Daily British Whig (1850), 1 Jun 1908, p. 4

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THE DAILY | BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, JUNE 1, 1908. ° r---------- Ee ---- Fish HUMBUGGING THE PEOPLE. [in ics the public are concerned, =: DOMINION BREWERY /60., LTD., TORONTO. It would have been a strong card [only on the public side of theie char | T for the Whitney government had it {acter. What they do in the home, i annglinced that it contemplated the | in the office, in the quiet resorts, WhiteLabel publication of school books which [not a public matter. What they on) would be given to the pupil of the jor what they eat, or even what they public schools, free of charge. Tt id [say 'privately, are matters of no pub- a contingency which has long been |lio concern. = 'The private life of every § contemplated by some people, but it | individual should be sacred unto him- OrHER BrANDS India Pale Ale 3 XXX Porter Ea Invalid Stout is not the policy of the government. | self, and free from the scrutiny that Rigney & Hickey, There bas been mugh talk of the | borders on impertinence. school book ring, the school book barons, and the action of the govern- ment in.looking into the school book question. As a result there was a time fixed within which the old book: eould be sold off-at bargain counter | prices. Later the government would get out new readers and Mr. Cooper, 138 and 138 Princess St. »It All Depends. Toronto Star. Leader MucKay contends that the Whitney government has done nothing for the workers. Well, that depends, See how it «id for Dr. Beattie Nes- bitt, FOR YOR Lawn ~ OR Garden Steel Rakes For removing dandelions, Price 75e. Dandelion Weedars 10c. to 75e¢. THE WHIG, 75th YEAR DAILY BRITISH WHIG, published at 306- pas a 330d Bo per 4 o'el TW EERLY BRITISH WHIG, 18 Jed ay argo ws soc. for Daily; parts on st $1 year. Ti for oie * | i EDITORIAL NOTES. It is not correct that Hon. Mr. Murray, of Nova Scotia, will leave the provincial government 'to join the federal. ~~ PAYING FOR THE FOLLY. The dredging tenders received by the government this year are at higher rates than ins 1907. There always seems to be something peewhar about government. dredging. Now its cost is going up, while that of everything else is going down.--Montreal Gazette, There is a story about the dredging which is worth repeating. The public works department could have con- tinned the dredging contracts of last year, in Some cases, with the consent of parliament. But the opposition, with a keen scent for scandgl. affected to believe that the government had some political friends whose prosperity would be promoted by a renewal' of the contracts. Fhe minister at once put an end to the idle talk by calling for tenders for certain work. The re- sult a disappointment. Higher prices must be paid. The Gazette surprised with thik; when, outgide of dredging, "everything elée is going " The statement is not correct, Lahour, material, all that enters into public contracts of any kind, are not than they were. The govern- paying for ity and the folly and cla- the opposition. ) rr ; Charles Collins, independent candi- date in Haldimand, says the C.N.R guarantee deal was '"'the boldest and biggest steal ever perpetrated by any governmeyt in the history of Can- ada." The same man is authority for the statement that the enforcement of the liquor laws is "the blackest spot in the government's rotten record." SIGNS OF SUMMER ABOUND EVERYWHERE. Summer Suits will be © It is a_pity Mr. Beck is so busy in London that he cannot come here and tell the people when they may expect light as cheap as that of a tallow dip. The Whitney government restored the contract system in the Central prison. A vote [fof the government candidate is a vote in favour of this. one of the commission, has put it on record that he does not see how the new books ean be cheaper than the old, remembering the higher cost of material and labour. It has remained for Mr. Crothers, the chairman of thé school book com- mission, to spring a surprisq on the people. Speaking at Welland, he said: "You have been told that the gov- ernment will issue a new set of read- ers and that is true. They are ashamed of the old set, just as you would be if you had made compari sons between our readers and those of the United States. Liberal critics have informed you that the new set will cost you more than the old. I have it on the authority of the pre- mier that they will be given to the people free, not-at $1.45 a set, the price under the first contract; not at $1.30, the price under the sec ond con tract; not at forty-nine cents, the present price, but absolutely free. This is on the theory that education is for the uplifting of the whole peo- ple, on the same principle that we have free maps, free teachers, and free schools.' Unfortunately the announcement has not been confirmed. Mr. Whitney was at Aylmer on the day alter the Crothers proclamation appeared in the papers, and he was asked what he had to say. He would not commit himself. "Mr. Crothers," he remark- ed, "might not have been correctly reported," He eould have said, had he desired, that the government had uwm- der consideration the giving of books free to the schools, and the fact that he did not, and that he even ques- tioned the accuracy "of Mr. Crothers' statement, will be accepted as a contradiction of the same. The peo- ple, by the way, are not inclined to be humbugged on this subject, and ii minee of the conservative party ? Mr. Crothers has bech going further than the circumstances warranted, in order to make a point in a political meeting, he will hav =n to re pent of it. Betting is now even in Montreal that the conservatives will not re- ten ten candidates on June Sth, and two to one that they will not cap ture fifteen seats out of the seventy- four contested. Fyom all parts of the province 'reports received speak only of the propnble liberal majorities, The possibility of defeat, especially in the district of Quebec, is not at all en- tertained, Big fish stories will soon be in order, in order, too. How's yours ? $10 Will buy one of Our Fancy Tweed Suits, Light or Colors, neat patterns, neatly cut and wéll-tailored, all © $12.50 Will buy one of Our Dressy Wenthworth Suits, in fine Blue, or Black Worsteds, Scotch Tweeds, ete., Single or Double Breasted Styles. Will buy one of Our Celebrated Bibby Suits, materials, Imported Serges, Fancy Worsteds, Cheviot, ete. Hand-padded Shoulders, ete., Two or Three Button Styles See Our New Browi$' New Greys and New Blues. We would like you to compare Ours with the more expen sive ones in other stores. THE H. D. BIBBY GO. The Suit Store of the Town. Hand Trowels Forks, Weeders, 10¢. and up. ABSOLUTE SECURITY, Cenuine Carter's ttle Liver Pills. Must Bear Signature of / Sore Ferrel Seb FaceSimile Wrapper Below. The independent candidate in Broek- ville is out of the field, but he is supporting the liberal candidate, It is ominous of the slump against Dono- van. Dark sizes, The talk of the day is "The Whig says this," and "The Whig says that" and "The Whig says the other thing." And why should they not? The Whig is the people's paper. Free school books promised by the government. Crothers, of St. Thomas, has dreaming about it, Only that nothing more, is is been Mr, been and down. have not He Dared Not. Hamilton Times. Whitney wouldn't listén to the pro- posal to abolish the fee system of pgving certain law officals. You see, he had just appointed a lot of hun gry spoilsmen to be hailifis ! He dar- ed not, cheaper . ment is, therefore, ex- or Fine | Catch Mr. Whitney saying that the schools. will have their books free ! That is a big contract and the mier is not inclined to let Crothers, of St. Thomas, him on the subject, perience, for mour ol pre- Mr. stampede A Popular Idea. Brantford Expssitor. That is agood idea of Hon MacKay for the ereation of a ministry of colonization and labor. Such partment ix doing great work in Que: bec, amd there it should not do equally On- tario, A. GG. Mr. Blake says the province is yet ready for law reform ? He means that the lawyers are not ready for it. not a de is no reason why Lower charges may be a good thing well in for the laymen, or litigants, but not for the legal profession. & 2 Col. Bam Is Wary. Exchange. Ever since his own party flanked him the other «lav, Col. Sam Hughes has been nervous about attacks Trom the rear. He never takes his seat in the house now without looking over hie shoulder to where Fowler is. TREASON AND TREACHERY, The Wright-MePherson quarrel West Toronto is the bitterest of the day. The one has been the counsel of the conservative party and the othér its political organizer, and a few days ago the Toronto News appealed to them to have a care for the confi- dences they had enjoyed. Mr. Wright is not willing to do anything which will Hurt his party, but he is not willing to be sacrificed by the party in this election. As one who had sery- od it long and faithfully, who had be- come. a candidate at the request of many electors, and begun his canvass he felt he should have been permitted "lor continue "the contest to a finish. Mr. McPherson got the nomination of the machine, and he expects the sup- port of the party. A serious question has arisen in To- ronto, by the way, as to what con- stitutes a "regular nomination." independent is the conservatives who met in convention, but their work is repudiated hecayse they were not members of the ward associations and subject to their rules. A speaker of one meeting said no one was eligible Mr, Wright says that Mr. McPher- son's donnection with the Gamey case is in not damaging to thé conservative party." Is it damaging to Mr. Mc Pherson when he is the regular no- 800 George 'Two Specials in Ladies' Oxfords Ladies' Dark Chocolate, Gibson Tie, $2.00 Ladies' Patent Colt, Gibson Tie, $2.00. The One Exception. Toronto Globe. S. H. Blake swallows it all at one gulp--except the gerrymander. The way in which another Blake fought another gerryvmander probably re strained his pen when he began to praise the loading of the dice. -- -- The Whig may not give evidence of much merit according to an author ity, but it is the paper the people read when Mp, Whitney, Mr. Hanna, Mr. Gamey and a hos? of minor lights carry it abowt with them and use it as a text book, The Whitney Joke. Toronto Star. Premier Whitney continues to de- vote his great lexicographic talents to the exposition, illustration, and defini tion of the word "hireling." In ex- plaining his sense of humor he makes a point that it is often considered a great joke to say the thing vou don't mea «A mining man, Mr, Day, sdys, the mining acts 'passed hy the govern- ment have only resulted in added con: fusion, and the government's policy in its working out has resulted in the stealing of mines from the men who discovered and owned them, The horde: breeders. of the province, by a vote of thirteen to twe, in meet- ing assembled, disapproved of the spending of money on horse exhibi- tions in London: They indirectly, then, disapprove of the Beck display and the costs which it incurred. The Kingston Artificial Stone and Construc- tion Co. aoturers of all kinds of Astisoial , Including (Building Bloek: of : designs and colors ; Lintels, 8, ups, Columns, Balusters, LAWN SES, Garden Edging, eto. Houses Erected ' GAt the actual cost price plus a tage : NO CHARGE FOR PLANS, plans to anyone buying blocks for building. In Pense Called To Win. Canadian Freeman, Appearances are extremely bright for a change of govetmpent at Toronto, in which Kingston will have a representative in Hon, Mr. MacKay's new cabinet in the pérson of KE. J. B. Pense, whose position as opposition financial critic of the Whitney admin- ond riding an many PRIVATE SIDE OF LIFE. The disposition to discuss the per: sonal allairs of men is becoming come mon, if not_ profitable, 'I'he London Mail has caused some amazement by having a correspondent shadow Mr. choiee of THE SAWYER SHOE STORE FHEELF IAFL P 0000000 FEED A HA 00 event I er bee em se First complaint was made because Artificial Stdne Walks tructed under expert supervision, lo vote for a nomination unless he were a properly registered member of Asquith as he proceeded from London to Parid on a vi sit to the king. Mr, the immigration {9 Canada was not restrained, in view of the depression, istration has given him a standing of solidness that few men reach. In the last contest for parliamentary honors and now the complaint is that there is a falling off in the arrivals of fifty thousand this season. There is no pleasing some people. They will kick in any case. Asquith's every movement is npted-- on the boat whith cxossed the chan- nel, on the train which carried him from Calais to Paris. Most of the time he read a book, and all the time he conducted himself like a gentle: man, Toronto Star. The Mail is the newest of the Lon-| W. J. McWhinney, K.C. don dailies, and gives the evidences of the candidature of A. W. Wright, says that fail : i hich 3 that no man has any business to at lating in journalism wine. MY thrust himself upon the public as a once the bane of the American and] candidate without heing asked. We Canadian press. There is a, charm do not wee the foree of the ohjection. in the personality of great men which If the uninvited candidate is defeated, is. wort describin . MAP. (the no harm is done, and if he is elected, Eg , hd or even if he receives a considerable heading under which Tay Pay 0'Con- support, that is evidence that the fail nor writes for his paper) covers some | ure to invite him was due to accident, characteristics of the leading men, and | 80d not to design. . is women of the day, but Mr. O'Connor The trye principle is that any citi : i a . < {zen has a right to present himself to at no time is offensively personal. His|ihe electors, and to obtain whatever aim is to show how some gifted peo-| support he can. He may be the advo- ple live and labour, in order to give,| cate of some cause which is weak to- by information, healthy. stimulation day, but which' has in it capabilities he + a To of growth. He has a right to test his to th reasonable ambitions of Some | cause whenever he sees fit. To say men in this strenuous life. 'The wuali- | that this kind of candidature does no ties that make for greatness are|bamm is to say less than the truth, for worth studying. it does good by encouraging indepen- hu his 'day 4 was no one in Cox: dent thinking, and saving the old-line ada whose time was so usefully oc oupied as Dr. Grant, the beloved prin- cipal of Queen's, He had no idle mo- ments. He had what was sup parties from stagnation. It would be intolerable tyranny to allow the old posed to be leisure, but it was filled up with engagements which left him Toronto. Star. line parties to dictate absolutely who Some ticians little opportunity in whieh to indulge Poli should be in the field. Fin day dreams. He became an Gbject | made of public interest, and wherever he went curiosity was aroused. Once he was accosted as he sped through the which Mr. Pense had in Kingston, no leas than five or six Ontario cabinet ministers came to the city and made speeches in an effort to defeat him, and though the Whitney government had just been given power, with all itst weight, Kingston stood to itd guns and elected its honored son bv an in ereised majority. On the Sth of June the electors will repeat the trick and increase his majority by a few hun- drocb--and he well deserves this tri bute. 1 FRESH STRA WBERRIES NEW PINE APPLES PRICES LOW, R. H. TOYE, 302 KING ST, the politieal association. The other dnswered with the declaration that only a small percentage of the con servatives in Toronto were members of the political associations, and there was going to be trouble in an at- tempt of the few to dragoon the many. The fight in West Toronto is between the association men and the free and independent--between the machine and anti hine clectors--and it will be u fight to a finish. The one who could settle the issue between Mr. Wright and Mr. McPher- son is the man from Manitoulin, Mr, Gamey, "He "declines to partici- pate in it. He evidently leans to Mr. McPherson by saying that the Blake tpisode 'of April 2st, is evidently the result of a misunderstanding. He is not, he says, "interested in any way in the West Toronto fight." Not interested ¥ He admits that he has bien very busy, in the party's eause, a lizht and inspiration wherever he is sent, and there is np place where he ean do more good than in Toronto at the present time. Yet he stays away and allows the bitterest war of the day to develop to the possible disruption of the machine. Quoting the words of Mr. Wright, it would be vain for Mr. McPherson to deny "that wince Bewediot Arnold's Ume. there hat been no treason so black or so base," in Mr. Games, and in drawing or misdirect- {ing those with whom. he consulted with regard to the case. A ------------------ ler . particulars and cost can be lalned at our Office, 18 Market St., Kingston. Im. Murray, Auctioneer 27 BROCK ST. yNew Carriages, Cutters, Harness .y for sale. le of Horses every Saturday.' The S great Uterh Uterine na Tonic, ay inact which s Women ow depend. Sold in three of strength-No. 1, $i i dug roo stronger, per or bn ae and soni : prope niet, Adres To 2 Nn 3. Wevigien Ba, Pawel, Gu. 1. dormerly W The Right To Run. " refer ing to Warm Weather. Medium and light grey flannels are correct for present wear, We have a large variety. May we have the pleas ure of showing them to you? Uraws ford & Walsh, tailors. Spring Furniture After house-cleaning- add 1 something new in the Furniture | line. BEDDING -- Victor Mat- ticeras -- Ask for Hercules Sprig; the kind that last a life- tine. Use our o § box, oll dru foods Store. buy infants' Cross Drug mothers" Red Wise at) Gibson's Fresh there. Newfoundland is preparing to estab- lish a government experimental farm and an agricultural school. + The Kouding Undertak- er. "Prous, 147, The 8t. Lawrence Sugar RefiningGo., Ltd MONTREAL Manufacturers of the choicest REFINED SUGARS) Granulated and Yellows. Made entirely from Care Bugar. Be sure you ask for "St. Lawrence." D. STEWART ROBERTSON 4 50M , Agents for Eastern Ontario. PIG META bietal Cou LT. i LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY| FOR RE-ELECTION EDW. J. B. PENSE. The Only Fair Way. ate ted as Mr. Powter canpot' spans the re- cord of the insurance commission re: challenge. the fore them. He is aggressive or thin-skinned. Which iv io bing Lead Tin, Zinc,

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