Daily British Whig (1850), 1 Jun 1908, p. 6

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ln Com Pacific Railway. SE -------- Reaving Kingston Tussdays dune 9,23; July7, 21; Aug. 4, 18; Sept. 1, 15, 29 Round Trip 2nd Class © Tickets to Wirinipeg Northwest points at Very Low Rates GOOD POR SIXTY DAYS, Comiortable beribs in Tourist Sleeping Car at small exfra charge. Ask for Homessekers' Pamphlet and Pull particulars at K. & P. and CQ. P. RR. Ticket Odlice, Ontario St. Phone, 50 2 F. CONWAY, Gen. Pass, Agent. Wn BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY tren, leaves union _ station, Ontario pa, daily (Sundays. excepled, or insed. Sydenhami Napanee, Deser- Bannockburn and all points north. tie 'woura , Maynooth, and points on quick despatch to Bannock. Central aric, routs your shipments via Bay of Quinte Railway. For farther particu apply 1 Be. Wa DICKSON, Agent, hone, No, 3. SUMMER OUTINGS Lower St. Lawrence Gaspe Peninsular Maritime Provinces All reached by the THIOL RAILWAY Hieoping Var andl. principal (Excallent Dining and equiptment), Fishing, Bathing, Boating, Shooting. is POURS TO SUMMER quoting special rates - for de, Write [tor HAUNTS, special tours, and other pamplets scribing! territory, ] a treal City Office, © 4&1 Bt. James Strest. 8S, #Campana"" 8, electric bells and all Phos MONTREAL ON MON- at 4 p. m.,, 1st, 15th and 2Uth 3th und 27th July, 10th and JAugust, Tth and 2ist September, N.S, calling at Quebec, Mai Bay, Perce, Grand River, ide, P.E.I., and Charlottetown, Sit YORK FROM QUEBEC, balling patie Wine and Halifax, 8.8, 2,600 tons, sails from Quebec id 26th, July . Sth and 22nd, RMUDA Rxeurstons, $40 and upwards, ; "Twin Serew 5. 'Bermudian,' Sailin, ork, from 2 ortnightly from June to bth Temperature cooled and Stateroom apply ta --_ or , Kdngston Ont. RAILWAY SYSTEM ers Excursions to Manitoba rihwest and return Noi June 9th nd 23rd, July 7th + 4th and: 18th, good w two months of going oP man: or Tourist car reserva- any other information, apply] HANLISY Agent, Cor. Johnson 0 Sts Branch Time Table. will dese an and arrive at City 'of Johnson etrecty GOING WEST. est and most powerful shells dressmakers have to pass at certain seasons of the year seems almost be- ai a penal breaking or i VEGETABLE COMPOUND restores the strong, healthy, Hoh Dr thie feminine Why don't you try it? Invites Sovercign shells have small breech and bar rel pressure, and the lightest recoil, They are the quick- sold in Canada. All-day, steady shootin} with Empire smokeless powder is a ples sore. For sil makes of arms. Costs one-third to onc-Hith leas than duty paying smmusition. Our gastan- toe puts all risk ou the Domiaion Careridge Co., Led, Montreal. DOMINION AMMUNITION The nervous strain through whieh and frequently nervous prostration, faint sleeplessness down of the life seems feminine system, un For all overworked women there one tried and true remedy. . Pe AD. Trud Arnprion writes to M Mrs. Pinkham : "1 suffered terribly from uleera for eight but 's Vegetable Com penal ba Rarely cured me. I hope woman will take m pains, backache, feeling, ron en ornervous pro: on BSALBERATUS IS THE 81 SEST. E.W. GILLETT oriTeD TORONYO, ONT. Lye, City Arr. City end am 1.07 am, - 3.83 am, 8.17 a.m, VAT am, I o Poin RE (ripe ee Tue BARKER TOR § Sees tt | Fintan THE LEADER OF ITS GEASS. ion. I] tory of the university. pfluence of the great Roman Catholic TETHoDISTS MEET TO LOOK OVER THE WORK OF THE PAST YEAR. The Gathering in Guebet is Very Large--Missionary Exthus- iggm Evident--The Temperance Work--Statistical Report. = Qiebee, May 30.0 The conferenfe mis- sionary atmiversary was held. on thursday eiening. this service is gene uly one of great interest, and this year it was of more than ordinary nterest. 'This was largely due to 'the way the laymen are taking hold of he missionary problem. Mr. Webster, an of the most distinguished laymen of the Methodist church, took the hair. - Hé announced the well known fiymu, "Jesus Shall Reign Wher'er | i { # ihe Sun," and as the choir led the fast audience in singing the hymn, | you eould feel that the atmosphere wad predomivantly missionary: '1. Hil dard, Morrisbury, who is an pt Jutario lawyer as well as an enthusi- astic Methodist, gave . the first ad- Ireqs, He approached the subject from the layman s standpoict. He asked sich questions: 'Where does the mis- sionary money come from? Where dots it go to? What 'does it cost to send it there ? What does Jit accom- dish ? Where is it sent 7 inn his speech he auswered the questions in a most interesting and profitable way. He urged all the people to be able to answer guch questions, and in seeking to answer these guestions they will Jrow most enthusiastic over missions Mrs. I. G. Williams, president of W. M. 8., gave a short address in which she outlined the aims and work of the society, She demonstrated that the W.M.5. is an inspiring force in the cal church: Rav, W, Boshart was called upon to take the place of Dr. Sutherland who ould not come, On Friday, May 20th, membere en- oyed another quiet hour. Rev, G. S. lendinuen gave an excellent address on the subject, "The Histories of the} Old Testament." At nine o'clock, Dr. Carman took the chair and ealléd the onftrence to order. To the surprise of all there is a much larger atten lance of both ministers and laymen than had betn anticipated. The Friday ni ght reception service is looked upon as the mest important service in conuection with the Metho- list conference. It is at' this service, the young men who have completed their studies are received into full connection with the conference. Rev: Us S. Heeprose moved in an 'eloquent spegoh and Rev, Dr. Young, seconded the resolution, that the following young men be received into full con: nection with the conference: Milton Perley, B.A., J. BE. Blanchard, Paul Villiard, M.A., M.D, Perry Dobson, B.A., George Armstrong' B.A, W. R. Johnston, W. Hollingsworth, J. W, McFarlane, J. 6. Fulcher, J. B. Howe, Dr. Robbins, as the representative of the laymen spoke words of welcome to the young men. Rov. Dr. Flanders, who for the last fifteen years has been principal of Stanktead College, and is now re- tering the pastorate spoke on be half of the college, Rev. W. Boshart, who for the last two years has been engaged in an effort to raise $100,000 for the endowment of the Stanstead College, reported that to date he had received subscriptions amounting to $42,000. A committee consisting of Revs. Ryckman, Shaw, Carman, Mr. Kate, K.(s and Mr. H lliard, K.C., was! appointed to present a resolution and greetings of the conference to the lieut- ghant-gosernar of the provide of Quebec, A committee was appointed to consider the advisability of holding re ligious services for the Methodists who may attend the Petawawa mili. tary camp. Dr, Bain presented the report of Wictoria University, The last year has heen the most successiul in the his- Total number of students registered during the year 197. The graduating class in arts aumbered fifty eight, and in theology thirty-seven. The teaching staff num bers twenty. The Methodist students attending Toronto University number- ed 1049, Total assets of college $1 085,000, Students fees for the last year were over $11,000. Over $15,000] are now paid oud in salaries to the teaching stall. The temperance anniversary was held at 4 p.m. day. W. H. Lambley in the chair. 1 he | climirman stated that there are over S00 municipalities in Quebec province) wh there are no licepses issaed. Rey. Mr. McGoe, assistant to Rev. Dr, Chown, gave an able address on the] work of the temperance and moral re-| dorm department, He called attention to the fact that in British Columbia] there is prajected a building for the! manufacture of opium aod exporting fl sume to China. He urged the church to greater efforts to oppose the in- fluences that scek to contaminate our youhy men throughly their rambling L agencies. J. H. Carson spoke of con- ditions in the province of Quebec. A majority vote determines whether there shall be licenses or no. "lhe in and moral sdloror Fri-| | church is being felt on the side of temperance. 'The injustice of the three fifths clause in Ontarip was strongly denounced. Statistical Committee, fi 5 38,4 363; probationers J 10 received from "of conference, 1,197; | ciplinary allowance, port of the book room. | departments and + lanticipation rather than m the | zation. | breathing organs i localities. | colds, 9; purposes, ters receiving raised by $496,07 $1,000 or over, allowance of $750, 59. number less than dis, finary of ministers receiving 4, Ji J. Reditt presented the r This haS Been the best year in its history. The year's turn over amounted to $712- 605. It gave $15,000 "to the superan nuation fund. The report of superannuation fund was presented by Rev, J, T. Pitcher Amount raised by dreuits, §76,314; institutions, $1.31X ministers and probmtioners, £3,441; Methodiet hook and publishing house, $15,000; total raised, 3152187. Dhs- bursements, ministerial claims for year amounted to $30,145] ; widows, $12,723. children, $1,065; surplus to be applied on permanent fumd, $15,342, On Saturday afternoon the counfer- ence had a delightful = excursion to Montmorency Falls and St. Anne de Rev, | Beaupre, HIS HOUSE BURNED. o i Gown number of ministers receiving discip- { FASHION'S FORM. Linen ang Braided Filet. of The drawing shows a charming sum- Vanness and Son Had Nar-| row Escape. Harlowe, May 29.--We had no cele bration of Victoria Dy here thus year. Mr. and Mrs. Gibbs spent Sun- day last with friends gt Mountain Grove. A lishing party spent an en jovable ime at Gull Lake on Satur day evening last. Mr. and Mrs, Wheel: | er returned to "their home, to-day, 'at' Elmsdale after spending a week with their daughter, Mrs, A, Talmateer. E, Wood nade 4 trip to Tweed this week. Misa R, Thompson and T. Whiteman recently visited. at Mr. Lloyd's, at Northlirooke. Miss Nocl Miller was the guest of her friend, Miss Alice White, on the 21st. Mr, and Mrs, .C, Clancy and Miss M. Hall, Arden, spent Sun- day last &t J. Mel 'ausland's. Mr. and Mrs. J. Black, Arden, spent Sunday last at' J, Miller's, 'They. brought the sad news of the wmerious illness of Mrs. Balicock, to her sisters and bro- thers, J. Black, a brother of Mrs. Babéock, left for his sister's, on Mon- day. ¥. A. and ¥, Thompson each cach have purthased fine new bhuguies. Rew Mr. lryin visited yesterday at Cosy Nook. Word was received of the death' of * D. * Schriver, in the King- ston General Hospital, He at one time lived here. G, Peterson, North- brooke, spent Sunday last at W, Thompsons. Rev, Mr. Sherman hae returned home from Pentecost at Ath- ens, accompanied by Misses Bird and Saddler. Mr. and Mes. Critchley and children spent Victogia, Day at Myer's Cave. On "Tuesday: pight last the dwelling of H, Vanness was burned. Mr. Vanness Was away #t the time and Mrs, Van. ness and the bdy merely escaped in their pight clothes, Nothing from the house was: saved. He had no insur- ance. Cause of fire is unknown, J. Perry was the guest of his sister, Mrs. E. Wood, recently, The atten dance' at the Union large, L. Wood made a trip to the Big Dipper 'mines this week. Mr. and Mrs. White spent a couple of days at his mother's; at Plevna, Rov, Mr. Wallace, Flinton, was ip town on Tuesday last. HH, Critchley, Myer's Cave, spent Monday at his home here. Communion service was held in the English church on Asean sion Day. Mra Earl has retorned home after spending a week with her daughter, Mrs. S. Thompson. Mr, and Mrs. Wheeler and Mrs. Palwateer spent Wednesday last at S. Cuddy's C, Hillier has traded horses with IL. Turner, Star of the Fast Mines. Mrs Spietr 'has returned to her home at Parry Road after a few days' visit with her father, 0. Cole. Mrs, Cheese Markets. Napanee, Ont, May feresl : White, 1,516; at 10 15-16e. Brantford, May 1.502: sold, 1,27, viz. : 635 at 450 at 10 13-16e., and 92 flats, 107e. Winchester, - May 29.-At cheese board, 686 werd registered; all sold at le, Perth, at Ile. 0. of sold Cheese colored, 322; 20 offered, 103 Cheese May 20.--1,000 boxes: all sold Most of the fup a man has is in the reali-' CAUSE FOR ALARM. | Epidemic Influenza, Gripre, Ca- tarrhal Troubles, - Pneumonia Increasing. A marked increase in troubles of the is noted in many Ii you will only have Hyomei at hand to uge with the first attack of cold in the head, pneumonia, bronehitis, hoarseness, sore in fact any re spiratory throat, croup, trouble will be quickly affection, the overcome. Ii the attack is neglected and be- come severe, sperdy relief will ome in most cases amd a' persistent use of Hyomei will cure. The direetions for using it vary] but the principal is always the same, that of destroying all the germs in the air vou breathe and having it reach the air passages with dry medication from the pine and vucalyptus forests, Remember that Liquids. or moisture is lmrred from the bronchial tubes and lungs. It's the dry air of Hyomei that reaches the spot. G. W. Mahood guarantees it. Complete outfit, $1. 1S YOUR COAT pUSTY ? You Probably Have the White Scab of Dandruff on It. Hf your. coat or shouldées have a white dust upon it," thd dhanbes dre that it is from danden§. The * only ure {mer frack of ithe bottom hy {in pale blue, 'school is very) white linen, semi-pripcesse stele, with the waist and | skirt attached with a carved band. {The skirt was in walking length, hud was a gored circular finshed three folds or flounces. The corsage was almost entirely of filet net braided in soutache, the linen showing only in the str ap of tucked linen. This model was also very smart with white filet bra in pale blue soutache. made in around TN -------------- The skeptic never doubts his ahility to doubt. Frequent Cause of Paleness. Doctors say constipation, be avoided if Dr. Hamilton's Pills ar used; they elear the complexion, tone the stomach and aid digestion. Try Dr. Hamilton's Pills yourself, 25 200, which can Carving Sets | Carvers make 4 acceptable wedding gift. We have some very atirae tive designs in heavy stag- horn hamdles and the fin. est Sheflicld blades mount- ed with sterling silver. Ami the prices will he found reasonable. Carving sets complete in handsome ease from very $3.00 Up. Kinnear & d'Esterre | Jewellers, | Princess Wellington | Sts pIASion, To be' Effective You Don't Need to be Harsh Nature is never violent, When any bodily function goes wrong, she corrects it in gentle ways. Please do as Nature does. i: Don't seek to aid her with violent physic--with salts, castor gil or pill cathartics, They ruin the stomach They harden the bowels, just as con- stant irritation will callous the skin. Then the bowels cease to supply their | chrenic con. | own laxative, stipation. You can aid the bowels just as effect- ively in a gentle way. That way is Cascarets. They act without pain, without inthe That's t i 9 : ay 1 3 3 Sveeiai Values At $5.00 a on. They are just as harmless as food. | If the bowels are calloused, you may need one Cascaret twice a day for a time. Bat you'll need them less and less. . For Cascarets restore the natural func- tions, Soon you won't need them at all Sascares are dandy tablets. all druggists, but never in the ine, with CCC on w= § The box 1s marked like de _& The 12,000, 00 boxes ros 8013 amnually. : I 0 : s OO000-00 0000000000000 O000000 We have the largest laes of $5.00 Leather Suit Cases, Hand Bags and [Canvas Tronks. Other lines of Suit Casés, 7.50, 8.00 and 10.00. Imitation Leather Oases, $2.50,. See the New Tourist Case, Our Hand Bags at $5.00 are real leather and full leather lined, handy Our Trunks at'$5.00 Some with locks. Other grades 3 : ? Q 9 $3.00, GOODS. O00 000000000000 ©00000000800000000000000 2 Straps, 4.00, 8.00 to 12.00. We carry mostly everything in TRAVELLING assortment and best va- leather lined, $6.50, 3.00 and 3.50, 9 : ; £4.00, 4.50. sizes. san't be beaten. canvas covered, good » "1 Will You Try An L. C. Smith Typewriter? The Standard Visible Writer We hnow other typewriters of all kinds and we know that the L. C. Smith has every improvement and every feature that any of thew has--AND MORE. We want to place an L. C, Smith Bros." Type- writer in your office AT OUR EX- PENSE, and have,you compare it part for part, feature for feature, with any other typewriter. We will let the typewriter speak for itself. All we say about it and claim for it will be demonstrated by the machines itself more con- vineingly than we could tell it. Then we 'want to leave the de- cision to you. Ii YOU want it then we will sell you one on favor- able TERMS, or if you already have a machine we will take that in part payment. THE TEST OR TRIAL WILL NOT COST YOU A PENNY. ww is the way we sell typewrit- ; it is a good, fair, honest _-- It has not a weak link in the chain of fairness. - We do not belong to any trust] PRICE sell. and nobody dictates the we sell at or HOW we shall That's OUR business. We sell our machine its merit strictly on All the writing on the L. C. Smith is always in direct in the line of vision. WRITING LINE and the POINTED OUT so that the IL. Smith is just WHAT WE CLAIM ~a perfect VISIBLE typewriter. The The typebar and hanger are the heart of a typewriter, that means they are the most vital Parta| weak typebar means a weak type- writer. Show us a typebar-bear- ing that is narrow and has Re wearing surface, and it teils that under hard wear such a type- writer will not retain its alirnm-| ment, and sooner or later will get out of order. On the L. C. Smith the beating | is wide and the War heavy, and will stand years and years of hard work', wn Be Typewriter Supplicsifor all makes of 'machines. + Rented and Repaired--all makes. IS INDICATED, | PRINTING POINT 'IS | Then again, with the IL. C. | Buyith one machine is equipped to | do all kinds of work-better writ- }ing, invoicing, billing, tabulating, | figures, stencil cutting, without touching the ribbon and heavy manifolding anything that any | typewriter can do the L. C. Smith | will do--and more. sight, and | "You can lift the platen, or writ- ing cylinder, right out and put in { another in a second. You can | write in two edlors, and you do jnot navy to tot.ch your ribbon from the time you rut it in the imachine till it is worn out. } You can do all these things, and {many more, and do them better than you can with any other type- U9 L writer. WILL YOU DO THIS ? ! And remember THIS IS the ma- i chine we want to place in your ope for trial and examination AT OUR EXPENSE. It doesn't eo#t you a penny to fry it. Typewriters id. E. Ferguson Company, EASTERN DEALERS, 205 QUEEN STREET, OTTAWA. % LOCAL AGENTS 79 Princess St, Kingston,

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