two members, who are to hgve the rabg of deputy ministers, It also pro vides for a complete reorganization or reclassification of the service, as wall as for increased remuneration, especie by inthe higher rades instead of the prisent system of classification hy clerkships the M to be reorganized into divisions and sulrlivisions., "I'hose the attaching to each are as follows Fist division-(A} heads and those having re and the principal technical, sdministrative Salaries, $2,800 lesser technical offers, inchuling time the get comes L200 to N00, Second division--(A) Certain other elorke whose duties enable them to ualify for holding positions in first fiviaieme enlaries, $1,500 to $2,166 ; s (B) 3300 16 $1,100, Think din isin Close on Century Has ' Re- markable Anniversary. Berlin, May « 30.--Herr Schier, the ke decent folks are you! t+ li requested to submitted to the PERSONAL MENTION: Movements Of The People--What They Are Saying And Doing. J. Gallagher, Harrowsmith, is in the city. : H. W. ford mines last night. Prot Cappon gomg, on Monday, J. MM. Campbell Sydenham street, returned, to-day, from Rochester, N.Y. The Misses Bryant, are visiting J. E. street. Winthrop field," to-day. Henry ously day. Miss Miller, Colborne street, has left on vizsit ta her aunt, Mrs, Hoyser, "at Cape Vincent ' Miss MeEntee, Syracuse, N.Y, arrived, today, visit Mra, David ¥| Dowsley, Princess street. / ¥ Vernon Crawford leit, # | Toronto, to commend his duties M1 assistant purser gn the 41, ronto. Hi! Principal ¥ to-day, and on ¥ | guson, Prof, 8, # Macnaughton will leave Wen capital, FEC. Mitchell has left for London, where he takes charge of the National Drug amd Chemical company. Mrs, Mitchell and family will nog, likely go west until September, Sister M. Phatlip, of 'the House of Providence, Kingston, was present at the goklen wedding anniversary of her parents, Mr. and Mes. John Murray, , of Marmara, on May "18th. Dr, J. C, Byers left on Weadnesday for Buckingham, Que, where he has secured an excellent position as phy- sician 'to one of the laroest eamps of the O'Brien & MeDonald Construction Hers doe more less S. Richardson went to the Bed Barrie to Winnipeg James street, and salariey Jr., continues to of spending a E. Primrose, on coming home will leave, on Cape Vincent, Ceputy Mr Jones, Alfred and nk as sueh, 'Heath Atlantic City, vars and from on, snd executive otheers returned to Stoo. (By, the and administrative chief olives nt the into foree, salaries, ¥ been mproved to- Folger who has seri + Ml, was shighuly Thé Liberals have their up-town committee rooms over Medley's Drug Store at the corner Princess and Clergy streets, and all sup- porters of Mr. Pense are in- vited to visit them fre- quently and aid the workers in every ' possible way. The down-town committee rooms are in the Golden Lion Block, Wellington street, on the second floor. The latter constitute the headquarters. If you have not already picked your Fine Weather Raiment, it's time you're looking over the |many new, attractive styles that have sprung up in four store in every line. and is again with Mrs Alexander | ha Ba ae In Men's & Young Men's Suits we show a very iss Jpaneutery doluscn street large range of Patterns in the new shades of Browns "Mice T Leavitt, uf Brockville. and Greys. No better made goods in Canada. They ry Says in. town, hax retum- are right up-to-the-minute in style, and perfect fitters. We guarantee them to keep their shape. If our prices are not from one-fifty to four dollars less than all others for goods of same qualities, style, and workmanship, then do not buy from us. n - Mise town for Mrs flat Miss EFEEEEER EEE ' Jessie ance, i sto {A), other clerks Geogge whose duties Copying rou- tine work under direct supervision ; salaries' $900 to 31.200. (B) 8500 to $500, Examinations are to Le fixed by the commision, but the present hoard of civil service examiners is not to be dons. away with. It is to remain in oflice to assist the commission. In the mutter of technjeal examinations the commission is "empowered to call in the aid of specialists, Molson is back from Niacara to-day, for as steamer To Married In Napanee. Napanee Heaver. (in Saturday morning last, Lird, Miss Bessie , bretts, only daughter of Frank Fretts, Richmond, go was united in marriage - to Clgrence | Jones, &f Picton. 'The ceremony Was | gy performed in Trinity Methodist church hy Rev. W, I. Emsley. The bride was attended by Miss Mabel Waltham, of Waupoos, an! a like service was per formed for the groom by Harry Van dallogart. The bride. was attieed in ay tecoming travelling suit of brown. Af-[ myo Items Gathered the coremony the newly wedded Harbour couplt took the noon train fer a) Mary A 'i ch Rared honeymoon in the east. On their re- nry Ann Lydon e¥are { turn they will reside in Picton, where the groom is g successful young husi- ness man. are endl Gordon Jeft Jor Winnipeg Monday Prof. 1. Fer W. Dyde and Prof. J for the west. who ed home - Mi. and Mrs. T, J to reach Toronto, they will be home or Tuesday, Mis. John Macgilliv ray, street, and little Miss Mary down to Perth, to-dav. Misa Eleanor "Macdounell, University went vesterday, for a two months' visit in London and St Thomas. Miss May Macdonnell will go west next week Ee Mss Marion and Missy Hilda Hague, Earl street, are home from a very plensant visit in Montreal Mra. Fdward Torrance, who has taken Miss Macaulay's howe on King street, for the summer, will take pos sess'on on Monday. Mrs. Herbert Horsey - Rignev expected to-day, and say either on Monday MARINE NEWS. About the Albert went DAMAGE 1S $200,000. Schooner for Oswego. Swift's : Steamers Rideau ' Kin~ from Ottawa: Aletha, from bay ports; Belleville, up: North King for Roches ter. At M_T. Co.: Steamer Davidson, cleared for Oswego: steamer Omaha cleared for Gswego, to load coal for | Milwaukee: tug Bronson, from Mon- | company. Dr. Byers, who ~raduated teeal, With three barges; tug Emer this year, was house surgeon in the son, up. with three barges. general hospital from the close of col At Richardsons' : Steamer Glen- | lege until he left for the const His must bo built over the new course of ya garry artived from Oswego, and many friends in the city wish him the Current river. Passengers and ors Sisiting ie a Tri wet Pox loading wheat for Montreal: steam- | VWY success in his profession denne and, 1b 18 charged, a i S ¢ » ------ mails are being transderred hy boat a] barge Robe: ated re went to his niece's room and attpmpt- | arge Robert McDonald, arrived from BOYS IN TROUBLE. bay to-day, to join fram this 'city to a point below the of 10 Commie the nernuit The irl | Oswego with coal: steams Simla | by tod EE" Ch" ' The | Clear r PP Filliam: © steamer | . oin coasan The hodisg of Engineer John Savard | reamed and other members of thelpitared for Fort William: stoser | Three Youngsters Taken in Charge] Mrs. I). Phelan, Johnson street, will and Fireman James Meliridé have boey | family rushed to her assistance . The Kitchen cleared for Oswego to load ! Hi 2 : mt receive tl} taken from the wreck, will be | case was proceeded with at the police | 1 teonl for Morrishure: steamer City of | By the Police y + New York cleared # Montreal with | Three lads ead about twelve vears | the autumn. sat: to Schraiber. thei hottive. for | aourtl and. Fox Sommitied for tial. ) Are or Montrea ith i) vs, each about twelve vears he ds burial. That of Albert Eamann goes i | 16,000 bushels of wheat. | of age, were taken in charge by Con any | ---- et ------ stable Davies, this morning who has been so to Winchester, Ont. The estimated 5 | NURSERY RHYMES' CONCERT | nccusl of theft, and Hg ninch: better. loss now is $200,000. | Te trend it. ip In "ll. spoils. The lad accused of theft €. Mitchell will arrested a few weeks ago, for till to their sammer cottage, | July Ist. Mr Bodies Recovered From Debris at Port Arthur. + Port" Arthur, Mav 30 Investiga tions show that the Paguette dam, on the Current river, which held two million cubic feet of water, had been undermined, giusing it to give way. The CPR. "hog hundreds of "men at work endeavoring to replace the line, but it is a big job, as new grading has to he done and a new bridge of at least two hundred fest Suits, $9.50, 11.50, 13.50, 15.00, 16.50. Other lineg at $4.75, 5.75, 7.50 and ® 50, Boys' Suits, 3 pieces, $2.90 to v.50. Boys' Suits, 2 pieces, $1.90, -------- S---------- RONEY & CO. 127 Princess St. The Store That Sets the Pace. " - - u | sr avenue, "we Sent Up For Trial. Hamilton, Ont., May 30. Fax, Oakville, was arrested, moming, on a charge of attempting to commit a criminal assault on his twenty-year old niece, Miss May Mec Caffery, also of Oakville. The two James this went up the husband at her again on Thursdays mitations of The Albert "Baby's Own Soap" are necessarily inferior because they cost and street Albert happily Yates, ill, 3 : : v One is i ery it believed the was Baseball On Friday. Eastern League-- Rochester, 1 ronto, 3. Montreal, 5; Bufialo, Jersey City, 2; Newark, 0. | To- 3 {In St. George's Hall on Friday | Evening. Mra take her family ont on - Sunday Connections For has Nai Regulations are proclaimed; for GIRL FIGHTS A LION. Beats Him Of and Then Promptly Faints. Paris, May 30-A lion mauled a girl of fourteen, who was performing in a menagerie at Mont. pellier, yesterday, save the Petit Jour. nal. The, girl was in a cage with a lion and two lonesses, when the lion at tacked hor from behind and tors the flesh of her back with a blow of his paw. ' The awdience shricked in terror, but the girl turned instantly and heat the benst off with her whip, keeping him at bay until she was helped out of the cage. Fhe then fainted, ------------ THOUGHT WOMAN SUICIDED. Cook Found Lying in ' Blood. Smith's Falls, May 30.--Miss Marga- Yel Patterson, a cook at the Barrie hotel, Perth, was found lying in a pool, of blood in an upper corridor of the hotel. "She wad alive when dis vavered, but unconscious, gnd died 5 few minutes Inter. It was thought at first to be a case of murdyr or sai cide and an inquest was held which revealed the fact that death was due to the bursting of an artery in her leg. The deceased was twenty-eight years of age. severely Pool of e Cape Vincent. Steamer. leaves Kingston, S am. and 2. pan; returning, leaves Cape Vincent 10.50 am. and 4.30 pom. Sx return, . The British Columiia government "Contributed $10.000 towards the Nee Hibbv'e Bl straw hate, "R. W. Stephon, wa, first clerk assctant of the senate, is made mas tevin Ribbv's for light straw hate, American heagne--New York, 6-0; | Philadelphia, 5-1. Boston, 15; Wash-| ington, 6.7. St. Louis, |; Cleves | land, ©, | National lLeague-- Cincinnati, 5; Pittsburg, 1. Philadelphia, 8; Bos- | ton, 0. New York, I; Brooklyn, 0 St. Louis, 4; Chicago, 3. \ Destroyed By Fire. Holland Landing, Ont., May 30.--A severe electric storm passed over this locality between twelve and one o'clock, this momiing, whem the barn and stable of Duncan Bell were struck by lightuing, the whole 'contents be ing destroyed , including twenty tons of sea grass, waggoms, buggy, har ness and several other implements Loss about one thousand dollars, no insurance. Inoculating Reindeer. St. Petersburg, May 30.--An expedi- tion, consisting of five veterinary sur- geons and four assistants has been dispatched by the Russian ministry of the interior to the government of Archangel, in order to inoculate the reindeer in the jar mith agains = Lberiag plague. experiments mac hat with reindeer inoculation were crowned with subeess. -------- Withdrawal Of Troops From Crete. Constantinople, May 30.-4t is offi- announced in Canea that, owing to confidence inspired by M. Zai- mis, the high commissioner, and his administration, the protecting powers Nw devised pany the jraetial with draw iplernationa troops fram Crete, Pensions In The Transvaal. Pretoria, May 30,--The Transvaal civil | hy has ; at Pretoria, provi for the consideration of pensions for officials of the late ie, and for suffered igh the war, {days for an hour or so. to again lis years ago. at the Whig return On Friday evening St. G@rge's hall was well filled with people anxious to be carried back to their childhood ten to the same sweet nursery rhymes and child-stories told The ocCARIOn Was Rhymes" concert, by St James church, in aid choir fund Abdot thirty parsons took part, all in costume,' and the many drills and greatly enjoved The choir rendered five choruses and the quartettes als, contrilmgid several numbers. Une of the hits'of the evening was the duet by Miss MacMorine and FE, Harvey, in which an original verse was intro- duced, ahd which made Rev. Mr. Ril key the centre of attraction. In the Nursery Rhymes Miss King was "Mary," and ¥Mary's Lamb" ecanséd much amusement. The lamb mate several trips across the hall to visit Mother Hubbard's dog, ant would vigorohsly applaud every mamber on the programme, The choruses of "Hi Diddle Diddle," "Jack Horned)' and many other child songs were greatly enjoyed. John Cousins gave a humorous recitation which made a great hit. $e. 8 850 "he the long ago. Nurse. ¢ choir of of choruses were Death Of John D. Smeaton. On Friday evening John D. Smenton passed peacefully away at his father's residence, Union street, alter an ill- ness of about six months' duration. The deceased was the only son of Mr. and Mrs IWomas Smeaton, and was born in this city about thivty-sevey 'The Inte Mr. Smeaton was a printer by frade, serving his time office, afterwards going to New York, where he was employed by the McCaul company ongil Sep. tember last, when he was fofosd 1, home on account of ill-health, Deceased was well-known in the: city a host of friends are oft to mourn. their deceased comrade. Mr. Smeaton was a weniber of Catavagni lodge of Oddfellows and a Mason. He money talks, hut most goes without saying. - Al- fol it loaves a wile and one chiMd, 5 little Ee Th, mete snd. mathes fo ls is extended to he the | young | Muriel tapping. While Crawford' groceryg store was free from customers just about closing up time, the lad went in and relieved the till of some small He and on that ocoasion was liberty. According to his own story, he has not changed his wavs wince his recent trouble, as he admitted to Con table Davies, that he entered a gro- {eery store at the corger of Barrie and York street, while the proprietor was out, and stole twenty-five cents from the till. He has also confdssed to several other smali thefts. His pa- rents have had considerable trouble with him, and "it is understood that they will take steps to have him | placed in an industgal school His two companions will, no doubt, allowed to &o with a warning. confessed to the police allowed hys change. FLAGS WERE STOLEN, But Farmer Gave Chase and Re covered Them. and "Mrs Ww. street, with them. Mr. William Brantford, to, N.Y. left, t*,, in guest of Mr Alfred street. . Wellington. Tuesday, Jo A. Wilson! a sell known Pitts! burgh farmer, living. on the Front Road, says that some People are mean hough to do anything, He made this statement to the Whig, today, in re ferving to a Vittoria day incident, On the national holiday. Mr. Wilson's lis tle son placed two fine Undon: Jacks out on the front of the house, in'hon- or of the day. hring the day a young lady ami © gentleman. driving past, took a great faney, or' a vdis- like, to the flags. Whith it was. it is not known, but the. vow Pinto the wand. tore wl the flags and made of with them. Mex, Wil fon eaurht the at their mean trick 'and notified | The latter hurriedly hitched . np his team and set out after the couple. When he got within almost hailing distances of them. they threw the flags out on the roadway. Mr. Wilson picked up the flags, but did pot continke the chase. The face were hoisted. a second time, and were not molested again. Me. Wil: petrated the trick came from Gana- in thei nan co. here for on Friday, - SHracuse. Beach, day, 8 and are * tion. -> A marriage bride-to-be and by the lake shore will spend Kingston, now of the Bank of Toron h holidays in Toronto Miss Adele McDonald, of Watertown vesterday, Lakefield, ar Miss Ada Stevens, Napanee, is spend iag a few days in Kingston of her cousin, Mr Nrs. Sidney Day, University avense, and Miss Diy, loft Kingston, to spend some weeks in Cobourg ang Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Calvin left, on for Unebee, and will begin |! housekeeping in their new hodse. Shaw, of Quebee, who has guest of her sister, Mrs, Hiram vin, King street, went on to Toronto Miss Florence Hailey, Union loft on Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. R. Rattray, of California, phen Roughton, King street, Rev. Walter Loucks, of Oitaws, is in town for the week-end. the only ome of the family able to he tomorrow's jubilee celebra- folk are interested, beentse both the are so well known and so souch liked, will be quietly solemupized, next Wed: nesday afternoon, at two o'clock, at the home of the bride's parents, My. and Mrs WW. H Williamson, Centre street. The bride will be Miss Ben son believes that the rouple who per-[trice Williamson, and the groom Mr, Harris Alexander Hamifton, manager of the Standard Bask oi Bloomfield. brige-to-be A Mitchell, Clergy the summer there | Mitchell, formerly of || ax been spending his to visit her sis the Miller, being H after, wl Mrs. W - the guest M. Donnelly, to-day, Mrs the Cal been, - -» street, 'to visit friends in Long arrived, on Tues- the guests of Mrs, He was - which many town the expectant groom less to make. Imitations are diflieult to sell. And because of this the maker of the imitation is obliged fo offer a larger profit in order to induce merchants to buy the imitation. To be able to give this larger profit the manufacturer of the imitation low- ers the cost of making, using cheaper materials, ete.--and the result is an inferior soap. -------- Try "Alberd] Tale" Violets Scented an] Antiseptic, Do not be persuaded to give up the use of Bab ) y's Own Soap for any imi- tation, J ALBERT SOAPS, LTD. MFRS, MONTREAL ---------- Now for ' Strawberries and Shredded Wheat Nature's purest and best food insuring a clear bhuad and healthy body. Is Invigorating Without Being Heating. Try it. Sold by all grocers.