PAGE AI - Son upper obeerer MCKAY furs | oe Department All kinds of new fur gar- ts made to special ure, and we also have facilities fcr ze- modelling, repairing, and re- furs at short notice t makes it possible for us to transform your old Furs dnto new. We guarantee peér- fact satisfaction as to fit, Telephone 489. John Mekay Fur House, 149-155 Brock St. >O000 WEDDING RINGS We always keep a good selection on hand and make to order any special size or ha pe. Our gold is rich in color nd style, and workman<hip prfect. Buy from the maker t the advantage in price, OCOO0OO000000000 CO THE 5P.M.EDITION | SPORTS OF ALL NATIONS, mn ---- Shown in Moving Pictures at The herent EEE OO %) and 8 pangenberg JEWELLER, Issuer of Marriage Licenses. BS | one of our Refrigerators, o from ware Aaah Bijcu. "Sport from all the World," shown at the Bijou, in moving pictures, do day and to-morrow, troduces » of all nations and opens with Indian | Club exercises. Next follows hammer | throwing, jumping, pole vauliing,| { {with beautiful specimens of high jus, | i followed in nuick succession by hurdle | | racing. The walking contests follow, | with racing, tennis and football. This | {is followed by the Norwegian method of exercising. A bevy of well formed athletic girls go through various ex- excises of chest, arm apd limp devel opment, Fen ing and nest, Following boxing and wrestling] comes steoplechasing, showing some very good examples of hedge and ditch leaping, hurdle jumping, and horde racing, showing some beautiful exam- ples of horse flesh attached to the sulkios, and going at a good clip. Cy- cling, swimming, trick diving, rowing, skating, ski jumping. The aeroplage next engages attention. The film heau-¥ tifully concludes with a pretty exhi- bition ol children leaving a school hbuge, armed with the tov, the Dia- bolo. The programme includes com- | edy travelogues and songs, f Thos. Mills & Co. Stetson hats, 31, for £3. Wilkinson hats a, for 81.49, The Mills hat, 32.50, for 21.98, "Many customers" wish to pay for their telephone orders at the house. That is another advantage von enjoy by buying at Gibson's Red Cross Prag Store, This is the i | of our | White Enamel Refrigerators With less ice than you have ever used bo- fore. It is worth your while in the in- terest of health and economy Lo have Wa have them $7.00 up to $42.00. We have GALVANIZED, WHITE ® NAMEL and GLASS LINED. Len W. A. Mitchell's Hardware. hursday Morning, 8.30 O'clock {way up Princess street, a The complete stocks and factory samples, slightly soiled, of a French manufacturer of high class slin Underwear . Gowns, Skirts, ~ Dressing Sacques, Corset Covers, Drawers Regular valoes up to $6.50 each 78c. Each. These garments are made of extra fine ma- terials, including Mulls, Nainsooks, ng- lish Long Cloths, &c. They are beauntiful- ly timmed with French Hmbroidery, alenciennes Laces, * Insertions, Tuck- ngs, &c. Included in this lot are many fine hand-made garments, superior to any- ye¥ offered to the people of King» POTS | weight lifting | 0 remarkable accomplishment 4 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 3, 1008. THE POLLING PLACES oo = [nis ELECTORS WILL! CAST THEIR BALLOTS. | pe {At the Ontario Election Next Monday--Natues of the Polling] { Sub-divisions and the Deputy Returning Officers. i 1L.--At 88 Gore] uty retarniog | { Sydenham ward, No. street. J. Lovett, de | officer. Sydenham ward. No. 2 {liam street, William deputy returning officer. Outario. ward, No, { hall. John Or, deputy retwroing oer Ontario ward, No. 4---At 214 Bagot E | street W. ©. Martin, deputy return ing officer, St. Lawrence ward, No. 5.~At 72 Princess street. J. F. Loscombe, depu- ty returning officer, " St. Lawrenee ward, No. 6-At 562 Princess street. J. E. Hopkirk, depm- ty returning officer, : Cataraqui ward, No. T-At 216 Wel lington street. Alfred Horsfall deputy returning officer Cataraqni ward, No. 8--At 225 Wel. deputy . At 96 Wil McCormack, 3 At DOntarit of | lington street. James Gowan, ¢ {returning officer. Cataragqui ward, street. J. Gillespie, officer, Cataraqui Montreal street. J. A, deputy returning ofliger. Frontenac ward, No. 11--At 291 Princess street, I. J. Garbatt, deputy #turning officer, Frontenac ward, No. 12--COrner Col- borne and Barrie streets. William Imird, deputy returning officer, Prontenawe ward, No. 13--Corner Col- borne and Clergy streets, William Deane, deputy returning officer. Frontenac ward, No, T4-At 181 Pine aireet., ¥. Hughson, deputy returning officer. Froutenae wand, No street. BF. MetJunid, deputy Hicer, Rideau ward, No. sion street, W. Samnders, turning officer, Rideau ward, Nao. 17--At 621 Prin- street, John Hamer, | deputy re turning officer, Ridean sword, No /18 and Division streets. John deputy returning officer Rideau ward, No. 19---At 34 Upper William street. Herbert Holder, depu ty returning officer. Rideau ward, ' Ne. 20-At 330 Uni- versity avenue. IH. Sharpe, deputy re- turning officer. Rideau. ward, No. 21 cons street. John Peters, turning ollicer, Victoria ward, street. R. E. Burns, officer. Victoria ward, No. steoet.y Willipm offices. ward, No. 21- O'Kill streets, A. returning officer. a5--Corner King lates, deputy | No. 9-At 58 Bay deputy returning ward, No. 10-A¢ 257 Donaldson, 15---At 27 John returning 16---At 210 Divi- deputy re- Coss Corner Brook Johustofi, At 670 Prin- deputy re. No. 2-At. 216 Karl 19 Divi- deputy At sion Dunlop, returning Victoria King and son, deputy Victor in ward, No. and Beverly streets. 1. returning ofliceg. Portsmouth, Xo. 26--Village hall. C. F. Smith, deputy returning officer. Corner of Jamie- CONSERVATIVE BACKED DOWN When Bet Was Made on Coming Election. Politics is the main topic of con versation these days--on the street, in public buildings, in offices and even pn the street cars. Yesterday morn- ing, as a street car was wending its leading b+ who is also a city father, and were busily and sizing The liberal strong points beral, a prominent conservative, engaged in talking politics, up the local situation. was dwelling upon the of the liberal administration, and the conservative was backing up the Whitney government. As the car near- ed - street, where the alderman was obliged to alight, the conservative waxed very warm. The conservative was ready to bet anything, even his wife and family, so it is sax, that the Whitney government would be sus tained, and that the local conserva- tive eandidute wonld be elected by a big majority. He said this as companion stepped off the car. This was more than the liberal war- horse "could stand. His right went down deep into his pocket in a second, and he pulled out a roll hills that made the eyes of his servative friend bulge out, "Look here," he added, holding up 8100, "I will bet you this amount, or any other sum you like, that the h- beral candidate will win out." The conservative fell hack in his seat, and all he could say was thie: "I have no money with me; I will see you again." And just them the ear moved on, and the liberal was left standing in the middle of the road, with the money still in hand, gazing after the street oar. eon Remember General Buller. There are a number of ex-volunteers in Kingston who mentor the late General Buller wi Some of these are *Ernest horas. N. J. Dingman. John Mahoney, Richard Wilson. and Thomas Manre, wha served in the Ist Ontario Rifles during the Red River vebellion. Mr. Roberts reealle the fpeneral, who was at that time of the 60th Rifles (regulars.) esommissariat officer during the Red River camps) headquarters af Thunder Bay most popular with the men. nel was {: -------------------- i Fresh Lo 's And Ganong's. I rants & Jenkin. "Try Maple Walnut Sumdae," at Gas Rd Grom Dine Store foun" FERRER L SSF EERE deputy getuzning and the season it cord in theatrical history his (here for one performance on day. hand | this wonderful of | new and complete Steamer Naorih: King leaves Sone days at 10.15 a.m, for 1000 Island ports and at 5.00 pm. for Bay of nine Ports and Rochester. The Portsmouth Council. The Portsmouth cowmwil and court of revision met last evening. There were only a few minor assessment ap- {peals. Leave of absence wi aS granted the village clerk. J. W. Henstridge, who is going to England for a trip. The council will meet again on the Soth. Recital In Cathedral. * The Vocal Students' Club will give a recital of sacred music, wader the auspices of the Anglican Young Peo ples Associ iajion, of St. ieorge"s, if the cathedral, on Thursday evening, June 11th. ---------- Tempters Are Busy. tories gre , making tremendous pull off Mr. Metcalfe; the warld if he wilt only come down, Will he resist the tempter 7 Ho says so. Anyway the liberal cause will triumph if only one opponent keope in thé Held At The Police Court. Two cases were booked for the po- lice court, this morning, but both were enlarged for' a dav. A Ioeal dhibman charges another cabman with driving at an immoderate rate, and damaging his cab, and there is also a counter <harge. Owing to the ab sence of a witness, the cases were adjourned for a day. Drink For Health. To be whalesome, soda water ought to Jouk g taste good and _ be good. To god, good in evpry sense it must be made from perfect materials and [rée from contamination of every kind. Our clean, polished lasses are typical of the purity of our soda. It is the kind that is as good as it looks and tastes. Wade's drug store, The endeavors to they offer him LIBERAL ROOMS. ---- The Liberals have their up-town conunittee rooms over Medley"s Drug Store at the corner Princess and Clergy streets, and all sup- pbrters of Mr. Pense are in- vited to visit them fre- quently and aid the workers in every possible way. The down-town committee rooms are in the Golden Lion Block, Wellington street, on the second floor. The latter constitute the headquarters. EEEEFERE ¥ETEEEEE ZX ---------------------------- Scholars Minus Pencils. The thieves who gained an entrance to the depot school the other night made off with a quantity of Toned pencils and peng, the property of the scholars. They: could net find any money, $0 ev idently took the pencils and pens as pay for the trouble they had in getting into the school. et -- Kingston And Cape Vinént. Change of Time--Commencing Mon- day, June lst, steamer will leave Kingston daily ineluding Sunday at 500 am. and 2.00 p.m, returning leave Cape Vincent 10.55 a.m. and 4.30 p.m., making direct connestion to and from all points in New York State. Paid Money Over. License laspector Clark Wright has collected the license fees for 1908-9, and is making his returns to the city and the government. This morning, he called at the city treasurer's office, and wave in a cheque for the city's share, which amounts te $1.230.35. He will at once forward the cheque to the government, which amounts to $4,260.35. "The Lion And The Mouse." Since the last visit of "I'he lion Mouse" at the Grand last | has established a new. re- and will 'he Wednes- | suffrage EXACT HIGHER RATE IN THE-MATTER OF suc | CESSION DUTIES. Hypocrisy of the Whitney! Government--Whitney Alweys Opposed This Tax When in Opposition. | In the City Hall, at the vomination, | W. F. Nickie created the impression | | i The that the Ontario opposition had con- seated to the suetsmgion duty or es tate tax, as a fair ope. Yet the pye | sent provincial treasurer moved to re duce the duties one-third. They maov- od : "That the bill (Number 131 to make further provision for the payment of succession duties in certain cases), be not now: read the third time, but hey forthwith referred back to a commit) tee of the whole with mstrucs tions" to amend sub-sections 2 and 3 of section 4, by staking out the fig- ures $2.58 aud 85, and insuting in lien thereof, $1, and to amend sub section 4, of said section, by striking out the figure 35 and ieserting 32 in lieu thereol, and to amend sub-section 5 of said section, by striking out the word ten and substituting therefor the word six."" The Whitney ocramenl if now exacting oa higher rate than the tax it dil its Lest to reduce. house, Look' Into Affairs. It is of the utmost importance that every Britisher who is now on the Un- tario voters" list should thoroughly acquaint himseli with the policy and administration of both parties and measure each according to their jdeals of responsible government. The man whp comes from the moth- erland comes unprejudicesd. The term lineral or conservative fe r the most part cannot find anmlogics in Ms pa: tive land, for issues hore are entirely different from issues there, There is, of course, one ception. The hberal party has always been on the people, as it has in the Old coamtry liberalism save the Brit ish people reform, step by step, aml to«day it stands for radical policies of perfecting government, Likewise Canadian seured for the people mote and more fighting the arbitrdry element of tary ism that in Great Britain, as in Can ada, stood for government by certain favored classes, In Canada to-day it is liberalism that is to be thanked for mantivod and the ballot, In this respect there is a similarity botwern the political parties of Cana da and the United States. PERSONAL MENTION. Movements Of The People--What They Are Saying And Peing. William. Flannigan is ill at his home, Barrie streety Russell Brown is in Ottawn attend: ing the tennis tournament. Dr. Neish and wife, New York, ars rived, to-day, to spend the summer in the city. Miss. Hutton, of Watertown, has ar- rived to pay a visit to her another, at Darriefield., Miss Bowman, of Upper Princess street, left yesterday, to visit friends it Brownville, N.Y. F. Harrison, Rideau street, loft, on Thursday, for Maynooth to re- sume his duties on the C.O.R. John O'Neil, Portsmouth, left, to- day, for Montreal, where he has se cured a position in the C.P.R. offices. William Jarrett and wife, Syracuse, N.Y., are visitors in the city. Mr. Jarrett, a former well-known King stonian. Harold Armstrong, leit to-day, for Chicago, secured position with Beef company. Nelson Herton and Scott, Almonte, visiting Hepburn, Pine street, left Alexandria Bay, N.Y. Miss Mavme Dancy, a graduate of the Kingston Business College had taken a position with the Bufialo Forge company, Montreal : Mrs, Gwynne, Toronto, notable ex? in Canada side of thé old country. responsible liberalism 8 power, Alfred where he has the Armour street; friend, Mr. Mrs. R. W. to-dav, for and Mr will go to 10th, at the Grand, and Harris will again present | play with an excep { tionally strong cast and a production | in every detail. June Henry B. | Car Government Refrigerator Service. The Grand Trunk milway has ar ranged with the governme nt for a special refrigerator oar service weekly, rom May lth te October 17th, for shipments of bitter destined to Mon- | treal for export. The ears wikl be | rin on way freight trains to Mon- treal, as follows: From Belleville and stations east to Brockville op Wednesdays, arriving at Montreal, 6 pm, Thursdays, Local Victorian Nursing. The local executive of the Vietorian Order of Nurses met Tuesday after: poon. The nurse yeported that during Mav she had attended ten dew cases, making 125 visits, The sum of 5.75 had been euliected in fees. Of the casos attended, five werd Anglicans, four Roman Catholics and one was Preshyteyian. The local cxoentive will have itd new nurse on July Ist, tom place Miss Offord, who is setiring. -------------- Music Folios, at 22¢c. To reduce our larpe stock of music folios, we will 'have on sale on June 3rd and th. at 22%. 4 copy, musie fuios that have never an sold un There wilh be for Piano "Good Ok Song "Royal Folio," "Star Dance Folio," * - bath Fohous," Sacred Songs' Folio, "Sonrting Al FReethoven Cont- positions" "The Mundelssoln Com- i N iaga ra beans from Jllinois, at Cafeevsky's Douglas Younys, Kingston, Falls for 'a short Mrs.- Major, Clifton House Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Godwin and Mrs. (Rev.) J. H, Miller returned, to day; from Quebec, where they were attending the Montreal conference Mrs. David Brown, Clergy stres was removed fo the general hospital, to-day. She has been ill for a few davs, and this morning taken with severe pains In her head, which betame so severe that she lost con stionsness, and was at once removed to the hospital for treatment, in Cor bett's ambulance. visit to : was Special Offerings To=morrow, 9.30 a. m. And All Day if These Lots Last, In Montreal a few days ago we came in touch with the representative of a Japanese Linen firm, and secured a lot of his samples at a price greatly below what we could import these for direct from Japan. We are going to share this bargain with you To-morrow and will offer the following : 287 Battenburg Lace Squares With pure linen drawnwork centres. Dainty patterns,' Different sizes, At exactly HALF PRICE. See window display. s SAMPLES 325 Pairs Ladies' Black . Lisle Thread Stockings. Thread and Lace Lisle in a great variety of and makes. re all 9 ineh. ralues are 4be, H0c¢, Your Choice To-morrow, 35¢c Pair. Sizes The bbe, 60e, Ah. fos le DESERTER SENTENCED. Cecil Rogers, Artilleryman Given Ninety Days. Céril Rogers, a member of the RC. H.A.. arrested two weeks ago by Con- stable Thomas Mallinger, on a charge of desertion, was sentenced 0 ninety days, at heed Inbor. This was his second offence, Rogers had plans laid to get out of town, but his preposed trip was nipped in the bud by Constable Mul- linger. The soldier, with bag baggage, hired on one of the boats in port hore, on the nicht of his arrest. but stories were set afloat aout This behavior. Constable: Mullinger = got "wind" af the affair aad when the constable went on board the vessel, he found Rogers in hiding. jn the hold of the boat, Tle immedigtely took him in charge, and handed Wa over to the military anthorities. This ik the thinl man to he sen- tenend for deserting from the ranks, within a verv short space of tine. first offender was given a year, and the second was sent down for six months. New Potatoes From Virginia. Farly cabbage from Maryland, new dry onions from Texas, 'and hut ter Ce oe------------ at Cikson's Rel Met your fri Tog and | "All Kinds. ~All Prices. Boys' Canvas Boots, feather tip, Ito 5, 75c. Small Boys Boots, leather tips, 11 to 13, 6H. Boys' Strong Heavy Boots, pegged soles, 1 to 5, $1.00, Smal Boys' Heavy Boots, riveted soles, 11 to 13, $1.00 . Boys' Box Calf Blucher Cut Boots, 1 to 5, $1.50. Small Boys® Blucher Cut Boots; 11 to 13, $1.25. Better Shoes at higher prices ; all solid leather, ett Shoe Store. just in. P.5..Bome Ne New Trunks and Nes w Buit Cases § J TY A