In Connection With Canadian Pacific Railway. Leaving Kingston Tuesdays June 9,23; July7, 21; Aug. 4, 18; Sept. 1,15, 29 Round Trip 2nd Class Tickets to Winnipeg Northwest points at Very Low Rates GOOD POR SIXTY. DAYS, Comfortable berths in Tourist Sleeping Cars at small extra charge, Ask for Homeseekers' Pam Full particulars at K. & P. 4 R. Ticket Office, Ontario St. 'Phone, 50. F. CONWAY, Gen. Pass. Ageot. Wt ------ BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY Train leaves union station, Ontario street, 4 pan. daily (Sundays excepled, for Tweed, Sydenbami Napapee, Deser- onto, Bannockburn and all points north, fo secure quick despatch to Bannock- burn, Maynooth, and paints on Central Ontario, route your shipments via Bay of Quinte Railway. For further particu- Jars, apply to BR. W, DICKSON, Agent, 'Phone, No. 3. SUMMER OUTINGS Lower St. Lawrence Gaspe Peninsular Maritime Provinces All reached by the INTERCOLONIAL RAILWAY Sleeping Car and principal phlet and and C, P {Excellent Dining and equipment), Fishing, Bathing, Boating, Shooting. 0 "TOURS TO SUMMER HAUNTS,' quoting special rites for special tours, and other pamplets de, scribing territory, Write for is Montreal City Office, 141 St. James Street. General Passenger Deparément, MONGTON, N.B. Quebec Steamship Company LIMITED, River& Gulf of St. Lawrence Summer Oruises in Cool Latitudes Twin Screw Iron 88, * Campana," with electric lights, electric bells and all modern comfort. SAILS FROM MONTREAL ON MON- DAYS, at 4 put. 16th and 29th, June, 18th and 27th July, 10th and 24th August, 7th and bie September, for Pletou, N.S., calling 'at Quebec. Gaspe, Mal Bay, Perce, Grand River, Jausinerside, P.EL, and Charlottetown, Wn NEW YORK FROM QUEBEC, calling at Charlottetown and Halifax, 8.8, Trinidad, 2,600 tons, 11th, and 25th, July BERMUDA Summer Tixcursions, $40 and upwards, "Bermudian, | § in Serew 84. Salling fortnightly from from nd June to Temperature cooled by breezes seldom rises above B0 degrees. The finest trips of the season health and comfort. RTHUR AHERN, Secretary, Quebec. i pf tickets and staterooms apuiy to Js P, HANLEY, or OC, 8S, KIRKPAT- RICK, Ticket Agents, Kingston Ont. GRAND TRUN Homeseekors Excursions to Manitoba find the Canadian Northwest and return Ea athe Le. For Pullman or Tourist car reserva- tion and any o information, apply to J. P. HANLEY, Agent, Cor. Johnson and Ontario Sts: Local Branch Time Table. a Ly prey Sine at City GOING WEST. RAILWAY SYSTEM good two months of going salls from Quebec i: 8th and 22nd, | Sth | 5 sea | iS for | WHAT WHIG CORRESPOND. |! ENTS TELL US. The Tidings From Various Points in Eastern Ontario--What People Are Doing And What They Are Saying. : Crop Prospects Good. Vennachar, May 30.--James Grant has moved into Joseph Churchill's house. He has been laid up with a cut foot, but is able to go about again, A. HH. Gregg ald D. J, have a gang of men in the woods peeling timber for Gillies Bros. A number from here attended division court in Denbigh on May 27th. In each of the five cases tried, defendants had 'to pay the claims to costs. Har- vey Snider has invested in a cream separator. Pasture and meadows are considered one month earlier than last. year. Maberly, June 1.--G. G. MeGregor is laid up with a sore hand. John Gordon's baby i8 very sick. Quite a number from here were in Perth t, the Highland Kilties on Wednes- It has been decided to build 4 8 new fence around the school house. Miss Laura McGregor and Miss Bertie Perkins called on friends on Saturday night and Miss Cordick, of Perth, is at William Buchanan's. Frederick Samwell is in Perth for a week. Her- bert Buchanan spent Saturday even- ing in Bathurst, Votatoes are very searce around Maberly. see day. ¢ « i Struck By Lightning. Snider Road, June 2.--The electric 1 storm on Sunday did damage striking |} Stanley Snider's barn and badly wrecked it. It took fire, but by the ald of the neighbors they succeeded in putting it out. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. E. Walroth, Veronag, and Mr. and Mrs. F. Reed, Kingston, at M Snider's; Mr, and Mrs. E. Smith, Holleford, and Mr. and Mrs, Sni- | dei, at J. Walroth's; Mr. and Mrs. J. Switzer, Echo Lake, and Mr. and Mrs. John Grant, Yarker, at W. Veldy's; Mr. and Mrs. Rut fan, Har- |? rowsmith, at C. Rattan's, Ss. Wilbur Tidings. : Wilbur, June 1.--R. Summerville, |} from Queen's, has come to hold ser- |& vice hete for the summer. A large |, number of men are working in the |} iron ore mine here and are shipping a large quantity of A little / girl |; SUN AND SNOW : ore, Sometimes Help the Hair to Go. In any changeable elimate the hair 15 apt to become brittle and to break off stubby here and there. This makes a hair-dressing almost go necessity, es- | ¢ pecially to ladies. In using a hair} dressing why not get the best, one} that combines with it the efficiency in killing the dandruff germ, i the germ that eats the hair off at the roots, causing what is called falling {i hair, and in time baldness. "Herpicide™ is that kind of a hair-| 1 dressing. You have no idea how de || ightful your scalp will feel, and how {| stylish your hair will appear, after an application or two of Herpicide- It is|! certainly a wonderful innovation as a scalp antiseptic and hair dressing. Sold by leading druggists, Send 10c. in stamps for sample to Th Herpi- cide Co., Detroit, Mich. Two sizes, Hle, and #1. G. W. Mahood, special agent, The sudden changes in weather 81 t ought to suggest the wisdom of putting id some good coal. We BE sell good Coal, It's the kind that = sends out the most heat, and |B makes the home comfortable ; it's i the best money can buy, and | there is none better mineds We deliver it to you clean and without slate, at the very bottom prices, =" Booth & CO, . | | Phone 133 Foot of West 8¢t [X | e Old With a New Number PHONE 600. Orders promptly attend- ed to, day or night. v Stand |: pe It You Iutend Selling Out, ~CALL ON & Auctioneer and Commission Mart, 86 and 88 Brock St. ALL SALES CAREFULLY CONDUOT, ED, PROMPT SETTLEMENTS MADE. J WEN Lib wim: Big @ for anata sinflammations i or ulveration WHCOus membrane and not astein sont of poisonous. t Y NEWS OF NEIGHBORS visitor has come to stay at the home Rollow and : Robertsville, Mary Richardson. Miss Aggie Mpnion Muggie Mis. Kingston; Miss Julia Murphy at fell, yesterday. ated Flake looking promising. through seeding. their potatoes. gang of men peeling tanbark woods, recently Wagar. ill, is convalescent. tertown, Wagar. Maberly Notes. . ' : y tes Yeley's; Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Switzer, at M. Crook's, Wagarville. here. J. Wilson, of sick for some time, day- cemetery. ker & Forsythe stenographer, good growing weather, The flow of very thin, have gained; well. The land Miller absence, and S. NS. Asselstine. Newbro's| Asselstine has returned to Wolie Wednesday. Mrs, marriage to Andrew Crawford, by Rev. William Halpenny, sisted sents i | Simpson last week, rett met with a serious accident Wednesday. barn loft jand missed her footing and fell, breaking Mr. Bishop, his family here for the season. Farm- TOMMY O'CONNOR |" Workers met at Armstrong Sargeant intends leaving on Tuesday for Fort Frangis. Visitors : Dora Bishop at the factory: Canboy at A. Jr., at 8. Armstrong's. most James Short, Portsmouth. kett and daughter, Falls, are spending a few dave' with Mrs, James Murphy. Mes. John Ham- ilton is spending a friends in Napanee. Visitors : Hannah awd Apnastasia O'Connor at Miss M. . Mjss Maggie Scanlan, Glendower: Ed- ALLAN Mail LINE J a Vo hainy Augot stine, lem, ton's; phy's; Miss cey's, Godfrey: THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 3, 1008. of Mr. and Mys. Moreau, Mrs. Joseph family have moved they to intend to made a flving Thursday. Miss t A. MgGonigal's; nh \ White's; Mise gi Moreau's; ends where ive. Robert Gibson rip to Kingston, Burke at JoSN visiting fr 8S. Jackson in A. R. Burke, Jackson's, Lavant; Mrs. Jeo, visiting friends here. Echo Lake Events. Echo Lake, June 1A grand rain It was much apprece the people. Everything is up this morning and very Most of the farmers are Some have planted John Lowry has a in the bopght from Allen Ella Mcleod, who has been Addie Hodgson is ome again, after an absence of a fiw months. Miss Josephine, Wagar, Wa- visiting at her uncle's, A. John Switzer and family, at at Mr. by Mr. Veley's; William Wagar, News From Westport. Westport, Jupe 1.--J. V. Donnelly, V.S., Smith's Falls, spent Sunday with riends here. Mr. and Mrs. Charbon- wau, Prockville, are visiting friends Miss Marie Wright, Athens, is Mrs. H. W. McNally, W. Gananoque, the reform andidate for Leeds, addressed a large rowd in the hall on Wednesday even- ng. Patrick Smith, who has been died on Wednes- There was a very large funeral Friday to the Roman Catholic Roy McCann, of this place, ate of the Kingston Business College, was secured a position with the Wal Co., Montreal, as + guest of m Sharpton Jottings. Sharpton, June 1.--We are having Meadows and vastures are looking fine and are as good as ever seen for the last of May. The good. prospects for grain are not so The crop is going in very late and some have much land yet to sow, milk is good and stock works very hard, on account of much heavy rain. J. McKeown, who ws been unwell, is better, Thomas 'so Sharp has gone to Dakota, where he vill reside. F. ws father. Sharp is home with Some of the scholars are gotting ready for the entrance exam- nations. Everybody is very busy as he season is so late. As to the elec ion, everything is very quiet. ------ Moved To Other Places. St. George's Lake, June 2.~Miss N. has returned, after a week's resomes] her duties in he schoolroom. The stork has again isited this community, this time caving a little visitor at the home of Asselstine. J. Wilson has moved nto the house formerly occupied by B. Quamadore and fam- ly have moved to Sharbot Lake. H. ls- and, after visiting relatives here. Mygs, '. Riley took in the Vietoria day cele- wation in Kingston. George McKivor attended the funeral of his brotherin- R. Vanvolkenburg, Mclean, on Visitors : Mrs. W. Tryon, McGinnis'; P. Riley, at J, s; F. E. McKivor and Mrs. H. r, Tichborne, at 0G. McKivor's aw, Miss R. Gendron, Crow Lake, was the guest of Miss N. Miller, on Sunday. Marriage At Folger. Folger, June 1.--A pleasant event ook place at the home of Mr. and V. Pragky, on May 21st, when daughter, Ilda, was united in Clar- performed Sharbot Mr. and Mrs. D. McDougall the youn: couple. Many received show the esteem in vhich the young couple are held, W, Jurnham and family have moved in- o their house in the village. D. Des. ardine his sister, Mrs. R Mrs. B. Cameron, heir ndon. 'The ceremony was ake, as- pre visited Flower Station, spent Sunday in the illage. Miss MecQuit, of Fallbrook, isiting friends here. Dr. Lockhart, of larrowsmith, spent a day fishing at Red Horse Lake recently. Accident At Zealand. Zealand, May 30.--Mrs. John Gar- on She was climbing to the her leg in two places. cheesdmaker, has moved rs are nearly all through with their pring's work and planting. James 'onboy, who has been laid up for time, is slightly better. The members 8 the T.OF. Club gathered at the Tuesday evening last anda v home of Joseph Bishop on en- spent. The Willing the home of P. J. Friday evening. H. ywable time was on Miss Lot J. Conboy's; Miss la BH. A. G. Garrett, ie Scott iat Bishop's; esi Many Visitors. Sangster, June 1.--Farmers have al- completed seeding. Thomas foung purchased a fine horse from Mrs. Bir- Marv. Smith's few days with Misses Young's: J. D. Burns Barrett at and P. O'Connor's; Tobin, Long Lake, and M. at John . P. Corcoran at J, Mur Mayme Walsh at T. Nei Miss Maggie Walch, tes, and E. MeAlicter, Canoe Lake, James Murphy's; Thomas Golden at i Connor's. 1 tended owing to the heavy rain Vie toria Day passed off quietly. Some! took in the picnic at Crow Lake Dam, | while others attended thé celebration | in the Limestone City. 'the Empire | Day exercises were well attended. Rev. | Mr. Uox, Parham, occupying the chair, | The gave g very instructive address. Union Jack floated over the school duving the day. Mrs. P. Ritchie bas returned bome after visiting friends in Kingstomy Mrs. H. Gray and Miss F. McRivor spent Sunday at St. George's | Lake. Visitors : CC. Steele, Water town, NY. gt W. Nanna's; D. Ferg son, at T. Duffy's; Misses Pear! Ritch- ie and Jennie Allison, at J. Harris'; Mr. and Mrs. FP. Ritchie, at A. Howes'; Miss M. Swerbrick, Werona, at home. -- ~ Point Traverse Notes. Point 'Traverse, June 1.--Mr. and! Mrs. Oscar "Minaker have gone to spend the week end with her purents | at Big Island. Herbert Bongard has built a new summer residence at the Point, where he intends to reside. Miss Alice Farrington has left the steamer Reindeer and is home. Mrs. Isaac Head is expecting her daugh- ter, Mrs. A. Ustrander, Toronto, home from New York, where she went to spend Easter with friends. She will remgin with her parents for a couple of months. Fishermen are doing well now and the hum of the motors ean be heard all hours of the day. We are having lovely growing weather now. Miss Clara Head is visiting at Picton and Bigh Shore. Clayton Dul- mage lost wy fine colt last week, Miller Hicks is shearing sheep for D. Wood. He has a flock of about 100. Nelson Minaker has g new rubber tired rig. Pine Hill Paragraphs. Pine Hill, June 2-Mr, and Mrs. J, B. Kellar spent Sunday at Alexander Kellar's. George Wagar, DBellahac, called on friends in this vicinity on Saturday. Cleveland Oderkirk spent Sunday the guest of Arthur King Rufus Wagar and his mother spent Thursday evening at Gidedn King's. Charles McMullen spent Monday at Tamworth. J. B. Kellar has taken the job of making - cheese in Fifth Lake factory for the season. We are sorry to say Mys. D. Wagar is on the sick list. A pumber of voumg folks from this vicinity spent Fridav even- ing at Rev. Mr. Allin's, Enterprise, and had a pleasant evening. Frank Snider and family spent Sunday at Wagar's. Gideon King and Mrs. Gi. Ackerman attended the funeral of Robert Vanvolkenburg, McLean." Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Wagar spent Sunday at Rebert King's. Miss Ella Oder- kirk is spending a few weeks at Cole- brooke. Miss Libbie Wagar has re turned home after spending a few weeks at Enterprise. Had Foot Amputated. Wilstead, June 1.--Edward Kelsey, Havelock, brother of Mrs. J. B. Wil son, is still in the Brockville hos- pital, where he has undergone an op- eration, having part of his foot ampu- tated. , W. Wilson, liberal candidate, called on a number of his friends last week. He is all smiles. Mrs. W. Sales is still on the sick list. Our cheesemaker, FE. Hall, requires two helpers on Mondgy to handle the large amount of milk that is being brought in. Among those who spent Victoria day in Kingston were Miss M. Rich- ards, A. Clifie, 8. Cross and G. Bou- cher. W. Johnston, inspector public schools, visited our school last week. There was no service held here on Sunday, on accgunt of the absence of the pastor, Rev. J. Cornell, who is attending the ampual Methodist ference, now in session at Quebec, W Heaslip, our local butcher, is again his old route, and will deliver twice a weeky Messrs. William Walter Gray are each erecting barns. Recent. visitors : Miss M Carpenter and J. Murchie, Gananoque, at J. B. Wilson's; Mr and rs Pierce, Athens, at W. Kyes' The first baseball game of the season was plaved between Elheneezer and Wil stead teams, Tuesday evening. Our lo- cal team is out practising three tines a week, and eXpeet to make its im portance felt before the season is over. 18 con on meat and new Death Of An Old Resident. Milean, June 1.--Kobert Vanvol kenburgh was found dead on the pul- lic road betweeen Mclean and Wagar ville, on Monday, May 25th. He was on his way to the cheese factory. De troubled with heart failure for some time and it is sup posed he had a weak spell and fell hetween the wheel and step, cutting his head baglly. The waggon having about twelve hundred of milk on it, passed over his body. Deceased was born in Camden about sixty-five years ago and was a man of kindly dis- position. He leaves a widow and six children, five sons, Elgin, Enterprise; Frederick, McLean: Robert, Alberta, N.W.T.;: John and Stewart, at home, and one daughter, Mrs. Rufus Wagar, Trafiord, to mourn the loss of a lov- ing husband and kind father, The funeral was held on Mpy 27th. Rev. Mr. Sharpe preached a very oppres- sive sermon from 1 Corinthians xv, #4, Weather still continues beautiful. Harvey Vanvelkenburg started for Parry Sound, last week. Georee Silly made a trip to Arden on Saturday. Misses Ida and Elizabeth Sills have gone to Troy, N.Y., where they have positions for the shimmer. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thompeon and little daughter, Jauline, spent Sunday with Nr. Thompson's father at Enterprise. Mr. and Myre. Georee Sills and famil- and® Misses Carrie Parde and Gertie Wagar were at William Rawlev's on Sunday. Alford Brown spent a few days in Kingston last week. Mrs Rufus Wagnr is spendine a week with | her mother. : ceased had been Ses -- Tidinge From Yarker. Yarker, June 1.---The merry-go- round is at Yarker fo the delight of the children. The new lawn tennis '| Byrnes and sisters Maggic and Lizzie | dicinal bone, tissue and body-building lem from fresh cods' livers, the useless R. Woodhouse and fautily | have arrived home from the west. | Mrs. {Patrick Mawion spent a few | days in Rsmgston and is home again. | A. Baxter is seriously ill. His ydaugh- | ter, Mrs. G. H. Beattie, of New York | city, is with him. E.-W. Benjamin | hus a gang of men at work now omn| the hub timbet for wheel factory. Dr. | J. H. Beattie, of New York ety, at A. Baxter's. J. Maclean, of Harrowsmith, cently married, has moved into Mrs. | H, Cambridge's residence here. months. | Brown, relieving here at the Bay Quinte station for some time, bas re i turned home. A. C. Scott and wife, | of Cannifton, spent a few days iu Yarker and returned home on Map- day, Mrs. J. H. West, of Vermillion, Alberta, spént a few days here. | Cross Lake Budget. { Cross Lake, May 30.--Perey Detlor, | of Arden, was back through here last week on a short sbusiness trip. Robert Mouck and wife returned home Satur- day. Mrs. William Newton is on the sick list. She is suffering from a very severe attack of neuralgia. F. Mouck spent a few hours on the bridge fishing last week, It has been so wet that very little planting has been done as yet. Willian Detlor has purchased Mr. Newton's boat. John Brown took home a boat last might from Dead Creek, Messrs. E. Boom' hour and F. Peterson have returned home after a short absence. David Hogan and family have moved inte their new home, taking his mother-in- law with him. Miss May Monds is at home again. Archibald Boowhour i* now working for R. Clancy. Mrs, Storings has returned home after her visit to her mother, Mrs. Wogd Wood is drawing logs for B. R. New ton. W. Baker expects to move across the lake before long. W. Newton's horse was cast last week 'in one of the ditches in the field where it wus feeding. Miss Sherbino spent Satur day and Sunday in Arden, the guest of Miss Lillie Detlor. Miss Sherhine made a round of calls on her pupils | and parents on Monday, 28th. The | lumber teams are still travefling be | tween Dead Creek gnd Ardendale. Vis itors Sandy Scott, at W. Newtor F. Peterson, at A. Boomhour's: Miss A. Sherbino, at William Woods Messrs. A., E., and A. Boomhour, at! William Newton's; A. Boomhour, at! E. Mouck's; E. Mouck, at Mr. Eagle' Dead Creek. Mrs. Keller and Mr Veale, at William'"Newton's; 8S. Loc hart is camping at the Lake: Fraser and P. Detlor, at W. Newton's Budget From Erinsville FErinsvile, June 1.--A number young people 'attended the Lall in Centreville last Friday evening. J. Killorane Ingle entertained Art Garrett and sister Mayme on Sunday last. Miss Lizzie Cassidy returned home on Sunday after spend ing a few days with her cousin, Miss Mary Hopkins. Mise Mary Byrnes spent last week visiting in Marlbank, A large number from Ro chester and other cities have arrived here ty spend the summer months friends on SAPABABAMALLB 042 AMLS shoes that suit. shoes. over again, at $3. LAB LALLALLDMBLAANALAAESL0MLA00A00000 0000440800400 0000000040 SPEEL HEPES We Don't Lose Many Customers for Gas Stoves mre AND ee Refrigerators Which _shows that prices suit all classes. THEM. 3 SEE Women who appreciate the difference be- tween just shoes and shoes of quality and distinction, come here for ideal shoes-- There are no dissatisfied wearers of our We sell the same people over and This week we arc offering three lines of Chocolate and Tan Colonials and Pumps, best American make of $4 shoes, All sizes J. H. SUTHERLAND & BRO., The House of Good Shoemaking, PEER EVV EV YP EP SY PYG Y SESE REET raved YY ANS ALALAALAARAALLLL0000 THE BEST IN WOMEN'S SHOES The French define ¢ lady as one who is "well shod and well gloved." No costume, however fine it may be, will cover the neglect of good shoes. FIRIIIIIIIII IVI III PIP IV IPI ITIP IRI IPI I PIII III IPP II III 999 + FFELP ELEI PETRI 4000000444 our assortment: and ¥ § MoKELVEY & BIRCH, 69-71 Brock St FELL PELP 2004400440000 4 4000004000040 00040000 PFE EPP PIPL PP PFEFR P4440 404494 +44 Beaver Lake. Thomas Evans has been spending the past two weeks in Brit ish Columbia, visiting his mother and other relatives. The people were sor ry to hear of the death of Thomas Mooney, brother of Mrs. William Hop- kins, of this place. Deceased had been ill for the past two months Win- nipeg. Miss Cecily Murphy spent Mth in Kingston, the guest of Maud Walsh. J. C. Murphy and daugh ter, Marian, spent last Sunday, the guests of James Mcheown, at "The Elms." Miss Florence Neville around again, after a severe attack of bronchitis. Miss Maymé Garrett and Miss Mary Harris at John O'Neil"s. The building of the tower on the church progressing favorably. Mr. Speegle of Westport is the contractor. Miss Estella Way end brother Angus, Tamworth, spent Sun day at J. O'Neil'ss Messrs. William Gehan and mm Doyle, Camden East, spent Sunday at M. byrnes Mr. and Mrs. 0" Feil sght Thurs day in Chippewas. Thomas Powers i hauling cheese from Clairview, Ejins ville station. Mrs. O'Brien sent om day in ast week. Miss Bella Nelson, Toronto, spent pn few days the guest of Mrs. John Palmateer. Angus York has the contract of drawing sand for the tower of th Roman Catholic church. Archibald Stewart, ill for the past few weeks, i<| better. Bert Napanee and | Mr. O'Gra were the guests of © the Misses and Cecily Muarphy last week, mn is able to be spent Saturday N town Spencer, Gertie ears ago Sunday, Mr. and Hick, Belleville, were mar ried. Hick's maiden name was Miss Elizabeth Eplett. The six chil dren and their offspring aml other re latives, gathered to help celebrate the golden wedding. A keen and well-informed writer wha conceals his identity under the signa ture, "The Vicar Of * Bray," discusses "The New Liberal Policy," in article which the Living Age for Jun 13th reprints from the Fortnightly. in a wav which suggests the possession of definite inside information. an | PUNY CHILDREN NEED VINOL. It Builds Them Up and Makes Them Strong and Robust. Rapid growth, overstudy, insuffici ent nourishment, convalescence after children's disens ¢, and run-down ow ditions make children thin end deli cate and stops development. Because Vinol contaims all the me elements of cod Liver oil, actually tak- of iron oil eliminated amd peptonate robust added, it quickly restores health and children love it. Mrs. U. W. Stamp, of Canton, Ohio, writes : "1 wish 1 could induce every m who has a wea ehly child 'that delicious © iver prepar- ry Vinol, as it restored health and strength to our daughter after all else bad faied." oe We have weser' sold a medicine in pur store equal to Vinol for delicate, children, weak old people, days. SALE BABY CARRIAGES. Must be cleared out in 10 Big reductions at RJ REID'S, 230 Princess St. Telephone 577 Ambulance, BELLI E PEPE 004444441 P 4424044444944 44004 Two Specials in Ladies' Oxfords Ladies' Dark Chocolate, Gibson Tie, $2.00 Ladies' Patent Colt, Gibson Tie, $2.00. FALL PL E0 0048494344 FLEA EECH SHAE IEP LEP Er + THE SAWYER SHOE STORE PFFHPF4P430 0004045400540 0800440404 0400930. FELIPE P9 04 FRESH STRAWBERRIES NEW PINE APPLES 4 PRICES LOW, R. IH. TOYE, 302 KING ST. Forms a large proportion of every housekeepers supplies. It will be to your interest and profit to use (especially for preserving fruit the season being now on) BEST GRANULATED which is the well known . th's Granvisted Sugar is the seme of sugar refining. for and ses tha Ask that you get Redpath's Granulated. J. A.