She Daily British Whig de YEAR 75--%0. 129. RIN (GSTON, ONTARIO, TUESDAY. JUNE = 1908. a Last EDITION CANDIDATES SPEAK Sd c-- A Big Gathering Last Ys at the City Hall Night. ship and is Given Rousing Reception--- Full Explanation Given. en at te Nomination addresses were the city last night, audienes that filled the doors. (The platform with prominent citizens, who to addresees from the candidates, til elose upon eleven o'clock. trate Farrell occupied the chair, 4. B. Penge, the liberal was given a rousing his supporters, and in an eloquent dress, gave an Account of his ship. In opening the meeting chairman stated that it had been de- cided to allow each of the candidates and their nominators fifty min with ten minutes for a reply both Mr. Pense amd Mr, Nickle, I building to the hail an was crowed Listenal whe Fdw oe eption wl from Mi. Pease Speaks. Mr. Pense the «it spedgker, and in his opening remarks, stated that it would he in grder for him to acount of his stewardship. He endeavored to discharge his duty the host interests of the peopl the past two years, the speaker been the opposition He rod to the receipts ywwernment amd eriticised 'the expenditure Whitney government had of the Rosa government beir gant If the Ross extravagant, what the Whitney government last three years ? He could only with 1904 to 1907. There had been an increase in expenditure of fully fity per cent., and almost sixty cont The contingeney account alone had been increased from 275,000 to ¥165 000. The Whitney government said they had the money, and there was no reason why they should not "They had the money, have spent it ° to a far better ad- vantage," added Mr. Pense, amidst loud applause. He referred to the in- evease in expenditure by adding to the cabinet, He aleo eriticized the Whit: ney government's statement in regard to the succession duties' tax. The Temiskaming railway had also been Y MEMORANDA. / wes hr For evil reler af the ge governm of the deal would be said during per spend it but could Are You wearmg A One 51 Campbell Rros'. City Property Committee, ¥e Fiske Stock Co., 8.48 p.m. Portsmouth Council and Court of Re vision this evening. Bijou Theatre--Travelogues and Stronghelds of Scottish Chiefs" "Seenes From Burns." Moving Pictures "Married and Forsaken' "Hide and Seok." J. R. Davis Sings "Sweet Miss _ Killafney,'" . Dinner Sets We are showing some very pretty designs. Fresh arrivals $15 SETS FOR $11 and $12 ROBERTSON BROS. Sammer Hats ? 4 p.m., Wed Grand Opera House, "Castles For Every Variety of Dwellings, Lots, Etc. fn the Sity. tholuding Fer 1 lands; in in Apply to SWIFT'S REAL ESTATE and "Insurance Agency. IS THERE ONE? Person in Canada who has not d of the Phono- « or graphophone and - m es ? Ve et one cannot a single periodical or publication of anv import. ance that does not contain an advertisement of these Magis | candidate, from stewnrd- | the { utes, | give an | had | for | had | I'he | omplained | was | is | only expense incurred in (Cheers and applause). Mr. Pense Gives an Account of His Steward-| {=aid that Kingston's hospitals | ungvers (ernment th { tion. jen fw hatever, | the legislature a He by ginid to a-trip sixty members of the cost of SL800. 1} | speaker had not attended on this jeasion, as it was not convenient | him to do so. This large sum been spent and not one cent of it for railway fare, {members travelled free. Surely extravaganpe. luring the years of the Ross government this way was supper at the at Guelph. The Cabalt at the this last out as i was two $150 for a Colle of ! the sum Agricultur should mn the Maney had been by the conser an by the Ross government towards the surpius given ative administrg- had giv ve shared ha more ity No gov- Ko I'he liherally {of Uneven 's. 1, but, sol, eon | oppose | Mining | balt sum { from | thanks { the liberal The the opposition charg with not f | people of Ontario, the ( and been derived | = 4 had of £1,665 .0006 had sales. lice: i} wealth of opened up, the 0 th and royalties, of | ) it ent to e progressive spirit {Applian aid th govern admi on st speaker, in continuing, ei the pledge to wel Onsicieg ad was good ground for taking The Whitney and again were many What was the administration the by fopr, own, there tam. | again there {5 government consplained cabinet ming the They cabinet too result of con ? he ni of mi1 department with po the expen ment pro- | the | 1sters one out jof his Folios ditt ni and out had White my This increased Fhe that re; wv odd econ: be } { { | | { EDW. J. B. PENSE, watchword alf along the Hoe, but this 'hat not heen the tase. The Brae were appalling: In regaed to the lands in" New Ontario, durtng the thirty. two years of liberal rulq, the taxation for this' had been increased 81 per head, while in the three vear: of con servative administration the had been exactly the same typiece bill, in the Kou: of the liberal legislaf wards been given the conservatives who voted have it passed The C.N.R. up in the house day house cleared, and the speaker called the attention of the the fact that he had got his late policy, that of not up such an important matter closing hours of the The pre mier had replisd that it was absolute ly necessary, and it had been broaght | up. and disposed of in "that last aw-| ful week." | Mr. Pense said That the Whitney | government had promised to take! polities out of the leense boards, Everyone was aware | how much this had peen straight tories had been the board. The speaker for, a non-pgriizan board and have cal men free from dictation, I seed } be he would have such men Judge Price and Magistrate Farre the board. (Applaus Continuing, Mr. Pense said the gov ernment promised there should be ten ders for all matters of public supplies. | During the last three years there had | been more supplies sent in without | tender than had been received by the! Ross government during thirty two | rears. ! Mr. Metealie had stated that there | were enough lawyers in parliament, location. [py speaker was ready to agree with | him in this. (Applause). It had been the duty of the opposition to object to the fees of lawyers, In the last administration the sum of $25177 was paid for lawyers' fees for special services, and for the last liberal par lament "87.784. and then there was the money expended on the Hydro-Eleetrie commission. In the last two years this commission had received $72,000 and yet no cheap power had heen given to. Eastern Cntario, In what was claimed as "songhries," the sum of $0210 hal been owvpended. In the granting of cortain Tights and privi- logos friends of the government had been remembered. The Railway and Municipal board; doing the bhuasiness formerly conducted by a minister 'of the crown, was paid F500, and a fext book commission received ¥7. (24% And the claim wos made that schoal books wonld be made chwaper, aie there would be free text books. Dr. Reaume, in an address the other day, Haid sinted that the cost of the books wonkd be. £100,000, This was 5 very moderate estimate, as the conservative press had given it as half a' million. The estimate given by John Caoper, one of the experts an) by the Whituey government, £3,000. Which estimate was he most reliable ¥ Was not that of ond of the investigators to be given increase The Pet the time d after t of the a man to A brought the had smier to From guaranice was the belore } in prio session. lignor } well dong. Three | appointed on | vote 1 lo Ww onld il on} | fhanks to the Kingston! 5 i | done {for what | tuberculo {de hate | had been done | The cost would not be large, | tor I position | benefit | free im Pense alse should feeble-minded, the hos- Mis {government y contended' that establish a pital for the and there should more speedy for the cure of tuberculosis government was claiming great it had accomplished sis. How mwh time devoted in the house to n during the last sessi hall of an afternoon ker and a couple of the members taken up the question, but th had been held over. All was to The speaker continued should be consumptive Kingston, Cobourg and Prockville and it possible for something to be done year. The government had to take credit for great thi done for the cure of tubercu Steps had also heen taken protection of child labor speaker aud Mr. Preston, liberal mem her for Brantiord. had taken up the matter, and it had gone to a commit tee. Electrical had heen asked for Ontario, there to y be ered been questic juesty Just mn one ture. there fa development . was but offer astern ns vet nothing Strong obi to the gerrvm it would she hepefit the public the conservatives seats, Official frhow Married A it serve to stud- won ule I nder close that but not make went records also to on by the conservatives, Mr. Nickle's Address. Mr. Nickle called upon, chairman, when Mr. Pense resumed his seat. He defended the Whitney government in all its policies and said that it could stand on its merits, All the money expended was for the best interests of the country. He gave the Whitney government credit for in- troducing the secret ballot. He eox- plained the make-up of the ballot, and said that in giving it to the clec- tors, the government had shown that it did not want to do anything but what was fair and honest. Tn regard to the CNR. guarantee, when asked what attitude would be taken, Mp Pense had, in an interview with the Toronto News, stated that he would first Mr. MacKay about it The bill had been brought into the house on Thursday. and closed on the fol lowing Tuesday. He continued Mp Pense had no right to say that kh had! been misled by the government in the matter. The speaker was him if opposed to legislation brought down in a parliament As regards claimed that duced into Kingston all times stand whether the was was by the heine the dying hours of ls svetem h been intro would at mat upied th congerva the it had not He for efficiency no who act man a liberal or tive, Referring he said that all the expenditure this line had beem for the benefit the country. The sum of 29.000 had been devoted to the faculty of edue tion were all reaping The Whitney much more of education than in the rovern to further the and we of it metit had dons the interests i Ross government. In regard to My prison labor, | Nickle said he did not believe in pris competition The men could not be loft on 'labor coming in labor, the {had to be done for them their minds. In hie concluding remarks. Mr Nickle again stated that all the mone expended by the Whitnev government had been devoted to the hest inter the people. Every dollar, he «aid, had been spent for the people {In his Ingt words he criticized the f Whi for some political views ox to improve esta of € | pressed. Mr. Metcalfe. Mr. Metealfe, in his opening | re marks, said that he was the candidate of the independent laber party and would not take a back seat for any candidate. He was out to do all ia his power ' to assist the labor mon. He critivized Nr. Fickle becamse the latter said "we," in accepting the honor for\the A of the sécret ballet. He (the speaker) was one who had stood on the flogr of tlie house for fourteén years, and advocated the secret ballot, vet he was not one like My. Nickle who would stand wp and say, "We did this." The speake- said that he had heen criticized because he had left the Ontario house snd cone to the dominion house, There was ne cause for this, as he was serving the people. Others had said that he had got a good thing out of it; as he was made warden at the penitentiarv, "1 pever pot anything from the gov. ernment hut what I earned." declared Metealie. "For everything 1 wot I gave them from the conservatives value for it." (Applavse.) {Continued .on page 2). Strawberry Festival. In aid of St. Pral's church, held on Tuesdac, June 16th, from 3 to 10 poo. at the, LW.C.A. crounds, Johnson a Admiesion . doe, also | to the educational system | re | with | came The | that | send out liter- | that | shacks at | { mtmed | | star {govern i tics more secure in their | will ! own f | i to | et the { pe weaker | REG. j carriage | ance. mainienance i that | work | The | Ke | for | had | this | i } | ! | i | i ! i | | The { ion had also been taken | state, a of |is is that the spoils system had heen { diana, [006 annuaily., F prison in idleness: something | wi will be! { - Hoe to Uneen's | Ey | W.P FLEWELLING'S WILL. Leaves All _ Widow--Fstate | John, B., June h ~The will of | { Fley Ly sur | killed wellin § shot go. ehey YeVOr who him a detter Son ook and wh wo wimitting ¥ shortage hi ! ted to probate, EE Me atter the government was vill leaves all H worn Get Back ~"'} expect to puer Hazen, ac ves- | arch | | Montreal, {fect 4 creditors and to be the New tock Exchange { shart time, | Montreal. | Such was the { Hera d by F. W. jstock broker, who Hin the Contest For Indiana Gov-|ment a little over a ernorship | and who had an ! coumts, {terday. teed last, which elections June 2. ef- over- to his 25. 09 for eat boats, fursiture, | © 006 life insur. oth iin satisiatiory settlement with my re-instated in 5 Consolidate in the course alho to resume 1 the i I late £ dow. homest horses he . in ork of a business in motor and camp, statement Boschen, made to the the Montreal suspended pay fortnight ago, agency in Kingston. i "Were | to have all the me that {is owing me in Montreal, eon- | tinued, 'I would have pay {my creditors three times over, in i TO BE STANDARD BEARER. " ey he enough to but my | il TO PAY E VERY DOLLAR | Expects to Make a Safisfactory Settlement and His Seat. run I hope aul assur a settlement ¥ finan them i is made to pay od of sour the long lor #1, | cial backing 'once here." Mr. Boschen son he did not irom j earlier he through worry and was vel. When hé returned rested up for a couple was still suffering and insomnia. "Why," he exclaimed, | fortune through this trouble, la ny wonder that | shou! | however, willing to give | my creditors. as | explained that the New am unable to Montreal days, BETVOUSHOSs return was because hee « tra to of from "1 have lost ¢ and is f worry ? | am all 1 have 1 i to i OUNG WOMAY FPROSTRATED. Y A Proved to Be Dyed Villian. 2 . B in pector, 1¥ Saturday Anderson twenty-one nderson a Deep i *rson, Renirew, June An x Broshville § = for b J gmies i i i | | {n i be { next. i =F | night | fiity four: {his It appears j with his fap { dersom throug | Rog th | towards 8 will sent on in, 8 Se wiie, « of ig prostrated nce i Anderson at his was registered at cond years Medic Saturday age marriage April thirty-nine. that HH communication was carried on by An md Detective notk age, with grief to be called $ correct 1s in age a ily h his son, ha of Just apy sent M ARSNAL LL. htly Pp els Say the done ng for before his he | been wt his family lémoer liana to be the the conflict Indiana is a ¢ presidenti al wn tag 'be strop trend of. nationa middle west. Mr, the democratic nominee, t-known men in In expected to add greatly to the ticket in voting strength {active interest publie afiairs, {particularly church work, only tdavs ago delivering Despatches From Near And |". Toa Yan before the You Distant Places. | Men's club of loeal ' church. The i newspaper clipping sent Mrs. Anderson mailed from Brockville. The pub GIVEN IN THE BRIEFEST POS. SIBLE FORM. vention lax that it . to his that while British Co the at was to be west, x etter from out to a caught was at for saying mn vl-pox to get off the same time he larranging Bis mmrriage here, On a number of occasions while | Renfrew he conducted. the services Methodist church, and for. the people that he, above guilty of such an act entéred upon his due- Anderson took way school he wd while almos t fected by mn sm on poli the Max forced who is of the and state wall, one in in it 18 almost of Renfrew 1 others the {impossible to think | should be As soon as he Join in Brockville an more few in a an address on € a [was lie. school hoard will at once dismiss him. Anxious Creditors. Brockville,. Ont., June 2 the marviage Anderson on a fairly elaborate re brick residence on the corner | Broad and "Water streets, and until Matters That Interest Everybody |la¢t Thursday lived in apparent ease Notes From All Over--Iittle | *"d happiness, giving little thought to the fact that some day or another of Everything Easily Xead| iho law would claim him a vietim and and Remembered. ft ake its course. In the meantime, There are twenty-nibe | howe , Anderson had not settled for the field Foronto. {all goods and, vesterday, there Hard coal has gone general line-up of del rigs cents a ton in of the home, act severe r owners, all eager to secure what Malta Countess of Gre Shortly far- the of before | nished larg scale ow candidates in these in as very front | i up twenty-five |! a Foronto ompanied by earthquake shock amd the yy It a Four § were f felt at x owned them in Crimea. by The paid a visit to the general hospital, Toronto. i The Barnard Home R20 chil to Canada last year. White was sentenced, to one year in jail for as Toronto last to his wife and fs the Anders Anderson ter of i . i in Toronto. TOOK PHOTO OF EYES. WY Years y brought out | at per orge Humilton, jury. Australia's old the age pension scheme | Those of Dead Woman Revealed Hook-Nosed Man. Alton, TIL, June 2. Belief i theory that the last ohject | murdered person may be | photographie caused ( ats { Thursdas cost ommonwealth £1 500, | the a n na in seen fixed the re to have one eve of Xhose body was taken from the Mississippi d who, is thought, was murdeyed larkl thrown into the river. The veloped photograph the coroner } = a faint outline the with hooked nose, and glabrous alp oner will try to find sible murderer hy use | photograph | post-mortem lished the absence 8! luge %, although the hody had WM dently in the water for several ¥* | weeks, the neck was broken MM ---------------- a hy as broke her two hour Mawretan record nutes the The ste westwa forty-one amer by t negative on arrgplane inven- to sell their in Paris § for £100,000 government has appointed to represent CPR, in labor negotiations Star steamer Vaderland thought lost, has called at Bover and sailed for New York. A well-dr vl young woman lapsed when her sister, Bessie sentenced in Toronto to iil oroner Silreeper a ma ph taken of a or a the The iv Galt innipeg The Redd which was or {ar it ele save face of a heardad ot }s of jm 14 | 8 The cor col heeks, Kelly, for saves he A pos of ghi= was the pocket-picking. { estab the ~vi examination of water in i i YOUNG LIBERALS ! heen and Come to the smober in ---- the Whig Hall on Friday evening. Good addresses # will be given. Everyone is # welcome. The young liber- % als are getting down to MM work jn earnest. Fines For Offences. + London, June 2 #* | eign hirds, except ostrich, elder duck Fland wild birds used for food, will Ix women's hats after December Lovd Avebury's bill to pro- | hibit importation of plumage and skins becomes law. Tie penalty for importation for sale or exchange is $25 on first conviction 2125 on second and subsequent EEELEEN) ~No plumes of for en On 3st, if Hon. W. 8, Fielding has given no tive of a resolution ta change the lead | 4 bounties on account of higher prices | convictions, with forfeittre and de prevailing for the metal in London. | struction of the feathers. But if a William Ryan, farmer, near Chat oman is actually wearing prohibited ham @ committed suicide by slashing | plumage when she arrives in Great his throat with a razor. and G. F. | Britain, and is wot to sll it, then no lichardsan, a voung man of Chatham, | offense is committed. shot himself in the dhe -- Nominations for the provincial elec- - tions took place in both Ontario and | ver, Bad A Shien. Leon Quebec, yesterday. In Ontario six fom Hamburg for West Adriea, bers were returned by acclama- | oriion of whose crow was Janwied tion and in (mebee, five, { here, last might, sank off South Fore Hon. A - B Aylesworth told. Maver Hand, after being towed for several Oliver aod € antroller Ward, at Ot- 14 ars The ecaplain and the crew tawa, that it was bis opinion that fanivee at Dover today. 'The Rus the railway commission had mower to | 00 "lL G0 Ln from Odessa for prder the construction of a viaduct iy |S" Petersiorg, with, which the Loads | {was in collision, has reached Graves Toronto. : lend considerably damaged. While an- orn a Printer: diving Je beaker, "+ | choring the Junoon, collided with the | charge of practising medicine without | Dor Peren and slightly damaged her n Vicopee, eluime be Ghtoen Sprache are reported drown. in a food in the neighborhood Pachiuls, Mexico, first | MONTREAL CONFERENCE, Sunday. 1.-Sundav tion with the Fhe love feast was conducted { Dr. "Wilkams. Many of the and laymen spoke of the saving of Christ. Rev, FP, 6. Lett, ex-presi dent, preached the ordination sermon His tet s Galatians vi, 2. He nounced his t to be "The Chris tiau Way Of r."" In the Dr. He Ottawa, I a high conference by Quebee, June day was mn conned power wa an suliiot Rev preach ed eloauent the | voung jelose of the ment of the | ministered to Fhe committer | treal Metho movement in hs fashion, the Wort nv th close of mory BOT VICY At the ng men ordained, SOT supper hund: arg chur that churcheg I and its . Fairmount aven mount, Lachine, Verdun and The committe contemplate churches Royal fd Delo requested that art Rev, work, The the Various to editor He ara | e of the Mon h ist hr have reported yagh its Hort built ing five new Montrea , namely heen in surround . oe, I assistin in building ne at St. Hensel Hochel ant Ar Bellevue, ay e. The « the Payl forend \ wwenne, Nite ar Y ommittee aj 1 conlerence set ow for this specia trongl on o endorsed retion of the sommitices Rev, W, B. Guardian, behalf of Fhe conference Heh an ltMian city, Otfana in the rest tions t elucational The raised Matilda, King SOn committe oe reported Cred conference The on of n ghton onfer vardi ited 1 addressed 1 the Christin « has de missic district increase heads the in fa ined with Re ] amounts were Brock Perth, 413 A person of Wesley ited R606 BX follows £183 Ottawa te, 82 Pembroke to Rev an Met) States, few months' missionary the the in the confers Ernest G. Cook; odist church of the who now enjoying t aftr period along the Pana heart noying visitor « is a a of tivity with also ma canal, mee \ reception wit, Alma Collgg r sient tiny a Mrs, Cook is the 1 The logica Mater of Wesleya Id ite annual and Rev. Frnpst as pre This action i as practically an endorss action Mr. Thomas wppellant in the Workman appesl. The of the conferen met organived, The present offic ery were cted. They Cunmingham, Montreal, W. Mix, Ottawa, vice-president Carson, Mc al, retary-treasurer Abraham N, ston; eo WN ate, 1. Hillard Morrishurg: A Vaneamp, Cardinal, and J, W. Cal I} were elect a i executive committee Theo meet hom | | tion of r i ng upon the by taken a lay members « John H J. H and all reek are president mires hing { Sherbre nh. Que ed ar GANANOGUE TIDINGS. Storm Did Damage to Roofing of Coal Sheds. J une J At the M ening Miss My Gananoque, dence of Mr son, Garden marriage Thomson, eldest danghtér Mrs. Charles Thomson, of Les ship, to William Ernest Liovdminster, Alia, by Henry Gracey, Andrew church Mr Pierce left the east honeymoon after which they up their residence in Alberta D. A. Witchell, of the chell & Wilson, contractors, the aad intelligence, vesterday, death of his mother, Mrs chell, in Winnipeg. The to be brought here for The heavy storm on Satwday J Mr last i his at of niece of was pastor of and Mrs to spend their will take Rev. for of Mit received of the James Mit remains interment. after firm perty in this section. About forty square feet of the iron roving Taylor & Creen's coul sheds was off, of it being carried for distance of a whole block. Mr. Shane man's lars boathouse in the bay alin totally wrecked Unite a large delegation from Leeds lode, No. 201, A. F. & A a tended the faneral of the late George 8. Johnston, DDGM., of the iow teenth Masonic district at Forfar, It some on Sunday. George BE. Andress, Stone street. has purchased during the past week the property adiolning his the comer of Rtane apd John streets. Frederick J. Henderson, Brock street, has purchased the old steam launch Rob Rov, a thirty-iourdeoter. Mrs. (Raries K. Wright; istreet, who has been spending past three months in New York City, {Auburn and other places, has return t 5 {ed home: Mes, iRev.) HW. H. Pediord- tivam, Brockville, speni the past her parents, Me ton, King street, il ! evening | At | extension | Mf ial | stab- | I Montreal gi hist | contribu | by districts! § "re noon did considerable damage to pro- | on | the i was | residence om | Sydenham i the { Probabilities. Toronto June 2, 1908, Ottawa Valley and Up= per Sn Lawrence; 10 a.m.--Mode= rate north west= erly winds, line and moderately | warm to-day and W ednesday . '§ YOU CANT he) but | DO BETTER i Five Young Men Were Ordained on | Rev. } ministers | Than « Summer Hosier smart new styles and a tremendous vari choose from, th ex al value stamped on pair, LADIES' COTTON HOSE, full fashioned and fast Black at 15c¢. LADIES' COTTON HOSE, Fast Black, extra fine and soft, at 25¢. LADIES' LISLE HOSE, in Colors, Navy, Cadet, White and Black, at 40c. GAUZE LISLE very fine and sheer, and Blacks, at BOc LADIES' LACE HOSE, in a great variety of pretty patterns, Colors, Tan, Pink, Sky, White and Black, at 36¢ LACE LISLE JdOSE, in Pink, Sky, White and Black, at 50c. i EMBROIDERED | Fast Black Hose, ered with Silk, in Sky, White and Red, 35¢. and 50e, LISLE RIBBED AOSE, Children and Ladies', Fast Black, 1 and 1 Ribbed, sizes, from 5 to 10, 22¢. to 30e, ¥ When Will You Come and See Them ? --AT--- all are w every i HOSE, Tans | | HOSE, Embroid. Colors, 2 Hnes, for SA ------ MARRIED. HARKNT At LL 1Y W Et , Ha ark. note = ¥ Bo vd, ROBERT J. REID 577 street. The Tea of Character i Phong { Princes Nothing is wm the merit of our "Queen Bee' Tea Than the fict the same ped went and sXPer Ihe character of the Tea, | 80 uncommon, is" HS passPor: hotoe where good Tea re significant of that it is belng used b9 People of good Judgs 4 your alter yoy. Bo ov ident amd tn every is appreciated, Jas. Redden & Co.. Importers Of Fiae Groceries TWO BICYCLES 1 Mussey Harris Lady's Whi il Gent's Wheel 516. 1 Ne Te Desk tand other artichs Loo numerous Lo men tion, at iy RRS, 808 1 % street, i Phope, 70 £15, Wer e Han ged, Rebels Manila, lender of the Pos mover | assumed the ttle Hand of Pevie his principal folio fthe prison of Hi j were found t | murders, A w made ito induce Governurfien Smith te {commute the sentence, hut be refused, Rerzove The Douks. \ Winnipeg, June At Yorkton he i mounted police have recived ordesn {irom the provincial government fo vemove the Boukhobors, but no infor mation as 16 their destination is glvey {out, They have been guiel and orders ily, contismally singivg, feeding of apples god peanuts, The Salvation Jescus opened at Hamilton, i { June Ablen, who oes + of the ie Rote, banged As erael ait 8 o bi to-day. wveral strong a i