Daily British Whig (1850), 5 Jun 1908, p. 3

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i pa. ---------- BE SS0E00050S ITS TUNIEERIIvERISHG ERS STIS IVE For Feet and Hands (New Things) fl We're ready with Hosiery for eich mem- ber of the family. Pot For men, and women, and misses, and youths, and school children, and little bits cf folk. Tan and blac k, and pink, and blue and red. "These are in cotton, and Lisle, and Cash- mere, in plain or openi work designs. Among the Silk Hosiery you'll find the a west, patterns, of spots and fancy stripes. They are all of splendid lengths, well shaped and finished, 20c, : 30¢, 33c, 26¢, 36¢, 40¢, 50c an? 750, GLOVES, in summer weights aud color- ings, There are, in all the world, ho better gloves than Fowne's. | We've' got them, long and short, in all the new and the staple colorings, Cool, natty gloves, of glossy silk, and ligle, and fine, long-fibred cotton. These embrace the season's newest shades and your exact size is among them, From 25c to $2.75 the pair. CRUMLEY BROS. TNT TUTTI ITO OET CON NON EUS SET SO SU FIEY CUES SEINE ENTER SANE INv Eris vous SORE ONNC000000000000R0 NANI ERCAI0NCOODOCEEROEINSERNDONORENI0C000000000000000A0 pus 3 Genuine Pure Cream Ice Cream in Bulk or in Bricks. A.J.REES, 166 Princess St ; "Phone 58. Ice Crea SERIA H HHH § MAE O'REILLY ALINE {Kingston Township Council Tran- fhin act in compection The 8t. LawrenceSugar rE Ltd MONTREAL Manufacturers of the choicest REFINED SUGARS Granulated and Yellows. Made entirely from Cane Bugar, Be sure you ask for "St. Lawrence." 3 The French define a lady as one who jis "well shod and well gloved." No costume, however fine it may be, will cover, the n t of good : shoes, : : : ~ Women who ap) ate the difference be- tween just 0 appre shoes of quality and distinction, come here for ideal shoes-- - shoes that suit. There, are no dissat We sel the Jrandeville, THE DAILY ONE OF MRS. GUINNESS' AL- LEGED VICTIMS. Admits Having Married Treulson, Who Says He Killed Her With Aid of Mrs. Guinnéss-- Frank Reidinger, 'Whom Treulson Said He Buried, Also Alive. Saratoga, N.Y. June 5.-Mie Or teilly, who Julius G.' Trewison, Jr ' a "confession" in Texas dwlared was murdéred on the (hiinness farm at Laporte, Ind., arrived on Friday last from New York city and is the guest of friemls, Miss O'Heilly at first denied her identity, bug later admitted it. Ae cording to the story told hy Daniel F, Welsh, 4 meniber of the family with whom she is stopping, she hus ben employed in New Yor<ewy during the past winter. Miss O'Reilly was mar- fied to Trenlson, in Albany, in Au 1905. Theee months later Treul- sbi; was sontenced to Elmirg relorma- tory and since that time Miss 0 Reil- ly says she has had no Correspon- dence with him and knows nothing of Lhis actions. She declares she was noyv- er in Laporte, Iud., and _at the time fwhen Treulson alleges that he and F Mrs. Guinness killed ber she was in Rochester. 'The police here believe that Treulson is mentally unbalanced, mn gust, AGED CLERK RESIGNS. . sacts Much Business. Council met June Ist a8 court of revision, 4. B, Walkem complained of fover assessment of $750 on 100 meres, Assessment 'confieméd. George Haffner, 50 acres, assessment laced to #700. Matthew Rogers, 175 acres, assessment $2,500, reduced ito $2,000. George Huff, 3 acres; as messment ¥1,100, reduced to $1,000. DW. Mchonald, § of gi athe, ginees bed for 3700, reduced to $50. Charles Spooner, 236 acres, assessment $5.- 000. Confirmed, Mrs. Van Strauben- ie, assessment $200 on 4) "hcves, dued to $125. Court of revision ited and regulan busindss proceeded with, Miles of Moved, re: April meeting adopted. Spooner-Cramer, that A. Ran- with reeve of the town line, with ower to act. Carried. Moved by iilankin-Spooner, . that J. I. Whiting fhave power to act as he thinks best Fin the matter of delay in the pro. Foeedings of the York Road, now in the courts. Carried. Reeve and Councillor Cramer to inspect the road complained of hy Messrs, © Taylor apd Vromgn, with power to act; $20 grant- efl road section No. 7 from Five Mile House to Grass' Bridge, to' be ex- pended hy. William Moore, pathmas- ter; Mrs. R. Spoor paid $1 for a sheep killed hy dogs: Kennéth' Speon- of paid 24.95 for a sheep amd three lamba killed by dogs. A grant of $15 made to John Clark to break and place six toise of stone on road = di- vision 25 A, James McRow paid - $1 for a sheep killed dogs. Mr. Evans paid 35 for two toise of gra- vel to he placed on road division 24. Mr. Spooner appointed to Took alter n ditch and culvert complained of by Mr. Keenan, with power to act. Joh David, paid $1 for a sheep killed by dogs. Isaac Fairbanks, granted $10 for wad Hivision No. 20 A. R. B Gibson paid $3 for post age in connection with his duty as assessor. George Babcock paid $5.30 for two lambs Killed by dogs. Moved, Rankin-Cramer, that this council re- grets very much the loss this council will sustain in the resignation of Mr. Simpson as he hag been 5 most faith- ful servant in discharging his duties the long years he has acted as clerk. Jarried. Accounts paid: Archie Bruten, $2 for repairs on éulvert; Archie Bruten, 85 for repairs to culvert and cleaning ditch: R. B. Gibson, £70, salary as aksessor; A. Lockhart, M.D. services in ease of a neglected child; 8S. M. Newton, ¥6 for advertising in the News in 1907; Henry McRowe, $10 for crushing stone for road between dth and 5th concessions: J. McRow, £1.50 for drawing plank; William Fly, #1; the widow Cunningham, %2.- D0, charity. Adjourned to July Ith at tem o'clock. Fragsttown on From Bicknell"s Corners. Bicknell's Corners, June 3.--Some the farmers have begun planting. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Simmons called on Mr. and Mrs. Magarvey ond day last week, Fdward Judge has arrived home aftér spending a short time at his daughter's; Mrs. Benn's, where his_ wile has - been very sick and is slowly recovering. Mra. Alvg Em berley and daughter, Marie, returned home after visiting her sister at Marl Tank. The school is doing nicely. The flow of milk is increasing. Grains and hay are looking well, of All Bad Turns. Hi Tragerdy--"Your experience in then, was not very plea- sant ¥' Lowe Comerdy--"No: at Woolyville they threw rocks at each one of us as we came on for our sete" emphatic, "Pretiy Lowe Comerdy--""Yes; in their of forts to impress us with their utter disgust they loft no turn unstoned." leases. Sur Sun eT of days at 10.15 am. ny porte and at 5.00 pm. Quinte Ports and Rochester. + Tickled Her Palate. "And when," said Mrs. Nuevoreesh, BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, BUOU Lp | The total receipts « HAmusements. TO-NICHT ZLiimes Saturday Night THE FISKE STOCK CoO. TO-NjJG HY 'orget-Me-Not.' 'Saturday Mat ry Of The Regi- uv Night- adows ¥ 10 15-25¢ and Saturday of Mid. Special Prices Matinee Prices, Seats now oa sale TUESDAY, JUNE 9th. MRS. LESLIE CARTER Presents Her Createst Success, Nothing Higher, 20¢ 19%. "DU BARRY" By DAVID BHELASEO, $ith hic dhigin- production. Prices Ground Floor, $1, $1.50, 4 Rows, #2 Balcony, 50c., Rn, $1.50, Se, Seats fic on sale. and Saturday, a drama of and thrilline haman moral tone, finely al First Gallery Friday unusual strength, Prony and heroic twped and acted, "A French Girl's Homanke,"' Or 'Kidnapped By A Nobleman." A Travelogue which is as good ava £1,000 tour abroad. Roddantic Castlés and Statély * Homes of Northern England, JOUN MOBERT DAVIS SINGS "SWEET SIXTEENS." --~Only 5 Cents-- SMOKE UP! It's up to you to be present at THE WHIG HALL TO - NIGHT A RARE OPPORTUNITY, --A Hearty Smoke ~first class addresscs ~the best music ~a hearty laugh COME! YOU'RE WELCOME. JUST WATCH THE YOUNG LIB- ERALS WORK. . THE KING EDWARD This Palace Of Amusement, » TO ENJOY Gor. Princess & Montreal Sts FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, AT P.M, "The Legend of a Spinner" This is beautifully #olored. Don't miss x. "The Wheelbarrow" Very Funny Subject. Soloists : C. B. S. HARVEY, Basso. iH. J, BRISTOL, Baritone. MRS, LESLIE INUGHES, Pianist. CHAS. B. S. HARVEY, Manager. THE MONEY WE SPEND, Constructive Policy of Liberal Party. Mr. MacKay, in Legislature. But, sir, there is no field where the liberals of the provinee of Ontario stand strong as when disenssing the great guestions of f I have shown, sir, that in 907, as vompared with 1904, the receipts under two heads alone run upwards of - $2000 - 000 in the latter year as compared with the former just as a natural re suit of conditions, aml not attribut- able in any way to the present gov- ernment. But, sir, ot me consider briefly three questions of construtive finance. Under the ion duties act, last vear, the receints were 8821 - 092.99; under the supplementary rev- enue act the receipts last year were $67T2341.76. under the act ealing with brewers and Retire, in the neighborhood of §75.0000 Bho passing of the latter two acts, it will be re called, were absolutel®" and vigorously opposed by the conservatives, while in opposition, apd. the first mentioned act received a qualill apposition. "raid three mentioned nets since they were placed upon the statutes by the former x eral government are as follows: I'n- der sticcession duties at. $5.218727, under the suppléamentary revenue hill, ELI0R.700. under the swocial tax on brewers and distillers, $580.877, midk- ink a rand total oi $9,163.304. Of this, tir, not one dollar of the latter two jtemd amguoting in all to 85. 28.73, would ever have found its way into the provincial treasury if ag votes of the conservatives when ition had prevailed. (Ap planse'} In addition to that, 1 repeat ren the recpints under the succession would have hen out in Ontario 80 AIO, BHeoy JUNE 5, 1008. CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES First insertion lc. & word: Each con secutive insertion thereafter half cent a word. Minimum charge for one in- sertion, 25¢. ; three imseryons, 5S0e¢.; six, ¥1 ; omu month, WANTED-FEMALE, A KITCHEN GIRL; FOR THE HOTEL goongress. IN. THE EVENING of Beverly COOK. APPLY to Mrs. Walkem, Cormer and Union streets. A A MAID TO ASSIST Apply in evening, at Union St. IMMEDIATELY, in housework. "Sunnyside," WANTED GENERAL, o-LED, PAGE THREE FOR SALR, FURNISHED DRELIINO. OR ROOMS, storage for *te. MeCann' 51 Brock Wo § Brock CANOPY seals. street, TOPPED Apply to CARRIAGE, McCanng 51 COMFORTABLE house. Apply at FURNISHED, A seven-roam brick 175 Clergy street. BRICK DWELLING nished at Morton, on Apply to NMeCamn, 51 PARTLY FUR- the Rideau Brock St NOS. 77 and 79 ALPRED STREET, all moderna improvements. Possession Ast May. Apply A: B. Cunningham. FURNISHED OR Lawrence and 51 Brock STMRBR COTTAGE, on St, APPLY NO McCann, DOUBLE FRONT ROOMS, single rooms on the bath. Apply 160 King St, near LARGE also large room fat. City Park. AP- Box BUY CHEAP, A ROW-ROAT. pi J giving size and price,' Ww J." Whig office: TO PLAIN SEWING DONE, OF ANY kind. Calli or write to Mra. Cayless, \ 834 King street, over Armstrong's. + THE OPPORTUNITY TO FURNISH estimates on electric work. All inde of work promptly done. . Electrician, Wellington da A JOB CLEANING ASHES ou oF pards or cellars, of other carted. Prices ne x Lytle, General C INISH OR RE- finish. Proj moderate. Good work ara + Hy, Whittingham, Cor. agot and Queen Sta. itrick's olf Stand. FURNITURE TO FSSY GENTLEMEN TO GET DR lr Spring Suits made at Gallo- way's. Styla, price md finish guar anteed to please. 181 Broek St. next to Bibby's avery, + ELECTRIC 30. a study homes and ile iia vath with Gas and Esothieny they In you to consult: them ir advice cheerful ly given free of charge. Nickel and Silver Plating. Newman & Spriges, Flectri¢ Co, 79 Princess St; "Phone, 441. NEWMAN & SPRIGGS are making SITUATION WANTED, E XPR RIENC ED MATE RNIT Y Y NURSE wants nursing by week or month First-class ferences from the hest medieal doctors. Apply Nurse Atkins, 243 Montreal street. SITUATIONS VACANT. MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN BAR- trade. Graduates earn twelve to eighteen dollars weekly. Help secure positions. Will equip shops. Con- stant practice. Careful instructions. Few weeks coinplete course. Cata- Ingne free. rite Moler Barber College, Toronto, LOST. LADY'S SILVER small fob chain, and two coins at tached on Thursday afternoo, EE Finder kindly return to Why oll and receive reward. VOLUNTEER GONVEYANGES. Those wishing to volunteer con- veyances for election day, in the interests of Mr. Pense please leave names at the. Central Committee Rooms Golden Lion Block (up stairs.) TO CONTRACTORS. SEALFD TENDERS WILL BE RE ceived by the undersigned up to 4 pom. WEDNESCAY, 10TH INST, for the necessary work #n making alter ations to the Collegiate Institute and Public School Buildmgs, required by the City By-Law. Specifications iv the Board of Education Jlooms ARTHUR ELLIS, Architect JOHN MACDONALIA, Seoy Board of Education. AUCTION SALE A Bay Mare in foal, nine years old, wekhing 1,200 lbs., cily broken, will be WATCH, wITH "Treas: of 11 a.m, SATURDAY, June 6th. New Mail Bag To Save Money. Through substitution of a new mail hag U.S, Second Assistant Postmaster- General MeCleary is considering a plan which he believes will eut down the annual post office deficit by reve sack pens original Alaska, where Wave a Tighter It weighs = ns dispatch, The new ly adopted Tor in it was necessary to s for sledge service rifle over three pounds--one-hali much as the old style. It is abso lutely waterproof, whereas the sacks were defective in this respect. Our Book Bargains. Special prices for Satmday, June 6th. The regular $1.50 and $1.25 copy- right hooks; works of permanent value at 18¢. a copy. For boys and girls : "The Cow Corner Series." cone tainitiy only the very highest and purest literature, illustrated by well Lnown artists, 2%. a copy. MeDer mott Prog, 260 Princess street, Ambiguous. Miss Chellus--="Did he like the duets we sang *' Miss Bsrd--"I can't what he said." Miss Chellys--"1h, [| suppose think he filed voices best 77° Miss Byrd "Well, really. 1 don't know exactly what he meant. He said 1 sang well but that you were betler still." decide - from you . Blase, "Verena, is that yoing man out in the kitchen your first bean?' "Fur the land's sake, no, mum ! I'm his first sweetheart, though: that's why I find "im interestin', mam." Vo * Follow The Crowd. To Thomas Mills & Co. for the best Miles and lomast pissn in, It, piraw or Panama hats. L Try mivby's coon shirts, gold at W. MURRAY'S, Market Sauare, | | Specials In Teas and Coffees i ral million dollars, says a Washington ' ROOM, IN EX. change Chatnbers No, 118 Brock St Apply to Onff, " Real Estate Broker, 95 pT street, iE LARGE OFFICE FURNISHED, NO. 180 JOHNSON ST. 2 bathrooms, hot and cold water and @as heating on pach flat. For pare ticulars, apply on the premises, SUMMER COTTAGE, CONTAINING ¢ rooms, within two miles of the city tempiotely furnished Apply to 134 Fan St. between ¥ ang' 11 a.m ™O WELL LOCATED OFFICES, ONE furnished ot unfurnished, RE a fori ts A street, Ho ruisher, A Tree COTTAGH ON ananoq\x For particu Gaganoigae A WELIL-FURNISAFD © Tremont Park, opposite Wotd and icg included lars, address Box "124.7 FINE DRY STORAGE, FOR FURNI- ture, goods, etc. Separate rooms and our own lock and 4. Frost, Boras Agent and iarrlses Painter, 209 Queen St. 'Phone, & PERSONAL. PUPILS RECEIVED RY 'Ad R Fearne, Professional Plamist. Ea gagements wanted for dancing classes private gery, etce Apply by letter to "A. R. Whig office, MOLES, BIRTHMA warts, ete., removed por mane tly, without scar. Twenly years' ox pert ence. Dr. Eimer J. Lake, Eye, Ni roat asd Skin Blemish HAIR, ™O, GOOD H« Wellington Cuntinghan NUS. © Apply AND B, A JEWELL GAS RANGE Ww niy 3 wanth IVY Brock AS a THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND NO. 1} Brick, best quality ; price right. Ape Ply to James Saul, Tamworth, Ont. HUNTING SADDLE AND bridle, » perfect n A AD) ENGLISH doulle ond Far LIFE FRESERV ERS, IN class condition, for luunches skills. Buy one for your boy, each. Folger's Ticket Agency, of Brock street. ¥ uh Se, FIRST and 28, Foot BAGOT STREET, CONVENIENT ly situated and - comfortalle brick house, eleven rooms improvements. Inspection x arranged for by telephone, J 'Phone, . 206 Massie, GASOLINE. WE HAVE THE "ONL ¥ up-to-date plant in the oity lutely accurate measurement and Water removed veved to your tank hose. High grade greases and lubricati the lowest. The Yacht Ciub Yard and gasohns through gasaline, ng oils Kingston Boat FOR THE MONTII OF offer the balanes of Buggies and Basin of the regu JUNE of stock Imnabeuty as Waggon, at a ar selling price, | to twenty-five dollars, % to get a good rig at a low now is your chance James La The Carriage Maker, Princess I WiLL sans ting want Price turney "tt MONEY AND BUSINESS. OUR POLICIES COVER MORE building and contents than any other eompany offers, Examine than at Godwin's Insurance Fwporium, Marks ot Square. OF LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND Fire lasurance Company, assets $01,187 215 In which the policyholders security the unlimited IHability of alk the stockholders; Farm and city pros perty insured at lowest possible rates. Before renewing old or giviag new business get rates from Strange & Strange, Agents. "Phone, 568 arLoan Avaiiabla addition have foe » ARCHITECTS. ose, Sp list, 258 Bagot street. SCIENTIFIC PHYSICAL stmumer elasseos are being conducted in Queen's University Gyianasium, by Prof. Palmer, Specialist in Remedial Wark, also Massage, Fencing, Swim ming. Office Hours, 11 to aan 4 to 8 and T to R30 pm 12 MARRIAGE LICENSES. KIRKPATRICK, ISSUER OF 8S. 43 Clarence St. Marriage Litenncs, CULTURE, | ARCHITECT ore ARTHUR FLLIS, fi : Quéen and Bagot streets. *y os, Cor, Pr SMITH, ARCHITECT Anehar Building, Market Squared S » [POWER & SONS, ARCHITECTS, MERe chant"s Bank Building, corner Hrock and Wellington streets. 'Phone, 213. ARCIHTECE, OF seoond Boor over. Mahood's Drug store, corner Princess and Hagot streets. Entrance on Bagot street "Phone. 608, HENRY etc 'Phone | WM. NEWLANDS fies THE PARAGRAPH POLPIT. REV, O. W. bout grr ny Accepting The Bible. Some one said the other day, "Why Unitarians reject the Bible ! Non sense | Do you reject 5 fish when you refuse to swallow and all ¥ Do you t the a friend because Surely not. the Bible as a sist upon the is. not reasonable in it: They acoept It lor its past iact rather for its present face give it high and honored place record of religious thought and gress in the past, but not sense as an mfallible gujde iny pre sent, it, bones rege letter of And Unita medium of rans a trath, but but ue. They value, va as the pro mn Address, Rev, C. W. Casson, Beacon street, Boston, Mass., for the literature, NewGrocoryand bi for Saturday. We hav a few Chests of Tea, which we will sell 4 5 Bc. Japan Tea 5 Ihs Od Governmént Jave an he Black for $1 $1.00 Jam Jel 3 Tins Peas 8 Tins Cora Fruits and Vegetables of all Kinds Pineapples, from le. up Dananasi from 15¢, to 20¢, Oranges, from We. to Ie, Kirk & Lee, 27 281 Princess street. 417. 3 Sealers 3 Sealers vt per and Telephone, No Roller Rink Open Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings, also every after- noon. : Afternoon, 10ec. Evening, 25¢c. The Grand Trunk - Pacific hotels at Prince Rupert are now practically completed, and steam heating phances are beibg installed in buildings. The furniture, however, Bas pot yet been seet north from Van cour, but the hotels will be ready for puests lomg before dhe official op- ening of this ny in the fall, Try Hibby's nobby $i shirts. Robbers cracked the safe of the Bank of Fairland, at Fairland, Okla, and cstaphd with tn thousand dol lars. Try Dibby's for fancy hose. At Father Quinn's suggestion, the Roman Catholies of Tweed and Stoeo decided not fo hold a picnic this year, but instead subscribed over eleven Sunded dolar . Ree Bibhy's $1 ohirts, Necessity is the mother of invention, you find certain errors in-at? | cept | right of rejecting whut | do not | at 25 | without t | Depart the | ¥i WOOD! "SUMMER FUEL" HARD WOOD, SOFT wWooD, SLAB WOOD, MILL woor, CEDAR BLOCKS All dry new wood cut and split to order. [James Swift & Co 374 Princess Street. any | | TENDERS FOR FOG ALARM MACHINERY. | TENDERS ADDRES undersigned at Ot | (he envelop Machine of the FIRST | will Supp ving -- Deprt w" ar {he Minis ter uf Marin | Specifications of the {procured at the bepart Agencies of the Depa Quebec, St. John het io fat the and the Each tender ¥ ol Hs De 5 vat of the "Min ster of Marine The cheque will be for whoke tender ter mito & contrs ehinery tract » Carry I the tender ie Rot acer)? cheque will be returned The Departmers actept the New spa pe autho it be pad Gg. J Acting Deputy Mini Fisheries went of Marine az Ottawa, Canada HO, FOR A HOLIDAY! DAILY TO KINGSTON MILLS The Commodious Str. "Ecelwat" WILL MAKE DAILY TRIPS TO KING. STON MILLS, 6m ent Thursday, June 4th, t Leaving will » teturning, 1245, A: " buch. Way Daily, Except Pope 1 Toosday, Thursday and Satur or Fishermans' Special Leaves Kingston 7.30 am. Round Trip Tickets 23¢., good anti} used for any trip. Steamer can be charterad for special parties, at reasofs able rates Shufla tow, 1%c. Package, ales earri Finight Captain, GPO, HAMMOND. Fonginesr, M. DUNGAN, Por further information address Capls Geo. Hsmmond, Prigeess Theatre, or at Boat, Voor of Princess St Try Bibby's for Tancy hose. The little three-year old danshter of William Starliper, Mereomsburg, Pa. was playing about bir parinis' home, when o bee stung her, Wonmediodd re medica fated to relieve the bitthe one, whose body swelled rapidly, asd she but she isn't slways proud of her off spring. . died in a0 hour, : we

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