THE DAILY BRITISH WHI CG, TUESDAY, JUNE 2, 1908. PAGE THRER -------------- RivesesssscsscosuvevIs Tg For Feet and H nds! (New Things) n We're ready with Hosiery for each mem- ber of the family. For men, and women, and misses, and Souths, and school children, and little bits of folk : Tan and black, and pink, a fe and red. These are in cotton, and , and Cash- mere, in plain or open work designs. Among the Silk Hosiery you'll find the newest patterns, of spots and fancy stripes. They are all of splendid lengths, well shaped and finished, 20c, 25¢, 30c, 33¢, 35¢, 40c, 50¢ and 75¢. "N © © o 2 GLOVES, in summer weights aud color- ings. There are, in all the world, no better gloves °* than Fowne's. We've got them, long and short, in all the new and the staple colorings, Cool, natty gloves, of glossy silk, and lisle, and fine, long-fibred cotton. These embrace the season's newest shades and your exact size is among them, From 25¢ to $2475 the pair. Libr CAR00800RIRS) AENENEANRANES SENSES RS ENARERANANARIS SANE RA0CASERSHOSRNS 2 AAARAS he esesecesssssessisnsarNssesseseecesttttces Ee BABY CARRIAGES. Must be cleared out in 10 days. Big reductions at RJ. REID'S, © 230 Princess St. Telephone 577 Ambulance. | pe-- Gene F ancy /ests Light Fancy Vests for Summer tare, becoming more 'popular. every "year, A great many men do not wish to discard the vest for the hot months. To such men the light, © cool summer vest is a find. : They also add greatly td the appearance. Ap- y » has more to do with & man's success THEY ATTEMPT MURDER TRY TO PUT FOREMAN ON A CIRCULAR SAW. bs. Story of a Desperate Attempt at Revenge in the Columbia River Company's Sawmill at Golden, B.C.--Hindus Put to Flight. Vancouver, June 2.--A visitor from Golden reports a ferment caused there by the attempt of Hindu employees of the Columbia River Lumber company to murder the white foreman by throwing him on a ciroular saw. Four Hindus, he says, disobeyed instruc tions regarding lumber being shipped. The foreman, a Frenchman, hot-tem- pered, reprimanded them severely and threatened to discharge them, Seizing him, they wefe carryine him to the big saw. A young white man came on the scene, picked up a slab, laid out three Hindus and the other turn- etd and fled. THE SPORT REVIEW. Matches To Arrange Lacrosse With Gananoque. The lacrosse team had a good work- out on Monday evening. \ There was 5 large number of players out and a first-class practice was put in. Cap- tain Singleton has & good bunch of men under him, and should come out on top. Manager Dalby is trying to arrange a game here with Ganano- que some Wednesday afternoon at four o'clock and Kingston play a return match down there on the Saturday. The Gananoque team have not had a game so far this season. City Baseball Teams. The city baseball teams are all keeping in trim for their enn to come. The Canadian Locomotive com- pany team has not been heard of yet, but will make ita first appearance on Saturday next, when it meets the Vies. An All-Round Athlete. J. J. Thompson, the new physical director chosen for the Y.M.C.A. is an all round athlete. Some few years ago be held the amateur champion- ship for the three-mile run, and hé also held the indoor athletic cham- pionship at the West End YM.CA,, Toronto, for two years, GENERAL HOSPITAL. ---- Miss Scott Resigns As Superin- tendent of Nurses. The regular monthly meeting of the general hospital governors was held, on Monday afternoon, at four o'clock, Present : Dr. Duff (chairman), Prof. Marshall, Rev, Dr. Maegilliveav. B. W, Robertson, Pr. Sparks, A. ¥. Chown, James A. Minnes, W. H. Dalton, F. G. Yockett, F. Welch, T. McK. « son, R. ¥. Elliott, Dr. Wood, Dr. Mac- intyre. The reauest of the Daughters of the Bwmpire for permisdion to conduct a tubercular sanatorium as an annex to the general hospital, on grounds apart from the hospital, was granted. A communication was received from Miss Scott, superintendent of nurses, resigning her position. The resigna- tion was accepted, with regret, bv the governors, and a resolution passed ex- pressing appreciation of her excellent services as superintendent of the training school. The number of patients treated dur- jing the month was 118. Visiting gov- ermors appointed for June were T. MeK.:: Robertson and R. F. Elliott, THE LATE JOHN HANLEY. His Death Was Sudden--Was Here on a Visit. The death of Capt. Johu Hanley, which ocourred in the Hotel Dieu hos- pital, on May 3lst, removes another of the old residents of Kingston who occupied a prominent place in the minds and hearts of all those who came in contact with him, and who had the pleasw2 of his acquumintance. He was for many years prominent in business affairs in Kingston, and left some years ago to reside with his daughter in Watertown. On May 24th he returned to the city to visit old friends and to renew acquaintances. On Monday he was suddenly stricken, and passed away on Saturda- noon, aged sixty-nine years. His kindly and sympathetic disposition won for him many friends who will sincerely moury him. Surviving him are three daugh- ters: Mrs. N. F. Breen, Watertown, N.Y: Mew. A. Powers and Miss Mao- gic Hanley, Langdon, North Dakota. The funeral took place on Tuesday to St. Mary's cathedral, where a solemn high mass was sung for the repose of his soul. Gentle laid him quietly to rest by The 'side of his dear wife in St. Mary's cemetery. The pall- bearers were : Messrs. Thomas Sul van, P. Daley, James Hogan, Keenan, T. Gallagher and P. Devlin, all close friends. HAmusements. (GRAND OPERA (HOUSE TO-NIGHT "nme Evenings, at 8.15. Matinee, Sat., 2.30 THE FISKE STOCK CO. Presenting Popular Plays, Players and Vaudeville Variety, pecia Scenic Equipment, Continuous Performances. TONIGHT A Child Of The Regi ment." WEDNESDAY--"'A_ Cowboy's Girl." 'Change of Play and Speciaithes Nightly. Speciai 1) 15-26 gee Seats now on sale. THE KING EDWARD This Palace Of Amusement, Cor. Princess & Montreal Sts TO-NIGHT; "MY CABBY WIFE" "THE MUSIC MASTER" Soloists : C. B. 8S. HARVEY, Basso. H. J. BRISTOL. Baritone. MRS, LESLIE HUGHES, Pidsist. Change of Programme TO-MORROW, CHAS. B. S. HARVEY, SMOKE UP! It's up to you to be preseat at THE WHIG HALL FRIDAY NIGHT A RARE OPPORTUNITY y --A Hearty Smoke {| --first class addresscs To ENJOY} ~the best music --a hearty laugh COME! YOU'RE WELCOME. JUST WATCH THE YOUNG LIB. ERALS WORK. Ju the ifterest of W. H. Reynolds Saturday, June 8th,.-8.15. Oddfellows' Excursion -- PO MONTREAL Under Auspices of Maliorytown 359 No. 245, 1.0,0.F,, by special G % train, on FLLDAY, June 5th. Tickets od urnin 7th. Ee To rai ns Sth awd Kingston .. .. 7.00 amy owen 88.65, T. L Junction 745 am. oo - 3185. Lansdowne... 7.00 aon we oo 8.00. Mallorytown . 8.10 sum ovine 2.90. LIB Se iri 8:25 ah wn 3.68. Brockville .... 8.35 8.0 weiss 2.60. HO, FOR A HOLIDAY! Leaves Kingston 7.80 a.m. Round Trip Tickets 38¢., good anti] used for any trips Steamer be chartered jor A a rst able Je 8 15¢. Package EAE Ao aptain, GEO: FAM Fates. WAL DUNCAN For further Public Meetings Liberal Candidate for the Legisintive Assembly, will be held at CATARAQUI, Thursday, June 4th,-8.15, BATTERSEA, Friday, June 5th,-8.15, INVERARY, First insertion le. a word. Fach con secutive insertion half cent a word. Minimum one in. sertion, 20c. ; three insertions; "S0c.; six, $1; one wonth, ¥i. WANTED-MALE, TWO MORE MEN, AT ONCE, ON THE . Lawrence Fruit Farms, wife Island. Apply 6G, Pyke & Son, AT a Se E, THREE SINSHITIS, be first-class Good Mae Apply at once to I inmons Bros'. WANTED-FEMALE, A COOK, REFERENCES. 'MRS, W, 1. Gordon, 157 King street. A SUITABLE NURSE FOR YOUNG by. Apply to 68 Barrie GOOD PLAIN COOK, APPLY IN ig evening to Miss Hora, 45 King 8 w % A VEST AND PANT MAKER. AP- LOST. A GOLD CHAIN WATCH FOB IF YOU WANT YOUR ROUSE PAINT. ed, ceiling ksisowmined, ed at low charges, sond 15 Rideau St., for estimate. THE OPPORTUNITY TO FURNISH estimates on electric work. All kinds of work promptly dome. F, J. Birch Electrician, 206 Wellington street. Sons Nogn PROPERTY TO SELL. hls NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT, fice, Cor. Queen and Bagot streets. HENRY P. SMITH, ARCHITECT ete. Anchor Building, Markel Squares "Phone, 35 POWER & SONS, ARCHITECTS, MER chant"s Bank Building, corner Brock and Wellington strects. Phone, 313, OF ce, second floor over Mahood's Drug A CAPABLE GIRL TO DO GENERAL housework, References, Apply 7 Wellington street, A COOK, APPLY IN THE EVENING EWMAN & SPRIGGS ELECTRIC 0©O. are making study of thei) homes and pune baildings both with Gas and Eieo tr they invite you | to unt 11 advice cheerful) ly given free of charge. Nickel and | ilver Plating. Newman & Spriggs, | to Mee, Walkem, Corner of Beverly and Union streets. And just such opportunities are being missed window won't do the work, but an advt. in THE WHIG will. at the top of this page, and send in your advt. Electric Co., 19 Princess St; 'Phone, | al. ou ve Sn give us store, corner Princess and Bagot wl ae nto cash. J. RB, a. streets. Entrance on Bagot strepty ey Wag . 'Phone 608. A Sarda collars, 0 ASHES | ouT OF Al td Te right." Ay i ENGINEERS. Lyte, Gonstal faa' | Engrs, R. BECKWITH, A, M. OAN 1 . + Ontario ssoelation FURNITURR To 3 SINISE oT = re Ty Consulting Engineer and rintond. We H, "Whittingham, Cor. | Architect, 18 Market Jt. Ringette, fia ot And Queen Sts., Kilpatrick's Ol tand, SITUATIONS VACANT, G DR 5 hig EN calle MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN BAR way's. oe price and sa guar ber trade. Graduates ears iwelve to apteed please, 131 St. Mylo doliata, Weekly. Hop secure ne. Lu) » 0 ane nett to "Bithy'e every, stant practice. Careful instructions, Few Weeks ov o course. Cates 10; rite Moler Barber ie, To Toronto. MARRIAGE LICENSES. ISSUER OF s 8. KIRKPATRICK Jarence St. Marriage Licenses, 43 ARE YOU ON THE LIST ? On Saturday the Whig received a letter from a resident of Freeport, Long Island, N.Y, asking us to send him a copy of the Daily Whig. "My object," he wrote, "is to look up King- ston boarding houses. We want to spend our summer in Kingston." Was your advt. in The Whig which he received ? If not, you missed the opportunity. every day you fail to advertise. A card in the Rates are moderate; read them oo mre FOR BALM, PUPILS RECEIVED BY A; R. Fearne, Profesgional Pianist. Ea gagements wanted for dancing classes iiate 2 F etc Apply by letter Whig office. HAIR, MOLES, BIRTHMARKS, warts, etc., removed permanently, without scar. Twenty years" experi ence. Dr. Elmer J. Lake, Eye, r Nose, Throat and Skin ¥ Flemish Specialist, 358 Bagot street. MONEY AND BUSINESS. OUR POLICIES COVER MORE P building and contents tham any oti street. SUMMER COTTAGE, THREE MILES from the city, Front Road, Pitts: arg Avely D. Dy Rogers, Eric, or i, McCann/ City. ROOM, IN "EX. change Chambers, No. 118 Brock St Apply to Geo. Olff, Real Estate Broker, 95 Clarence a, LARGE OFFICE FURNISHED, NO, 180 JOHNSON ST., 2 bathrooms, hot and cold water and gas heating on each flat. For pars ticulars, apply on the premises. TWO WELL LOCATED OFFICES, ORE LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBR Fire Insurance Company, Available assets $61,187,215. In addition which the policyholders have ' security the unlimited liability of ail the stockholders; Farm and city pro- perty lowest possible rates, Before renewing old or giving rates from Strange . "Phone, 068. SEALED TENDERS ADDRESSED 10 the um gned, and endorsed "Ten der for Cobourg Harbour Breakwaters,' Yili De reeaived at this ofioe aut 1 30 tario, according to tion to be seen at i Lamb, .. Resident nee London, Ont; J. #ineer Jiens and specifica of HH . Sing, Resident En- , Confedération oe "Building, Tor- nto, on application to the Postmaster at' Cobourg Ont., and he ment of Public Works, Tenders will not. be made on the printed forms suppied, and signed with the actual signatures of a accopted cheque on a chartered a bank, payable to tha order of the Hgn- ourable the Minister of Public Works, for thirteen thousand dollars (813, 000 - each tender. This will be i ton derin Sestifien the contract qr fai to com work coat for, and wil, be rettirned n tase of mon-aceepl- ance tender. The Department does not bind iteelf to mccept the lowest or any tender. By order, Ny %. 1008. : Si be paid for this insert it without company offers. Examine them at Godwin's Insurance Emporium, Mark- furnished, the other anfumished. at ot Square. $48 King street. Appl orrest Gents' Furnisher, 348 King street. LARGE DOUBLE FRONT ROOMS, |THE PARAGRAPH PULPIT. | pam. on Monday, June 239, 1908, for the congtruction of tWo breakwaters at. Cobourg, Noythamheriand County, On J.] vention and the Acceptance of a prof also large single rooms on the bath- room fiat. Apply 160 King St. near City Park. REV, un w. . CassoR, Salvation By Character. There can be no salvation save that wrought by good life. Whatever may be the theory of supernatural inter fered pardon, it is plainly manifest to all that it is only the kind deed and the pure thought aiid the love-life that impart to us power dnd peace The only salvation that saves is that which i kpised wpon the development of character by the wise choice of the right action. Salvation is not a celestial elevator; it is a ladder op which a man must climb rong by There is, vio other way 10 reach FOR SALE OR TO LET. TOo-LET. AT BASTVIEW PARK, FIVE MILESIpURNISHED DWELLING, OR ROOMS, | CANOPY TOPPED CARRIAGE, TWO from Kingston, one of the most storage for furniture, ete. MeUsan | "seats. Apply to McCann, 81 Broek beautiful spots on the St. Lawrence, 81 Brock street, street. . a séven-toom cottage. a ta nd - -.jaale. and pasture for horecs PPIY IGURNISHED, A _ COMFORTABLE to Rev. J. D. Boyd, 106 Pine St. seven-room brick house. Apply at ™O GOOD HOUSES NOS. 80 and" o3 176 Clergy street. Wellington street, Apply A, B, Ouse TUA WANTED. \ oN F108 See | BRICK DWELLING PARTLY FUR. nished at Morton, on the Widean BY EXPERIENCED ~~ MATERNITY| 'Apply to McCana, 51 Brock St. THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND NO. 1 Nurse (English), nursing by week or Diiek, Bist quality ; price right. Ape month. First-Class references from - EL Ply to James Saul, Tamworth, Ont. the best English Doctors. Apply Mrs. Nos. " Sud 3 ALFRED EB STREET, 9 a mo n mpro' Atking, 245 Montreal street. fot May. Apply A. B. Cunningham. RARY CARRIAGE CHEAP, CONT $25. PERSONAL. Hs bean used very little, as good . SUMMER COTTAGE, FURNISHED OR new. Apply to ih Mo ae unfurnished, on St. Lawrence and Whig. o Rideau. Apply to McCann, 51 Brock RUBBER TIRED RUNABOUT, DOOTOR Stanhope's Top Buggy, Business } aggons, p Milk Waggons. James Aaturney, Princess t.. Kingstol Carriagemaker, lon 206 BAGOT i t STREET, CONVENIENT. fortable solid modern ny he arranged for by telephone. J. Massie, Phone, 177. LIFE PRESERVERS, IN FIRST clans condition, for launches and skiffs. Buy ona for your boy, 25¢, each. Folger's Ticket Agency, Foot of Brock street. GASOLINE. ~WE HAVE THE ONLY up-to-date plant in the «ily, ahs Iutely accurate measurement, sil dirt and water removed, and gasoline Cons veyed to your tank through metal howe. High le gasoline Blso greases and lubricating oils Vrjoen the lowest. The ingston Boat C Vos Yacht Club Yard, "SUMMER FUEL" HARD 'WOOD, SOFT WOOD, SLAB WOOD, MILL WOOL, CEDAR BLOCKS 4 a3 Princess Street ' SPECIAL N NOTICE. WITH Sa ply J. B, Ouliette, 338 Princess St., Camelia attached, valued because it Sn ail once. was keepsake of Mother's, on Sunday. May 24th, Pinder kindiy leave ab Whig office and receive reward i *¥ Hina Can or wr NI Btu "8 X one, 3 334 King street, over Armstrong's. ARCHITECTS. ARTHUR E 8, ARCHITECT, OF. All dry new wood cut and # split to order. on James Swift & Coy was Wl rung. the top. Address, Rev. C. W. Casson, Fe 2 Basan sett, Boston, Bbw, Tok the | To the Ladies of Kingston : literature I have removed to the former = The Old Cab Stand With a New Namber PHONE 600. . Orders promptly attend- ol to, day or night. Board of Education rooms, ow treal street, corner Princess. Re-' A member the place. J. ROSEN, LADIES' TAILOR. Why Bay Imported Mattresses ? When you can get better and » Al tk