* PAGE TWO I E---------------- pt-- June Brides & Will find special ad- vantages by dealing store, We quole prices when you buy Car- pets and Furniture, in our special be- great choice not together, the and is all sides variety we give equalied elsewhere, SPECIAL LOW PRICES prevail all through June, PARLOR SUITES-85 to choose from, $15, $20, $25 up. You can have these covered to harmouize with your Drapery and Carpets. BEDROOM SUITES---With Iron and Brass, or Wood Beds, $12. $14, $18 up, 0 styles, in Hardwood Surface ( . Mahogany and Genuine Oak. SIDEBOARDS-45 styles, $7, $0, $11 up to $75 ¢ have the finest Solid $25 Oak Sideboard in. Canada, they were got at a special sale and we are offer- ing thems at our special. CARPETS -Wiltons, Axminsters, Prus- sols, Balmorals, Tapestries and ete, all imported direct from Manufacturers, " some beauliful new color effeces in these. § Ses0ReNesesRORIORR RSS 1 GURTAINS <A special purchase gives ws the lead on these for 19UN, great values, JANOLIUM--~The never wear out kind and other cheaper ones in all widths. Have your AND UPHOL- STEERING work done at one, Our stock of Covers, 48¢c., 65c., $1 yard up to $4.50 yard gives a variety not soon elsewhere. Prices on UPHOLSTER- ING old work the lowest in the oily. REPAIR Sr------ Yours, T: F. Harrison Co., PHONE 00. wool's Fhosphodine, INI PN The Great Jingiish Femed, #/ Tones and invigoralesibe w! ~ pervous system, makes Dew Biood in old Veins, Cures Ners- oun Deb@lity, Meiisl and Broin Worry, Des ency, Sexual Weakness, Fminvions, Sper sustorriea, asd Feet of Abuse or Ercesses. #eles 31 per box, Mix for $5. One rill please, six wilj cure. Seid Ly all d or Ink in plain BXE. on i ot of woe. New pamphlet nil. free. The Sr Windsor) Fa~onto, Ont BEST'S SHORT STOP Cures ALL Coughs 9 LRN 4a AND COSTS BUT ~ PORCH SHADES Are just the thing for your Verandah, made of thin strips of Linden Wood artistically stained, all sizes in stock: R. McFAUL, Kingston Carpet Warehouse SYST ONVONOOORSRIEROOVS T0 PROPERTY OWNERS -> Nearly every person at times requires the assistance of others in his or her busi- ness affairs. Some have money to be invested, others rents collected or estates to be managed. The advant- p ages of placing your busi. ness in the bands of a re- sponsible agent are manifold ® and important. We act as agent for individuals or cor- Real Estate, Insurance, Ere., 51 Brock St. Phone 326 or 621. hdhuhhethuthtuindndhdndbosaloreddubriededde id LL LL LT Ea ee evseve some | 10ST HIS 156 mds |A Sad Accident to George ! Coxworthy. MANGLED BY PLANER WHILE AT WORK IN LOCOMO- TIVE WORKS. His Fellow-Workmen Horror- stricken--Accident Occurred in a Flash--The Sufferer is in a Critical Condition in the General Hospital. i A fearful in the | machine shop of the Canadian Loco motive Works on Thursday afternoon, at five o'clock, and as a result George Coxworthy had his left leg mangled so that it had to be amputated above the knee, and he now lies in the Gen- {eral Hospital in a critical condition. {The accident happened in full sight iof many other workmen, but so quick- {ly that not one could raise a hand to nid their fellow-workman, but only stand horrorstricken at the ghastly sight, as the man fell back from the machine with the lower part of his {body 'wrenched and torn by the huge imaehine. No blame can {4 uny person. It was one of those jregretiable accidents that seem to hap- pen Quite often in large shops, and happen so unexpectedly that one knows nothing until they are over. Mr. Coxworthy was operating ope of the smaller planers in the machine shop, his own machine that he had been running for some time. On the side of the machine is a part called the dog that moves the knives and metal after the metal has passed through once and had one shaving taken off. 'Lhe dog revolves quickly as the metal passes through. In some manner the got his leg caught in the dog and in an instant his left leg was wrenched out at the knee, The other men to his aid as soon as possible, and the sight they found was truly fearful, The leg was mangled into shreds from below the knee to about ahove the knee, crushing the knee joint, and the foot and also badly crushed. When the caught him it did not crush as it would be erushed by something falling on it, but pulled it out and turned it around with a quick wrench, which tore all the ligaments ang mus. cles from his leg. 8. Corbett = ambulance im- mediately summoned and the injured {man was removed to the Genpral Hos- ipital. When Mr. Coxworthy was pick- led up and put on the stretcher he was {quite comscious, knew how he had heen injured and knew those standing arouhd him. Dr, Kilborn was sum- moned and was at the hospital al most af soon as the ambulance, and when the patient picked up a little the doctor amputated the leg, about half way between the knee and the hip. "Coxev," as he is familiarly knpwp among a lurge circle of friends, was one of the most popular men in, the Works, and alwavs made friends where ever he went. In his vounger days he was one of the best defence men the Kingston O.H.A. teamis had, and was a fing baseball player. When the old roller rink was running on John- fon street "Uoxoy" was one of the best, and only a short time ago was up at the new rink and could show them all some fine turns. Last winter he played a most effective game for the Locomotive Works hockey team in the KAMA, His friends sympathize deeply with Coxworthy and her two children their great misfortune, accident occurred operator working near came inches whole ankle two his leg was series many Mrs. An Income. Of fifty-two dollars a year as long as you live, or seven hundred dollars cash, is the first prize in the carton contest now being advertised by the Orange Meat people. There are a great number of other large cash prizes, and all that is required of you to enter this contest, is. to send your name and ad- dress to Orange Meat, Kingston, and commence saving the hottoms of packages of Orange Meat Make a start to-day. Orange Meat and milk sup- plies the most perfect and evenly bal- anced food the human subject can se- eure. -------- The Late Kyran Daley. The remains of the late Kyran Duley, brother of Patrick Daley. of the Canadian Freeman, were interred at Oregon, HI, on Thursday morning. The deceased was fifty-three years of age, and leaves a wile, one son and one daughter. He left Chicago 'ten years ago, and settled in Oregon, III. What You Get. When you buy a hat here you get {Campbell style and quality, and good dressers realize what that means. New derbies in black and colors, $2.50; nifty straw hats, 25. uy pas nama hats, $5 up, at Campbell Bros.' the store where the nobby hats come \ Gibson's Red: Cross drug store. Me. Conkey's and Huyler's are sold there, The man without any responsibility would rather whittle than work. im de be attached THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, JUNE 5, 1908. VESSEL RAN AGROUND. The Donnelly Wrecking Company Called Upon. Word was reccived here, last night, that the steamer City Montreal, on its wav up with package freight, for the west, had run aground near Far ran's Point, and that her rudder been lost The Donnelly Wire company was notilled, and, an attempt is being made to pull the sel of ves Od. Marine Notes. Schooner Bertha Kalkins cleared for Oswego. Steambarge Robert McDonald elear- for Oswego, to load coal Steambarge John Randall cleared for Oswego, to load coal for Smith's Falls. Steambarge Navajo cleared, from Montreal, for Oswego, to load coal for Napanee, Steamers Capadian ahd Doris pass- ed down, vesterdav, on the way to Montreal, from Fort William, with grain, Swift's : Steamer and up, to-day; steamer bay points; steamer Rideau Ottawa; steamer Toronto, up, Saturday. Steamer Prince Rupert, loaded with grain, has cleared from Fort William, on her way to Richardsons'. She is expectéd to arrive at the Welland ca Kingston, down Aletha, from Kine. for down and Sunday. steambaryge Oswego, with which were towed to Edmond. Steambarge ed, light, for Oswego. M. T. Co's: Tug Thomson, up. with two barges, cleared for Montreal with two barges; steamer Howe, from Du- hth, with 78,000 bushels of wheat; steamer Edmonton cleared for the up- per lakes. INSPECTION OF 14TH BY GENERAL LAKE ON THE CRICKET FIELD. The Old Rifle Regiment Showed Up Well---The General Express- ed Himself Well Pleased With Its Work. Un Tuesday evening the lith Regi- ment, Princess of Wales Own Regiment, Maj Lage at and a hne showing lhe regiment, about three hundred strong, both bands attending, leit the armouries about half-past seven o clock and marched along Montreal to Brock, to >yden- bam, to the cricket field. 'The regi- ment presented a fine sight. 1 he riflemen were all out in their best, the white helmets adding greatly to the parade. Lhe streets ali alone the line of march were black with people and when the regiment arrived at the field the crowd was very great, young and old being out in to see the regiment go through its drill. During the evening the brass band rendered several selections at different parts of the field. "il Lieut.-Col. Kept 'put the regiment through the first part of the drill and the difierent companies certainly did their work in fine style. The. completa line of men would meve as one man. The right and left half sections were abso put through, the right being companies Nos. | to 4, and the left half being Nos. 5 to 8. Maj. Cunning- ham then took command and then Capt. Hughes put she men through. For the review, the regiment was drawn up in line ranks, facing the fountain of the court house, wh.n the men were inspected by Gen. Lake, who was greatly pleased with the men s appearance and accoutrements, Alter going over the lines the regi ment was put up and down the field once or twice and then the company commanders took command of their separate companies and put them through their facings. This is where both officers and men showed up well There was very little to pick from be- tween the different compnnies, All went through the difficult movements without the least hesitation or 'mis take. The men had been in the field about an hour and a half and during that time had been on the run nearly minute. In the drill hall. most of the movements are done at the doublesand the men did not have much rest in between, but they walked out and over to the armouries with- out showing any ill-effect. When in the armouries, Gen. Lake congratulated the men on their ap- pearance, saying that the 14th was in fine shape, and if anything, better than before. The general was greatly with the entire inspection. Many people who know, and who have seen the annual inspection for some vears, stated that the regiment went through last evening better than it ever did before, Accompanying Gen. Lake were Col. Gordon, Lieut.-Col. Hemming and Lieut.-Col. Young, of the Eastern Ontario command, ) After inspection a' luncheon was strs vid to the officers in the anteroom at the armouries, where a few hours were pleasantly spent with songs and stories. nal on The from Hinckley arrived, two blue barges, Ottawa, by thy Hinckley clear- was inspected by Lien, the encket field, the corps made. trowds every pleased Dyspepsia Radically Cured. That relaxed," disordered condition of the digestive system marked by constant distress after eating, flata- lence, biliousness, heartburn and headaches can be promptly and thor- oughly cured by Day's Dyspepsia Cure. Recent or chronic cases alike yield to the remedy. This preparation has digestive, tonic and laxative properties. Fach bottle. Contains sixteen days' treatment, For sale only at Wade's drug store. \ The board of directors elected at the annual meeting of the Thousand Island Steamboat company were = Henry Folger, Howard S. Folger, S ge wen, 8 polars and lorries E, lee, Heury JOC is presic dent, George Bawden, sworetary' and treasurer, and Howard 8. Folger, yen- eral manager. ; The for nobby hats. No old store ts, N stock, > CLOSE UP THE RANKS AND MOVE STEADILY FOR- WARD TO VICTORY. Let Every Pense Man Aid in the Work of the Candidate's Re- Elecgion--Liberals Are Full of Unity and Vigor. Get your canvass closed up, boys. The workingmen are for Penge. working hard Next week 'will be another awful week for Whitney. -- Ii you have a rig, help the liberal J candidate on Monday. Premier Whitney, however. was not bold enough to be honest without a gerrymander. All the labor legislation on the statute books is hberal legislation. Don't forget Yhat. _-- . The Whitney power policy is neither water nor electric power--it is simply wind power, so far. --- Slandering opponents is a poor way of conducting an _ election, It is out of date in this progressive age. There never was a government which was betler picking for the law- yers than the present one at Toron- to. --- The acclamation elections do not count. Whitney put up candidates in a doren grit constituencies he knows he cannot elect. Are asylum supplies purchased hy tender as conservatives said they would be ? In Kingston they snicker at the suggestion. The Crothers" promise of free school books having dome its work, is now withdrawn from circulation as a Whit- ney election weapon. Ail the legisfation upon the statute books of Ontario in the interests of the working classes came from the liberal side of the legislature, to Mr. welcome are All electors favorable Pense's candidature will be at his committee rooms, which open all day land avery evening. The farmer has not been a favorite of the Whitney government Agri- culture has got less of the increase of expenditure than any other depart- ment in the province. ----- Dr. Hossack estimates that 30.000 liberals voted for Whitney candidates in 1905, whey Whitney made an ap- peal for a non-partizan verdict. Thev have been sold and betrayed, and will not be fooled again. The liberal candidate stands for British precedents, British maiority rule, British practices and British fair play. The ecomserv candidate stands for Yankee importation of political methods," the gerrvmander, the spoils system and the atrocious double vote and minority representa tion of Toronto in the conservative interest. The conservative organ in Brant ford boasts that the 'fair wage" clause has been inserted in the speci- fications for work to be done at the Ontario Institution for the Blind. Of course, it has heen: it Had to Wb: it's the law, and it must be remembered that the law was passed hy 5 liberal government. Let the intelligent work ingman learn the lesson Edwards And Jenkin. Lemons, 2 dozen 25e. Home made pastry, bread, ete. Bananas, pineapples, {fomatoes, ete Real nice oranges, 13¢. a dozen. Seedless oranges. 274 Princess. Phone { Pleased With Him. q he Capé Vigeent, N.Y., Fagh save "Red. Mr. Fesruson, Kingston, seems to beNmsnf excellent satisfaction pastor of the Preshyterian church. His sermons are said Jo be scholarly and interesting." ctf Out W t Wi wir 0 A Don't trifle Ni on dont endure them. No matter what kind they gre or how long you have had them, Peck's Corn Salve will take them out In big boxes, 15c., at Wade's store. - (10, as drug Pines For Preserving. Edwards & Jenkin. shirts, Try Bibby's swell $1 Proposi- tion. Such as these are real finishers for the [elt hat. You can enjoy this hot spell if you dress to meet it. Keep a cool head. Straw Hats, 25¢. to $4. Panamas, $5 to $12. Linen Hats, 25¢. to $1.50. INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters On Their Rounds. Bibby's for anything new. The Collegiate Institute and public schools will close for the summer holidays~on June 26th. Ribby's SOc. French underwear The management committee of the board of education dealt with routins busingss at its regular session, last night, See 'Bibby's See $1 white negligees The depot car was off the track Thursday, but no serious damage was done, other than delaying the service for some time. Try Bibhy's handsome $1 shirts. Only one place in Kingston'vou ean buy high-class candy. Red Cross drug store sell Huyler's and MeCaonkev's. { Try Bibby's $1 straw hats. Many of the little wharves helongine to the summer houses down the river are under water, and in some places the houses themselves are uninhahit able. Try Bibby's 50c. French underwear A number of voung men will leave, on Saturday afternoon, for a long paddle down the Rideau, returning on Sunday night. This trip is becoming quite popular, large numbers taking it in every Sunday. If it's new try Bibby's. . Prevost, Brock street. has a splendid assortment of gents' furnishings and ready-made clothing at low prices, 'The order department is well assorted with new goods. . First class value and fit guaranteed. Sunday Trips Io Cape Vincent. Steamer leaves 8S am. and 2 pan. returning leaves Cape Vincent 10:55 am. and 4:30 p.m, Ball game at Cape. Sc, return. ; MET A WATERY GRAVE TWO INDIANS DROWNED NEAR HILLCREST BUOY. Accident Occurred on Baturday Last--Three Were Rowing From Kingston to St. Regis.-- One Saved. Hrockville Times. An Indian and his sister-in-law fron Kingston were in town to-day to take steps for recovering the bodies of Indians, said to have been drowned on Saturday evening last in the swift wa ter opposite Hilldrest buoy. The mat- ter has been kept very quiet and nouncement of the tragedy was receiv here with no little The story goes that three left Kingston in a skiff to row St Regis. Everything went well until they reached Hillerest. The redmen were feeling pretty merry from a libe ral indulgence in whiskey and striking the turbulent currents the buoy their frail craft upset managed to cling to the skifi and succeeded in reaching shore safely. The other two perished, Cries were heard on the shore ahout the time the accident is said to have qgecurred but no person seems to have gone to the rescue of the unfortunate men. on Gibson's two an ed surprise Indians to or near Une B. A. Hotel Arrivals. W. H. Bush, Springfield, Mass.. J F. Wolie, Rochester; N.Y.: A. R. O Neil and family, Massena, N.Y. Geo C, Fallon, Julien Leman, Mrs, J. Henna and maid; Mrs. M. E. Dunn. CoH. Richardson, J. L Smith, F Jones, J. 8. Kane, B, B. Foster, New York; C. OU. Zairty, Guelph: George Jackson, W, J. Pyne, W. H. Weir, W P.Robingon, Gordon F. Finch, Grorye Anderson, W. Wheatly, J. W. Wi kinson, Charles C, Hall, E. W. David son, Thos: C. Moon, John Jskel, W F. Morley, Claude E. Gansden, Tor onto; H. Henderson, London: DB. S. Rawlinson, London, Eng.; John H Waggoner, T. 8S. Hart, J. J. John Loudon: H., Walsh, J. N Robert Wallace, M.D., Ha George Rattray, Wolfe Island I Jaltimore, Md.;: Dy- vid T. Robertson, Samuel A. 'Markofi 4. Murray, John DD. laing and wif, Howard M. Raphael, W. H. Whaley J. B. Mahoney, Montreal: J. T Chap man, Deseronto: Mrs. H. Irving, Pais ley; E. L. Palm, Belleville: William Armstrong, Newcastle; J. M, Walker Gananoque Thomas A Webster, Lansdowne; Thomas Sparks and wife St. Catharines; A. G. Garrow,~Stra( ford: D. A. Carmichael, M.D., Peter boro; D. W. Wright, Preston: D. J Sinclair, M.D., Woodstock: P. M Stevenson, Durango; Jawes R. Me Caton, Strathroy; James Mewell, Wat ford; James Dovovan and wife, Thre Rivers, Mich.; George Collier, Toledo B. A. Clarke, Shertrooke; I). Percival, Port Huron; H. Houston, St. Cath arines. son, Ww Amos, milton; Gould, Fight Against Tuberculosis An informal, open-air talk, great fight against tdbereulosis, details of the campaign, in Kingston, were features of the tea given by Mrs E. T. Taylor, on Wednesday, at the Royal Military College, for the Daugh ters of the Empire. The chapters have received word from the General Hos- pital, that their oficr to build and equip an annex to the hospitel, where the disease may Le systematical Ivy combatted, has been gratefully ac cepted. The members will talk it up through the summer, and work will begin in autaomn. The businvss part of the aflair was in no way lessened in usefulness, "To cause it was transacted on Mrs. Tay- lor"s pretty lawn, nor besose tes was dispensed by Mrs. T. D. R. Hem. ming and Mrs. Ramsay Duff. The cap- able aides of these two ladies were little Miss Audrey Taylor and Miss Valerie de Bury. the and on Guilty Of Theft. Constable Thomas F. Penfold, of JPort Arthur, arrived in the city last night, with James 8. Forrester, aged wht thirty-seven, who was found guilly on a charge of theft, and sen- tenced to five years in the peniten- tiary. Forrester wes an agent for the Candin Northern railway, way guilty of stealing money from the company. Fry Bibby's for straw bats, snef w | » ete eseee S000000000000000000000000000000 want som Ff specia wh) Best Ties Negligee Shit P. J. HUNT, Agent for the ON STR IR, | MAN-TAILORED # OUR SHOWING Summer Shirts Is remarkably interest men whi and es, and Shirts We have th 14 in Men's ish Values 'to be had Collars Quting Outfits had Canoe Je the ryeys We have everything be in Ha ay of ue---- © "J." Brand Aus- trian Collars. vegas in A We have a Private Office for Issuing Marriage . Licenses Also the finest stock of Wedding Rings In the City, and an stock of suitable Wedding Gifts Which we will be very pleas. ed to show. elegant SMITH BROS, Jewellers and Opticians. 350 King St. Issuers of Marriage Licenses. T0 SMOKERS 4 TEN-CENT CIGARS FOR 25c. SMOKE oun se. LIMESTONES Equal to most 10c. brands. Gollege Inn Cigar Store W. J. EAKER, Prop. y About hot a un hey other storing YOUR WIFE'S ANXIETY the care o WEALHer may will teil her she needs will be possible tit ® headquarters in thi go familivs SKIRTS ade to your measure for £1.28 Only a few days left in which to take advantage of our Skirt offer Better Make Your Selec- tion at Once. re EL LE RL LLL LE, Soms Specials for Saturday, Ladies' Fast Black Cotton Hose, extra quality, sizes, 8B} to 10. SATURDAY, 15¢, a pair. Summer Percale very comfortable weather, all Fair, Wash Collars, 10c. and up. Gingham Dresses, for Child. ren, up to 5 years, 309¢ White Dresses, for Children, to fit ages, 2, 3, or 4 years, at 50¢. Buster . Brown Colored Ginghams, and up. Can you wear size 31 Wrapper ? Onlv a few left, worth B5¢. to $1.35 Take your choice, on SATURDAY at only 50¢ Children's Parasols, Patterns, 25¢. and ur Ladies' Wash Skirts, White, * extra value, $1.75 and up See the values we are offer ing in Prints, Ginghawus 1 Chambrays, at 10e¢ 1 12ic. a yard. A few odd pieces Muslin and Curtain Secrim, regular 10c¢. line at hali- price, on SATURDAY, 5¢. a yard, NEWMAN & SHAW The Always Busy Store. Corsets, for warm sizes, 50c. a A TTT TTT TT AAAI LES I 3 2 0 0 special, at LA ELLALEL TTT Suits, at in 69¢ in a Fancy IAEA REE RS ARR EEE RET of Art ETE errr eee TEI BA ELLLL v The Sick and Sick Room. We are headquarters for all sick room necessaries, and carry®these in large variety Rubber Sheets and Shesting. Bedpans and Urinals. Invalid Rings and Cushions. Douche Pans. Pus Basins, Yeeding Cups. Medical Glasses. Bath Thermometers, Champagne Taps. Dr. A. P. Chown Druggist and Optician. 185 Princess St., Kingston, 00000000 O0OOROOOIENDYS : The fiest ynchtfrace of Whe seaman tor 4 the Brues Carrdthers trophy is sched" uled dor Saturday afternoon. Try Bibby 3c. polboiggon, [| r perties. tures S. NewEngland Chinese Restaurant hest place to get an the city, notice. specialty. THE FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY ESTABLISHED, 1863. President--Sir Richard Cartwright Farm Pro. Deben- Depowits City and micipal and County ortgages purchased ceived and interest allowed, C. McGill, Managing Director. Money loaned on 331 King Street. 10.30 a.m, toBam:, the all round Lunch in of sll kinds om shortest and Chinese dishes » 655. Open from Meals English "Phone, FOR A SUNDAY SCHOOL OR PUBLIC LIBRARY We tunity to buy books at offer an oppor our "clearing sale" that will. not occur again in many a long day. We have hundreds of splen- did books very suitable for such pudposes, and the price we ask is ri We want the stock diculous, present cleared out in sixty days to al- low us to make altera- tions to the store, RA. PHONE 411. arn W, J. F. NALLAGH, (Successor to F. Nisbet). Cor. Princess and ton Sts. Welling. ih a hl i fi --------. Sb